Can the hip joint heal without surgery? Treatment of the hip joint at home. How to treat joints at home. Traditional medicine against gonarthrosis

Effective treatment of arthrosis knee joint without surgery is possible only with an accurate diagnosis by the doctor and careful compliance with medical prescriptions by the patient. And, of course, the main condition is the very possibility of non-surgical treatment. Because some cases are so advanced that surgical intervention is no longer possible.

What is arthrosis of the knee joint

There are a lot of joint systemic diseases, and people are often confused about them, because their clinical picture and symptoms sometimes differ slightly. Arthrosis (or osteoarthritis) of the knee joint is a condition in which the cartilage tissue is deformed and destroyed. Moreover, the disease is classified as chronic degenerative, which means that in the absence of any treatment, the deformity will continue and progress. This can ultimately lead to complete immobility of the affected leg.

The knee joint has a complex structure, but its anatomy is easy to understand. The main tubular bones that form it are the tibia and femur. Plus a rounded bone - the kneecap. Between the articular surface of the bones there is cartilage tissue, which performs two functions: important functions. First: reduce friction. Second: to absorb loads, especially shock (when jumping, landing on your feet). If the cartilage tissue wears out, arthrosis of the knee joint or gonarthrosis develops (from the Greek gona - knee).

Risk factors for the development of gonarthrosis

Loose cartilage tissue wears out with age, disrupting the normal functioning of the knee system. The bones begin to rub against each other, causing pain and the inability to bend the legs. This is how arthrosis develops. But why don't all older people suffer from this disease? Therefore, not only age is a prerequisite for its development?

If a person lives a measured life, does not bother himself with physical activity, and also eats right, then he may not have problems with his joints. Those people whose work involves active movement or heavy lifting are more susceptible to arthrosis. The risk group includes, in particular, loaders and weightlifters. Excess body weight can also cause early wear of cartilage.

There are several other risk factors that can contribute to the rapid development of arthrosis of the knee joint:

  • hormonal imbalance, in particular, a decrease in the number of estrogens during menopause;
  • metabolic disorders caused by serious illnesses;
  • deficiency of microelements and minerals;
  • acquired joint diseases;
  • frequent hypothermia of the knees;
  • repetitive injuries;
  • neurodystrophic and inflammatory processes in the knee joints.

Clinical stages of gonarthrosis

The intensity of the symptoms of the disease depends on the stage. At first they are mild, and a person can attribute the signs of gonarthrosis to fatigue or temporary pain after severe working day, For example. But when the disease begins to actively progress, sometimes it may be too late to cure it without surgery.

Let's look at the main degrees of arthrosis of the knee joint and the characteristic symptoms for each of them.

First degree

After a long walk, a person is bothered by a dull pain deep in the joint. Sometimes the knees may swell, but they are not yet deformed. By the end of the first stage of gonarthrosis, restriction of joint movement appears. An x-ray taken at this time will show a narrowing of the joint space, which indicates developing arthrosis.

If you start treatment, you can get by with medications, physiotherapy and gymnastics. But the symptoms of the onset of arthrosis of the knee joint are not typical. And only one patient out of a hundred with such pain will go to the doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis.

Second degree

It is impossible not to pay attention to the symptoms of the second stage of development of gonarthrosis, because in addition to frequent dull pain, a characteristic crunch appears when bending the knee.

Although, it’s difficult to call it bending, because the pain prevents you from making a full movement. In the morning the joints are stiff. It seems to the patient that he will not be able to disperse, but this feeling goes away after a short warm-up or massage.

An x-ray will show a noticeable narrowing of the joint space and salt deposits along its edges. The joint is severely deformed, the bones seem to be flattened. Conservative treatment is still possible, but it will be long and complex.

Third degree

The critical stage of arthrosis of the knee joint, when the pain becomes constant and manifests itself even at rest. Knees can also react to the weather. A characteristic feature the third degree of gonarthrosis is a change in gait: a person thus escapes from pain. Due to uneven load on the feet, hallux valgus may develop.

It is impossible to cure third degree arthrosis without surgery. If for some reason the patient refuses surgical intervention (or it is contraindicated for him), then maintenance therapy is prescribed, which consists of taking painkillers, physical therapy and a diet to control weight.

By the way! Often the third stage of gonarthrosis ends in disability, when a person cannot move independently due to complete destruction of the joint and muscle atrophy.

Medicines for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

There are three types of medications that can be used to treat gonarthrosis. The first is tablets. It would seem, how can they help cure a disease of the bone apparatus? Although, cure is a strong word. Treatment will be rather symptomatic. But in some cases, when arthrosis of the knee joint is detected at the first stage, it is possible to stop its development, as they say, in the bud.

