Buckwheat husk pillow: benefits and harms. How to choose a pillow made from buckwheat husks: benefits and harms, purchase rules, making your own, care Do dust mites breed in a pillow with buckwheat?

Sleep is primarily rest for the body. Health, performance and even mood depend on the quality of sleep. In order for it to be full-fledged, we must try to create good conditions for it. Very important point is choosing the right sleep accessories. A buckwheat husk pillow will help you relax and get a good night's sleep. It owes its positive effect on the body to its filler.

Buckwheat husk and its properties

Buckwheat husk, or husk, is the shell of buckwheat grains. It is obtained as a result of processing buckwheat and is an absolutely natural product. Before the husk becomes a filler, the following happens to it:

  • it is separated from the grain;
  • processed using steam;
  • carefully sifted;
  • air dried;
  • cleaned using special technology.

The whole process takes place under strict control, and at the end it turns out to be a hypoallergenic material for filling pillows of any kind and shape.

The processed husks look like small triangles that are folded into pyramids, with air gap between scales. This allows such a filler to retain heat, have good breathability and take the anatomical shape of the head or body of its owner.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows

After the appearance of such sleeping accessories as buckwheat pillows, their benefits and harms are constantly discussed by consumers. Numerous studies have proven that pillows with such filling are classified as orthopedic, which means they are beneficial for human body properties. However, they are not suitable for everyone, so it is recommended that you read the recommendations for their use in detail before purchasing.

Positive sides

After purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow, its benefits quickly become obvious. After all, it promotes healthy sleep and improved overall well-being. She has a lot of useful qualities, including:

Disadvantages of buckwheat filler

Despite the undeniable benefits of this item, not everyone can get used to it. Its main disadvantages include:

If you weigh all these shortcomings, you can see that all of them, except for allergies, are insignificant. The therapeutic effect of the pillow is much more important.

Indications for use

A buckwheat husk pillow is also suitable for bedridden patients; it will make their life more comfortable.

In order not to be disappointed in the purchased product and do right choice, there are a number of factors to consider:

Types and rules of care

In addition to sleeping pillows, you can find accessories with this filler for other purposes on sale. Among them:

Compliance simple rules care will increase the life of the accessory. These are the rules:

  1. Wash only the bedclothes.
  2. Clean the contents with a vacuum cleaner without removing them from the case and avoiding sunlight.
  3. Periodically ventilate the filler in fresh air.

Good sleep is one of the very important components in the life of every person. To make it as comfortable as possible, you should choose the right bedding and all the accessories that go with it. Here, each person will have an individual choice, since you can find a lot of varieties of sleep products on the market. A good pillow is one of the main accessories. Among all the synthetic fillers that exist on the market, the natural one, which comes in the form of buckwheat husk, stands out. This is a healthy, affordable and aromatic filler that is Lately is becoming more and more popular. The material is completely safe and completely natural.

How does a buckwheat husk pillow work?

This is a healthy, affordable and fragrant pillow filling.

Before use, the husk undergoes special treatment:

  • First, it is separated from the grains.
  • After this, sieving occurs to finally get rid of solid particles.
  • The husk is blown with air.
  • The next stage of preparation is steaming.
  • On last stage The filler is being cleaned.
  • The result is a lot of hollow buckwheat pyramids. They are what are contained inside the pillow.

A cotton napkin with a clasp is used as a storage case. The husk is poured inside it, and a pillowcase is put on top. The presence of a fastener in the form of Velcro, zipper or other varieties is very important, as this helps to adjust the firmness of the pillow individually. You can remove or add filler yourself at your discretion.

Material characteristics

The orthopedic correct shape of the pillow promotes rapid relaxation and relief from fatigue.

The popularity of buckwheat husk filler has remained for a long time due to its advantages. Some of them are unattainable for synthetic materials. Among positive qualities The following raw materials are worth noting:


  • Pillows made from buckwheat husks are relatively heavy when compared to other products of this kind.
  • During use, the material rustles noticeably. This is a relative disadvantage, since it is not heard during sleep, and many people simply get used to it.
  • The service life of such products is lower than that of other fillers and is only a few years.
  • The filler has its own natural smell, which some people may not like.

Additional fillers

Herbs can be purchased separately in special bags.

In addition to the main filler, which is buckwheat husk, there may be an additional one in the pillow. Each additive can serve to improve the smell, as well as the practical properties of using a pillow. The most common additives are herbs, nuts, flower petals, etc. In modern stores, the following types of aromatic fillers are most often found:

  • lavender – helps relieve muscle pain, treats sleep disorders and relieves spasms;
  • mint – helps to calm down after prolonged stress, and also relaxes thoughts and leads them in a positive direction;
  • hops – treats hysterics, promotes calm and eliminates sleep problems;
  • oregano – removes inflammatory processes in the body, helps normalize the functioning of the respiratory tract and heals colds;
  • cedar shavings – heals the respiratory tract, helps recovery after nervous breakdowns and enhances positive well-being.

