Can head lice bite the body? Lice bites: what they look like, features and methods of treatment. What do pubic lice bite marks look like in men?

Most often in humans it occurs head louse, which feels great in the hair. Also, head louse can live in the thick beard or mustache of men.

This is where the female lays her eggs. They are attached near the hair roots, but at a safe distance. For additional protection, the eggs are covered with a white coating. They are also called nits.

How you can get head lice:

  • upon contact with an infected person;
  • through the patient’s personal belongings, for example, a hat, towel or pillowcase;
  • when swimming in the same pool or pond with a lice carrier;
  • when using shared bedding.

The risk of infection is much higher in crowded places.

It is worth noting that head lice bites are more common in children. After infection, the skin becomes covered with bright red spots that itch. It is also possible to develop a strong allergic reaction.

If there are a lot of lice in the head, the red spots may take on a blue tint. This form of pediculosis is considered very dangerous.

Linen lice bites

The affected area is very itchy. Sometimes a person simply cannot control the scratching process, so in the future deep and non-healing wounds appear at the site of the bites. There are also forms with ulcers.

It also happens that a person does not even notice the existence on his body for a long time. body lice. This only happens to those patients whose skin sensitivity is below normal. And only after the bite of a linen lice is covered with a blue coating, and the insects have already multiplied to the size of an army, does a person begin to fight lice.

Pubic lice. A big problem

Symptoms of pubic lice are as follows:

  • small red spots on underwear;
  • nits found in pubic hair;
  • constant itching in the intimate area;
  • swelling of the skin in the pubic area or armpits.

It is worth noting that sometimes pubic lice crawl onto a person’s eyelashes. In this case, lice can already harm a person’s vision, since constant scratching of the skin in the eye area can lead, for example, to the formation of conjunctivitis.

What is a moose louse?

The moose louse is a small insect that is not particularly well known among the population. In fact, many people have come across this insect, but confused it, for example, with a tick. There are especially many of them in forest areas. There they make their way into a person’s hair, bite through the scalp and drink blood.

When a person, after a trip to the forest, discovers lice bites on his body, or, more precisely, on his scalp, most likely he suffered from just such an insect.

However, doctors strongly advise that if such a lice is discovered, do not panic and do not run to the clinic to receive specialized care. Moose lice have absolutely no interest in people. They often live on the body of moose, which is where they got their scientific name “moose bloodsucker.” They appear in human hair completely randomly and do not multiply in such an environment.

Are moose lice bites dangerous?

But what if the bloodsucker ended up in a person’s hair and bit him? What to do? The question arises: is a moose louse bite dangerous? What does it mean?

From a medical point of view, not a single disease has been recorded that could be transmitted from the bite of an elk bloodsucker. But these insects can cause very unpleasant sensations to a person. The affected area may hurt and itch for a long time. There is also a high likelihood of redness and swelling.

In this case, a person can provide first aid to himself by taking an antihistamine and using a soothing gel.

How does a louse bite? Process

When it gets into the hairy part of the body, the louse uses sharp stilettos that are located around its mouth. It is worth noting that fleas also have the same stylets, which is why their bites are often confused.

Next, the louse begins to move into the deeper layers of the skin until it reaches a blood vessel. That is why, when examining a louse, its body is often in a vertical position, and its head is completely recessed into the skin.

Much for a person bites are more dangerous adult louse, despite the fact that the larvae can also damage the skin. The fact is that there is very little of this same enzyme in the saliva of the larvae, which is why their bites are practically unnoticeable.

As for nits, they do not have sharp stilettos at all, so they cannot bite. However, patients with lice very often complain of itching, which is caused by nits.

First aid for bites

Things are a little more complicated with linen lice bites. In this case, you should first inspect the person’s clothing. Most often, larvae and nits can be found in the folds of fabric and immediately after detection, begin the first safety measures.

