How to understand which sport is suitable for a child. Choosing a sport for a child - testing children's abilities. Why testing is necessary

Select the qualities that most accurately describe the child’s character:

A Friendly, but not overly confident.

B Calm, patient, thoughtful.

IN Energetic, cheerful, inquisitive.

G Active, quick-tempered, loves to be the center of attention.

How can you describe his relationships with his peers?

A He's in the same good relations with all my classmates.

B It's hard for him to find mutual language with peers.

IN He has one best friend/girlfriend.

G He has a lot of friends, he is the life of the party.

You are playing board game, the child loses and...

A He agrees to play again, but only after persuasion.

B Gets upset, offended, refuses to continue.

IN He will continue to play with pleasure: it’s interesting!

G Angry, crying.

On a walk, the child prefers:

A Play a common game with other children.

B He gets along quite well without company and invents games for himself.

IN Climb trees, shells.

G Run like you should.

If you suddenly shout to him “Catch!” and throw the ball, he:

A It's unlikely he'll catch it.

B He will ask: “Why is this?”

IN Most likely he will catch it.

G Will catch and throw back: good game!

How does the child do his homework?

A It takes a long time to get ready, takes a long time to do, and often asks for help.

B I don't know, that's his area of ​​responsibility.

IN Concentrated, trying to finish early.

G Quick, but sloppy, often distracted.

Test results


More answers A

The main thing for your heir is participation in the process: he feels great both in the foreground and on the bench. He is not very confident in himself, but he gets along well with people. Pay attention to team sports: football, basketball, hockey. And remind us more often that any team game is not only a challenge to act coherently, but also a chance to stand out.

More answers B

Your reserved child feels best one-on-one with an opponent and prefers to take responsibility for the outcome of the competition. Choose a sport where important have a strategy for the fight, its abstract component, and an ethical code of conduct. Chess, fencing and martial arts (karate, sambo, judo) will help you reveal your talent.

More answers B

Your child is lucky with his character - he is positive, loves to be the center of attention, and feels at ease in a new environment. His abilities will best be revealed in sports where you can show individuality, combine movement technique with artistry: acrobatics, figure skating, as well as unusual disciplines - golf or curling

More answers G

It seems that there is a real “energizer” growing up in your family: it is difficult for him to sit still, his mood and interests are constantly changing. He will be able to implement his data in game types sports where quick reaction is important, there is an opportunity for a constant change of pace and for the work of intuition - tennis, squash. It is important to teach your child to relax and concentrate.

Consultations for teachers and parents “Which sport is right for your child.”

Which sport is right for your child?

Author: Karunenko Elena Sergeevna. Instructor physical culture MBDOU kindergarten general developmental type No. 135, Voronezh

Description of work:

I bring to your attention materials for consultations for parents, which can be used by educators of all age groups, as well as my colleagues, physical education instructors. This information can be posted in the parent information corner and presented at parent-teacher conferences.
Target: Educating parents on the topic “Which sport is right for your child.”
Consulting objectives:
-Give parents information about important aspects of the child’s physical development.
-Give information about sections of your city
-Activate parents’ interest in sports sections

A lot has already been said and written about the benefits of physical exercise. These activities are an integral part of a beautiful body and longevity. The importance of physical activity is especially relevant in modern world when gadgets take up everything we have free time. Modern man leads a static lifestyle and travels mostly by car.

Everyone wants their child to grow up to be a strong, healthy and athletic person, because, as they say, a healthy mind in a healthy body! It is very important to choose the right sport for your child.
To choose the right sport for your child, it is enough to consider several key points:
1. Growth and speed.
2. Child's weight.
3. Medical contraindications.
4. Temperament.
5. Distance of the section from the house

Let's now take a closer look at each of the above factors:

Child's weight.
Overweight children achieve the best results in swimming, martial arts, types of athletics, and, most importantly, hockey, where heavy weight often welcome. Rhythmic gymnastics is ideal for girls with low body weight.
Growth and speed.
Tall height is welcomed in many team sports - basketball, volleyball. Some coaches turn a blind eye even to slowness and average coordination of movements if the child is tall; they also look at the height of the parents, because no one has canceled genes. But in artistic gymnastics, children with average height are welcome. Speed ​​is also important - the only quality that cannot be developed if there are no rudiments embedded in the genes. It has been scientifically proven that you can increase your speed by only 10% through training. In hockey and football it is assessed according to strict criteria. Therefore, you should not force a slow child to study popular games.
Medical contraindications
You just need to consult your doctor before starting exercise.
Here short list diseases and pathological conditions preventing access to sports:

