Scenarios for a woman's birthday 45 adults. Scenario for a woman's anniversary

I promised you only three wishes,
Well, what about you….
Everything is just as true, my dear.
Genie...This is wish number one!

The genie grabs his head. And the girl continues (addressing the hero of the day):

And on this day and at this hour,
I congratulate you on your anniversary
And may all your dreams and desires,
Genies always perform!

Sketch - Only a woman will find a way out of any situation. Only a woman will find a way out of any situation.
Mini scene 1.
The husband walks around the house, talking on the phone. The wife comes out. The husband finishes talking.

Honey, I'm off to work, so...
My husband's phone rings again. He apologizes, says that it’s for work (and today is his day off, well, there’s no rest!), and starts talking again. When he finishes, the wife starts again. I’m off to work, you... And again my husband’s phone rings. And so on several times. The wife can’t stand it, takes the phone out of her bag and dials a number.

The husband ends the conversation and turns to his wife:

Honey, I'm sorry. These idiots can’t cope without me... And his phone rings again. He looks at the phone in surprise, then looks at his wife.

The husband picks up the phone. His wife on the phone:

So, I'm leaving for work. Breakfast on the table, children at school. Don't forget to pick them up in the evening. And at six, and not “oh dear, I forgot!”

Dinner is in the refrigerator, heat it up and feed everyone. I'll try to come back not too late. That's it, kisses, bye!
She turns off the phone, turns around and leaves, and her husband continues to stand with his mouth open and look after her. Mini scene 2.
The traffic police stops a car with two girls.
Inspector (addressing the girl driver):
I wish you good health!
Traffic police Petrov. We're breaking it, citizen. Your license and documents for the car.

Young woman:

Petrov, is that you?

New scenario for a woman’s 45th birthday “Berry Season”

This is a variant of a thematic script written for a woman’s 45th birthday, with unusual surprises for the birthday girl and original congratulations. The author's script "Berry Season" is very lyrical and at the same time cheerful, and will be especially good for a company of close friends and relatives.

The script was written to order, for a specific composition of guests, but it can easily be altered to suit anyone, or simply include in your program only those moments that are most suitable and will especially please the hero of the occasion. You can start the holiday with a ceremonial meeting organized in honor of the hero of the occasion.

Meeting the birthday girl at the berry anniversary.

(watch the anniversary meeting here) Good evening, my name is... (Name), and the DJ... (Name) and we begin a holiday dedicated to bright colors in the life of our hero of the day
Larisa and her entry into a wonderful flower and berry period. Fill your glasses!

There is no escape from time!
No matter how you turn it, he still comes...
This berry season is coming!
And let the berries be sweeter than honey! And life is full of money and success
And there will be a lot of joy and happiness!

For this, we will drink to the dregs together!
Our dear hero of the day
Larisa has entered a wonderful age of blossoming, an age of juiciness, sweetness and beauty, which is why it is called the berry age.

And so today, together with her, I invite you to visit magic garden, the garden of life of our birthday girl. And in order for us to feel the atmosphere of the garden, I invite everyone today to be one of its inhabitants. And we’ll start by asking what flower or berry
Larisa is compared by her beloved husband
Alexander, what does he want to wish her? (husband names a strawberry, we present the birthday girl with a medallion with this berry).

Meeting the guests at the Berry Season anniversary. Survey game.

The introduction takes place in the form of live communication between the host and the guests, as a result of which everyone is given medallions with pictures of flowers or berries: the male half of the hall - male, and female, respectively, female. These medallions are sold as a set, but you can make them yourself.

Pictures can be with the most different colors and berries, but for a prepared anniversary scenario it is necessary that the following be present: a bumblebee (husband or close friend of the hero of the day), irises, daisies, forget-me-nots, lilies, poppies, aster, peony, roses and peach blossoms. In order to present this or that medallion, the presenter conducts a fun quick survey.

In my application form it is written that I have
Larisa has two sons, can I admire them? (approaches sons, asks names). I don’t know about everyone else, but with their stature and touching youthful beauty they remind me of graceful irises. (hands over medallions with irises).- Now the question is somewhat piquant, so that such beautiful flowers appeared in the garden, they need to fly in the garden and pollinate...

Who? (guests answer bees, bumblebees) That's right, and therefore we present the husband of our hero of the day with a medallion with a bumblebee (hands over)- Who are your closest friends?
Larisa? With whom did she share secrets from her youth, and dream about her betrothed?

Please identify yourself (he hands medallions with daisies to two friends)- Who has the bluest eyes that you will never forget? (chooses, introduces himself, hands over a medallion with a forget-me-not)- Who in the room can be called the biggest heartthrob, who is just opium for women’s hearts?

(guests call, introduce themselves and present a medallion with a poppy)- Do we have a lady with the name
Rose, and with the last name
Rozanova, then who has the reddest dress today? (introduces him, hands him a rose)- I'm looking for a gentle blonde. You didn't happen to
Is your name Lilya? But as?

Today you will be a lily (hands over a lily).- And now I need him, the most important champion this year, which of the men has what achievements this year: who was born, who got married or got a promotion? (from the men who responded, he selects the greatest achievement and presents a medallion with a peony).- Tell me, which of the ladies can sparkle with violet eyes, are there any?

Then who has the most fragrant perfume? ? (violet)- I'm looking for a ruddy man, in the juice (hands over a blossoming peach) and so on. (This kind of interaction allows the host and the guests to get to know each other, sets the tone for the theme of the evening and lifts the mood, because it gives a reason for banter - it needs to be done dynamically and with good, funny comments).

And now is the time to give the floor to the fruits of love
Larisa and
Alexandra - sons
Vadim and
Andrey. General congratulations from the guests of “Sadovnitsa” Author
For this table greeting, you need to prepare cards with words for the heroes in advance. (Before the start of the remarks, you can rehearse, explaining to all participants that they need to be pronounced when the speech in the congratulations is about their hero, and when exactly - it will be clear from the text and emotional accents that the presenter will give (you can even agree on signs). Although , if you read expressively, then everyone understands when to enter). Gardener (herald of the day) - Peony - Rose -

Scenarios for 45th anniversary for a woman

Are you approaching your 45th birthday? This will be a day that you will remember forever, because your parents, brothers and sisters will gather for the anniversary, work colleagues will come and, of course, your children will say many warm words of gratitude to you. And how many flowers!
So many gifts!
So many joyful faces around!
And for a 45-year-old woman, the anniversary script will make your holiday truly unforgettable. All guests will remember your holiday, your 45, if the script is chosen correctly, taking into account all the nuances of age.

And the anniversary scenario for a 45-year-old woman requires a special approach. It is necessary to tell about what a wonderful mother and wife she is, what a miracle worker and needlewoman she is.

In the 45th anniversary scenario, a woman needs to pay attention to what she is like irreplaceable assistant for her husband and what wonderful children she has. Also, the anniversary script for a woman’s 45th birthday should contain poems with the help of which her personality will be revealed even more deeply.

This anniversary should show that she enjoys life, and her beauty is blooming, therefore the script should be blooming and cause only smiles. We offer you to choose from large quantity various scenarios suitable for your 45-year-old woman, an anniversary scenario from which everyone, including the birthday girl, will be delighted. You will have everything: romantic poems, interesting jokes, congratulatory speeches from guests and an ocean of joy!
Also look at 45th anniversary congratulations to a woman in verse and prose


Fun "Confession"

The presenter or owner holds two sets of cards, different in color. Questions are printed on one, answers on the other. Guests take turns approaching the cards, choosing and reading a question, and then choosing an answer to it in the same way.

The essence of the game is that the texts are compiled in such a way that any chosen answer is suitable for any question.

Sample questions


Thanks to the competitions in the anniversary scenario for the 45th birthday of a female colleague, a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere reigns at the holiday, but this is only if the presenter knows how to interest, make people laugh, encourage the losers, instill in them hope for new exploits and a desire to participate in new games. Prizes for competitions can be chocolates, keychains, pens, souvenirs from the hero of the day, things that supposedly belonged to him (a favorite toy, a pacifier that was never parted with in childhood, a favorite book in youth, a favorite CD with music now, etc.).

Transform the hero of the day

As props, you will need two posters with a printed photo of the hero of the day. Two blindfolded teams will perfect the portrait. Each person takes turns drawing the birthday girl’s ears, mustache, hair, and beard.

The team that retouched the photo more accurately wins.

Delicious chocolate

Presenter: “Lyudmila
Vasilievna is a mystery flower, a chocolate will help us congratulate her.” Participants are divided into two teams. Break the chocolate in half and give it to the first participant in each team.

He must bite it without using his hands and pass it to his teammate, who bites it off exactly like that and passes it on. When the last player in the team has treated himself and finished the chocolate, the team unanimously shouts “Congratulations.” Together with the birthday girl, we congratulate the winners.

