Toys, houses made of cardboard boxes. Tea house made of cardboard DIY children's house made of cardboard

Every child needs toys for his full development. You don't have to buy them in the store. It is enough to know how to properly make the same house with your own hands in order to please your baby with a new toy with which he will tinker and not make noise for a long time.

The most accessible materials for production are cardboard, paper, plasticine. But you can also make a house from pumpkins, chestnuts, zucchini, eggplants, clothespins and various shoe boxes, household appliances and appliances.

What kind of house can you make?

You can see many photos on the theme of “House” crafts. The following wonderful toys are made for your child from improvised materials:

  • Hut on Chicken Legs - made of clothespins;
  • Old Man-Lesovich's hut;
  • A hut in a clearing, decorated with chestnuts;
  • Forester's hut made of natural materials;
  • Build a pumpkin house;
  • Using twigs, weave a tower.

There are a lot of ideas and all kinds of instructions for making houses, your imagination is limitless. A little skill and patience - and the craft will be ready!

Let's look at the most popular models and try to make them together.

By understanding what these toys can be made from and how to begin this simple process, you can create a work of art. Let the house be far from perfect the first time, but every time it will turn out better and better!

A hut on chicken legs

Children love fairy tale characters. And they will be happy to help in making a house for their beloved Baba Yaga. For this craft we will need the following components:

  • Dried moss;
  • Opened spruce or pine cones;
  • Pre-prepared (ironed) leaves;
  • Dry berries;
  • Clothes pins;
  • Plasticine;
  • Glue.

Making a Hut on Chicken Legs with your own hands

Let's show a simple diagram by which you can assemble this beautiful house for Baba Yaga. You can use other templates, but this one is the simplest and will not cause any difficulties in making for either an adult or a child.

So, step by step instructions:

  • We take apart the wood chips and glue the house together. It is best to use “liquid nails” for this;
  • Place the assembled Baba Yaga's Hut on a piece of cardboard and cover the space around it with moss;
  • We glue the leaves of the berries onto the roof. We also place the remains of the moss there;
  • We paint the cones in green color, glue them also to the cardboard. These will be our Christmas trees;
  • We sculpt various animals - bunnies, squirrels from plasticine.

The scenery and creation of the atmosphere of a fairy-tale forest are important here, because we are creating Baba Yaga’s hut, which, according to the fairy tale, is located in a place inaccessible to outsiders.

Old Man-Lesovich's hut

Making such a house together with your child may take several days. Spending time together like this brings parents and their children closer together. So what can you make such a craft from?

Let's list the main components that we need and get started with the process:

  • You will need pastry packaging for a cake or cookies. We decorate it with the remnants of old wallpaper, creating an autumn forest background. Using matches, acorns, and cones, we make forest inhabitants - Lesovich himself and his friend the hedgehog.
  • We make the house from a kefir box, and cover the walls themselves with large dill sticks to create the effect of logs. The hedgehog will live under stumps, which can be made from cutting branches.
  • We make a path leading from the house to the pond using colored semolina and bean grains. We create the effect of water using colored paper, and pebbles using plum seeds.
  • We decorate the forest and clearing with pieces of moss, dry twigs and leaves.

Hut in the clearing

We will hold another master class on crafts on the theme “House”. This time the design will be more complicated, and the pleasure can be extended for a long time.

For this we need:

  • Scotch;
  • Cardboard box;
  • A couple of kilograms of chestnuts;
  • Dry branches;
  • Glue;
  • Berries;
  • Pen;
  • Multi-colored fallen leaves;
  • Scissors;
  • Needles;
  • Wire.

Hut in the clearing: making it step by step

Let’s start making the next craft together with our child, instilling in him useful skills and curiosity.

We assemble this toy in the following sequence:

We are making the foundation on which our house will stand. To do this, use a cardboard box. We prepare a square 400x400 mm. We cut out the elements of the house from cardboard and connect them with tape. We attach it to the base.

We cut out windows and doors from pieces of snow-white paper. Glue it. We draw curtains with a pen. We decorate all the walls with chestnuts. We design the roof and ground around the house using colorful leaves, pine needles and berries.

Thus, you can make a house from almost any material by connecting the necessary components into one whole using tape and glue. Or - cut from pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant.

There are many manuals and master classes on this topic on the Internet. Many lessons are accompanied by excellent explanations of what and how to do correctly in order to assemble a good and high-quality toy.