1) All acute and chronic diseases in the acute stage
2) Features of physical development
3) Neuropsychiatric diseases
4) Diseases of internal organs
5) Surgical diseases
6) Injuries and diseases of the ENT organs
7) Eye injuries and diseases
8) Diseases of the genital area
9) Infectious diseases
There may be problems that you cannot see with the naked eye. Fragile joints, for example, or cerebrovascular accidents. Therefore, this is all very individual and it is simply necessary to consult a doctor before sending your child to one or another section.

It’s no secret that playing sports is a chance for a child to grow up not only strong and healthy, but also an intelligent and well-rounded person.
But what kind of sport can captivate your child, and which one will be most suitable?

It is necessary to take into account child's temperament
What is temperament? Temperament is called congenital features of a person, which determine the dynamics of his mental processes. It is temperament that determines a person’s reactions to external circumstances. It largely shapes a person’s character, his individuality and is a certain link between the body and cognitive processes. There are four simple type temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.
It’s quite easy to determine a child’s temperament – ​​just take a closer look at him. And many don’t even need to look closely - you already know your child by heart.
Melancholic Child
It is easy to recognize a melancholic child: this is perhaps the most unathletic temperament of all four. A melancholic person really dislikes all kinds of changes and has difficulty adapting to them. Plays the same games, but studies them deeply.
What sports are suitable for a melancholic child?
But you can choose a sport even for a melancholic person. A person with such a temperament is balanced and sober-minded. Sports that require aiming are more suitable for him than anyone else: shooting and discus throwing.
A melancholic child may really enjoy dancing - this is a great chance to express himself.

Choleric Child
Choleric is an unbalanced but strong type of temperament. He lights up quickly, cools down just as quickly, and he gets very bored with the routine. Often gets irritated.
A choleric child needs everything. He is always doing something, meddling somewhere, doing nothing for a long time, throwing everything around, and prefers to resolve disputes with children with his fists.

What sports are suitable for a choleric child?
A choleric child simply needs sports: he, like no one else, needs somewhere to put his irrepressible energy! However, he also needs control, so a wise mentor - a coach - is required. The choice of a coach must be approached especially carefully.
Choleric children gravitate towards team, energetic and aggressive sports. Football, hockey, tennis, volleyball, basketball, boxing and so on - all this is for him.

Phlegmatic Child
Strong, balanced, calm - these are the characteristics of a phlegmatic person’s temperament.
A phlegmatic child is a very comfortable child: he sleeps well, eats well, is economical, and reasonable.
However, he is rather slow and does not grasp knowledge on the fly. He needs time to learn something, but if he learns something, he will learn it conscientiously. You should not rush him, as a phlegmatic person may lose self-confidence.

What sports are suitable for a phlegmatic child?
Phlegmatic people are attracted to intellectual sports: billiards, golf, checkers, chess - here they can express themselves by thinking through combinations of moves and calculating the force of a blow.
Another quality of phlegmatic people - endurance - will serve them well if they take up running, roller skating, skiing, cycling, skateboarding, swimming, and so on.
Pay attention to martial arts: they are leisurely, full of philosophy - in general, they suit phlegmatic children like nothing else.

When can a child participate in sports?
Parents should be aware that ultra-intense training can cause a child to stop growing early.
The child develops gradually, so parents need to show reasonable rationality in choosing a sports section for their baby. You can’t give excessive physical activity right away, because sports should be appropriate for the child’s age. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Athletics-Sometimes they even say that Athletics is a sport invented by children. Children from a very early age begin to run and jump. This is very natural look sports
It is recommended to practice from the age of 7. Thanks to it, the chest develops, proper breathing, and it helps supply the body with oxygen. The child is flexible, dexterous, balanced. Muscles develop harmoniously. Girls get beautiful figure, slender long legs.

