War of the Worlds radio play. A radio show based on the War of the Worlds novel by H.G. Wells. Interesting. Other productions of "War of the Worlds"

Nowadays, millions of people do not even know what happened on American radio on October 30, 1938. But that evening there was a radio show by 23-year-old director Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater based on the novel War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, recognized as “the greatest hoax in the history of mass media”. Never before has a radio broadcast caused such a storm, both resentment and fun. Although Orson Welles himself for a long time argued that everything happened by accident and there could be no talk of any deliberate deception, at the end of his life he admitted that he wanted to play the audience.

“Don't forget it was October 30th, the eve of All Saints Day,” Wells said. “In the Midwest, where I spent my childhood, that evening various jokes were played out: they smeared soap on the glass, rang the bells, and we children, wrapped in sheets and strapping pumpkins scraped inside our heads, wandered under the windows, frightening our neighbors with ghosts.”

Orson Welles decided to modernize the novel about the invasion of the Martians, first published in 1897. He felt that the book was hopelessly out of date and that the hackneyed theme of "aliens from Mars" might scare away listeners. Inspired by his ideas, screenwriter Howard Koch wrote the radio play "War of the Worlds".

The action from England was transferred to modern America. The first Martian ships, from which the battle tripods emerged, landed on the outskirts of the village of Grovers Mill, New Jersey. Finally, the idea arose to stylize the performance as a live report on real events.

In order to give the production an emphatically reportage character, the scenes had to be interspersed with weather forecasts, information about stock quotes and "news" releases containing a description of the development of events in connection with the landing of the Martians.

Even more sophisticated seemed the idea of ​​interrupting the radio signal from time to time, creating “interference” on the air and filling the pauses with minor piano music. All these tasks were masterfully handled by the sound engineer, who collected a whole library of special sound effects.

So, December 30, 1938. Eight pm New York time. On the air of the American radio station "Columbia Broadcasting Systems" ("CBS"), the broadcast of the radio play "War of the Worlds" begins.

The director of "Mercury Theater" and the star of these programs Orson Welles made a short prologue. He speaks from the perspective of a man of the future, who looks back at 1939 (!), When the Martians allegedly attacked Earth. “The end of October was approaching. The world is doing well. The fear of war has been left behind. More and more people got jobs again. Trade was strengthened. That evening, October 30, Crossley's office estimated that there were approximately thirty-two million people sitting in front of their radios. ”

The program switches to the announcer reading the weather report. The radio listener is then transported to the Meridian Hall of the Park Plaza Hotel in downtown New York, where the Ramon Raquello Orchestra played that evening. Finally, an announcer broadcasts a flash message that at 8:50 p.m. a huge, flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm near Grovers Mill, New Jersey, twenty-two miles from Trenton. A mobile radio set, commentator Carl Phillips and Professor Pearson of the Princeton Observatory, are in a hurry to the scene.

Events begin to unfold with kaleidoscopic speed. It turns out that it was not a meteorite that fell, but an alien ship. The noise of the crowd, police sirens are heard on the air. The Martians are using heat rays. “A stream of flame bursts out of this mirror and rushes directly into the approaching people,” Phillips chokes. - He hits them in the head! Good God, they flash like torches! Screams and monstrous squeals and screams. Now the whole field is on fire. (Explosions.) Forests ... stables ... gas tanks of cars ... flames are spreading everywhere. The beam is coming in here, about 20 yards to my right… ”Microphone drop… Then there is dead silence.

A small digression is needed here. The rating of radio shows "Mercury Tetre" was low - only 3.6 percent. Meanwhile, on the next wave at eight o'clock in the evening, the most popular comedy show by Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy began, collecting 35 percent of the radio audience.

At 20 and 12 minutes, the host of the show announced a break, light music began to play, and McCarthy fans turned the knobs of the receivers to find out what interesting other radio stations were broadcasting. And suddenly they heard the voice of the announcer: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been handed a dispatch that came over the phone from Grovers Mill ... Wait a second ... At least forty people, including six policemen, lie dead in a field near the village of Grovers- Mill. Their bodies were charred and disfigured beyond recognition. The next voice you hear will be Brigadier General Montgomery Smith, commander of the National Guard in Trenton, New Jersey. "

Smith: “The Governor of New Jersey has asked me to declare martial law in Mercer and Middlesex counties from Princeton in the west to Jamesburg in the east. It is forbidden to enter this area without a special permit issued by the state or military authorities. Four formations of State Guards are dispatched from Trenton to Grovers Mill to assist in the evacuation of residents from the war zone. ”

Frank Riedick, the performer of the role of the announcer, thoroughly studied the recordings of the famous radio report by Herbert Morrison about the death of the giant German airship Hindenburg on May 6, 1937, and reproduced the tone, vocabulary, and excitement of a witness of a real catastrophe.

