Birch tar for onion fly. Birch tar in the garden. Whom tar scares away

The desire of people to eat not just fruits and vegetables grown on their own land, but also environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables, has led to the fact that they began to disappear from the first-aid kits of gardeners. chemicals, and appear - natural, and often - very unexpected. So the hero of our article today - birch tar - is very effective in the garden and vegetable garden, although few people know about it.

Birch tar: application in the garden

Tar repels pests with its pungent odor. In scientific language, it has repellent (insect repellant), but not insecticidal (insect-killing) abilities. If you read somewhere that tar "kills insects" - do not believe it. Tar does not kill anyone, it just stinks, so insects will not want to lay their eggs on stinking plants, or leave it.

There is one more problem: gardeners themselves came up with the idea to use tar from pests in the garden. You will not find any reliable instructions on how to treat potatoes, or strawberries, or trees with tar from insects, and there is no one to ask them.
someone pours 100 ml into a three-meter bed, someone adds two spoons of tar per liter of water for spraying, and someone claims that 1 spoon per bucket is enough. That is, everything is subjective, everything personal experience. Therefore, you will have to experiment a little and question all the information about the use of tar in gardening. By the way, tar is used not only to repel pests from plants, but also from livestock (cows are coated with it).

And the last nuance. Birch tar in a pest control garden should almost always be diluted in water. However, it does not dissolve in water, but forms a film on the surface of the water. Spraying with such an emulsion is inconvenient and inefficient, therefore, before mixing tar with water, it is separately mixed with laundry soap (per tablespoon of tar - 40-50 grams of soap). In addition, soap promotes the adhesion of the solution on the leaves and stems of the plant. It is possible not to dissolve the tar with soap, but in this case, use a broom for processing or do it in the lid plastic bottle irrigation holes. A conventional spray gun will quickly become clogged with oily tar.

Birch tar from pests on different types garden and horticultural crops

Processing potatoes with tar

Against the Colorado potato beetle: a tablespoon of tar is added to a bucket of water and potato shoots are sprayed.

Tar treatment of potatoes before planting: potatoes are dipped into a container with the mentioned tar solution. If possible, pour the holes / grooves with the same solution before planting the tubers to protect them from the wireworm.

Processing strawberries with tar

Strawberry pests will not settle on the plant if, before the buds appear, they are treated with a tar solution with a concentration of 20 g per bucket of water.

Processing onions and garlic with tar

The onion fly does not tolerate the smell of tar, therefore, even before planting, the seeds are soaked for a couple of hours in a tar solution (10 g per liter of water). Two or three times (with a 10-15 day interval) spraying and watering with a solution of tar (20 g per bucket of water) will help to expel the onion fly from the garden during the laying of flies.

Processing cabbage with tar

Cabbage fly, cabbage butterflies and cruciferous fleas cruciferous plants will not be annoyed if the plants, starting from the seedling stage, are watered several times with a solution of tar with a concentration of 10 g per bucket of water.

Processing carrots and beets with tar

Treatment with tar from pests of carrots and beets - carrot flies, psyllids, wireworms, beet aphids, flies and fleas - is carried out with the same emulsion: per bucket of water - 10 g.

Treatment berry bushes tar

Berry bushes are treated with tar from pests before and after flowering. The solution helps to get rid of the currant and gooseberry sawfly, aphids, moths, raspberry-strawberry weevil, spider mites. Concentration - per bucket of water 2 tbsp. You can also hang small open bottles filled with tar to repel pests.

Treatment of trees with birch tar

Plum and apple codling moths, gray pear weevil, cherry sawfly, sea buckthorn fly, hawthorn, bird cherry weevil, aphids on trees do not like tar. The treatment of the garden with tar is carried out during the blooming of young leaves at the rate of 1 tbsp per bucket of water. As in the case of shrubs, you can hang containers with tar on trees.

Tar in gardening and horticulture: how else can you use it?

