How to make garlic croutons in the microwave. Delicious crackers from the microwave. Spicy croutons with garlic in the microwave

Hello my dears. Tell me, which of you likes to crunch on crackers? I also like to eat them sometimes. I propose to consider today the fastest option on how to make crackers in the microwave. Or rather, 5 recipes with different tastes. Knowing how to prepare them at home, you won't have to run to the store every time. And when you want, just go ahead and make them using your microwave.

There are two versions of the appearance of crackers. According to one of them, bread crumbs came into being over 50 years ago. The exact date of origin is November 14, 1958 (this is evidenced by materials from the Central Archives :) Allegedly, it was then that this snack was officially named.

The second version is less boring. In accordance with it, this snack appeared in the middle of the 19th century. And this happened during the celebration of Easter in Ust-Uska. It was hot that year spring days. So, the Easter cakes that were in the sun dried out a lot. But the residents had to eat them down to crumbs, because they were blessed Easter cakes. Then people made a discovery. We realized that dry bread is not so bad and can be safely used for food.

Much water has passed under the bridge since those ancient times, but crackers have not lost their popularity. Since the late 90s, this snack has been on sale on store shelves. These are finely chopped pieces of rye or wheat bread, richly flavored with spices.

What I like about crackers is that they add flavor to everyday dishes. They can be added to salads, soups and even desserts. Only in the latter case are sweet crackers used.

Recipes for crackers in the microwave

I have prepared a selection for you interesting recipes. Many of these snacks can be prepared in just 5 minutes.

Sweet crackers

The crackers prepared according to this recipe are quite tasty. And you can make them either from a loaf or from a bun.


  • 1/4 milk loaf;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • other spices (optional).

Cut the stale loaf into cubes. Mix sugar with vanilla sugar. Place bread cubes on a flat plate. Remember that not all containers can be used for microwave cooking. It's best in a special one.

Sprinkle the sugar mixture on top of the dough. Place the plate in the micro and turn it on at maximum power. Set the timer to 2-3 minutes. Then turn the crackers over and turn on the unit again for 30 seconds - 1 minute.

Savory bread crumbs

For half a loaf you will need 1 tsp. dried herbs, salt + ground black pepper. You also need to take 2 tbsp. garlic and tomato hot sauce. And also stock up on 0.5 tsp. ground paprika.

Cut the loaf into small pieces - the thinner they are, the better. Mix the sauces in a bowl, add pepper, salt and herbs. You should get a spicy mass of homogeneous consistency. Place the bars on a flat dish. Using a silicone brush, apply the spicy mixture to the bread sticks.

We send the preparations to the microwave oven. Dry the crackers for 7-10 minutes. The sticks need to be turned over every 2 minutes. Once you take them out of the microwave, let them cool a little.

Spicy white bread croutons

Ingredients you will need:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • salt + spices at your discretion;
  • 6-8 slices of stale bread.

Cut the bread into small cubes. Grate the cheese. Mix the oil with salt, spices and crushed garlic. Dip the bread cubes into the aromatic butter mixture and then roll them in cheese breading. Place the pieces on a flat plate and place in the microwave.

We set the maximum power on the unit and run it for a couple of minutes. Then check how dry the bread is, stir the pieces, and run the unit for another minute. Remember, the main thing here is not to dry it out.

Garlic crackers from rye bread

For this snack, stock up on:

  • 3-4 slices of stale bread;
  • 100 g smoked lard;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cut the bread into strips or cubes (as you like). Grind the garlic in a garlic press, mix it with vegetable oil and salt. Toss the bread cubes with the garlic mixture. Then place on 2 flat plates. Place lard on top, cut into thin slices.

One at a time, cook batches of garlic croutons in the microwave. Select the most powerful mode and leave it on for 1 minute. Then stir the pieces of bread and leave for another 30 seconds. Do the same with another portion of bread. Once cooked, take out the plate and wait until it cools down.

Crackers with lard and garlic can be served with both hot dishes and salads. For example, they are perfect for Caesar salad.

Recipe for making black bread crackers

You will need:

  • 400 g bread;
  • seasoning (at your discretion);
  • cup with a little water.