Perhaps, it was the next few minutes of the staging that were most responsible for the panic seizing some of the listeners who had just tuned their receivers to the CBS wave. They were sure they were listening to the latest news.

The announcer continued to build up tension. The Martians control the middle of New Jersey. Communication lines have been destroyed from Pennsylvania to the Atlantic Ocean. Railroad tracks collapse and service between New York and Philadelphia is cut off. The highways are packed with refugees. The Secretary of State addresses the nation on this national catastrophe from Washington ...

Actor Kenny Delmar from "Mercury" perfectly imitated the voice of the US President, which was a sin not to use. The Secretary of State, in the voice of Franklin Roosevelt, called on the Americans to act calmly and deliberately and not to panic: "... trusting in the Lord, each of us must fulfill our duty in such a way as to meet this merciless enemy as a single courageous nation dedicated to the preservation of the superiority of people on this earth." ...

The Secretary of State's Speech lent a chilling authenticity to the entire picture. It was at this moment that thousands and thousands of people rushed into the street.

“We sensed that something was amiss when the studio from which the program was broadcast began to fill up with police,” Wells recalled. “The cops were confused because they didn't know how to arrest an entire radio program ... So the broadcast continued.”

The commentator was already reporting from the roof of the House of Radio in New York: “All communications with the Jersey coast closed ten minutes ago. There is no more protection. Our army has been destroyed ... artillery, aviation - everything is lost. This may be the last radio broadcast. We will stay here until the end ... Below us ... in the cathedral ... people are praying ... "

Later, Orson Welles noted with some pride: "I must say that no radio commentator telling about true catastrophes was so convincing and eloquent as our actors, who enumerated all over the country the mythical horrors associated with the appearance of the Martian aliens."

Finally, the real announcer Dan Seymour interrupted the radio show and recalled that CBS was presenting Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater in a radio play based on the novel “War of the Worlds” by HG Wells.

The announcement was clearly belated. By this time, after about half an hour of transmission, the worst had already happened. The consequences were the most unexpected.

Five million listeners quickly realized that they were broadcasting not the latest news, but a radio play. However, more than a million Americans believed in the reality of what was happening. They themselves finished painting the picture in their imaginations. One saw from the window a cluster of cars on the street and immediately decided that there was a mass evacuation of the population. Another saw an empty street and thought the police had cordoned off it. The usual movement was regarded by the third as the absence of an immediate threat - the Martians, they say, were just on the way to the city. The fact that just two minutes after the Princeton interview, Professor Pearson was eleven miles from the university, in Grovers Mill, was explained by some by the fact that “the commentator was too nervous and made a slip of the tongue,” or “perhaps the program was rebroadcast, or something else. - something. "

Thousands of terrified Americans prepared to evacuate or prayed fervently for salvation. Some believed that the country was attacked by the Germans or the Japanese and called on their relatives and friends to say their last forgiveness. Others just ran like crazy, spreading panic. In the police, the phone did not stop ringing. “We can already hear the shooting, I need a gas mask! a Brooklyn resident yelled into the phone. "I pay taxes carefully."

Radio listeners were in a panic, police stations were under siege, telephone exchanges throughout the east of the country were hopelessly jammed. Thousands of people reported the alleged sighting of the ships of the Martians. Others asked how to escape the heat rays. The men demanded that they be given weapons in order to engage in the last battle with the damned Martians.

In New Jersey, tens of thousands of people abandoned their homes, and the roads were clogged with refugees. In order to escape the gas attack, many wrapped towels around their heads. Some brought gas masks from the First World War with them. They came in handy!

All this resembled scenes from a radio play: a distraught crowd, howl of police sirens, cries for help ...

Fear often makes people lose their common sense. Residents of one of the houses poured out into the street and, their heads raised, did not take their eyes off the man on the roof - armed with binoculars, he commented on the movement of the Martians sneaking through Manhattan to the Bronx. Many heard gunfire and even smelled gas or smoke. A man called the Bronx police and said that "he saw smoke from the bombs that hit New York."

Information about the invasion of the Martians came from Los Angeles, Salt Lake City ... A woman in a tattered dress burst into the San Francisco police department and said: "It defies description" - she swallowed poison to avoid shameful consequences. Fortunately, she was saved.

