Summary of educational lesson on cosmonautics day. Lesson outline on the topic: Cosmonautics Day. Lesson notes. We'll fly into deep space

Short description

Formation of ideas about space, enrichment of vocabulary


Speech development lesson Subject : “COSMONAUTICS DAY” Goals: to form ideas about space, human space exploration, and the work of astronauts. develop the grammatical structure of speech. expand, clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Cosmonautics Day. Space" (space, spaceship, cosmonaut, astronaut, solar system, station, window, flight, planet, star, helmet, spacesuit, earthlings, weightlessness). develop the skill of verbal communication, dialogical speech. development of general motor skills. instill in children respect for peers and the ability to listen to each other; to develop the skills of cooperation, interaction, independence, initiative. Equipment portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin, V.V. Tereshkova, A.A. Leonova. demonstration material - illustrations Progress of the lesson
1. Organizing time. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, look at the photographs. What do they show? (space)
-What is space? (the universe; our Earth and everything that exists beyond it: stars and other planets)
- Why do you think I hung them today? (April 12 – Cosmonautics Day)
-Who flies into space? (astronauts)
(I show a photo of Yu.A. Gagarin)
- Here is a photograph of the world's first cosmonaut. What's his name?
-April 12, 1961 Exactly 50 years ago, on the Vostok spacecraft, Yu.A. Gagarin made the first flight into space in human history. Since then, every year on April 12, the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. And this year is an anniversary. And in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first human flight into space, the Yuri Gagarin spacecraft launched on April 5.
And after 2 years, a woman visited space - Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova.
And 2 years later the first human spacewalk was made. The first cosmonaut pilot to go into space was Alexey Leonov, he spent 10 minutes outside the ship and showed that in outer space you can work.
- What do you think astronauts should be like? (hardy, resourceful, courageous, hardworking, quick-witted)
- What kind of journey do astronauts make? (cosmic)
-What do astronauts fly into space on? (spaceships or rockets) (Show photo)
-Where do spaceships start from? (from the cosmodrome)

2.Development of fine motor skills.
Alternate connection thumb with the little, ring, middle and index fingers on stressed syllables.
The stars shine in the dark sky,
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
The day flies and the night flies
And he looks down at the ground.

Come on, guys, let's play astronauts.
To go on a flight, we will build a starship.
- What is a starship? (spaceship, spacecraft)
(draw a rocket according to the model)

3. Reading with passion
“We built the spaceship, but forgot to pack the luggage.”

There is nothing superfluous or random on a spaceship. Therefore, we will take only those things whose names you read in the columns from top to bottom.


4. Relaxation.
- Everything is collected. But look at yourself, is it possible to go into space in our clothes?
Why? What do we need? (spacesuits) Let's put on special astronaut suits - spacesuits.
- Attention, take your seats. Buckle up, let's start the countdown - 6-5-4-3-2-1-start!
- Close your eyes, now we are flying at great speed, you are very heavy hands, legs, head. Tense yourself, feel this heaviness. But now we have escaped the gravity of the Earth, open your eyes, we are in a state of weightlessness
- How do you understand this word? ( This is a state when astronauts and things weigh nothing and swim in the spaceship like fish in an aquarium. There is no up or down. Spilled water does not spread into a puddle on the floor, but gathers into a ball, and the ball hangs in the air.)
5. Physical exercise
- Let's get up and experience this state. We are in zero gravity! (Children separate and, standing on one leg, make slow movements with their arms up and down with their legs extended)

We're floating in zero gravity
We're right at the ceiling.

6. Dictionary activation
- Now I will ask the entire space crew to take their places.
-Who knows what the window in the rocket is called? (porthole)
- Difficult word, repeat it again.
- If we look out the window, we will see many stars around. Huge clusters of stars in outer space form the Galaxy. Stars seem small to us because they are far away.
In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the sun. After all, the Sun is also a star. Nine planets revolve around our Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. This is the solar system. (poster) - Each planet moves around the Sun along its own orbit (path). -Which planet is the largest, smallest? - What planet do we live on? - What are the people living on planet Earth called? - What does our planet look like from space? What can you see on it? (seas, forests, mountains, glaciers) 7. Speech development - Cosmonauts spend a long time in flight, but what do they do on the ship? (explore space, conduct scientific experiments, experiments, troubleshooting devices)
- And I suggest you work too.
Make three sentences from these words.
1) Astronomer, stars, watches.
2) Moon, satellite, this is Earth.
3) ship, on, flies, Space, Moon.

You did a good job. I suggest you eat some food. To be strong, like astronauts, and healthy, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I will tell you the words, and you will clap your hands if it is the name of a vegetable.
Watermelon, potatoes, radishes, bread, zucchini, pumpkin, orange, lemon, sausage, eggplant, grapes, nuts, garlic, cabbage, apple, banana.

8. Repetition of covered material
- Oh, didn’t you hear any noise?
- Look, we have guests on the ship. Who do you think they are? (aliens) (Fig.)

