Which treadmill model to choose. How to choose a treadmill? Which brand of treadmill should I choose? Professional treadmill or exercise machine for home

From many technical characteristics treadmills, only a few of them are key when choosing. By determining these parameters, you will significantly reduce the list of candidates for purchase.

In this article, we will consider choosing an electric treadmill as the most convenient and functional type of this exercise machine.

Running belt parameters

The treadmill belt has several characteristics:

  • width;
  • length;
  • thickness;
  • type of fabric (single-layer, two-layer, shock-absorbing).

The first two parameters (width and length) directly affect the comfort of training. The remaining parameters are not so important.

Width. Running belts are mainly from 40 cm to 51 cm in width. Professional exercise machines always use wide belts (51 cm or more), so if you have already worked out on a treadmill in a fitness center, you can roughly estimate how comfortable it will be for you to exercise with a particular width of the treadmill belt.

The wide running belt provides:

  1. comfort of exercise: there is no need to constantly concentrate on the position of the feet, as when running on a narrow surface;
  2. safety: the likelihood of stepping over the edge of a moving belt, which could result in a fall, is reduced.

Conclusion: the wider the running belt, the more comfortable the workout.

Length. The choice of this parameter depends on the person’s height and type of activity (running requires a longer running belt than walking) and is less important than the width of the belt.

Table 1 - Selecting the length of the running belt depending on height and type of activity.


Type of activities
Up to 180From 120 cmFrom 130 cm
From 180 to 200From 130 cmFrom 140 cm
From 200From 140 cmFrom 150 cm

Please note that what larger sizes running belt, the greater the load on the treadmill motor.

Thickness. This parameter does not affect the ease of use of the treadmill, but it does affect performance characteristics: the thicker the blade, the later it will wear out and the need for replacement will arise.

Engine power is measured in horsepower (hp) and the higher the power, the better. Weak engines can quickly overheat and fail. In addition, exercising on such a treadmill will be uncomfortable and dangerous, for example, at the moment when your foot touches the belt, a weak motor can slow down the treadmill belt, making movements intermittent.

The engines have sufficient power for the home segment from 2 hp Engines 1.5 liters. With. suitable for low user weight (up to 80 kg) and low intensity exercise. A typical portrait of such a user is a woman of normal build, jogging at an average pace.

Models for fitness centers use engines with a power of 3.5-4 liters. With. and higher, since they are designed for constant use, but for home training, such power, as a rule, is not needed.

Depends on engine power maximum speed that a treadmill can develop. For people seeking intense exercise, this indicator is the most important and is directly related to engine power.

Maximum user weight

The maximum user weight indicates the strength of the machine. It is recommended to select a track with a setting that exceeds your weight by at least 15-20 kg. This is necessary in order for the simulator to serve you as long as possible.

If several people plan to use the treadmill, the weight of the heaviest user must be taken into account.

The weight of the treadmill itself also matters: all other things being equal, a heavier treadmill is more reliable.


reduces the impact load on joints and spine while running. Almost all models of electric treadmills are equipped with a shock-absorbing system - the difference lies in the quantity and quality of shock-absorbing elements.

It is almost impossible to determine the quality of a shock-absorbing system only by description. The main guideline here is the number of shock-absorbing elements (elastomers, springs, pillows).

Conclusion: good system depreciation will not be superfluous, especially for people with joint problems and/or heavy weight(in this case, the joints experience increased stress).

Additional Treadmill Options

Adjusting the incline of the walking belt

Almost all electric models have an adjustment function.
There are 2 adjustment methods:

  • Mechanical (the user sets the angle of inclination independently);
  • Electronic (the angle of inclination of the belt is adjusted using control buttons or a training program).

There are also differences in the maximum lifting amplitude, which is from 4 to 15 degrees in most mid-priced models.

Conclusion: adjusting the incline angle is a fairly useful feature that is designed to diversify your workouts and increase the load.

Software package (number of programs)

Not the best important function, which you should pay attention to when buying a treadmill. Why? The vast majority of users prefer to independently set training parameters and control the training process.

However, for those who like to compose themselves, it is worth paying attention to exercise machines with the function user programs.

Possibility of connecting a wireless heart rate sensor

All treadmills have built-in heart rate sensors located on the handles. However, they are of no use, given that they take heart rate readings with a large error. For fans of heart rate-dependent training, there are special ones that are attached to the chest area. They differ high accuracy indications and convenient to use. As a result, you can conduct a full-fledged...