To treat gonarthrosis, drugs from the group of chondroprotectors (literally “protecting cartilage”) are needed. They help restore articular cartilage and protect it from damage and further destruction. The effect of chondroprotectors is due to the composition of their active components based on chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine.

They help activate the formation of intra-articular fluid, which facilitates the sliding of joints and prevents their abrasion; have an anti-inflammatory effect; relieve swelling. These are the drugs Artra, Structum, Teraflex, Chondroitin AKOS, Formula-S, etc.

By the way! It has been proven that chondroprotectors are much more effective when used for prevention, because they still serve more to protect cartilage than to restore it. Therefore, treatment with such drugs will be supportive rather than productive.

If there is obvious inflammation, the patient is also prescribed non-steroidal (non-hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs. These are Aspirin, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Amidopyrine, etc. They relieve symptoms, eliminate redness and swelling, and allow you to restore flexion function. After the inflammation has resolved, NSAIDs are discontinued.

Also drug treatment arthrosis of the knee joint involves the use of external agents. These are ointments, creams, gels, rubbing. They have a mild therapeutic effect, warm and soothe. Massage, which is always performed for better application of the external product, also has a beneficial effect. The patient can be prescribed Menovazin, Espol, Nicoflex, Fastum-Gel, Apizartron.

Another way to treat knee arthrosis is injections. The same chondroprotectors or NSAIDs can be administered, but through an injection the drug reaches the lesion faster, therefore, it acts more effectively. The only point is that this treatment will not work at home, because the injections must be done by an experienced person. You cannot give intra-articular injections on your own.

Exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

If you feel pain when performing an exercise, it is better not to do it. In case of arthrosis of the knee joint of the third stage, you should consult a doctor about the selection of a gymnastics complex.

Traditional medicine against gonarthrosis

The disease does not go away in a few days. Treatment will have to be long and systematic. It all starts in the hospital, but after discharge the patient must continue treatment for arthrosis of the knee joint at home. These are, as a rule, the same tablets and ointments, gymnastics, as well as the use of traditional medicine recipes.

External methods

You can make honey-vinegar compresses from homemade compresses. Take any honey and Apple vinegar(can be homemade) in a ratio of 1 to 3. Mix, apply to the knee, wrap with cellophane and a towel. Keep the compress for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Clay compresses are also good for arthrosis of the knee joint. Red or white clay is used (sold at the pharmacy). Apply to the knee, cover with cellophane and heat. You can keep it for up to 2 hours. Repeat morning and evening.

Simplest folk way external treatment of gonarthrosis - rubbing camphor oil at night. The top of the knee is covered with a cloth soaked in vodka and a towel.

For oral administration

A head of garlic, 2 lemons, 200 g of celery or young nettles. Pass everything through a meat grinder and pour three liters of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours. Take 50 g infusion three times a day. In total you need to drink 7-8 liters of this medicine.

For arthrosis of the knee joint, it is useful to cook broth from beef knee and hoof. Eat it instead of a first course every day for 2 weeks.

Metabolic processes are well affected by the infusion of woodlice, a weed found in every garden. Pour about four fingers' worth of washed herbs into a three-liter jar, add warm boiled water and leave for 10 days. You can take 1 tbsp together with the cake. before meals.


Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are observed not only in the elderly - they are common even in children. Coxarthrosis hip joint, the key symptom of which is severe pain in the affected area, can affect anyone, so you need to understand what causes it and how to cope with it. Is it possible to manage with conservative therapy and when is surgery necessary?

What is coxarthrosis of the hip joint?

The entire group of arthrosis is a disease characterized by degenerative and deformational changes in tissues. Among them, coxarthrosis is distinguished by the frequency of diagnosis, especially in women, and damage to the hip area occurs more often than others due to the increased load, even in a person not involved in major sports. The rate of progression of coxarthrosis is slow, so at an early stage, doctors’ prognoses are positive. The mechanism of disease development is as follows:

  1. The joint fluid thickens and its viscosity increases. The cartilage surface dries and cracks form on it.
  2. Friction of articular cartilage leads to their thinning, and pathological processes in tissues.
  3. The process of bone deformation starts, and the mobility of the hip area is impaired. Local metabolism suffers, the muscles of the affected leg atrophy.


The main sign of dystrophic changes is pain: which can be localized in the groin area, hip area and even the knee area. The nature of the pain depends on the stage of the disease - on initial stage it appears only when the patient gives himself physical activity. Later, the pain becomes constant, tormenting even at rest, the area of ​​pain expands. Osteoarthritis of the hip joints is mainly characterized by the following symptoms:

  • stiffness of movements;
  • gait disturbances (up to lameness);
  • decreased range of motion in the hip area;
  • shortening of a limb with an affected joint.


