Is it possible to water all flowers with garlic water? It has never bloomed so magnificently before: how to prepare a garlic solution that will increase the orchid’s immunity. When is it best to use

Surely every owner beautiful orchid had to deal with a situation where favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, but at the same time it has a lot of bright green leaves and the flowerpot grows well. In this case, you need to help your pet and stimulate it to flower. One way to achieve this is to water the flower garlic water.

ABOUT beneficial properties Everyone knows garlic. But not everyone knows that he is an excellent assistant in caring for various flower plants, especially - for orchids. Garlic water improves root system flower, stimulates the growth of new shoots and helps fight pests.

Indications for use

If the orchid stubbornly refuses to bloom, but at the same time it feels great: it actively grows foliage, develops the root system, not a single trace of the presence of pests is visible on it - watering with garlic water is mandatory.

Garlic infusion recipe


  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Garlic - 6 teeth.
  • Succinic acid - 0.5 table.


  1. Dissolve half a succinic acid tablet in hot water.
  2. Chop the garlic using a knife or garlic press. When the liquid has cooled, add the garlic crumbs.
  3. Place the liquid in glass jar, and then leave it to infuse for 24 hours.

How to water an orchid with garlic water

Dilute before watering strained garlic infusion in a bowl of warm, settled water. Immerse the flowerpot in a container of garlic water so that the liquid level reaches 2/3 of the volume of the planting pot. About unpleasant odor There is no need to worry about garlic, it will disappear in a couple of hours, while orchid gets the best, which is concentrated in the bulbous plant.

This method should not be used more than several times a month, or during the dormant or flowering period of the plant. If everything is done right, within 14 days the result should appear.
Orchids- a flower of extraordinary beauty. If you want your favorite plant to delight you with lush blooms, water it with garlic water. Save this recipe for yourself and try it at your leisure, especially since it is simple and affordable.

Orchids are magically beautiful plants that generally do not cause trouble to their owners until they develop diseases or pests. Then they stop blooming, but even if they open buds, it’s not for long.

How to prepare garlic solution


3 liters of settled water;
6 teeth garlic


Fill a jar with settled water at room temperature.

You can use whole cloves of garlic, but it is better to chop them. Add them to the water.

Cover with a lid and place in a warm place for a day.

Then strain the liquid through a strainer.

Plants need to be watered with garlic infusion every 10-14 days. Before doing this, you should check whether the soil is dry. You can use it with each watering or every other time, alternating with regular water.

If you want your orchid to delight you with lush blooms, water it with garlic water. Keep this recipe for yourself and try it at your leisure. And also share it with your flower gardening friends. Surely they will find it useful!

Garlic has excellent antiseptic properties that will be beneficial to plants. This vegetable contains a lot of organic acids, antioxidants, mineral salts, macro- and microelements. All beneficial substances are quickly absorbed by the plant. Using garlic water to water an orchid solves many of the plant's health problems that regularly plague it.

You can water an orchid with garlic infusion to heal diseases and eliminate other problems, or to prevent them. Indications for using garlic solution:

Garlic water tincture is used as a fertilizer. To make it, garlic cloves are peeled and mixed with filtered water heated to +40 degrees. After infusion, an effective infusion is obtained, enriched with many useful elements.

Depending on the condition of the orchid and the method of applying fertilizer, take different proportions products. To prepare the working solution, chop 1 clove of garlic and mix with 1 liter of warm water. The liquid is infused for 20 minutes before use. The concentrated solution is then passed through a filter.

  1. To prepare root dressing, mix 3 tbsp with 1 liter of water. l. concentrate. The solution is poured into a basin and the flower pot is lowered into it for 20 minutes.
  2. To make foliar feeding, dilute the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10. The product is used to spray the above-ground part of the orchid.

On a note!

You can replace regular irrigation with garlic fertilizing. To do this, simply replace the irrigation water with a diluted working solution. This way you can feed the plant 2 or 3 times a month.

Using garlic infusion as a natural stimulant

Vegetable feeding successfully stimulates the growth of green mass, the formation of roots and flower stalks. It is also used to cure the plant from diseases and help it recover. In some cases, to enhance the effect of garlic, this fertilizer is combined with the drug “Kornevin”. It promotes root growth in plants that have undergone transplantation. You can also combine garlic water with succinic acid. This option promotes the formation of flower stalks and prolongs flowering.

