How to lay a wall of foam blocks. How to lay foam blocks with your own hands: detailed instructions with video. External wall masonry made of foam block

The rules for laying foam blocks are determined quality characteristics this material. It should be remembered that it is less durable than brick. Due to high porosity, the mass of one unit of the product is small. Of course, it will be much easier for an experienced mason to build a house from foam blocks, but even a simple layman can cope with this task on his own. It is enough just to choose the mortar for masonry wisely and not to forget about some specific nuances of the work.

Choice of solution

First of all, you should find out how the purchased material was produced. There are only two options: the blocks are either cast (molded) or cut. In the first case, foam concrete was poured into pre-prepared forms of a certain size. In the second - a larger area monolithic slab subsequently divided into blocks according to specified parameters.

Since the dimensions of cut products are smaller than those of cast products and deviate from the standard, an adhesive solution can be prepared for their laying. The blocks fit so tightly to each other that the geometry of the building is almost ideal. The time savings are also significant.

For molded foam blocks, a regular solution of sand and cement is prepared. This is how it is possible to level out errors in size and unevenness. The solution fills the cracks, preventing the appearance of loopholes for cold from the street to enter the house. The main condition is that before work, the surface of the block connected to the solution must be moistened. Otherwise, due to uneven drying, the strength of the masonry will suffer.

Block stacking order

Regardless of the type of foam blocks, their first row is installed on a foundation covered cement mortar with waterproofing installed inside. Today, the choice of waterproofing materials is wide; the most suitable ones include hydroisol, bicrost or rubemast. But experts advise abandoning the roofing felt that has become a classic.

So, first the corner block is installed on the cement. It is very important that all surfaces to be joined are thoroughly coated with a solution (adhesive or cement). A notched trowel is ideal to distribute it evenly. The masonry is done in two rows.

Since foam blocks are a relatively light material, reinforcement is laid periodically (at intervals of 3–4 rows) to give greater strength. Each type of block has its own method of strengthening the structure. If cement is used, then you can buy a ready-made masonry mesh (no more than 4–5 mm thick) and insert it into the seams between the blocks as you work. In the case of cast material, you cannot do without special tools. You will need a saw and a wall chaser. But since foam concrete lends itself well to processing, making grooves and inserting reinforcement there will not be difficult.

After finishing laying the foam blocks, you need to lay a special concrete block on top of the entire structure. reinforced belt. It is on this that the floor slab will be located. It should be borne in mind that such a belt needs to be additionally insulated, so its width should be less than that of the blocks used.

For openings under windows and doors, there are U-shaped foam blocks. The main thing when purchasing them is to remember that in width they should correspond not to the ceiling itself, but to the already insulated one.

Thus, laying a foam block structure is not difficult, if you do not improvise, but strictly follow the advice of experts.

Foam blocks as a building material appeared relatively recently. Unlike brickwork, the technology of which has developed over many centuries, the methods are still being improved. This building material has low specific gravity and high porosity along with excellent heat-shielding properties. And the speed of construction of houses from foam blocks and the relatively low cost of this material make it very popular. Therefore, instructions on how to lay foam blocks will be very helpful.

Like aerated concrete, foam concrete can be laid on a cement-sand mortar or on a special glue. The choice of solution depends on the manufacturing technology of foam blocks. Foam block masonry needs to be reinforced. Before installing the ceiling, a reinforced concrete belt is placed on top of the masonry.

Tools for laying foam blocks:

  • drill with a mixer attachment for mixing the solution;
  • drill attachment for making holes for electrical points;
  • trowel;
  • rubber hammer for leveling blocks;
  • building level;
  • hacksaw and angle for cutting foam blocks;
  • grater and plane for leveling the surface of the masonry before next row and leveling the surface of the walls before applying plaster or putty;
  • wall chaser;
  • electric router (for making grooves in masonry for laying reinforcement);
  • carriages for uniform application of the adhesive solution;
  • wide brush for removing debris and dust from walls.

The production of foam blocks can be done in two ways: injection molding and cutting.

The injection molding method differs in that the foam mixture is poured into molds and hardens in the form of durable blocks. Such blocks are placed only on cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:4. Before you begin laying foam concrete, it must be moistened with water to ensure uniform drying of the solution.

Making foam blocks from large ones, dried in an oven and cut into elements required sizes block is a cut manufacturing method. To lay such blocks, you can use special glue. This method manufacturing differs from injection molding high accuracy sizes, the error of which is no more than 1 mm.