Typically, the percentage of additional components contained is relatively small. If you want to buy yourself a pillow that is not made purely from buckwheat, then you should understand that the presence medicinal herbs not always useful for a healthy person if we're talking about about constant use. The best option For such a case, you can buy herbs for the pillow separately in special bags. They can be removed at any convenient time.

You can make your own aromatic additives. To do this, just take a handful of fragrant herbs that you like, place them in a tight bag and sew them into a pillow with buckwheat husks. Sleeping with your favorite scent will only get better.

Features of use

The buckwheat husk pillow takes some getting used to, as at first it seems hard.

The pillows do not have any serious contraindications and can be used by people of all ages. But there are a number of features that need to be taken into account. One of them is increased surface rigidity. Those who are used to sleeping on soft, soft pillows will be disappointed here. From the very beginning it may even be a little painful, but over time a person gets used to this option. Before purchasing, you should make sure exactly what sensations you experience when in contact with it.

If the pillow is new, it does not immediately take on the “correct” shape. It takes about two weeks until it quickly adapts to the anatomical features of the owner. Thus, you should not be immediately afraid of its rigidity. If this accessory remains too hard, you can remove some of the filler.

Although problems with rustling are considered disadvantages, in practice they do not cause any particular problems. People get used to all the sounds in a couple of nights. The rustling does not irritate with harsh notes, and sometimes even, on the contrary, calms.

Many have heard that husk pillows have the smell of buckwheat, which will help increase appetite. Actually this is not true. After all, the husk has the smell of natural buckwheat, and not boiled. This is a pleasant herbal aroma, and not the smell of cooked food, so all the concerns of dieters will be unnecessary here. Over time, the smell dissipates and becomes almost invisible.

One of the features of these pillows is the presence of various shapes. These can be not only standard rectangular shapes, but also cylindrical, figured, etc. They can become an interior decoration. Small models are available that are easy to take with you and can also be used for children's rooms. In this case, the greatest variety of forms is observed among all varieties.

Subtleties of choice

The right choice will help you get exactly the product that will bring the most benefits. So, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The pillow must have a fastener. This allows you to check the buckwheat filler, remove or add it to the case, and also use additives in the form of various herbs. If there is no Velcro, then it is not advisable to take the product.
  • You should conduct an external inspection and simply try the filler inside with your hands. The husk should roll and rustle well, and also be dry.

  • The pillowcase should be made of white fabric and not be stained by buckwheat. If there is darkening from the husk, then most likely it contains impurities that are also undesirable.
  • The pillowcase and pillowcase should be made from natural fabrics - this is the guarantee that the product will breathe and ventilate without problems.
  • Don't forget about the price. If the cost of the product is too low, then the filler may be of poor quality. This leads to it crumbling into dust in a short period of time, so that literally in a year you will have to change the pillow for a new one.

How to care

The pillow can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Some manufacturers promise that their product can last 10 or even 15 years. But in fact this long term service is unattainable even for the highest quality products. Buckwheat husk filling crumbles and wears off over time, so it will require replacement in five years. To increase the duration of use, you should follow the storage and care rules:

  • Before washing, the filling must be carefully removed from the pillowcase and temporarily transferred to a container.

  • It is not advisable to wet the husks, as this will spoil them more. This does not mean that if moisture gets in, the filler will need to be changed immediately. But better cleaning done using a vacuum cleaner.
  • The frequency of cleaning should be approximately once a year, but after purchase you need to clean it for the first time within a month.
  • To get rid of small crushed particles, it is not necessary to remove the husk completely. It is enough to shake the product periodically, and once every six months it is advisable to sift the filler through a colander.
  • If there is a lot of humidity in the room or the sleeping person sweats a lot, then after using the pillow you need to dry it during the day to get rid of excess moisture inside.
  • Drying the pillow in the oven is strictly prohibited. Use heating devices With high temperature This is also prohibited, as this leads to overdrying and rapid breakage of the material.

How to make a pillow yourself

Based on what it is natural filler, which has been used for a long time, many people wonder how they can make their own pillow from buckwheat husks. This is quite realistic and there is nothing complicated in this case. The most problematic part is finding a suitable filler. To create a pillow you will need:

  • pillowcase;
  • confidant

The first step is to select the husk. It can be found in some supermarkets in big cities. You can also find it on farms where buckwheat is grown.

There is an option to find unhulled buckwheat, and then peel it and use the resulting husk for your own purposes. After cleaning, you need to let the filler dry.

Then you should select required quantity filler to fill the case. The hardness is regulated by the amount of husk obtained.

The pillowcase should be made so that it opens, rather than being permanently sewn shut. You should keep a supply of husks so that you have something to replace the filler with after it wears out.

A pillow with buckwheat filling will excellent choice both for yourself and as a gift. This is a useful and pleasant thing for those who love everything natural. Its periodic use will be an excellent prophylaxis and prevention of many diseases. This pillow is very practical; it can be combined with various herbal aromatic additives.

The main feature of buckwheat husk is that it does not penetrate the weave of the fabric from which pillowcases are sewn. Therefore, plant filler is considered a worthy alternative to natural bird down and feathers.