Garlic infusion with succinic acid is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 1 tablet of succinic acid.

How to cook:

The garlic is crushed and mixed with heated water. Leave to brew in a sealed container in a cool room for 24 hours. Dissolve in hot water succinic acid and combine with garlic solution. Strain through a filter and top up warm water to obtain a volume of 1 liter. Immediately after preparation, use the resulting solution for feeding. However, such fertilizer is not used during flowering. Otherwise, the orchid will drop its buds.

Using garlic to control pests and diseases

To combat whiteflies, spider mites, scale insects, scale insects or scale insects, prepare a concentrated solution. Then dilute it with water. The green part of the plant is sprayed with the product and the substrate is moistened.


  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 liter of water.


The garlic is peeled and passed through a press. Then soak the resulting slurry with water. The solution is kept in a sealed container for 7 days. Before use, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water at the rate of 50 ml per 10 liters of water.

To eliminate various rots, the solution is prepared according to the previous recipe, but used undiluted. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and wipe the damaged areas on the leaves and stem with it.

Garlic peels are used to prevent diseases. Soak 10 g of husk in 1 liter of water for 24 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and used to spray the green part of the plant. Garlic sauce is also used to disinfect the substrate.

Rules for using garlic infusion

Irrigation with garlic infusion is carried out after the substrate has dried. However, it is not used constantly so as not to burn the root system. The plant also needs clean water. Therefore, you need to alternate watering with plain water with irrigation with garlic infusion.

It is enough to water the orchid with garlic infusion twice a month. With more frequent use of this stimulant, the root system suffers and the plant dies. You cannot use this fertilizer for orchids that are at rest or in the flowering stage.

At correct use a natural stimulant, a new flower arrow soon develops on the plant. This usually happens within two weeks.

How to water an orchid correctly

The orchid is treated by spraying the leaves and stems or immersing a flower pot in the prepared solution. To add garlic infusion, the concentrated solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. This is the recommended amount, but other recipes can be used. For foliar feeding, the solution is poured into a spray bottle and the green part of the plant is sprayed, with the exception of blooming flowers. If garlic infusion gets on the buds, they fall off.

Fertilizing using the immersion method is carried out in a wide container with a concentrate diluted with water. A pot with an orchid is immersed in the liquid so that its level reaches 2/3 of the height of the container. Leave the plant in the garlic infusion for 40 minutes. This time is enough for all the beneficial substances to be absorbed into the orchid roots. Then the pot is removed and left on a wire rack or in a bath to allow excess liquid to drain out. After half an hour, put the plant in its original place.

Possible mistakes

For some gardeners, the use of natural stimulants and fertilizers becomes the only way to care for orchids. But you cannot take garlic infusion as the only remedy for all problems with the flower.

In addition to using a water infusion of garlic, constant good care. Natural fertilizers cannot compensate for incorrect lighting, low air humidity, high or low temperature in room. It is also important to observe the biological development cycles of the epiphyte and grow the flower in a substrate suitable for it.

Probably every Orchid lover is familiar with the situation when a favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, despite all the created favorable conditions. In such cases, the flower needs a little help and stimulation to bloom. One way to achieve this is to water the orchids with garlic. Intrigued? Then read on.

Of course, we will not water with the garlic itself, but with garlic water. Healing properties vegetables are familiar to us all, it turns out that its effect on plants is no less useful: garlic is a natural antiseptic that helps fight most pests that live on indoor plants, and also has a certain stimulating effect.

Indications for use

Watering orchids with garlic is indicated in cases where your favorite stubbornly refuses to bloom. At the same time, it feels great, actively grows foliage, develops the root system, not a single trace of the presence of pests is visible on it, and yet the orchid does not bloom. You can try another, more extreme method, and slightly “scare” the plant - limit watering or change temperature conditions, but we suggest getting by with more gentle measures to begin with. In addition, garlic infusion will have a preventive effect, protecting your pet from the possible development of infections.

How to make an infusion

Garlic water for watering orchids is prepared simply: you need to take about 0.5 liters of warm, settled water, add 6 cloves of garlic, passed through a garlic press, tightly close the container and leave for 24 hours until the desired moment. Or you can slightly improve the “fertilizer” recipe and prepare the same thing, only with succinic acid. After all, everyone knows that succinic acid for orchids can be simply an indispensable element– it improves the rooting process, stimulates lush flowering, increases plant resistance to adverse factors. In addition, it is used if urgent resuscitation of the orchid is necessary, for example, after frostbite. Why not combine 2 products?