Modern medicine divides all osteoarthritis into 2 categories: primary is characterized by the absence of obvious causes for the onset of the disease, excluding risk factors and some congenital factors. Thus, an indirect prerequisite may be a violation of metabolic processes or weakness of cartilage tissue, but predominantly primary coxarthrosis develops against the background of:

  • prolonged loads on the joint;
  • spine pathologies;
  • problems with blood circulation and hormonal levels;
  • old age;
  • sedentary work.

Secondary coxarthrosis is a disease that is supported by a whole “bouquet” of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, cartilage and bone tissue, or occurs as a post-traumatic complication. Unilateral damage to the hip area occurs mainly against the background of osteochondrosis, and bilateral damage occurs due to diseases of the knee joint. Main causes of the disease:

  • aseptic necrosis affecting the head of the femur;
  • dysplasia;
  • Perthes disease;
  • congenital hip dislocation;
  • inflammatory process (often complicated by infection) in the hip area.


Official medicine reports that deforming arthrosis of the hip joint has 3 stages of development, for which the only common symptom is pain, which gradually increases in intensity. The remaining signs change as coxarthrosis progresses, so it is easy to determine from them how advanced the disease is. The classification is simple:

  1. 1st degree – narrowing of the joint space, the head and neck of the femur bone in in good condition, but there are growths near the acetabulum.
  2. 2nd degree - an x-ray will show an uneven significant narrowing of the gap, there is a deformation of the femoral head, which is displaced upward and enlarged. Bone growths on both edges of the acetabulum.
  3. 3rd degree - characterized by significant narrowing of the gap and expansion of the femoral head. The symptoms of this stage include constant pain, muscle atrophy (due to impaired blood circulation in the joint), and shortening of the limb.


The main method of checking the condition of the hip area if coxarthrosis is suspected is radiography: the information content of the image is close to absolute - you can even find out exactly the cause of the disease. As an addition to x-rays, the doctor may prescribe:

  • MRI (checking for soft tissue problems);
  • CT scan (for a detailed examination of bone structures).


Until the cause of the dystrophic changes in the tissues is determined, the patient’s main task is to eliminate the symptoms - mainly to fight pain and try to restore joint mobility. At the same time, doctors set a requirement to limit the load on the thigh muscles so that the disease does not take an acute form. In the initial stages, specialists choose conservative therapy; in advanced situations, they will have to resort to surgical intervention.

How to cure coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery

If dystrophic arthrosis is caused by congenital pathologies of connective or cartilaginous tissue, or the spine, treatment will be aimed only at preventing exacerbation and relieving the main symptoms. In other cases, the doctor influences the cause of the disease, for which the patient is prescribed:

  • drug therapy(local, injection, orally);
  • physiotherapy for a sore joint;
  • physical therapy (maintains mobility of the hip area);
  • massage;
  • diet.

Drug treatment

All tablets and local medications (ointments, injections) are prescribed to the patient according to the cause of coxarthrosis and the stage of its development. NSAIDs help relieve pain, but they will not cure – they will only relieve symptoms. To improve blood supply to the joint and eliminate spasm, muscle relaxants and vasodilators are used, and chondroprotectors are used to restore cartilage. Effective drugs for coxarthrosis are:

  • Indomethacin - exclusively in case of exacerbation of coxarthrosis of the hip area, to relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Chondroitin sulfate is safe, allowed during pregnancy, and protects against further cartilage destruction.


When coxarthrosis becomes acute, the patient needs not only to be treated, but also to make him feel better by relieving the attack of pain in the joint. For this purpose, doctors inject novocaine, followed by a glucocorticoid drug that has strong anti-inflammatory properties. The blockade can last for several weeks, but the injection agent is selected exclusively by the doctor.

Injections for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Injections for this disease can be intramuscular, intravenous and into the joint cavity. The latter - with drugs that replace joint fluid, based on hyaluronic acid, which protect and restore cartilage tissue. Intramuscular injections can be with chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Artradol - based on chondroitin sulfate, stops inflammation, adapts the joint to the load, and prevents cartilage from deteriorating.
  • Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory drug that eliminates swelling and pain, but it can be treated for no longer than 2 weeks.


Nutritional correction will not help treat coxarthrosis - it is only needed to reduce the load on the joint if the patient suffers from excess weight. It is recommended to completely give up simple carbohydrates, drink more water, and be sure to include dairy products, fish, buckwheat, beans and gelatin (collagen)-based dishes in your diet - jellied meat, jelly.