Hollywood actor John Barrymore also listened attentively to the program. He finished his whiskey and soda, staggering out into the courtyard and headed for the kennel where his magnificent Danish dogs lived. With a shout: "Save yourself as you can" - he opened the gate, releasing the dogs to freedom. The renowned and venerable filmmaker Woody Van Dyck, a naval officer in reserve, jumped into his car and rushed to the naval headquarters to report that he was ready to do his duty. By the way, about the fleet. At the New York port, all shore leave was immediately canceled.

In New Jersey itself, huge queues of hungry for the sacrament and forgiveness of sins lined up in front of the confessional. In every temple in Harlem, parishioners fell to their knees.

A huge wedding procession was scattered across Staten Island. In the synagogues of Brooklyn, the hour of Armageddon was proclaimed. In Indianapolis, a woman ran into a church, urging parishioners: "Repent, for the end of the world has come!"

Years later, a Red Cross man told Wells that it was his job to comfort his fellow citizens by persuading them to return home, but it took exactly six weeks to get everyone back.

Only at about ten o'clock in the evening the radio stations began to appear with explanations of what was happening. By this time, a huge crowd had gathered in front of the CBS building, in which there were calls to blow up the radio station and lynch Wells by hanging him on a nearby lantern.

The mounted police had to be called to guard the building. Meanwhile, Wells, who was in the studio, calmly finished his transmission, reminding radio listeners of Halloween, All Saints' Day: “Before your very eyes, we destroyed the world and completely destroyed the Columbia Broadcasting Systems”. I hope you will calm down to learn that we did it for fun and that both the world and CBS are unharmed. So, I wish you all the best, and please do not forget, at least for the next day, the terrible lesson that you learned today. Even if the grinning, hot, round creature that has invaded your living rooms now lives on a pumpkin patch, and it was not a Martian who rang at your door, but a disguised neighbor who wished to entertain you on a holiday ”.

The next day, all the newspapers came out with huge headlines on the front pages: "Orson Welles has caused panic in the country." Analysts noted that there has not been such mass hysteria in the United States since 1898, when the Spanish fleet bombed New England.

Many had no doubt that Orson Welles took on the staging of War of the Worlds only to cause a scandal. The director had to make excuses. At a press conference, he said that his plans were not to cause panic and that he deeply regrets what happened. In any case, the 23-year-old hoaxer became famous throughout America.

Passion simmered for many more weeks. The indignant press accused Wells of playing unworthily on the gullibility of the public and, most importantly, using the radio for this, "this mechanical device, which in itself amazes to some extent the consciousness of the common man." The Iowa Senator has called for censorship on radio. Of course, the radio theater "Mercury" was closed.

Since that evening, every second person whom Wells caught sight of, invariably called out to him: “Hey, Orson, what's new with the Martians? When are you going to hurt us again? Ha ha ha ... "

Orson Welles claimed that the fantastic flying saucers later spread around the world were born after his famous radio broadcast.


Radio show based on the War of the Worlds novel by H.G. Wells

On October 30, 1938, on the eve of Halloween, artists from the Mercury Theater on the Air, led by director, actor and writer Orson Welles, decided to broadcast H.G. Wells' novel War of the Worlds on their hour-long radio program on CBS October 30 (the eve of All Saints Day, when it is customary to scare and prank others) in the state of New Jersey. The radio show was carried out in the form of a live report from the scene.

As a result, many radio listeners mistook the show for a real news report: more than a million people in the United States believed in the attack of the Martians and panicked.

At the beginning of the hour, one of the artists announced the start of the radio play, after which the weather forecast sounded, and then the concert of the Bernard Herrmann Orchestra began. The music was soon interrupted by an urgent message that strange flares were being observed on Mars. Then the supposedly famous Princeton astronomer professor Richard Pearson (voiced by Orson Welles) began to talk about the possible existence of life on Mars. The concert continued, but was soon interrupted by a special newscast. CBS reporter Carl Phillips (Frank Readick) from the scene broadcast of the landing of a metal cylinder in Grovers Mill, Murcer County (fictitious name). Soon, according to the reporter, a huge combat vehicle appeared from the cylinder, which began to incinerate everything around with heat rays. Phillips yelled that he was trying to put out a fire in his mobile studio. The connection was interrupted. Professor Pearson began to talk about the high technical level of the Martians. Then the head of the New Jersey National Guard declared a state of emergency and said that he went to lead his troops into battle.

