Previously, wallpaper the ceiling plinth. Why do they glue wallpaper first? Using a Heating Heat Gun

Renovating an apartment or house is a small war that every person faces. Before you take all the actions, you need to think through every little detail, nuances, and purchase all the materials. During renovation, many questions arise, one of which is what to do first - glue wallpaper or lay laminate? This topic concerns most people who encounter these materials. Today we will figure out what is best to do first.

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods

Each master and crew in construction industry has its own arguments and facts regarding when to glue wallpaper - before or after laying the laminate. This does not depend on the professionalism of a particular person, but rather on convenience, the sequence of repairs and other factors.

One of the most important nuances, which influence the sequence of repairs relative to flooring And paper sheets is the difficulty of execution preliminary work and the amount of garbage that can be. So, you need to predict how much leftover material you will have on the floor, ceiling, walls, and so on. This is due to the fact that during subsequent work, the remains of building materials should not damage the floor covering or wall decor. For this reason, it is recommended to first make more complex repairs, with a large amount of debris, and then move on to cosmetic actions.

Important! Please note that when laying the floor, regardless of the type of base material, the least amount of debris is generated compared to other types of renovation in the room.

Facts about wallpapering walls at the initial stage

Before deciding when to glue wallpaper - before or after laying the laminate, analyze the entire scope of repairs that you plan to do.

Why is it better to finish the walls before laying the floor:

  1. Laminate is flooring material, which is installed in a unique way using wedges. As a result, it does not damage the wall decor.
  2. When laying floor “planks” after pasting paper rolls, your wall products will not be smeared various substances. This condition is met if all Finishing work you did before gluing the rolls of paper or non-woven fabric.

Important! If you decide to decorate the walls first, then the room in which the renovation is being carried out must be completely dry. That is, the moisture generated when wallpapering should disappear. If it will be high humidity, budget brands of laminate can change their shape and size.

If you are gluing wallpaper when the flooring has already been laid, you need to lay the floor. This is due to the large amount of moisture released during this wall finishing technology.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper after laminate or not?

When faced with the problem of what to do first - glue wallpaper or lay laminate flooring, some people, due to some circumstances or decisions, give their preference to the original floor finish.

By technical specifications It is possible to finish the floor first, then the walls. However, it is worth considering the fact that damage to the floor is possible. At the very least, you can get it dirty with glue and similar products. More serious damage is also possible.

Based on the above reasons, all professionals and experts recommend doing the finishing first vertical surfaces premises.

Important! Of course, if you already have laminate flooring, then you need to protect it from damage. To do this, it is best to cover it with any material in two or three layers. For example, film, fabric, paper rolls.

Sequence of wall and floor repairs:

  1. Preparing the walls. It includes removing old decor, putty, primer and decorative plaster.
  2. Rough floor preparation.
  3. Pasting vertical surfaces indoors.
  4. We are waiting completely dry.
  5. We lay the floor decor.
  6. We install skirting boards.

Video material

Of course, when deciding whether to glue wallpaper or lay laminate first, many experts have their own opinion and the owner independently decides which one to give his preference. We recommend repairing the walls first, and then finishing the floor.

Often, those who make repairs face a dilemma: what to do first - glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling. To understand which approach is more correct, let's look at these two options in more detail.

We have already addressed the topic of suspended ceilings more than once. This is due to the fact that this method decorating apartments has a huge range of advantages. That is why many of our compatriots choose it. You can also read our publications on this topic.

Option one: start by gluing wallpaper

If you have ever read about installing suspended ceilings, then you know that during installation you have to drill a huge number of holes around the perimeter of the rooms. Moreover, this drilling occurs at intervals of about 10-15 cm.

If you paste the wallpaper before this moment, then all the dust from the drilled holes will settle, first of all, on them. The damage to wallpaper is especially great when we're talking about O brick houses. Red dust can penetrate deeply into them and disfigure the fresh finish beyond recognition.

To some extent, it is still possible to protect the wallpaper. To do this, you can stick masking tape on each wall near the ceiling. If you are going to do this, you should choose reels with the maximum width. This will allow you to ensure greater safety of the wallpaper. Once drilling is complete, the tape can be easily removed.

Masking tape is a very convenient product that can help you out in many situations. You can read about this.

Of course, applying masking tape is a good solution. But this solution involves both additional costs and additional effort. And masking tape cannot provide complete safety for the entire area of ​​fresh wallpaper.

Option two: install suspended ceilings before wallpapering

In this situation - if work begins with the installation of the ceiling - maximum safety and complete safety is ensured for the wallpaper. It is clear that puttying the walls and preparing them for wallpapering should be done even before the installation of the stretch ceiling. Therefore, when its panel is already stretched, you will be able to hang fresh wallpaper without worries. There is no longer any danger of contamination caused by drilling.