Man and without medical care is able to treat lice bites himself, thus providing himself with first aid. What is recommended to do:

  • first you need to thoroughly wash the affected surface with soapy water;
  • Next, the surface must be disinfected and dried. It is recommended to do this with propolis tincture, but if it is not available, any alcohol-containing liquid will do, for example, medical alcohol, vodka, etc.;
  • To relieve discomfort, bites can be treated with “Rescuer” or “Fenistil”. Menthol-based ointments also relieve itching perfectly.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is advisable to consult a doctor, and before that, take a suitable antihistamine.

Drug treatment

Treatment of head lice with medications is indicated only if the patient is faced with a severe form of the disease.

The help of a specialist is needed if the patient has a high fever, headaches or nausea due to lice bites.

Most often, dermatologists prescribe the following drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide to treat affected areas. It dries bleeding wounds, speeds up healing and eliminates the risk of infection;
  • balm “Rescuer”, which perfectly eliminates skin itching;
  • hydrocortisone.

Also, the doctor must explain to the patient that pediculosis is contagious disease. Throughout treatment, it is recommended to limit contact with family members and practice basic personal hygiene.

Preventive measures

  • You should not use someone else’s underwear and bed linen;
  • It is recommended to shower daily and wear clean clothes every day;
  • after returning from a trip, the head and other hairy parts of the body must be carefully examined;
  • things need to be washed well and ironed;
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the house.

So simple preventive measures can protect both children and adults from head lice.

Note, in medical practice, many cases of pediculosis that arose on nervous soil(after nervous breakdown, psychological stress, central nervous system diseases). Can a person get lice due to nervousness? Read on our website.

What do lice bites look like?

Each type of lice has its own characteristics, and, accordingly, their bites differ from each other. There are three types of bites from three types of lice:

  • Head lice are pediculosis. This louse lives in the scalp, and in men it can move to the beard and mustache, if any. The bites of these lice are concentrated between the hairs, often appearing behind the ears and on the back of the neck at the end of the hair growth. At first, the spots are small and are often confused with ordinary redness or allergies. As the number of bites increases, the spots may merge and acquire a bluish tint.

  • Phthiriasis or pubic louse. This type lice live on the pubis, near intimate parts of the body, less often they can be observed in the armpits, if there is hair there. Oddly enough, men most often suffer from this disease. This is the smallest type of lice and it is very difficult to detect them at first. Very often, pubic lice are confused with some kind of infectious disease, as severe itching appears in the genital area. The bites of such lice are very pronounced and noticeable, since the skin in those places is especially sensitive. When pressed, the stains do not disappear.

If you feel unpleasant itching and tingling, and small pink and bluish spots are visible on the skin, it is most likely that lice are to blame. To examine a louse, just use a magnifying glass. If the itching does not go away after washing your hair or overnight, you should visit a doctor.


There are also complications of pediculosis - pyoderma. This term refers to purulent skin lesions, when after bites a hard crust forms on the skin, and a purulent abscess occurs under it.

Of course, all these complications and inconveniences are nothing compared to the real problems that unexpected guests can cause. Lice are carriers of such serious diseases as typhus (typhus and relapsing) and Volyn fever. All diseases are infectious in nature and can cause serious complications. You can read about the dangers of lice and what consequences can come from head lice on our website.

Treating Bites

It is natural that Pediculosis cannot be treated without special pharmaceuticals.

But if you suddenly find lice and their bites on your body, First aid must be provided as soon as possible. To do this you need:

  1. Prepare a soap solution. It is recommended to use tar or laundry soap.
  2. In order to avoid possible infectious infection, it is necessary to disinfect the wounds with alcohol or any alcohol-containing solution (calendula, vodka, tincture of water).
  3. Inflamed areas should be lubricated with a soothing gel. It could be Rescuer, Fenistil, Alfoderm. If there are none, you can use ordinary Zvezdochka ointment.
  4. If an allergic reaction occurs and the spots spread throughout the body, the wounds must be moistened with a solution of menovazine.
  5. At high temperature, general weakness and nausea in children, bites are treated with hydrogen peroxide.