The report continued. The weapons of the earthlings turned out to be unable to resist the aliens, new deadly machines continued to land and destroy people and infrastructure, crowds of people fled away from the invaders. The unnamed Home Secretary (Kenny Delmar) addressed the nation in the voice of President Franklin Roosevelt. Soon a reporter got in touch with an artillery unit firing at the Martians. He reported that the Martians were also attacked by bombers, which were destroyed by death rays, although they were able to knock down one of the alien vehicles. When he said that the Martians began to use poisonous substances, communication with him was interrupted. Then a CBS employee (Ray Collins) stated that he climbed onto the roof of the CBS Building, from where he saw several Martian vehicles crossing the Hudson. He said that he also smelled a poisonous smell, after which the broadcast was interrupted.

Then a radio amateur made his way through the interference, trying to contact at least someone. Only at this moment (about 40 minutes after the start of the production) the announcer recalled that the show was being broadcast. Professor Pearson then described the end of the alien attack, which had been killed by their lack of immunity to terrestrial bacteria. At the end of the hour, Orson Welles stepped out of character and congratulated the audience on Halloween.

However, the genie had already been released from the bottle. Of the six million people who listened to the broadcast, about a million believed in the reality of what was happening. There was a massive panic. Entire families barricaded themselves with weapons in the basements of their homes. Tens of thousands of others have abandoned their homes and headed west as far from New Jersey as possible. Traffic jams from New York and Philadelphia stretched for almost 100 km. Telephone lines were congested 5 times. Thousands of people reported to the authorities that they saw the ships of the Martians, the lightning-like volleys of their machines and smelled their poisonous gases. Part of the audience turned out to be so inattentive that they believed in Germany's attack on the United States.

The radio show was also heard on the West Coast. At its climax, a power plant in Conkert, Washington, was accidentally out of service. Many of Konkert's residents had no doubt that the power lines had been destroyed by the advancing Martians.

Subsequently, it took the authorities six weeks to convince the population that there had been no alien invasion. Then the fear of radio listeners gave way to anger directed at CBS. Many have filed claims against the radio station for moral damages. All claims were dismissed, but Orson Welles insisted on compensation for material damage to one man who ruined his new shoes while fleeing the Martians.

Birthday number 7 symbolizes mystery as well as knowledge. The line of this contradiction can be continued. Here such personality traits arise as diligence and a poetic soul, albeit with some oddities, a tendency to analytical thinking and strong intuition, rich imagination, vivid, vivid imagination.

With this number, composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and recluses, thinkers and hermits are born and educated. Their inspiration requires solitude and solitude.

People of this number usually become philosophers and thinkers. As a rule, they are immersed in their own thoughts and therefore are somewhat divorced from those around them. They also have a love for all kinds of travel. The beginnings of these people usually end successfully.

The lucky day of the week for the number 7 is Saturday.

Your planet is Saturn.

Advice: The weaker ones are drawn into a swamp of despondency and pessimism, the stronger ones become bright personalities, people of world renown.

Important: Science, meditation, occultism.

Seven inspires mystics and philosophers, but makes a person fussy, a little gloomy, sometimes irritable and non-contact. The number, on the one hand, calls for loneliness and creative seclusion, sets up barriers and restrictions. On the other hand, it patronizes marriage, cooperation and partnership.

Love and sex:

Maintaining harmonious relationships with these people is not easy, especially if they are people with opposite characters: a sensitive and sensual man and a less emotionally excitable woman or a strong-willed woman and a man who allows her to take over her.

Faithfulness, a sense of duty, common interests and a responsible approach to raising children contribute to a happy marriage with these people.