The new time spent together will delight the child, and he will enthusiastically help in collecting it for a long time. And then – have fun playing!

Photos of crafts houses

You can build a cardboard house with your own hands, without any effort. special effort. Designs can be different - this is a dollhouse, and a garage or parking for toy cars. Children will be delighted to participate in joint creativity. After all, the process of making crafts in the form of a hut is fascinating.

At the same time, you can create a cozy nest out of cardboard, in which a little fidget will fit.

How to make a craft with your own hands

Taking a little time working together with children and giving free rein to your imagination, you can build many original designs. And we will tell you how to do this further.

New Year's hut

When making crafts, you need to focus on diagrams and templates of cardboard houses. After you choose the most suitable option, the markings should be transferred to the workpiece. Well, then there’s nothing complicated:

Cut out the parts according to the template white sheet paper and stick them in the prescribed sequence on the cardboard. You can use glue or double-sided tape.

All cardboard parts are carefully cut out. To arrange windows and doors, you should use a stationery knife.

Adhering to the drawn folds, bend the workpiece and glue the structure. For strength, a primer can be applied to the house.

The hut should be decorated and decorated, for example, the roof is often sprinkled with glitter. Having attached a rope to the structure, the hut is used as a Christmas tree decoration.

House made of cardboard and foam

This option is more labor intensive. But our instructions on how to make a house out of cardboard will help you quickly cope with the construction.

Take a regular cardboard box. The size is selected individually. A house is built from it - you need to cut the necessary parts and glue them together. After the window and door openings are drawn on the structure, they should be cut out with a stationery knife.

The hut can be decorated or covered with colored paper. But the decoration will look more original polyurethane foam. It is applied in strips, leaving 3-4 mm gaps between them for swelling. The foam will dry in 30-40 minutes.

In the meantime, you can build a stand:

  • cut a piece of cardboard in the form of a rectangle with an area slightly larger than the base of the house;
  • attach the stand to the building frame with glue;
  • imitate snow using foam or cotton wool glued to the stand with PVA.

Excess foam from the craft is cut off with a knife, and then the structural elements are painted in the chosen color scheme.

Housing for gnomes

The task can be simplified if you use existing blanks, for example, cylinders from rolls toilet paper. In order for the composition to be original and attractive, as in the photo of a cardboard house, you need to be patient. You can take 2-3 cylinders and cut them into two parts so that you get parts of different lengths.

Then you should cut out the paper strips. Their length will be about 150 mm, and their width will be 15-30 mm greater than the height of the cylinder used as a house. Windows and doors are cut out of colored paper and glued to a white strip.

The cardboard cylinder should be wrapped in paper with windows, after applying an adhesive mass to the surface. The edges of the paper extending beyond the cardboard are folded inward. You need to make cones out of colored paper that will serve as a roof. They are attached to the cylinders with glue. The village for the gnomes is ready.

House made by a child

Many people are interested in how to make a cardboard house with their own hands. Even your baby can handle the proposed technology. Mark the house on white cardboard or print a template from the Internet. The kid himself will be able to cut out the entire structure along clear lines.

To make a roof, you should take a rectangle of cardboard of suitable length and width for the slopes. This sheet is folded in half and attached to the assembled frame of the house.

Cardboard dollhouse

If your child asked to make a home for dolls, then you should not immediately run to the garage and start sawing boards.

Everything can be done much easier - just use our instructions on step by step production houses for beginners:

Take a cardboard box the right size. For example, this could be packaging for parcels or from household appliances. Open it from the bottom and top.

Two small side parts from above are cut off so that triangles are obtained on both sides, pointing upward. The triangles on top are aligned vertically, and the longitudinal long elements of the cover are attached to them with glue or tape, forming the lower part of the roof slope.

It will not always be possible to form a roof completely - its top (ridge) will remain open. You can solve this problem by cutting off the lids from the bottom of the box. The longitudinal elements are attached to each other in the form of a hut and fixed to the already constructed part of the roof. As a result, the roof ridge will be built. The main thing here is to take all measurements and fasten, observing the joints.

Windows and a door are drawn on the walls of the house, which are then cut with a knife. The roof can be painted to look like tiles and the walls can be painted in your preferred color.

Cozy house for children

You can make a structure that will accommodate a child from an ordinary cardboard box from large household appliances.

It is advisable that the height of the walls be at least 1-1.5 m for a comfortable stay for the child. If this option is difficult for you to choose, then a cardboard house for children can be made from two boxes connected to each other with tape.