Football - The optimal age for entering the section is 7-9 years old. This sport is for children who can perfectly control both their right and left arms and legs (there are such features). Left-handers react even better and faster, their reaction speed is higher.

focus on 5-6 years. One of the most popular sports among children today. Still would! karate gives so much: will, agility, stimulates the immune system, and besides this, it makes the child’s psyche more balanced, strengthens the spirit and, very importantly, helps to overcome internal fears.

such a beneficial type of activity that is suitable even for children from 2 months (some practice it from birth, based on the fact that water is the native habitat for a recently born little person). But we mean publicly available standards that most parents can follow (with the participation of specialists, of course). Well, for sections 6-7 years are suitable.

Skiing - You can do it from the age of 5-6, for both girls and boys. But the best age to start skiing is about 10-11 years old. The sun and clean winter air are very beneficial in themselves. Skiing will help your child be more confident and strengthen himself. The exercises involve all the muscles of the body.
Judo is recommended mainly for boys from 7 years of age. Promotes the harmonious development of all muscles of the body, perfectly develops proper breathing, discipline, self-control, and self-confidence.
Prohibited for diseases of the spine. Not recommended for children with sensitive skin, as numerous bruises due to falls are likely.

Rowing - Recommended for girls and boys over 13 years of age. It has a good effect on the muscles of the back, legs, abdomen, arms, and makes joints flexible. Girls' breasts develop harmoniously.
Tennis is a one-sided sport. It is not advisable to engage in it before the age of 12, since in this case one side of the body develops more than the other. To ensure that the second part of the body is not underdeveloped, you need to do special exercises to develop all its muscles, otherwise right-sided scoliosis of the spine is possible. Teaches the child to relax, makes joints flexible.

Gymnastics - Recommended from 6 years old for both boys and girls. Do not confuse this sport with home gymnastics. Includes exercises on the floor and apparatus (beam, parallel bars, pommel horse, rings, springboard). Develops flexibility and dexterity. It is especially recommended for girls: classes give them grace, elegance, and confidence in gestures.
Ball games (volleyball, basketball)-recommended for boys and girls from 9 years old. They activate the activity of the heart and blood vessels. It is best to start playing these sports at the age of 10-15. All muscles of the body develop harmoniously, especially in length. The child's figure becomes slender and elegant. Ball games teach dexterity and speed of reaction. They are especially recommended for short children, as they have a beneficial effect on growth. For girls, playing with a ball helps improve their figure: the chest will be beautiful, the shoulders will be straight, the hips will be slender, the ankles and calves will be graceful.
Today it plays a very important role
Distance of the section from the house.
Yes, oddly enough, the time you spend on the road to the section can be considered key point. After all, it will be you, not the child, who will get tired from long trips. You will not yet reach your - such an unattainable - destination, and you will already hate sports and everything connected with it. Remember: the trip should take no more than 40-50 minutes. Otherwise, sport will bring nothing but harm. After all, homework is also an important thing, and when will you order them to be done?
Sport, as a good educator, should develop the data inherent in nature, and not break it
By participating in various clubs and sections, a child acquires not only an interesting hobby, but also true friends.

There is no need to set a goal - to educate Olympic champion, just rejoice with your child at his small achievements, praise him, and then the activities will give both you and your baby great pleasure.
It is best to start classes at home, and then the child will already have certain ideas about safety, and his general physical condition will allow him to easily engage in any kind of sport, without causing the child discomfort from an overwhelming load.
Do not be upset if your child is prohibited from even minor physical activity. Your baby will feel great in the chess section, where he will develop attention, memory, logical thinking. And home children's sports complex will help the child develop physically and strengthen his health.
A love of sports should be instilled in early age. But we should also not forget that nothing should be imposed by force. When the child makes his own choice, then the sport will be beneficial and enjoyable.

* Educate your child about what sections and sports there are. Find out what is available near your home and what interesting things there are in your city. Perhaps you will find something extraordinary and very interesting! And your story about some sport can easily captivate a child.
* The most important thing is do not force, do not break, do not rape the child. Exercises under coercion will not give any effect. Moreover, they can cause injuries, but do you need it? Let your child enjoy sports!
* If a child chooses a sport that does not suit his temperament, it’s okay! What if he really succeeds at it?
* It may take a lot of time before a child chooses one of his “own” sports. Let him do a little of this, a little of that - give him freedom of choice!
* Don't chase sporting achievements child. Remember that he plays sports to improve his health and make friends. Everything else is secondary.