Japanese competition

Volunteers are given a cosmetic pencil (preferably black) and a mirror. On command, they begin to transform themselves into a Japanese person, drawing eyes and everything that, in their opinion, complements the image. Whoever “Japaneseizes” the most convincingly receives the title of the most Japanese, and it also wouldn’t hurt to give the rest bonus prizes in the form of cosmetics.

Grape passions

Several couples are invited for the competition, according to the number of plates with grapes. One of the pair clamps a bunch of grapes in his teeth, and the other must, without using his hands, remove all the berries with his lips and place them on a plate. Whoever managed to pick the berries quickly and not eat them, that couple receives a prize.

comic congratulations to a woman celebrating her 65th birthday

Table competition-test

I give the guests pieces of paper on which they must write down 6 phrases from their favorite songs. When everyone has completed the task, the presenter offers a clue:

Fire, water and copper pipes

For this competition you need play space so that you can run away. Team game. Prepare 4 chairs - two in front of each team and two at the finish line.

Place the props on the starting chairs - a plastic cup, lighter and straw for cocktail. There is a candle and a bottle of drinking water on the finishing chairs. Players each take a lighter, run to the candle and return to their place with a lit candle.

The second player takes a straw, runs to the water and, having collected it into the tube, returns to the team, pouring the water into a glass. The team that carries all the water with minimal losses wins.


Men participate in the competition. The presenter offers to go fishing and throw fishing rods into the stormy sea, then the water gets closer and covers your feet. You need to roll up your pants and take off your shoes... . And then a competition is announced for the hairiest male legs!
Women will certainly appreciate it.

Dance Marathon

The number of participants is not limited. The main condition is not just to dance beautifully - the dance must correspond to the theme of the musical accompaniment.

Gypsy, Lezginka, Lambada, “Yablochko”, “Letka-Enka” and other popular dance tunes are played in short fragments. Guests must adjust quickly. In each round, the winners are applauded until only one remains.

He can be given a medal for “Best Dancer” and a disk with a recording of dance music. You can complicate the competition by dancing while sitting on a chair and limiting your movements (no arms, no legs, only your head, etc.).

Ode to the hero of the day

Competitions like “burime” are familiar to everyone from childhood. The presenter suggests composing “Ode to the hero of the day”, using the following rhymes: hero of the day - fire, schoolboy - gift, blow - case, tan - nightmare, etc. The prize is a bottle of wine, awarded at the end of the evening, when all options have been announced.

But you need to demonstrate it right away to stimulate creative inspiration. It would be nice for the winner to prepare a commemorative medal “For the poetic gift.”

The scenario for a woman’s 45th birthday should include fun competitions, and quite daring entertainment, and lyrical moments. But the main thing is that everything is reasonable, decent and not vulgar.

SMS congratulations to a 45 year old woman


Competition: The competition is called “The Mummy”.

It requires 4 people (2 couples). Each couple is given a roll toilet paper. One stands motionless, and the second’s task is to wrap the person standing with this paper as quickly and as best as possible, to make a mummy.

Those who do this first are the winners. Prize: a pack of toilet paper. Host: Well, we warmed up a little,
We laughed together heartily,
Now say spanking and toast,
I hope it won't be easy!
I give the floor to congratulations on the 45th anniversary from the closest people (husband, children, parents and other relatives). Here we are again sitting idle,
We need to do something about this
The competition is coming to us again,
This is the place for the players!
Competition: The competition is called "Apple". It requires two volunteers.

Two basins filled with water are placed in the middle of the hall, and 4 apples are also placed there. Players kneel near their basins, holding their hands behind their backs. On command, they must pull the apples out of the basin using their mouths. Whoever does it faster is the winner. Prize: box of apple juice. Host: Well, the friends were silent for some reason,
Couple and tell them words
In honor of such a celebration. The hero of the day is congratulated on her 45th birthday by friends and other guests.

Scenario for a woman's 45th anniversary

This page has been viewed by: 78 today, total 627,510 people. Scenario for a woman's 45th birthday. 1. Dear colleagues!
Dear birthday girl,
We ask everyone to sit down at the table and pour what is due!
Today we are in friendly fun company, in our so-called “banquet hall” we decided to congratulate the hero of the day. Well, here you are 45,
How quickly the years rush by,
But for a reason like this
Don't be upset!
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
A lush bust, a hip, just what you need - A joy for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones. And those eyes with a sparkle
They'll drive anyone crazy!
They say that at 45 you are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light beyond the earth that never goes out. And therefore, without further ado, I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion. What a wonderful inflorescence of guests is present at this table!
Everyone is attracted by the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, special charm and uniqueness, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather. For example, an ant
Could have been among the guests.
This nice worker
I'll tell you, I'm not a miser at all. For such a celebration
Over to you, dear
With a gift
I suggest you drink to these wonderful wishes!
You cried when you were born,
And everyone around laughed... But we really had a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones can be, they are afraid of colds, and they have a lot of smarts, so to prevent her ears from getting swollen, her head from getting hot, and also to prevent different thoughts from creeping into her head, we decided to give her a cap. (The presenter puts the cap on her) And you all know that little ones are so inept and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this doesn’t happen we give her an apron. (The presenter puts on an apron) And I also want to add to the above that young pensioners get upset about any reason, they always worry very loudly about everything, so their eyes are always wet.

So that our pensioner would not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier. (The presenter puts on a pacifier on a ribbon) And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a young pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!
Dear guests!
Dear hero of the day!
Now greet guests from far abroad with friendly applause. The Italians have arrived. Italian - Brilliant, blooming, winter scented, hero of the day.

Translator - Dear hero of the day!
I. - And sit for free, drunkenly stupid here.
P. - Dear guests!
I. - Get out of here with the figato as soon as possible. P. - We welcome everyone who is here. I. - The convict hard worker hasn’t received a damn dollar.

P. - Representatives of the working class and commercial structures. I. - Teach, read, read, write and write, and then kick out. P. - Workers
Media, education, and culture. I. - Bandit, shot, caught, imprisoned. P. - Militia workers, police, security departments.

I. - Their other lords are lazy. P. - And other other workers. I. - Slurp on anything. P. - I arrived on a special flight. I. Italy has a stubborn light in his eyes. P. - From the sun

I. - Toschito damn chatto from Italiano in Chechanto different nonsense. P. - I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends. I. - It’s all unnecessary. P. - And small modest gifts.

I. - Spervato vyruchento italiano belly rastimo, zhironakoplento, ek recektiro. P. - First, our straw
I. - It’s very tasty, sauce, rewarding.
P. - Add sauce to the straw for color
I. - It stinks a mile away, the head is chipollinn from the mafioso structure. P. - For the smell especially from the Sicilian mafia - onions.

I. - Spilled, poured and underfilled. P. - Famous liqueur
P. - In conclusion, I would like to wish. I. - The back is not painful, the nose is not chihanto, the catfish are cusanto, the legs are shaganto. P. - Health.

I. - Copanto in the garden, tidying up in the house, taskanto bags, success everywhere. P. - Youth, long life. I. - Don’t swear, always love and respect your friends. P. - Friends, happiness. I. - Always pour a drink for the hero of the day
P. - Let's drink to the hero of the day
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.
Let it be in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...

Let me wish you on this holiday - Let happiness be only a help. We wish you good luck, ardor, heat,
So that luck awaits you along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And in addition, we will ask you to blow out these candles!
We went to death for our faith!
Their names contain the basis of life:
We serve our fatherland with faith,
Life begins in love,
And without a dream, life is impossible. Without our
Life is difficult for us.
We love her, respect her,
Hope fills us again
Hope for the cherished hour,
Nadya lives among us:
She will bring us happiness. And on her name day we wish her
To be our earthly compass
The hero of the day’s friends come up to her and sing congratulations to the tune of the song “Snowfall.”
Girlfriends sing. Accept in the prime of life
Our warm, warm greetings,
And, without hiding our feelings,
We will raise our cups for you!
CONFESSION In the hands of the owner of the house are two sets of cards of two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it out loud to everyone present. The point of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, the only important thing is that the number of questions matches the number of answers. Sample questions for cards. 1. Does your loved one torment you with jealousy?

2. When do you have to smile forcibly? 3. Do you compliment your boss? 4. Are you afraid of prison? 5. Do you often put wine on the table?

6. How often do you sort things out with your fists? 7. Do you respect alcoholic drinks? 8. Are you ever delighted with erotica? 9. Do you remember those who previously loved you?

10. Do you dream of winning a car? 11. How often do you step on others’ toes? 12. How often do you quarrel with friends? 13. Are you jealous of your other half? 14.

Is your character sometimes intolerable to others? 15. Do you like to enjoy food? 16.

Do you like fooling around? 17. How often do you remember your loved one? 18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles? 19. Do you want to go to
America? 20. Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family? 21. Do you use obscene words in conversation? 22. Do you believe in love at first sight? 23.

Are you tired from work? 24. Do you criticize our government? 25. Are you capable of noble deeds? 26. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered? Sample answers. 1. It never happened and never will. 2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.