The top cover must be tightly closed and the joints secured with tape. A sheet of thick box cardboard is placed on top to strengthen the structure. The roof can be made in several ways:

By fastening two rectangles of cardboard together, this is how the roof slopes are formed. If you make them with a slight launch beyond the boundaries of the walls of the house, you will get a more durable mount.

Rafters are mounted on top. They are made from two intersecting plastic pipes small diameter. They are attached to the house at the corners of the structure. You should put a scrap in the middle wide pipe so that the rafters do not bend. A light blanket or blanket is placed on top of the rafters.

It’s quite simple to build a house for dolls, decorating a Christmas tree, or having fun for your child. This requires the use available material. Your child’s participation in construction will help you to use your imagination to the maximum and keep your child busy with exciting work.

Photos of cardboard houses

It is very difficult to tear a modern child away from gadgets. They are so accustomed to playing games on phones, computers and tablets that playing in the yard or with dolls at home practically no longer interests them. You can only captivate a child with something truly interesting. What could be more interesting than construction? own home! Remember yourself as a child. Each of us made a house under a table or in a closet and felt comfortable there. What if you and your child can’t make his own house from an ordinary cardboard box together? This will be his residence in the apartment and his private property. Every child dreams of this!

On the Internet you can find a lot of articles about building a house for children from cardboard boxes. However, almost all the instructions are very complex, and it will not be easy to follow them without preparation with your child. I have found for you simple instructions with which you can make a cozy place for your child to play in 10 minutes from any cardboard box.

What we need:

  1. The bigger the cardboard box, the better. For my experiments, I bought a box measuring 800*600*600 mm. Why her? Well, because it is the largest of the boxes that could fit into the trunk passenger car. Of course, I wanted to buy the largest box measuring 1200*800*800 mm, but it wouldn’t fit into a passenger car. So let's choose the first size.
  2. Corrugated cardboard sheet 1200*800 mm. It will be needed to give greater strength to the roof. You can do without it.
  3. A simple pencil. You can use a pen or marker.
  4. Stationery knife and scissors. Use these two tools. It is better to make the initial cuts with a stationery knife, and cut large parts of the box faster and more conveniently with scissors.
  5. Large metal ruler or corner. The box is large, so the ruler should be large.
  6. Scotch tape and PVA glue. It's better to buy paper masking tape. It sticks well and you can apply PVA glue to it.

Have you found or purchased the right box, prepared your tools and are ready to start studying the instructions? Then let's begin! My instructions will be divided into 7 simple steps.

Manufacturing process:

On the small flaps of the box, mark the middle and draw lines to the bases of the flaps. Let's learn about an isosceles triangle.

Work for scissors: cut off the unnecessary part from the upper small flaps along the drawn line. We cut off all the lower valves, but do not throw them away. We will need them for the roof.

Making a roof. We glue the lower large valves with tape. These valves will top part roofs.

Masking tape We fasten the roof into a single structure.

We cut out a sheet of corrugated cardboard for the roof to provide greater strength. We glue the roof using PVA glue onto the roof.

On one long and one short side of the house we draw windows and cut them out with a stationery knife.

On the second long side of the house we draw a door and also cut it out with a stationery knife.

The house is ready! The facade of the house can be decorated with colored cardboard or painted by hand with your child.

Every girl dreams of a house for her dolls. Now there are a huge number of them on store shelves. But such pleasure is not cheap, and the assortment is the same.

We offer to please your child with a handmade gift. This will allow you not only to save money, but also to make the house one of a kind.

In addition, this will be a wonderful pastime for the whole family during leisure time.

There are many special training programs for making doll houses with your own hands. You can use a wide variety of Construction Materials: boards, plywood, chipboard, laminate, cardboard, etc.

As a rule, the front wall on dollhouses is not made, or it is made removable or opening so that your child can put dolls there, change the decor in the rooms, and tidy up.

Choose the material - and we will teach you how to make a dollhouse with your own hands!

Dollhouses made of plywood and laminate

These are the most popular materials. Distinctive feature from “brothers” - stability and longevity. It is easy to decorate both outside and inside. But making such a house requires male strength.

If you try, such a house will be indistinguishable from the store version.

Diagrams and drawings can be found on the Internet, but if you have technical inclinations, you can try to draw it yourself. There are also photos of finished dollhouses on the Internet.

To make a house we will need:

  • thicker plywood (from 7 mm);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • self-adhesive floor;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • pen;
  • scheme;
  • a little imagination and patience.