Birth number for woman

Birth number 7 for a woman Such a woman has a strange attraction that charms or frightens her fans. She is smart, courteous, tactful, knows how to show the best in herself. A touchy princess in her youth, she dreams of strong and romantic feelings. Looking for a solid and respectable partner. Appreciates honesty and professionalism, prestige and social status. She needs support, but while maintaining personal independence. Strives for a legal relationship. The breakup is excruciating for her. Her fear of losing love is stronger than her hope of finding her ideal. Often underestimates the true intentions and qualities of a partner, becomes a catalyst for his fears and complexes. She should rely on intuition and analysis of information about the chosen one. The idealization of personal relationships can lead to the fact that, choosing a partner, she will make an unforgivable mistake. She needs care and understanding, while she wants to dominate both physically and emotionally. By no means a leader in character, she can play a leading role in the family. She is ambitious and lives at such a pace that it is difficult for her to strike up any serious relationship. He prefers to lead an independent life and rely only on himself. If she allows her partner to make decisions and take initiative, moderates her control, she will gain stable relationships and inner confidence, which she always strives for.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 7 for a man Self-sufficiency and independence determine such a man. Inner strength and a serious attitude towards life and love make him seem cold and insensitive. Through endurance, he achieves most of his goals. Intimacy is stimulated by his intellectual interest. To many, he seems prudent and wise in matters of love. Sometimes he thinks only of himself, but with close relationships he can soften and be a gentle and passionate lover. He is characterized by a chivalrous idea of ​​love, sublime and noble. When living together, it is better for him to have a separate room, since he needs privacy. It is possible to live in different cities, and meetings at a certain time, agreed in advance. He doesn't like surprises. For a woman who respects his entrepreneurial spirit and is able to withstand his immersion in himself, he becomes a loyal and devoted partner. Perhaps, having met his ideal, he never dares to get to know each other better. He is distinguished by sensitivity and tact in relation to the feelings of a partner. Mutual understanding is very important to him, perhaps more than love. He firmly follows the chosen path, and if a woman does not want or cannot walk next to him, he is able to part with her without hesitation.

Birth number 30

These people are brave, aggressive, power-hungry, do not like to obey. Must control the actions of other people, without power feel frustrated. They themselves strictly obey discipline and demand the same from their subordinates, but while dominating, they do not really take into account the opinions of others, are firm, do not refuse to implement their plans. Strong and resilient, although women want to appear weak.

The partner should be soft and weak, and at least outwardly be content with second place. Hunters with an innate flair: Those whom they become interested in have little chance of escape. They have an attractive appearance and a huge sexual appeal, they attract people of the opposite sex against the wishes and will of the latter. In sex they are strong and aggressive, they take the opportunity.

Those who are able to obey them can get along with them. Friends and partners should complement them, but not encroach on their freedom, not try to compare with them.
Pay attention to the skin and joints.

Pythagoras square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of digits in the cell.

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (square cells)

Character, willpower - 4

Energy, charisma - 1

Cognition, creativity - 2

Health, beauty - 0

Logic, intuition - 1

Diligence, skill - 0

Luck, luck - 1

Sense of Duty - 1

Memory, mind - 2

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (lines, lines and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-assessment (column "1-2-3") - 7

Making money (column "4-5-6") - 1

Talent potential (column "7-8-9") - 4

Purposefulness (line "1-4-7") - 5

Family (line "2-5-8") - 3

Stability (line "3-6-9") - 4

Spiritual potential (diagonal "1-5-9") - 7

Temperament (diagonal "3-5-7") - 4

Chinese zodiac sign Tiger

Every 2 years there is a change of the Elements of the year (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Tiger elements earth of the year Yang

Birth clock

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth, corresponding to the time of birth, therefore it is very important to know the exact time of birth, it has a strong effect on a person's character. It is argued that according to the birth horoscope, you can accurately find out the features of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will take place if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat - 23:00 - 01:00
  • Bull - 1:00 - 3:00
  • Tiger - 3:00 - 5:00
  • Rabbit - 5:00 - 7:00
  • Dragon - 7:00 - 9:00
  • Snake - 09:00 - 11:00
  • Horse - 11:00 - 13:00
  • Goat - 13:00 - 15:00
  • Monkey - 15:00 - 17:00
  • Rooster - 17:00 - 19:00
  • Dog - 19:00 - 21:00
  • Pig - 21:00 - 23:00

European zodiac sign Scorpio

Dates: 2013-10-24 -2013-11-22

The Four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main traits of a person's character, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

