Easy but effective card tricks for beginners and more! How to perform simple tricks How to learn cool tricks

Illusionists sometimes do unimaginable things. Objects appear out of nowhere, multiply, transform or disappear without a trace... And it is clear that it is not a fairy-tale wizard standing in front of the viewer, but the effect of surprise works every time - people are surprised immensely. How to become a real magician in order to make others believe in the impossible?

It’s worth starting your training with simple, if not childish, tricks. Choose one trick, learn the technique of performing it to the maximum extent. Perfect option– a video lesson in which the teacher shows the movements step by step. Hone your skills. Easy trick requires practice over several weeks, so be patient. Perform the illusion in front of the mirror up to ten times a day until the skills become automatic. You don't have to think about what movement will be next, your hands will do it themselves. Only high-quality performance will turn you into a wizard. However, the naked technology is not very interesting. The performance should be colored with artistry. Come up with special effects, spells, special movements that will cause incredible events in the eyes of the viewer. Let's look at examples of elementary tricks. Invite the audience to choose playing card from the deck. Then open the deck in the middle and place the card there face down. Remember the adjacent card and shuffle the deck. Surprise your audience by finding “their” card. She will come next to the one you remember.

Place a coin on one palm. With the other, make a movement as if you took a coin and now it is in this hand. It is very important to reproduce a natural gesture that does not look like grabbing or pinching. You open your palm, in which there should be a coin, but it is not there, it has evaporated! Next, take out a coin from the most unexpected place, for example, from behind the viewer’s shoulder or ear. You can perform a comic trick with a coin, paper and glass. Announce that you will move the coin from the table with the power of your thoughts. Cover the coin with a glass, wrap the sheets tightly around the top so that the edges of the coin are completely covered. While you “conjure”, the paper will take the shape of a glass. We casually move the structure to the edge of the tabletop and imperceptibly drop the glass onto our laps. We slap the “glass” forcefully and effectively, then take out the natural utensils and explain: “We couldn’t pass the coin through the table, but the glass slipped through successfully.” To become a real fakir, you need to strictly adhere to several rules:
  • Don't tell the audience what will happen next.
  • Keep the secrets of the tricks carefully, otherwise interest in the illusion will disappear.
  • Don't perform the same trick twice. Most tricks rely on the audience's inattention. By watching you repeatedly, guests will begin to follow every gesture and will quickly see through all the magic.

When learning magic tricks, focus on your hands. The faster and more deftly they move, the more realistic the number looks. And for the viewer to believe you 100%, you too believe at least a little in your own miracle.

Unlike other methods like playing musical instruments, it is easier and cheaper; a deck costs much less than the same guitar. No need to have ear for music, possess the innate ability to sing, sense of rhythm, you just need desire to learn and manual dexterity.

How to start training?

Magician's tools

I think you're wondering - how to learn to do tricks with cards? Video training would be a great option.

There are hundreds of card-themed channels on YouTube. They will help you start from scratch, everything you need buy a deck and play the video. If you don’t want to watch, you can learn from text lessons, it all depends on your preferences.

Today, if only he wishes it. To study simple illusions it may only take a couple of hours , even taking into account the fact that up to this point you knew absolutely nothing in this area. I note that in order to master the initial skills of playing the musical instrument Usually it takes about two months, at least one for sure.

Important: Video lessons with maps, like text ones, have one minus . Your viewers can easily expose you by finding the technique on the Internet. As you can see, the availability of material has its drawbacks. Although it is worth mentioning the existence of unique materials.

Which focus should I start with?

I suggest starting with focus "Maps Through Glass" famous illusionist David Copperfield it is distinguished by its high simplicity and extreme effectiveness.

Since you are completely new, you probably don’t know what it looks like. And it looks like this:

  • Spectators and the illusionist gather near the glass door of a supermarket or car.
  • The magician takes an unpacked deck and offers to choose any card, the one who chooses signs on it, and then returns it.
  • The illusionist dries it from the marker, puts it with everyone, shuffles it and returns them.
  • Disagrees with the audience different sides glass
  • The assistant smears the deck on the glass, and he takes out that same card directly from the glass.