Let's get to work, first deciding on the dimensions dollhouse(they will depend on the dimensions of the “tenants”):

  • we cut out the walls of the future house from plywood or laminate;
  • we cut out windows and doors in them;
  • we glue the walls together; it is also fashionable to use construction nails or staples;
  • we make a roof, it can be either flat or sloping. To give real look you can use corrugated cardboard and then paint it;
  • We fasten the resulting structure to the foundation - a sheet larger than the house itself. On an unused area you can make flower beds, sidewalks, a platform, and a parking lot;
  • we glue wallpaper and lay floors;
  • furnish the house with furniture;
  • you can also add curtains made from pieces of fabric, bedspreads, rugs, etc.

Dollhouses made of plasterboard

Many household parents, after renovations, leave the remaining building materials to gather dust on the balcony in the hope that they will come in handy someday. Their time has come! Drywall can make an excellent dollhouse.

The good thing about a house made from this material is that it is very light and easy to assemble. But, at the same time, it will need to be handled more carefully - it will be quite fragile.

The layout of such a house is no different from a product made of plywood or laminate. But assembling such a house is much easier, and there are many more layout options - with the help of partitions you can divide the rooms between each other.

Foam houses

To assemble such a house we will need:


  • sheet foam;
  • glue;
  • canape sticks;
  • rulers;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper and fabric;
  • dye;
  • sponge for washing dishes;

Pieces of plinth for the ceiling

Let's get started:

  • make a diagram;
  • cut out walls from foam plastic;
  • we make doors and windows in them;
  • we connect the walls using toothpicks, then glue the walls together;
  • for the strength of the roof, we first install it on top of the walls bamboo sticks, and only then glue the roof to the walls;
  • we make a ladder from wooden rulers or the same polystyrene foam;
  • You can also use toothpicks for railings;
  • in addition, if desired, you can also make a balcony, massandra or even a terrace from polystyrene foam;
  • painting the house;
  • We decorate the house inside as in the previous description.

Houses made from bookshelves and cabinets

House from old furniture it won’t be difficult to do - after all, the walls are already ready.

All that remains is to cut windows and doors in them, and think about what to make the roof out of, if necessary.

It can also be made from the materials described above. We arrange the furniture, let the cat in - happy housewarming!

Cardboard houses

For this design we will need:


  • cardboard;
  • house detail templates;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • gouache or watercolor paints.

We are building a house:

  • if you have big piece cardboard, then we do not cut it, but bend it in places according to the diagram, and then glue its component parts together.
  • install interior partitions made of cardboard, they will serve not only to delimit space, but also to fasten the frame structure.
  • Let's get started with renovations and furnishings!

House made of boxes

The simplest and fastest option. All you have to do is pick required quantity boxes (depending on the number of rooms), we fasten them together using a stapler, having previously placed them on their sides so that the top of the box serves as an exit.

This will allow you to open the front wall at the right time to rearrange, tidy up, etc.

We cut out windows and doors. Let's start designing the frame.


House made from paper folders

It requires four folders. We cover them from the inside with wallpaper or printed sheets with decorative items and household appliances in a plane.

We cut out windows in the folders, install the folders vertically, and fasten them with the help of clips that are included with each folder. Your house is ready.

Fabric house

This option is good because it takes up virtually no space and can even be folded up.

Using a thick piece of fabric, we make the back wall - it will serve as the foundation. We sew a rectangular base for the house. We make pockets to which the cardboard for the floors will then be attached. We attach ribbons to both corners of the pockets.

All that remains is to sew the pockets with a rectangular base on one edge so that the ribbons end up with reverse side. Floors using tapes and sew the tapes with back wall. Let's decorate the house and start playing!

You can make houses from other materials - the main thing is to show your imagination! A wonderful gift it will also be suitable for a boy - after all, you can build a garage, parking lot, etc.

Photo of a dollhouse with your own hands

Every little girl dreams of her own dollhouse. Nowadays you can find a lot of them in stores, but they are all of the same type and expensive. From this article you will learn how you can make an original dollhouse without spending big money. Such a house will become unique, the child will be able to furnish it the way he wants. Your whole family can have a great time creating their own masterpiece.

Popular master classes

There are many different workshops on making dollhouses. The materials used are very different: wood, plywood, drywall, laminate, boxes, bookshelves, folders for documents. It's not far yet full list offered materials.