- make tar mulch. To do this, sawdust is saturated with the prepared solution (10 g of tar per bucket of water). Mulch can be laid out on tree trunks, under shrubs, on cabbage, carrot, strawberry and other beds - pests will bypass them.

- prepare a coating for trees, which will protect them from rodents in winter. They take half a bucket of mullein and clay, add 1 kg of lime and 40-50 grams of tar, add water to the state of gruel and coat tree trunks.

- the smell of tar is strong and unpleasant, but it disappears very quickly (for the human scent). But if you, nevertheless, do not want your plants to come into direct contact with tar, you can coat them with long rags-belts and tie them to pegs stuck in the ground around the plantings.

Thus, tar in the garden and vegetable garden is the first helper. Like ammonia, it effectively repels pests, and treating plants with tar is an absolutely ecological event. By the way, instead of tar, you can also take tar soap - it also copes well with the role of a repellent (10-20 g of tar can be replaced with 30-50 grams of tar soap).

With the advent of spring, the number of visitors to the Club who want to purchase a safe but effective pest control product has significantly increased. Taking into account that bioinsecticides known and popular among Club Members, such as Aktofit, Bitoxibacillin (BTB), Lepidocid, are effective only at air temperatures from +18°C, the question arose: what drug can help in the garden and in the garden when low temperatures and not harm our health and the environment? Therefore, we decided to offer old, time-tested means of protection.

Our ancestors also had a “garden first-aid kit”, only it consisted mainly of natural, organic products, and one of the products that occupy a worthy place in it and protect plants from diseases and pests was Birch tar.

- Most often, gardeners are in trouble with the glass apple tree, of course, the codling moth and hawthorn. The codling moth is the most dangerous, because in a particularly “good” year, its caterpillars can actually eat almost half of the entire crop. And at this moment birch tar comes to the rescue. Application in horticulture allows you to reliably protect apple trees from the codling moth. This requires not only the tar itself, but also water and soap, from which it is necessary to make a special solution (10 g of tar, 50 g of laundry or tar soap per 10 liters of water). This solution is used to treat tree trunks, branches and the ground around trees where pests hide.

- From ants that carry aphids through the trees, you can make a protective belt. To do this, 10 ml of tar is diluted in 5 liters of water and the fabric is impregnated with a solution, which is wrapped around the trunks of trees and bushes. In addition to ants, the smell of tar will scare away other pests. Over time, impregnations are restored.

- Rodents can be repelled if mulched trunk circles trees and bushes with sawdust soaked in a tar solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

- Hares in the winter season will be scared away from young trees and bushes by the cunning composition of whitewash: mullein and clay (1: 1), chalk (1 kg), dilute 50 g of tar with water to the consistency of sour cream.

- What should I do if dark spots with concentric circles in the form of white dots are noticed on the fruits? After all, this is how a dangerous fungal disease manifests itself - scab. And birch tar will help here. Application in horticulture in this case is completely similar to all the situations described above, with the exception of one point. The active substance (that is, tar) per 10 liters of water should be taken not 10, but about 15 g. Just do not overdo it! The fact is that birch tar contains enough acidic substances that, if used excessively, can even burn the leaves.
- Malicious enemies of root crops - wireworm, May beetle, bear and rodents - are repelled in a simple way. For 10 liters of water add 1 tbsp. fly in the ointment and spill the rows. Potatoes are “bathed” in this solution before planting. Additionally, you can decompose a small amount of sawdust soaked in a solution of tar. During the growing season, you need to shed the rows a few more times to restore the smell.

- From moles and rodents: grease the bottom of the pegs with tar and hammer into the ground. Over time, if necessary, repeat this procedure.

- Cabbage plantings protect against cabbage whites as follows: rags smeared with tar are wound on pegs and placed in the beds. The tar smell repels butterflies. Also among the cabbage, you can decompose sawdust soaked in a solution of tar. Additionally, it will scare away other pests.