All these are first aid remedies that help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and make it easier to cope with the disease. To choose the best lice removal product, you need to consult a doctor. Among the drugs for the treatment of pediculosis, Nittifor, Para Plus, Medifox are most often used. The doctor will be able to determine the severity of the lesion and select an effective course of treatment.

Useful videos

How to remove lice from your head.

Body lice (lice): definition, infection, symptoms, treatment, laundry treatment.

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Few people manage to avoid insect bites in their lives. In summer, this problem is especially relevant. Sometimes it is difficult to determine who bit you. The wound may hurt, itch, and swelling may appear. But there's no need to panic.

website created a small cheat sheet so that you know exactly what insect attacked you.


Mosquito bites appear as swollen red spots the size of a small berry. Most often they are located on open areas of the body. Mosquitoes bite where the skin is thinnest and where blood vessels are easier to reach. When they bite, they inject saliva into the wound along with anticoagulants that thin the blood. They cause tissue swelling, redness and itching.


The body reacts to a tick attack with a red spot at the site of the bite. The insect can remain on the victim for a long time and increase in size, feeding on its blood.


Signs of lice in humans include:

  • itching in parts of the body covered with hair;
  • bite marks;
  • deterioration of hair and scalp condition;
  • appearance of nits.


The first sign of lice is itching at the bite sites. These insects feed only on human blood, and to get to it, the insect bites through the skin, gets to the vessel and injects a secretion that prevents blood clotting. In this case, a person may feel a slight prick, similar to a mosquito bite, and when the enzyme begins to act, itching occurs.

But at the same time, it is very difficult to detect the insects themselves without a thorough examination, and at first the skin practically does not react to the bites.

On a note! If the itching does not go away after washing your hair, then in this case it should be addressed Special attention. First of all, this is what will signal the appearance of lice.

How can you tell if another person has lice? This will be evidenced by characteristic changes in his behavior:

  • often scratches his head;
  • combs it with a comb;
  • straightens her hair and pulls it with her hands;
  • Children begin to act up and cry for no reason.

Bites and irritation after them

The second sign of lice is their bite marks. This symptom is the most obvious and easiest to detect. Lice bites are similar to flea bites - they leave behind small red dots with a lingering center. As a rule, the bite site becomes inflamed, and the puncture point can be seen with the naked eye. After them, irritation occurs on the skin, which many parents at first mistake for an allergy.

The most severe cases lice occur in people with sensitive skin. They do not feel the bites, they are not bothered by the itching and, as a result, a serious stage of infection develops, at which it is quite problematic. By that time, insects have time to reproduce in large numbers, and the person himself poses a potential threat to everyone around him. In this case, you can recognize the signs of lice even with the naked eye:

  • bite marks merge into huge redness;
  • often these spots protrude beyond the area of ​​hair growth;
  • the skin condition worsens significantly and acquires signs of dermatitis;
  • the infected person constantly scratches the affected areas, which leads to excoriation - the appearance of clear scratches from the nails.

Bonding hair

This happens by next reason: In order to attach the eggs to the hair, the female envelops them with an adhesive substance. In this case, the insect can hold on to several follicles at once and as a result they stick together.

Nits in hair

The presence of nits in the hair is the most obvious symptom of head lice, as they are lice eggs. It is impossible to confuse them with anything else. As mentioned above, nits are attached to the hair and in case of serious infection they are the first to be seen.

Lice eggs become most visible on dark hair. After the larvae hatch, their shells remain on the head for quite a long time. And in neglected situations, a person’s hair seems to be strewn with small white grains. Individual nits are quite difficult to notice, but when they fall onto a pillow or sheet, the infestation becomes obvious.

On a note! The easiest way to detect them is to separate the strands with your fingers - nits, their shells and waste products will look like small debris.