3. It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character. 4. This is the most pleasant thing for me. 5. Only when you are in a bad mood. 6. Of course, and more than once. 7. It happens, but only at night.

8. Every day, and more than once. 9. Whenever I go to bed. 10. I had to suffer from this. 11. Only half asleep and in slippers. 12. Exclusively in a restaurant. 13. I won’t tell you under torture. 14. This is my hobby. 15. I allow myself this pleasure once a day. 16. It happened once. 17. When there are guests in the house. 18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live. 19. Not without it. 20. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it. 21. If there is no other half nearby. 22. When kicked out of the house. 23. This topic is unpleasant to me. 24. When my loved ones don’t see me. 25. At night under the blanket. 26. Only in thoughts.

WITH THE HELP OF A SONG Each of the guests present is invited to remember and write down a few lines from the six most favorite songs. After the guests fulfill the condition, they are offered a clue: 1. The first song is the feeling after the first kiss. 2. The second is memories after the first wedding night. 3. The third is a reminder of the honeymoon. 4. The fourth - a year after the wedding. 5. Fifth - what am I thinking about today, when today we are together with you. 6. Sixth - the morning after the golden wedding. All men of the celebration are invited. The presenter offers to play fishing. “Let’s take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into the imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly the imaginary water begins to wet our feet and the presenter suggests we roll up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher.”
The funny thing is that when everyone's trousers are already pulled up to the limit, the presenter stops the fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs. there will be laughter!!!
Props: 3 sundresses, 3 scarves, 3 brooms (brooms are better), 1 accordion (you can use a child’s one). The most active, cheerful men are selected from the guests, dressed in sundresses, given props and the text of ditties written on postcards. It is advisable to conduct a rehearsal before the performance itself. Then the host of the anniversary asks the hero of the day to accept congratulations from the fabulous, mysterious old ladies. And invites
Hedgehog into the hall. The ideal option would be if you have an accordion player who can play ditties
Hedgehog from the film "The Flying Ship", or you will have a soundtrack recorded without a voice.
Until I fell from the branch
I came to _____ too
And today you are like a plum,
Gypsy: Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a gypsy
I came here directly to you by order. On the table, oh piles, oh oh piles.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this one is mine. Dear hero of the day, I see you are happy,
How many friends are nearby you would rather pour for them. What can I say, gentlemen, I’m glad to meet you,
I will dance for you all evening.
The bracelets on my hands are slowly clicking,
And all the men touch me by my skirt.
Say na na, na na, na na, I wanted to tell you,
What an obsession
I can tell you fortunes for a fee.
Gild my pen, just don’t be scared. Better
Don't even try to find the basics.

My handsome man, all your dreams will come true
And your heart will be filled with happiness.
Give me your right hand, or maybe your left. I will always do everything for free for my friends!
Gypsy: The cell phone is ringing, they’re calling urgently,
I just never have days off!
I move my arm, I jerk my leg.
Well, you are good, clap your hands. Ai na ne, na ne, na ne. Oh, I decided, romale,
Aza is leaving
And he leaves his business card for you,
Oh, you winter nights, everything is covered with frost.
You call sometimes and I’ll come to you then!
Sheikh Arabic (Arabic music plays) Speech
No matter how beautiful a flower blooming in the desert is, it is no more beautiful than you. ABOUT,
The most beautiful!
No matter how brightly the sun shines, it cannot obscure the light coming from you. ABOUT,
The brightest!
No matter how welcome a sip of water is in the desert, it is no more desirable than you. Oh, desired one!
No matter how majestic the oil rig on the shelf is
Red Sea, she is no greater than you. ABOUT,
No matter how much I love my women
Harema, they are not more loved than you. O Beloved!
Become the decoration of my harem, at least for one minute.
O Most Magnificent One! (music sounds,
The sheikh invites the hero of the day to dance) In order to get full version this author's script
You must provide your own script via
Scenario exchange form
You don't have your own script to exchange, then
You can buy this script.

This scenario is suitable for celebrating an anniversary in a banquet hall or in a spacious room.


Props: cards with images of berries (for 2 competitions), cards with lines of toast, cards with numbers, small Balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons, songs for the competition, gifts for participating in competitions.

The guests take their seats.

Presenter (starts):
Berry, beauty, Goddess,
A soul of extraordinary beauty,
Today we congratulate you on your anniversary,
Your family, loved ones, friends!
And on this day, the lights shine brightly,
And music can be heard in all houses,
(name of the hero of the day) I wish you happiness on my own behalf,
And may your soul always bloom!

Dear guests, we owe today’s event entirely to the beautiful, amazing, mind-blowing (name of the hero of the day). The right to the first toast, I would like to convey it to my parents (if there are no parents, then you can start with the closest relative).

(Parents say theirs)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Berry holiday, berry day,
And I’m not too lazy to have fun today,
There are congratulations, songs, poems,
And dreams come to life today!
And to make it more fun for all of us,
Dear guest, spare no effort,
I will announce our first competition,
And I’ll ask for volunteers!

Competition “You are our berry”.
The presenter selects several men and gives them cards with pictures of berries. Their task is to compare the hero of the occasion with the berry that they got. Whoever comes up with the most comparisons will win. You can't repeat yourself.
Props: cards with images of cards.

Perfect! You see how diverse our Anniversary hero is, just a real berry!

For the berry to bloom,
May she be sweet
So that she shines in the sun,
I admired everyone in the world,
This is what I want
And also kindness and warmth!

I think he would like to join your congratulations (says the guest's name), he/she might have some berry toast on the way!

(Guest says)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

I continue our evening
I'm announcing a new competition
Berry, lovely,
Joyful, wonderful!

Competition "Berry Poems".
The presenter invites 4 guests. They are given cards with pictures of berries. The participants' task is to do what the verse says when it comes to their berry.

Raspberries and strawberries
We were discussing something
And new clothes
We chose together.

And strawberries and blackberries,
Standing aside
Beautiful for a manicure,
They look at theirs.

And here they are, dressed up
Everyone goes to the holiday
Strawberries and raspberries
They sing songs.

And the strawberry thinks
Composing a toast
Blackberries nearby
Carrying a bouquet of roses!

Strawberries for the Anniversary,
In a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry,
Kiss her beautiful
She's flying, flying!

And the strawberries are dancing,
I've already found everything
And the style is special,
Found it instantly!

And blackberries too
Wants to kiss
Happy Anniversary,
Hug tight!

Raspberry with an expression
Reads poetry to her
Kisses tenderly on the cheek,
And gives her flowers!

This is where I end,
Berry poem,
Everything turned out great
The end of beautiful lines!

Props: cards with images of berries.

We raise the third toast,
And we praise Love,
We pass the word to our other half,
We are waiting for your cherished congratulations!

(The toast is given by the Anniversary’s partner. If there is no such person, you can skip the toast or give the floor to one of the guests)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Dear guests,
I suggest you sing,
And berry songs,
You need to be able to sing!

Competition "Berry Songs".
The host divides the guests into two teams and takes turns asking questions about songs that talk about berries. Each team must not only guess the answer, but also sing the song. The one who guesses the most songs will win.

Questions for the song quiz:
1. Berry blooming by the stream? (“Oh, the viburnum is blooming”)
2. A berry that Varum loved so much? ("Winter cherry")
3. In this song K. Orbakaite sings about the sky, and about love, and about the fact that some bush is leaning over ("Currant")
4. Where did Friske and Disco Accident go? ("Raspberries")
5. Igor Nikolaev really praised the wine made from this berry ("Raspberry Wine")
6. Which berry beckoned ("Raspberries").

You are all so great,
I'm surprised, I'm delighted
And to your talent, gentlemen,
I bow to the floor!

Everyone knows, and I know,
What's most important is friends
We can't live without them
We'll find trouble!

I convey my word
Well, you understand who!
But I’ll complicate the task,
I'll give them cards!

Hands out cards with a line from the toast written on them. The task is to collect and. Time to complete is a minute.

Props: cards with toast lines.

Toast option:
You are our dear berry,
We drink to you today,
And we wish you happiness,
We will always find time for you!
We've known you for so many years,
We are grateful to fate
That she became our friend,
We hasten to wish you earthly blessings!

(After this, you can announce a dance break lasting 10-15 minutes)

Game "Berry Dance".
2 pairs of participants are selected. For this game you need to select musical cuts of songs about berries. The participants' task is to dance in pairs to rapidly changing music. The task is complicated by the fact that the leader sets certain movements, for example, raising your arms up, dancing on one leg. The couple that does it better will win.

Need to rest a little
Remember the past, dream a little,
And for this I propose,
Guess the date for the birthday girl!

Game "Scraps of the Past".
Before the start of the holiday, some guests receive cards with numbers. The guests take turns raising the cards, and the hero of the occasion names the events related to the numbers. For example, the number 3 is shown on the card, this means that at this age the hero of the day went to kindergarten etc.
Props: cards with numbers.

(After this game, the Host offers a drink to the memories)

(A 5-10 minute banquet break is announced)

But I wonder how dexterous and skillful our guests are?