The aliens really liked you, and they want to give each of you a message. So that we can understand their language, they sent us a key. How many of you have heard of an encryption key? Look what he looks like. Write this sentence “in an earthly way.” (we are waiting for your visit)
- Listen to how they speak and try to repeat the same:

- Guys, have you noticed what sound all their words begin with?
We also have such a sound, tell us - what is it? (consonant, voiced, hard - soft)
- It seems to me that the sound “R” is the most favorite among our guests, let’s give them objects that have the sound “R” in their names. But aliens are small and they like small things, let's call our gifts affectionately.

9. Summary
And now it's time to say goodbye And return to Earth. Astronauts, take your places! Let's start the ships! 1-2-3-4-5!
Here we are at home again!
- Did you enjoy the trip? What interesting things did you remember?
And I liked the way you worked. Our lesson is over, thank you everyone! Goodbye!

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Speech development lesson



To form ideas about space, human space exploration, and the work of astronauts.

Develop grammatical structure of speech.

Expand, clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Cosmonautics Day. Space" (space, spaceship, cosmonaut, astronaut, solar system, station, window, flight, planet, star, helmet, spacesuit, earthlings, weightlessness).

Develop verbal communication skills and dialogical speech.

Development of general motor skills.

To instill in children respect for peers and the ability to listen to each other;

To develop the skills of cooperation, interaction, independence, initiative.


Portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin, V.V. Tereshkova, A.A. Leonova.

Demonstration material - illustrations

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, look at the photographs. What do they show? (space)

What is space? (the universe; our Earth and everything that exists beyond it: stars and other planets)

Who flies into space? (astronauts)

(I show a photo of Yu.A. Gagarin)

Here is a photograph of the world's first cosmonaut. What's his name?

April 12, 1961 Exactly 50 years ago, on the Vostok spacecraft, Yu.A. Gagarin made the first flight into space in human history. Since then, every year on April 12, the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. And this year is an anniversary. And in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first human flight into space, the Yuri Gagarin spacecraft launched on April 5.

And after 2 years a woman went into space - Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova.

And after another 2 years The first manned spacewalk was made. The first cosmonaut pilot to go into space was Alexey Leonov. He spent 10 minutes outside the ship and showed that it is possible to work in outer space.

What kind of person do you think astronauts should be? (hardy, resourceful, courageous, hardworking, quick-witted)

What kind of journey do astronauts make? (cosmic)

What do astronauts fly into space on? (spaceships or rockets) (Show photo)

Where do spaceships launch from? (from the cosmodrome)

2.Development of fine motor skills.

Alternately connecting the thumb with the little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger on stressed syllables.

The stars shine in the dark sky,

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

The day flies and the night flies

And he looks down at the ground.

Come on, guys, let's play astronauts.

To go on a flight, we will build a starship.

What is a starship? (spaceship, spacecraft)

(draw a rocket according to the model)

3. Reading with passion

“We built the spaceship, but forgot to pack the luggage.”

There is nothing superfluous or random on a spaceship. Therefore, we will take only those things whose names you read in the columns from top to bottom.

4. Relaxation.

Everything is collected. But look at yourself, is it possible to go into space in our clothes?

Why? What do we need? (spacesuits) Let's put on special astronaut suits - spacesuits.

Attention, please take your seats. Buckle up, let's start the countdown - 6-5-4-3-2-1-start!

Close your eyes, now we are flying at great speed, your arms, legs, and head are very heavy. Tense yourself, feel this heaviness. But now we have escaped the gravity of the Earth, open your eyes, we are in a state of weightlessness

How do you understand this word? (This is a state when astronauts and things weigh nothing and swim in the spaceship like fish in an aquarium. There is no up or down. Spilled water does not spread into a puddle on the floor, but gathers into a ball, and the ball hangs in the air.)

5. Physical exercise

- Let's get up and experience this state. We are in zero gravity!(Children separate and, standing on one leg, make slow movements with their arms up and down with their legs extended)

We're floating in zero gravity
We're right at the ceiling.

6. Dictionary activation

Now I will ask the entire space crew to take their places.

Who knows what the window in the rocket is called? (porthole)

Difficult word, repeat it again.

If we look out the window, we will see many stars around. Huge clusters of stars in outer space form the Galaxy. Stars seem small to us because they are far away.

In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the sun. After all, the Sun is also a star.

Nine planets revolve around our Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. This is the solar system. (poster)

Each planet moves around the Sun along its own orbit (path).

Which planet is the largest, smallest?

What planet do we live on?

What are the people living on planet Earth called?

What does our planet look like from space? What can you see on it? (seas, forests, mountains, glaciers)

7. Speech development

Cosmonauts spend a long time in flight, but what do they do on the ship? (explore space, conduct scientific experiments, experiments, troubleshoot equipment)

And I also suggest you work.

Make three sentences from these words.

    Astronomer, stars, watches.

    Moon, satellite, this is Earth.

    ship, on, flies, Space, Moon.

You did a good job. I suggest you eat some food. To be strong, like astronauts, and healthy, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I will tell you the words, and you will clap your hands if it is the name of a vegetable.

Watermelon, potatoes, radishes, bread, zucchini, pumpkin, orange, lemon, sausage, eggplant, grapes, nuts, garlic, cabbage, apple, banana.