Source: textile.life

What is buckwheat husk?

Everyone is familiar with the pieces of black husk that are found among buckwheat. This is buckwheat (or buckwheat) husk. Cleaned of flour, it began to be used to fill pillows. When purchasing products made from buckwheat husks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, the quality of the pillow and your health depend on it.

Husk and dust mite

A pillow made of buckwheat husks does not collect dust and does not harbor dust mites - a constant companion of down and feather products. This fact was proven during scientific research, which were carried out in 2004. Therefore, people suffering from allergic diseases and bronchial asthma can sleep on such a pillow. For those who still doubt their absence, we will give one piece of advice - freeze the husks in the freezer for 24 hours.

Types of pillows

In addition to traditional rectangular products measuring 40x60 or 50x70 cm, children's pillows and neck cushions in the shape of a horseshoe or a regular round shape are made.

For children

Buckwheat pillows for children can be used after two years. The amount of filler should be minimal, and over time it can be gradually increased. If the child cannot sleep on it right away, then you can limit its use during illness or when overexcited. To enhance the therapeutic effect, some manufacturers add various herbs to pillows - mint, hops, oregano, cedar shavings.

First make sure that the child is not allergic to medicinal herbs.

For sitting

People who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, or in the office can look for a buckwheat husk cushion for sitting. It can be used for car seats, sofas and chairs. They have a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect on the biologically active points of our body. This helps to get rid of various pains, activate blood flow, and prevent many problems in the genital and internal organs.

Beneficial features

Using buckwheat husk as a filler has many advantages over a down or synthetic pillow. For those who are allergic to house dust, pen or bed mites, such pillows will be a real salvation.

For people who have spinal diseases, lead a sedentary lifestyle or are engaged in heavy work, sleeping on a pillow with buckwheat will help relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and back. This occurs due to the rigidity of buckwheat, which takes the shape of the body and fixes it.

Before going to bed, the pillow should be fluffed so that it absorbs correct form. If at first you feel discomfort at night, you wake up with the desire to turn around, take a different position, you can also lightly tap the filler with your hand.


The advantage of buckwheat hull pillows is their ability to absorb sweat without creating a thermal effect in hot weather. The structure of buckwheat husk and its shape allow air to pass inside the product.

It will be useful for you to know about the massage effect of the husk on the muscles, face and scalp when you go to bed.

  • Relaxing the muscles of the neck and forearm improves blood circulation in the head.
  • It will pass headache associated with incorrect body position on the pillow.
  • The snoring that bothers you and your loved ones will decrease or completely disappear.
  • Acupressure of the skin of the neck and face will prevent wrinkles.
  • The effect on the scalp increases blood supply to the hair follicles, which will improve the condition and growth of hair.

Buckwheat pillows are environmental products. If they are not suitable for your individual indications, then you should pay attention to a synthetic filler.


In front of everyone positive properties However, products filled with buckwheat husks have certain disadvantages.

  • Some people are allergic to buckwheat hulls, so they will have to limit themselves to synthetic pillow fillings.
  • At first, the pillow seems too hard, the rustling sound is annoying, and the smell is intrusive. After a while, you get used to the rustling and harshness, the smell of the husk becomes softer, and sleep brings pleasure, giving you an easy awakening without headaches or numbness in your hands.
  • Minor disadvantages include the greater weight of the pillow and the short service life of buckwheat husks. A buckwheat pillow will last from two to five years.

Choosing the right one

When purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The fabric from which the cover is made must be natural;
  • The presence of a snake makes it possible to clean the pillow and adjust the height by adding or reducing the amount of buckwheat husk;
  • The light cover allows you to see when shaking that fine dust does not fall out of the pillow.

  • A pillow filled with husks cannot be washed. You can pour out the husks and wash the cover separately. Buckwheat should be sifted to remove crushed particles.
  • The pillow must be shaken periodically and dried in the open air without direct sunlight in summer.

Compliance with these simple rules will increase the service life of buckwheat husks.

Source: DomikSna.com

Buckwheat husk: what is a filler

Buckwheat husk is the hard shell of buckwheat grains. The grains sold in grocery stores are already hulled. Therefore, initially, buckwheat husks were industrial waste. But her unique property maintaining a shape resistant to external mechanical influences was used to create health-improving accessories for sleeping and sitting.

The shell, freed from buckwheat grain, looks like a hollow, elastic pyramid of dark brown or black color. Before using it as a filling for pillows, buckwheat husks separated from the grains are subjected to special processing:

  • cleaning from dust, dirt, small debris;
  • treatment with hot steam for the purpose of disinfection and “hardening” of shells (gives strength);
  • air drying;
  • sifting, disposal of deformed, broken husks;
  • final cleaning of buckwheat “dust”.

The finished husk is a 100% hypoallergenic, highly environmentally friendly product. Pillows with it can be used even by small children, elderly and sick people.