- To discourage the Colorado potato beetle from planting potatoes and eggplants, prepare the following spray solution: for 10 liters of water, 10 ml of tar and 50 g laundry soap.

- From a carrot fly 3 times per season (when sowing, in June and August), shed the beds with a solution of tar (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

How to breed birch tar?

Tar- this is a mixture of resins and oils, so it does not dissolve in water and requires the preparation of a soapy solution to work with it. You can use laundry soap, but better - tar, solid or liquid.

More about tar soap

A fly in the ointment can ruin a barrel of honey. But the same tar, which has absorbed all the beneficial substances of birch bark, can cure many diseases.
Thanks to their healing properties tar has long been used in the treatment of skin diseases. Birch tar has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties, reduces redness, and has a resolving effect.

In cosmetology and dermatology, tar is used as an aid to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body with inflammatory problems. skin(abscesses, burns and frostbite, bedsores, itching, rashes, scabies, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, fungus, athlete's foot, as well as to prevent hair loss and stimulate their growth. In addition, tar is successfully used in cosmetology for treatment of dry skin, dandruff, acne, etc.

Tar soap- contains birch tar. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
Mode of application: apply to wet skin, lather, rinse with water.

A tar-soap solution should be prepared a day or two before the day of spraying trees, bushes or vegetables, then the tar will dissolve much better. You rub right amount soap as small as possible, add it to a container (for example, a jar), fill it with water at a temperature of 45-50 ° C to prepare a soap solution.
How much soap? Depending on the purpose for which you use birch tar (see recommendations for the ratio of soap and tar in the article).

Add the required amount of tar, stir from time to time and leave overnight or for a longer time. Tar remains on the surface. Shake it vigorously from time to time. It will not dissolve completely, but you just stir it well before spraying.
Before spraying, pour this prepared liquid into the sprayer through the filter. (Attention! This is very important! Be sure to filter!). As a filter, you can, for example, use gauze or a nylon stocking. Then add the required amount of water to the sprayer and go to work.

A few recommendations:
1. you need to breed tar in advance, for example, a day or two before processing;
2. the working solution must be stirred from time to time;
3. stir well before spraying;
4. be sure to filter the diluted tar before adding it to the sprayer.

In order to prevent ants and flower beetles from getting on the trees, you can make a “repellent belt”, but if the trees are young, then you need to put a film under the “repellent belt”, because concentrated tar can leave burns.

It is necessary to process with other biological products (Phytodoctor, Trichodermin, Planriz) 3-5 days after treatment with tar. The reverse is also true.
In case, you will find useful an article about protecting the garden in spring, written by organic gardening practitioner Viktor Gurzhiy. Read here.

You can already buy birch tar in our Clubs and in our online store. Buy and start scaring off harmful insects and rodents. If your site emits a tar "aroma", pests will bypass it.
We wish you success and great harvests!

Timely and successful processing, Oksana SOKOLAN, Natalia MATYUSHINA

Tar against wireworm

One of the most dangerous pests of root crops is considered wireworm- a worm of rather small size, which is difficult to notice. However, the most annoying fact about this pest is that it reproduces very quickly.

In horticulture and horticulture, very often you can encounter very tenacious larvae. onion fly that are hard to deal with. The process of combating this type of pest occurs in two stages. First you will need to well disinfect the soil into which you plan to lower the seed.

To do this, we breed 25 grams of tar in a bucket clean water, after which we spray the entire soil with the resulting solution as carefully as possible. Then you need to wait two to three days until the solution does its job and destroys all pest larvae. After that, you can safely proceed to sowing seeds.

The second phase of the fight against onion and carrot fly:

  • heat up about 10 liters of water;
  • dissolve in hot water 25 grams of laundry soap;
  • add two tablespoons of tar to the soap solution and mix everything well;
  • spray the adrenal part of vegetable crops with the resulting solution;
  • to achieve maximum effect, treat twice a summer: at the beginning and at the end.