8 photos

The front wall of the house is either not made at all, or made in the shape of an opening door. This is necessary for the convenience of the game. We invite you to choose what suits you and get to work.

From plywood, laminate

The option of making a dollhouse for girls from wood is one of the most popular. The undoubted advantages of such a house are its strength and durability. It is easy to decorate both from the outside and from the outside. inside. However, for making wooden house will need male help.

If the house is built with high quality, it will be indistinguishable from the one purchased. You can make the drawings for building such a house yourself, or you can use ready-made ones. You can attach wheels to such a house and then it will become mobile.

What will be needed:

  • Laminate or plywood, it is better to choose a thickness of at least 7 mm;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue – wood glue, PVA;
  • self-adhesive film, which we will use to cover the floor in our house;
  • wallpaper, they are useful for covering walls in rooms;
  • a simple pencil;
  • roulette.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We cut out the walls of the house from sheets of plywood, according to the dimensions in the drawing.
  2. We mark where the windows and doors will be located and cut them out.
  3. Using wood glue, we assemble the structure as shown in the figure. You can use small nails to secure the structure.
  4. Make a roof. Cover it with corrugated cardboard and paint it to imitate tiles.
  5. Glue ready house on a piece of plywood larger in size than the floors in the house. This will give it more stability. You can make a lawn on the plywood that remains on the sides of the house.
  6. Now we cover the walls in the rooms with wallpaper, and the floors with film.
  7. We arrange the furniture.
  8. We decorate the interior with textiles: curtains for windows, rugs, tablecloths for furniture.

Watch the next video for a master class on making a dollhouse from plywood.

See the necessary drawings from the video below.

From plasterboard

Many of us, after renovations, are left with pieces of drywall that are no longer needed. Why not put them to work and please your little princess? You can make a wonderful doll house out of it.

A house made of plasterboard has a lot of advantages, including: ease of working with it, its lightness. Even if you don't paint the walls of your house after assembly, they will still look neat thanks to it. white color. A significant disadvantage of such a house is its fragility. As soon as you put a little pressure on any part of the house, it will immediately break.

In order to make a house from plasterboard, you can use the diagram given above, or you can simply make cross-shaped partitions to save space in the nursery. These partitions will separate the rooms from each other, external walls and there will be no roof.

From large sheets of drywall you can make a full-fledged beautiful house. Watch the master class in the next video.

From foam plastic

If you have sheets of packing foam lying around the house, you can build a house out of them. To work you will need:

  • foam sheets;
  • glue gun;
  • toothpicks;
  • wooden rulers;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • acrylic paint;
  • foam sponge;
  • pieces of ceiling plinths;
  • necessary accessories for the interior: pieces of carpet, curtains, furniture and everything that your imagination is capable of.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to think about what your house will be like and make a drawing. To save space in the apartment, the house can be built in height.
  2. We cut the foam according to the drawing. It is convenient to do this with a hot knife, so the foam does not crumble.
  3. We are thinking about where you will have windows and doors, you can make a staircase between floors. We cut out the necessary openings.
  4. We begin assembling the house. Z We break the cleaners in half. We will need them to create more robust construction. We glue the sheets of foam plastic together using a glue gun, having previously connected them with the help of toothpick halves.
  5. To strengthen the floor and ceiling we use bamboo sticks from Chinese napkins. We glue the sticks to foam sheets as beams. After this, the sheets intended for the floor-ceiling can be glued to the side walls.
  6. We glue the interfloor stairs separately. It can be made from polystyrene foam or wooden rulers. We use toothpicks as railings. After this we glue in the finished staircase.
  7. The roof can be glued together from foam or corrugated cardboard. Shingles can be imitated by cutting cardboard into small pieces and gluing it, then painting it.
  8. On external wall you can make a balcony. We glue it together from polystyrene foam and use bamboo sticks as railings.
  9. Outside paint the house acrylic paints using a regular sponge.
  10. We cover the walls of the rooms with wallpaper and cover the floors with carpet. From ceiling plinth We cut out the baseboards and window sills and glue them. We create coziness with the help of curtains on the windows.
  11. We arrange the furniture, which can also be glued together from foam plastic, and we invite new residents.

Home decoration can be very diverse. You can use a clear plastic box and make printouts underwater world and put an aquarium in the house. You can print out pictures, lay tablecloths on tables, add toys to dolls. Let your imagination run wild and you will have the most wonderful dollhouse for girls.

