Poems about dad to tears from an adult daughter. Poems of gratitude to dad from daughter

Our dad is like Santa: he brings gifts,
An attentive, sensitive wizard-hero.
If he doesn’t know what he wants, he’ll ask,
He is the best of dads: our beloved, dear.

When he's on a roll, he helps everyone,
The chef is brilliant when there is no pressure.
Our dad is an entertainer, he rarely gets bored,
Either he repairs the furniture, or he makes jam.

I love it when dad puts things in order:
It’s as if he’s always expanding the living space.
One thing is unclear, how mom comes,
He's always looking for something and scolds dad.

He is smart and brave, he is very practical,
Always finds a compromise in conversation.
Our dad is handsome, but very decent:
“He loves models, but... he doesn’t bring them into the house...”

He's very sensitive, very polite
He knows how to always please mom.
Our dad is truly irreplaceable,
That's why it's wonderful to live with him.

If we talk about dads, mine is wonderful, mine is a hero,
Loving, generous and always so dear.
If you believe a person, then there is no more reliable friend.
My dad is my support, with him the darkness is pure light.
If I need an adviser, dad is very far-sighted,
He is practical, witty and, moreover, a prominent man.
If grief happened, troubles, adversity,
The father will rush to the rescue day and night, on days of bad weather.
I love him with all my heart, he is my brave protector,
Yes, my father: strength, wisdom, my most important person!

They say it's difficult for dads
Swaddle, bathe, feed
And of course it's impossible
Cook borscht for lunch.

Dads don't knit blouses
And they don't braid hair
And of course they won't show
Where flowers bloom in the garden.

But all dads can
Hammer, patch, repair.
They will always help you at work,
It's easy for them to hammer a nail.

Dad will plant the tree
And he will build a new house,
He even irons his pants himself
And it will fix the whole mess.

He's a pro at football
And I'm not a novice at hockey.
And he also makes coffee,
Mom wears it in the morning.

Our breadwinner is dad,
He is our defender.
And even my mother doesn’t know
How he keeps everything around.

Hammer a nail? Of course to dad.
Hanging a shelf is also his thing.
It will definitely be in the bag,
If dad comes into the house.

Dad will handle things
And the problems will solve everything.
With golden hands he
He will hurry to fix everything.

He is a protector and provider.
Dad is the best family man.
And my offender is trembling,
Dad can handle him too.

Dad will give reliable advice
And he will help at school.
Everything will be easy with dad.
My deepest bow to him...

In the lives of tiny girls
And old women who have turned grey,
There is a special man -
He is loved and sinless!

He is the only one in the world!
He will replace anyone!
And life is on the dotted line
There is no other like it!

He doesn't sleep on a dark night
If you get sick...
He wants to help you
Since you can’t do it yourself...

He will protect you
And it will warm you with love!
He's sad with you
And laughs with you!

Teaches exact sciences
Helps to draw...
And he, the cunning one,
Loves it with all my heart!

He only remembers about you
He is in deep trouble...
Greedily catches at a meeting
Your thin hands!

He will support, teach,
And he will advise skillfully...
Your fears will be voiced
She will make you brave!

Confess bright feelings
He helps you!
To match the world's growth
He's offering it to you!

How familiar his smell is,
And the shirt and the hat...
I'll hug you and whisper:
"I love you dad!"

I had a day off,
My son came home from school
And I look - my dear
Something sad...

I ask how you are doing,
Is everything okay at school?
- Mary Vasilievna called

You urgently. Right now
Calls to school...
Well, I'll go, but only once.
It's as it happens!

So you got some rest,
My son helped -
It's just a guard!...
The bell rang

Lucky my wife
What's on a business trip?
Imagine how it feels for me -
I'm not training!

All I remember is my son
There is a fiend of hell:
Brought something to school...
It should be like a man

Have a conversation with him,
The main thing is to calm down
Everything you need to convey
(so it doesn't hurt too much).
I come and my son is sleeping,
The profile is defenseless...
Let his mother talk to him
She is a pro at this!

My dad knows everything in the world!
There is an answer to any question -
And even where children come from,
And what is toxicosis?

He knows where mom's money is,
And what threatens her at night,
And about some moment
He knows...but doesn't say.

I'll go back down memory lane
And I’ll smile at dad timidly,
I’ll say everything that I didn’t have time to say,
Like before I couldn’t even do it,
That every moment is precious to me...
That I touch his books,
Trying to regain the warmth,
Which is long gone.
I'll say it ten, twenty, hundred times,
That I always love him!!!

Since childhood I loved you,
Since childhood he spoiled me,
I was a cute child
Always just for you

I didn’t see my pranks
I didn’t scold you for the grades,
I didn’t offend with a harsh word,
I always took it with me on visits,

You loved me madly
You didn't give offense,
Performed instantly, dad,
My requests and dreams

In the store, without hesitation,
I asked everything from you,
And I didn’t know the prohibitions
You loved me very much

Although he probably wanted a son,
You quickly got used to me
And I decided that my daughter was better
She don't need a truck

She doesn't need soldiers
Automatic machines and machines,
Dad would buy dolls
A daughter is not a son,

I love you, honey
Forgive me for my insults
The most beloved daddy,
Anything you want, ask!

The best dad in the world
These poems are for you,
You are a bear's soft paw,
You get rid of melancholy

You protect from adversity,
Do you love your daughter?
I love you, you know
I'll be lost without you

Only you are good advice,
You can always give, dad,
You can fix your galoshes,
Give your daughter a shake,

Are you waiting for me late at night,
When I come home,
And you're afraid that soon,
I'll bring you a son-in-law
Don't be sad, dear dad,
Your daughter has grown up
I know, take a walk at the wedding,
You haven't been away from me for a long time.

Be healthy and happy always,
Don't be sad for no reason
Take note, my love,
These cute poems!

My dad is good
Kind and simple,
Respects mom
Sincere like that.

My beloved dad
Dear heart,
And also beautiful -
Affectionate, dear.

My reliable dad
Faithful family man
And in this world,
I have one.

I respect my dad
What else to say?
I have nowhere like this
Can't find any more.

It's not a pity for him
Nothing in life -
My golden folder
I love him!

There is a man in the world
More expensive than all coins
His smile is heart
It has kept me warm for many years.

His care is in his hands,
Responsibility to family
He will always help me
He'll tell me something.

When I get older
He will suddenly grow old
I'll pour him some tea,
Sheltered from white blizzards.

I will be the best
Caring for him
After all more life this one
I love daddy!

My dear daddy,
My loved one
Thank you for everything,
For this life, light.
For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with my mother,
You bring me happiness.
For your eyes there are splinters,
Your hands are warm,
I live for sincerity,
Trust in the soul.
Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And for dad in a stormy hour,
I'll extend my hand.

I remember happy childhood days.
Your face is illuminated with joy.
You and I were inseparable.
Of course, I was lucky with my dad!
Children grow up, they make their souls happy,
Photos protect sacred memory.
The years are falling like leaves,
They won't let me forget about you.

My dad is my best friend.
Let's draw and sing together.
And suddenly we get tired of playing,
We'll go for a ride in the park with him.
Steep hills are not scary
I will tame a tiger on safari,
In a rocket, boldly to the moon
In a moment I will make it.
All because it is very strong
I love my dad!

The best dad in the world.
He will teach me everything.
Any matter is controversial
And the work will not get boring.
Let's put the house in order
While mom is at work.
She will be immensely happy
From such male care!

Daddy, dear, I congratulate you,
On this clear day I sincerely wish,
I wish you a lot of health and joyful moments,
It’s great that we are all here today.
At the festive table I hasten to congratulate you,
I wish you good luck and success in your endeavors.

When you were a child you played with me
Snot, wiped away tears,
I bought toys
Sang songs in my ear.
And now I've grown up
And I can boldly admit,
That you are the best in the whole world!

The article will contain words of gratitude in poetry and prose for every taste.

In life you need to be able to say “thank you.” After all, words of gratitude help to express your gratitude to the people who were nearby at the right moment. It's not always possible to choose the right words yourself, don’t be afraid to use templates, but bring something of your own to them.