The features of this element are cold and moisture, metaphysical sensitivity, feeling, perception. There are 3 signs of this quality in the Zodiac - a water trine (triangle): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The trigon of water is considered to be the trigon of feelings and sensations. Principle: constancy of the internal with external variability. Water is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. She is plastic, changeable, secretive. Gives such qualities as uncertainty, dreaminess, imagery of thinking, softness of manifestation. In the body, it slows down the metabolism, manages fluids, the work of the endocrine glands.
People, in whose horoscopes the element of Water is expressed, have a phlegmatic temperament. These people are very sensitive, very receptive and impressionable, thinking, living more internal life than external. People of the trigon of Water are usually contemplative, think about both their own good and the good of their loved ones, however, at times they are indifferent, lethargic, lazy, with the exception of people of the Scorpio sign. The external manifestation of feelings in them is not as pronounced as in the representatives of the trigons of Fire or Air, but their internal feelings are experienced by them with great strength and depth.
People of the trigon of Water have efficiency, practicality, sobriety of thought, objectivity are not their strong points, but they do not have to take fancy, they have a rich and vivid imagination, great internal and external strength, especially in Scorpios.
People of the water trigon, thanks to the richness of their inner world and the sophistication of perception, achieve the greatest success in professions related to the world of the arts, especially they shine as artists and musicians-performers. Water signs can also be excellent workers in service and food industries. And Scorpios are also great detectives due to their subtle intuition.
The plans and moods of people of the trigon of Water can change both from external circumstances and from the internal state of the soul. An insignificant detail, sometimes not even tracked by consciousness, can radically change their state of mind, which can lead to a complete loss of interest either in the case or in a partner.
People of the element of Water have great spiritual sophistication, are kind, polite, courteous, very nice and attractive. They are usually not aggressive, with the exception of the Scorpio.
Of the signs of the trigone of Water, Scorpio is the strongest in body and spirit, the most meaningful, the most aggressive, not susceptible to unwanted outside influences and strong resistance to everything with which his soul does not agree. His patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance are amazing.
The weakest of the zodiac signs of the trigon of Water is Pisces. The middle between hardness and instability is occupied by the third sign of this trigone - Cancer. Although his spiritual sphere is also very receptive and impressionable, he is distinguished by noticeable perseverance, endurance and purposefulness, therefore, of all water signs, it is Cancer who most often achieves success in life.
Feelings in all three signs of the trigon of Water are approximately equally strong and, as a rule, prevail over the mind. These people are always ready to make self-sacrifice for the good of a dear person, as they always experience deep and pure feelings in relation to loved ones and loved ones. If they are not appreciated, they leave their partner forever, which is a real drama of life for them. They are looking for a partner who deserves them. Love and marriage are of paramount importance for them in life, especially for women.
An excessive inclination to daydreaming and fantasy, too vivid imagination can lead to an internal contradiction - the collision of their illusions with reality. If a person does not see a way out of this state, depression, dependence on alcohol, drugs, other stimulants, and even mental illness may occur.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. The fixed cross is the cross of evolution, stability and stability, accumulation, concentration of development. He uses the experience of the past. It gives stability, hardness, strength, durability, stability. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon, or most of the personal planets are in fixed signs, is distinguished by conservatism, inner calmness, steadfastness, perseverance, perseverance, patience, endurance, prudence. He fiercely resists what they are trying to impose on him, and is able to rebuff anyone. Nothing annoys him as much as the need to change something, no matter what area of ​​life it may concern. He loves certainty, consistency, requires guarantees of reliability in order to be protected from any surprise.
Although he does not have sharp impulses, ease in making decisions, which are inherent in other signs, but he is distinguished by constancy of opinions, stability in his habits and life positions. He is attached to his work, he can work tirelessly, "until he drops." He is also constant in his attachments to friends and relatives, firmly and steadfastly clings to someone or to something, be it material value, social status, a faithful friend, a devoted like-minded person or a close and beloved person. People of the fixed cross are faithful, loyal and reliable, they are the knights of the word. You can always rely on their promises. But it is worth deceiving them only once, and their trust is lost, maybe even forever. People of the fixed cross have strong desires, passions, they act only from their own motives and always rely on their own instinct. Their feelings, likes and dislikes are unshakable, unshakable. Adversity, setbacks and blows of fate do not bend them, and any obstacle only enhances their perseverance and perseverance, as it gives them new strength to fight.

This is the last sign of the zone of stability, the sign of the element of Water, which is formed mainly under the vibrations of the planets Pluto and Mars. Elements Water is presented here in its most stable form.

You, as a rule, are closed on the inner level, suspicious, distrustful, constantly directed inward, jealous, often you delve into introspection and self-condemnation. Quite often, you tend to self-distill and latent self-destruction. For you, this can be a way of transforming yourself with subsequent restoration and turning into life, to restoration at a new, qualitatively different level. It should be noted that you have a very difficult transformation and severe deep self-destruction, typical for any representative of the Scorpio sign. But you are not afraid of these destruction - it is a means of development and realization for you.
It is good if this restoration after another destruction is used for the benefit of the evolution of one's soul and the souls of others. Because in the worst case, this destruction can be used to destroy your very personality and the people around you. In a sense, you are guided by the slogan: "The worse the better!" When you feel bad, then you have the energy and strength to deal with the circumstances, with the negative environment. For your development, you need constant shocks: if everything is calm, then you feel bad, you are engaged in devouring yourself. Therefore, you subconsciously strive for actions that are associated with risk, or you are drawn to the knowledge of the secret and occult, to magic.