What do you mean?

Now you'll see!

Berry picking competition.
The presenter invites 4 participants, who are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives one laundry basket, and the leader scatters small balloons that they will need to collect. The task is complicated by the fact that the participants become attached to each other. The competition is held to rhythmic music.
Props: small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons.

(After this competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 20-25 minutes)

Everyone in the world loves poetry
And (name of the hero of the day) is no exception,
Let's read them to her,
In the form of congratulations!

Game "Berry Rhymes".
The host sets the first line and passes the floor to one of the guests, who must continue. He, in turn, passes the floor to the next one who gets confused and fulfills the Leader’s task (sing a song, do squats, etc.). First line: You are like a sweet raspberry.

(After this, the guests make a toast, and a banquet break is announced, lasting 5-10 minutes)

And there is a competition in stock,
Very interesting,
He is groovy, cheerful,
Joyful, wonderful!

Competition "Guess the song".
The presenter selects 2 participants. Each person takes turns wearing headphones and must show the song without words. Display time 45 seconds. The one who the guests guess the most will win.
Props: Songs for the competition.

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

What's a holiday without cake?
It’s so bad, it’s impossible,
There will be, there will be a treat,
Candles, happiness, congratulations!

While the cake is being brought out,
I give the floor to our hero of the day,
Everyone around her loves her madly,
And life is much sweeter with her!

(The hero of the day says words of gratitude to the guests, after which the cake is brought out)

Our evening is coming to an end,
It's time for us to say goodbye
Berry day is over
Goodbye friends!

It was sweet, it was loud
We laughed heartily
Finally, I wish
Let your dreams come true!

If desired, you can add several

When a holiday is approaching, we call the leaders of our city. And we often wonder – why is it so expensive?! Yes, presenters now charge so much money for their work that it’s easier to buy food and wine with it, and just sit around singing and dancing, as usual. But you must admit, you want to have fun! Then let's do it ourselves, and we will help you with this.

Friends, it's not easy cool script for a woman's 45th birthday. This is a small plan that will help you spend a holiday without a toastmaster and without a host. You can organize an anniversary at home, and your guests will get the most out of the event. We have included games and competitions in our plan that may be useful to you. So look, choose and celebrate the holiday yourself.

Meeting the hero of the day.
When all the guests have gathered, the guests form a semicircle. The hero of the day enters. The guests (children, husband and parents) each have a rose in their hands. The presenter says:
- Dear guests! Dear hero of the day! Today is not just a day, but the anniversary of our friend, our friend and our dear (name). Today the people closest to her came to congratulate her. They all brought gifts and will definitely say beautiful words. In the meantime, I ask you to applaud the hero of the day, and all those without whom she would not be with us.

The guests applaud, and the children, parents and husband give roses to the hero of the day. Afterwards she sits down at the table with a bouquet. And the holiday can begin.

The main holiday. First toast.

When a woman laughs and smiles, everyone around is in a great mood. When a woman is sad, then everyone around her is in the same bad mood.
Look at our hero of the day - she shines and shines. She simply sparkles with happiness! And this means that today we will all have great mood and lots of fun! I propose to drink to the hero of the day, and to her best mood!

And now it's time to play a little. Our first game will be a quick wits game. While everyone is still sober, this game can be played.
And so, I have cubes with letters in my bag. Now each guest takes turns taking out one cube and showing the letters to everyone. And in 3-5 seconds he must come up with a cute nickname for himself using this letter. If anyone wants, they can come up with a scary nickname! Let's start!

The host approaches each guest, and the guests take out a cube with a letter. After everyone has taken out one cube and come up with nicknames for themselves, the presenter says:

Thank you very much everyone for participating! I mixed up the rules a little, and it turns out you didn’t come up with the nickname for yourself, but for our heroine today - the hero of the day! So let's toast to her diversity and her friends' incredible sense of humor!

Well, our holiday continues and now I propose to play one more game.
The game is not difficult, but interesting and very fair. Look: I have bags in my hands again. In one bag I have cards with sentences, and in the second bag I have pictures. The essence of the game is very simple: first, the first participant takes out one card with a sentence and reads it out. And then he takes out a card with a picture and shows it to everyone. And so everything takes turns.

Once again the rules and explanations.
So you need to prepare two bags. In one bag you put cards with the following sentences:
- in the mornings I...
- in the boss’s office I...
- in pastels I...
- I'm in the bathroom...
And so on, any situations where people exist.
And in the second bag you have pictures of birds, animals and animals. First, a card with a proposal is taken out and read out. For example, in the morning I... And then a card with a picture is taken out, and there could be, for example, a lion. Next, the second guest takes out the card and reads - I’m in the boss’s office... After that there’s a picture, and there, for example, is an ostrich!
The game is fun if you select interesting pictures with animals.

Well, we continue, and I found out that our hero of the day has friends abroad. Let's greet our guests from Vietnam with applause. By the way, their names are: Hu and Li! Let's meet.

The Vietnamese friends of the hero of the day come out and the following scene begins:

It's time to dance and play. Let's hold a dance competition.
All the guests come out to dance. You take an umbrella with pieces of paper with the names of the dances attached. Each dance twice. For example: lezginka, tango, waltz, break dance, and so on. You can add cool dances: ostrich dance, wild boar mating dance, and so on. The main thing is that there are as many pieces of paper as there are guests. And so, everyone dances and passes the umbrella to each other. At the same time, each guest tears off one piece of paper for himself. When all guests have a piece of paper and the name of the dance, the music ends. guests go in one direction. Here music is turned on, for example, tango. This means that two guests with tango papers should come to the center. They do their dance. Then another music is turned on and two others come out and also dance their dance. The host can tell the guests what kind of dance it is. Afterwards, the best couple is chosen and given a gift.

Tired of dancing? Then I ask everyone to come to the table. You still remember. What is our women's anniversary today? Then let's give the men a rest, and we ourselves will play... riddles! And it won’t be just riddles, but a game with gifts. Whoever guesses correctly wins a prize.

Game - women's riddles.

Well, we have already said a lot to the hero of the day and wished her. But there is still something unsaid here. So let's finish this! I have a small table here with cards on it. Now each guest comes up to the table in turn and writes on one card what he has not yet had time to wish for the birthday girl. Afterwards we put all the cards in my favorite bag. I approach the hero of the day, and she takes out the cards one by one. She reads out the wish and tries to guess who wrote it to her. If you guessed right, they drink to it together.

The game is underway.

Friends! On this beautiful note, I propose to finish the official part and start a simply wonderful evening: with drinking songs and hot dancing!


All: Stretch the bellows, accordion,

Eh, play, have fun!

It's Marina's birthday

Drink, don't talk!

One: Walked along the forest side,

The anniversary ran behind me:

I spat on his baldness

And she sent it to the devil!

One: The drunkest of the guests -

It's someone's anniversary

Even though I don’t believe it myself

These superstitions.

One: And Marina is cheerful,

And beautiful and slim,

I called people here

To celebrate the anniversary!

One: How old is she -

This is not a secret at all!

She will always be twenty years old

Even at 80 years old!

One: Let's drink together to Love,

So that vodka warms the blood,

Let's drink to Marina,

A woman-picture!

One: I was walking back home,

The anniversary was following me.

I thought it was a man

What the hell is this!

Then Grandmas Hedgehogs perform a small impromptu dance and leave.

Dear choristers!!! I invite everyone to sing a comic song, everyone has heard it many times, to the tune of “It’s time to hit the road,” but this does not mean that we are about to leave, “DO NOT HOPE”:

It's time to hit the road:

February evening, evening, evening,

When without Faith we would have nothing to do,

We came to her for her anniversary,

Gathering all my friends with me,

And we all repeat the same thing: “pour it for us”!

Pour it - don't regret it

The glasses are full, full, full of wine!

Let's sing more cheerfully

Whoever can sing, let’s sing and drink to the dregs!

Let it be fun, fun, fun,

It’s a shame your hostess didn’t weigh us before dinner.

We'll drink many times in a row

For this anniversary ceremony,

And we will eat everything that the owners tell us!

The chorus is the same.

We are brave, brave, brave guests,

They came cheerful, elegant, curly,

We'll drink once, we'll drink two

Everything to the bottom for the hero of the day,

But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!

The chorus is the same.

The lights in the room go out.

Anniversary candles are lit -

Congratulations, hero of the day!

On this memorable, festive evening

We bring this cake to you as a gift.

Let it be in darkness and silence

Words will find their way to you...

Let me wish you on holiday -

Let happiness be only a help.

We wish you good luck, ardor, heat,

We wish you health again,

And again we will tell the hero of the day

All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS!

So that luck awaits you along the way,

And every evening was joyful,

And we will also ask you in addition -

Manage to blow out these candles!

So that the birthday girl is always overwhelmed with feelings. I want you to raise your glasses now!

