How to apply a protective glass to your iPhone yourself. How to stick bubble-free protective glass on a phone or smartphone: step-by-step instructions, video instructions

“Protective glass for a phone: how to glue it?” - a similar question interests a considerable number of users. First, let's immediately note that the installation process protective glass for a smartphone it has some subtleties, but overall it does not seem to be something overly complicated. Even if you have never done this before, you can achieve the same result that you will get in service centers or in salons cellular communication, with the only difference that the installation of protective glass in the above-mentioned companies is a paid service. All that is required from the user himself is a set of tools and a little attention.

Protective glass for your phone: how to glue it

Many users who are faced with the need to carry out such an operation do not even suspect that not only the correct sequence of actions plays an important role here, but also a well-prepared workplace. If there is a mess on the table, and materials and tools are scattered, then achieve good result it will be more difficult. The more quickly you can use one or another element, the better the gluing will be. Therefore, make sure in advance that all unnecessary components are removed from the workplace or at least moved outside the operation. So, here we have it on the phone. We'll tell you how to stick it a little lower, but for now let's talk about what it is and how it differs from film.

Differences between glass and film

Users usually clearly understand which of these materials is about we're talking about. However, some people do not understand the basic differences between film and safety glass. Let's talk about this in more detail. The second material better withstands mechanical loads. If you drop such material, only the glass will be damaged. It can be replaced later. But if an ordinary film was glued to the device, then everything is much more serious. This may require complete replacement screen. And it will cost an order of magnitude more. For the sake of fairness, we note that glass is not afraid of sharp objects. You can run keys, a knife, scissors across it - anything. But it will not receive any damage. This, unfortunately, cannot be said about the film. Finally, I would like to note that gluing glass is much easier. Well, now let’s move on to consider the question of how to install protective glass on a phone in more detail.

Preparing the screen

Before installing the protective glass on your phone, you should carefully prepare the display surface for this operation. The process will consist of several basic steps. If you have previously applied it to the screen, you need to remove it by pulling the edge. We will no longer need the film in the future, and it can be thrown into the trash. We open the kit with protective glass. It should contain a cloth made of microfiber. We will need it later. If the package does not include an alcohol-preserved rag, then you can wet the wet disk with it, after which you should wipe the screen. You can wait until the display is dry and then use a microfiber cloth as intended. Before starting such work, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap to avoid greasy stains on the screen. Once the screen is clear, you can move on to the next step. So, we continue to answer the user’s question about how to use it protectively.


When you pick up the protective glass for your phone, you will see that it is covered on one side with a special layer of film. This is the adhesive side with which the element will need to be applied directly to the screen of the device. Now we remove the film, preparing the glass for the gluing process. In this case, you should hold it not by the surface, but by the edges, in order to avoid loss of properties. When you align the glass, press it against the screen itself. The coating of the first one is made in such a way that nothing additional needs to be done, it glues itself.

We complete the operation and remove the air

Once you install the screen protector on your phone, you will notice that there are small bubbles underneath. This is the air remaining inside. You can remove it quite simply. To do this, smooth the glass from the center in the direction of the bubbles. Thus, they can be “squeezed” abroad. In the end, you will get an element that sits perfectly on the surface of the screen. Some users ask the question of how much protective glass for a phone costs. Note that the price for it falls in the range from 300 to a thousand rubles, depending on the brand and quality, as well as on the phone model. Now, after reading this article, you know the answer to the question of how to apply protective glass to your phone, how to glue it correctly.

Which protective glass to choose

Currently, a considerable number of companies are engaged in the production of such accessories. Nevertheless, protective glass from Ainy is rightfully considered the best of them. Why? What is the best protective glass for your phone? The products of this company have proven themselves well in numerous tests. Experts especially closely monitored the behavior of glass installed on devices of the American company Apple. It was found that with a relatively small thickness, the accessories provide excellent protection of the screen from external mechanical influences. It should be noted that the glasses of this company are made of five layers, the final one being oleophobic.