  • Words of gratitude can be in poetry or prose. In poetry, the words sound more solemn and are suitable for special occasions
  • Also, words of gratitude in verse can be written on a postcard so that the person to whom they are given can keep them
  • Words in prose sound more natural. You don’t need to memorize them, just memorize the frame of the speech
  • If you are not shy in front of the public and easily find the right words, then you can make a speech in your own words
  • Before giving a speech, practice in front of a mirror. This will give you confidence in public.
  • The main thing is not to be nervous, pronounce the text clearly and take your time. Then any words of gratitude will sound worthy

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to friends in poetry and prose

There are no better friends in the world
Than those next to me
You bring light to my soul
And fill it with love.
Thank you dear friends
Because we are together in life
And I can't imagine
Without you, not a year of my life

A person needs friendship like air
There are so many different problems in the world
Well, friends are like the sky and space
They will save you from despair and troubles.
With them you easily forget about fear
Always a lot of fun and jokes
A friend won't leave you without a shirt
Will lend a hand if there is trouble

Many poets and writers note that friendship is the greatest wealth in life.And this is not easy. After all, a friend is not a relative who should be close by blood ties.
A friend is a soul mate who has chosen to be with you.
A true friend can be hundreds of kilometers away, but worry about you as if the trouble had happened to him.
I am very happy that in my environment there are precisely such people whom I can safely call my friends!
Thank you just for being you!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to a woman in poetry and prose

I want to say “thank you” to you
For your kind words
And the world became a little brighter,
And there is more warmth in it

And even if it rains,
Or maybe a thunderstorm
I will remember those words
Where is there a lot of goodness?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
For everything you've done for us
And I will repeat it a hundred times
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you from the heart
I want to express it now.
Describe delight and happiness
I don't have enough phrases these days.

It's always nice to say words of gratitude to something good. to a person and from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate your patience, understanding and concern. You are a real lady who surrounds everyone around with an aura of sincere support. And I want you to know that we are all extremely grateful to you. Thank you!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to a man in poetry and prose

Thank you for being there dear friend
And that you give me joy every minute
And even if something happens suddenly
You will be there and help great.

I'm sure that you are my wall
That you are my support and hope
And I will always be grateful to you
And I will repeat this forever

Thank you for your help and patience
For your kindness and correct advice
Thank you for being there at the right time
And that you give light to everyone around you.

Your deeds will not pass by
Everyone will receive the world in full
And for your work and efforts
I wish you only the best!

A man has always been and will be a support in any society. You are the same person who encourages everyone around you to do better. You will always give necessary advice, you will find necessary words support. Your strength helps us to be stronger. You are the embodiment of a real man, strong and responsible. Thank you for being with us and helping us in difficult times!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your husband in poetry and prose

My dear and sweet husband
I thank you for everything
For being always with me
I truly love you.

And I'm happy that we're together
That fate brought us together one day
Why do you always give me flowers?
And remember what is important to me

You are my example, my ideal
My husband and the best of men
Thank God for giving you to me
And what love gave us together.

I won't tire of repeating that you -
This is the best I had
Even the best worlds cannot replace you
After all, you are my world, and I will always be with you

Saying “I love you” is much easier than saying “thank you”! After all, what you do for me requires gratitude every minute. Your tenderness, care and support have already become a part of my life. I may not always express my gratitude. But I want you to know that I see everything you do for me. And I am incredibly grateful to you for this, my precious husband!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your wife in poetry and prose

You are my dear wife
You are my light, my passion and friend
I'm ready to do anything for you
For gifts and even concessions.

You are always with me, dear
And that's why you're dear to me
And my endless weakness
It's you, my tender joy

Thank you, my love
For being always with me
That you are sweet with heart and soul
You surround me with warmth

Even though I know few beautiful words,
Even if I rarely give flowers,
But I understood what love is,
For me, love is you!

My precious wife, you and I have already been there a lot together. Together we are family and friends. We had quarrels, misunderstandings and even scandals. But we survived everything thanks to our sincere love. Thanks to your kindness, tenderness and responsiveness. Thank you for being with me. Thank you for your care and support. With you I feel stronger. And I know that together we are capable of almost everything.

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your father in poetry and prose

Thank you, our beloved dad
That you support us
Thank you for always being there
You are our pride, our dear dad.

You are the best, the strongest
You protect us from harm
And can we say openly
That dad is the best person!

Dad is my best friend!
Worth a thousand friends!
There is nothing cooler in the world
What to be your daughter!

Thank you our dad
Why do you live in this world?
You are our pride and joy
And you give best tips.

We come to you so often
For help, for kind words
And we rarely say thank you
But we’re just asking for something new.

But now the moment of reckoning has come
Today we give thanks
You for being there
And we want to wish you happiness!

Dear daddy, you help us so often! You are the kindest, the most darling and you don’t even know it yourself. You have given us the best advice so many times and protected us from life’s difficulties. And thanks to you we can live happily, you taught us a lot. Thank you, dad, for your work and care. You're the best in the world!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to mom in poetry and prose

Beloved mommy
There's so much warmth in her
She gave birth to you
Cherished, waited.

And only mother's heart
Capable of telling
As much as possible
Love and expect.

Thank you dear
Thanks for the warmth
For what is nearby in life
Native is a shoulder

It's wonderful to have a mother in the world
She will always support and understand
And in case of some failure
With love and tenderness he will hug you.

I want to say thank you, mom
For the fact that you are always with me
I'll be forever grateful
You are my dear little man!

Today before I go to bed,

I will ask God for health for YOU!
I am only grateful to YOU ​​that I am alive!
I gave YOU my smile first,
And when things were bad, YOU were the only one who loved me!
I trusted only YOU with my secrets.
After all, only YOU accepted me in any way!
YOU dedicated your life to me, preserving my peace!
And despite this, YOU brought me into the public eye!
I know YOUR life was not easy and difficult,
But I pray... I pray... dear for you!
Today before I go to bed,
I want to pray for my mom.

Mommy, no words in the world can express that gratitude. which I am experiencing. I know how many difficulties you had to go through to give birth to and raise me. Sorry if I am not always understanding and patient. But every minute in my soul I know that you do only the best for me. Thank you, my dear!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude to your daughter in poetry and prose

I am grateful to God that I have
Wonderful daughter, my star
You are always beautiful, sweet and nice
You are my beloved, desired girl.
We love you so much that it is impossible to say
And in ordinary words to convey feelings
We are always with you, our dear child
No matter what happens to you and me, kitten

You are great for us, daughter.
And we want to say thank you
Because you are kind and smart
And your beauty is unique.
You help us with everything
And mature beyond her years
You are our support in everything
Thank you for giving us a daughter!

Our beloved daughter. You are our ray of sunshine and reliable support. You always lift our spirits and teach us something new and unknown. Thanks to you, we feel younger. Thank you, daughter, for being with us, for loving us and giving us your care!

Words of gratitude: SMS

Thank you sincerely
I tell you with all my heart
There is no end to gratitude
I will repeat it to you a hundred times!

For your kind words
Wasted strength
I thank you
I want to say thank you!

Thank you very much
For everything you've accomplished
I am with a sincere soul
I say thank you!

THANK YOU, true friends!
What, we were in difficult times.
That they really believed in me,
Without letting go of your heart.

THANK YOU to everyone who prayed so much,
For my life, asking God.
Who went to the Temple for me,
Having placed candles at the Saint.

THANK YOU to everyone who remembered.
There are many such people in the world!
Who believed, knew and understood,
How difficult my path is.

Video: Words of gratitude to parents

Today is your birthday, dad!
I hasten to congratulate you with impatience!
Let me be the first in this!
I will wake you up together with your grandfather!
Father, what can I wish for you?
On your birthday,
What can I say,
In addition to congratulations,

Good luck in everything and everywhere,
Success, prosperity and goodness.
Love, Hope, happiness according to fate
Sincere participation and warmth.

My dad is a dashing athlete,
He is always with me in my soul,
He is a swimmer and, like a whale,
Will fly along the path

Dad teaches us to dream
And in a dream fly to the moon,
Dad teaches us to play
draw a rainbow

I, like a son, wish you
Live 100 years without knowing troubles
Smile quietly in the wind
Just like he can fly around the world!

It's a beautiful day,
Dad! - It's your birthday!
Lilacs bloomed outside the window
I want so much fun!

I'll snuggle up to your stubble,
And it will be good!
I'll give you a blue tie!
It matches your eyes!

We are happy that we are your creation,
We wish you many bright days!
Bow to you on your bright birthday,
Accept it from loving children!

Congratulations to dad, ?
It's his birthday!
We really need you, dad.
We only want one thing -

May you be strong in body
And to be friends with sports,
So that you look forward boldly
And I always loved my family!