Choosing a sport for a child is not an easy task. Someone cannot give preference to one section, because their head is a mess of many attractive sports, and someone really wants to send their child, say, to hockey, but does not know whether it is suitable for the child. And it’s not just a matter of “likes” and “dislikes.” To correctly figure out where to send your son or daughter, you need to take other parameters into account.

What are testing centers and how do they work?

This Moskomsport project, which helps determine what sports a child is predisposed to, has been operating in the capital for about a year. There are 11 testing centers in Moscow where they will help you choose the right sport for your child completely free of charge. To pass simple, but very important research you will need to first obtain a certificate from your pediatrician stating that your child is allowed to engage in physical education, and also sign up for testing and grab a sports uniform for the child.

Testing lasts no more than 2 hours. Accepts children aged 6-12 years.

What does the procedure consist of?

The child performs physical and psychological tasks. At the end, you are given a large list of sports, from the most suitable to those for which your child, for some reason, is not yet ready.
There are two options for taking the test. In addition to contacting a specialized center, you can arrange a similar test yourself.

Professional testing.

A comprehensive examination at testing centers consists of psychophysiological, anthropometric, sports and functional studies. Let's figure out what's hidden under these names.

  • Psychophysiological testing

It includes tests for attention, reaction speed, memory, as well as research individual characteristics and determination of the type of temperament. The examinations take place quite quickly and are more like a game: click faster, find, build a sequence, and the like. However, the results of this stage are very important, because they largely determine whether the child will enjoy the chosen sport.

  • Anthropometric study

This is a performance measurement physical condition. You can often hear a phrase like this: “You don’t become a footballer, you are born.” Instead of the word “footballer” you can insert any other word. The fact is that the indicators laid down by nature directly determine the propensity for any sport. Here your child will not only have his height measured and his weight determined, but also his blood pressure will be taken, body diameters will be measured, and his shape will be determined. chest, back, thickness of skin and fat folds.

  • Functional testing

Here components such as endurance, performance, and the ability to maintain balance are determined.
The test consists of the Ruffier test, Step test, PWC 170, Romberg test. Let's explain what this means.

  1. Ruffier test determines the performance of the heart during physical activity. The child's pulse is measured 3 times: at rest and lying on his back, immediately after performing 30 squats in 45 seconds and about a minute later (also in a lying position). Based on this, the endurance indicator is calculated.
  2. Step test determines the endurance of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. What it consists of: you need to climb onto the step platform for several minutes at a given pace and lower back down. It then measures how quickly the heart rate recovers.
  3. PWC 170- gradually increase the load until the heart rate reaches 170 per minute. This determines overall performance.
  4. Romberg test reveals the ability to maintain balance with eyes closed and shows the state of the vestibular apparatus and coordination abilities. Performed on a special platform.
  • Sports testing

At this stage, the child will perform key physical exercise: standing long jump, high jump, twisting straight arms back and forth (the child holds a gymnastic stick in his hands and tries to twist, placing his hands as close to each other as possible), bending forward from a sitting position, shuttle running (3 times 10 meters each), running 15 meters, throwing and catching the ball after a rebound in pairs, pulling up on a high crossbar. The number of tests and their indicators, of course, depend on the gender and age of the child.

Online testing

This is a very good option for those who do not live in Moscow. To get through this testing it will take about half an hour. You will need to enter the height, weight, age of the child, and, if desired, the height of the parents in order to predict what your child will be like in the near future. Next, you will see a list of sports tests that your child needs to complete. A description is attached to each item. Some tests are accompanied by short videos, which shows how to perform the exercise.

Your child will be able to do some simple exercises: squats, shuttle runs, bench push-ups, 15-meter run, bending over from a lying position, twisting straight arms, a speed test (click the mouse as quickly as possible when the sound signal appears), and you can also conduct the test yourself Ruffier. Again, the number of tests offered depends on the age stated.

The advantage of this option is that you can participate in it here and now. But a more complete, professional and versatile study, of course, is carried out in testing centers. You can only measure the child’s physical indicators on your own, but it is important to understand what he is inclined to purely psychologically and where he will be more pleased to exercise due to his physique.