8. Repetition of covered material

Oh, did you hear any noise?

Look, we have guests on the ship. Who do you think they are? (aliens) (Fig.)

The aliens really liked you, and they want to give each of you a message. So that we can understand their language, they sent us a key. How many of you have heard of an encryption key? Look what he looks like. Write this sentence “in an earthly way.” (we are waiting for your visit)

Listen to what they say and try to repeat it the same way:


Guys, have you noticed what sound all their words begin with?

We also have such a sound, tell us - what is it? (consonant, voiced, hard - soft)

It seems to me that the sound “R” is the most favorite among our guests, let’s give them items that have the sound “R” in their names. But aliens are small and they like small things, let's call our gifts affectionately.

9. Summary

And now it's time to say goodbye

And return to Earth.

Astronauts, take your places!

Let's start the ships!


Here we are at home again!

Did you enjoy the trip? What interesting things did you remember?

And I liked the way you worked. Our lesson is over, thank you everyone! Goodbye!

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Lesson notes

Knowledge of the world

Age group: preparatory

Subject: "Cosmonautics Day".

Developmental task:To consolidate children's knowledge that the first cosmonaut was Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin.

Learning task:Expand children's understanding of space flight; to introduce Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics - K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev.

Educational task:To cultivate pride in our Motherland, for its achievements in science, for the heroism of the Russian people.

Health-saving task:Bring children to understand that only a healthy, educated, strong person can be an astronaut.

Material: multimedia.


I tell the children riddles.

1. Miracle - bird, scarlet tail

Arrived in a flock of stars.(rocket)

2. Not a month, not a moon,

Not a planet, not a star,

It flies across the sky, overtaking planes.(satellite)

3. Peas are scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel from sugar crumbs

And only when the morning comes,

All the caramel will suddenly melt.(stars)

4. In space through the thicket of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the object's name is..... comet

- Guys, have you guessed what we are going to talk about today? (about space, astronauts...)

What holiday does our country celebrate on April 12?(Cosmonautics Dayslide - splash screen)

Why is this holiday called that? (This is a holiday not only for astronauts, but also for those who participate in the development, construction and testing space rockets, satellites, all space technology).

Who are astronauts? (before the first man went into space, they sentartificial satellites, lunarand interplanetary automatic stations– slide . And only then did people appear in space orbits. They began to be called astronauts).

Why do you think man wanted to fly into space?

A man looked at the stars sky - slide, and he wanted to know what kind of stars these were, why they were so bright. Scientists have come up with special devices– telescopes - slide, and watching starry sky, learned that besides the Earth there are other planets - some are smaller, others are larger.

What planets do you know?(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - slide).

People wanted to know if there was life on other planets. And if there is, who lives there? Are these living creatures similar to people? But to find out about this, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away. And then scientists came up with rockets.

Who in Russia invented the first rocket?

There lived a simple teacher in the city of KalugaKonstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - slide. He loved to watch the stars through a telescope, studied them, and he really wanted to fly to distant planets.

He decided to design an aircraft that could fly to some planet. He carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to build this aircraft.

And only after many, many years another scientist -designer Sergey Pavlovich Korolev - slide,was able to design and manufacturefirst space satellite - slide,in which who first flew around the Earth? (dogs Belka and Strelka - slide).This happened on August 20, 1960, after a day-long flight they were returned to Earth in an ejection capsule and became world celebrities.

And under the leadership of S.P. Korolev it was designed rocket slide, in which on April 12, 1961, a man flew into space for the first time in the world.

What is the name of this person? Who was the first astronaut?(Yu.A. Gagarin) - slide

After Gagarin's flight, many cosmonauts visited space, including women.

Who knows the name of the first cosmonaut? (Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya - slides)

What do you think an astronaut should be like?

First of all, an astronaut must have good health, he must be strong and resilient, because during a space flight a person experiences enormous overloads.


- What is overload?

Overload is a condition when the body is faced with loads that not everyone can withstand.

For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the person in the spaceship becomes very heavy, and the arms and legs cannot be lifted. But, when the spaceship ends up in space, the body becomes light. Like fluff and people fly around the ship like feathers- slide.

What is this state called in space? (state of weightlessness).

Do you know what astronauts' food is in? (in tubes - slide,otherwise the astronauts would have been chasing around the ship, either for bread or for juice). You see how difficult it was for the first cosmonaut.

Why do we say that an astronaut must be fearless?

Previously, people had never flown into space and did not know what they could encounter there. After all, there could be some kind of malfunction in the rocket. Therefore, astronauts must know very well how the rocket works in order to fix problems. The astronauts could collide with other aircraft - after all, no one knew whether there was life on other planets.

The return of the cosmonauts is awaited not only by their families, but also by the entire nation. And everyone is happy. When they land safely.

Therefore, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, all our people followed this flight, everyone was worried about the first cosmonaut. And when he landed safely, the whole country rejoiced.

Do you know where Yuri Gagarin landed for the first time? (on Saratov land, outside the city of Engels, at the landing site of Yu. Gagarin, it was installed obelisk - slide). Saratov residents greeted the cosmonaut, but Moscow rejoiced even more. In Moscow, people gathered in the center, on Red Square, and the celebration continued until late in the evening, they shouted “Hurray! Gagarin", "Glory to our Motherland!" slide.