Func, for example, produces similar products. Its products are in approximately the same price category. It was noted that many accessories are hardened, but the quality and level of protection do not match the elements from Ainy, which, in principle, was confirmed by endurance tests.

Indeed, as Felicity noted, “few people succeed the first time.” But what if this “time” is the only one? And is there a high risk of getting poorly glued glass with lakes of air under it? But you can get excellent results the first time. But this requires an understanding of the essence of the process and appropriate equipment of the workplace.
First, I will describe the essence of the process. Since all objects are plastic, when manipulating them, they are easily electrified. And while it's peeling off old film, rub the screen with a napkin, remove the film from the new glass, the surface of the screen and the new glass become electrified and manage to attract microparticles from the air. Microparticles fall from clothes, scalp hair... You never know where! We cannot see them with the ordinary eye. But by gluing glass or film to the screen, they begin to be clearly visible as air bubbles. And it will not be possible to remove such a bubble, because the microparticle has already “glued” into adhesive layer glass or film. The air would be squeezed out during ironing, but the particle would not. But it creates some kind of cavity for air.
Therefore, the main requirement is to deelectrify the working volume, remove electrical charges from yourself, from clothes, from glass, from the screen.
For this;
1. Prepare a spray bottle. A very convenient bottle (25 - 50 ml) with a pressure sprayer made of ethyl alcohol (buy at a pharmacy). Fill an empty bottle with preferably distilled water with half a drop of Ferry. Read and consider Felicity's addition. Practice spraying thin layers on any subject.
2. Choose the table at which you will work. There should be no passing air flows or drafts capable of carrying dust.
3. Wipe the table surface with a damp cloth with a small amount of Ferry. This will remove static from the table surface and remove and bind any remaining dust.
4. Boil a kettle with a spout in advance and place it on the work table on an electric stove, 30 - 40 centimeters from the work area. So that it gives a stream of steam passing 40 - 50 centimeters above the table. This steam will remove static from objects located in work area. But don't overdo it. There should be no condensation in the form of rain or showers.
5. Prepare all the components on the table.
6. Wash your hands and preferably your face with soap a couple of times. When washing your hands, you pass yourself through a stream of water (and water conducts electricity), “ground” through the water supply system. And you will wash away microparticles of skin and fat from your face. This will not only give you clean hands (which is very important), but also refresh yourself before work.
7. Perform all the operations described by the author of the article and use the add-on from Felicity. In 12–17 minutes, if you carefully read the article and recommendations, you will get beautifully glued glass without air inclusions.
Tested many times by svoimirukami!

Protective glass is several times harder than the most durable film, and therefore saves the device not only from... As the manufacturers say, it can even withstand a blow from a hammer. We do not recommend conducting such experiments. But we can say: if you fall, it is the protective glass that will most likely break, and not the screen of the device.

In this case, the glass does not affect the sensitivity of the sensor and the brightness of the image.

However, glass is more expensive than film. And you can select it only for relatively popular models of smartphones and tablets.

How to stick protective glass

Step 1. Prepare the room

If dust gets under the protective glass, you will have to live with bubbles on the gadget's screen or struggle to remove them. To avoid this, do in the room wet cleaning or at least:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. A clean rag, preferably with detergent, wipe the table on which you are going to glue the protective glass.
  3. Wash your hands.

Step 2: Prepare your tools

In addition to the device and protective glass, you will need:

  1. Display cleaning liquid, antistatic agent or regular alcohol.
  2. Microfiber cloth.
  3. Stationery tape.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Plastic card or scraper.

Step 3: Degrease the screen surface

To do this, use display cleaning fluid, antistatic agent or alcohol. Carefully remove all stains. If you just removed the old one from your phone, wipe off any remaining adhesive. Then wipe the screen dry with microfiber.

Step 4. Glue the glass

Take the protective glass in your hands. On one side it is covered with a film that needs to be removed. Now the glass must be held at the edges so as not to leave fingerprints on the surface.

Carefully, without touching the screen, place the glass 5–10 mm from the smartphone. Align the glass so that the speakers and buttons are under the corresponding holes.