Pour the spices into the water and mix. Set aside for a short time - during this time the spices will saturate the water with their aroma. Cut the bread into equal-sized pieces (this will allow the crackers to cook evenly). Sprinkle the preparations with “fragrant” water on top and mix everything well.

Place the bread on a flat plate and put it in the microwave. Turn on the unit at maximum power and set the timer to 2 minutes. Then remove the plate from the microwave and stir the crackers, since they slightly stuck together during cooking.

Place the bread in the microwave again for 2 minutes. We take out the crackers again, mix them and place them in the microwave again for 2 minutes. After this, mix the crackers again and place them in the microwave for a minute. That's all - the appetizer is ready. This video will help you make these croutons without fail.

It is better to use for making crackers stale bread. It is easier to cut, and such a product will dry faster. Any seasoning will do. The crackers will be more flavorful if you add spices to the melted butter. Then sprinkle the bread with this fragrant mixture before drying. You can also add spices to the water, and then sprinkle the bread with this mixture.

Be sure to turn or stir the crackers while cooking so they dry evenly. After you remove the bread from the microwave, be sure to cool it. Store the crackers in a tightly sealed container.

I am sure that now you will be able to make crackers in the microwave. Be sure to write a review in the comments to the article. I'm very interested in your opinion about this snack. And here you go, because there are still so many interesting things prepared for you. For example, I’ll tell you how to cook “ chips in the microwave" That's all for today - enjoy yourself and see you soon!

Croutons usually mean pieces of bread fried in vegetable or butter. They can be salty and sweet, spicy and tender, rubbed with garlic or sprinkled with sugar. In general, even at home you can prepare croutons to suit every taste. But if you need to tinker with frying, and in the morning, as usual, there is absolutely not enough time, then in the microwave the rosy croutons will be ready in a couple of minutes.

How to cook croutons in the microwave?

Let's consider preparing sweet croutons for tea. To do this you can take fresh bread, or maybe dried out, taste finished product it will not suffer at all.


  • white bread or loaf – 6 pieces;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 200 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.


Heat the milk until warm, beat in the egg, add sugar and stir until the latter is completely dissolved. Dip the loaf pieces in the resulting mixture; if desired, the bread can be lightly sprinkled with sugar. Place everything on a plate and put it in the microwave at maximum power. In 5 minutes you will have delicious croutons ready.

Spicy croutons with garlic in the microwave

Children simply love store-bought crackers. But, as you know, there is very little useful in them. But a similar product can be prepared at home, only the benefits will be much greater, and they will turn out tastier. Let's see how to make spicy garlic and cheese croutons in the microwave. Preparation will take a minimum of time, and any student can handle it.


  • stale bread for toast - 6-8 slices;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 g;
  • water – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt.


Cut the bread into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Add squeezed garlic to the vegetable oil and add salt. Dip the bread cubes into the mixture, roll in cheese and put in the microwave for a few minutes. First, the bread will heat up, the cheese will melt, and then it will begin to dry out, so it is important not to overcook. These croutons can be eaten as an independent dish, or they can be added to soups and broths.

Thus, when preparing croutons, you can experiment with spices, add ham and chicken, tomatoes and herbs, as well as various sauces. In this case, you will spend a minimum of time, and as a result you will receive a delicious treat and requests to cook more.

If the housewife has a microwave oven at her disposal, then it should be used to prepare the most different dishes. Today you can find recipes for cakes, pizza, baked vegetables, meat and fish cooked in a microwave oven. Croutons in the microwave also turn out incredibly tasty and aromatic. This option is especially convenient for preparing breakfast, when there is simply no time to create another culinary masterpiece.

Sweets for dessert

As a rule, there is not enough time in the morning for a full breakfast. Therefore, a quick recipe for sweet toasts for tea will save the situation. For the dish, you can use either fresh or stale bread.

Plus, you will need the following products:

  • Sugar to taste.
  • A glass of milk.
  • Egg.

It is not difficult to prepare such a dish in the microwave. First, warm the milk to room temperature. Then beat in the egg, add sugar and stir until the mixture is free of lumps. Cut the milk loaf into medium-thick slices. Dip the slices into the prepared sweet mixture. Place the pieces on a plate and place them in the microwave at high power for 4-5 minutes. At the end of the specified time, serve the croutons for tea, according to the serving example shown in the photo.