Medvedka remedy

  • cook the usual millet porridge on the water;
  • cool completely healthy food and add tar to it;
  • for about 1 kg of finished porridge, you need to take 4 tablespoons of tar;
  • mix the components well with each other, after which we lay them out in our garden;
  • for this you will need to make several shallow grooves, which will be located around the entire perimeter of the landing area;
  • we lay the prepared product in the grooves and cover everything with soil;
  • to achieve the best effect, additionally make a few grooves with the remedy for the bear between the rows of planted crops.

Tar against beetles

If you have long been tormented by the question of how to get rid of rats, voles and mice that have settled on your site, then in this case, birch tar will help to cope with the problem. To get rid of pests once and for all, you will need to take corn, wheat or oats as bait and mix them very thoroughly with tar.

In this situation, you do not have to dilute the resulting product with liquid. All it takes as well as possible to cover the grains for rodents with an oily substance. As soon as the product is ready, lay it out in small portions in those places where, in your opinion, rodents are most common.

Do not rush to remove the poison if rats or mice have not appeared on your site for a long time. It is best to play it safe and wait a while to make sure that the amount of prepared pest control does not decrease over time. Only when you make sure that no one eats the poison, it can be said with certainty that you have completely destroyed all rodents.

Mole remedy

Aphids and ants are very unpleasant pests, as they can infect both garden and vegetable crops. Therefore, as soon as you notice these insects in your area, immediately take appropriate measures until pests have spread over large areas:

Phytophthora most often affects tomatoes, and it can do this even during fruiting. In order to avoid such problems, it is recommended that everything be done to destroy its spores while they are in the soil and in no case allow them to enter the plant.

To achieve a similar result, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of ordinary baking soda and 7 large spoons of tar in a bucket of water. The entire bed should be treated with this solution before planting vegetables in it.

In cases where this measure does not help to get rid of phytophthora in full, and it still falls on young seedlings, you need to carefully spray the diseased plants with a solution of tar and water. As a rule, only two such procedures should be enough so that phytophthora never appears again on your green pets. However, keep in mind that spraying it is possible with an interval not more than 1 time in 10 days.

For the destruction of mosquitoes, midges and midges

With the onset summer period gardeners and gardeners are beginning to pester mosquitoes and gnats. Most people are accustomed to dealing with these pests in a very simple way, which is to buy and apply special means that repel mosquitoes with their smell.

However, no matter how good these funds are, it is best to refuse them. If you carefully study their composition, you will notice that there is continuous chemistry in the form of substances of synthetic origin. Therefore, it is recommended to use tar to get rid of the invasion of mosquitoes and midges.

You can purchase ready-made nets, then soak them thoroughly with tar, and then distribute them around the perimeter of the site. However, it should be remembered that in order to fully protect against insects, the nets must be fastened very tightly to each other, since even through a small gap, insects can get into a poorly protected garden.

Birch tar in the fight against spider mites

Until recently, it was believed that spider mite is a pest that can only infect greenhouse crops. However, in recent times this insect perfectly adapted to the conditions of open space and began to infect plants in open ground. Most often, the pest attacks young seedlings, thereby preventing it from intensively developing and growing.

Therefore, as soon as you see light yellow stripes on the seedlings (they remain as a result of the activity of the uterus), immediately treat the affected plants with a solution of birch tar. To do this, dilute 5 tablespoons of the oily substance in 7 liters of water, pour the product into the sprayer and thoroughly treat all plants, including healthy ones, with it.