Our country appreciated the work of astronauts: all cosmonauts were awarded high awards. Located in MoscowAlley of Cosmonauts - slide.

The square on which the monument to him is erected is named after Yu.A. Gagarin - slide.

The city of Gzhatsk, where Yu.A. Gagarin was born and lived, now bears his name - the city of Gagarin. In this city there is a museum of Yu.A. Gagarin– slide.

The Air Force Academy, where cosmonaut pilots are trained, is also named after Yu. A. Gagarin- slide

A street is named after S.P. Korolev (Akademika Korolev Street - slide).


What new and interesting things did you learn today?

What would you talk about at home, from what you saw and heard?

Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience the same overloads that astronauts are experiencing now. And glorify our Motherland.

Every nation has people who glorified their country, their Motherland, and we are proud that in our country Russia there are such wonderful people.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten compensating type No. 18" Mytishchi

Moscow region

Summary of the integrated lesson in senior group kindergarten,

dedicated to Cosmonautics Day “Space Journey”.
Educator: Romanenko Svetlana Semenovna Program objectives: 1. Educational: - consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes Oh; - to form the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher based on the reflexive method, the experience of self-control; - improve the ability to correlate numbers with quantities, compare aggregates and establish equality between them; - practice solving logical problems and ingenuity problems; - to develop children’s interest in mathematics and a sense of confidence in their knowledge. - train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction - expand children's horizons; - consolidate knowledge and understanding of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. -introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday. -give initial information about the planets, the Sun, the Moon. -improve visual skills. 2.Developing: - develop the cognitive interest of children; - enrichment and activation of the vocabulary on the topic “Space”; - develop creative imagination, fantasy; - develop motor and play activity; - encourage improvisation of game and dance movements. 3. Educational: - creating a situation of success; - fostering a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance; - create a joyful holiday atmosphere. Vocabulary work Subjects: space, astronauts, weightlessness, planet, orbit, universe, airship, orbital station, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Actions: fly, travel, land, explore. Signs: brave, bold, unknown, uninhabited, distant, huge. Equipment: Pictures depicting a portrait of Yu. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, constellations, the Moon. Balloon. A set of geometric shapes, a sample of a rocket made up of these shapes. Sheets of paper with drawn aliens and rockets made from geometric shapes, pencils, stars for counting points, cardboard parts for building rockets, photographs and posters with images of planets, the sun, felt-tip pens. Preliminary work: reading books “Space in Pictures” by Emily Beaumont, drawing on the theme “Outer Space”, designing “Our Spaceship”, modeling “Cosmonaut”, “Rocket”, applique “Lunokhod”, Rocket models. Methods and techniques: verbal: questions, asking riddles, problem situations, poetry, explanation, practical: dynamic pause, designing rockets; gaming: surprise moment; visual: audio recording, illustrations.
Progress of the lesson

Introductory part
(Children enter the group to the music “What a Guy He Was” performed by Yu. Gulyaev.) Educator: Guys, I’m very glad to see you. Hold hands and give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, say hello to them and give them your smile. Great! -What holiday is today?
- Today is a difficult day,

Everyone in the world knows this.

Flew into space for the first time

A man from the earth is brave

Conquer the vastness of the universe

The person really wanted it.

And then into deep space

The first satellite has flown.

And then he went up into space

And became famous forever

Following the satellite in the rocket

The very first person

Science moves forward

Having mastered the speed of light,

We'll fly into deep space

To alien other planets.
M. Yu. Bogina Educator: Why exactly April 12? Children: On this day, a person flew into space for the first time. -For the first time, an inhabitant of planet Earth rushed to the stars. Educator: Who knows what the name of the world's first astronaut was? Children: The first cosmonaut in the universe was named Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
Main part
Educator: Let's go to the exhibition and look at the photographs. Children, a smiling, brave pilot - cosmonaut, hero - is looking at us from the portrait. Soviet Union Colonel Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. And here he is dressed differently, in the clothes he wore during the flight. His entire suit is called a space suit. It includes a shell, helmet, gloves, boots. A spacesuit is like the cabin of a spaceship, it has everything so that the astronauts can be in flight. The suit contains tubes with a respiratory mixture that are needed for breathing, and there is also a small box that maintains normal body temperature. The suit is a spacesuit that is very durable and protects against pressure and radiation. The suit is connected to the Earth, it contains a microphone with equipment sensors, we can see and talk with the astronauts. The spacesuit is heavy and can only be worn by trained, hardy people. Who knows who flew into space before Yu.A. Gagarin? (And the first to fly into them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Take a look at this picture. In it you can see the first dogs. Who flew into space and returned back. Their names were Belka and Strelka. And only after that just as other dogs successfully flew into space, the first man went there.) Educator: It was Yuri Gagarin who was the first man to fly into space and spent a whole 108 minutes in orbit of our planet! He flew around on the Vostok spaceship globe. And since April 12, 1961, we have been celebrating Cosmonautics Day
This year, April 12, 2016, marks the 55th anniversary of the first man's flight into space. And our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin did it. In a short time since the first flight into space, man visited the Moon and explored almost all the planets solar system, but that first flight was the most difficult and dangerous. A little over an hour later, Yu.A. Gagarin became the most famous person on Earth, but the first orbit around the Earth of a spaceship with a man on board was the merit of many, many people and, first of all, the general designer of spaceships Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. I know that (child's name) knows a poem about this wonderful person.
Reading a poem
Do you know what kind of guy he was?