Heavy loads are prohibited for a patient with coxarthrosis in order to prevent the progression of the disease, but activity cannot be abandoned - it helps maintain joint mobility. Set of exercises physical therapy must be drawn up by a doctor and exclude axial load. The following options are possible:

  • Lying on your back, slowly “pedal” with your legs raised for 15 seconds. Take a break and repeat the exercise.
  • Lying on your stomach and placing your hands on your hips, raise your straight legs one at a time.
  • Lie on your side bottom hand under the head. Slowly raise your upper leg and lower it.


Manual techniques are indicated not only for the hip area, but also for the entire spine (traction procedure), especially at the 2nd stage of the disease. Massage helps to increase blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and reduce the load on their joint areas. Home massage is a circular rubbing and stroking of the affected hip area for 10 minutes (directions can be studied from the photo), but it is important to remember:

  • Do not allow abrasions and bruises - do not press too hard.
  • You should feel the painful joint and surrounding tissues relax, rather than spasm more.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Improving blood circulation and relieving vascular spasms are the main goals of all procedures (from electrophoresis to UHF), but without drug treatment they will be almost useless, especially at the 2nd stage of the disease and beyond. Often, treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint involves:

  • Magnetic therapy - effects on the joint magnetic field(constant/pulse), which dilates blood vessels.
  • Shock wave therapy is the effect of waves on bone outgrowths to improve joint mobility.
  • Laser exposure – to a depth of 15 cm to enhance metabolic and regenerative processes in the cartilage of the hip area.


Before the last stage of coxarthrosis, surgical intervention is not recommended, since any operation cannot exclude a lot of complications and negative outcomes. It is prescribed if attacks of pain can no longer be stopped and the joint ceases to function normally. According to doctors, in 95% of cases a person returns to the usual rhythm of life and does not even lose the opportunity to play sports, and the remaining 5% is due to arthrodesis - fixation of bones, as a result of which the limb retains only its supporting function.


At the early stage of destruction of cartilage or bone (often when coxarthrosis occurs as a result of trauma), doctors prescribe restoration of the missing surfaces. Arthroplasty is performed under general anesthesia: the surgeon spreads the tissues or cuts the muscles to access the affected area, fixes the prosthesis with bone cement and, if necessary, stitches back the muscles or other tissues that were cut.


Replacement of the hip joint with an artificial one (metal/ceramic) is performed only when complete destruction own according to a scheme similar to arthroplasty. Before the operation, an examination is carried out, and general anesthesia is administered during the procedure. The prosthesis that is placed on the patient can replace only the head of the femur or it, but with the acetabulum. During rehabilitation, antibiotics are prescribed, the patient is kept in the hospital for 10-12 days, and then the stitches are removed and sent home.

Consequences of the disease

The main danger of coxarthrosis is disability, which develops if the disease is not treated even at the last stage, or if therapy is chosen incorrectly. Irreversible progressive changes will lead to the need to move rarely, little and only with a cane. When ignored initial form With coxarthrosis, a person will experience less severe complications.

In the early stages of coxarthrosis, conservative treatment helps to make symptoms less severe and sometimes slow down the development of the disease. At stage 3, the patient’s performance and quality of life are significantly reduced, he suffers from constant pain, and is practically unable to lean on the injured leg. The most radical method of treating advanced coxarthrosis is hip replacement, a complex and expensive operation. A number of other operations help reduce pain, but do not restore limb function. Even at stage 3, treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery is possible, but it requires considerable effort and perseverance.

Treatment methods for coxarthrosis at different stages

If you identify the disease at the very beginning of its development and begin complex treatment, there is a chance to cure arthrosis of the hip joint. But grade 1 coxarthrosis is usually asymptomatic or with moderate symptoms. If the patient is bothered by short-term pain or stiffness of movement in the joint, he is in no hurry to go to the doctor. When the pain becomes more pronounced, prolonged, and it is no longer possible to ignore it, intensive therapy is required, and sometimes even surgical intervention is resorted to. At stage 3, treatment without surgery is usually ineffective.

Stage 1–2

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the load on the joint and eliminate the factors causing its mechanical destruction. It is necessary to get rid of excess weight, not to carry heavy loads. You can relieve the joint with the help of orthopedic devices - bandages, orthoses. It is recommended to use a cane when walking. Traction of the joint by an experienced chiropractor also helps stop the destruction of articular cartilage by reducing bone pressure on it. At the same time, exercises are necessary to strengthen muscles and ligaments and prevent their atrophy. It is useful to exercise on an exercise bike and swim.

Also shown:

  • taking chondroprotectors. At an early stage, correctly selected drugs can restore articular cartilage and prevent its further destruction;
  • intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures to normalize blood circulation, metabolic processes, stimulate regeneration processes and repair of articular tissues;
  • massage to maintain muscle tone and activate blood circulation;
  • warm baths, compresses, mud wraps, paraffin and ozokerite applications;
  • diet therapy.