From a bookshelf/rack

You can make an excellent dollhouse from a bookshelf or shelving unit. It’s very easy to make, because you already have a ready-made base. To decorate the house, use cardboard, wallpaper, self-adhesive paper, and wrapping paper will also work.

Involve your daughter in this creative process. She will be able to act as a designer for her dollhouse.

If the house is located permanently against the wall, then you can make the roof of the house using black electrical tape, gluing the contours. Glue it in the same way chimney. If you need to move the house to another location, you can easily peel off the tape without damaging the wallpaper in the room. You can purchase furniture for dolls ready-made or use your imagination and make it yourself.

From an old cabinet or chest of drawers

Your daughter is asking for a dollhouse, but it's gathering dust in the garage. old chest of drawers? To the old one already unnecessary furniture you can breathe a second life. Delight your child by making a dollhouse from an old cabinet or chest of drawers . Such houses are very convenient for those whose children play with large or tall dolls.

First of all, you need to know the height of the dolls. This is necessary so that the dolls can be placed in rooms in full height. You may have to combine 2 shelves by removing unnecessary partitions. Work carefully, being careful not to break the inside walls of the cabinet or chest of drawers. In place of the partitions that we removed, a void we do not need will appear. It can be sealed with thin slats that fit in size.

After waiting completely dry glue, treat the walls of the chest with putty thin layer. After this, the chest of drawers must be sanded, then it will become even and smooth. You can use a jigsaw to cut out windows.

The last stage will be the design of your house. The outside can be painted. You will most likely have to paint it in several layers to get it covered. old color chest of drawers The walls inside can be covered with wallpaper, colored, packaging or self-adhesive paper. Or you can just paint them too. We arrange furniture, hang pictures and mirrors on the walls, curtains, lay out carpets and invite dolls to a housewarming party. Now your daughter's room will always have dolls tidy!

From cardboard

Budget option Making a dollhouse is corrugated cardboard. With its help, you can create a wonderful toy that will delight your girl for a long time.

We will need:

  • corrugated cardboard for the frame of the house;
  • decorative cardboard for decorating a house;
  • templates for parts that will depend on the size of your future house; sweeps;
  • stationery: pencil, ruler, eraser, scissors;
  • knife, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens;
  • glue gun;
  • colored, packaging and self-adhesive paper;
  • textile;
  • decorative elements - beads, rhinestones, stones, artificial flowers.

Let's start making the house:

  1. If you have a large sheet of corrugated cardboard, you can apply a reamer to it. Select the dimensions based on the size of the house. If there are no large sheets, then each part needs to be cut out separately. There is no need to do the front wall.
  1. To make the cardboard easy to bend, you need to make a groove at the bend by running a ruler along it. If all your parts are cut out, glue them at the junctions of the cardboard.
  2. We cut out and glue the interior partitions. In such a house they are simply necessary. They will perform a load-bearing function.

The structure is assembled. You can start decorating.

It is better to cover the inside walls with decorative paper or fabric. This way you will hide the seams in the gluing areas. The outside walls can be decorated to your taste: painted, covered. Decorate your home with beads, rhinestones, stones or other elements of your choice. Make sure that the decorative elements adhere well to the cardboard, otherwise the house will lose its attractiveness during the games.

Arrange the furniture and invite your child to play.

See below for master classes on making a dollhouse from cardboard.

From boxes

A very easy to make dollhouse from boxes. For it you will need to choose boxes of suitable size. The size will depend on the height of the dolls for which this house is being made. The number of boxes will depend on the number of rooms you are going to make. One box - one room. Such a house can be made multi-story by gluing boxes on top of one another. This will save space in the room.

It is necessary to fasten the boxes together so that its top is on its side, revealing inner space rooms. This can be done different ways: using a stapler, glue, double-sided tape. We cut out the windows. We decorate the house according to your taste. We furnish the furniture and delight the girl with a new toy, on which you spent a minimum of money and effort.

Watch the following master class, which shows in detail the process of making a beautiful dollhouse from a box.

It’s quite easy to make a great house out of boxes! See the following videos for more details.

From document folders

If there is very little space in the children's room, you can make a folding dollhouse.

For such a house we will need 4 document folders. We cover each folder inside with beautiful paper - this will be wallpaper for the walls. Decorate the folder clip with fabric, making it into a kind of curtain. Print out interior items and stick them on the walls. The house is ready. All that remains is to open the folders and place them vertically. Add the necessary furniture.