Cast foam blocks may have unclear lines, so they need preparation before work:

  • cleaning sharp corners and large burrs;
  • cutting of significant irregularities;
  • removing chips.

How to lay foam blocks? Cast ones are placed on a cement-sand mortar. It should be applied with a notched trowel or trowel. The thickness of horizontal seams should be 10-15 mm, and vertical seams - 8-15 mm.

Cut foam blocks are placed on a special glue.

The surface of the wall is smooth, which greatly simplifies its further finishing. The thickness of the joints when laying such blocks does not exceed 2 mm. There are no “cold bridges” in such walls, which improves its thermal insulation characteristics.

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Foundation arrangement

The reliability and durability of masonry made from foam concrete blocks primarily depend on the quality of the foundation. It can be made monolithic, or it can be assembled from concrete blocks with a reinforced concrete belt.

Foam blocks have fairly low hygroscopicity, but they still react negatively to the appearance of moisture, absorbing it. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the walls from possible water penetration. When laying the foundation, horizontal and vertical external waterproofing must be done. The level of the base should be raised above the blind area by at least 50 cm.

The technology for foundation waterproofing has the following order:

Only after these works can it be erected.

Foam block masonry has a certain specificity associated with the characteristics of the material. Its low strength requires reinforcement of the rows and installation of an armored belt under the floors. Foam concrete blocks are used for the construction of structures for various purposes. They are built quickly enough load-bearing walls and partitions, receiving, in addition, good thermal insulation. But for this you need to know how to lay the foam block, otherwise the expected effect will not work.

Differences in foam block manufacturing technology

When purchasing foam concrete blocks for further construction of walls, it is recommended to find out exactly what technology they were used to produce. The installation option directly depends on this.

Foam concrete is a type of lightweight cellular concrete. When producing blocks, a foaming agent is added to the mixture of cement, sand and water, which promotes the appearance of air cells in the concrete closed type. As a result of hardening, a material with very attractive properties is obtained:

  • low specific gravity;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low hygroscopicity;
  • affordable price;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • long service life.

Among the disadvantages of foam block, it should be noted the lack of high-strength characteristics, as a result of which walls should be built from it using reinforcement, which will increase the reliability of the structure as a whole.

There are two ways to make foam blocks:

  • casting (or bulk) - the foamed mixture is fed into prepared molds, where after drying a ready-to-use building material is obtained;
  • cutting (or slitting) - large, dried in industrial oven Foam concrete monolith is cut into blocks standard sizes using string saws.

In the first case, foam blocks are laid on a cement-sand mortar, thus leveling permissible deviations by size. In the second case, the blocks have a clearer geometry, so installation is carried out using adhesive mixtures.

Let's start from the foundation

The reliability of the masonry and the durability of walls made of foam blocks are possible only if they are based on a strong and high-quality foundation. It is poured as a solid monolith, or mounted from concrete blocks with the obligatory installation of a reinforced concrete belt.

Although foam blocks have a low hygroscopicity rate, due to the closed structure of the air cells, they react negatively to the appearance of moisture, absorbing and accumulating it. Therefore, even during the design, it is necessary to provide measures to protect the walls from possible capillary rise of water. At the foundation construction stage, both horizontal and vertical external waterproofing, and the level of the base above the blind area is raised by at least half a meter.

  • a layer of cement-sand mortar 1-2 cm thick is laid on the foundation;
  • waterproofing is arranged;
  • a layer of cement mortar is laid.

Only after this can you begin to build walls.

Rules for laying a foam concrete block

Every mason knows that walls made of foam blocks are built much faster than walls made of brick. This happens due to significantly bigger size block with less weight, even compared to one-and-a-half bricks (ratio is 1:13). Thanks to this, the process of laying foam blocks is much easier and simpler.

In addition, foam concrete is excellent for processing, which is very important when constructing complex structures. What technology will be used to build the walls and how to lay the foam block largely depends on the method of its manufacture.

  • Laying should begin from any angle, observing maximum accuracy when laying the foundation block.
  • There should be no voids between the seams.
  • To increase the strength of the walls, the masonry is reinforced.
  • Before installing the ceiling, a reinforced concrete belt is laid.
  • The first row of foam blocks, regardless of their manufacturing technology, is laid out on cement mortar.
  • When laying, it is necessary to bandage at least 0.4 times the height of the foam block.

The initial row must be checked by level and, if necessary, adjusted. We should not forget that the shape of the future building depends on its evenness.