At stage 2, similar treatment methods are used. During periods of exacerbation, physical activity must be kept to a minimum; many physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated, as are massage and manual therapy. As the intensity of pain increases, it is necessary to resort to drug pain relief.

Short courses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets and capsules are prescribed. At severe pain resort to hormonal drugs and local anesthetics. Ointments, compresses, lotions are used for auxiliary treatment.

If the blood supply to the joint is impaired due to vascular diseases, vasodilator drugs are prescribed. For muscle spasms, they resort to muscle relaxants - drugs to relax the muscles. Because of the abundance side effects they are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Stage 3

This is the stage of pronounced bone deformities, the articular cartilage is completely destroyed or fragments remain. Therefore, chondroprotectors are absolutely ineffective, and the chance to restore cartilage tissue is lost. But injections of hyaluronic acid can restore joint mobility and help get rid of pain. They do not restore cartilage tissue, but they replenish the lack of lubrication and facilitate the sliding of exposed bone articular areas. For symptomatic treatment, it is sometimes necessary to prescribe potent narcotic analgesics or combined painkillers, with features of opioid and non-opioid. It is possible to use drugs to improve microcirculation.

Manual therapy is not used at this stage, but massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. But their effect is weakly expressed. The range of motion in the joint is very limited, but exercise therapy cannot be abandoned in order to avoid complete muscle atrophy. A set of exercises that the patient is able to perform is selected, and the load is carefully dosed. Water gymnastics is useful; when performing exercises in water, the load on the joint is lower. When walking, you must use a cane.

Drug treatment

Medications used to treat the hip joint are divided into several groups:

  • chondroprotectors;
  • painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of an inflammatory process, Paracetamol is prescribed, if it does not help - Indomethacin, Diclofenac, for severe pain - Ketoral, Ketoprofen, and at stage 3 - Tramal;
  • steroid drugs for intra-articular and periarticular injections - Dexamethasone, Kenalog, Hydrocortisone. They quickly and effectively relieve inflammation, but can accelerate the destruction of the joint, so they must be used with caution;
  • local anesthetics (Novocaine, Lidocaine, Mercaine), used for blockades for severe pain, often in combination with hormones;
  • ointments, gels with NSAIDs (Indomethacin, Ketonal, Fastum gel), locally irritating components (Capsicam, Finalgol) and combined ones (Apizartron, Viprosal).

Dimexide is also widely used to treat coxarthrosis without surgery. It penetrates deeply into tissues and promotes more deep penetration other drugs, relieves pain and inflammation, prevents stagnation. It is used in the form of ointments and a solution for compresses. The use of dimexide increases the efficiency of electrophoresis.


Most effective drugs for the treatment of coxartosis - chondroprotectors. With arthrosis, the body disrupts the production of cartilage tissue components or produces excess enzymes that destroy it. Chondroprotectors compensate for the deficiency of cartilage tissue components and suppress the activity of enzymes harmful to them. But the effect of these drugs appears only with sufficiently long use; usually one course lasts several months, and after some time it has to be repeated.

There are dietary supplements with a chondroprotective effect, but the content of active ingredients in them is low. Medications are more effective, but must be prescribed by a doctor, although tablets and ointments can be purchased without a prescription. But injectable chondroprotectors are available only by prescription.

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which are part of 2-3 generation chondroprotectors, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. So, with moderate pain, taking chondroprotectors allows you to abandon NSAIDs, which are not intended for long-term use. Medicines for systemic use(oral and injection) are much more effective than local ones (ointments, gels).

The most famous chondroprotectors are:

  • – tablets, powders, solution for intramuscular injection;
  • Artra – tablets;
  • Teraflex – capsules and gel;
  • Chondroxide – tablets, ointment, gel;
  • Artradol – solution for intramuscular injection;
  • – solution for intramuscular and intra-articular injections.

Hyaluronic acid

When asked how to cure coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery, experts most often answer: with hyaluronic acid injections. Preparations based on it are sometimes referred to as 2nd generation chondroprotectors, but the term “synovial fluid prosthesis” is more often used. Synthetic hyaluronic acid is an analogue of the main component of intra-articular fluid. The development of arthrosis often begins with the fact that the production of this fluid is disrupted. As a result, the articular cartilage receives less nutrients, dries out, becomes thinner. Lack of natural lubrication leads to the fact that movements in the joint are difficult and accompanied by pain.

For intra-articular injections, the drugs Sinvisk, RusVisk, Ostenil, Sinokrom are used. The course lasts 2–4 weeks, 3–5 injections are given at weekly intervals. Depending on the patient’s condition, a repeat course is prescribed after six months to a year. This treatment protects the articular cartilage and normalizes its nutrition, improving the production of synovial fluid.