So, if you want to make an infusion with succinic acid, you will need half a tablet for the above 500 ml of water. Just keep in mind that acid is diluted. hot water, otherwise the substance will not dissolve. Therefore, first dilute it, and only then add garlic when the composition has cooled a little. And one more thing: if garlic for orchids can be stored for some time, then adding succinic acid, you will have to use the infusion in the next 3 days, after which the solution cannot be used.

Watering instructions

So, the solution is ready, the orchid is too, you can begin the process. To do this, dilute the infusion in a bucket of warm, settled water, and water your pets with the resulting water as usual, using the immersion method.

Tip: before diluting the garlic infusion, strain it, then specific aroma will not be as pronounced.

True, you should not use this method more than several times a month, or during the plant’s dormant period or when it is blooming. If everything is done correctly, after 14 days a new peduncle should appear, because this is how long it will take for the orchid to absorb the beneficial substances from the infusion.

What you won’t do to make your favorite plant happy with flowers! You can also make garlic water, especially since it’s simple and affordable!

Video “Watering an orchid with garlic water”

From this video you will learn about the benefits of watering an orchid with garlic water.

Garlic is a crop that stands apart from other vegetable relatives. The benefits of this product for human health are undeniable. and is due to the content of a huge number of useful active components in the chemical composition:

  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • micro- and macroelements in an accessible form.

The substance allicin, formed as a result of crushing garlic, is a powerful antioxidant that can kill even cancer cells. But why water orchids with garlic water? Garlic has a beneficial effect not only on the human body, but also on plants.:

  • increases immunity, resistance to various;
  • protects against;
  • stimulates growth and

Thanks everyone useful qualities Garlic is recommended for. Watering with garlic water will strengthen the tropical beauty, get rid of harmful insects, and serve as an incentive to start.

Watering with garlic water is very beneficial for orchids.

Important! But for this it is necessary to follow certain rules so as not to harm the exotic flower.

Watering orchids with garlic: why and how?

In addition to the above useful substances, Garlic contains organic acids, mineral salts, antioxidants. All of them are in a biologically accessible form for plants, easily absorbed by the root system, stems and leaves in any form, regardless of processing and feeding methods.

High concentration of vitamins, volatile essential compounds, phytoncides has the following effect on house flowers:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • disinfectant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates growth;
  • effectively fights harmful insects.

Therefore, the use of garlic is necessary when caring for your pets.

Garlic for orchids can be used periodically even for preventive purposes. It is even more necessary to feed the plant with garlic if you notice the following unpleasant phenomena occurring with the flower:

Irrigation technology

Fertilizing and disinfection of orchids with garlic solution must be carried out 1-2 times a month, alternating with usual plants with soft water.

Most effective method– immersion flower pot into the solution and on top of the leaves.

Important! Watering with garlic water should be done no earlier than after completely dry in a container (there should also be no condensation on the walls of the pot).

How to water with garlic water:

  1. The container with the orchid must be placed in another container, slightly larger in size;
  2. Thoroughly pour the soil (substrate) with warm garlic water (30-35 C), filling the planting container 2/3 full;
  3. The plant is kept in the solution from 30 minutes to 3 hours (depending on the size of the orchid and the amount of soil). The bark of the substrate should be completely saturated with the garlic solution;
  4. Then the pot with the orchid is taken out and allowed to drain well. excess liquid, transferred to a permanent place.

If the leaves were treated with a spray bottle, then they must be wiped with a napkin, making sure that there were no drops of fluid left in the sinuses.

Water from the sinuses must be removed.

Preparation of garlic solution

To prepare the infusion, you need a warm, settled temperature of 34-36C and garlic passed through a press at the rate of 1 medium clove per 1 liter of water. The amount of solution depends on the number of flowers (every housewife knows the approximate volume of water for one watering).

Prepared solution mix thoroughly, leave at room temperature for several hours– from 1 to 3, you can even leave it overnight – it doesn’t matter.

Immediately before the watering procedure the infusion must be filtered and reheated to 35C and water the orchids as described above.