The one who discovered the star trail?

The whole world carried him in their arms.

Son of the Earth and stars.

He was gentle and simple.
Educator: What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, resilient, etc.). -Educator: An astronaut must be fearless, why? (people don’t know what they might encounter in space, or whether the rocket is working). Educator: What should he do for this? (train)
Entry into activity.
-So I suggest you conduct “Cosmic training”.
Game "On the contrary".
Educator: Let's hold hands and form a circle, I throw the ball and say the word, and you say the word the other way around. For example: ·
Cheerful - sad

· Fast – slow

· Beautiful - ugly

· Thin - fat

· Smart – stupid…..
-Educator: The training went well. -Now let’s imagine that we are young cosmonauts, and what an astronaut should study before a flight (solar system: location of planets, sun, moon). Let's go to the image of the solar system, SPACE.

Educator: So

solar system

ma - a planetary system that includes

the central star, who will name it - the Sun! They revolve around the sun

natural space objects, planets
. -How many planets? - What planets do you know? Children:
All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Educator: Well done, you really know all the planets.

Which planet is the most unusual? (Earth)

Why is Earth the most unusual planet? Why?
(The planet is home to millions of species of living beings, including humans. Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets that revolve around our Sun: some are too cold, others are too hot. No one lives on these planets.)
Only our planet Earth

Suitable for habitation in every way.

After all, the Earth is a garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

What shape does the earth have? Children: Our Earth is round, like a ball. Educator: During the year, the Earth rotates around the Sun once. -Does the Earth have one natural satellite? Which
? (Moon.)
Educator: Oh, what is this, a balloon has flown to us, here is a letter: To: Kindergarten No. 18, group No. 4…. From whom: aliens.
“Guys, we need your help, our ship crashed, we

Can’t do it without you!”

Educator: Guys, who are the aliens? (Alien

nin -

an alien from another planet.)

-Well, are you ready to help?

-And what will we use to fly? We need the fastest transport...

Which? (Rocket)

-Of course, a rocket. Using the example of a ball, I will show you how a rocket flies.
(The teacher inflates balloon and presses the hole with his fingers. And then he unclenches his fingers and the ball shoots up sharply.
Educator: Our ball flew like a rocket - it moved forward while it

there was air. But the rocket contains not air, but fuel.
But, since there are many of us, we will fly on 2 spaceships. Now we will go to the cosmodrome, here we see
geometric figures!
Guys, hold hands and walk in a circle, when the music stops, everyone will take a piece... (Starship Troopers music plays) -How can we separate? (by color, by shape) - Okay, today we’ll split up
according to form
, squares to the right, triangles to the left, Whoever has the largest square and triangle will be the commanders of the spaceship. -We go to the landing area and take seats in accordance with the number on your figure.
Didactic game “Build a rocket”
Educator: First task, imagine that you are designers, and now each team is building its own rocket, you have a model.
In order for us to fly, we all need to build rockets.
(team work: children build rockets).
-Well done! Did a great job! -What geometric shapes did you use? -How many triangles? -How many squares? -Great! but to go on a flight you need to know and be able to do a lot. We offer a test of intelligence. Are the teams ready? (Ready).
We check the readiness of the teams for the flight.
You must answer the quick survey questions. Competition No. 1 Blitz survey. 1. Name the flying machines that people invented. (Balloon, airship, airplane, helicopter, rocket, satellite, space station). 2. What fairy-tale characters who can fly and their aircraft do you know? (Carpet - airplane, broom and stupa of Baba Yaga, Little Humpbacked Horse, old man Hottabych, walking boots, Serpent Gorynych).
And now I suggest you fly into space: close your eyes and count from 10

up to one and we go flying.

Let's say the magic word "Let's go."
The music is “Mysterious Galaxy” by the Zodiac ensemble. Everyone is squatting, arms above their heads in a cone, children imitate flying on a rocket. - Here we are in space. And so, our spaceships landed and landed on the planet....., look at these tracks, and where they lead us, we need to send scouts, they will be our commanders, they walk in pairs along the path and count. Two flying saucers, and they appear to be malfunctioning.
What do you think should be done? Task: “Find the neighbors of the number.” This is a task for commanders: Educator: The commanders completed this task and receive a star. Let's go back, (count down.) - Well done! Now let's continue our lesson. -And since we are visiting aliens, let’s prepare them some treats, cakes. -What shape will our cake be today (square).
- Get ready to listen to “Graphic Dictation”:
-in the left top corner put down the blue triangle; - in the lower right corner put…. square; -in the center there is an oval; - in the lower left corner there is a rectangle; -in the upper right corner there is a circle.
-We're checking. What figure is in the right upper corner, in the right lower corner....) (well done,

by star)