Cast foam block

Masonry material made by injection molding does not have clear lines, so the blocks must be prepared before starting work:

  • clean sharp corners and too large burrs;
  • cut off significant irregularities;
  • remove chips.

Cast foam blocks are laid on a cement-sand mortar, which is applied with a notched trowel or trowel. automatic regulation height of the applied layer. Vertical seams, as a rule, should be 8-15mm, and horizontal seams - from 10 to 15mm.

Cut foam block

Blocks made using cutting technology are laid using an adhesive mixture. The wall turns out smooth, which facilitates its subsequent finishing.

Advantages of using glue:

  • minimum size of seams (1-2mm) – low mixture consumption;
  • the absence of so-called “cold bridges”, which has a positive effect on thermal insulation;
  • the ability to select a mixture based on characteristics and manufacturer.

Wall reinforcement

Foam block masonry must be reinforced. To do this, after three or four rows the seams are reinforced with welded wire mesh (diameter 4-5mm), which performs the function additional protection from the formation of cracks, increases the stability and strength of walls. Reinforcement is also carried out in the area where the lintels support.

Today we will look at how to lay walls made of foam blocks in detail. After all, the material has its own distinctive features and technology masonry work in some respects it is different compared to brick. Just like how to lay out a wall of foam blocks, the video will help you quickly understand the intricacies and do everything yourself.

You can build walls from foam blocks much faster than from bricks. But this is not the most important thing in the line; there are also a lot of other indicators. Therefore, before purchasing a material, you need to be sure of its effectiveness in use.

Let's deal with this issue first:

Advantages Flaws
To begin with, it is worth noting the advantages of foam concrete blocks used in current construction:
  • In order for the foam block to be durable and reliable, it must be manufactured in accordance with all norms and standards. This gives the opportunity to build three-story buildings.
  • The mass of the block is not heavy, it is similar to wood. Therefore, the force of gravity of the building frame on the foundation is reduced. This allows the blocks to be easily moved.
  • Foam blocks also have low thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, heat is retained indoors. This property allows you to save money during construction, since no additional material is required for wall insulation.
  • The structure of the side is porous. Due to this characteristic, the house is sound insulated. Today it is one of the significant advantages.

Foam blocks have increased fire resistance, including when exposed to direct fire. It is also not the high price that attracts consumers.

Like any material, foam concrete blocks have disadvantages. Let's look at them in order:
  • The material is very fragile in its characteristics, particularly on bends. For a frame made of foam blocks, it is necessary to make a very strong foundation.
  • The foam concrete block has a non-standard geometric shape. Which creates difficulties during construction.
  • Has an increased degree of moisture and steam transmission. Consequently, when building a house you will need to do waterproofing, and when finishing the walls you will need to use Additional materials. Which in turn is costly.

Many people ask whether it is possible to lay out the basement walls from foam blocks and the answer is simple. Of course you can. But then the room will be very damp and this material will not last long.

Rules for laying foam blocks

The technology for laying walls made of foam blocks is not that complicated. You just need to take note of their size and technical characteristics.

Attention: When doing masonry, be sure to use a measuring tape. After all, the block itself is large and the deviation in the plane of the masonry will be very noticeable at high altitudes.

First row of foam block wall

It is worth paying attention to the fact that initial stage When constructing a building, its base must be well leveled. If you still need to level, use cement sand screed. Apply a small layer to the base until it is even.


  • You should be careful; defects during the construction of the first row cannot be corrected. The proportionality of the house directly depends on the quality of work on laying the first row on the base. The strength coefficient of the constructed property also depends on this stage.

  • Immediately apply a layer of waterproofing. After all, the block absorbs moisture and this cannot be allowed. Therefore, this question is mandatory;
  • Even laying is important not only in width, but also in height. During construction one-story building the first row of blocks is laid on cement sand mixture. In this case, each part is placed using a level to avoid creating flaws.

  • Whole foam blocks begin to be laid from the corner. The transition of rows is carried out according to the standard principle. Glue mixture Apply evenly over the entire surface.

Of course, achieving a completely perfect masonry is very difficult. IN construction work It would be nice to use a grater. It's perfect for manual processing. The blocks, due to their composition, are processed with a grater.

A laser level will help you level. So that there are no differences. It will help to avoid waviness on the wall when the masonry is raised;

It is important to follow the construction technology and lay the rows so that there are no zones that reduce the safety of the building being constructed. The blocks must be laid so that there are no protruding corners.