Injections are not given for synovitis and other acute processes when inflammatory effusion accumulates in the joint cavity. In such situations, it is necessary to first stop the inflammation. The use of liquid prostheses is one of the most progressive methods of treating arthrosis of large joints. Despite the high cost of drugs, such treatment without surgery is still cheaper than surgery.


Physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out as an auxiliary treatment, complementing drug therapy. In the early stages, some procedures help to launch recovery processes and increase joint mobility. At a later stage, treatment becomes palliative and relieves pain.

Usually they resort to the following procedures:

  • electrophoresis relieves pain, swelling, restores joint mobility, promotes the penetration of biostimulants, enzymes, anti-inflammatory drugs and anesthetics into tissues;
  • ultrasound stimulates metabolic processes and the production of substances necessary for the restoration of joint tissues;
  • promotes microcirculation of blood and lymph, gently warms tissues, relieves pain and swelling;
  • normalizes various processes in tissues, helps restore range of motion;
  • Darsonvalization stimulates metabolic processes;
  • Shock wave therapy helps restore damaged tissue, strengthens ligaments and tendons.

Baths with sea ​​salt, bischofite, turpentine, compresses and lotions, wraps with clay, healing mud give a superficial effect. But these procedures relieve moderate pain well and improve blood circulation. But oxygen therapy in the form of ozone injections into the joint is more effective. Such manipulations not only relieve symptoms, but also stimulate the flow of synovial fluid and cartilage restoration.


Exercise therapy and gymnastics are indicated at all stages of coxarthrosis, but exercises must be carefully selected so as not to harm the joint. You need to master the complex under the supervision of a specialist who will ensure that the movements are performed correctly. Periodic examinations will help adjust the load. The exercises are mainly aimed at strengthening the muscles; the range of motion in the hip joint should not be too large. Jerks, sudden lunges, and exercises with intense leg extensions are contraindicated.

  1. Standing, lean on your toes, lift your heels off the floor and stretch up. 20 times.
  2. Squat until you feel tired, but not exhausted.
  3. Lie on your back, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Lift your pelvis off the floor, lift it and return to the starting position. 15–20 times.
  4. Lie on your side, bend your upper leg at the knee and perform circular movements with it, as if you were riding a bicycle. Repeat on the other side.

It is useful to lie on your side for half an hour every day, separating your legs with a roller, go to the pool twice a week and swim, moving your legs like a frog. Kinesiotherapy gives a good effect - treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery. Patients master 3 sets of exercises to work the superficial, middle and deep muscles, alternating strength exercises with stretching. Proper breathing is a must. To relieve pain, instead of taking medications, they resort to a sauna and cold plunge pools. The training program is developed for each patient individually.

Innovative treatment methods

Today, many methods of minimally invasive surgical intervention have been developed for joint diseases, including coxarthrosis. So, at stages 2–3, they resort to arthroscopy, a miniature instrument is inserted through a small puncture, the bone growths are cut off, and the articular mice are removed from the cavity. During arthroscopic operations, the patient is sometimes given cartilage tissue grafts (spheroid transplantation).

First, part of the cells is removed from the undamaged area of ​​the joint, they are grown in the laboratory and replanted with the patient using the arthroscopic method. While the technology is in the testing stage, such operations are rarely performed. Is it possible to treat and cure coxarthrosis without surgery at all?

Taking chondroprotectors and injections of hyaluronic acid have already become a generally accepted, widespread practice for the treatment of arthrosis. But there are also new treatment methods that belong to the so-called biological therapy.

This is a drug-free treatment:

  • PRP therapy. About 20 ml of blood is taken from the patient, divided into fractions in a centrifuge, and the fraction containing the maximum platelets is selected. Plasma is injected into the lesion. Thrombytites stimulate the influx of young stem cells into the joint, from which a variety of cells are formed that are necessary for the restoration of tissues - cartilage, bone, muscle, ligaments and tendons;
  • MSK therapy is treatment with mesenchymal agents that are involved in the formation of cartilage tissue. They are extracted from bone marrow during his puncture. MSC injections are alternated with the introduction of platelet-rich plasma to activate stem cells;
  • cytokine (Orthokin, Regenokine) therapy - the introduction of a therapeutically active anti-inflammatory protein, an antagonist of interleukin-1, which causes cartilage destruction. This protein is also extracted from the patient's blood.

All biotherapy methods are good because they use autologous material obtained from own blood or the patient's bone marrow. Unlike synthetic drugs or those obtained from animal tissue, such materials do not cause rejection, allergies, or side effects. But these methods are not a panacea and are most effective at the early stage of coxarthrosis.

