The latest know-how in the world. New business ideas know-how. Several interesting business projects. California worm breeding business

In Russia, Lefties and Kulibins are called craftsmen and inventors who are capable of developing original solution technical problem, i.e. create know-how with your own hands.

What is know-how and how to make money from it?

Translated from English, know how means “to know how” to do something, that is, to have technology that is inaccessible to competitors. Literary translation English expression- "know how". Secrecy, closedness from others, inaccessibility to strangers is one of the key components of know-how.

Closely related to this concept are legal terms such as “right to trade secrets” and “trade secrets.” In the strict sense of the word, the inventions of Levsha and Kulibin were not know-how, since they immediately became open access and became public knowledge.

Another component of the concept of know-how is the commercial benefit that the invention should bring. If it does not make a profit, it cannot be called know-how in the full sense. Neither Lefty nor Kulibin received any dividends from their inventions. Those were not the times.

How many wonderful and incredible things can present to us the world. Even when it comes to looking for some kind of stable income, you can find a lot of useful things for yourself. To do this, you need to be especially observant. And then you can find one for your business original idea, which may appeal to many.

It is worth noting that innovative business has some advantages. First of all, an entrepreneur in the modern market can count on a niche that has not yet been occupied. And this suggests that competition will be at the very minimum level or completely absent. In addition, innovative ideas allow you to create new products that will always be valuable. As for income, it can recoup all costs in a matter of time.

Before you start implementing a business based on completely new ideas, you need to carefully weigh all the possible risks. As experienced investors note, only 30% or 40% of the total number of new projects are implemented successfully.

However, what to do in such cases when the investor cannot guarantee 100% success of any idea? Alternatively, you can take existing ideas and projects and “modernize” them a little. That is, add to finished project something from yourself that can significantly improve it. And here it’s worth trying to look at the situation through the eyes of consumers. In this case, any buyer will perceive such an idea as perfect New Product, which he will hasten to take advantage of.

It’s not for nothing that there is a well-known saying: everything new is well-forgotten old. And indeed, if we consider many modern innovative projects, then you can notice something already familiar in them. Take, for example, a monopod, which many people use for selfies. Such a device was invented at the end of the 20th century, but only recently gained great popularity. The first phones with touch screens appeared in 1992, and the display itself was invented in 1965. And there are many such examples.

Some time ago, no one knew about the Segway, but now in almost every major city you can find such a “vehicle”. They are often used for an advertising campaign, rented out, and so on.

Now a new product has appeared on the market - the Solowheel unicycle from Inventist. The design consists of one wheel with footrests and a battery. You can control the unicycle like a Segway. That is, to move forward you need to lean forward, to brake you need to lean back, and leaning left and right turns the wheel in the desired direction.

For any entrepreneur, such a unicycle is a whole know-how in business. The very essence of the idea is to provide wheel rental services. With the right approach, such a business can bring in up to 100 thousand rubles in profit. During the season, you can ride everyone in some park. During the off-season, you can provide them for temporary use to advertising agencies for various events. It is quite unusual to find an advertising agent who approaches people on one wheel. This immediately attracts attention.

Nowadays, almost every organization needs to be equipped with security and access control equipment. Many companies install video cameras, turnstiles and various other means. Based on this, you can base your business on the production, installation and sale of some of these products.

But the first step is to determine exactly what security or control equipment you plan to sell. Alternatively, you can do technical means access control. Their main purpose is to limit the capacity at the entrance of the company and control the incoming ones themselves.

These controls differ simple design, and therefore their production will not cause difficulties. In addition, there is no need to involve specialists and purchase expensive equipment. This means that the initial capital may not be very large. With all the existing variety of assortment, we can offer some Additional services.

Currently, the most common means of control are the following:

  • turnstiles;
  • tripods;
  • wickets.

But the biggest demand is for tripods. This device is a cabinet with a fixed rotating mechanism with three rods, which are located at an angle of 120 0 to each other. During operation, the device allows you to record the number of people entering the facility and the number of people leaving the building.

When looking for good income, it would be a good idea to involve 3D technologies in your small business. — the idea is unique and has good prospects for the future. To start, you will need a capital of (preferably) at least 15 thousand rubles. The cost of projects will vary from 300 rubles and above, depending on the complexity. However, having acquired the skill, you can create about 100 projects per day. You don’t need to know mathematics well to understand that the profitability of such a business is optimal level, and the payback period can be very minimal. The first 50 projects will be enough for this, and everything else will be pure profit.