Warranty terms

Warranty conditions do not apply to the parameters of the simulator, but are an important condition when choosing a treadmill. note that different parts of the simulator have their own guarantee period . For example, the warranty on the frame and motor is greater than on wear parts (blade, engine belt, etc.) and electronic components. Check with the seller for information about warranty conditions.

The popularity of such cardio equipment as the treadmill is only growing. This is due to the fact that walking is accessible to everyone, everyone can train, and there is no need to learn complex techniques. To choose treadmill for the home, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics. Knowing about the intricacies of the simulator, you can quickly choose suitable model.

Types of tracks

There are several types of tracks:

  • mechanical,
  • magnetic,
  • electric.

The mechanical model is one of the most inexpensive options. The movement of the canvas occurs due to the effort of the athlete. The structure of the mechanical treadmill itself: running belt, rotating rollers, hand support. To start moving, you need to exert force, which means the speed of movement depends only on the athlete’s capabilities.

The second option differs from the mechanical one in that the movement occurs with the help of magnets. The device is more complex and expensive. Movement occurs smoothly thanks to magnets.

An electric treadmill is even more expensive; it is equipped with an electric motor that ensures the movement of the belt and sets its speed. Here you can adjust the speed and program. Depending on the model, it can display the athlete’s pulse on the screen and change the angle of inclination. Electric exercise machines are better than others; they have a number of advantages. All of the following characteristics apply to electrical tracks.

Main settings

How to choose a treadmill? It’s not difficult, just know a few basic characteristics:

  • power,
  • deck size,
  • running belt,
  • control panel and all functions,
  • depreciation,
  • cardiac sensor,
  • optimal weight for a training person.

More details about each of them

Power. The engine is the main part in every track. Thanks to the electric motor, the movement of the web is ensured. Power is indicated in the specifications in horsepower, usually an interval is indicated: for example, from 1 to 2 horsepower. Power determines Weight Limit athlete.

Deck size matters tall people. The deck is the base of the exercise machine, located under the running belt. The deck can be made of wood or artificial materials. Its thickness is responsible for shock absorption, respectively, the stronger and stronger it is, the better. Cushioning ensures safe walking or running. A thin deck will last less and will be more rigid in motion.

The running belt itself is more susceptible to wear and tear than others. The more layers there are, the stronger and longer it will last.

The control panel is the track's computer. Depending on the capabilities, the control panel can show speed, pulse, time, distance, average speed. The control buttons are also located here.

Not all treadmill models have a heart rate sensor (or heart rate monitor). You can control your heart rate on the simulator or independently of it (using a fitness bracelet).

Possible options

How to choose a treadmill for your goals? Knowledge of the characteristics provides a minimum set of knowledge to determine the model. To determine which model is right for a particular person, you can consider all possible options.

  1. User weight. Most tracks are designed for average weight person, with a maximum load of up to 150 kg. There are models that can operate with a load of up to 250 kg.
  2. Engine power. Average engine power is up to 2.5–3 liters. With. These values ​​are sufficient for home use.
  3. Speed. Models may differ in the maximum possible speed. This parameter must be taken into account when choosing if you plan to run regularly and increase your speed. The average walking speed is 4.5–7.5 km/h, transition to running is from 8 km/h (slow jogging).
  4. The dimensions of the canvas are important for tall people. There are small tracks. They will be comfortable for people of small or medium height.
  5. Tilt angle. It is desirable to have this function, since changing the height of the belt increases the load and adds variety to training. Accordingly, look at the maximum value (in degrees) by which the canvas can rise.
  6. Depreciation system - yes or no. It is better to choose an option with depreciation.
  7. Does the simulator fold or not? At home, this is an important parameter.
  8. The control panel is different for all tracks. The following functions may be offered by the manufacturer:
    • 1. calorie consumption on the screen,
    • 2. time,
    • 3. speed,
    • 4. number of installed programs,
    • 5. cardiac sensors,
    • 6. fitness test.

These are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying a treadmill.

You can look at the programs in more detail. Different treadmills offer a choice of programs. The difference is not only in the number of programs, but also in the built-in capabilities. Some tracks can automatically calculate your training heart rate, while others don't. Usually there is a separate label on the control panel with symbols. You need to look at and determine your pulse yourself, based on your age and training experience. Additionally, some models are equipped with a program such as a fitness test. You can be tested regularly and see the results of your workouts on the screen. To conduct testing, the track must be equipped with a heart rate monitor. Or the simulator should be able to connect an external heart rate monitor.

Choosing the right model is not difficult. It is enough to determine how the training on the simulator will take place.