Modern methods of treating coxarthrosis make it possible to avoid disability, slow down the development of the disease, and even be completely cured. But treatment must be started in a timely manner, then the chances of success are higher. And only a doctor can decide how to treat coxarthrosis; self-medication can aggravate the situation. It is possible to do without surgery even at a late stage of arthrosis of the hip joint, but conservative treatment does not restore the functions of the joint and leg, but only brings temporary relief.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint belongs to the category of diseases in which destructive processes are observed in the body that can cause disability for the patient. If not treated promptly, they can lead to complete immobilization of a person. Is it possible and how to cure coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery? Every patient worries when making such a diagnosis.

It is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, each of which has its own symptoms and nature of the disease. The earlier the pathology is detected, the greater the likelihood of stopping the process of destruction of cartilage tissue.

With stage 1 coxarthrosis, a person experiences discomfort in the pelvic area, which increases with intense exercise and physical activity, but goes away at rest. At 2, patients complain of constant pain, which bothers them constantly and causes them to be unable to perform everyday activities.

Experts on how coxarthrosis of the hip joint can be cured without surgery say that the success of treatment and rehabilitation largely depends on the desire and diligence of a person.

Therapy pathological changes in cartilage tissue suggests A complex approach and can improve the patient’s condition without surgery.

Today, doctors can offer the patient many treatment tools, each of which is aimed at stopping destructive processes and their combination enhances the resulting effect. You can cure and get rid of pathology using a combination of the following tools:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massages;
  • diet;
  • traditional medicine recipes.

For coxarthrosis, the course of treatment often includes medications:

  • non-steroids - to relieve pain;
  • muscle relaxants - to relieve muscle spasms;
  • chondroprotectors - to start the process of tissue regeneration.

The first 2 groups of drugs relieve symptoms of the disease and reduce pain, but they do not have a therapeutic effect, so it is impossible to cure the pathology with their help. The improvement in well-being as a result of taking them, reviews from many patients are mistaken for the effect of recovery, which is wrong. Intra-articular injections for coxarthrosis of the hip joint are rarely used, since it has a small cavity and a narrow gap. Periarticular injections of the thicket are used during exacerbation of the disease.

Surgery for grade 3 coxarthrosis of the hip joint is indicated in most cases, since it is impossible to cure the pathology with significant destruction of cartilage. The patient’s well-being at this stage deteriorates significantly, lameness is added to severe pain, and shortening of the limb length may be observed.

In an attempt to reduce discomfort, a person tries to reduce physical activity, which leads to muscle dystrophy and makes the situation even worse. The methods used to treat grades 1 and 2 of coxarthrosis at this stage become ineffective, drug treatment does not have a positive effect, and joint traction is not prescribed.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint: basic principles

The success of treatment and rehabilitation largely depends on how promptly the patient seeks treatment after the first symptoms of coxarthrosis appear. medical care. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor makes a diagnosis and determines treatment tactics. Its effectiveness and efficiency largely depends on the behavior and determination of the patient, his willingness to follow the recommendations given to him.

Treatment and rehabilitation after diagnosis involves the following points:

  • regularity of appointments;
  • strict adherence to nutritional rules;
  • methodical and desire to get results despite the pain;
  • readiness for long-term therapy;
  • using an integrated approach.

Normalization of the condition with coxarthrosis of the hip joint is possible only after undergoing long-term treatment, which can be 6 months or more. The mistake many patients make is that after receiving the first signs of improvement and a decrease in pain levels, they stop and do not complete the course of treatment and rehabilitation. As a result, the disease progresses and it often becomes impossible to avoid surgery.

Features of treatment without surgery using therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics acts as effective treatment coxarthrosis, in which destructive processes occur in the hip joint. In the first stages, sets of special exercises can show amazing results, which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews on how to cure coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery.

Today, there are methods of leading doctors in the field of orthopedics, such as Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko and a number of others, with the help of which the first stages of the disease can be cured and significant improvements can be achieved even in the later stages.

The peculiarity of gymnastics for joint damage is that only static exercises and gentle muscle stretching exercises are performed.

Exercises for coxarthrosis should be performed on on a regular basis that do not allow sudden and intense movements.

At first, you need to use the help of an instructor. Experts say that it is inadmissible to perform it through unbearable pain; at the initial stage, it is enough to achieve several repetitions and the movements should not have a large amplitude.

Some of the most popular exercises include the following movements:

  • alternating tilts of the body in a standing position forward to each of the legs;
  • successive swings of each leg forward, backward, to the side;
  • performing knee raises in a standing position, providing support forward, backward, and to the side;
  • swings from a position lying on your side to the top;
  • in a lying position, consistently raise your legs bent at the knee;
  • sitting on the floor with your legs spread, bend your body forward;
  • walking in small steps with tension in the muscles of the buttocks.