For your lunch break, you can prepare aromatic croutons with garlic and hard cheese. Schoolchildren are very fond of such crackers, but only the product prepared at home is several times healthier than store-bought.

So, for the dish you will need:

  • Yesterday's bread, possibly made from rye flour.
  • A couple of garlic cloves.
  • 200 grams of hard cheese.
  • A little vegetable oil and water.
  • Salt to taste.

Cut the loaf into cubes. Grind the cheese on a grater. Add garlic, pressed through a garlic press and salt to the oil. Mix the loaf with dressing, sprinkle with cheese and place in the oven for 2-3 minutes. It is very important not to miss the moment when the bread begins to dry out. At this stage, turn off the microwave and let the dish brew for a few minutes. These croutons with garlic in the microwave go well with soup, borscht, and can be used as an independent dish.

French croutons

Girls really like these delicate croutons from a white loaf in the microwave. Their cheese and paprika taste goes perfectly with soups and main courses.

For production you will need the following products:

  • 4-5 pieces of white loaf.
  • 100 grams of oil.
  • Hard cheese, grated.
  • Green onions.
  • Paprika.

Mix washed finely chopped green onions with pepper and cheese. Cut the loaf, mix with cheese and vegetable dressing. Grease a deep plate generously with oil and place the prepared bread in it. Bake for one minute at maximum power.

Cream cheese

To prepare this dish you will need the following products:

  • Pieces of bread.
  • Two eggs.
  • Hard cheese.
  • 2 tablespoons of heavy cream.
  • Dill, ground pepper, salt.

Wash and chop the aromatic dill. Mix eggs with cream, dill, pepper and salt. Dip the prepared bread into the egg-dill mixture and place in a container designed for microwave ovens. The dishes must first be greased with oil. The croutons are baked for 50 seconds at the highest power. And the result is a delicious dish, the photo of which we see below.

Making croutons in the microwave that will have a piquant taste is also very easy.

For the dish you need to prepare:

  • Slices of rye or wheat bread.
  • A small onion bulb.
  • Green bell pepper.
  • Tomato.
  • Hot pepper.
  • Tomato dressing, oregano.
  • Salt and mozzarella cheese.

The recipe for croutons with peppers and mozzarella cheese is as follows:

  • Cut the bread into rectangular or triangular pieces.
  • Chop the onion and pepper.
  • We also cut the bell pepper and tomato into pieces.
  • Grind the cheese using a grater.

Grease the bread with tomato dressing, sprinkle with cheese, add onion and hot pepper. Sprinkle the top with oregano and salt. Cook in the microwave at maximum power for 240-300 seconds.

As a result

It should be noted that a microwave oven allows you to cook any dish in the shortest possible time. The same croutons for breakfast or lunch can be prepared in the microwave in 3-5 minutes. And in the end it turns out useful and nutritious dish. Using different recipes, the housewife has the opportunity to tasty and quickly feed her family without spending a lot of time and effort.

How to cook sweet croutons, with savory filling, in a frying pan, in the oven and in the microwave? You will learn about this in this article.

Toast- a dish that can be prepared in literally 5 minutes. They can be prepared either sweet or savory.

Croutons are a very simple dish, but they also have cooking secrets. Here they are:

  • Delicious croutons are made from stale bread.
  • White and black bread, loaf, and buns are suitable for making croutons.
  • Before frying croutons, a frying pan with vegetable oil must be well heated.
  • Pour a little oil into the pan, otherwise the croutons will absorb everything and be very greasy.
  • To improve the taste, you need to put a small piece of butter on each toasted hot crouton.

Toasts with egg and milk in a frying pan, recipe

Croutons cooked with eggs and milk in a frying pan

If there are a few slices of stale bread or loaf left from yesterday, then you can fry croutons in a frying pan.

Stale bread in the egg-milk mixture will become soggy, and you will get soft and tender toasted croutons for breakfast or afternoon snack. And if you also add stewed vegetables or sprats, the appetizer will be excellent.

Toasted toast with egg and milk, fried in a frying pan


  1. Half of yesterday's wheat loaf cut into slices.
  2. 1 egg shake with 4-5 tbsp. spoons of milk, salt taste.
  3. Dip slices of loaf into this mixture and place in a heated frying pan.
  4. Fry the croutons on one side and the other until golden brown.