Model selection

The mechanical treadmill can be used for all of the listed training purposes. Since it is inexpensive, it is accessible to everyone. The simulator works due to the efforts of the athlete, therefore it is more difficult to move than others, but it will be useful for those who want to bring the training conditions at home as close as possible to real ones. After all, in life, walking and running are accomplished through human efforts.

The motorized walkway can be equipped with all possible functions. It will be convenient for anyone. Simple control, the movement of the blade occurs due to the engine.


The trainer can be used for different types training:

  • health promotion,
  • development of endurance,
  • increase in speed and strength indicators,
  • weight loss.

The treadmill can be used as a fitness machine to improve your health. For various diseases, physical activity is indicated for people. And this cardio machine is one of the best options for this.

Health promotion involves monitoring your condition, which means that the track model should have a heart rate monitor. With its help, you can control your heartbeat and train at the desired interval. On the control panel of some models you can see a table with ready-made heart rate values ​​that a training person should have. There are models in which, when installing the program, it calculates what the pulse should be, and special window displays it zonally. If the heart rate exceeds the required value, the treadmill automatically reduces the load.

To increase qualities such as endurance or speed, when choosing a suitable simulator, it is better to take into account the presence of shock absorption, power, size, and maximum speed. A properly selected option will ensure safety during training.

To lose weight, it is better to use a model that has a heart rate monitor and a variety of programs with heart rate control. If you train without taking your heart rate into account, you can either give yourself less load than necessary, or too much.

To walk correctly on the path, you need to follow the following rules:

  • lower the foot, starting from the toe and the outer side of the foot,
  • watch the pelvic bones, they are at the same level,
  • each leg takes a step forward (without moving to the side).

Proper walking should provide such movement that the hips remain in place and the legs make a clear movement forward.

Choosing a track can be enjoyable if you know the basic characteristics. When choosing based on them, you can take into account the weight of the simulator, its design, the presence of cup holders, and the ability to connect gadgets.

In any case, the chosen option will definitely bring only benefits and health.

Exercise isn't just good for your figure. With the right set of exercises, you can increase the overall endurance of the body, strengthen the cardiovascular system and relieve pain in the legs. On nervous system running also has a beneficial effect.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in realizing their intentions to “run in the morning”: they buy sportswear and running shoes, and the weather does not always allow for exercise outdoors. Fitness centers in this regard are a very expensive hobby; in addition, you have to pay for the entire subscription at once, and you can only exercise on special equipment according to a schedule. If you want to play sports, it is best to purchase a machine such as a treadmill. Running at home allows you to decide when you want to exercise. But before you buy a treadmill, let's list not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of this type of sports equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of treadmills

The main advantage of home treadmills is the ability to use them regardless of weather conditions. In addition, most people cannot run in front of passers-by on the street. At home, you can play sports without prying eyes, listening to your favorite music or even watching a movie at the same time.

The next plus is load adjustment. This is especially important if you want to do serious training, focusing on specific muscle groups. To do this, it is enough to change the angle of inclination of the simulator, adjust the intensity or set the preferred speed of rotation of the unit belt.

Now a few words about the disadvantages of treadmills:

  • Price. The most cheap track costs about 7,500 rubles, and the most expensive unit will cost you more than 600,000 rubles;
  • Dimensions. The length of the treadmill will be from 1.5 to 2 meters, with a width of 0.5 m. Therefore, place the equipment in small room it will be hard.

Many people are concerned about the noise from the treadmill and how much it will disturb the neighbors below. No need to worry about this. Firstly, even inexpensive exercise machines are quiet. Secondly, it is enough to additionally purchase a special sound-absorbing mat (if it is not included in the kit), which will protect the sensitive hearing of your neighbors.

Types of treadmills

The standard design of a treadmill consists of a moving rubberized belt, a control panel and comfortable handrails. Sports equipment is divided into three types: mechanical, magnetic and electrical. Tracks of the first type are characterized by a simple design and low cost. Electric models have more functionality, and accordingly, you can choose from a variety of training modes. True, the cost of such units is many times higher. Let's take a closer look at the types of treadmills for home.


Before the purchase mechanical product It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the design features of this type of simulator. In such tracks there is no electric drive, so the belt is driven by the user’s muscular efforts. Surely many remember that in the past, in addition to rockets and swings, children's playgrounds had “drums” on which everyone loved to run. Mechanical models of treadmills work on the same principle. Braking in this case is carried out using a friction brake. That is, as soon as the brake band is pressed, the track stops.