At first glance, it looks like magic, but in reality everything is extremely simple. To perform, you must have mastery of technology "false shuffle" and "palming" .

It won’t be difficult for you to learn it using video lessons with maps. In the process of learning the technique of performing some tricks, you will learn various techniques that will definitely be useful to you for others. The first thing you need to master is, of course, the “false shuffle”; it is used in most tricks.

How to choose lessons?

The easiest way to learn card tricks is through video lessons.

On the Internet a large number of material. There is no big difference in which lessons you study, any videos are almost the same.

  • Choose videos with good quality shooting.
  • If you are going to study on YouTube, then it is better to choose channels of people with a large number of subscribers and recordings. These parameters may indicate the authority of the author, and there is also a possibility that there will be videos on the channel that teach the whole movement, which the author used specifically in this illusion.

If you watch several different videos teaching the same trick, you may notice differences in the authors’ techniques. Here you will have a question: “what is the right way”? Does not exist single correct option, everyone has the right to exist. Learn the option that you like or the one that looks more impressive.

Important: If you have already decided to start learning, then remember right away - you don’t need to perform one trick several times in a row, otherwise you could be exposed.

Bottom line

Card fan

Such tricks are easy to learn, do not require much time compared to other options, any innate abilities are not so important, it is important to bring your technique to automatism.

They can be displayed anywhere, without the need to spend a lot of money on inventory.

To all this you can add everything in common, even from a simple illusion.

There are many tricks that require no other props other than the dexterous hands of an illusionist. They are a great help in cases where there is no opportunity to use complex props or prepare a spectacular trick, and those around you are asking for a miracle.

Despite its apparent simplicity, finger tricks require enormous flexibility and long training. Most of these tricks rely on visual deception, where the audience only sees one side of the hand. For this reason, they are often performed on stage, children's parties or home parties, but never on the street or during a party in a bar. When performed skillfully, such tricks can capture the imagination of the most skeptical viewer.

Trick with rubber bands

Take 2 identical elastic bands. Place one on your thumb and index finger right hand, and pass the second one under it, throw it over the corresponding left one. You will have in your hands a kind of flexible cross that cannot be separated without removing the rubber bands from your fingers. Demonstrate to the audience that rubber bands should never pass through each other, or invite someone in the audience to try it themselves.

However, nothing is impossible for an experienced magician! A few quick movements - and the elastic bands are easily separated, while continuing to be stretched between the thumbs and index fingers of both hands.

You can learn this trick using this video:

Of course, to repeat this trick, you will have to practice a little. Spread your arms wider to stretch the elastic, and with the middle finger of your right hand, press it firmly against your index finger. Then quickly move this hand down, putting your fingers under the loop, and transfer the elastic band from the index to the middle. This way you have freed your index finger. Open your arms again and insert it into the loop between your thumb and the point where both elastic bands intersect. You should succeed complex design, in which the right rubber band is stretched simultaneously over the thumb, index and middle fingers. As soon as you release your middle finger, the elastic band will hang in its original position between the thumb and index finger, but. Already separate from its “neighbor”.

It is important! All movements must be worked out to the point of automatism, so that they can be done very quickly during the performance. Otherwise, your secret will be easily revealed.

Simple tricks involving the disappearance and appearance of fingers, their “passing” through other parts of the body and other metamorphoses are very popular at children's matinees. Ask the audience if they can stick their finger in their own ear? The answer, of course, will be negative - but you can do it with ease.

To do this, please attach thumb to your ear, and quickly press your index finger to it top part auricle. At the same time, you need to pull the earlobe towards your finger with your other hand. Your thumb will be almost completely wrapped on both sides by your ear, and your index finger will not allow the flexible cartilage to turn back. Of course, all this needs to be done very quickly, so that the audience does not have time to discern your actions.

Infinity finger

No less unusual is the trick with a finger suddenly lengthening, as if it were made of rubber. You clamp the tip of the large one between your teeth and, holding it with your other hand to be sure, begin to move your head to the side. And - lo and behold! Your finger stretches out, and then just as obediently shrinks back to normal size.