To be successful in your career,
I gave money to my mother,
Was successful in every business
And greeted the day with a smile!

Daddy, happy birthday! Happy angel day!
Let the work in your office be in full swing.
Let the income from everything come running to you!
Factories are named after you!

You never judge
You accept everyone as they are,
You can help us get out of trouble in no time.
Be happy, dad!

You unite us all
You respect our opinion
You attract our thoughts with force,
You teach us to become beautiful souls,

You always taught like a strict mentor,
How to live with dignity, protect your honor,
To love with your soul, to be calm in adversity,
How to protect kindness from evil in the heart.

My mother and I chose it together
With love and from the heart!
I wish you only good news!
So first of all, dance!

So that you forget this crisis, and the trouble with care
Even today, daddy, don’t work!

To be your daughter is happiness,
Dear daddy, you are mine,
May despondency and bad weather
They'll say goodbye to you!

I hasten to congratulate you,
I wish you happiness in life,
Let sadness leave you
There is never a dull moment in life!

We'll have fun for a long time
On your birthday, dad,
Let luck come knocking
We're in the window with you!

Happy Birthday to You,
My daddy, gentle, dear!
I wish you good health, lovingly,
The kindest and dearest!

Dear daddy, beloved,
Dear, unique,
Charming, beautiful,
You don't live your life in vain -

And I’m glad to go on hikes with you,
Light fires and sleep in a tent,
And I’ll repeat to you a hundred times in a row,
I want to become just like you, dad!

I want you to be always with me,
Played football and flew a snake,
I'm always interested in you,
Even when you were just silent

May everything be fine with you,
Both at work and in our home!
You are so big for me
That I won’t even be able to kiss you.

Happy birthday, my dad!
I'm lucky to have you.
You are caring, not strict
And with a soul so wide,

What a huge ocean!
Always be drunk with happiness
Be successful and cheerful
Definitely healthy!

Well, I’m like your daughter,
I love you forever
I respect you very much
I appreciate and adore it!

Daddy, my dear, unfortunately
We started seeing you less often.
And today, on this birthday,
I say with special warmth:

I am grateful to you for my childhood,
For the love that you always gave me.
And today I wish you
So that you live as long as possible.

May illness not affect you,
After all, you are very young at heart.
Smile more often, don't be sad,
For me you are the most precious!

Dear dad, my good one,
How similar we are to you.
I congratulate you, my love,
Happy Birthday to You!

Among worries, among works,
In a long series of years
And in moments of vanity -
Be always happy.

And in business you will win,
And many healthy years,
Strength, energy, goodness,
The mood is great.

May the family be strong
Friends will be faithful
Blessings, prosperity, good meetings.
Promise to take care of yourself!

My dear daddy,
The sweetest and dearest!
Happy birthday
I wish you happiness and joy.

So that there is order in work,
Well, there was plenty at home.
And the fishing was a success,
And in general everything worked out.

I've been proud of you since childhood
I strive to imitate you.
For me you are ideal
You have given me a lot in life.

Dad, I love you
And thank you for everything.
You are always by my side,
My daughter doesn't need more.

On your birthday I wish
Long, endless happiness.
Strength, health, lots of laughter
And success in all matters!

Peace, blue sky,
Warm native home,
Understanding, patience.
Happy Birthday!

Congratulations dear
Dad, happy birthday.
I wish on this day
In a life of inspiration,
Lots of good health
Many happy days
No evil or grief to be seen
And don't see fools
I wish you a lot of happiness
Lots of sun and warmth
So that love, luck, money
Never ended!

Daddy, daddy, daddy,
Happy birthday, kisses.
I love you very much
Be happy always.

Be surprised, relax,
Smile at your loved ones more often.
Let everything be with you,
Excellent, as always.

My dear daddy,
Very sweet, dear,
Happy birthday.
I wish you happiness and joy.

Let there be laughter today
There will be success only with you,
The light of fortune illuminates
And protects from troubles!

My close and dear person,
The most faithful protector and friend.
I want many more years
The circle of your life continued.

And even though I’m already an adult,
If I happen to be in trouble.
You are the support of the family and the head,
I will come to you for advice.

I want to wish you on a holiday
Always stay young.
Become wiser every year
Know that I love you very much.

And let life take its course,
Let you believe only in good things.
If only that house was always open,
Where can we meet you, dad?

Daddy, take it quickly
Confession from me.
You know, to be yours
Daughter as a title:
Joyfully, honorably,
And it's also nice.
After all, you are sparkling,
Very neat
Beauty - like from a painting!
. in general, just a sweetheart.
Rejoice on your name day,
Smile, daddy!

Like a daughter, you are a gentle ideal,
Simple and polite in communication.
You are a delightful crystal
With you, love is equal in comparison.

Your chest is full of worries
Seedlings live in her of tender feelings,
You are like a bright moon
To shine for others is your reward.

You have a sacred heart
My beloved child,
I feel day and night
The care of your hands, daughter.

Your responsiveness is known
She is always relevant to everyone,
You are probably a wonderful angel,
Incredible kindness.

There is nobility in your actions,
And there is tenderness and kindness in them,
And gives all this similarity
To you, with your parental dream.

You are a daughter, a treat for all of us,
There is no more beautiful child in the world,
And causing admiration
You give light to people with love.

It's nice to raise a daughter like this,
How are you, my love?
And can't find anywhere else
Surpassed you.

Without rudeness you are good-natured,
The heart is filled with kindness,
Tender, refined, obedient,
Families hope and peace.

It's not often children like you
Now you'll see your friends
And this, daughter, is wonderful,
That I call you mine.

One of these in the Universe
You, my incomparable one,
And for you immensely faithful
There will always be family.

I'm so glad to see your smile today. She inspires me and gives me faith in life. Thank you for raising me to be a good girl. I am eternally grateful to you, dad. And on your birthday, I want all your dreams and desires to come true. Congratulations!

Happy Birthday, Daddy! Let today become one of the happiest days in your life! I wish you success in your work, good health And good luck! And your family and friends are always ready to give you happiness, love and care!

Dear dad, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday! Happy Birthday! May everything in this world float into your hands and may you never have to be sad! May health and faith in miracles always protect you! And so that you can finally be convinced that miracles do come true!

Daddy, my dear, thank you so much for your understanding, attention and care. I appreciate everything you do for me! I love and respect you very much!
I wish you happiness, health, Have a good mood and good luck in everything!

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Daddy, dear, I congratulate you,
On this clear day I sincerely wish,
I wish you a lot of health and joyful moments,
It’s great that we are all here today.
At the festive table I hasten to congratulate you,
I wish you good luck and success in your endeavors.

When you were a child you played with me
Snot, wiped away tears,
I bought toys
Sang songs in my ear.

And now I've grown up
And I can boldly admit,
That you are the best in the whole world!
Daddy, you are my idol!

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And will hide from the rain.
He will hug me tenderly
He will say tender words.
And, again, the sun will smile -
Will disperse the clouds!
I'll sit in his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Dear daddy, happy birthday!
Your years are passing faster and faster.
Let inspiration come
And you are always lucky in everything!
So that your health is heroic,
The chickens didn't peck your money!
And always acquaintances, relatives
They treated you with sincere love!

My dad left
To be honest, I don't have a dad.
not easy.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Dad, I’ll start your holiday with congratulations.
I wish you strength and patience!
After all, women are not so easy to understand,
But mom and I want to give you a big hug!
We would like to buy a large SUV,
With friends to ride and fish!
For your favorite football team, victories!
Good health to you! And live a long time without troubles!

I always wanted to be like
At you, my dear dad!
To be as strong and able to
In life, you can find any way out.

I like talking to you
Argue and talk about life,
Make decisions with your head,
And the issues are difficult to solve.

Congratulations on your holiday,
I'm happy to be your son, believe me!
May your dream come true
Try on a smile of joy!

You are my example, you are my support,
Although he was strict, he was harsh.
You are necessary and dear to me,
You are the best, dad, I would say!

I wish you on this birthday
All the best, health and goodness.
Let there be enough money for everything,
May life be kind to you!

Dear dad, dear,
Since childhood you have always been with me,
He went to football with me,
And he gave me toys!

Happy birthday,
I wish you to be strong for a hundred years,
Cheerful, joyful, healthy,
To make it happen again:

And love and happiness too,
May you be even younger!
Take my poem
What a filial congratulation!