Useful properties of a pillow filled with buckwheat husks

  • with deformities of the cervical spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, pain and spasms of the neck muscles);
  • those suffering from headaches, migraines;
  • with frequent insomnia, restless intermittent sleep;
  • prone to snoring (correct head position during sleep significantly reduces it);
  • those suffering from severe sweating at night;
  • with numbness of the arms, shoulders, and head from lack of blood circulation in the cervical-collar area.

It is easy to care for the bedding, since the buckwheat husk does not require cleaning, and the cover can be easily removed for washing.

Buckwheat pillow for a child

You can use a buckwheat pillow for a child from 2 years of age. Doctors recommend it for the following problems:

  • the baby’s tendency to frequent colds, weak immunity;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • hyperactivity.

If a pillow filled with buckwheat husk is too hard for a child to sleep at night, use it for 1-3 hours during daytime rest.

Disadvantages of buckwheat pillow

Before using a buckwheat husk pillow, the benefits and harms of the product should be carefully studied. The disadvantages of the accessory include:

  1. The rustling sound that buckwheat pyramids make when a person’s head moves. This noise is not significant, it occurs when turning on its side.
  2. Side sleepers may find the pillow hard because they are in contact with it for a long time. soft fabrics cheeks, delicate ear. For those who like to keep their head on the back of their head while sleeping, this quality, on the contrary, is a plus.
  3. Not everyone likes the specific smell of buckwheat filling.

The buckwheat pillow is much heavier than usual. Its weight can reach 4-5 kg. Consumers, however, note that the benefits of using pillows filled with buckwheat husks far outweigh the disadvantages.

Rules for caring for the pillow, features of operation

The shelf life of an orthopedic pillow made of buckwheat shell is from 2 to 5 years. Over time, the filler loses its shape, crumbles, and the buckwheat pillow becomes excessively hard and loses its elasticity.

Rules of care:

  • periodic washing of the cover is required;
  • the filler must not be wetted or treated with chemical cleaning agents;
  • the husks are periodically dried by spreading them out thin layer on a clean, dry surface in a warm room;
  • periodically sort the shells to remove dust and deformed parts (the husks are sifted through a colander);
  • if buckwheat dust appears in the bed, the cover needs to be replaced with a denser one.

If the husk gets dirty due to negligence (for example, juice or milk is spilled), the wet part of the filler is simply thrown away.

Buying a buckwheat husk pillow

Buckwheat hull pillows are sold in health stores. The price of products varies depending on the quality and manufacturer (from 300 to 1500 rubles).

When choosing a product you should pay attention to:

  • some manufacturers add an additional amount of buckwheat husk (to form required height bedding);
  • consumers rated covers made of satin as the most comfortable and dense;
  • a cover made of synthetic fabric or not equipped with zippers (Velcro) is an indicator of poor quality of the product;
  • standard sizes of a sleeping accessory are 60 by 40 and 70 by 50 cm;
  • filler High Quality does not contain broken shells or buckwheat “dust”;
  • Chemical non-natural odors should be completely absent.

Manufacturers often add mint, hops, oregano or cedar husks to buckwheat husks. This collection has the property of relaxing and calming the nervous system.

Orthopedic seats with buckwheat husk

A common version of a buckwheat pillow is an orthopedic seat filled with husks for home, office or car. Thanks to the massage effect, blood stagnation and deformation of blood vessels are prevented during prolonged sitting. This seat is a means of preventing gynecological diseases and dysfunctions of the genitourinary system.

Pillow filled with buckwheat husks – effective method improve the quality of night's rest. Constant use of a useful orthopedic accessory will help restore health and sound sleep.

Find out how myths sometimes prevent us from sleeping and enjoying life.

Myth 1. A pillow with buckwheat husks is hard.

This myth was born many years ago, when buckwheat pillows were just appearing on our market. They did not yet know about the importance of thoroughly cleaning buckwheat hulls and they poured uncleaned waste from shelling buckwheat grains into the pillow. In addition to buckwheat husks, they contained dust, sticks, small fragments of husks, flour and even whole grains. Naturally, this pillow was heavy, hard and completely uncomfortable.

A good pillow with buckwheat hulls is light, free-flowing, and very flexible. It is very comfortable to sleep on. If you come across a hard buckwheat pillow today, know that it’s all in the filler. You received a low-quality product. Buy good pillows with peeled whole husks.

Myth 2. She rustles

Frankly speaking, it really rustles. If the pillow is made of teak or synthetic, it rustles very loudly, it has been noticed. This is due to the properties of the fabric itself.
Our pillow also makes a very quiet rustling sound. But that’s until you lay down on it. As soon as you settle down on the pillow, it stops rustling for two reasons: first, you don’t toss and turn and sleep in one position all night, second, your sleep on a buckwheat pillow is so deep that you can’t even be woken up by guns, let alone a quiet rustle.

By the way, such rustling is called “white noise”. White noise also includes the noise of leaves, the murmur of a stream, the sound of the sea surf, and even the purring of a cat. This is a natural sound that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothing and relaxing. Maybe that’s why sleeping on a BIO pillow is so sweet?