Croutons with eggs in the microwave, recipe

Croutons cooked with eggs, milk and mushrooms in the microwave

Croutons with eggs and mushrooms, cooked in the microwave


  1. 200 g loaf cut into slices.
  2. 1 egg beat with 100 ml milk, salt.
  3. Dip the slices into the egg-milk mixture, take them out of it, and put them in the microwave to bake at full power for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Any mushrooms are suitable: fresh, dry or canned. We fry fresh ones immediately, dry ones - first soak them and then fry them, canned ones - wash them and fry them.
  5. Several pieces of fresh mushrooms(champignons, boletus, white), washed and cut, fry on 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, add finely chopped 1 small onion, and when it's a little fried, sprinkle 1 teaspoon flour, season 2 teaspoons sour cream, and simmer everything for a few minutes.
  6. Place minced mushroom on croutons, sprinkle with grated hard cheese(it will be needed about 100g), and put it in the microwave at full power for 5-6 minutes.

Sweet loaf croutons with egg, recipe

Toasts cooked with eggs and milk, sweet

Sweet loaf croutons with egg and milk, fried in a frying pan


  1. 400 g stale white loaf cut into slices.
  2. 1 egg shake a little with a spoon salt, pour in 1 glass of milk, pour in 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, and mix until smooth.
  3. Place the loaf slices into the prepared mixture and dip on all sides.
  4. Heat in a frying pan vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons), and fry the loaf slices on both sides until golden or dark – depending on your preference.
  5. Before serving, croutons can be sprinkle with powdered sugar, spread with jam, marmalade or sweet chocolate sauce- there will be a total gluttony.

Brown bread toasts with egg

Toasts made from black bread with eggs

Adviсe About, how to make delicious croutons:

  • Croutons turn out delicious if you beat sour cream, kefir or fermented baked milk with eggs.
  • To get a new taste of croutons each time, you can add various spices: parsley, sage, basil, cilantro, marjoram, savory and other spices.
  • Croutons can be fried in different types of vegetable oil.
  • The croutons will be crispy if you fry them over fairly high heat.

Brown bread toasts with eggs, fried in a frying pan


  1. 200 g stale black bread cut into slices.
  2. Shake it up 1 egg With 1-2 teaspoons water, add salt and spices to taste.
  3. Dip pieces of bread into egg mixture and fry over medium heat in a frying pan.
  4. We eat hot croutons immediately, and cold ones can be coated with mayonnaise, sour cream, or any vegetable salad, French fries, rice with spices can be placed on them.

Toasts with egg and sausage

Croutons cooked with eggs and sausage

For breakfast, we always choose dishes that can be prepared quickly. It can be croutons, they are delicious and also nutritious.

Toast with eggs, sausage and cheese


  1. Let's prepare 2 slices stale bread.
  2. Beat into a bowl 1 egg, shake it with salt, add grated 2-3 slices of hard cheese, 2-3 slices of finely diced smoked or boiled sausage, mix.
  3. Dip a slice of bread in a beaten egg and top it with cheese and sausage.
  4. Fry the bread along with the “fur coat” in a greased frying pan, first one side and then the other.

Toast with onion and egg

Toasts cooked with eggs in Lithuanian style

Lithuanian toast with eggs and green onions


  1. 6 slices of bread fry on butter (20 g), you can use lard on both sides.
  2. In the same frying pan we continue to fry the croutons: let each piece of 1 raw egg each, salt and pepper, close the lid and fry until the whites turn white.
  3. Sprinkle each crouton finely chopped green onions and serve immediately.

Toasts with egg and milk in the oven

Croutons cooked with eggs and milk in the oven

These croutons cook very quickly. They can be fried in a frying pan, and if you are going to season the croutons with different fillings, then it is better to bake them in the oven.

Croutons are served hot or cold with tea, coffee, beer, and to prevent them from drying out, they are covered with a lid.

Toasts with eggs and milk, sprinkled with grated hard cheese, baked in the oven


  1. Let's prepare 6 slices of loaf.
  2. Shake it up 1 egg with 1/3 cup milk, salt and pepper to taste, add 3 cloves finely chopped garlic.
  3. Dip slices of loaf into this mixture, place on greased vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) leaf, sprinkle the slices hard grated cheese (20-30 g), and put it in hot oven on low heat, 10 minutes will be enough for our croutons to cook.