It is enough to perform the complex for 10 minutes 3 times a day, starting with 1 repetition and increasing their number to 5 times. Therapeutic exercises are effective as a preventive and therapeutic agent and are often prescribed during the rehabilitation period after surgery. The complex justifies the inclusion of general strengthening exercises aimed at maintaining the tone of the muscles of the neck, back, and legs.

Surgery for grade 3 coxarthrosis of the hip joint is often the only way out to normalize the patient’s lifestyle, but therapeutic exercises can improve the patient’s condition. Exercising in water can reduce stress on joints, reduce pain and make exercise easier.

Massage treatments for treatment without surgery

Massage counts effective means in order to cure coxarthrosis without surgery. The patient's attempts to reduce the load on the hip joint to reduce pain lead to muscle atrophy, as a result of which motor activity is gradually lost. The disease can be cured during the course due to the following effects:

  • increased blood circulation in the joint area;
  • better tissue nutrition;
  • reduction in pain levels;
  • returning the muscles to proper tone;
  • inhibition of the process of cartilage destruction.

The effect of manual manipulation is largely due to the fact that a significant part of the body’s immune system is affected. The epidermis is responsible not only for performing the heat exchange function, but also for blood movement. The layers of the skin contain a huge number of nerve endings that transmit nerve impulses to brain cells. Normalization of the process of their transmission contributes, depending on the purpose of the procedure, to the activation or inhibition of tissue regeneration processes. The main concentration of movements falls on the following areas:

  • gluteal muscles;
  • small of the back;
  • hip joint.

The number of sessions and their duration are determined by the doctor based on the examination data. Reviews from patients indicate a positive effect after undergoing several procedures, but significant and stable changes occur only after undergoing full course complex treatment. Massage is necessarily included in the recovery program of patients during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Joint traction and the benefits of manual therapy

In the initial stages, to treat coxarthrosis without surgery, sessions of hardware traction, that is, extension of the joint, can be prescribed. The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus, with the help of which they achieve bone separation and reduce the load on the cartilage. The process lasts from 10-15 minutes and involves undergoing treatment courses, on average their number varies from 10 to 12 sessions. In most cases, the patient is prescribed traction therapy no more than 2 times a year.

Many people are constantly attacked by a variety of joint diseases. Poor nutrition, low activity, and injuries provoke the development of... Modern medicine is not yet able to completely cure the disease. But it is possible to remove pronounced manifestations.

Exist various methods treatment, including surgery. Not everyone decides to carry it out. Surgery is not always able to completely improve the condition. Treatment of joints conservatively brings good results.

Therapeutic measures include:

  • medication treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • usage .


The most effective physiotherapeutic methods are:

  • massage;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • ozone therapy.

Therapeutic exercises are useful for most joint diseases. Strengthens muscles, improves mobility, helps suppress pain. Best results can be achieved by developing an individual program.

After you have mastered the exercises under the supervision of a doctor, you can perform them at home. Don't be too zealous and overload. But you shouldn’t skip classes either. Moderation and regularity are the main components of physical therapy.

Additionally, after consulting with your doctor, you can go swimming or walk.

Massage - good remedy to prevent exacerbations. When exposed to diseased joints, ligaments and muscles are strengthened, blood flow improves, and the joint cavity expands. Massage should not be used in an acute period.

Shock wave therapy has been used relatively recently to treat joints without surgery. During the procedure, under the influence of dynamic impulses, blood circulation improves, tissue restoration occurs, and urate crystals are destroyed.

Phonophoresis - during the procedure, simultaneous exposure to ultrasound and the drug occurs. Penetrating through tissue, physical energy is converted into thermal energy. Blood flow improves, and recovery processes receive an additional stimulus.

Physiotherapeutic methods are especially important for patients who do not tolerate medications well.


Observing a certain scheme nutrition, excluding a number of harmful products, the condition of the joints is significantly improved. The diet will correct your weight and reduce the load on your joints.

To achieve the effect of treating joints without surgery, the following must be present on the table:

  1. Sea fish. The Omega-3 acid contained in the product relieves inflammation. Vitamin D3 regulates the absorption of calcium, which supports bone tissue.
  2. Apples. Stimulates collagen formation. Without collagen, it is impossible to restore cartilage damaged by disease.
  3. Kale. It is higher in calcium content than milk. Rich in microelements cabbage accelerates the recovery processes of joints.
  4. Ginger. When treating joints with a diet, it relieves pain and swelling. The effect of using ginger is not very pronounced, it is similar to the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets.

All methods of therapy must be used under the supervision of a physician who knows the patient’s condition and the characteristics of the patient’s disease. Any method of treating joints without surgery will only be beneficial if used correctly.