Benefits against powdery mildew

Therefore, if you are growing plants in poor quality conditions, you should at least carefully monitor that spotted bloom does not appear on your plants - this will be the first sign of a crop disease. If this still happened, prepare a solution of birch tar and ash as soon as possible:

  • first we heat about 10 liters of water;
  • then we dissolve 1.5 kg of high-quality wood ash in it;
  • here we add 4 tbsp. l. tar, mix the solution thoroughly;
  • it is necessary to spray with this agent from a high-quality spray gun, not forgetting to regularly clean the device from ash accumulated in small holes;
  • it is recommended to treat all plants on the site for preventive purposes;
  • it would also be useful to spray from a spray bottle or just spill the soil in the garden.

Useful remedy for ticks

It is worth noting right away that these pests are absent on your site, you need to take measures long before they appear. To begin with, it is recommended to cut down all the thickets on the site and carefully mow the grass. After the end of this stage, you can directly proceed to the preventive treatment of the garden or garden.

First you need to prepare a solution of mustard, soda and tar. We take 2 tablespoons of dry mustard and baking soda and 5 tablespoons of tar, dissolve all the components in a 10-liter bucket of water and mix everything thoroughly. Part of such a product must be sprayed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, and the rest should be treated with all shrubs and trees. Subcutaneous lice

With the arrival of the first spring days revival begins land plots. lovers horticultural work it is necessary not only to plant seedlings, but also not to allow insect pests to destroy it. Especially great difficulties can arise in. After all, garden pests not only feed on plant sap and build nests in their roots, but they are also carriers of aphids - the most dangerous enemy of green spaces. But getting rid of pests is very difficult, since only working individuals come to the surface of the anthill. The main reproducer of the genus practically does not leave the nest. Birch tar from ants in the garden is one of the natural organic remedies that will help to cope with this problem.

Features of the tool

Birch tar is a dark oily liquid of viscous consistency, which has a rather sharp specific odor. Such a tool is made by processing birch bark, which is strongly heated in a hermetically sealed container. As a result of the oxidation reaction, tar is released, which today found wide application in the garden and orchard.

Tar soap is made on the basis of birch tar. It also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. Use tar soap from ants, codling moth, carrot fly and other insect pests.

How to use

Many summer residents, seeing on their site, sound the alarm, and not in vain. Where these insects are present, there will definitely be another pest - aphids. After all, they live in a close mutually beneficial alliance. The attack of these small insects can cause serious damage to green spaces. Therefore, tar against ants and aphids is one of the most popular means of pest control.

  1. Quite often, birch tar from ants on trees is used. To do this, wide bandages or pieces of gauze soaked in the agent are wrapped around the trunk of an apple tree or other fruit tree. This option protects the wood from pests throughout the season.
  2. You can also apply tar to the tree trunk with a brush at a height of 3-5 cm from the ground. The width of the tar layer should not exceed 5 cm.
  3. Protect shrubs and spraying with tar solution will help. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 0.5 pieces of tar soap in a 10-liter bucket of water. After that, in the resulting mixture, you must add 5 tbsp. l. fly in the ointment. The resulting soapy solution is sprayed with shrubs using a spray gun. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure in the late afternoon.
  4. If so, you can use this recipe. Pressed sawdust is generously moistened with birch tar and poured with boiling water. Then you need to wait until the wood chips swell. The resulting tar substrate is laid out on ant nests or between the beds of already planted seedlings.
  5. The use of tar also involves washing the leaves of the plant. To do this, grated tar soap (50 g) is dissolved in a liter hot water. The mixture is periodically stirred. After all the soap flakes have dissolved, 5 ml of tar and 20 liters of water are added to the mass. Trunks, branches and leaves of plants are treated with this solution every month. For convenience, you can use a sprayer.

Those who have already used this insect control method leave positive feedback about birch tar.

Birch tar is an excellent remedy for ants. After a couple of days, the insects were blown away by the wind.

Alexander, Donetsk

You can buy birch tar at any pharmacy kiosk. A 40 ml bottle costs between 50-150 rubles (depending on the manufacturer and region).

The ubiquitous Colorado potato beetle wound up in my garden! I don't trust chemicals. And then I suddenly remembered that I have birch tar in my barn. According to the instructions, I dissolved it in required quantity liquid and added some grated soap.