Toasts with egg and sour cream

Croutons cooked with eggs and sour cream

These croutons can be served with first and second courses or made into sandwiches.

Toasts with eggs and sour cream


  1. 1 wheat loaf cut into slices.
  2. 3 eggs break over a bowl and shake together 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt, ground black pepper.
  3. Dip the loaf slices in the mixture and fry both sides in a frying pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons).

Toast with egg and garlic

Toasts cooked with egg filling

Toasts with eggs, garlic and cheese


  1. 1 wheat loaf cut into slices and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons), on the one hand, we cool it.
  2. Rub the fried side garlic (1-2 cloves), and grease with egg filling, and then sprinkle with grated hard cheese (20-30 g).
  3. Egg filling. 3 boiled eggs grate half a bunch of green onions chop, season mayonnaise and sour cream (2 tablespoons each), salt and pepper and knead everything.

Toasts with eggs and cheese

Croutons cooked with eggs and cheese

Croutons can be prepared for a holiday or for every day.

Toasts with cheese and eggs in the oven


  1. Great for these croutons 1 stale loaf, cut it into slices, and dry it in the oven over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Rub cleaned 1 clove garlic dried croutons.
  3. In a separate bowl, grate 200 g hard cheese, hard-boiled eggs (5 pcs.), grind with a fork, add to this mass a few tablespoons of mayonnaise, chopped garlic (several cloves), parsley and dill, salt and pepper.
  4. Spread this filling on toasted croutons, decorate with herbs, slices of tomatoes or cucumbers.

Croutons cooked in a frying pan, in the oven or in the microwave are a quick and tasty breakfast, and preparing it is not at all difficult.

Depending on the number of servings, the amount of ingredients is also adjusted. So, one serving of white bread requires one egg, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Powdered sugar is needed for sprinkling. Prepare egg toast according to simple instructions:

  1. Beat the egg with sugar, add salt and cinnamon to taste.
  2. Soak the bread in the egg mixture and let it sit for a couple of minutes.
  3. Place the future croutons on a flat plate.
  4. Microwave at full power for 5-6 minutes.
Grease the finished, hot croutons with butter, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve for breakfast. They are no different from those cooked in a frying pan, except that there is no characteristic crust.

Toast with egg in a frying pan
To prepare a juicy and tasty snack for beer, you will need:

  • White bread small slices;
  • eggs;
  • spices;
  • garlic;
  • salt to taste.
Whisk the eggs and add spices. Rub the bread slices with garlic, or add crushed garlic to the egg mixture. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Heat the frying pan, at the same time soak slices of white or black bread in the egg mixture. Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan or melt butter, to taste. Place croutons and sprinkle cheese on each one. Cover with a lid and fry for 2 minutes, then turn the croutons over and sprinkle the other side with cheese. Fry for a couple more minutes. Remove from the pan and season with salt to taste. Appetizer with garlic and cheese is ready!

Toast with egg in the oven
Toasts with eggs in the oven are prepared both as an independent dish and as an addition to breakfast. Prepare croutons according to any recipe you like. At the same time, preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Place a baking sheet with croutons in a hot oven and bake for 5 minutes. No need to turn over. You can grease the baking sheet with oil, or you can grease the croutons themselves when ready.

It is noteworthy that toast with eggs in the oven turns out fluffy and juicy, even if the ingredients are only bread, egg and salt or sugar. In addition, as it cools, the dish only becomes tastier.

It is not necessary to add milk to the croutons when cooking. Although with it the dish can become a complete breakfast 2 in 1: both an omelette and bread to go with it. However, without milk, toast with eggs cooks faster and becomes soft, but not too runny.

The “Hopelessness” cupcake, a hit on the Runet, is loved by many. Quick, simple and in the microwave: just what a person overpowered by laziness needs. But you can’t eat just cupcakes!

Especially for lazy people with gastronomic needs, we have selected recipes for seven dishes for microwave oven, which takes a few minutes to prepare. About minutes - we literally.