In general, you are very constant and stable, because you are a fixed cross. You are stable in everything: in love and passion, in your attachments, as well as in hatred. You are very scary in your hatred. You can sacrifice yourself, easily destroy your life and the lives of those around you.
Among the terrible lower Scorpions we find the minister of propaganda of fascist Germany, Goebbels, the sadistic physician Mengele. However, there were many excellent psychologists and hypnotists among the Scorpios, people with abilities up to magical effects on people. This also applies to cases of strong manifestation of the sign of Scorpio. You come up with great ease and create schemes and clearly use your schemes, you know how to subtly influence others and subjugate them. A developed magical Scorpio is able to subdue a huge crowd to himself, to his magical influence.
In the lowest case, you are an individual who sees and notices only negative sides in others. You are not even a Scorpio anymore, but a spider, a tarantula. Then you are mainly engaged in self-criticism, and unconstructive and, of course, bite others.

What is your dynamics of development? To some extent, it is similar to the dynamics of development of Taurus, but in Taurus, development is slow, smooth: slow accumulation and transition to a new quality. You have a build-up of tension, and then an abrupt transition to another level, a flash, almost an explosion. No wonder all nuclear research is associated with Pluto and, naturally, with Scorpio, where his home is. If we talk about your problems, then one of the most important problems is the sublimation of sexual energy. In a sense, Scorpios are the sexiest sign of the zodiac. At worst, this is expressed in perversions, at best - sexual energy is sublimated into various types of creativity.
I must say that the average Scorpios are very difficult to get along with each other. The life of two Scorpios was observed, which "lasted" only two years, that is, experience has shown that "average" Scorpios "in the same bank" do not get along for a long time, they bite themselves and each other to the point of insanity, and then creep in different directions. In evolutionary development, you definitely need to solve the problem of your subconscious, because literally Shakespeare's passions often rage there. One of the main problems is to organize passions and channel them into a constructive channel, use them “for peaceful purposes”. Your karmic task as a Scorpio is very responsible and somewhat unpleasant. It consists in the fact that you must karmically “bite” yourself and those around you, but these “bites” are aimed at cleansing yourself and those around you from impurity. You "bite" only those who are struck by the bad and you choose the most vulnerable and rotten place and there you put your stinging "bite". In the high case, you always know when, who, where and where to bite.

Scorpio countries - Afghanistan, Iran, Azerbaijan. The people and peoples of Scorpio are characterized by internal contradictions, from the overwhelming and tearing energy, internal conflict between the Spirit of the people and the ideology and religion imposed on it.
In the highest case, you are like an eagle flying above the ordinary and showing people the way to the higher spheres of spirituality. You are capable of self-denial, altruism and great enlightenment. Such was F.M. Dostoevsky, among whose heroes we also find many typical Scorpions (Raskolnikov, for example). These are often writers of a sarcastic type, very caustic thinkers - Voltaire, Rabelais, A. Bely. The clairvoyant Scorpio was the artist Hieronymus Bosch, as well as Camus, Picasso, John of Kronstadt. Trotsky can be named as a politician. Among the artists, the Scorpions was Arkady Raikin. Father Makhno was a rather bright Scorpio, the violinist Paganini was a magic Scorpio. The Scorpions were the famous occultist Papus, the founder of "magnetism" Mesmer.

Famous Scorpions: Abramovich, Viktyuk, Vishnevskaya, I. Gandhi, Herschel, Gates, Gurchenko, Goldanskaya, Whoopi Goldberg, Dassin, Delon, Dibrov, Dostoevsky, Erofeev, DiCaprio, Karachentsov, Columbus, Lombroso, Lomonosov, Magelland Maradona, Milyavskaya, Vanessa May, Demi Moore, Chris Norman, Paganini, Primakov, Plisetskaya, Picasso, Ryazanov, Ramazzotti, Raikin, Roden, J. Roberts, E. Rotterdam, Seleznev, Sisley, Talkov, Ted Turner, Trotsky, Tokareva Turgenev, Ulyanov, Peta Wilson, Khlebnikova.

Watch a video:

Scorpio | 13 signs of the zodiac | TV channel TV-3

The site provides concise information about the signs of the zodiac. Detailed information can be found on the respective websites.