I treated with this mixture all the plants affected by the Colorado potato beetle. Five days later, not a single beetle could be found. I plan to repeat this treatment in a month. In this article, I will list the pros and cons of this tool, tell you how to get rid of all pests in the garden with it, how to avoid plant disease.

It is popularly called resin. Used in almost all areas, thanks to its useful properties and security for humanity. Most often it is used in medicine and cosmetology, least often in horticulture, where it is not so popular.

But in vain, he is quite capable of replacing chemicals in the fight against insect pests and diseases without harm to the plants themselves and their fruits.

It has a lot of advantages:

  • It does no harm to a person.
  • Repels a huge number of both mammals and insects.
  • Insects do not get used to it, as to chemical preparations.
  • He is unable to destroy mammals and insects, but only scares them away from this suburban area for a long time.
  • It is easy to use.
  • It can be used different ways.
  • Its action can last up to a month.


Unfortunately, there is almost no such beneficial substance, which would not have a single flaw. Even if tar is not poisonous, in some cases it must be used with caution in gardening:

  • Many people get sick from its smell.
  • Repels both pests and beneficial insects. In this case, some fruit trees risk remaining unfertilized.
  • It is not used on open fruits and edible greens, as it can spoil their taste.
  • On indoor plants it is undesirable to use it because of the smell, which will be especially felt indoors.
  • The most dangerous is concentrated tar because of its toxicity.
  • Resin almost does not dissolve in water, so it is difficult to make a mixture based on it.
  • A mixture based on it is not stored for a long time, it must be used within the next hour.
  • Clothes soiled with it are not washed. Therefore, it is recommended to take care of unnecessary and old clothes in advance.

Pest and disease control

It can be purchased at pharmacies, gardening stores and online stores. It is only undesirable to use tar soap, as there is very little of this remedy in it. If you want to save money, you can cook it yourself.

To do this, a large iron container with a small hole at the bottom is densely filled with birch bark. Then take another container smaller size. Dig a hole in the ground completely under its size and place the container there. A large container filled with birch bark is placed on a small container.

So that it completely covers the small one. Then firewood is placed around a large container, set on fire.

Within five hours, tar will drip into a small container that is in the ground. If there is 10 kg of bark in a large container, then about 3 kg of tar will be collected in a small one.

Best of all, it will work in the fight against pests and mammals with a keen sense of smell. It is especially effective underground, where the smell lasts for a long time.

It is usually used once a month. And it should be remembered that it is not stored together with chemicals due to the characteristic pungent odor. If you create a mixture with minerals, then beneficial effect minerals will increase significantly.

Colorado beetle

It happens not only on potato tops, but also on tomatoes and eggplants. Sometimes it can be found on pepper. Of course, you can get rid of it with the help of chemistry, but this method is not always useful for the fetus. In this case, you can make a resin-based solution.

To do this, 2 teaspoons of resin are dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of liquid, 50 grams of laundry soap is thrown there, which acts as an adhesive.

Soap must be rubbed in advance. After that, all plants are sprayed with this solution. True, if the tomatoes or peppers are already ripe, then they just moisten all the leaves on the bushes so as not to spoil the taste of the fruit.


If moles are divorced in the garden, which no one can get rid of by chemical means, then the tar will force him to look for another site. To do this, you need to find all the holes and plug them with pieces of cloth soaked in undiluted birch tar.

So that the moles do not subsequently return to this area, several wooden pegs must be driven around the perimeter, lubricated with this agent on the lower part. Every month they need to be re-lubricated and put back into the ground.


So that mice do not gnaw through trees and shrubs, the ground around the trunks is abundantly mulched with sawdust or resin soaked in a resin solution. To do this, dilute one tablespoon of the product in a ten-liter bucket of liquid.