French toast in a cup
You will need: a little baguette (can be replaced with other bread), an egg, butter, leftover milk, cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
Cut a piece or two from the baguette and cut them into cubes. Grease the inside of the cup with butter. If you like it a little spicier, leave a small piece of butter right at the bottom of the cup. Place the bread cubes in a cup. In another cup, prepare a mixture of eggs, 3 tablespoons of milk, a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of vanilla sugar. Shake it well, pour it into the cup with the future croutons and give exactly a minute for the bread to soak in the egg mixture. Now put the cup in the microwave. Usually a minute and a half is enough for readiness, depending on what kind of bread you use; maximum – three minutes.
Actually, that’s all – voila! Enjoy a Parisian breakfast. To complete the atmosphere, you can do this before taking a photo. Eiffel Tower on the desktop.

Quiche in a mug
You will need: one large egg, 4 plum or cherry tomatoes, 1 spoon of butter, white bread, salt, ground black pepper, 1.5 spoons of milk, grated cheese(cheddar is best, a spoonful or a spoonful and a half), green onions. The mug should not be too wide.
Melt the butter in the microwave and set aside. Cut the tomatoes lengthwise. Crumble the bread into small pieces onto a plate. It should take up approximately 1/8 of the volume of the future quiche. Break an egg into a mug, pour in milk, melted butter, add salt and pepper. Stir with a fork until smooth. Now add grated cheese, bread, tomatoes, chopped green onions. There is no need to interfere. That's it, put the mug in the microwave, in the very center, and bake at high power for one minute.
And voila again, because quiche is a French dish.

Bacon and eggs
You will need: a few pieces of bacon, two eggs, salt, green onions.
First up is the bacon. Place a wide flat plate in the microwave, and a small deep bowl on top of it, upside down. Place bacon on the sides of the bowl. This is to allow the fat to drain, then the bacon can be crispy. 1 minute on high should be enough for the bacon. While the bacon is crying with fat, crack the eggs into a glass bowl - large enough so that they take up no more than a quarter of the volume. Add a pinch of salt, chopped green onions and thoroughly stir the whites and yolks with a fork. Place the bowl of eggs in the microwave for half a minute. Reduce the power a little. Then stir the half-cooked eggs and return to the oven for half a minute. Scrambled eggs are ready. You can put it on a plate, add strips of bacon and sit down at the table.
Help yourself, English breakfast!

Baked salmon
You will need: salmon fillet, salt, ground black pepper, 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream or kefir, 1.5 tablespoons of mustard, 2-3 slices of lemon and parsley leaves for decoration.
Place the salmon fillets, skin side down, on a plate and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix sour cream and mustard thoroughly and brush the fish. Place lemon slices on top and cover everything with baking film. Bake for 3.5 minutes, then check the fish with a fork for doneness. If necessary, bake for another half minute. Replace the lemon slices with fresh ones, garnish the dish with parsley, and eat with pleasure.

Pepper stuffed with egg
You will need: bell pepper, two eggs, cheese, a little milk, cherry tomatoes or green onions to taste, salt, ground black pepper.
The pepper must be taken so that it can stand on its top. Carefully cut out the tail with the seeds. Place the pepper in the microwave for 2-3 minutes on low power. While it's warming up there, break two eggs, milk, grated cheese and finely chopped vegetable dressing into a mug, if you like. Salt and pepper. Stir well with a fork. Pour this mixture into the heated pepper. Increase the power slightly and bake for another three minutes. You can cook stuffed tomatoes in the same way. Only they should be large enough and hard enough, and one egg per tomato is enough.

Steamed turnips
You will need: several small turnips, butter, soy sauce.
You cut off the tops from the turnips, and chop them into cubes of two or three centimeters on the edge. Place on a plate and bake for 5 minutes at medium power. Lubricate with a piece of butter, pinched on a fork, and sprinkle with soy sauce. Nothing could really be simpler.

Pear dessert
You will need: hard pears, sugar, cinnamon.
Cut the pears in half, choose the middle with the seeds, and pour a little sugar into the hole. Cover the plate with pears with another plate and bake for two minutes on high. Sprinkle with cinnamon, cool... Yummy!

Text: Lilith Mazikina

Croutons usually mean pieces of bread fried in vegetable oil or butter. They can be salty and sweet, spicy and tender, rubbed with garlic or sprinkled with sugar. In general, even at home you can prepare croutons to suit every taste. But if you need to tinker with frying, and in the morning, as usual, there is absolutely not enough time, then in the microwave the rosy croutons will be ready in a couple of minutes.