If any of our guests have not congratulated you yet, let me say:

All men of the celebration are invited. The presenter offers to play fishing. “Let’s take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into the imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly the imaginary water begins to wet our feet and the presenter suggests rolling up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher.” The funny thing is that when everyone’s trousers are already pulled up to the limit The presenter stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs. there will be laughter!!!

Russian roulette:
Men present at the evening are invited to demonstrate their ability to be romantic and reckless. As once in knightly tournaments, each of them can dedicate participation in this competition to their beloved lady.
The men stand in a row. The hostess approaches each one in turn, holding a vase with eggs in her hands. Boiled eggs, except for one. Each man must take an egg and break it on his forehead. Here you need a certain courage and courage - what if you end up with a raw egg? The number of eggs is determined by the number of people present at the party. The secret is that raw eggs not in the vase. They are all hard boiled (vase, boiled eggs)
Real Russian roulette! The situation becomes more tense the fewer eggs remain in the vase. Usually it is the ladies who are very worried about the safety of a worthy appearance participants of the "tournament". They begin to give advice on how to get up and break more conveniently; hand out napkins.


Several girls take part in this competition; it is desirable that they be flexible and move well. Every girl wears rubber bands , tied in a ring, one at a time on the arms (above the elbow), on the chest, on the belt, and on the legs (where the stockings usually end). These rubber bands symbolize respectively: gloves, bra, panties and stockings. Slow music turns on, and the girls begin to undress, erotically taking off these rubber bands. The spectacle is amazing! The best stripper wins.

“My heart ached.”

Participate in pairs. The girls are blindfolded, and at this time the guys have from 5 to 10 clothespins attached to different places on their clothes. The girls on the team begin to feel their partner and find clothespins; whoever collects all the clothespins faster than the rest wins. Or maybe the one who did it most erotically won? (clothespins, scarf)

Game “I love you - I don’t love you”:

It is played at the table, everyone must say that he likes and dislikes his neighbor in a clockwise direction. For example, I love your eyes, I don’t like your ears, etc... when the circle has completely passed, and all the guests have said who their neighbor likes and doesn’t like, the host announces that now, in the same order, you need to kiss the place that you like, and something you don't like to bite. Very funny.


The presenter invites several couples (two to three). Each couple consists of a man and a woman. The presenter gives candy wrappers to the competition participants. Initial fee. The players’ task is to “open jars, not glass ones of course,” as many as possible. The partner will serve as the bank. Banks can serve as pockets, lapels, clothing and underwear in general, i.e. where you can put it so that the bill doesn’t fall out, and you can put only one piece of paper in one place in the allotted time - 1 minute. The players stand in pairs.

The presenter shouts: “Start!” and records the time. After a minute everyone stops. Women change places, their task is “to withdraw money from the account, i.e. find hidden bills” and the young ladies brazenly go into all the secret places of other people’s partners to “stash” within 1 minute. The pair that hid it better or found more wins, or all 4 participants are given prizes.


We need 1 more men than women. Line up in lines opposite each other. When the melody starts, the men “snatch” the ladies, and the odd one out dances with a mop. It's quite funny to watch the "gentleman" in a jacket and tie tenderly hug the mop.

Relay Games

Brightest of all! Our Marina

No more expensive, better, more beautiful!

Our glorious Marina!

You are always appreciated by us

For a cheerful disposition, success,

What do you have with everyone?

Everyone knows that Marina is

Sea, sunny summer,

Rest, holiday, light breeze

And at any moment - a surprise!

Happy birthday!

Be guarded by an angel!

And always loved by everyone,

Listen to how many beautiful adjectives there are in this poem - Glorious, sunny, beloved!

Dear guests, I suggest you play the game:

We always admire the shining stars in the night sky. Our attention is especially drawn to the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which are popularly simply called the dipper. We managed to get these star ladles from the sky, and we invite you, friends, to drink a star drink from them, in honor of our hero of the day.

Everyone urgently needs to decipher the name Marina by drinking from the star ladle

Let's say:



I’ll give you a minute to think, and let’s start in a circle...

(If there are no options, we move on to another guest).

The birthday girl chooses the option that she liked best, and the winner has the right to congratulate him out of turn once again

Host: Today for the birthday girl is a decisive, turning point in her life. After all, every big event is a real high point that determines our future life.

So, the hostess of the celebration,

Your finest hour is already coming.

Now you are in the role of a deity,

And the whole room wants to listen to you.

(Response from the hostess.)

Host: I ask you, guests, to drink you

Here's to the finest hour!

Happy birthday, Marina, happy anniversary!

This evening you and I are together.

AND good words we won't regret it

For you beloved and dear!

Our evening has long been shrouded in winter darkness,

You, Marina, are with us, you are our star.

And may we celebrate your holiday in winter,

We wish you all: always shine!

(The guests drink.)

Host: Friends! Don’t forget about music, perform all dances together. (Dancing.)









Dry and comfortable

There is still gunpowder in the flasks and berries in the buttocks

Not porn, but fun

Conscience did not spend the night

Only for currency

Expiration date has expired

Experienced mentor needed

What you dare is what you shake

Repair needed

Any-expensive, very expensive

Do not offer sex

Everything is grown up

Musical pause

Conscience is missing

There are also balls in bloomers

I'm a girl anywhere

Vanka, stand up

Only for currency

Needs care

Blue dream of finding a friend

Don't get distracted by loving

Expiration date has expired

Experienced mentor needed

What you dare is what you shake

If you are quieter you will stay longer

It's a sad time

CORPARATIV – 35 years of the SCHOOL

Good evening, dear friends, colleagues, guests!

Today we have gathered in this hall for a reason...we have gathered...about...

Anniversary- an unusual holiday. People say that there is a time to scatter stones, and there is a time to collect them. The anniversary is precisely the time when we have every right to collect those very stones.

Today we are 35. This is a very serious summing up of results and achievements.

Anniversary- one of the most important holidays. This is a day filled with special meaning, uniting us all. It is thanks to YOU ​​that our school has achieved certain results. This is the best moment to remember...the best moment to meet friends, colleagues with whom YOU have walked hand in hand all these years.

Thirty-five, and I congratulate YOU

Happy this day, I will now give YOU poems.

Let our beautiful ship sail

through the winds to see the dawn!

So that the path is always easy,

don't walk on it, but fly!

So that your eyes never become sad,

so that coral attracts everyone’s lips,

so that everyone in the world loves YOU.

And let's raise a glass to that!

*Have a drink and a snack

The floor is given to the school director Natalya Fedorovna

Thirty-five is not much,

And we have a lot of things to do in our plans!

May the road be bright

Let Cupid spare no arrows!

Let's drink to us soon,

So that a hundred times thirty-five

Let's celebrate together for a long time!

The floor is given _____________________________________

*Have a drink and a snack

Is it really thirty-five?

Let me hug you quickly!

How much has been done on the way?

so much happiness in the middle

I want to wish you:

Let your dreams come true!

Don't be afraid of heights

To grow straight towards the sun,

Live a hundred times thirty-five,

Control your destiny and walk your own path.

The floor is given__________________________________________

*Have a drink and a snack

As said Omar Khayyam,

wine is given for our joy.

And to mark us quickly

Let's pour for this anniversary!

We are only 35.

What do you want at this age?

So that the world opens up before you,

and so that changeable fate

We were as happy as ever.

To evening Star

shined for a long time, until the morning

the road was easy,

flowed like a blue river

and may we meet soon

in 100 years - for the anniversary!

The floor is given __________________________________________

*Have a drink and a snack

And now, dear heroes of the day and guests, allow me to announce the start of the competition "Signature anniversary dish"(identify creative groups). During the evening, you must create in groups any dish or drink that is in any way related to the activities of the school. For example, a signature salad I compiled, here is its recipe:

Processed cheese “Druzhba” (promotes team unity) should be finely grated and mixed with garlic (protects against harmful students). Add nuts (stimulate brain activity), lemon juice(refreshes the perception of information). Adding carrots to a salad will help restore vision lost while using the computer. The salad will evoke additional pleasant emotions if you add more greens to it.

Props: paper, pen

*Have a drink and a snack

Well, dear's time to find out how good your memory is. I am announcing a competition for knowledge of the history of the school. Guests can participate in the competition either individually or as a team. So, "Auction of memorable dates."

I invite you to remember memorable dates in the life of the school. Each team names one date, then the next team.

*Have a drink and a snack

Let us conduct a short survey.

1. What is school for you?

2. What is most important to you at work?

3. Which phrase most accurately characterizes your stay within the walls of the school?

Props: bag of phrases

After the survey, bring people together by raising them by phrases, analyze, summarize

My hut is on the edge;

“We were born to make a fairy tale come true...”;

And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player;

"Make money. Make money - everything else is a breeze”;

“The most important thing is not the person, but his career.”

*Have a drink and a snack

Now we will conduct another comic study of “The Face of School”.

Assignment - Draw your portrait using the following geometric shapes:

triangle, square, circle, zigzag. What figure do you associate yourself with?