Every autumn, a special whitewash is applied to the trunks of shrubs and trees, consisting of a kilogram of whitewash, three tablespoons of birch remedy, and ten liters fresh manure. After that, this solution is diluted with water so that the consistency is similar to kefir.

onion fly

This small fly is difficult to get rid of, but its appearance is easy to prevent. In a one-liter jar of water, dissolve one teaspoon of the product.

Then all the onions and garlic prepared for planting are soaked in it and after half an hour they can already be planted in the ground. After planting in two weeks, the beds can be mulched with straw or sawdust soaked in a tar solution.

cabbage fly

To protect vegetables from the cabbage fly, the rows are covered with mulch from sawdust soaked in a resin solution (ten liters of water, 1 tablespoon of tar). This procedure is preferably carried out in April, the second time is repeated in August.


He hurts fruit bushes. The sawfly can be disposed of with a resin solution. In two liters of boiling water, dissolve 200 grams of grated soap, preferably household soap, then pour a glass of ash, all this is supplemented with 4 tablespoons of birch soap.

Before spraying, the mixture is additionally dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of liquid.


Carrots and other root crops can be protected from the worm eater with a tar solution in which the seeds are soaked before planting (10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of birch remedy). For greater effect, a little of this remedy is poured into the wells. After the first leaves appear, the plants are watered with this solution every three weeks.


It belongs to those insects that are very easy to get rid of with tar soap. To do this, one hundred grams of grated tar soap is dissolved in two liters of boiling water. Then it is diluted in 40 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of tar are added for an enhanced effect. After that, they are abundantly sprayed with all the affected areas of the plants.


If you managed to get rid of aphids, then getting rid of ants becomes much easier. To do this, the anthill and the soil around it are abundantly watered with pharmaceutical tar. In this case, the ants, along with the uterus and offspring, will completely leave their home.

cabbage white

This butterfly is very sensitive to smell, so it is easy to scare it off with this odorous agent. vegetable beds. To do this, it is enough to place pegs soaked in undiluted resin on the beds. This will be enough.

codling moth

This caterpillar is capable of destroying almost the entire crop, and spends the winter in the bark of a tree. During the flowering of trees, the caterpillar turns into butterflies, so the procedure for getting rid of it is carried out even before flowering.

To do this, the trees and the ground under them are treated with the resin recipe described above with laundry soap and water. This mixture can be placed in small jars and hung on trees.


Her larvae damage fruit trees and shrubs, overwinter in the nests they build on the branches. In early April, these nests are manually removed, then the entire ground under the bush is poured with an odorous birch agent diluted in water. This procedure is repeated after flowering.

strawberry weevil

If you noticed dried ovaries on raspberries and wild roses, it means that the weevil attacked him. Unfortunately, after flowering, it is impossible to spray the shrubs with the solution already familiar to us according to the recipe described above, so it is advisable to do this even before the first flowers appear. After a week, it can be repeated until the flowers have blossomed.

cherry weevil

This pest not only eats leaves, but also damages inflorescences, fruits. Therefore, the procedure for getting rid of it is carried out in April. To do this, a familiar mixture is diluted in water, after which all the trees are sprayed with it. Then repeat after bud break, until the tree has blossomed.

plant diseases

With the help of resin, it is easy to prevent most viral and bacterial diseases on plants, which can also leave you without a crop. Immediately after landing or in early spring all trees, vegetable plants treated with a tar-water solution with the addition of laundry soap for good adhesion.

True, in this case, the resin needs to be put a little more so that the effect is stronger. You just need to remember that fruits are not processed during flowering, so as not to spoil the taste of the future harvest.

Birch tar has been used in the garden for a very long time, it is a black, thick liquid, with a pungent odor. This is a pomace from birch bark, which was previously harvested by ourselves, but now they are more often bought. Due to the pungent odor, the product successfully repels insects and rodents, while also treating plants.

How to use birch tar in the garden?