Weather Forecast (“No Temperature Changes Expected in the Next Day”), “La Cumparsita” performed by the Ramon Rachello Orchestra - October 30, 1938, the evening broadcast of CBS radio went according to a long-run scenario. But then the tango falls silent, and the announcer says: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are interrupting our dance music program for a special message ..." The Chicago Observatory recorded a series of powerful explosions on the surface of Mars. Scientists observe "jets of flame" moving towards the Earth.

But it looks like it's okay. Professor Pearson from Princeton goes on the air, who, although he cannot explain the phenomenon, does not doubt that the Americans have nothing to fear: Mars is far away, and theories about a hostile race inhabiting the Red Planet are anti-scientific nonsense. Let's go back to our tango. But wait, one more message: an unidentified object collapsed on a farm in New Jersey, provoking an earthquake and a huge fire. A meteorite must have fallen to Earth! Correspondent CBS Philips urgently leaves for the scene.

Everyone who at that moment listened to the radio with half an ear turned on their full attention. The station's audience grew every minute. It is unlikely that the reporter Phillips had seen many meteorites in his life, but even he realized that this specimen was one of the strangest: some kind of huge metal cylinder with legs, more like ... God, an alien ship! Yes, they themselves are climbing out of the opened hatch, and here is some kind of installation emitting light rays. Onlookers gathered at the crash site flare up like matches! We all will die!

As it turned out later, about six million people listened to the broadcast. Wild reports that the Martians, who have already landed in St. Louis, Chicago and New York, are destroying the forces of the National Guard and poisoning the air with toxic gases, completely tore down the towers for people. And when the secretary of state (for some reason speaking in the voice of President Roosevelt) made a radio address and asked citizens to "stay calm", panic reached a peak. While the telephones were still working, the police were attacked with calls demanding to distribute gas masks and weapons to the population. Having abandoned their homes, sometimes right in their pajamas, the Americans jumped into cars and drove wherever they looked - traffic jams from cities reached hundreds of kilometers. The familiar world was crumbling before our eyes.

When the CBS announcer reminded listeners in the fortieth minute that a radio play based on the War of the Worlds novel by H.G. Wells was on the air, no one paid attention to it. At the end of the hour, Professor Pearson went on the air again, who for some reason congratulated everyone on Halloween. His role was played by Orson Welles, the future great director and actor, and at the time the 23-year-old director of the Mercury Theater, who, in fact, made all this mess. When the public realized that all these reports from hell were just a prank on the eve of All Saints Day, they went into a rage. Before the start of the show, there was a notification that a radio theater was on the air, but who was listening to this booming sound?

The performance itself was made so reliably - not only thanks to the acting, but also to the sound effects innovative for those times - that people took the fiction at face value. The scandal continued for a long time: tons of newspaper articles, rumors, fruitless attempts to bring CBS and Orson Welles to justice for the suicides of desperate listeners. Wells seriously thought that War of the Worlds would be a bright spot in his not really started career, but he made the right bet. Three years later, his great "Citizen Kane" was released, which, it is believed, would hardly have seen the light of day without the hype that arose around the radio headquarters about the Martian invasion.

Life after divorce

The most respectable public has more than once fell for the bait of the media. Here are three more of the most famous media fights in history.

  • Ecuadorian syndrome

Ten years after the Orson Welles show, the War of the Worlds radio show was staged in the Ecuadorian city of Quito. The effect was even more shocking: even the police and firefighters believed in the message about the attack of the Martians. The anger of the Ecuadorians was terrible: upon learning about the rally, people went to smash the radio station and the editorial office of the El Comercio newspaper, which reported on the eve of the broadcast about the appearance of a UFO. Six were killed.

  • Dangerous connection

A much smaller scale, but given the harsh times, actor Nikolai Rybnikov arranged an extremely dangerous rally in his youth. On April 1, 1951, he called his friends to his room in the VGIK hostel, hid in a closet and, imitating the voice of the announcer Levitan, read out a "government decree" to reduce food prices by five times, and wine and vodka products by seven times. The students rejoiced and, glorifying Comrade Stalin, spread the news around. Only a miracle saved Rybnikov from the harsh punishment.

  • Mushroom pickers at Lenin's

On May 17, 1991, the Leningrad Television broadcast the Fifth Wheel program, in which journalist Sergei Sholokhov and musician Sergei Kuryokhin, with absolutely serious faces, reported to the then Soviet citizens that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin had abused hallucinogenic mushrooms and eventually turned into a mushroom himself. Those who had at least some idea of ​​the activities of the avant-garde artist Kuryokhin choked with laughter, but many viewers traumatized by perestroika television believed.