From childhood on you, father,
I want to be like.
Believe me, I'm not a flatterer.
You have always been dearer to me than anyone else.

You are an example for me
Support and support.
It was like that before and now.
Sorry that I rarely say this.

So I won’t hesitate now.
And I want to wish you, dad,
Don't be discouraged, always believe in luck
And don’t look at your passport so often.

I'm often very curious
Can I become a genius?
After all, sometimes they say it’s offensive,
What, they say, is nature to rest

Must on children, and from genius
A genius could not have been born.
My dad is a genius, that means less
I'm more talented than my dad.

The lock on the door will change
And he will install a light in the bathroom,
Then he solves algebra,
I'm not in the apartment yet.

He goes to school meetings
And performs most often
And everything is so easy, without effort,
Success accompanies him!

Oh, my dad, a great worker,
You are my home magician!
You don't even know how much I need you,
It’s easy for me with your wisdom.

I want to congratulate you, daddy,
Accept my humble gift,
Although a genius is not born twice,
I am your exact imprint!

Happy birthday, my dear man!
I'm lucky - not everyone has such dads,
You are a wonderful, fair, kind, loving father,
And in any serious matter, without a doubt, you are an “expert.”

You have a sea of ​​positivity, love of life, warmth,
I wish you, dad, that good luck comes into your hands,
Long years, health, happiness, delightful moments,
Let your opportunities and strength increase threefold.

I also really want to say “thank you” to you,
I try to keep up with you in this life,
To be as fair, honest, faithful as you are,
Do everything so that there is more kindness in this world

Dad, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
Always be smart and brave
To do everything he could.
Always be ahead
But take care of your health.
Be lucky and rich
Be happy with your life.
Be friendly and tolerant
Know that I love you.

For dad, as for stone wall,
I am so proud that I am your child.
Although this child has grown up,
He never managed to get taller than his dad.

Not in terms of growth - in life matters.
Everything is going wrong in daddy’s hands.
Whatever you don't take on - everything is boiling,
And you look so calm.

You know the recipes, it seems, for everything,
How to arrange our home,
How to quickly cheer up your mother
And if mom is late, cook soup.

The house is on you, but it seems the whole world,
You are an example in everything, you are my idol!
You will solve my problems too,
You talk about everything calmly.

Sometimes it seems to me that you are capable
To build bridges in global affairs,
You can reconcile states,
But he chose to give himself to his family.

I remember in childhood: children, quarrel, screaming,
You're used to these little wars,
You hugged us and we made peace
There was no war in the house forever.

So happy birthday to you, daddy.
I will read this verse to you, lovingly.
I wish you to live to be a hundred years old,
With someone like you, the family knows no troubles!

Let life be so joyfully easy,
Like a faithful father's hand!
Let life bring prosperity to our home,
After all, our dad can do everything in life!

Daddy is beloved, kind, strong, honest,
Our head of the family and a famous joker,
Hunter and fisherman, summer resident and driver,
Handyman, delicious dishes amateur

Good afternoon, dear guests of my blog! Today we will discuss poems about dad, I will give you many cool options, among which there will be both short and long, heartfelt, touching with tears, from a son and daughter. All of them are intended for childhood starting at about 3 years of age. For children aged 7 years and older there will be a selection of long poems.

Traditionally, we read a lot of poems to mothers, both at matinees in kindergartens and schools, and on holidays and birthdays. But dad is such a close and dear person. Give children the opportunity to show honor and respect to their fathers through reading poetry.

And no matter how strict fathers may be outwardly, their children’s declarations of love are also incredibly pleasant for them. Even if they don’t show it outwardly, their men’s hearts will be melted. Honestly! In the article you will find a suitable poem for any holiday, including February 23.

When choosing a suitable poem for a child, take into account his age, memory and speech capabilities. Start with short ones, periodically adding longer ones or more complex ones based on existing speech patterns. Be sure to convey to the children that their poems are very pleasant and express their love.

Dad, you are the best in the world,
The best father on the vast planet!
How I admire you, how proud I am,
I hold your friendship and hand tightly!

Do you know how friendly
Daddy and I live!
We play together, we eat together,
We laugh together, we walk together,
Together funny tales read!

In the morning
Oleg Bundur

I got dressed and washed - Dad was shaving,
While I was sitting down at the table, Dad was shaving,
I had already drunk some tea - Dad was shaving, shaving, shaving,
And then he said: “Listen, these are the kind of scoundrels WE are.”

If all children could choose their dad themselves
I would have to stand in a long line behind you

Daddy, my dear,
I love you so much!
I'm the best to you
I'll give you the drawing.

(M. Morozova)

On Sunday for a walk
I go with my dad.
So that he doesn't get lost
I hold his hand.

I have a hedgehog
Prickly in the morning.
I kiss him -
My dad is the best!

My dad is a champion!
He is the strongest in the world:
He holds his mother in his arms
Carrying it around the apartment!
Or maybe me too
He will lift it with her!
I'll grow big
And I can do that too.

Among the poems we can highlight humorous ones, which children learn with special pleasure. After all, even kids already love and know how to laugh.

This is a hat.
Dad was in it
Yesterday evening.
And this morning I
I keep looking into the hat.
The light is on, you can see better with it.
Well, where did daddy go?
After all, yesterday he was in it!

Andrey Usachev
I can on dad
Ride day and night.
It's bad that it's on dad
There's nothing to grab onto.
Grab him from behind -
He shouts: - It’s not visible! -
And my hair hurts,
And it’s a shame for the ears!

I love him with all my heart, he is my brave protector,
Yes, my father: strength, wisdom, my most important person!

Let's go to kindergarten
Oleg Bundur

Set sail again
Steamboat and steamboat
And hurries after the ship
The steamboat is at full speed,
And he gets tired -
He takes it in tow.

Oleg Bundur
Dad got up himself in the morning,
I ate every last drop,
I didn’t drop, imagine, cups,
I've never torn a shirt
And I didn't run barefoot
And he didn’t click his tongue,
And he wasn’t friends with the mongrel -
Dad lived a very boring life!

Poems about dad for children 3, 4 years old

The selection below is suitable for 3 and 4 year olds. However, again, someone will be able to read these verses only at 5 years old, and someone at 2.5 years old. Focus on your baby, and don’t discourage him from these lines by giving them beyond his strength. And as you can see, many of the works from the selection above are suitable for children of this age.

My dad loves music
I can't keep up with him:
He plays the guitar,
And I sing songs.
Our dad is the best in the world
Good, kind and dear,
Everyone loves him: mother, children,
For us it is the most expensive!

I'm still just a child
Restless boy.
And my dad is an adult uncle.
He's so big, big.
The kindest, the bravest,
My beloved, my dear!

My daddy is funny
Can sing and read poetry.
Well, if necessary,
The bull's-eye can dance.

Dad, if he wants, can sing a song,
If it’s cold, warm it up with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It’s hard for me to fall asleep without my dad!..

Dad has work! Dad is busy!
And he has no time to play with us.
And we love him! And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad takes a day off,
It's great to be with him, he's so lively

My dad brings me toys, candy,
But that’s not why I love dad.
He sings funny songs to me,
The two of us are never bored!

It’s great when, together with your child, you learn not only to recite poems beautifully, but also to come up with small dramatizations for them. By developing theatrical and emotional presentation, you also actively develop creativity and self-confidence.

When I play with dad,
I run and shoot.
And I start the trains
And I fly into the clouds.
All the books are upside down -
This is how boys grow up!
We played papovoz -
In the fastest papovoz,
To the best papovoz:
I was driving, and dad was driving!

Poems about dad from a daughter

They say that only with the birth of a daughter does a man turn into a gentle, touching “daddy.” In any case, it will be very touching for a father to hear poetry from his sweet little princess. Even if she is 30 years old. But today is a selection of works for children.

Everyone knows that I am a Princess
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!
The strongest, the most honest,
The smartest and dearest.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame for this!

My daddy's favorite.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on a horse!
You can do it, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all, there is no better dad!

Tatyana Bokova

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And will hide from the rain.
He will hug me tenderly
He will say tender words.
And, again, the sun will smile -
Will disperse the clouds!
I'll sit in his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Dear dad, I'm proud of you,
Dear dad, I admire you,
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
On this day I bow before you.
They say I'm daddy's daughter
By character, views, manners,
And I'm glad that's the case
For me, you have become the best example!