Myth 3. I can do this myself

Of course you can. But how can you ensure fine cleaning of the husks and dust removal, as well as the necessary treatment with hot steam, at home? How do you guess with the fabric? And you need to provide a hole with a fastener for pouring and pouring out. And then fill it, covering the entire apartment with husks. Believe me, it's not worth it. It’s better to buy a high-quality, professionally made pillow, sewn at a BIO-pillow factory.

Myth 4. It’s just garbage there

There is no garbage in the BIO-pillow with buckwheat husks - only clean, whole buckwheat hulls.

Myth 5. She smells bad

The BIO pillow smells delicious - like buckwheat. And that doesn’t last long, the smell dissipates over time.

And here bad smell appears only in low-quality pillows. The reason is poorly dried, wet husks, which are poured into pillows and hermetically sealed. Moisture cannot evaporate, and therefore mold grows in the pillow.

It is very difficult to remove it and get rid of the smell, and therefore it is better to throw away such a pillow and buy a quality pillow with a guarantee and a quality certificate. The fact is that professionals with many years of experience workers are aware of this problem, and therefore use only dry husks. Only beginners who sew and stuff pillows in an unheated garage “get” mold.

We have a technology that allows us not only to dry the filling well, but also to prevent the appearance of any “living creatures” in the pillow - from mold to bugs. But this is our secret and competitive advantage. There is no need for you to delve into these subtleties.

Just trust the professionals and buy high-quality factory-made pillows with buckwheat husks from the company BIOPODUSHKA.RU

Buckwheat husk is the hard shell of buckwheat grains. The grains sold in grocery stores are already hulled. Therefore, initially, buckwheat husks were industrial waste. But its unique property of maintaining a shape resistant to external mechanical influences was used to create health-improving accessories for sleeping and sitting.

The shell, freed from buckwheat grain, looks like a hollow, elastic pyramid of dark brown or black color. Before using it as a filling for pillows, buckwheat husks separated from the grains are subjected to special processing:

  • cleaning from dust, dirt, small debris;
  • treatment with hot steam for the purpose of disinfection and “hardening” of shells (gives strength);
  • air drying;
  • sifting, disposal of deformed, broken husks;
  • final cleaning of buckwheat “dust”.

The finished husk is a 100% hypoallergenic, highly environmentally friendly product. Pillows with it can be used even by small children, elderly and sick people.

A pillow made from buckwheat husks provides deep sleep with a healing effect thanks to the following properties:

  • with deformities of the cervical spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, pain and spasms of the neck muscles);
  • those suffering from headaches, migraines;
  • with frequent insomnia, restless intermittent sleep;
  • prone to snoring (correct head position during sleep significantly reduces it);
  • those suffering from severe sweating at night;
  • with numbness of the arms, shoulders, and head from lack of blood circulation in the cervical-collar area.

It is easy to care for the bedding, since the buckwheat husk does not require cleaning, and the cover can be easily removed for washing.

Buckwheat husk serves as a filler in such orthopedic products. Buckwheat husk is obtained by treating buckwheat kernels first with water, then with a stream of dry air. Next, it is threshed, cleaned of flour, processed special means from insects. Buckwheat husk is an environmentally friendly filler and has the following properties:

  • releases essential oils that are beneficial for the respiratory system;
  • the likelihood of an allergy is extremely low;
  • absorbs sweat;
  • does not accumulate heat (especially important in hot weather);
  • does not collect dust in itself.

Small scales look like small pyramids, hollow inside. They do not fit tightly to each other, so this pillow always “breathes.” In the summer it is a pleasure to sleep on it; the filling does not heat up, but, on the contrary, creates a cool effect.

Despite the abundance of positive properties of this sleeping accessory, it also has disadvantages. Thus, many are frightened by the fact that pillows filled with buckwheat husks rustle when used and interfere with sleep. In fact, the noise is not so strong; the benefits of the purchase are much higher. In addition, unlike other sleeping accessories, a buckwheat pillow cannot cause any harm to the health of its owner.

The main disadvantages are:

  1. Noise. Indeed, the husk creates a kind of noise during friction, which may seem intrusive to some. It will disturb the back sleeper less.
  2. Pillow hardness. Thanks to this quality, the accessory perfectly holds its shape and adapts to the person. However, side sleepers note that the peculiarity of the pillow can even lead to numbness in parts of the face such as cheeks and ears. Those who sleep on their back even like this quality of the buckwheat pillow, since it provides an additional massage and orthopedic effect.
  3. The heaviness of the accessory. Some types of buckwheat pillows can weigh up to 5 kilograms. Heavy weight is difficult to cope with both for children and for members of the older generation (who mainly choose orthopedic and natural products). However, if desired, part of the filler can be removed, thereby reducing the weight.

Despite all the listed negative qualities of the product, buyers notice that the benefits and comfort of using a pillow are much more important, and characteristics such as noise and hardness are only a matter of time and habit.

Herbs can be purchased separately in special bags.