The secret of this trick lies in skillfully replacing the finger of one hand with the finger of the other. Bite it and bring your other hand to your mouth, supposedly wrapping your palm around your thumb. Yours the main task now - quickly change hands, so that the thumb of the other hand is clamped between the teeth, and the first, “lengthening” one, moves freely in the fist. Move your head away while spreading your arms to the side: the finger will stretch. Bring your hands together again and it will return to its original size. All other movements must be repeated in reverse order: change the fingers touching your lips, and you can go and receive applause.

It is important! The most dangerous moment in this trick is changing fingers. An attentive person may well notice it, so at the right second you should turn your head slightly, while simultaneously raising your fist to shield your mouth with it.

Severed finger

Straighten your palm and move your fingers. Place your thumb in the fist of your other hand. Oh, bad luck! The finger came off and remained in the hand, the nail peeks out from the fist... It’s okay, it doesn’t cost a powerful wizard like you anything to grow it back! Another quick movement and he returned to his place.

Like all finger tricks, this one relies on sleight of hand and correct location magician in relation to the audience. Make sure the audience can't see the back of your hand. Move them around a little to distract your attention, and curl the index and middle fingers of your other hand around your thumb.

After this, all movements must be performed as quickly as possible. Turn your hands a little and, opening your fist, press your thumb into your palm. At the same time, insert the thumb of your other hand into its place. If you did everything correctly, the second, “tearing” palm will show an almost real “fig”, only the tip will protrude between the middle and index fingers. Now all you have to do is make a dramatic jerk, as if you were forcefully unscrewing your finger from your hand.

You need to “reattach” the finger back using the same scheme: first, press your hands one against the other and straighten your thumb, then slowly “remove” your fist from it, while straightening the “fig” so that the audience can see the gradually decreasing tip of the nail peeking out between the fingers.

Using the same principle, you can easily do other tricks with tearing off and reattaching your fingers. The main thing is to practice well the moment when one finger disappears behind the palm and is replaced by another.

Do not forget that the artistry of the illusionist plays an important role in such performances. Expressing surprise or fear at the right moment will help convince the viewer of the reality of the metamorphosis happening to your fingers. But words are not required. On the contrary, you can, by experimenting, create own image based solely on unusual tricks and rich expressive facial expressions.

Having learned the simplest movements, you can begin to master more complex tricks with your fingers. You can watch video training of several of the most spectacular tricks in this video:

Amazing tricks sometimes don't even require props

Do you want to be able to surprise people? Do you dream of becoming a magician? But this requires props, considerable skills, and many devices. In fact, there are many tricks for which you will need absolutely nothing .

At the same time, they are very easy to learn, and their secrets can be unraveled only by a very attentive person who himself deals with such things, and even then only if he hurries up and begins to demonstrate his skill without properly training.

So, the most amazing tricks without props . Perhaps you have already seen some of it yourself. It's time to find out the secret.

Focus "Closed hands"

Clasped hands can be released. there is one little trick

An incredibly interesting trick that requires absolutely nothing. It is done very simply, even children can learn.

More likely, the one performing the trick will ask you to repeat all the movements after him .

  • Pull your arms forward, place them crosswise, right over left
  • Turn your palms towards each other so that your little fingers are at the top and clasp your hands.
  • The thumbs are extended downwards.
  • And then, maintaining your grip, you turn your hands thumbs up.
  • Have you tried it? Most likely, you didn't succeed. But the illusionist opposite you freely unfolded his clasped hands.

Surprised? How did he do it? Very easy.

The main trick of many, the thing on which the whole secret rests, is a red herring. And here it is too. The trick will work best on a large audience. This way you will be watched less closely.

So, you asked the audience to clasp their hands crosswise with their little fingers up:

  • And then attention needs to be naturally diverted somehow. For example, you can turn to one of the audience, ask them to raise their hands a little higher, and advise another person to lower them a little.
  • And at the same time, you yourself unclasp your hands, and then clasp them again, quickly, so that no one notices that your grip has become different.