Well, how can you not be touched by such tender and admiring words from your daughter? If you still doubt whether your dad should be “pampered” with them, then doubts aside. Any father who cares for his children and loves them definitely needs such verbal vitamins!

And while you're thinking about what to choose, I'll give you another armful of beautiful poems.

Dad has no son, dad has two daughters,
Two girls, me and my sister.
We play with dolls, wash handkerchiefs
And we whisper with her until the morning...
Dad doesn't have a son, but I wish he could
He needs to kick a ball with someone,
Build a rocket, go fishing,
Understanding men's problems...
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, what can you do?
Two girls came out in a row.
And dad sighs and stealthily catches
The neighbor's sympathetic look.
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, no and no need...
Please accept congratulations from us,
There couldn't be a happier dad in the world,
What about dads with two daughters!!!

Although my dad, let's be honest,
Not very tall at all,
Mom says all the time: “I’m behind a stone wall.”
He runs everything in the house, Everything burns in his hands,
He even reads fairy tales to us, and doesn’t stick around on the Internet!
Dad is smart, dad is brave, Dad is a treasure at work,
He is in charge of a very important department, they say.
A doctor, a scientist and a worker - we need different dads.
Dads are very important for the family and for the country!
But MY dad is the best!
I was lucky with him... and with my mother! T. Gusarova

My dear daddy,
My loved one
Thank you for everything,
For this life, light.
For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with my mother,
You bring me happiness.
For your eyes there are splinters,
Your hands are warm,
I live for sincerity,
Trust in the soul.
Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And for dad in a stormy hour,
I'll extend my hand.

My dad is good
Kind and simple,
Respects mom
Sincere like that.
My beloved dad
Dear heart,
And also beautiful -
Affectionate, dear.

My reliable dad
Faithful family man
And in this world,
I have one.

I respect my dad
What else to say?
I have nowhere like this
Can't find any more.
It's not a pity for him
Nothing in life -
My golden folder
I love him!

There is a man in the world
More expensive than all coins
His smile is heart
It has kept me warm for many years.
His care is in his hands,
Responsibility to family
He will always help me
He'll tell me something.
When I get older
He will suddenly grow old
I'll pour him some tea,
Sheltered from white blizzards.
I will be the best
Caring for him
After all, more than this life,
I love daddy!

Poems about dad from a son

Boys are like little copies of their dads and dream of being like them. General men's affairs, their conversations, activities and entertainment are very important even for kids. Therefore, be sure to learn it with your son and dedicate a touching poem to your dad. Both father and child will be proud. And by the way, a long work can be shortened, turning it into a short one that is easy to remember.

How I love you!
I'm so glad when we're together
You and I are going for a walk!
Or making something,
Or we just talk.
And how sorry for you again
Let go to work!

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind.
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you
But you and I know for sure:
Your reflection is ME!

Tatyana Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.

V. Bredikhin

Grandma opened it for me
Yesterday a big secret
What did dad have too?
Once upon a time eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes he was mischievous
And he jumped like a monkey
And I got two marks.
I was lazy while charging,
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
I'm terribly surprised
After all, this is exactly why
He scolds me.

Oleg Bundur

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes hums,
The one sticking out by the TV
He sometimes hugs
Warmth strong hands,
He sometimes forgets
That he is his son's best friend.
Dads are different...
And as the days pass,
Their sons grow up
Point to point, just like them.

I am stronger Oleg Bundur
The sun is shining high
Singing about May,
Dad walks wide
And I don't have time
And I have to run
To keep up with him,
And I run, I don’t lag behind,
And I don't get tired at all
And I said at the end of the road:
- Running is harder than walking,
I ran twice as far!-
And dad shook my hand:
- You are right,
your path is longer
And you, son, are stronger!
My dad is my best friend.
Let's draw and sing together.
And suddenly we get tired of playing,
We'll go for a ride in the park with him.

Steep hills are not scary
I will tame a tiger on safari,
In a rocket, boldly to the moon
In a moment I will make it.
All because it is very strong
I love my dad!

I'm walking down the street with my dad next to me,
And passers-by follow us with their gaze.
They look at dad and son with a smile.
- How similar the guys are! - They tell each other.
And I smile friendly too.

How happy it is for me to be like my dad!
Palm in hand - We walk slowly.
My dad is with me! He's happy, of course.
And the reason for this happiness is clear:
After all, dad looks like his beloved son!

M. Mishakova

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me
With a big fiery dragon,
And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,
Sorry, I have to work on Monday
It's time for him, and it's time for me to go to kindergarten.

Oleg Bundur

Books from dad
A whole thousand!
Which one they won’t ask -
He'll find it right away.
Probably dad
He already knows everything
And he sits down alone again
And reads.
I'm books like dad
I love
And I dream:
I'll grow up -
So many books
I'll read it.
And my son to myself
I won't forget to call
I'll ask him: - Well,
What should you read?

Yu. V. Kasparova

What do I need for fishing?
I'll find a straight stick
And alone, without even a dad,
I'll attach a long fishing line.

I didn’t forget about the bait:
I dug it into a big jar
Two dozen worms.
That's it, look, I'm ready!

I worked hard
Even dad was surprised!
He praised my ingenuity
I took it fishing with me!

Touching poems about dad to tears

For many, it will be especially pleasant to hear poems that are touching to tears and sincere from your child. In them, declarations of love sound very sincere and childishly piercing, so that they reach the very depths of the heart. Probably, such poems do not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, the following selection is for you.

By the way, children, by telling such poems, learn to express their feelings, express them in words, and speak openly to mom and dad and loved ones about their love, gratitude and respect.

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

You, dad, are the kindest in the world.
I'm proud and admire you,
No hands are more skillful, hearts are wider,
I am becoming more and more convinced of this!
All my life views
They look so much like yours
It's so great to have you around!
Be happy, my good dad!

When you were a child you played with me
Snot, wiped away tears,
I bought toys
Sang songs in my ear.
And now I've grown up
And I can boldly admit,
That you are the best in the whole world!
Daddy, you are my idol!

A. Shmykov

I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,
But I still don’t know how:
You are the best dad on earth
An expert in any matter!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, plan, saw.
Can you sing songs?
And just have fun!
You catch pike and perch.
You are great in everything...
But for me the most important thing is -
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind.
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you
But you and I know for sure:
Your reflection is me!

Ulyanich Nadezhda

If we talk about dads, mine is wonderful, mine is a hero,
Loving, generous and always so dear.
If you believe a person, then there is no more reliable friend.
My dad is my support, and with him the darkness is pure light.

If I need an adviser, dad is very far-sighted,
He is practical, witty and, moreover, a prominent man.
If grief happened, troubles, adversity,
The father will rush to the rescue day and night, on days of bad weather.

We are secrets to each other
We trust our own
And everything about each other
We probably know.
How else,
How else -
We are friends, and this
Means a lot.

Dad and I have been for a long time
Men, not children
Can I for dad
Give everything in the world.

My dear daddy,
My loved one
Thank you for everything,
For this life, light.

For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with my mother,
You bring me happiness.

For your eyes there are splinters,
Your hands are warm,
I live for sincerity,
Trust in the soul.

Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And for dad in a stormy hour,
I'll extend my hand.

I'm always there
Oleg Bundur

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into dad’s bed,
And I lie quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my dad’s arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will tell me cheerfully: - Well, miracles!
Where did you come from? I was surprised! –
- But I was always next to you!

Dad reads books to me
I value my friendship with him
Each fairy tale for dad
I’ll retell that hour out loud
Then I’ll take the book myself
I'll read it out loud to dad
Dad will retell the story
It will take my breath away
This is how we read to each other
Let's retell it out loud
And it's so much fun in the apartment
And it’s so fabulous all around.

They read all the poems about mothers,
Dad, it’s like they’ve forgotten
I'll tell you a fairy tale,
About your daddy.
Me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
He and I are best friends
Where he goes, I go too.
He goes to work
He'll take me to kindergarten,
And he comes home from work,
Tells about hunting
He and I will sit on the sofa,
Let's read the book.
Let's make mother soup-shulyum,
We'll clean everything up.
It takes me to the cinema,
Then up the hill in the park,
He just doesn’t take me to the bathhouse,
He says it's hot there.

Oleg Bundur

I know the fairy tale by heart
From word to word,
But let him tell
Let me listen again.
And I only want one thing:
Let the fairy tale last longer.
While I'm with dad,
Nothing bad will happen.
And I ask dad again
First, tell a fairy tale.