It's time to set the table.
-Each team has its own table and its own cutlery, look at them and see which piece of equipment is superfluous.
(by star)

Didactic game “Place aliens in spaceships”

Educator: Look at the sheet and answer me, children:

Who flies which rocket?
(On a piece of paper, aliens are drawn from geometric shapes and rockets in the shape of the same shapes. You need to connect with a line the images of the rocket and the alien, consisting of the same geometric shapes.)
Educator: Commanders, check the assignments... (teams again receive a star.)
We helped the aliens, it’s time for us to give back
Guys, it's time for us to return to earth.
. We took our seats and fastened our seat belts. The music is “Mysterious Galaxy” by the ensemble “Zodiac”. Everyone is squatting, arms above their heads in a cone, children imitate flying on a rocket. Educator: Now, to remember our journey into outer space, we will make a picture, we already have an image of space, there are already stars on it, let’s put together rockets, glue our photographs and send them into space. Practical work.
(children stick their photos to rockets and send them into space) II. Final part Let's remember what we did today, what new things we learned: and so - what was the name of the first cosmonaut? -most quick view transport? -What is the name of the astronaut suit? -What were the names of the dogs who were the first to fly into space? -Name the biggest hot star in the Universe? -What is the name of the earth's satellite? - What would you talk about at home, from what you saw and heard?
Please stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Now show me your fingers. Let's make them friends

(coordination of movements and development of fine motor skills, memory development).

The girls and boys in our group are friends.

You and I will make friends with little fingers.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Let's start counting again: 5 4 3 2 1 – This is where our journey ends...Thank you everyone!

on the topic of:

"Cosmonautics Day"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​space and astronauts. Learn to answer questions using different kinds simple and complex sentences, improving dialogic monologue speech of children. To cultivate respect for space heroes, the desire to be like them, and to develop cognitive interests in children.

Educational area"Communication":

    encourage the manifestation of initiative and curiosity in order to obtain and consolidate knowledge about space and astronauts;

    to develop in children the ability to answer the question posed with a complete answer;

Educational field "Socialization":

    to cultivate respect for the astronaut profession, to develop imagination, imagination, and to cultivate pride in one’s country.

    to cultivate a love for the planet we live on and a caring attitude towards the world around us;

    improve the ability to listen to a friend’s answer and not interrupt.

Educational area "Cognition":

    expand children's horizons on the topic "Space";

    consolidate active vocabulary on the topic;

    to develop children’s ability to compose a story based on a plot picture;

    develop the ability to use antonyms in speech;

    improve the ability to coordinate nouns with verbs in the singular and plural;

    develop attention and logical thinking.

Speech material : space, astronaut, spaceship, Earth, planet, rocket, meteorite, etc.

Equipment: paintings and illustrations about space, photographs of Yu.A. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, dogs Belka and Strelka; spacecraft "Vostok" and "Soyuz". Globe, ball for the game.

Preliminary work:

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic “Space”.

Considerationalbums, illustrations and photographs, a globe on the theme “Space”.

Reading books and encyclopedias for preschoolers.

Learning poems and riddles on the topic.

Selection of didactic games in accordance with the topic.

GCD move:

Educator : Guys, do you know what holiday our country will celebrate in April. (Cosmonautics Day) Correct.

Educator: Man has always dreamed of flying to the stars. So on August 19, 1960, test dogs Belka and Strelka were sent into space on a rocket. For the flight, the dogs were given special suits in red and green colors. In addition to the dogs, there were two white rats and several mice on board. The dogs that returned from orbit became the object of increased attention and felt great. /The teacher shows photos of dogs/.

Educator: Guys, which of you would like to go into space on a rocket? (Children's answers).

Educator: Many people would like to fly into space. Tell me, what is the name of a person who flies on a spaceship? (Children's answers)

Educator: That's right - it's an astronaut. And the first person who flew into space and became an astronaut was Yuri Gagarin.

/ the teacher shows a portrait of Yu. Gagarin /

He rose very high above the Earth, so high that even an airplane could not reach there. Gagarin flew on a spaceship. Such pilots are called cosmonaut pilots.

Exactly,12th of April In 1961, the planet was shocked by unexpected news: “Man in space! Russian, Soviet! The centuries-old dream of people about flying to the stars came true and the first cosmonaut on Earth was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. The flight lasted 108 minutes. Gagarin's ship "Vostok" made only one revolution around the Earth. But for humanity, these minutes marked the advent of the era of manned space flights. For his feat, Yuri Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The whole world wanted to see the first cosmonaut on the planet. Gagarin visited dozens of countries. Everywhere he was greeted with delight. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin accomplished a feat that our country and our entire people are proud of.

Educator : Now our country celebrates this holiday on April 12, the day when the era of space flights began for all mankind.

Educator : INNot only men have flown into space. The first woman to fly into space was Valentina Tereshkova.

(the teacher shows a photograph of the astronaut).

Educator : And I also want to show you illustrations that depict the first spaceships - Voskhod and Soyuz.

/children look at the illustrations/.