Props: paper, pen

A brief psychological description of the main forms of personality is given:

Triangle. This shape symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel their purpose in it. The most characteristic feature of a true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on main goal. They are energetic, strong personalities.

Square. If your main figure turns out to be the Square, then you are a tireless worker. Hard work, diligence, the need to bring the work started to the end, perseverance that allows you to achieve completion of the work - these are the main qualities of true Squares.

Circle. The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested, above all, in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people. The circle is the most benevolent of all five shapes.

Zigzag. This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen Zigzag as your main form, then you are most likely a true thinker.

(collect) After a while I will sum up the results and give you a generalized portrait of the “face of the school.”

*Have a drink and a snack

What to do if... I offer you difficult situations related to your work, from which you need to find an original way out:

1. What to do if you lose public money in a casino?

2. What should you do if you are accidentally locked out of school late at night?

3. What should you do if your dog ate an important report that you have to submit to the head teacher in the morning?

4. What to do if you are stuck in an elevator with the school principal?

5. What to do if you accidentally knocked over a cup of coffee on the director’s desk with important papers?

*Have a drink and a snack

It's time to present you with a generalized portrait "Faces of the School":

In general, we got - triangles, - squares and - circles.

This means that the majority of our team are strong, energetic people. However, the trouble is that “strong personalities” can compete and compete with each other.

Dear Circles, all hope is on you! Even though you are in the minority, do not let the ambitious ambitions of the majority take over! You are able to “glue” and stabilize any conflict situations in our team, and the hardworking Squares will “sort everything out” and organize our lives perfectly!

And now it's time for the company auction. "Auction of branded items"

Props: box, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, chalk, pointer, blackboard cloth, fruit, keys to the caretaker’s office, magnifying glass, etc.

*Have a drink and a snack

It's time to explore your signature anniversary recipes. I ask representatives from the teams to submit their anniversary recipe (read out the recipes)

*Have a drink and a snack

Branded "Oath" »

“We swear before the God of gods - Zeus, his wife Hera, all the gods and goddesses, taking them as witnesses, to honestly fulfill, according to our strengths and my understanding, the following obligations:

· To refrain from causing any harm or injustice to students, to direct the work regime to the benefit of the school in accordance with my strength and my understanding. We swear!

· Live your life purely and immaculately and teach the art of teaching.We swear!

· Whatever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the school, being far from everything intentional, unfair and harmful. We swear!

· Whatever I saw or heard regarding human life and the affairs of the school that should never be disclosed, I will keep silent about it, considering such things a trade secret. We swear!

· I will not give anyone asking me for a harmful means for the affairs of the school and will not show the way for such a plan. We swear!

*Have a drink and a snack

A game

The basis for this game was a scene from the wonderful film "Office Romance". The heroine, played by Alisa Freindlich, lists all the unpleasant epithets that Myagkov’s hero awarded her at the beginning of the story. He tries to refute it by choosing antonyms - complements for each word she says (not always successfully).

A pair of players, preferably of different genders, are invited to repeat this scene. One of the participants quickly names various unpleasant epithets (evil, cunning, greedy). Another player tries to come up with pleasant antonyms for each of these epithet (kind, simple-minded, generous). If the second player makes a mistake or pauses too long in the game, he loses and the participants switch roles.

My house is on the edge

“We were born to make a fairy tale come true...”

And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player

"Make money. Make money - everything else is just a day.”

“The main thing is not the person, but his career”

Scenario for a woman's 45th birthday.

Meeting the hero of the day:

(Guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the “star path.”)

Host: Make way, friends, make way,

At this moment, smile from your heart,

Skip ahead without a doubt

You are the one whose birthday it is.

(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Marina!

Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,

After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.

So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,

And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.


So that we can extend this fairy tale,

At least for a little bit

Take your time, manage to walk

Star track.

Every star is just a mystery

You only need one guess.

Feel free to take the star path

And guess something!

Each of us dreams about this,

I think that includes you,

Get it from a man's hands

Now beautiful... (flowers)

(They give a bouquet of flowers)

To remember your biography later.

We will do this now... (photo)

From now on, pamper your husband more often,

After all, he gives you his... (kiss)

(The husband kisses the birthday girl)

For all the heroes of the occasion

In moments like these,

We are ready to give endlessly... (applause.)

We can’t avoid miracles today,

Let it fall from the sky now... (confetti.)

To always be with friends together,

We all need to perform... (song.)

(Guests sing the song "Happybirthdaytoyou".)

And it's time to honor these minutes

We can hear the anniversary here... (fireworks.)

(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).

Presenter: You, birthday girl, passed the tests amazingly.

We want you to invite everyone to the table.

(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated.)

Host: In February, when it’s cold and severe frost,

There is various amazing demand for the holidays.

Someone is happy about Magician's Day, someone is happy about Revival Day,

And today we celebrate Marina’s birthday.

I warmly welcome the assembled guests,

And I am happy to open Marina’s anniversary!

(Fanfares sound. The guests applaud. The garlands on the main backdrop are lit.)

Host: Let this day go down in history forever,

And it will only bring joy to the birthday girl,

And let the guests have fun carelessly,

I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.

To start the celebration as it should be,

Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.

(Music. Guests fill their glasses.)

My dears, today we have gathered here not just for the sake of it, but for a reason. Today our precious Marina celebrates her anniversary. Before you start, let me check if everyone is ready for the celebration.
The birthday girl is elegant like the Queen of England, smart like Einstein, energetic like an Energizer battery, hardworking like little Sorti, economical like Mister Muscle - in general, our favorite birthday girl is at the head of the table!

Guests - dear as Chelsea, cheerful as government orders,
generous as sheikhs - everything is in place!

The table is beautiful, festive, filled with a variety of dishes, in place!
In view of the fact that everything is available in the necessary cash, I propose to open the celebration!

Drink, party and have fun until you drop!
For the birthday girl!

Today we, in a friendly, cheerful company, in our so-called “banquet hall,” decided to congratulate the hero of the day.

Well, here you are 45,

How quickly the years fly by

But for a reason like this

Don't be upset!

Of course it's not 17

And far from 25,

But, to be honest,

There is no reason to be sad!

A string of difficult years

Didn't ruin the portrait.

Let's take an honest look:

What were you like before?

I walked - my ribs rang,

And now - what a body!

The bones are overgrown with meat,

Features are rounded:

Lush bust, hip, whatever you need -

A delight for men's eyes.

There is something to take, something to look at,

There is something to cling to with your bones.

And those eyes with a sparkle

They'll drive anyone crazy!

They say that at 45

Baba berry again

And popular rumor

Right from time immemorial.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,

Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.

You are the flame of the hearth and home,

You are the light beyond the earth that never goes out.

Today you are truly the queen of the holiday! And the queen deserves a crown! Let's proceed to the coronation to a unanimous ovation!

Now we have our own queen! But in order to fully begin to reign, the queen must take an oath. I will read the text, and you answer whether you swear or not: -

- I swear to love my subjects (husband and children) and not be too strict towards them.

I swear not to cut off heads for small offenses, such as: breakfast not delivered to bed, unwashed dishes, unlearned lessons.

I swear to forgive my subjects some weaknesses, for example, having pets, being interested in fishing and computers.

In turn, the subjects undertake to love and respect the queen, give her flowers, all kinds of pleasant little things and good mood every day! May everything in your life be simply royal! It's time to raise your glasses! And we keep shouting to the Queen... Hurray!

(The song “Happy Birthday” by I. Allegrova plays)

Today, the closest and dearest person to the birthday girl - her mother - is present at the anniversary! On this day, dear Valentina Nikolaevna, I really want to tell you such good good words:

There are golden domes, There are golden grasses,

But there is nothing more beautiful than my mother’s hands!

Dear guests! Let's greet mother Valentina Nikolaevna with friendly loud applause. After all, she is also a birthday girl today!

Dear friends! 45 years ago, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened: a charming baby was born, a girl - Marinochka!

Dear Valentina Nikolaevna! Do you remember the day when you brought Marina from the hospital? What was she like? Years have passed - how do you remember her at 7 years old? What was she like at 18? How do you see her now?

Congratulations to mom - toast!!!

Mom is very very happy. They have a daughter - what we need! Both beautiful and sweet, she is always the most beautiful of all! And now, friends, the moment has come to fill a glass for your parents! For those who gave Olga life and opened the doors to a beautiful world, for those who taught her kindness and handed her the wisdom of generations. For those, thanks to whom, she now sits among us with a smile!

Let's fill our glasses and, according to tradition, drink while standing to our parents - they deserve it! So, let's drink to my mother - Valentina Nikolaevna!

(song “Mom”)

(congratulations from relatives)

Like any other woman, our birthday girl loves to receive kisses and hugs, and let us now try to kiss and hug her together. Those sitting to the right of the hero of the occasion are the “Kisses” team, we pass kisses from each other to Olga. Those sitting on the left are the “Hugs” team " We hug and give hugs to Olga. Are the teams ready? Let's start. Team “Kisses” we kiss, team “Hugs” we hug! That's a lot of kisses and hugs for our birthday girl!