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise – with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!!!

My dad left
To be honest, I don't have a dad.
not easy.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

I hope you have already selected for yourself the options for poems that you liked best.

Long poems about dad

For those children who already memorize large volumes, I suggest taking long poems about dad for study. So, you will surprise your father and train your memory well. Don't forget to add emotion to make the poem "alive."

A. Popov
I'm the most terrible secret opened!
I opened it because... well, basically, I forgot...
My dad, when he was a child, by accident
I broke the chandelier in the house with a soccer ball!
And poured greenery on my sister’s braids,
And he dropped a boiling kettle out the window!
But he told me something completely different:
That he never did anything
Didn’t burn plasticine, didn’t splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
I studied with straight A's and never littered anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, at least later,
And yet, dad was just like me!
Grandfather told me everything in confidence,
But dad doesn’t believe it. I probably forgot!

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

I'll tell you about dad -
I won’t show up, I won’t bungle.
This dad is great
A quick daredevil.
He cooks the porridge himself from semolina,
All day long the tractor plows,
He waves the iron nimbly.
Irons all the diapers,
Dinner will settle the issue.
Wash all the dishes
He will feel sorry for Grandma Lyuda.
He doesn't moan or whine,
Necessary? This will clean the floors!
All carpets are vacuumed,
And he won’t ask for a reward.
He will put his daughters to bed.
And our dad can
Fix my wife's hairpin
Help thread the needle.
Knows how to hold a soldering iron
How to clean a washbasin
What to put in a dry felt-tip pen,
In general - a jack of all trades!
Their apartment is beautiful!!
Hey dad!!
The best in the world!!!

A. Shipitsyn

Dad's hands are like cosmodromes!
So tall dad is home
I'm being tossed around and spun around.
The spacesuit is about to be needed!
Well, yesterday it was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he told me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!”
He hugged his mother when he met her,
She barely set foot in the house.
Mom laughs: - I'm flying away!
Already in heaven, in seventh!
Here is dad treating a branch with us,
When he builds a house, the saw sings!
Dad has a hundred-colored rainbow
The usual things are in hand.
I don't sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Not sleeping...
Ah, cosmodrome hands!
From them I set off into a huge world!..

I have given you the most interesting and touching poems about dad. I hope that among them you have chosen the one that suits you. Write in the comments which poems you prefer, long or short, moving to tears or with humor.

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets

Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected the most touching and beautiful poems about dad for children. These verses will be an excellent congratulation to dad on the holiday.


How I love you!
I'm so glad when we're together
You and I are going for a walk!
Or making something,
Or we just talk.
And how sorry for you again
Let go to work!

So what should parents look for? If a daughter secretly loves her father, she begins to accept her mother as a rival. Jealous of her and resenting her for having “her daddy” too much. In this case, should be able to find the mother in the middle of the path.

The mother is a model for her daughter, but her father chooses the career choice. If she spends a lot of time with her daughter, she is involved in male activities and is likely to be a successful manager. Every little girl wants to hear words of gratitude and recognition from her father. If they start saving their fathers and, in the end, instead of praise, it betrays the daughter in the form of cruel self-confidence. Then his settlement will take a lot of effort. In adulthood, he cannot believe and not believe, on the contrary, or he wants to prove “how good he is” and begins to cope with them.

Poems about dad

Oh, so many songs and poems
There is something about mom in the world,
But still about dad
We haven't heard, believe me.
But he is more important in the family,
Everyone will agree with that.
And we owe it doubly,
Treat with love.
And without him we would be the same
They were not born.
We should thank him
Because we were born.
Or maybe he too sometimes
I woke up at night,
Worried about you and me
And I was very worried.
And he, although his love
It won't show openly
We know he “loves” his
In fact, it will prove to us.
But often for some reason we
We still offend dad
That he wants good
We rarely understand.
When you've been apart from him for a long time,
We miss you so much.
And that joy cannot be explained,
When we meet him.
And we know, again, as always,
He will greet us with joy.
And that loving in my own way,
He will respond to love

My daughter's view of a man's world influences my father, even when she is not present in her daughter's life. The daughters then suffer from feelings of poverty and anger. Moreover, they may have a problem with employment authorities in their maturity. Be your daughter's protector, knight and guide less deliberation, more trusting look at her hobbies, only her route, but the decision to leave her and teach her courage and assertiveness watch her know that you care about her not closely before any question of respect and honor her evolution with womanhood.

According to psychologists, it is the father who introduces his daughter into the adult world. Unfortunately, another option is not available. There are no special connections yet. But you should know one thing - you are and will always be the first person your daughter is associated with. And good relationships, also between sexes, can be formed from the moment of birth.

Poems about dad

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind.
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you
But you and I know for sure:
Your reflection is ME!

My dad is so funny!
When he comes to kindergarten,
To take me home
Once - and he will sit on the floor!
I'll get dressed - he's sitting.
I know this!
He sleeps in the group all the time,
If from the grocery store.
I won't wake him up
Neither with a ball nor with a stick.
I'd rather sit next to you
Do I feel sorry for time?
And when he wakes up, oh!
I'll sit on the sled
And let's rush home with him
We're going to the angry mother!

Luckily, being as close to you as possible is all you need at this stage. When your daughter starts taking her first steps and wearing dresses, you will love her for the rest of her life. Your friends may even conclude that you have completely failed. You will see it in person, thin and fragile, and this in a world where women predominate in many areas is a fact that is for you an expression of her true femininity. You are in love with your daughter and are ready to stand on your eyelashes for every slightest nod. You shower him with your fatherly affection, pamper yourself, cheat and hit.

Like Dad
Tatyana Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.

V. Bredikhin

Grandma opened it for me
Yesterday a big secret
What did dad have too?
Once upon a time eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes he was mischievous
And he jumped like a monkey
And I got two marks.
I was lazy while charging,
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
I'm terribly surprised
After all, this is exactly why
He scolds me.

And in this way you hide a little monster that in adulthood will be viewed by other people, just like you are now. And his wife, Priscilla Chan, struggled to find their first child after years. Together with his wife, he wrote a long letter to his daughter. My mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you have for us in the future. Your new life is full of promise and we hope you are happy and healthy to live a fulfilling life - the first word of the letter. After this very personal beginning, Zuckerberg continues to reflect on the state of the world in which his daughter lives.

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me
And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,
It's time for him, and it's time for me to go to kindergarten.

E. Dolgikh

Daddy is sleeping
He worked hard for us -
With us across the field,
While playing, he ran around.
The ball was slipping away
Dad suffered, poor thing,
Sometimes making a cry
Mom is on us
Looks surprised:
"It's day outside the window,
Does our dad snore?”

The analysis he performs is optimistic: despite the alarming headlines, people around the world are getting healthier. Knowledge is growing, people are connected, and technological advances are changing for the better in every aspect of life. However, it is necessary to continue to work so that future generations will live in an even better world.

We will do everything to make this happen, not only because we love you, but because we have a moral obligation to all the children of future generations. One of the main problems that humanity suffers from, we read in the leaflet, is disease. Zuckerberg expressed confidence that medicine will overcome them all within the next 100 years.

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

When we realize that your generation and your children's generation cannot suffer from the disease, we all have a responsibility to invest in the future to make it possible. Mom and I will do this - further transmission. The fidelity of the human mind and the ability of man to systematically improve his condition are further strengthened by his unshakable faith. However, Zuckerberg asks specific questions: Can we eliminate headache and illness? Can we develop peace and understanding among peoples? Can we promote equality regardless of background?

Congratulations to dad

I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,
But I still don’t know how:
You are the best dad on earth
An expert in any matter!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, plan, saw.
Can you sing songs?
And just have fun!
You catch pike and perch.
You are great in everything...
But for me the most important thing is -
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!

This mission, the march of human potential, and the promotion of equality will require all those working on this new approach, Zuckerberg writes. After a series of questions, we also have specific advice: we should try to understand the people we are working on. We need to work with experts, and above all, we must not take risks. We are just at the beginning of learning and many things will not work, but we will listen, learn and improve. As part of his writing, he dedicated his life to the daily life of the Internet.

Zuckerberg has the opportunity for the next generation to see widespread use of the Internet. Note that we usually think of it as an entertainment or communication tool, but for many it is a last resort. People living outside the school can get education from them. The Internet provides information on how to stay healthy, free financial services, and finally access to work.