Educator : Guys, what qualities do you think an astronaut should have? (children's answers: an astronaut must be strong, resilient, brave, decisive.)

Educator : “Being an astronaut is not only an honor, it is also very difficult. You need to be brave, decisive, persistent, kind, sympathetic, you need to know a lot, and then you will be respected and loved. And astronauts cultivate these qualities in themselves from childhood.

Educator : Now let's look at the globe.

The globe is a model of our planet.

What shape is our planet?

What do blue, yellow and green colors. /children's answers/.

Educator : And this picture shows our planet from space /the teacher shows the illustration/. Guys, who wants to talk about what they see? Compiling a story based on the illustration “Earth from Space.”

Educator : What else do astronauts see in space?

Game “Cosmonauts See...” (ball game).

What do astronauts see from a rocket?

Astronauts see many stars and constellations (planets, mountains, meteorites, etc.).

Educator : Guys, do you know what real astronauts eat?

Children: Porridge, soup.

Educator : Yes, everyone eats porridge, soups, vegetables and fruits.

Educator : How do they eat? Do they pour tea into mugs and drink it?

Children: – from tubes

Educator : The fact is that in outer space there is no gravity of the earth, everything seems to float in the air, as in water. This is called weightlessness, i.e. everything becomes as light as feathers. And therefore it is impossible to eat from the plates, all the food simply floats away. And all the astronaut’s products are in tubes, like toothpaste.

Now, let's play a game with you“Say the word.”

To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way

Need a powerful...(telescope )

Telescope for hundreds of years

Study the life of planets.

He will tell us everything

Smart uncle...(astronomer )

An astronomer is a stargazer,

He knows everything inside out!

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full...(moon )

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Make it quick...(rocket )

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian …(astronaut )

An astronaut sits in a rocket

Remembering everything in the world -

In orbit as luck would have it

Appeared... (UFO )

UFO flies to neighbor

From the constellation Andromeda,

It howls like a wolf out of boredom

Evil green...(humanoid )

The humanoid has lost its course,

Lost in three planets,

If there is no star map,

Speed ​​won't help... (Sveta )

Educator : Guys, what did we talk about in class today? (Children's answers)

1.What is the name of the planet we live on? (Earth)

2.What is the name of the holiday that the country will celebrate in April? (Cosmonautics Day)

3. Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

4.What was the name of Gagarin’s spaceship? ("East ")

We learned a lot of interesting things today, well done to all of you today.

The teacher reads the poem:

Who flew to the planets first?

What holiday is there once a year in April?

Legends are made about space,

Heroic astronauts in plain sight!

They cannot live peacefully on earth,

For some reason they are always pulled upward,

The stars submit to them, surrender,

Their shoulder straps were lit with gold.

Every boy knows perfectly well from childhood,

Gagarin Yuri - space hero,

After all, an astronaut is not born just one day,

He can be there for you and me.

And again into unknown distances

The spaceship will take off...

Let what you dreamed about come true,

Fly, children, into the sky, the way is open!

Age group: preparatory
Developmental task: To consolidate children’s knowledge that the first cosmonaut was Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin.
Educational task: Expand children's understanding of space flight; to introduce Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics - K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev.
Educational task: To cultivate pride in our Motherland, for its achievements in science, for the heroism of the Russian people.
Health-saving task: Bring children to understand that only a healthy, educated, strong person can be an astronaut.
Material: multimedia.

I tell the children riddles.
1. Miracle - bird, scarlet tail
Arrived in a flock of stars. (rocket)

2. Not a month, not a moon,
Not a planet, not a star,
It flies across the sky, overtaking planes. (satellite)

3. Peas are scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel from sugar crumbs
And only when the morning comes,
All the caramel will suddenly melt. (stars)