Complications of pediculosis

If the first symptoms of lice go unnoticed, then the following complications will indicate lice:

Such consequences occur in the most advanced forms of pediculosis and appear, as a rule, in homeless people. If you follow everything sanitary standards and rules, then things won’t come to such signs.

Lice bites, even by themselves, can create great discomfort. constant itching. This is especially true after pubic lice bites - in this case, the unpleasant feelings after the bites simply do not allow the affected person to relax for a minute.

As a rule, an allergy to lice and their bites occurs with significant infestation and manifests itself in the form of rashes on the various areas bodies. Tissue swelling may occur, and in some cases, enlargement lymph nodes and increased body temperature.

Constant scratching of lice bites on the head, even can lead to suppuration of wounds and the subsequent development of pustular infections, they, in turn, in neglected form develop into pyoderma.

Infections transmitted by lice during bites are also very dangerous. Thus, body louse and rarely head louse are carriers of relapsing or typhus, as well as certain types fevers. Any bite is a risk of contracting one of these diseases (infection can occur while scratching the bites, when the insects are accidentally crushed and the liquid inside them gets into the wounds).

How linen lice bite, symptoms and treatment

Attention: Children are most often infected with lice in friendly groups - hiking, summer camps, kindergartens. It is after returning from these places that you need to carefully examine the child’s body and head under various pretexts.

What does the skin look like after bites?

The bites of these insects appear as slightly swollen, small red spots. On a fresh bite you can often see a puncture site of the skin - a drop of dried blood remains here for a certain time. A couple of hours after the bite, this droplet is no longer visible.

With a small number of lice, their bites are almost invisible. If there are a lot of insects, then multiple bites in their most favorite places combine into large spots and become similar to allergy rashes.

During the appearance of a rash due to an allergic reaction, the bites themselves are combined into spots, and their surface is covered with a small crust. But, as a rule, it hardly comes to this, since lice begin to be destroyed much earlier, but in cases with street children this is a typical case.

Situations are possible when bites on the skin go completely unnoticed by the affected person: people with low sensitivity skin They almost don’t feel lice bites and simply don’t pay attention to their consequences. These cases are some of the most serious, since these people show signs of head lice only in the later stages of the defeat, and before that, insects manage to multiply in large numbers and infect almost all the people with whom the infected person communicates.

Beneficial properties of anise oil and use against lice

But body lice bites can easily be confused with flea or bedbug bites, which have approximately the same appearance and sizes. The most pronounced difference between lice bites is their lack of characteristic chains of multiple bites. These chains are left behind by both fleas and bedbugs, but lice do not have such a manifestation.

We must not forget about the bluish spots on the bite areas: they are also hallmark pediculosis.

The lice bite process in detail

The distinctive pose of a blood-drinking louse: the insect slightly raises the back of its body and tries to bury its head as deeply as possible into the skin.

When a louse bites, it uses the salivary duct to spray saliva into the wound, which contains an enzyme that prevents blood from clotting. It is this enzyme, acting on the nerve channels in the skin near the bite, that subsequently causes redness and itching. In lice larvae, this enzyme is produced in the body in small quantities, and for this reason their bites are not so noticeable.

Important: nits don't bite, since these are only lice eggs, which are in a special protective shell, which also provides them with attachment to the hair. The question of whether nits can bite usually arises among untrained people due to the fact that the nits themselves are better visible, and the number of nits on the head in some cases is visually greater than lice due to the numerous number of hollow shells (so-called dry nits ). Therefore, with constant itching, it often seems that it is nits that are biting, but this is absolutely not true.

Features of the life of lice

How to effectively remove lice from humans?

How to get rid of lice?

Despite their endurance, lice have several vulnerable points in their development cycle. For starters, this sensitivity to high humidity , as well as strict requirements for temperature conditions during the reproduction process. Any deviations in temperature of 30C reduce the fertility of insects, which makes it clear how to prevent lice from appearing.

When choosing preparations for linen or body lice, you need to take into account the form of its manufacture. The most convenient for this purpose are various aerosols or concentrated spray compositions.