Poems about dad

I'll tell you about dad -
I won’t open my mouth, I won’t bungle you.
This dad is great
A quick daredevil.
He cooks the porridge himself from semolina,
All day long the tractor plows,
He waves the iron nimbly.
Irons all the diapers,
Dinner will settle the issue.
Wash all the dishes
He will feel sorry for Grandma Lyuda.
He doesn't moan or whine,
Necessary? This will clean the floors!
All carpets are vacuumed,
And he won’t ask for a reward.
He will put his daughters to bed.
And our dad can
Fix my wife's hairpin
Help thread the needle.
Knows how to hold a soldering iron
How to clean a washbasin
What to put in a dry felt-tip pen,
In general - a jack of all trades!
Their apartment is beautiful!!
Hey dad!!
The best in the world!!!

But Zuckerberg recognizes that technology alone is not enough if we don't build healthy, strong communities. To help make the world best place for his daughter's generation, Zuckerberg decided to dedicate more of his vast wealth to him. We offer 99 percent. We know that it is small compared to the talents and abilities of those already involved. But we want to do our best to work together with others. The letter ends with a declaration of love for his daughter.

Max, we love you, and we feel a great responsibility to leave this world a better place for you and all your children. We wish you all the love, hope and joy that you give us. We can't wait to see what you bring to this world. The child has been trying for several years now.

Congratulations to dad

My daddy's favorite.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on a horse!
You can do it, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all, there is no better dad!

Poems for dad

You, dad, are the kindest in the world.
I'm proud and admire you,
No hands are more skillful, hearts are wider,
I am becoming more and more convinced of this!
All my life views
They look so much like yours
It's so great to have you around!
Be happy, my good dad!

If your father and daughter want to have a good relationship, they must spend time with each other, take care of dialogue based on honesty and openness, and words with gestures, attitudes and behavior. Many of the tasks that are most difficult to accomplish, and one of the most challenging, is the education of a child. The Father, since he “gives life,” can not only “give life.” His task is much more difficult, and his role is irreplaceable. They say that it is easier to raise a daughter than a son, because girls are more obedient, hardworking, and disciplined.

The indisputable fact is that girls are very sensitive to emotional and moral trauma, parental crises, negative impacts environment, your own weaknesses and disappointments in relationships. Girls need intense parental support, constant love and care. But when the daughter stops being a child playing with dolls and starts thinking, many times her father doesn't know how to behave and starts leaving. This is a mistake because a girl entering the adult world needs a lot of support from her father.

A. Shmykov

Well, what a funny dad we have -
Always coming up with something!
So, he told me when he returned from work,
It's raining mushrooms outside.
I stared at the glass in amazement,
He asked me to give him a basket as soon as possible,
To catch at least a little mushrooms -
I'm also an avid mushroom picker!
Only the rain turned out to be simple -
It’s a pity that the mushroom hunt didn’t work out...
Dad will always come up with something
Well, what a funny dad we have!

So how should a father raise his adult daughter? Every child must experience many times that his father did not hesitate, he did not lie, he supported him. From this, he creates a picture of the parent that guarantees safety. One of the most big mistakes committed by fathers is ridicule, trivialization, teasing of the child in matters that are important to him. If a daughter takes her father's game for repairs and he does so negatively, in a few years he may not want to talk to him about his problems.

A teenager in love without reciprocation, if he does not know what his father understood, will separate him from the wall. The father can be sure that he will not hear any complaints because he could not support his daughter when she needed it. As in other relationships, communication problems in father-daughter relationships lie in the lack of verbal or communication of needs and plans. This will help you understand your intentions. Not to mention his joys, worries, failures and dreams, he will not understand his father's worries. in bans, and the father is the behavior or equipment through which his daughter demonstrates her needs.

Books from dad
A whole thousand!
Which one they won’t ask -
He'll find it right away.
Probably dad
He already knows everything
And he sits down alone again
And reads.
I'm books like dad
I love
And I dream:
I'll grow up -
So many books
I'll read it.
And my son to myself
I won't forget to call
I'll ask him: - Well,
What should you read?

A. Shipitsyn

Dad's hands are like cosmodromes!
So tall dad is home
I'm being tossed around and spun around.
The spacesuit is about to be needed!
Well, yesterday it was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he told me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!”
He hugged his mother when he met her,
She barely set foot in the house.
Mom laughs: - I'm flying away!
Already in heaven, in seventh!
Here is dad treating a branch with us,
When he builds a house, the saw sings!
Dad has a hundred-colored rainbow
The usual things are in hand.
I don't sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Not sleeping...
Ah, cosmodrome hands!
From them I set off into a huge world!..

The father cannot assume that because his daughter is young, he does not know life and his daughter - that his father's views are outdated. The truth about a good relationship with a daughter, especially as she grows up, is that her father is an advisor, but only when she wants.

Therefore, it is important to be able to find a common language. “You look good”, “You have a nice shirt” or a birthday flower is a simple word and gesture from a father that grows in a growing girl, feeling how she perceives herself as a woman. A nice girl in the back of her father creates in her soul an image of herself as a worthy person who needs a strong inner person, capable of coping with problems. Daughters who had no fatherly affection, who did not hear shouts but simply ordered, and experienced their father's dissatisfaction with what they did and what they were, not only had problems with proper male relationships, but also with a sense of personal worth.

Poems about daddy

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

There is a lack of feeling and fatherly love for many teenage girls who try to compensate by looking for other men. At the same time, whether the father knows about it or not, he forms an image of a person who later functions in the daughter's mind and influences her relationships. His words, gestures, behavior and his attitude towards women determine what kind of behavior a girl will demand from her future husband. Characteristics of the father - men will be her model or antidote for searching, viewing and evaluating people's lives.

Of course, the image of a boy or groom also depends on many other factors, but the model of fatherly behavior and attitude will be an important indicator in the daughter’s mind. Despite the challenges and responsibilities, being a father is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. Many people remember with excitement the first “daddy” they heard from their daughter. However, many men feel insecure in their role as fathers, even though they would like to guide their children to the best of their abilities. To those who need good advice or professional help, dad's initiative appears.

Oleg Bundur

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes hums,
The one sticking out by the TV
He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands,
He sometimes forgets
That he is his son's best friend.
Dads are different...
And as the days pass,
Their sons grow up
Point to point, just like them.

I discovered the most terrible secret!
I opened it because... well, basically, I forgot...
My dad, when he was a child, by accident
I broke the chandelier in the house with a soccer ball!
And poured greenery on my sister’s braids,
And he dropped a boiling kettle out the window!
But he told me something completely different:
That he never did anything
Didn’t burn plasticine, didn’t splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
I studied with straight A's and never littered anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, at least later,
And yet, dad was just like me!
Grandfather told me everything in confidence,
But dad doesn’t believe it. I probably forgot!

Tatyana Bokova

"My dad is a military man"
G. Lagzdyn

My dad is a military man.
He serves in the army.
He has complex technology
Army friendly!
He went more than once
On military campaigns.
No wonder they say:
"The commander is from the infantry."

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise – with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!!!

Poems about dad

Dad has no son, dad has two daughters,
Two girls, me and my sister.
We play with dolls, wash handkerchiefs
And we whisper with her until the morning...
Dad doesn't have a son, but I wish he could
He needs to kick a ball with someone,
Build a rocket, go fishing,
Understanding men's problems...
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, what can you do?
Two girls came out in a row.
And dad sighs and stealthily catches
The neighbor's sympathetic look.
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, no and no need...
Please accept congratulations from us,
There couldn't be a happier dad in the world,
What about dads with two daughters!!!

Congratulations for dad
O. Konaeva

I know that my dad also once
He was a very good and brave soldier.
I love dad and I definitely love him
I want to congratulate the military on this holiday...

Now I'll climb higher on the chair,
I’ll sing him a war song loudly.
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the child’s success.

Bad advice
G. Oster

If you're down the hall
Ride your bike
And towards you from the bathroom
Dad went out for a walk
Don't turn into the kitchen
There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen,
You better brake for dad,
Dad is soft. He will forgive.

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me
With a big fiery dragon,
And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,
Sorry, I have to work on Monday
It's time for him, and it's time for me to go to kindergarten.

Fishing with dad
Yu. V. Kasparova

What do I need for fishing?
I'll find a straight stick
And alone, without even a dad,
I'll attach a long fishing line.