In addition to the main filler, which is buckwheat husk, the pillow may also contain an additional one. Each additive can serve to improve the smell, as well as the practical properties of using a pillow. The most common additives are herbs, nuts, flower petals, etc. In modern stores, the following types of aromatic fillers are most often found:

  • lavender – helps relieve muscle pain, treats sleep disorders and relieves spasms;
  • mint – helps to calm down after prolonged stress, and also relaxes thoughts and leads them in a positive direction;
  • hops – treats hysterics, promotes calm and eliminates sleep problems;
  • oregano – relieves inflammatory processes in the body, helps normalize the functioning of the respiratory tract and heals colds;
  • cedar shavings – heals the respiratory tract, helps recovery from nervous breakdowns and increases positive well-being.

Typically, the percentage of additional components contained is relatively small. If you want to buy yourself a pillow that is not made purely from buckwheat, then you should understand that the presence of medicinal herbs is not always beneficial for a healthy person if we are talking about constant use. The best option for this case is to buy herbs for the pillow separately in special bags. They can be removed at any convenient time.

You can make your own aromatic additives. To do this, just take a handful of fragrant herbs that you like, place them in a tight bag and sew them into a pillow with buckwheat husks. Sleeping with your favorite scent will only get better.

Husk is used as an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic filling for pillows.

Today every person after a difficult working day, overwork, stress or extreme anxiety, dreams of resting on comfortable bedding.

Progress does not stand still, so manufacturers remembered such a wonderful filler for orthopedic pillows as buckwheat husk.

The properties of buckwheat were known back in Ancient China, since the imperial pillow existed in the 7th century. It was filled with buckwheat and was highly valued for its amazing comfort. Indian and Russian yogis still sleep on pillows made of buckwheat husks. Let's figure out what the benefits of buckwheat husk are and what harm there is from it.

    Orthopedic pillows should have a comfortably hard filler

Buckwheat husk meets this requirement. If you look at a buckwheat grain, it resembles a mini pyramid with air space inside. It springs back when pressed. There are many thousands of these springs in the pillow. Due to its structure, the husks cling to each other and provide springy-soft support for the head and neck.

  1. Husk has a massage effect, which helps get rid of headaches.

    The pillow must take an anatomical shape

The husk is durable and has almost no weight; it moves freely in the pillow and follows the contours of the neck and head. Thanks to this, the outline of the body is preserved from evening to morning. The pillow allows you to comfortably hold your neck in an anatomically correct position. This allows blood to circulate freely between the brain and heart.

The spine will be straight during sleep, the muscles of the back and neck will relax, which will have a positive effect on the quality of sleep. The body will be rested after the night, so it will retain a lot of energy for the working day. When using large and soft pillows for sleeping, a person may toss and turn all night in search of a comfortable position.

This takes a lot of energy and impairs the quality of sleep.

    The pillow should be made of environmentally friendly material

Buckwheat is a natural, plant-based natural filler. It is known that her homeland is Russia. Therefore, this plant is adapted to the conditions of the ecosystem. The energy of buckwheat with its biofield is close to people.

When making orthopedic pillows, the husks are cleaned of broken particles, washed with structured water, dried, calibrated and again winnowed and sifted through sieves.

The advantage of pillows is that they do not contain dust mites.

Dust and bed mites do not collect in this filler. The covers are made from natural or high-quality artificial materials.

Based on clinical studies, it can be stated that the orthopedic product is hypoallergenic and suitable for asthmatics. And:

  • Provides healthy breathing and eliminates snoring. Thanks to a comfortable position, the snorer begins to breathe through the nose, since the air path is not refracted and the tongue does not sink if the neck gains firm support.
  • eliminates pain in the back and spine, including the cervical region.

Orthopedic pillows are used for car seats or home chairs and sofas. They are useful as a gentle applicator and massager when placed under the back or buttocks. Light massage and impact on biologically active points relieve pain of different nature, activate blood flow, which delivers fresh oxygen and nutrition to the cells, preventing hemorrhoids.

Buckwheat pillow - benefits and harm

Pillows from natural materials have always been famous for their beneficial properties. And now, pillows with buckwheat filling have become an integral attribute of adherents healthy image life. According to the manufacturer, this sleeping accessory can relieve the buyer from pain in muscles and neck joints, snoring, and establish healthy and sound sleep.

The product receives mostly positive customer reviews. Customers who purchased the product are satisfied with the quality and price of the pillows. The therapeutic effect of use is noticed by almost all owners of such an integral accessory as a pillow. Buckwheat husk does not cause any inconvenience in care, the pillow is easy to use.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks have the following advantages:

  • Hypoallergenic material is a real godsend for people who cannot tolerate dust and bed mites. We can say with confidence that such pillows will not harbor dust mites;
  • It is a fact that the aroma emanating from buckwheat is an excellent remedy for insomnia;
  • Buckwheat husk takes on the shape of the head relief, which is simply irreplaceable for relieving heaviness and tension in the muscles;
  • Buckwheat filler perfectly absorbs sweat and allows air to pass through without heating the material;
  • Excellent massage effect for the skin of the face and neck;
  • Optimizes blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth;
  • Minimal care - there is no need to wash, it is enough to follow the care measures indicated in this work;
  • Reduces unpleasant sounds during sleep (snoring).