So, the conclusion suggests itself. If you already had to start with wallpapering, then try to protect it as much as possible using masking tape. However, most the right approach- This means starting work by installing the ceiling, and gluing the wallpaper second.

The average apartment owner makes renovations to his home infrequently - about once every five years. When work planning begins, the question often arises about the sequence of cladding. What to do first: install floors, install doors or glue wallpaper, because you want to do everything correctly and efficiently. Does changing the finishing order threaten difficulties and critical errors? Finishing specialists have a precise answer to this question.

What comes first: wallpapering or floor installation

Wallpaper is glued to the walls for painting or with a ready-made pattern and color scheme. Parquet or its more affordable imitation - laminate - is laid on the floor. In the kitchen, hallway and bathroom a good decision There will be tile laying. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to begin repairs with preparatory measures for leveling and priming the walls before the finishing coating. On the floor, the rough base is a screed, and for fine leveling and finishing fill in the self-leveling composition.

Pre-leveling the floors will prevent parquet or laminate flooring from squeaking

On the question that arises during the work process about what to do first - the floor or the doors - the opinion of the experts is unequivocal. After pouring the floor, installation follows door frame and canvases, then polyurethane foam fill the gaps and plaster the resulting slopes. Only after installing the doors can you calculate the width of the strips around doorway and accurately lay out damper gaps when laying the finishing floor covering. Thresholds and baseboards are installed at the end of the renovation.

If you are installing doors after finishing the floors, the laminate or parquet must be protected from damage with several layers of industrial cardboard.

When the walls and floor are smooth and dry, and the doors are installed, you can proceed to finishing. According to the rules, wallpaper is glued first; this order has a number of advantages and allows you to avoid difficulties during the work process:

  • wallpaper is cut on the floor with a stationery knife, and if the laminate has already been laid, you can scratch it;
  • applying glue and paint is impossible without “bloopers” and stains on the floor;
  • under the ceiling they work on a stepladder, which scratches and rubs the new floor, putting pressure on it;
  • Laminate flooring is installed without glue or other liquid or dirty substances, so the risk of staining the wallpaper is minimal.

After laying the floors, vacuum the walls to ensure that no dust remains on the wallpaper.

If an inexperienced craftsman is forced to first install the laminate and then glue the wallpaper, then if the following tips It will be possible to avoid errors:

  • you should choose a laminate with a high wear resistance class, then it is not afraid of mechanical loads and scratches;
  • To prevent increased humidity when the wallpaper dries from causing the floor covering to swell, it should be covered tightly plastic film, this will protect against glue and paint stains.

At the end, in any chosen order, a plinth is installed around the perimeter of the room; it will hide the bottom edge of the wallpaper and the technological gap of the laminate or parquet.

Today there are many options interior decoration premises. Some choose to paint the walls, others imitate brickwork– it all depends on preferences, imagination and financial opportunities owner. If you have chosen classic version finishing with wallpaper, you may have a logical question: what to glue first: wallpaper or ceiling plinth? Let's take a closer look.

A spectacular plinth will emphasize the elegance of the interior

Two ways to glue skirting boards

The ceiling plinth is made of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. The second option is considered more attractive, as it has a decorative porous structure.

Fastening the baseboard before finishing the walls

The peculiarity of this method is that first the baseboard is attached to the wall, all the cracks are sealed with putty and then the wallpaper is glued. In this case, even minor flaws and inaccuracies are not allowed. Therefore, this order of work is chosen by real professionals who are confident in their abilities. Want to test your abilities? Practice first so that you are pleased with the end result.

You can trim off excess wallpaper using a utility knife.

How to properly glue ceiling plinth to wallpaper

The plinth can be glued on top of the wallpaper. This will keep the beautiful appearance coating for a long time, because the baseboard will hold back the wallpaper at the joints, at the border of the ceiling and walls.
How to glue the ceiling plinth to the wallpaper? It is attached quite simply and quickly: using glue.

Instructions for fixing the plinth

Calculation of the quantity of materials

Regardless of what you decide to glue first - ceiling plinth or wallpaper, it is important to correctly calculate the amount required material.

  1. Measure the perimeter of the ceiling (the sum of the lengths of all sides).
  2. Calculate the amount of finishing material.

Skirting should be taken with reserve. So, if you get a perimeter of 21 sq.m., this means that you will need 10.5 skirting boards ( standard length is 2 m). You should buy at least 11 pieces, and preferably 12 - with a reserve.
It is convenient to calculate the location of the skirting boards using a diagram on a checkered piece of paper. First you need to place whole elements, and use pieces of cut plinths for the rest of the area. Please note that one of the sides is wider than the other; it should be in contact with the surface that has large flaws.