How to cook croutons in the microwave?

Let's consider preparing sweet croutons for tea. To do this, you can take fresh bread, or you can use dried bread; the taste of the finished product will not be affected at all.


  • white bread or loaf – 6 pieces;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 200 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.


Heat the milk until warm, beat in the egg, add sugar and stir until the latter is completely dissolved. Dip the loaf pieces in the resulting mixture; if desired, the bread can be lightly sprinkled with sugar. Place everything on a plate and put it in the microwave at maximum power. In 5 minutes you will have delicious croutons ready.

Spicy croutons with garlic in the microwave

Children simply love store-bought crackers. But, as you know, there is very little useful in them. But a similar product can be prepared at home, only the benefits will be much greater, and they will turn out tastier. Let's see how to make spicy garlic and cheese croutons in the microwave. Preparation will take a minimum of time, and any student can handle it.


  • stale bread for toast - 6-8 slices;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 g;
  • water – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt.


Cut the bread into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Add squeezed garlic to the vegetable oil and add salt. Dip the bread cubes into the mixture, roll in cheese and put in the microwave for a few minutes. First, the bread will heat up, the cheese will melt, and then it will begin to dry out, so it is important not to overcook. These croutons can be eaten as an independent dish, or they can be added to soups and broths.

Thus, when preparing croutons, you can experiment with spices, add ham and chicken, tomatoes and herbs, as well as various sauces. In this case, you will spend a minimum of time, and as a result you will receive a delicious treat and requests to cook more.

How to make croutons in the microwave

Croutons – perfect option appetizers and addition to the first course. There are a lot of options for making croutons. Almost all of us traditionally fry golden toast in a frying pan. For supporters healthy eating(without fatty foods) you will be very interested in the option of cooking croutons in the microwave.

Croutons in the microwave

First, let's prepare traditional sweet croutons. For the croutons you will need the following ingredients:

Milk – 150 ml;

White bread - 9 pieces;

Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.

1. First, heat the milk and dissolve the sugar in it.

2. Pour the milk into a plate.

3. Dip pieces of white bread into milk and sugar.

4. Sprinkle each slice with sugar and place on a plate.

5. Place the croutons in the microwave and cook for two or three minutes.

Savory croutons are an excellent snack for beer or breakfast. To make savory croutons you will need:

Tomato - 1 piece;

Onion - 1 piece;

Hot pepper - 1 piece;

Mustard powder;

Sweet pepper – 2 pieces;


Cheese – 100 grams;

Tomato sauce - 3 tablespoons;

Bread - 8 slices;

1. Cut the bread into small pieces.

2. Grind the onion and pepper (hot).

3. Cut the sweet pepper into strips.

4. Cut the tomato into thin rings.

5. Grate the cheese.

6. Roll the cut slices of bread one by one in tomato sauce and sprinkle with cheese.

7. Place onion (not all), sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes.

9. Place the bread in the microwave for five to seven minutes.

An alternative would be garlic croutons. To prepare them:

1. Grate cheese (200 grams).

2. Melt butter (50 grams), add chopped garlic (2-3 cloves) and a little salt.

3. Cut the bread into small pieces (8 slices).

4. Roll the sliced ​​bread in butter and cheese.

5. Cover a baking sheet with protective paper and place croutons on top.

6. Leave in the microwave for about 2 or 3 minutes.

Crackers in the microwave homemade Can be used for a snack or as a beer snack. Plus, they're great for adding to soups, broths, or salads. Crackers, made in just a few minutes, are not only tasty, but also healthy, do not contain harmful additives, which are found in ready-made store products.

How to make crackers in the microwave?

Cooking croutons in the microwave is even easier than the usual way in the oven. The main advantage of this cooking method is the significant time savings. The recommendations presented below will help you make the treat quickly and without hassle.

  1. For croutons, bread should be cut into pieces of the same size so that they lose moisture evenly.
  2. When cooked in the microwave, crackers begin to lose moisture from the inside, so they will be darker there and lighter on the outside. This must be taken into account when determining the degree of readiness.
  3. Croutons need to be cooked in the microwave in several batches, periodically removing them and stirring.