Since any mistake can lead to the destruction of the building. For the correctness of the masonry, the cord is pulled and it is according to it that the plane is maintained.

Vertical seam

Many people wonder whether it is necessary to apply glue to the vertical seam between foam concrete blocks.

The question is relevant for two reasons:

  • Many blocks have locks using the tongue-and-groove method, which can be responsible for distributing the load across the width between the foam blocks without glue;
  • Any connection of blocks contains some kind of cold bridge; when their number is minimal, this is good.

Possible situations:

  • The vertical connection between the foam blocks does not need to be filled with glue when it is planned to apply the plaster completely to the surface;
  • To prevent the wall from being blown through, plaster is applied on both sides. If it is applied only on one side, then the seam should be partially filled;
  • Foam blocks are completely glued together if the load on the building frame is expected to be more than 69%.

By the way, about the horizontal connection between blocks. Many people build thick walls, but want to save on adhesive mortar.

Lay the adhesive solution only along the edges, and leave the middle empty. Thus, they want to increase thermal insulation. But under no circumstances should this be done. Blocks located horizontally must be completely filled with adhesive solution.

Attention: The foam block must be laid out on a surface that is completely covered with glue. Otherwise, the building under construction will not meet the required quality.

Laying out a wall of foam blocks

By installing the beams, it will be easier to monitor the correct placement of the blocks. They need to be installed near the corners, the main thing is to set them correctly in height and secure them firmly. You can use absolutely any boards for the beam.


  • You need to stretch a rope between the beams, which will allow you to control the laying out of the foam blocks so that the wall is smooth and without flaws. The rope rises as the row that is laid out increases. For convenience, row markings can be applied to guide beams.
  • All rows are laid according to the same principle as the first. If you need to fix something, use a grater.
  • We do not ignore the seams running vertically. Unlike conventional blocks, foam blocks have their own requirements.

Attention: When laying masonry, it is imperative to comply with the conditions for bandaging the material. Otherwise the wall will not be strong enough.

Do walls need to be reinforced?

If you want to protect the frame from any factors that could destroy it, then reinforcement is necessary. However, reinforcement does not actually provide strength to the foam concrete blocks. They simply strengthen the entire structure.

Even at the project stage, it is necessary to decide whether the fittings need to be installed, and if so, in what place. There are often cases when a decision is made directly during construction work.

For foam concrete blocks there are special rules for the use of reinforcement:

  • Ring belts are installed under the ceilings and rafters;
  • It is necessary to reinforce the blocks under the window and all openings.

The frame of a building can be reinforced according to certain rules.

  • The installation of reinforcement begins with the first and continues through every fifth block. As a rule, reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm is used. The required number of reinforcement depends on the size of the wall. Typically, these are 2 reinforcing rods, which are located at the same distance from the edges of the foam blocks.
  • To install the fittings, it is necessary to make holes in the foam blocks. Since the material does not have high strength, the holes can be made in any convenient way.
  • Then reinforcing bars are installed in them and poured adhesive solution. In order to increase thermal insulation, foam plastic of a small thickness, approximately 3-6 cm, is laid in these places.

Attention: It is impossible to perform all actions at the same time. You need to do everything in order. First, a pre-prepared adhesive mixture is poured into the hole. Then the rod is placed, and at the end the cement-sand mixture is poured in and leveled.

Design of openings, installation of partitions from foam blocks

Manufacturers of foam block products produce special elongated foam blocks, which are used as a base for the construction of partitions. If you look at the block from across, it resembles the letter P.

However, of course, such blocks are placed when building a wall like an inverted letter P. The side walls have different thicknesses. A wall that has a wider thickness is placed with outside building.

  • These foam blocks are exactly the same in width as regular blocks. Used to cover openings. When installing, you must use spacers to secure them.
  • Can also be used for installation internal partitions.

  • They are used as formwork that cannot be removed.
  • A reinforced frame is installed in the groove of the foam block. At the same time, it should not go beyond the aisles. Afterwards this structure is filled concrete mixture, so that it reaches the upper limits. You can use different concrete material, even with particles of crushed stone. The reinforcement and grade of material used is selected and calculated at the building design stage.

  • Making jumpers from blocks is not difficult. The main thing is to make the walls thick when constructing a building higher than one floor. Since the load on the blocks must be uniform. You can add strength to the lintel using glass mesh.
  • To improve the acoustics of the room, partitions are made using vibration-damping pads. The material for its creation can be varied, for example chipboard or MDF, various slabs. Select the material according to the qualities you require. The space that is left empty between the walls is filled polyurethane foam. You cannot leave it empty, as this will disrupt the acoustics of the room. To any construction and installation work it is necessary to approach responsibly and strictly follow the rules.