4. In space through the thicket of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object is…..comet
- Guys, have you guessed what we’re going to talk about today? (about space, astronauts...)
-What holiday does our country celebrate on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day – slide – screensaver)
- Why is this holiday called that? (This is a holiday not only for astronauts, but also for those who participate in the development, construction and testing of space rockets, satellites, and all space technology).
- Who are astronauts? (before the first man ascended into space, artificial satellites, lunar and interplanetary automatic stations were sent there - slide. And only then people appeared in space orbits. They began to be called cosmonauts).
- Why do you think man wanted to fly into space? space - slide
Space has always attracted the attention of people: it beckoned with its depth and mystery. A man looked at the starry sky - a slide, and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special devices - slide telescopes, and while observing the starry sky, they learned that besides the Earth there are other planets - some smaller, others larger.
- What planets do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - slide).
CHILD: In order, all the planets
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
(author of the poem - A. Khait)
- Well done, you really know all the planets, but tell me what the Moon is?
Answers: Earth Satellite
- The surface of the Moon consists of craters, large and small. Let's do a little experiment and see what they look like.
Experiment "Moon Craters"
A heap of flour is poured into a cup or plate. Throw a plasticine ball there. Carefully remove the ball and get something like a crater.
- Guys, now let's make the planets: Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Moon and Sun. Venus is the second inner planet of the solar system. Venus is the third brightest object in the Earth's sky after the Sun and Moon. The surface of Mars is deserts, craters, mountains. Jupiter is the most big planet solar system. Named after the main Roman god. Earth is the greenest planet. Most of the surface is occupied by water - 70. Saturn is the most unusual appearance The planet is surrounded by bright rings. They are formed by various particles, stones, ice, snow. Uranus is a greenish-blue planet. In an atmosphere containing methane. Pluto is one of the largest dwarf planets in the Solar System. The ninth planet of the solar system. The moon has many craters. The sun is the brightest, hottest and largest planet.
Game "Rings of Saturn"
(The guys pass the hoop to each other, threading it through themselves)
People wanted to know if there was life on other planets. And if there is, who lives there? Are these living creatures similar to people? But to find out about this, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away. And then scientists came up with rockets.
- Who in Russia invented the first rocket?
Lived in the city of Kaluga was a simple teacher, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - slide. He loved to watch the stars through a telescope, studied them, and he really wanted to fly to distant planets.
He decided to design an aircraft that could fly to some planet. He carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to build this aircraft.
And only many, many years later, another scientist - designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - slide, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite - slide, in which who first flew around the Earth? (dogs Belka and Strelka - slide). This happened on August 20, 1960, the flight lasted more than a day, during which time they flew around the Earth 17 times and were returned to Earth in an ejection capsule and became world celebrities.
And under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, a slide rocket was designed, in which on April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, a man flew into space.
- What is the name of this person? Who was the first astronaut? (Yu.A. Gagarin) - slide
The flight lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes. During this time, one revolution around the Earth was completed. At the launch of the rocket, Gagarin said on the radio the phrase that became famous throughout the world: “Let's go!” In orbit, Yuri Gagarin carried out simple experiments: he drank, ate, and made notes with a pencil. “Putting” the pencil next to him, he accidentally discovered that it instantly began to float away. From this, Gagarin concluded that it is better to tie pencils and other objects in space. He recorded all his sensations and observations on the on-board tape recorder.
After Gagarin's flight, many cosmonauts visited space, including women.
- Who knows the name of the first cosmonaut? (Valentina Tereshkova - slides) Her flight lasted 3 days. There were 48 orbits around the Earth. The phrase she said before the start: “Hey! Heaven, take off your hat! She remains the only woman in the world who flew into space alone.
- What do you think an astronaut should be like?
- First of all, an astronaut must have good health, he must be strong and resilient, because during a space flight a person experiences enormous overloads.
Children arrange chairs in a circle. Then they run around the group and say the text together with the teacher:
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For walks on the planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers.
The teacher removes several chairs. In response to the teacher’s words “Take your seats!” the children sit down. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

What is overload?
Overload is a condition when the body is faced with loads that not everyone can withstand.
For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the person in the spaceship becomes very heavy, and the arms and legs cannot be lifted. But, when the spaceship ends up in space, the body becomes light. Like fluff and people fly around the ship, like feathers - a slide.
- What is this state called in space? (state of weightlessness).
- Do you know what the astronauts’ food is in? (in tubes there is a slide, otherwise the astronauts would be chasing around the entire ship, either for bread or for juice). You see how difficult it was for the first cosmonaut.
- Why do we say that an astronaut must be fearless?
Previously, people had never flown into space and did not know what they could encounter there. After all, there could be some kind of malfunction in the rocket. Therefore, astronauts must know very well how the rocket works in order to fix problems. The astronauts could collide with other aircraft - after all, no one knew whether there was life on other planets.
The return of the cosmonauts is awaited not only by their families, but also by the entire nation. And everyone rejoices when they land safely.
Therefore, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, all our people followed this flight, everyone was worried about the first cosmonaut. And when he landed safely, the whole country rejoiced.
- Do you know where Yuri Gagarin landed for the first time? (on Saratov land, outside the city of Engels, at the landing site of Yu. Gagarin, an obelisk was installed - slide). Saratov residents greeted the cosmonaut, but Moscow rejoiced even more. In Moscow, people gathered in the center, on Red Square, and the celebration continued until late in the evening, they shouted “Hurray! Gagarin", "Glory to our Motherland!" slide.
Our country appreciated the work of astronauts: all cosmonauts were awarded high awards. In Moscow there is the Alley of Cosmonauts - slide.
The square on which a monument to him is erected is named after Yu.A. Gagarin - a slide. In many cities, streets, squares and avenues are named in his honor. And in Holland, a variety of tulips was bred, which they called “Yuri Gagarin”.
The city of Gzhatsk, where Yu.A. Gagarin was born and lived, now bears his name - the city of Gagarin. In this city there is a museum of Yu.A. Gagarin - slide.
The Air Force Academy, where cosmonaut pilots are trained, is also named after Yu. A. Gagarin - slide
A street is named after S.P. Korolev (Akademika Korolev Street - slide).
This is what Gagarin wrote after returning from space: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!” (Earth – slide)
- What new and interesting things did you learn today?
- What would you talk about at home, from what you saw and heard?
Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience the same overloads that astronauts are experiencing now. And glorify our Motherland.
Every nation has people who glorified their country, their Motherland, and we are proud that in our country Russia there are such wonderful people.