Host: I suggest our queen take a little break from eulogies and listen to the confession of her subjects:

The presenter holds two sets of cards in two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it out loud to everyone present. The point of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, the only important thing is that the number of questions matches the number of answers.

Sample questions for cards.

1. Does your loved one torment you with jealousy?

2. When do you have to smile forcibly?

3. Do you compliment your boss?

4. Are you afraid of prison?

5. Do you often put wine on the table?

6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?

7. Do you respect alcoholic drinks?

8. Are you ever delighted with erotica?

9. Do you remember those who previously loved you?

10. Do you dream of winning a car?

11. How often do you step on others’ toes?

12. How often do you quarrel with friends?

13. Are you jealous of your other half?

14. Is your character sometimes intolerable to others?

15. Do you like to enjoy food?

16. Do you like playing the fool?

17. How often do you remember your loved one?

18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?

19. Do you want to go to America?

20. Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family?

21. Do you use obscene words in conversation?

22. Do you believe in love at first sight?

23. Do you feel tired from work?

24. Do you criticize our government?

25. Are you capable of noble deeds?

26. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?

Sample answers.

1. It never happened and never will.

2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.

3. It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character.

4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.

5. Only when you are in a bad mood.

6. Of course, and more than once.

7. It happens, but only at night.

8. Every day, and more than once.

9. Whenever I go to bed.

10. I had to suffer from this.

11. Only half asleep and in slippers.

12. Exclusively in a restaurant.

13. I won’t tell you under torture.

14. This is my hobby.

15. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.

16. It happened once.

17. When there are guests in the house.

18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.

19. Not without it.

20. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.

21. If there is no other half nearby.

22. When kicked out of the house.

23. This topic is unpleasant to me.

24. When my loved ones don’t see me.

25. At night under the blanket.

26. Only in thoughts.

The third toast is of course for love. Therefore, we will give the floor to the beloved of our birthday girl - her husband.

You are the only one in the world, the gold of my eyes,

I bathe and enjoy in the sparkles of your rays.

Ah, Marina, Magic Angel of Light Beauty,

All that is in this world For me is only you.

Hugging and kissing in passion I go to the bottom,

I whisper into my dear ears: “I love you alone!!!”

I'll raise a glass to my own wife! At this moment I want to become a poet...

Sometimes you knew how to forgive me for guilt, only sighing quietly at the same time.

You look so calmly, lovingly, as if you understand everything about me.

I want to be worthy of you - and I raise a glass to you!

(The husband invites the hero of the day to dance)

…. LOAF Like on Marina's anniversary We gathered here guests of such heights and such lowness.

We wish the hero of the day to always be as if in the heat of the moment - This height, This width.

So that it is pleasing to the eye The whole figure is where it should be. This is the size of the dinner, This is the width.

Let no one know why your wallet is so tall, so wide.

Let them respect the position at work, only offer it this height, this width.

So that your husband loves you And brings you a salary This high, This wide.

So that your friends come to you and bring gifts this high, this wide.

Accept congratulations, raise the pile higher. This is this height, This is this width.

We ask guests to sit down at the tables. After all, you need to drink and eat a little

Dear guests, while we were resting, congratulatory telegrams arrived in our mailbox for Marina, but all of them were unsigned. We all need to try harder and guess the sender

These are people known to everyone. And even fairy-tale heroes!













Game “And in my pants”
Collective farmers harvested a large harvest of cucumbers

Sanitation required

Happiness is swelling

Dry and comfortable

There is still gunpowder in the flasks and berries in the buttocks

Not porn, but fun

Conscience did not spend the night

Only for currency

Expiration date has expired

Experienced mentor needed

What you dare is what you shake

Repair needed

Any-expensive, very expensive

Do not offer sex

Everything is grown up

General cleaning required

Musical pause

Conscience is missing

There are also balls in bloomers

I'm a girl anywhere

Warm and cozy

Vanka, stand up

Only for currency

Needs care

Blue dream of finding a friend

Don't get distracted by loving

Expiration date has expired

Experienced mentor needed

You can look, but don’t touch

What you dare is what you shake

It's a sad time

I want something, but I don’t know who

Dance games

1 Looking for hands (tango)

2. Colored dances

3. Dance with boxes

Guests from abroad came to visit us, and with them an interpreter.

(Before the start of the holiday, all guests are given business cards with images of flowers. Music plays. The host comes out.)

Presenter: Today all nature has come to life,
It was as if I had just been waiting for this day.
Wherever you look - there is only fun,
Everyone is in a festive mood today.

I see that the valley is all in flowers
And now above these flowers
A swarm of colorful butterflies is circling,
Their every wing flap

It surrounds us like petals.
And bowing before one flower
Everyone is eagerly waiting for it to start
That holiday about which all the rumors
It will spread very quickly in the valley.

Presenter: For many years now, the most beautiful Oksana Petrovna has been blooming and fragrant, which can only be compared with the royal flower whose name is Rose!

Rose you! It's clear to anyone
How desirable and beautiful
Queen of all flowers, -
Everyone is ready to love you!
And we are no exception
We wish you on your birthday
Kindness, love and light,
May you be warmed by fate!
I invite all guests to fill their glasses.

We raise a glass to Rose,
May you smell it every day!
We present the tiara to the queen on holiday,
We ask all of us to accept it from the bottom of our hearts!
(A tiara of flowers is presented.)

And so that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,
We want you to have a little refreshment!
(Musical pause.)

Host: What a wonderful inflorescence of guests is present at this table! Everyone is attracted by the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, special charm and uniqueness, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather.

Here, for example, is an ant,
Could have been among the guests.
This nice worker
I'll tell you, I'm not a miser at all.
For such a celebration
He has tons of gifts.
But today he's not there
But next door is a neighbor -
Your boss is a fighter.
(Addresses the boss):
Over to you, dear...!

I suggest you drink to these wonderful wishes!
Host: Even the Snake, the mistress of this year, was captivated by the sophistication and aroma of grass and other many-sided flowers. That is why she is here today with numerous congratulations and wishes to the beautiful Oksana! I ask guests to read out the congratulations and wishes of the Snake.
Congratulations from the mistress of the year (for us it will be the Snake)
(They bring out the Snake with cards on which wishes are written.)

Inscriptions on cards:
Happy Birthday to You,
Always bloom for our joy!
So that the rose petals are fresh,
You are carrying Oksana Petrovna in your arms, guys!
So that the Rose does not fade,
She could use some currency!
So that Rose’s stem doesn’t bend,
Caress Oksana more often, hubby!
So that Rose doesn't have sharp thorns,
Do not spare your kind words for her.
So that drops of dew decorate the Rose,
You would order diamonds for her.

The wishes of the Snake, In my opinion, are beautiful.
And for this you need to drink,
Do you agree with me?
Pour intoxicating wine into glasses,
To Oksana Petrovna, drink while standing, to the bottom.

Presentation of a vase with fresh flowers
Host: Look at Rose, everyone.
She has a blush as if from the cold.
And how the eyes shine,
They intoxicate with their brilliance.
How did Rose survive?
I achieved my goal in life!
It's time to trace
How year after year went by.

When our Rose was born, they bought her a night vase and, in addition, a diaper bag. (They put out a pot with an artificial rose.)

When she went to school as a child, she found a vase in her briefcase. (They put out a pencil case with an artificial rose.)

And in her youth, her vase changed and turned into a perfume bottle. (They put out a bottle with an artificial rose.)

At the wedding, the wine glasses became her vase. And they filled it with sweet water. (2 wine glasses are displayed, one contains an artificial rose.)

And after her daughter was born, she got a bottle with a nipple. (They display a bottle with an artificial rose.)

So my husband calls Oksana “Mommy.” And this pan becomes a precious vase in the house. (They put out a pan with an artificial rose.)

Today Rose has fully blossomed
And Rose needs a different vase.
Dear guests! Give answer:
Which of the vases does the birthday girl not have?

Presenter: For a crystal vase
There is a bouquet of roses
It has a delicate pink color.
(They bring out a crystal vase with a bouquet of fresh roses and present it to the birthday girl.)

Presenter: Dear Oksana Petrovna!
We give you today pink bouquet in honor of having lived so many glorious years.
(They hand over a bouquet.)

"Lucky Flower" Raffle
Presenter (paying attention to the artificial roses): Dear guests!
But there is a surprise in these roses,
Whoever guesses it will receive a prize.
And also the right to propose a toast to the hero of today's occasion.

(The assistant makes a bouquet of roses and invites guests to determine “ lucky flower" Each rose has a ribbon attached to it, but only one of them has the word “prize” hidden in it. The lucky winner is awarded a prize and the right to make a toast.)

Presenter: To make our Rose smell fragrant, we invite everyone to drink the Rose Chalice wine.
(The lucky person pours the wine and makes a toast.)