The most exciting moment has arrived. When the glass is perfectly aligned with the edges, simply lower it onto the screen. Thanks to the adhesive internal covering it will fix itself.

If any bubbles appear, remove them with a microfiber cloth. Wipe the screen with it from the center to the edges, expelling excess air.

Step 5: Remove missed dust particles

Perhaps some speck of dust got under the glass and left an additional bubble on the screen. Unfortunately, microfiber cannot be removed. You will have to re-raise the protective covering.

This can be done using plastic card or scraper. In addition, we will need a strip of stationery tape. It is better to take transparent adhesive tape: white construction tape or colored varieties will leave marks on.

Grab the edge of the glass, lift it enough so that you can get a speck of dust. Now stick a piece of tape on it and sharply tear it off along with the debris. All. All that remains is to return the protective glass to its place.

Do you want to protect your phone from damage as much as possible? Then you should think about purchasing and installing protective glass! We will tell you how to glue protective glass yourself in this article!

Why protective glass?

Despite the fact that many manufacturers install special Corning Gorilla Glass on phones, which in theory should protect the display from scratches and cracking during an accidental fall, as practice shows, they provide little protection and it is better to add additional protective glass.

Protective film or glass

Protective film and protective glass are not the same thing! Glass is much denser than film, does not impair the clickability of the screen and color rendition, better protects the display when the phone falls from a height, and can improve image quality in bright sunlight thanks to the anti-reflective coating. Therefore, when the question is what to choose, film or glass, it is better to give your preference, of course, to protective glass.

By the way, it is worth noting that protective glass is much easier to glue than film!

How to ideally stick protective glass?

If you are going to glue the protective glass on your smartphone yourself, especially for the first time, then it is best to do this in a pre-steamed bath, this is necessary so that all the dust has settled, or in a well-cleaned room, after closing all the windows, turning off the fans and air conditioning .

1 Open the package and remove all the contents; there should be a protective film, a wet wipe (number 1), a dry wipe, adhesive film or tape, and stickers on the table in front of you.

2 Thoroughly wipe the phone display with a damp cloth to remove greasy deposits, and then with a dry cloth, then use an adhesive film to go over the entire screen to completely remove dust.

3 Take the protective glass in your hands and determine its lower part, which will be glued to the phone’s display, and the upper part, on which you will press. The bottom one is marked with the number 1, and the top one with the number 2.

4 Place the protective glass and carefully peel off the bottom protective film (1),
then slowly center the glass and apply it to the phone display.

5 Using smooth movements, preferably with a dry cloth, smooth the glass from the center to the edges of the display and then carefully press it along all bases of the screen. You must do everything quickly so that no dust gets in the first time, otherwise the adhesive layer will hold worse if this is the second attempt.

6 When the protective glass is glued to the phone display, carefully remove the top protective film (2). Hooray! You managed to stick a protective glass on your smartphone!

Watch also the video version on how to correctly and ideally stick protective glass on your phone.

Do you still have additional questions? Write them in the comments about what you did or vice versa!

Technological progress does not stand still: telephones, which previously could only make calls, today combine a huge number of functions without which we can no longer imagine our lives. We sell a huge variety of accessories for our “favorites”: cases, protective glasses and films, plugs for the headphone slot, pendants - it’s too much to list. Some of this is just decoration, some is a necessity. The latter also includes protective glass for your phone. How to glue and what functions does it perform? And is it really necessary?

Why is it necessary?

Before you figure out how to properly glue the protective glass onto your phone, it’s worth understanding why it’s even needed. In terms of its functions, glass is the same as film, but the latter can only protect the screen from scratches; in the event of a fall, the probability of a happy outcome is very small. Those glasses that are widely available are tempered, so that if the phone is in danger of being broken, it will take the entire blow.