I didn’t forget about the bait:
I dug it into a big jar
Two dozen worms.
That's it, look, I'm ready!

I worked hard
Even dad was surprised!
He praised my ingenuity
I took it fishing with me!

My dad left
To be honest, I don't have a dad.
not easy.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Poems about dad

Dad, if he wants, can sing a song,
If it’s cold, warm it up with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It’s hard for me to fall asleep without my dad!..

I am stronger
Oleg Bundur

The sun is shining high
Singing about May,
Dad walks wide
And I don't have time
And I have to run
To keep up with him,
And I run, I don’t lag behind,
And I don't get tired at all
And I said at the end of the road:
- Running is harder than walking,
I ran twice as far!-
And dad shook my hand:
- You are right,
your path is longer
And you, son, are stronger!
At the toy store
And there’s a crush in the store,
I'd rather leave
But dad from the counter
There's no way to leave.
He says, sighing:
- What a beauty!
Can't stop looking at it
Let's wait a little longer.
This is what I wish I had as a child,
I would have grown up differently...

Poems about dad

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

I'm always there
Oleg Bundur

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into dad’s bed,
And I lie quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my dad’s arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will tell me cheerfully: - Well, miracles!
Where did you come from? I was surprised! –
- Yes, I was always next to you!

Poems for dad

Dad, Daddy, are you awake?
The baby is talking to you.
I'm here next to you in the dark
In mommy's stomach.
We'll see you soon.
Are you waiting for me, dear?
When you sing, you read,
I hear, I understand everything.
I have your nose and eyes
I feel your caresses,
Do you stroke my back, or my legs,
You tickle my heels...
You, dad, are dearer to me than everyone else,
And our mother too.
You are all my family.
I'll be with you soon.
I want to be born in love
It's a joy for you to show up.
Can I ask, dad?
Mom felt a tear.
Is this pain from me?
Or did salt get into the wound?
You won't hurt your mother, will you?
It's so difficult for her, you see.
My laughter will flow soon,
Crying, or rather, but not from grief.
This is my song, there is joy in it,
That will forever be with you.
And while I'm growing up,
You protect your mother.
Dad should be a support
Be patient, dear, I will soon be next to you,
Let's chat among ourselves.
I love you all already.
Wait, I’ll come to you soon...!!!

Poems about beloved dad

Dad reads books to me
I value my friendship with him
Each fairy tale for dad
I’ll retell that hour out loud

Then I’ll take the book myself
I'll read it out loud to dad
Dad will retell the story
It will take my breath away

This is how we read to each other
Let's retell it out loud
And it's so much fun in the apartment
And it’s so fabulous all around.

Congratulations to dad

The cabinet is heavy, who will move it?
Who will fix our sockets?
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who's driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with?
Whose birthday is it?
At my dad's!

Happy birthday, daddy!
I'm flying towards you like a bullet
I'm in a terrible hurry
I'm afraid I'll be late for you!

Because on this day
Getting up early is not at all lazy.
Now you will open your eyes,
I will be the first to say:
- Happy Birthday, hurray!
It's time to celebrate the holiday!

For you from plasticine
I built a car yesterday.
Mom didn't forget either
And I bought you a bag,
She didn’t let me get into it,
But there’s definitely something there!

Look down quickly:
There's your surprise under the bed!
You accept gifts,
Kiss and hug us!

Dad's professions
Nastya Dobrota

The pavement trembles and the engine howls -
It's my dad's driver coming to us.

An airplane flies across the blue sky.
It's piloted by Dad the Pilot.

Walks together with the military in a row
Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Who is our record holder in all-around?
We answer: “Dad is an athlete!”

I’m not tired of chopping coal in the depths of the mountains
Dad, black with soot, is a miner.

Steel is melting, steam is pouring out of the boiler -
Dad is a worker, he is a steelmaker.

Heals thousands of broken arms
At the children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

The faucet will be installed and the blockage will be cleared.
Dad is a plumber, or a fitter.

Who performs on stage for an encore?
This is a famous dad-artist.

There is no unnecessary profession in the world!
Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.

A fairy tale about daddy

They read all the poems about mothers,
Dad, it’s like they’ve forgotten
I'll tell you a fairy tale,
About your daddy.

Me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
He and I are best friends
Where he goes, I go too.

He goes to work
He'll take me to kindergarten,
And he comes home from work,
Tells about hunting

He and I will sit on the sofa,
Let's read the book.
Let's make mother soup-shulyum,
We clean everything up.

It takes me to the cinema,
Then up the hill in the park,
He just doesn’t take me to the bathhouse,
He says it's hot there.

Wishes for dad

Ah, daddy! Today is a special day
Your birthday is a holiday for the whole family.
To me the most best words not enough to
Express all my feelings to you!

You have always been an example for me:
I walked through life along the road of labor,
Starting it with a simple engineer,
You became the head of the whole plant.

This is where education comes in very handy -
Smart people are useful to the country.
I followed in your footsteps without looking,
You will always help me with my studies!

Will you support with advice, kind words,
You will warm your daughter with care and warmth,
This has never happened before
So that you cannot help me with anything!

We feel good with you in the forest and at home,
You are a fisherman, a hunter anywhere,
Forest secrets everyone is familiar to you
So let it always be like this in life.

Catch success like a goldfish
And good health, like a fox.
Walk straight! And joy and smile
I’ll bring you like a bird.

Who is the bravest in the world?
The kindest and most skillful?
Well, of course, my dad,
I am glad to congratulate him!

And may this birthday
Will bring joy, fun,
Daddy, be the happiest one,
Successful, bright and loved!

Beloved dad,
My good.
You're always in trouble
I have an assistant.
You are the one
I love it very much.
You are the best -
I know for sure!
And on this day
Wonderful, wonderful
I'll congratulate you
You, beloved.
You are my protector, my hero,
So Happy Birthday, dear!

Of course you wanted a son
As befits a man.
But fate told me to know
How to raise a daughter.

You have always been a good dad
Encouraged and pampered.
My role model
He read books to me and played games.

Happy Birthday,
My dear daddy.
I am with your powerful support
Like behind a stone wall.

When I'm with dad, I know for sure
That she was born for a reason.
In a family, love is very important to us,
Peace and tranquility reign among us.

Thank you for everything, dad.
I’m ready to say it hundreds of times.
You didn't let the tears fall
From my sad children's eyes.

I wish you on your birthday
Always be young at heart
With a good mood in your heart
Take power over your own destiny.

Go towards your dreams, be energetic,
Improve your health more often.
I know everything will be great!
I want to hug you quickly.

I may not be a child for a long time,
I still remember the warmth of your diapers.
How I cradled you in my arms and protected you all my life,
And always ready to protect from sharp rocks.

Dad, my beloved, I want to wish
On your birthday you will never know grief.
More health, strength and happiness in everything,
And may you be more beautiful, younger every day.

Happy birthday, my dear dad,
I sincerely want to tell you:
Sorry for all the worries
For whims and gray hair.

May luck always accompany you,
Don't let your heart ache for your family.
You are my knight, there is no one more beautiful than you.
Daddy, I love you so much!

My dad is a real man
My dad is a real hero.
What is the reason for these loud words?
I simply love you, dear.

I adore you with all my heart,
This feeling is growing more and more.
Let the door always be open,
What will lead you to success.

I wish you year after year
To be happy, not to be offended.
And always be proud of your family,
And fulfill your dreams.

Dad, dear, dear,
On this birthday of yours
I hug you tightly
And, of course, congratulations.

You are the best in the world,
All the children envy me.
I want to wish you
So that everything is within your reach.

Know that your daughter is growing up quickly
And he watches fashion.
Limousine for my wedding
There must be more than one.

And also a dacha by the sea...
With a small yacht to boot!
In general, twice a year
You've won the jackpot.

You have always been my ideal
Strong, kind, a little stubborn,
I always told my friends
I have no better friend.

You will always encourage, you will not refuse,
Would you advise me, would you suggest something?
You know what to do
And you always know how to make people laugh.

Happy birthday, dad, congratulations,
I wish you a lot of good,
Drive away bad thoughts
Kiss. Hugs. Daughter.

My beloved strict dad,
Smile at the dawn
I want to congratulate you
And I will come to you,
I’ll hug you like in early childhood,
And I will say: you are the best!
I congratulate you with all my heart,
You are my ray of happiness.
You made two women happy -
Both me and mom!
I wish you a long life
You are our very best!