Of course, there are quite a lot of positive aspects and many call this product an “orthopedic” pillow. However, like most health devices there are always some drawbacks. Let's highlight the most common ones:

  • upon manifestation allergic reaction There is only one piece of advice - change the pillow with buckwheat husks to synthetic products;
  • short period of use, the pillow is used for 2 years, after which the filler needs to be replaced;
  • the husk makes noise when turning in a dream;
  • rigid structure.

It’s hard to get used to such pillows; at first they seem hard and uncomfortable, but, as you know, health is more expensive, so it’s worth being patient and getting something in return healthy sleep without headache and joint pain. To soften the aroma emanating from the pillows, you can add dry oregano, mint or valerian.

All negative points They pass quickly and adaptation does not take long to occur, and besides, the positive effect completely outweighs all the inconveniences.

Let's introduce the main types of pillows:

  1. Automotive type, made in the shape of a horseshoe, has a beneficial effect on the cervical area, which is very important when driving and traveling;
  2. Special products for pregnant women ensure an even distribution of weight when carrying a child and subsequently during breastfeeding. Specialty stores offer various pillow configurations;
  3. For sitting, for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, such pillows will help relieve fatigue in hip joints;
  4. For the legs, a buckwheat pillow will help relieve heaviness; it is often used by people with varicose veins, arthrosis, and convulsive spasms.

As mentioned above, pillows have some features, but most users respond to the products the best way. It is absolutely certain that the filler is natural remedy with excellent orthopedic effect. Let's present some reviews about pillows with buckwheat husks:

  1. Such products have recently become increasingly popular. And this is due to their natural composition;
  2. I use the pillow on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, I won’t hide it, it was difficult to get used to, but after a week, I could no longer imagine relaxing with another pillow. My skin color has improved, I look younger, others notice it, now I recommend this truly healing product;
  3. I have been using a pillow with this composition for 5 years now, and we can say with confidence that today it is optimal solution for problems with joints. Pillows with buckwheat filling are a guarantee of excellent rest;
  4. Men prefer voluminous, heavy pillows; you can take a long time to choose from the offered assortment, but a product with such filling will solve all your problems, thereby saving you time on searching and forever deciding that there is simply no better option;
  5. Every morning I woke up with a heavy head, and yet there was a work day ahead. After purchasing the pillow, I forgot about the unpleasant moments and I think that there is no better option;
  6. I would like to tell everyone about this miraculous remedy. This is an excellent medicine for joint pain, an excellent remedy for facial skin, and of course, giving such a thing will not be at all embarrassing, but close person will definitely thank you for such a useful and priceless gift.

It is worth noting that negative properties There is practically no buckwheat pillow, and therefore it is convenient and useful to use.

When buying a pillow with buckwheat filling, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The cover must be natural composition. It is best to buy pillows with satin pillowcases; this material is durable, breathable and lasts a long time. Calico and teak do not have such properties;
  2. Try to buy pillows with a snake, its presence makes it easier to clean and adjust the height of the product;
  3. The napkin should be light in color, as this is an indicator that dust does not protrude to the surface;
  4. The pillow should spring slightly when touched; this property indicates that the husk is well cleaned and thermally treated. Products with a large weight can serve as a signal of poor processing of the husks;
  5. The best pillows are products of a rectangular configuration measuring 60 by 40 centimeters. For children, it is optimal to buy a pillow measuring 50 x 40 cm, for men 50 x 70 centimeters;
  6. If you want to buy quality products, ask the store for special documents that confirm the manufacturer and are considered a guarantee of purchase.

Using husk bedding for children has the following advantages:

  • prevents skull deformation;
  • prevents the development of torticollis;
  • reduces increased muscle tone in the neck;
  • fixes the head and ensures a restful sleep.

Buckwheat husk

How to choose a quality product

A pillow with buckwheat husk has specific features of choice. Knowing the rules will allow you to get the most good thing.

  1. Case. The fabric from which it is sewn must be natural and quite dense. It's good if it has lightning. The cover, if necessary, can be easily washed by pouring out the filling. Light-colored fabrics are better, since it will be immediately noticeable on them if filler or fine dust spills from it.
  2. Amount of filler. There should be quite a lot of it. If desired, excess husks can be poured into a bag and stored. If the pillow is too skinny, then changing its condition will be much more difficult.
  3. Size. The choice depends on who will use it. Don't buy too much big size for a child or a small nursery for an adult. Wrong size will not be comfortable, so your sleep will not be of good quality.
  4. Form. A rectangular pillow is more comfortable for sleeping at night. For daytime relaxation for several hours, rollers and square models are suitable.

You must purchase the item from a store with a good reputation that has safety certificates for all its products. A pillow filled with buckwheat husks of poor quality will only do harm.

When choosing a pillow, be sure to check the quality of the husk. To do this, you just need to unzip the pillowcase and look inside. The husk should have a natural smell, the scales should be solid, rolling among themselves and rustling. If the product cannot be opened or unfastened, you should not buy it.