Technology for gluing skirting boards

How to cut a baseboard using a miter box

  1. Prepare the baseboard. Cut it under the right angle A miter box will help. In this case, be sure to consider which corner you have to process: external or internal.
  2. Apply on the back side of the baseboard thin layer glue. If it goes beyond the edges, carefully wipe it with a dry cloth, preventing it from drying on the surface.
  3. Press the plinth to the desired location and hold it according to the instructions for using the adhesive. There is no need to press hard; marks of dents from your hands may remain on the surface.
  4. When the baseboard is glued and the glue itself has dried, cover the cracks and joints with white sealant.
  5. If desired, the baseboard can be painted acrylic paint, but only after the sealant has completely dried.

How to cut skirting boards for interior and external corners

Now you know how to glue the ceiling plinth to the wallpaper and how to glue the wallpaper after installing the plinth. You need to choose a fastening method based on your experience in carrying out similar work, skill and accuracy. Of course, for beginners who are doing renovations for the first time, it is easier to glue the baseboard over the wallpaper.

Video: how to glue a ceiling plinth

In the process of renovating an apartment, sooner or later the question arises: should I do the ceiling first or glue the wallpaper? Pasting wallpaper or, conversely, preparing structures for a stretch ceiling? Each person counts differently, based on his own personal experience or advice from friends. But this article will provide the most correct answer to this question.

What's important

Renovating the life of a young couple or an established family is always a difficult and painstaking task. It is important to decide in advance whether the family can cope on their own or will have to resort to the help of specialists. Sometimes, when only certain parts of a room need to be repaired, no problems arise. When it is necessary to do a full-fledged repair with all the components, it is time to a whole list questions.

In order to determine the progress of the work being performed, it is necessary to analyze each type into individual elements. The complexity of this issue lies in the fact that the process may disrupt one of the stages of finishing work.

Of course, there is no danger that accompanies walls when painting, but nevertheless, deciding in advance what to do first is very important.


With any renovation, everything starts from the ceiling - this is what many books on construction work, on which knowledge is based professional craftsmen. We have to agree with this. This is what you should start from in order to first make a stretch ceiling.

The action stage involves:

Main nuances

When the installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out after gluing the wallpaper, the installation becomes dangerous for them and the entire room for the reason that the gun can not only leave burns on the walls, but also cause a fire in the room due to the ignition of the coatings. How to make a suspended ceiling after wallpapering the walls is shown in the following video:

Another disadvantage of the stretch ceiling installation procedure after wallpapering is the dust that appears on the wallpaper from self-tapping screws and dowel screws. If the wallpaper is washable, then it will not be difficult to remove dust from it after. But still, here we must not forget about fire safety rules.

Another tip that states that it is better to glue wallpaper on last stage when the ceilings are done.

In some cases, the installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out using the harpoon-free method, that is, the fabric is tightly stretched and secured to special fasteners, and most importantly, it does not use heat engine. But the disadvantage of this type of fastening is the sagging of the material, which begins after a few years, as the fasteners weaken, and low-quality material can stretch.


Sometimes, sometimes it is necessary to glue the wallpaper first, but in this case it is necessary to choose the right type and quality of material for pasting. Today there are more than 3,000 varieties, but we can safely highlight the main and most common ones, which should absolutely not be glued before installing suspended ceilings:

In the case of pasted wallpaper, before installing stretch ceiling, you need to wait 3 to 5 days so that they have time to dry. Otherwise, under the influence of the heat engine, the glue will begin to evaporate, and the wallpaper will peel off from the walls.

As mentioned earlier, dust may remain on the glued wallpaper, but removing it with a vacuum cleaner or hammer drill is strictly prohibited, otherwise there is a risk that a strong air flow may tear the wallpaper. It is best to use a dry microfiber cloth and wipe the wallpaper with consistent back-and-forth movements. Professionals always glue wallpaper after all stages of installation, which are carried out on the ceiling.

To hide uneven corners wallpaper often uses a decorative groove, which can externally unite the walls and ceiling.

Brief conclusion about the main thing

In any case, when the question is asked - what to do first: the ceiling or the wallpaper - the answer is clear. For the reason that, due to the fact that actions with the ceiling will be carried out primarily, it will be possible to avoid stains, holes in the wallpaper, “wallpaper falling behind” the walls, and even, possibly, avoid a fire. It is recommended to glue wallpaper as the final stage of repair work.

What to do first - glue wallpaper and install a suspended ceiling - the following video will help: