Homemade miracle shovels for the garden. Drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for its manufacture. The principle of operation of the miracle tool

How can you dig up a garden without getting overtired? So that your back doesn't hurt and your hands don't shake after work? Is there a shovel for the lazy? Yes, such a miracle shovel was designed a long time ago and is hard at work at the dachas of folk craftsmen. Of course, according to pike command it won’t turn over the earth, you’ll still have to use force, but on a much smaller scale. So that the reader can build this marvelous equipment with his own hands, we offer photos, videos and drawings.

The design and principle of operation of the miracle shovel

The design is based on a support frame to which two rippers are attached: the main and auxiliary. The main ripper is similar to a fork; it is hinged to the frame using steel lugs. The rods of the auxiliary, or counter-ripper, are mounted rigidly on the frame and at such a distance that they fit exactly in the middle of the gap between the fork teeth. At the rear of the device there is a stop that allows you to transfer part of the effort to lift the soil onto the soil itself.

The miracle shovel is a supporting frame on which two rippers are attached

When working, place the support frame on the ground and fix the stop with your foot so that the miracle shovel does not move to the side. The forks are driven into the ground and, pressing on the handle, they are raised. The soil breaks into large clods and is smashed against the teeth of the auxiliary ripper. Then a step is taken back, the frame is pulled closer, and the operation is repeated.

The forks are driven into the ground and, pressing on the handle, they are lifted

Why you should use a miracle shovel

This simple device allows you to quickly, efficiently, and without overwhelming fatigue, cultivate an area that is significant by the standards of private gardening. Here is a partial list of miracle inventory achievements:

  • a person does not have to bend, as when working with a regular shovel, which is very useful for those suffering from spinal diseases;
  • there is no need to lift heavy wet earth on the bayonet of a shovel, so your hands don’t get tired either;
  • the width of the processed strip is up to 40 cm, which means that the beds will be dug up 2 times faster;
  • if there are a lot of malicious weeds on the site, then the fight against them will become more effective due to the fact that the teeth do not cut the rhizomes, but take them to the surface;
  • if the humus layer is small, then it will not be buried deep, but will all remain on the surface.

Attention! Do not try to dig up heavy soil with a miracle shovel during a drought. The tool will be broken, and the earth will remain unloosened.

The ingenuity of people's inventors knows no bounds, so it is possible that this list will be replenished in the near future.

How to make a miracle shovel for your garden

In the store, a miracle shovel costs several times more than its bayonet sister, so if you have a little experience working with welding equipment, you can make this advanced tool yourself.

To work you will need:

  • saw and drill for metal;
  • welding machine;
  • measuring instrument (square, tape measure, ruler);
  • steel angle or pipe for the support frame;
  • tooth fittings;
  • a handle from an entrenching tool, preferably metal.

  1. We bend the corner or pipe for the support frame with the letter “P”. The length of the legs is 80 cm, the length of the crossbar is 35-40 cm.
  2. We make a cross bar. To do this, we drill holes in it every 50 mm into which we insert pieces of reinforcement of 200 mm each. We weld it. When using a corner instead of a pipe, weld it without drilling. Then we weld the cross member and T-shaped stop to the frame.
  3. We cut a piece of pipe 50 mm shorter than the cross member and weld the teeth of the main ripper to it in the same way.
  4. We make a swivel joint from a piece of pipe and steel ears.
  5. We insert the cutting into this segment and secure it.

Advice. To make your shovel perform even better, sharpen the main ripper rods before welding.

When is a miracle shovel useful?

To your new tool pleased with his productivity, you should remember that he is not omnipotent, and give him only the work that he can really do. The miracle shovel is not capable of digging a hole. You should not entrust her with figure digging around flower beds or other curved elements of country house arrangement. Since to lift the fork you need to press down on the handle with your weight, such a shovel is not suitable for a fragile teenager.

But if we're talking about when it comes to quickly, “with a twinkle,” digging up 10-20 acres for potatoes, then the miracle shovel has no equal. And most importantly, the gardener won’t even remember about his lower back.

Do-it-yourself miracle shovel - video

Do-it-yourself miracle shovel - drawings

There is always a lot of work in the garden, but one of the hardest and most tedious is digging up the soil. On small areas This kind of work is done with a shovel, but it takes strength. However, there is a special tool that will allow you to do this job with much less effort. The story about what a miracle shovel is, drawings and dimensions for its manufacture will be in this article.

What can a miracle shovel do?

This tool provides additional opportunities for the farmer.

The miracle shovel provides the summer resident with the following advantages:

  1. When digging up soil with its help, it takes a lot less effort, compared to using a conventional tool.
  2. The quality of loosening the soil with this treatment increases. If lumps form, they break into pieces during operation.
  3. Some designs include a back stop. While digging the soil, you can step on it to help you immerse the tool in dense and heavy soil.
  4. If there are weed roots in the ground, then a shovel for the lazy will take them out as a whole, and not cut them into pieces.
  5. This tool is convenient to use for digging up potatoes.
  6. The digging speed is much higher than when working in a conventional way.