Crackers from a loaf in the microwave can be prepared in different ways: the loaf can be cut into cubes or strips; the cooking time will depend on the size of the pieces. If desired, the bread can also be lightly sprinkled with odorless vegetable oil; this will only improve the taste of the finished product.


  • white loaf – 300 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


  1. The bread is cut into small cubes, sprinkled with salt, spices and stirred.
  2. Place the slices in the microwave and dry them at maximum power for 1 minute on each side.

Crackers in the microwave at home can be prepared from different types of bread. If you plan to use the product as a snack, then it is better than others Rye bread. To improve the taste of the finished product, you can simply add salt to the bread pieces, or you can also sprinkle them with spices to suit your taste.


  • rye bread – 500 g;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. The bread is cut into oblong strips, added some salt and stirred gently.
  2. Pour oil into another bowl, add crackers and knead well.
  3. Place the future crackers in the microwave and dry them at maximum heat until golden brown, stirring them occasionally.

Croutons in the microwave with garlic

In the microwave they turn out incredibly appetizing and very aromatic. Garlic can be used both fresh and dry. In the first case, it is passed through a press, added to the bread and kneaded thoroughly, and in the second, the prepared ingredients are simply sprinkled with the dry product.


  • bread or loaf – 200 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • salt;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves.


  1. The bread is cut into cubes of the desired size.
  2. Add oil and stir well.
  3. Sprinkle the bread with salt and add garlic passed through a press.
  4. Mix it all thoroughly.
  5. Place the prepared ingredients on a flat dish and cook the crackers in the microwave at maximum power for 5 minutes, stirring a couple of times.

Making bread croutons in the microwave is very easy. You can simply cut it into pieces and dry it, or you can also make a very tasty and savory snack out of it. To do this, you just need to add smoked lard and bring the product to full readiness. It will take a little longer, but the results will be worth it.


  • rye bread – 4 slices;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • smoked lard – 50 g.


  1. Rye bread is cut into strips or cubes.
  2. Add chopped garlic, stir well and place on a flat plate in 1 layer.
  3. Lard cut into thin strips is laid out on top.
  4. At maximum power, cook crackers for 10 minutes.

You can prepare soup croutons in the microwave in a matter of minutes. For this, you can use any bread, but more often a variety of soups and broths are served with croutons made from white bread or a loaf. It is better that the bread is not too fresh, but slightly dried out, then it will crumble less and it will be easier to cut it.


  • white loaf – 100 g.


  1. The loaf is cut into small cubes.
  2. If desired, they can be lightly salted or flavored with spices. But it’s better not to do this, so as not to spoil the taste of the main dish.
  3. Place the prepared components in a microwave-safe container and cook for 3 minutes at maximum power.

Home-cooked in the microwave - an excellent alternative to various store-bought snacks. You can make them in different ways: with the addition of your favorite herbs and spices, herbs. The product will acquire a special taste if you use high-quality olive oil rather than sunflower oil.


  • bread – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • spices - to taste.


  1. Slightly dried bread is cut into cubes or strips.
  2. Add salt and spices to the oil and stir.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into a bag, and the prepared bread is sent there.
  4. The bag is half inflated, top part twist and shake thoroughly so that the pieces are evenly covered with the mixture.
  5. Place the bread on a dish and, at maximum power, cook the beer croutons in the microwave for 3 minutes.

Croutons for Caesar in the microwave

Anyone can cook it in the microwave in minutes. In this case, you can use ordinary white bread as the starting product, but if you have a loaf or toast bread, it will be even better and tastier. The crackers turn out very tender with a light garlic aroma.


  • white bread – 200 g;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt.


  1. The loaf is cut into cubes with a side of approximately 8 mm.
  2. Sprinkle them with salt and stir.
  3. Squeeze the garlic into the oil, let it sit for 1 hour, then remove the garlic, and grease the bread slices with the resulting oil.
  4. Place the product on a dish and cook the bread crumbs in the microwave until lightly browned.

Anyone can cook them in the microwave, and if you make them with cheese, it will turn out even tastier. Absolutely any hard cheese is suitable for these purposes. So in a few minutes you can prepare a delicious snack that will appeal to both adults and children.