Another important indicator is the purity of the filler. Unscrupulous manufacturers do not monitor the purity of buckwheat hulls well, and it may contain impurities. Note the pillows with white pillowcases. If it is perfectly white, you can rest assured that the filler is pure. It happens that pillowcases are made from dark fabric. Here you should be wary and carefully check the husk for impurities.

The best option would be a product made only from natural fabrics. Pillows made of synthetic fabrics will not have a breathable effect, which means that some beneficial properties will be lost.

The best shape for a pillow is a rectangle. Round and square models do not correspond to anatomical features and do not contribute to proper rest. Optimal size The parameters of a rectangle are 60x40 cm. Smaller products of approximately 50x40 cm are suitable for children.

The purchase should not cost a penny. Quality products can't be cheap.

What to look for when purchasing?

When buying a pillow filled with buckwheat, pay attention to the following characteristics of the product:

  • Size 40*60 cm is suitable for almost everyone, while size 50*70 is recommended for people with short necks;
  • Form. Change of habit feather pillow on hard buckwheat - stress, and it is better to reduce it a little by choosing an orthopedic product of the same shape. In addition, it is quite difficult to choose a pillowcase for a non-standard pillow;
  • Possibility to unzip the cover and change the filling or empty some of it. This is important because they sell both hard, tightly stuffed pillows and half-empty covers into which you need to add buckwheat husks;
  • The possibility of washing the cover and the material from which it is made. Not all materials dry quickly, and synthetics also accumulate static electricity, which is why sleeping on a pillow can be uncomfortable.

There are buckwheat pillows designed for more comfortable sleep. Some manufacturers produce double-sided pillows with 2 different fillers, for example, synthetic fluff on one side, and buckwheat scales on the other. During sleep, the husk comes into contact with the head and neck, massaging the skin, and the soft synthetic fluff, which is pressed under the weight of the body, allows you to take a comfortable position.

Pillows stuffed with buckwheat husks combine many positive qualities, so everyone will find something useful in them.

Benefits for sleep

Sleeping on such pillows becomes of the highest quality - you can get a good night's sleep and feel good at the same time. It's all about the properties of buckwheat husk as a filler. Here are the benefits of a buckwheat pillow:

  1. Orthopedic properties. A pillow with buckwheat husk takes the shape of the body, while having sufficient hardness, which helps to support the neck and head in the correct position during the night's rest, which allows the muscles to relax completely. This improves blood flow. All these useful properties together - good prevention For cervical osteochondrosis and mild forms of scoliosis.
  2. Elimination of frequent headaches. Correct positioning of the head and neck during sleep relieves excess muscle tension. This restores blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain and normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Elimination of snoring. It disappears because during sleep the head takes the correct position, which opens the airways through which air can pass freely.
  4. A slight massage effect. Buckwheat husk helps stimulate local blood circulation, which also improves sleep quality.
Photo: Buckwheat husk (raw material obtained during the processing of buckwheat seeds)

Benefits of sitting

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are used not only for sleeping, but also for sitting. They are used to stuff products intended for armchairs and sofas. They can also be used as an addition to desk chairs and stools.

  • hypoallergenic. Buckwheat husks do not collect dust, so mites, which usually cause allergies, do not appear in pillows with such filling;
  • convenience. A pillow with buckwheat husks does not accumulate moisture and heat, which allows it to be used in extreme heat or frost;
  • ventilation. In hot weather, this property of buckwheat filler helps to avoid severe sweating of the legs and buttocks, which, in turn, relieves skin irritation;
  • normalization of blood circulation. Solid buckwheat husk provides a slight massage effect for the buttocks and thighs. This helps to activate blood circulation in the pelvic area, which prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system and other organs located in this area.

Harmful effects of buckwheat husk pillows

The buckwheat pillow itself cannot harm the human body. But still, it should be selected only under the supervision of a specialist and after you consult with a neurologist. The fact is that products with buckwheat, due to their hardness, can be extremely uncomfortable for people who are used to sleeping on soft pillows. This may delay the process of getting used to the product, which will temporarily deprive you of quality sleep and may even cause pain.

In addition, buckwheat husk pillows have several more disadvantages:

  1. Hollow scales can rustle when a person turns from side to side. This noise can make it difficult for everyone who sleeps nearby to fall asleep.
  2. Specific smell of buckwheat essential oils may be very unusual, even though they are beneficial for respiratory and nervous system person.

The disadvantages described above may be subjective, so not all users of products filled with buckwheat husks complain about them.

Buckwheat pillow: reviews from doctors

Therapists and neurologists most often say that using pillows filled with buckwheat husks is good for health. But this statement may not apply to all people, since in the matter of sleep and even choosing a comfortable surface for sitting there are no rules that suit everyone without exception.

Here, first of all, you should focus on your own comfort. Therefore, doctors advise using such bedding only if they do not cause discomfort.

Most often, pillows filled with buckwheat husks are purchased by people who have already encountered discomfort during sleep or problems with the cervical spine. Therefore, you should not delay and wait for illnesses and sleep disorders to appear. It’s better to try such products now, and if they help improve general state health, then you can forget about pillows with feather filling forever.