The uniqueness and essence of this idea lies in the creation of three-dimensional models of any products. This opportunity will allow potential buyers to evaluate and obtain all the necessary information about the selected product. That is, it can be rotated in different sides to get a good look. This gives customers the opportunity to make meaningful purchases, and online stores an increase in customer confidence. It is worth noting that this area is not yet very well developed, which makes it possible to engage in such business in conditions of minimal competition.

There are many sources for accumulating a client base for such a business. As a rule, these are online stores that sell various products:

  • household appliances;
  • toys for children of any age;
  • jewelry;
  • clothes and shoes and many other goods.

It is possible that dating sites may be interested in such services of an entrepreneur. The list can take a long time to be replenished, since even many companies are now conducting active advertising campaigns in the Internet. In this regard, this technology has a rich and bright future ahead, which should be taken advantage of.

Many of us like the action movie genre. Shootouts, chases and many other accompanying attributes simply rivet you to the screen and do not let you tear yourself away until the very end of the film. The next business know-how idea of ​​2016 will appeal to action movie connoisseurs.

We are talking about a laser attraction. In Russia, such an innovation is still a novelty, and therefore you can become a pioneer in this direction. The essence of the “game” is simple. When the ride starts, the stopwatch starts, and to turn it off, you need a special key. This key is to be obtained by overcoming the laser maze. The lasers themselves cannot be touched, otherwise the task is considered failed. The difficulty level can be changed to increase interest. You can also come up with some bonuses and discount systems as a reward.

With the right approach, this business can be organized with minimal capital.


The innovative ideas for small businesses considered are far from the last, you just have to take a closer look at everything that surrounds you. Then you can find something more original.

Increasingly, home-based businesses are seriously attracting girls.

And it is among the fair sex that soap making is widespread. But is this activity know-how? There is no clear answer to this question. Of course, centuries ago people also made homemade soap, but what kind of soap it was... It’s different now! Fruit aromatic oils, scrubbing ingredients, herbal decoctions, and just decorations from flowers that make their way through a dense shimmering piece of soap... What is needed to bring this idea to life? And nothing at all - just the desire to create and a small start-up capital. For production To make soap, you will need a soap base, cosmetic oils, essential oils, cosmetic dyes and decorations in the form of healthy herbs, flowers, etc.

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Let's try to describe your profit using an example.

  • 1 kg of soap base retails for about 150 rubles;
  • 1 essential oil costs about 50 rubles;
  • 1 cosmetic oil costs about 100 rubles.

Total: 300 rubles. From 1 kg of base you get 10 pieces of designer soap. Consequently, the cost of soap is 30 rubles, and at the same time you spend a quarter of the cosmetic oil and the same amount of essential oil. That is, the cost becomes even lower, let it be 25 rubles. The average price in the markets for a standard bar of soap self made reaches 200-250 rubles, multiply 250*10, we get 2500. Using simple calculations, 2500-300 = 2200. Two thousand rubles is your net profit.

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Pros of this business idea:

  • you don't have to pay for rent and equipment;
  • you are not under anyone's control;
  • natural cosmetics are wildly popular;
  • you earn a lot of money.

But there are also nuances to implementing this attractive idea. So, for example, if you want to supply your product to pharmacies (soap with medicinal herbs, such as calendula or chamomile) or to stores that sell household goods, then you will need an individual recipe to make each type of soap , as well as a license issued by the local sanitary and epidemiological station. To the SES you will have to submit documents confirming the presence of a specially equipped room for soap making. But even here, any non-residential premises, which contains gas and big windows(used as a hood).


After all, at the very beginning you should just try to make soap for your friends. As a reference, you can purchase relevant literature on soap making at a bookstore. It may turn out that this is not your type of activity at all: maybe you lack accuracy, etc. You can bring this know-how to life with a small investment. Let it be 50,000 rubles. With this money you can buy soap base and necessary oils in bulk - it will be more profitable. If you just can’t make soap, and you are sure that such an activity brings in a lot of money, then you can safely hire an assistant who will make the soap himself. Form an individual entrepreneur for both yourself and your assistant, and go ahead!

Our business know-how doesn't end there. There are also ideas for a less expensive way to make money at home for the fair sex - making gifts with your own hands. No, no, you don’t need to glue paper and cardboard flowers - everything is much simpler. You can make diaper cakes for babies. According to recent surveys, in cities with a population of just over 30,000 people, every seventh child receives a diaper cake on their birthday. It turns out that competition in this business Not yet. And the joy of parents of infants from such gifts knows no bounds. A gift for all occasions and for every taste.

Business in the innovation sector can be called the most promising. After all Newest technologies– new opportunities for earning profit. Moreover, this applies not only to large, but also to small businesses. First of all, innovation is associated with the development software. First of all, this is the development of all kinds of applications that will be used in various industries: trade, agriculture, construction, tourism, etc.