The secret of the clasped hands trick is revealed in this video:

And you make the capture very simple:

  • Interlock your fingers in advance so that your thumbs are at the top, and then turn your palms one hundred and eighty degrees.
  • The big ones look down, you pretend to be witchcraft, and then turn the lock with your little fingers down.

You succeeded, but the audience did not. If you practice and stretch your arm muscles a little, no one will notice anything, no matter where they are: in front of you, to the side or slightly behind. This is one of the few tricks when performing which you don’t have to make sure that the entire audience is in front of your eyes.

Focus "Hands in the lock"

Viewers are easily deceived. The main thing is to distract their attention

Another interesting trick, When your hands are clasped together. It too can be shown to a large audience standing around you without worrying about exposure.

The magician clasps his palms, one palm is on top, its fingers are clenched, the other is below, the fingers are extended.

He turns the lock one hundred and eighty degrees, and the hand that turned out to be the lower one unclenches, and the upper hand squeezes, covering the lower one.

And so again, and then again. Then the “magician” shakes the lock, and the upper hand suddenly disappears, and five more fingers appear below, grasping the clutch.

Learn hand tricks in this video:

How it's done?

  1. Apply right palm to the left and grab it.
  2. Turn it over, turn it back over.
  3. And then you need to very sharply bend the fingers of the lower hand and straighten the upper ones.
  4. The main thing is to do it sharply and very quickly. Then it will cause surprise.

But this trick is very easy. It's good to show it to children. Attentive adults will quickly expose you.

This is just a small example of how many different things you can show using only your hands. Learn and surprise, and in any company you will be admired.

We bring to your attention 10 amazing magic experiments, or science shows, that you can do with your own hands at home.
Whether it's your child's birthday party, the weekend or the holidays, have a good time and become the center of attention of many eyes! 🙂

An experienced organizer of scientific shows helped us in preparing this post - Professor Nicolas. He explained the principles that are inherent in this or that focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely many of you have seen a lamp with a liquid inside that imitates hot lava. Looks magical.

2. B sunflower oil water is poured and food coloring (red or blue) is added.

3. After this, add effervescent aspirin to the vessel and observe an amazing effect.

4. During the reaction, the colored water rises and falls through the oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight, the “real magic” will begin.

: “Water and oil have different densities, and they also have the property of not mixing, no matter how much we shake the bottle. When we add effervescent tablets inside the bottle, they dissolve in water and begin to release carbon dioxide and set the liquid in motion.”

Do you want to put on a real science show? More experiences can be found in the book "Professor Nicolas' Experiments".

2 - Soda experience

5. Surely there are several cans of soda at home or in a nearby store for the holiday. Before you drink them, ask the kids a question: “What happens if you immerse soda cans in water?”
Will they drown? Will they float? Depends on the soda.
Invite the children to guess in advance what will happen to a particular jar and conduct an experiment.

4 - Soap Volcano

How to make a small volcano erupt at home?

6 - Water in a sieve

We continue to study magical properties water and surrounding objects. Ask someone present to pull the bandage and pour water through it. As we can see, it passes through the holes in the bandage without any difficulty.
Bet with those around you that you can make sure that water does not pass through the bandage without any additional techniques.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Thanks to this property of water, surface tension, water molecules want to be together all the time and are not so easy to separate (they are such wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not tear even under the weight of water!”

7 - Diving bell

And to secure the honorary title of Water Mage and Lord of the Elements for you, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bathtub or even basin) without getting it wet.

26. Fold the piece of paper and put it in the glass so that it rests against its walls and does not slide down. We immerse the leaf in an inverted glass to the bottom of the tank.

27. The paper remains dry - water cannot reach it! After you pull out the leaf, let the audience make sure that it is really dry.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “If you take a glass with a piece of paper inside and look at it carefully, it seems that there is nothing but paper, but this is not so, there is air in it.
When we turn the glass upside down and lower it into water, the air prevents the water from getting to the paper, which is why it remains dry.