Miracle shovel

In my own way appearance The excavator shovel resembles a pitchfork with additional details.

It contains the following parts:

  1. The shaft by which a person holds the instrument.
  2. Metal forks, the teeth of which are approximately the same length as regular ones, but approximately twice as wide. They usually have 6 to 8 teeth.
  3. A metal stop going back is attached to the forks. When the miracle shovel is immersed in the ground, you can press on it with your weight so that the tool penetrates the dense soil more easily. It also serves as a stop when turning the shovel out of the ground.
  4. A horizontal grid is attached in the forward direction, installed in such a way that the fork teeth, rising, pass through it. With this movement, clods of earth end up between the forks and the grate, as a result they crumble into small pieces.

Here we talk about the typical design of a KrotChel shovel. In practice, several are used various options its designs.

Garden ripper "KROTCHEL"

How to use a shovel

In order to dig up the ground, you need to stand with your back in the direction in which you want to move.

In order to use this tool, you need to do the following:

  1. Stick a shovel into the ground. If this is difficult to do due to the density of the soil, you need to step on a metal stop.
  2. After the shovel has entered the ground, the shaft must be tilted back without lifting it above the ground. In this case, the earth that the forks catch will pass through the grate and crumble.
  3. Then the shovel, without lifting it up, is moved back and again immersed in the ground.

This process is repeated until the entire area has been covered.

Various tool options

There are devices that, although constructed in a similar way, have important differences in design. Below they are described in more detail.

Soil ripper without front support

In this type of design there is no front stop. The lattice for breaking clods is made without a front bar. This reduces the weight of the mole ripper shovel slightly. However, since there is no need to lift the shovel off the ground when working, this does not provide a significant advantage.

Soil ripper without front support


This option differs from the classic one in that it does not have a grille located in front. The handle of the instrument is also made in a different way.

The digger consists of the following parts:

  1. A handle made in the shape of the letter “T” is used here. Therefore, during work, the shovel is held differently than usual. Hands hold the instrument by the horizontal bars. This helps to increase the force of pressure on the soil when working. In addition, such a handle is usually made of metal. It can move up or down. Once a comfortable position has been found, the handle is secured with bolts.
  2. The forks are attached to the handle at two ends, not at central part, as in the classic version.
  3. The stop attached to the back of the tool is more powerful than in the usual case.

The disadvantage of this design is that there is no provision for crushing the soil.


This option can be considered the simplest design. For it, it was necessary to invent a rectangular metal frame to which forks were attached, looking down. The emphasis, made rectangular, is attached horizontally. The front grille is missing.

On a note. Despite simple design, this type of miracle shovel is an effective digging tool.

Archimedes spade

It bears little resemblance to the classic version. The difference, in particular, is that here it is not a pitchfork that is used for digging, but bayonet shovel. However, the inventor applied a similar principle here: the rule of leverage. This is the invention of Vladimir Kolybelin from the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region.

The Archimedes shovel is designed in this way:

  1. It has two shafts: long and short.
  2. The blade of the instrument is attached to a short shaft.
  3. All parts are connected into one whole by a bracket. With its help, a short shaft with a shovel in the middle is connected to a long handle and can rotate.

When working, the tool is stuck into the ground and the long handle is slightly moved forward. Then they step on the short part, and, taking into account the law of leverage and the length of the arm, the shovel will lift the earth.

Important! Although the arhimedova shovel saves effort compared to ordinary tools, it is difficult to use on heavy clay soils.

Archimedes spade

How to make it yourself

You can make such a shovel yourself, but to do this you need to be able to work with metal, for example, perform welding work. This section will tell you how to make a miracle shovel with your own hands, about the drawings and dimensions for its manufacture.


The main part of the structure is made of metal. To do this, you can take a profiled pipe or corner. The thickness should be approximately 30 mm. In the latter case, the steel used is important; it should not be thinner than 3 mm.

Important! The teeth must be made of high quality steel. Those made from forks or those made from a car spring are suitable. It is recommended that there be 6 to 8 teeth.

The handle can be made of wood or a metal pipe.


The width of the working part is usually from 60 to 80 cm. If you do more, it will practically not add productivity. The recommended pin length is from 22 to 30 cm.

The length of the handle is made according to height. It will be convenient if it reaches the shoulder.


The picture below shows one of the options for how to make a shovel.

Drawing of a miracle shovel

In accordance with this scheme, it is possible to make the tool yourself.

The miracle shovel greatly facilitates the work of digging up a site. You can do it yourself. If possible, it makes sense to purchase a high-quality commercial model.

7 country miracle helpers!

Unusual hand-held gardening tools (photos, videos, drawings)

The flat cutter is a great achievement of the agricultural mind. This is the first truly universal garden tools. Not just for cultivating the soil, but a tool for comprehensive cohabitation with the cultural plant community and soil.