New technologies in medicine are in demand, so for doctors thinking of opening own business, it is worth investing in opening a treatment room using the latest developments in this area.

It may be interesting to use nutritional know-how, e.g. fast food with the “Constructor” mobile application, in which the client can “assemble” his own recipe by selecting the ingredients, and the establishment will prepare a dish according to it.

Product innovation can affect production, assembly lines, even the creation of " smart home" is a product in this industry.

Choose ideas and start making money. See options in this section.

It is difficult to take root in Russia. Even healthy human curiosity does not always push the buyer to purchase the next new product on the market. A win-win option For Russian commerce, it is considered to be the improvement of an existing product and the gradual entry into the production of higher quality and technologically advanced goods. If we analyze business know-how for 2017 from this point of view, we can identify a number of business priorities for 2018–2019.

New technologies in the catering market

IN Lately catering is the most dynamic market segment. Know-how in this type of business is introduced almost every season. The quality of services is constantly improving, entrepreneurs' costs are being minimized and the range of goods and services offered to customers is expanding.

Today in the catering market, entrepreneurs are actively promoting innovations such as:

  • pizza in a glass;
  • French fry machine;
  • single-product restaurants.

To implement the first two ideas you will need a very small start-up capital (). Opening of a single-product establishment - more than expensive project, you need to spend 1.5–2 million rubles on it.

Pizza in a glass is a new product that is a classic pizza, but rolled up in such a way that it is convenient to eat on the street, carry and rearrange. A favorite product that allows the client to continue to be active and not be distracted by the process of eating.

A French fry machine is a special device for instantly preparing and selling the well-known fast food. The technology involves the production of a high-quality, safe and tasty product. A slot machine can become both the basis for a business and an additional tool for earning money. Estimated cost one machine – about 600 thousand rubles. On Russian market There are already companies that provide such machines for rent.

A single-product restaurant is a place where all dishes are prepared from one type of product (seafood, poultry, vegetarian menu, etc.). Such establishments are interesting to customers, and today the public goes to them much more willingly than to traditional restaurants.

Useful to read. A package of documents for work, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the premises and a set of equipment.

New services

The service sector in small businesses is just as receptive to know-how as catering. Any interesting ideas are instantly picked up by entrepreneurs and actively promoted in the market. Recently, ideas such as:

  • paid quests;
  • mobile car washes (call via app);
  • eco-tours.

The thirst for adventure and the search for new experiences are two specific human needs that are difficult to fully satisfy and require constant attention. Until recently, city residents only diluted the routine of gray everyday life bright colors nightclubs and vacation trips to exotic countries.

A mobile car wash is a convenient know-how business idea for the city. An entrepreneur who decides to implement it does not need to invest large start-up capital in organizing a business. 150–200 thousand rubles are enough to purchase equipment, advertise and promote your services. For clients, this service is extremely beneficial, as it saves time and effort for solving more important tasks.

The very idea of ​​eco-tourism can hardly be called new, but the level at which operators today organize and conduct eco-tours is truly encouraging. Perhaps this is why green tourism has received a new breath and the number of people willing to go on trips to natural reserves, national parks and unique corners of the Earth is only growing every year.

It is useful to find out what kind of income brings entrepreneurs. Everything about what is needed to implement an idea, and calculation of profit.

Detailed information about . Project cost, launch plan and payback period.

Note: what is .

What's new on sale in China

Over the past few years, Russian entrepreneurs have become accustomed to the fact that best ideas for small businesses with minimal investment come from China. Indeed, China has been and remains a leader in the production of consumer goods that maximally satisfy customers in terms of price, range and functionality.

Today, China offers the market a number of new product items that are just gaining popularity, but will remain in trend for at least another three years:

  • glasses with camera;
  • exercise bike with jacuzzi;
  • Robot Vacuum Cleaner;
  • folding scooter (transformable).

All these products are quite accessible to the average buyer, and their advertising among the widest public will give good results.

These product items can be promoted both through online stores and through one-page websites. Chinese manufacturers offer huge discounts to wholesale buyers, plus they provide several experimental samples for free.

You can start a business selling Chinese new products with a starting capital of about 100 thousand rubles. This money will be enough to organize an online trading platform and to order a trial batch of the selected product item. It’s useful to read and how you can make money from it.


In addition to new products, new marketing ideas and interesting ways promotion of goods and services. Thus, for several years now trade through social media. Sellers have the opportunity to offer their product through mobile applications. Entrepreneurs are introducing new schemes for the purchase, transportation and delivery of goods, which makes it possible to reduce production costs. Today, starting a business is interesting and practically safe. The main thing is to make up your mind.