Birch tar found application in the garden as safe and natural remedy, which was successfully used by our ancestors to protect crops and fruits from pests. It has unique composition: resins, paraffin, organic acids, phytoncides, guaiacol. Protects not only crops, but also fruit trees.

The use of birch tar in the garden is very effective, the work is simple. The main thing is to follow the rules of application:

  1. When the first leaves appear on the trees, you need to make a solution: 10 g of birch tar in a bucket of water and 100 g of grated laundry soap. It is poured into bubbles and hung on branches. The smell repels pests well.
  2. If white dots appear on the fruits - scab, the containers are hung in the same way, only 15 g is already added to the solution.
  3. You can save gooseberries, raspberries or currants if you spray the bushes with the same solution before flowering.
  4. Even the stems of the bushes are coated with a mixture of pure tar with wood ash, this protects the plants from viruses.

Why do you need birch tar in the garden?

It is important to remember that birch tar is incompatible with synthetic preparations. They even need to be stored in different rooms. But with mineral and natural extracts, it works well in combination. The effectiveness of tar was known back in the time of Empress Catherine II, in order to get rid of moles, they mixed it with camphor.

Birch tar works great against pests:

  • onion fly;
  • cabbage butterfly;
  • wireworm;
  • cabbage fly;
  • ants.

Birch tar - benefits and harms for the garden

When buying, it is very important to distinguish between birch bark and birch tar. The first is obtained from chips, branches and bark, and the second is from birch bark. The difference between them is in the concentration of substances. The birch bark has a light aroma, it is used in medicine, but for the garden you need only birch, with a pungent smell. Birch tar for plants is the best friend, although it has its pros and cons.

Positive properties:

  1. Does not require complex equipment.
  2. Safe for people.
  3. Does not harm plants, protects them from 20 days to the season until full maturation.

Negative properties:

  1. Along with pests, it also repels beneficial insects.
  2. Can not be used on fruits and greens, since tar accumulates in all parts of plants.
  3. Poorly soluble in water, sticks to the details of the nozzles. You can spray it only with a broom.
  4. Dirty clothes cannot be washed.

How to use birch tar in the garden?

Birch tar - the recipe is simple: mix with water and laundry soap. Concentration is important, for plants and trees it is different. The smell affects insects and rodents with a keen sense of smell, and also underground inhabitants. Enough to process once a season. Ground pests are not repelled for so long, so the treatment must be repeated once a month.

Main methods:

  1. From insects. Dissolve 50 g of laundry soap and 10 g of tar in a bucket of water.
  2. From the wireworm. You can protect the potatoes by dipping the tubers in the solution for an hour and a half, and watering the wells with the mixture.
  3. From butterflies. Wrap the ends of the peg on the beds with tow soaked in tar.

Birch tar - use in the garden from insects

Even the larvae cause tangible harm, since they not only feed on fruits and tops, but also spread bacteria. Birch tar protects well from insects, but from ants and adult beetles it is much weaker, only a few days. So here you have to look for combinations with other means.

Successfully copes with such pests:

  • onion, cabbage and carrot flies;
  • white butterfly;
  • sawfly;
  • carrot leaflet;
  • moth;
  • weevil;
  • sprout and sea buckthorn flies.

Birch tar in the garden from rodent pests

A lot of trouble is delivered to gardeners by rodents: moles, mice and hares. They destroy sprouts and bark in winter, so it is important to protect plants, trees, and in cold weather. Today, birch tar is better known - use in the garden from mice. But it also helps to cope with other harmful rodents.

The most effective ways:

  1. A mixture of 15 g of tar and 10 liters of water will help protect against moles and mice. The solution is impregnated with sawdust, which is buried around the trunks.
  2. Eliminates the raids of hares with a special whitewash, which is applied in the fall. It is necessary to mix 10 liters of manure, 1 kg of whitewash and 50 g of tar, dilute with water to the density of kefir.