Host: How many petals does the beautiful Rose have?
Each person is ready to express so many words of confession.
And first, we will not break traditions,
Her work colleagues will congratulate her.

Host: And now we are waiting for all the words
From dear, dear,
From someone who has been around for years
With whom adversity is not terrible.
Behind him, like behind a stone wall,
This is Oksana Petrovna, my dear husband!

Presenter: Congratulations are flying towards the birthday girl like hail!
(Congratulations to the guests.)

To make it all come true
All we have to do is raise a glass.
For congratulations!
(Musical pause.)

"Lucky Apple" Raffle
Host: Dear guests!
As you know, many fruits will be born from flowers. Today we want to treat you with the birthday girl exotic fruits. We invite every third person to try this treat.

(They treat guests with fruits. Music “Apple”.)

Host: Pay attention to your fruits.
Our fruit is so unusual,
Which has a personal number.
I think it's time
Play all the numbers.
I invite the birthday girl to identify the lucky ones.

(They bring out a bag with numbers. The birthday girl takes out 3 lucky numbers from the bag. The lucky ones are awarded.)

I ask you to raise your glasses so that small joys more often grow into big ones.
Apple sculptures
Host: Don’t despair, friends,
Who hasn't won a prize yet.
Take your own apple
And go out boldly.
(Participants leave.)

Let's play in pairs
And create a sculpture.
I’ll tell you without any confusion -
This will be Oksana Petrovna’s daughter’s son.
Try this task by biting the apple from different sides.
(The game is going on.)

Presenter: Let Yegor give his grandmother happiness higher than the mountains!
Presenter: In the meadow we have “flowers” ​​of extraordinary beauty. They all shout loudly and want to congratulate Oksana Petrovna.
Well, let's shout, guests, together:
“Oksana is the woman you need!”
(They shout.)

Lily of the valley! We are contacting you, pour 100 grams into our glass. (Pours.)
And Chamomile and Peony prepare a snack.
Look, Daisy and Dahlia are conjuring something over the jug. We ask you not to be distracted and take care of your neighbors.
Dear Chrysanthemum! You know the theme for the toast. Raise your glass and make a toast to Oksana. (Drank.)
So that Mimosa and Violet don’t be sad, we don’t feel sorry for good songs for them. But first, for Oksana, we’ll sing a song without a button accordion. (Mass performance of the song accompanied by a soundtrack.)

Song (to the melody of R. Pauls)
Holiday, holiday we celebrate with family.
Holiday, holiday - your birthday.
“Congratulations!” - they shout cheerfully
Thirty flowers with children's faces!

Lotuses with Lily next to each other.
Here everyone is on holiday together.
Lotuses with Lily next to each other
They sing this song together.
Name day is a golden holiday,
Name day - sing with us.
"Happy birthday!" - they shout cheerfully
Thirty flowers with children's faces.

(Dance tour. Music “Dance of the Ducklings.”)

Congratulations to the chickens
Presenter: A squad of chickens has arrived to you,
Lined up right in a row.
Even though they are not ducklings,
But good guys.
They've been preparing all year
To congratulate Oksana - here!
And each of them was not lazy,
Prepare a gift for her on this day.
Let's ask the chickens
What do they want to give?

(Pretends to be talking with participants.)

Host: They say: “We’ll lay a difficult egg,
Let there be one, but it’s golden.
Look carefully, gentlemen,
For them to do this is two times two!

(Chicks stand in pairs and try to “lay” an egg from the nest.)

Host: I see that they succeeded in the trick.
Why did the color of these two eggs change so much?
They probably lay somewhere for a long time,
That's why they turned so purple.
Fine! We take them from you
And at the end of the dance we will act out.
And now our poultry yard,
Showing all your enthusiasm,
I will dance a bright dance with you,
Well, I’ll give you gifts.

(Dance “Chick-chick”.)

Presenter: You all worked so hard in dance,
That the eggs turned into a “kinder surprise”. And now we are very pleased to present these awards to you.
(Presentation of “kinder surprises”.)

Competition "Delicious chocolate"
Host: It’s a strange thing, Friends!
Somehow the glass rises up on its own and presses itself to the lips. He brings us wine and asks for kisses. So, we need to drink together for Oksana Petrovna!

Oksana Petrovna is a flower and a mystery, this chocolate will help us congratulate her. I ask two teams to take part in this competition - those sitting on the right and those sitting on the left. You are given half a chocolate. Each person, having bitten a little, passes the chocolate hands-free to his neighbor, who then passes it to the next one, etc. When the last one has eaten, the whole team shouts in unison: “Congratulations to the hero of the day!” Who will complete this task faster?

Host: Your voices are consonant and pleasant that they can be compared to the sound of a bell. I invite guests to unite in groups, come up with and proclaim original slogans in honor of our birthday girl.
Bell, dear friend!
Come out to the meadow quickly.
Who should start first?
You will give your sign.
(Guests proclaim slogans at the sign of the bell.)

Presenter: And now, our flowers,
We ask you to fill the bowls.
Because Dahlia is against drinking vodka alone.
I love you, dear Dandelion,
I'll ask you to raise your glass.
Our glorious Daisies,
Down your glasses.
Gvozdika set an example -
I drank it in one gulp, so dashingly!
In general, bright flowers,
Everyone needs a drink... that's it!

Plums are blooming in the garden, Oksana Petrovna, be healthy and happy!

Congratulations from the Bees
Presenter: Our bees as a gift to Rose
They went out to collect nectar.
They deftly use their proboscis
Sweet nectar is dragged into the house.
Without wasting time,
They conjure nectar there.
It is the basis for the drink.
Now the mead is ready.
It is presented to Rose
They ask to drink together with the guests.

(Two guests dressed in Bee costumes, using a straw in their mouth, collect food from the table. Having “conjured” the “nectar”, they present Rose with a drink.)

Presenter: The dragonfly sat on a bunch of rowan trees, both hostess and guest!
Competition "Costume Dance"

Presenter: Women are flowers
On my lawn.
Everyone is different,
But how beautiful!

Oh, people's experience does not dictate
Falling in love with long and thin ones:
You can't hug them or clap them,
If you fall for them - expect trouble!

But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't attach any value.
The wasp camp will barely notice -
And forward, forward, forward!

(A man who likes thin women recruits a team of them.)

Host: This waist is easy
It will go through the eye of a needle!
I see your team is already assembled. We continue to form another team.
Popular rumor of fatties
It's so sandy, oh my God.
They hug you, they say, they will suffocate you.
And they will let you go around the world with your bag.
But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't attach any value.
He barely sees his back stronger -
And forward, forward, forward!

(A man who likes fat women, recruits a team of them.)

Host: Oh, those round sides!
Just like a glass of champagne!
Well, your team is ready. I will ask both teams to listen carefully to the conditions of the game: in front of you are two baskets with costumes. At my signal, you put them on and line up opposite each other.

(Teams perform a task to the music - dress up in the costumes of characters from the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. Task: As soon as the music starts, one of the teams, moving towards the other, performs synchronized dance movements and returns back. In Another team enters the game and whose dance moves are more original will be considered the winners.)

(Dance break.)
Competitions from Little Red Riding Hood "Gifts of Nature"

(The phonogram of the children's song “If it takes a long, long, long time...” plays. Little Red Riding Hood appears, holding a basket of pies in her hands.)

Presenter: Little Red Riding Hood walked through our meadow,
I collected berries and flowers in a basket.
I walked around the hummocks, collected mushrooms,
She fluttered like a bird.
- Really, Strawberry?

(Strawberry appears with the words: “Yeah, yeah...”)

Presenter: All our men will be mushrooms,
Let them frolic on these name days.
May this day be unforgettable for a long time,
We invite women to play the role of flowers.

(Men are offered “hats” of mushrooms, women are offered costumes of flowers and berries. Participants perform the “Strawberry” dance.)

Little Red Riding Hood: Dear men!
Somehow your cheeks have become pink.
You must be very tired?
I suggest you sit on a tree stump
And everyone will eat my delicious pie.

(Competition “Who can eat the pie faster.”)

Strawberry: Dear women!
To quench your thirst,
I can offer you my drink.
Who will throw a ring at him,
He takes it with him.

(Competition “Throw the Ring.”)

Little Red Riding Hood: You have a lot of fun, see you soon!
Host: Good morning!
Dear people! The table has been waiting for guests for a long time!

(Guests take their places at the table.)

We are endlessly ready to congratulate Oksana Petrovna:
In poetry and songs, in the genre of women's prose,
But now I ask everyone to raise their glasses
In honor of our sweet, incomparable Rose!
(Fill glasses.)

Presenter: The finest rose exudes aroma: its colors and shade are not simple. And, as a hostess, Rose is simply a treasure. Let's drink to that, dear guests!

Host: Year after year, our Rose, bloom as before. And the flower meadow more often gathers guests. Let them return to you the scent of flowers, Your hospitable meadow is the best of meadows! The holiday doesn't end there, the fun continues! And we say: “Goodbye!” to all of you. May your best expectations come true!