Among the advantages of mechanical models are the following:

  • Simplicity of design;
  • Low cost;
  • Energy independence;
  • Light weight equipment.

In addition, it is worth noting that in the simplest mechanical-type tracks, the pace of running or walking is set by the athlete himself, and not by the program, due to which the movements will be more natural.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth paying attention to the limited functionality of the simulator, as well as high loads. In order to move the canvas, you have to put in a lot of effort, which can have a detrimental effect on the spine and joints.

The main feature of mechanical exercise machines is their size. The width of the canvas for such models is narrower than for electric ones and is not 0.5 m but 0.35. The length is also significantly smaller and does not exceed 0.9 m. This parameter can be considered as a plus if you want to install the simulator in small room or as a minus, since it is more convenient to practice on larger models.

A children's treadmill for home can only be mechanical, since this type of equipment is safe for young athletes. Such simulators differ from adults in their dimensions. For example, for children aged 3-8 years, the track should have the following dimensions - 80x60x70. Typically, the maximum weight of mini exercise machines is 50 kg. Such tracks are cheaper, so you can instill in your child an interest in a sports lifestyle for 6,000-7,000 rubles.


By and large, this is a transitional option between the simplest and electrical structures. Magnetic tracks slow down thanks to a special magnetic field. There is no particular difference in the operating principle of mechanical and magnetic models. The only thing that distinguishes the latter category is its smooth ride, which only more expensive electric models can boast of.


Electric treadmills are the most expensive, so before purchasing one, consider how confident you are that you won't give up on your workout after a few weeks. The high cost of the equipment is due to its rich functionality, as well as the absence of heavy loads, which are contraindicated for diseases of the spine or joints. All electric models are equipped with an orthopedic coating that dampens excessive vibrations during exercise.

Electrical units are divided into several categories:

  • Amateur. The weight of the simulator is no more than 80 kg. Running speed does not exceed 16 km/h. The slope is adjustable. The cost of the track is no more than 170,000 rubles;
  • Economy The speed of the belt does not exceed 12 km/h. The cost of the simulator rarely exceeds 45,000 rubles;
  • Professional. The running speed that the user can develop is 25 km/h. The cost of the unit ranges from 480,000 to 620,000 rubles.

Speaking about the advantages of electric simulators, we highlight the following aspects:

  • Smooth ride;
  • Selection of training programs;
  • Low noise level;
  • Long service life.

Additional modifications that electric treadmills can be equipped with:

  • There is a deck underneath the running belt. If the simulator is equipped with a shock absorption system, then this element will bend, thereby compensating for shock loads;
  • Engine cooling system, which allows you to exercise longer on the simulator;
  • Multilayer double-sided fabric more than 2 cm thick;
  • Additional equipment. For example, a sensor for monitoring calories burned, distance, etc., which is attached to the athlete’s earlobe;
  • Reinforced frame.

Since electric models do not stop as soon as the user stops moving, all exercise machines of this type are equipped with a special safety key. It is attached to the athlete’s clothing and if he decides to stop training at some point, he just needs to pull the key.

If we talk about which treadmills are best for home use, then, of course, preference should be given electric models. In order not to make a mistake when choosing this equipment, read several recommendations.

What to look for before buying a treadmill

There are several parameters by which you can choose an inexpensive but high-quality treadmill.

Engine power

The user's weight limits depend on the motor power. For people weighing up to 85 kg, 1.5 hp is enough. With a weight of about 100 kg, it is better to choose more powerful models with parameters from 2 to 3 hp.

Running belt

The width of the running tape should be at least 35 cm and the length at least 110 cm. The most practical fabric is considered to be a product 40-50 cm wide and 120-130 cm long. Also try to choose a multi-layer tape.

Blade rotation speed

If you don't run fast or prefer to race walking, then there is no point in overpaying for extra speed. For normal training, rotations of the belt no faster than 10 km/h will be sufficient.

Tilt angle

By adjusting the incline level, you can increase or decrease the load.


The control panel should display key indicators: heart rate, calories burned, running speed and distance. More expensive models are equipped with LCD screens with Internet access.

Before purchasing equipment, it's best to visit a gym and try out a few different types of treadmills. This way you can determine which unit and parameters suit you best.

In custody

Despite the cost of treadmills, you purchase such a machine only once, which is much more profitable than paying for expensive gym memberships every year. Running is a powerful tool in the fight against excess weight. There is nothing more convenient than training at home at any convenient time. The main thing is to choose the right exercise machine and start playing sports.