It may crack, individual pieces may break off, but otherwise everything will be fine - replacing it is much cheaper than the entire display. There is another type of protection, currently available only in China - liquid glass. It is applied to the screen like a regular varnish, and after drying, according to the manufacturers, it will be able to protect the screen from water. In fact, such a coating increases the sensitivity of the sensor and also visually increases the brightness of the display, but protective functions doesn't fulfill it at all. This type of protection is not visible on the display. That's why everything more people Today people are wondering how to glue protective glass onto a phone, iPhone, or device from any other company in order to save money on repairs.

Where to glue?

So, how to glue protective glass to your phone screen? Firstly, it is better not to improvise, but to follow the instructions on the package. In addition, often in places where such accessories are sold, sticking is offered as an additional service (for a certain fee, most often). If you decide that this is too simple, then proceed to gluing yourself.

Necessary equipment

So, we have a protective glass for the phone. How to glue it yourself? First, you need to stock up on everything you need for this simple operation. The glass set includes wet and dry wipes - one degreases the surface, and the other removes dust and small debris from it.

You will also need tape or tape to remove dust. adhesive tape, they can also be used to pre-fix the glass, adjusting it to a specific smartphone (most often the glass is universal, so it will also need to be correctly positioned on the display, taking into account the features of a particular model).

Preparing the display

How to glue protective glass on a Samsung phone, iPhone, Lenovo and others? Before starting work, you should wash your hands with soap - this will help get rid of excess fat. In addition, you need to clear your workspace.

Next, the display is degreased (to do this, you need to use one of the napkins from the kit, but if they are not there, just moisten a cotton pad with alcohol or perfume) - you need to wipe it very carefully, without leaving a single streak. Excess alcohol is removed with a dry cloth, dust particles are also wiped off with it (the most persistent ones will have to be removed with tape, simply pressing it to the dusty place) and the remaining stains are wiped off.

And gluing

So, we have prepared the display. How do you glue the protective glass onto your phone? First, if it is dirty, it is wiped off in the same way as the display. After this, you must, holding the glass by the edges so that it does not get dirty again, remove the film covering the adhesive layer from it.

Holding the glass as close to the screen as possible, you should find the optimal position for it (you need to align it with the main button and speaker), and you can help yourself with the help of narrow strips of adhesive tape that can be glued along the intended border of the glass. Once the correct position is selected, the glass is pressed against the display.

Elimination of defects

So, we figured out how to glue protective glass to a Lenovo phone or any other smartphone. But what to do if there is an air bubble underneath? In this case, you need to press the cloth tightly against the glass and move it up and down, as if squeezing out excess air. As for dust, which can also get under it, just use something flat (for example, a credit card) to pick up the edge of the glass, and then carefully remove it.

If you remove it too quickly and without special care, you can damage the plastic as well as the adhesive layer, which means you will have to buy a new one in any case. Having removed it and holding it with the adhesive side down (if you turn the glass over, dust and debris will instantly attach to the glue, and cleaning it is not at all easy), you need to wipe the display from any debris (you can also use tape, small pieces of which can easily remove dust), after which, following all the instructions, the glass is glued again.

Doesn't hold up!

But what should you do if you bought a protective glass for your phone, you know how to glue it, but it still doesn’t stick to the screen? In this case, there are two possible options for such “disobedience” of the accessory: either the protection and/or display were poorly prepared (it is clear that in this case you will have to repeat the entire operation, strictly following the instructions), or the glass does not fit a specific smartphone model and does not stick due to the fact that its edges touch the protruding parts of the phone (the same start button).

In any case, if for some reason it does not stick immediately or comes off, you need to start all over again, try again, and then, in case of failure, if possible, consult with a specialist who can point out errors, if any. There is.


So, protective glass is not just an alternative to film. It will not allow the display to break if dropped even from a height of human height - the protection itself may crack, but the main thing is that the smartphone will not be damaged. Special tests were carried out which showed that the protective glass would not withstand anything other than a direct blow with a hammer - but a collision with such force is very unlikely in real life. Replacing the entire display (and most often it is this that is replaced, since it is usually impossible to separate the glass and the sensor itself) will cost almost half the cost of the phone, while the protective glass is several times cheaper, and you can replace it yourself without overpaying specialists. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, use this type of protection, which will save your smartphone and your nerves.