Fokina flat cutter "Swift"

2. Ripper Miracle shovel "Plowman"

Ripper Miracle shovel "Plowman" drawings:

A shovel that can be classified as a ripper-cultivator - “Plowman”. The mechanism of the Plowman ripper is simple and quite effective. Raising the earth is carried out by the operation of a simple lever. The main load falls on the legs, which press the working forks into the ground. The lifting of the soil comes from the force of the hands, which relieves the back and is therefore attractive to the elderly and gardeners suffering from lower back pain. Two opposing forks, passing one through the other, loosen the soil without turning it around, providing a loosening depth of 15-20 cm.

Advantages of the design of a shovel or soil ripper or potato digger

1.Deep tillage without soil turnover.

2.High labor productivity.

3. Significant physical effort is not required when processing the formation.

4.Available in production.

Mode of application:

A special feature of cultivating the soil with a miracle shovel is that the garden is dug lengthwise rather than across. With both outstretched hands, we take the miracle shovel by the edges of the top bar, step on the platform (footboard) and it easily goes into the ground. With a slight movement (can be combined with light shaking), taking two steps back, we move the shovel from a vertical position to an almost horizontal one. After this, we take a step forward, pull the shovel back 30 cm, give the shovel a vertical position, drive it into the ground and repeat the cycles until the row ends. Then we proceed to processing next row.

Materials: half-inch labor, round timber (or hexagon) with a diameter of 15 mm.

For ease of transportation, a collapsible design can be made.

Miracle shovel Prokopenko drawings:

Miracle forks allow you to dig up the ground without putting any strain on your back due to the unique rotary working method. Miracle Forks do not require bending or squatting. Efforts are applied only to the “steering wheel”. At the same time, digging productivity increases 3-4 times.

Miracle forks are adjustable in height over a wide range, which allows you to ideally adjust the tool to your height.

Miracle forks rotating photos:

Miracle shovel of the monk - Father Gennady photo and drawings:

The Miracle Cleaver is a tool for easily and safely chopping wood. You will be able to chop three times more firewood, spending the same time and the same effort as when working with a regular splitter. At the same time, even women and children will be able to chop wood, because the main work consists only of raising and lowering a weight weighing 3.3 kg.

One Miracle Cleaver replaces four tools: a cleaver, an axe, a hammer and a chisel. If you follow the instructions for use, the tool is absolutely safe.

The miracle cleaver allows you to chop even very thick logs. However, it does not require any special skills and is very easy to use.

Miracle cleaver photo:

6. Miracle potato hiller

The miracle hiller is designed for loosening the soil on potato beds and hilling up the sprouted potatoes.

Thanks to an optimally calculated design, the new invention promotes high-quality soil cultivation (loosening and hilling) and correct formation potato comb

The other side of the coin is caring for the crop as it grows, and the hardest work is digging up the site. Moreover, this must be done twice. In autumn and spring. Otherwise, you will have to forget about the harvest.

Classic version tool - bayonet shovel. It allows you to efficiently process soil of any complexity, but the work takes a lot of effort and time. There are walk-behind tractors, electric cultivators, and, after all, you can call a tractor driver with a plow.

However, all these processes require capital investment, bringing the cost of the crop closer to the store price. Therefore, most gardeners prefer to work with their hands. To ease the hard work of a summer resident, a wonderful tool was invented - a miracle shovel.

A super digging shovel is a symbiosis of a pitchfork and a sled. The sharp teeth quite easily penetrate the ground; with the help of a lever in the form of a long handle, a large butt of earth is raised and loosened against the second part of the forks, which are located on the surface.

Of course, you can buy the device in a store, or you can make a miracle shovel with your own hands from scrap materials.

Do-it-yourself shovel for the lazy - manufacturing secrets

First, let's study the mechanism of operation of the miracle shovel.

  1. The handle is moved to a vertical position, the working forks are stuck into the ground;
  2. The handle is pulled back using a lever mechanism, the working forks lift the butt of the earth and loosen it against the forks of the front stop;
  3. Then the miracle shovel is transferred to the next area, and the cycle repeats.

It doesn't cost much to make a tool. Drawings of a miracle shovel are available, you can choose the one that best suits your requirements.

To make a shovel you will need:

  • Water supply or profiled pipe, depending on what you have in stock;
  • Reinforcement or steel circle for teeth;
  • A handle from an ordinary shovel (for the handle) or a thin-walled pipe;
  • Grinder, welding machine.

Economical option from one segment

This design consists of only one fork comb. There is no hinge mechanism, the soil is loosened only by spilling through the teeth. The offset of the emphasis determines the efficiency of work.

The shorter the stop, the easier it is to dig.. But at the same time the advance step decreases. A compromise size is 150-200 mm, depending on your physical fitness.

You can make such a design in one weekend. At the same time, working with it will save you dozens of free days. However, this shape requires more effort than a two-piece shovel.

Important! Each miracle shovel is created individually. If several people will use it, the tool must be adjustable.

An important condition is complex shape teeth. They should be bent as in the drawing. This makes digging easier because the forces are distributed correctly.