Attention: If the interior wall is laid from foam blocks, then many people make it thin and use cut foam blocks. It is not so strong and therefore the overlap for partitions must be done thoroughly and carefully.

Laying walls made of foam blocks will not take much time. But this is a rather important question. If you watch the video in this article and the photo, then you will be able to do everything efficiently and avoid mistakes.

When constructing a private house, developers use different kinds blocks that are laid next to each other on a cement-sand mortar or special glue. Foamed concrete blocks are popular. Foam block masonry has its own characteristics. When planning to lay foam concrete blocks with your own hands, you should study the rules for installing the first row, as well as the technology for laying and strengthening the remaining rows using reinforcement. To increase the stability of the masonry, it is important to understand how to reinforce the openings. Let's look at the features of the technology.

Preparation of special and general construction tools and building materials

Foam concrete blocks are characterized by their low weight, the necessary margin of safety, and are easily subjected to machining, effectively insulate the room, but are quite fragile building materials. Having decided to carry out construction, you should carefully handle foam products and use tools and equipment for special and universal purposes to carry out the work.

Tools for laying foam blocks

To lay foam blocks you will need:

  • a massive hammer with a rubberized head, used for tightly laying block material;
  • construction level necessary to control the masonry and the location of the horizontal seam;
  • a hand saw and a square, allowing you to mark blocks and adjust their size;
  • an electric drill or a construction mixer, which speeds up the preparation of the binder mixture for foam block masonry;
  • a trowel, with which the solution is applied in an even layer when constructing walls;
  • a special grater and plane for blocks, allowing you to give the building material the required shape and size;
  • a wall chaser that forms a longitudinal groove on the foam block surface for placing reinforcing bars;
  • twine stretched between corner blocks and serving as a guide when laying blocks;
  • a grinder with a cutting wheel for metal, necessary for cutting reinforcing bars into pieces of the required length.

For construction foam concrete walls a private house will require the following building materials:

It is enough to have basic knowledge to start laying foam blocks with your own hands
  • foam concrete blocks. The construction of walls subject to significant loads will require the use of more durable material, marked with the designation D600. Construction of partitions located between interior spaces, made from foam concrete blocks brand D500. You should not take risks and buy foam blocks made in artisanal conditions. Products industrial production undergoes laboratory control and meets the requirements of standards, which is confirmed by a certificate of conformity;
  • Portland cement grade M400, as well as fine sand, cleared of foreign impurities. From these ingredients, taken in a 4:1 ratio, a masonry mortar is prepared. To increase the frost resistance and moisture resistance of the working mixture, plasticizing components are added to it. The use of inexpensive cement-sand mortar when laying foam concrete walls reduces costs. Thickness binder composition when laying blocks reaches 20 mm, which causes additional heat losses through cold bridges;
  • construction adhesive for laying blocks. The adhesive mixture is sold in construction supermarkets in powder form. The recipe regulated by the manufacturer provides for adding water to the dry mixture at the rate of 0.1 liters per 0.5 kg of dry powder. The glue is mixed with a drill with a mixing attachment until a uniform consistency is obtained. Construction adhesive is applied to the surface thin layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 3 mm. Using glue for laying blocks can improve the thermal insulation of the room.

When deciding which binder mixture will be used for foam block masonry, you should not focus only on the level of costs. The use of a cheap solution of sand and cement increases the amount of heat loss, and the use of more expensive glue, applied in a thin layer, prevents the formation of cold bridges. All indicators should be comprehensively assessed to make the right decision.

You should not focus only on the level of costs when deciding which binder mixture will be used for foam block masonry

You will also need steel reinforcement 8-10 mm in diameter with a corrugated surface or a finished mesh. Application of steel bars class A-III will ensure the reliability of reinforcement reinforcement. It is important to prepare in a timely manner necessary tool and building materials so that you can lay foam blocks with your own hands without interruption.

Calculation of building materials for the construction of foam concrete walls

When planning to build a house from foam concrete blocks, you must first perform a number of calculations. To determine the need for material, a building plan will be required.

Initial data:

  • foam block length – 60 cm;
  • product width – 20 cm;
  • block height – 30 cm;
  • the dimensions of the building outline and the height of the box are determined by the plan;
  • thickness of foam concrete walls - determined at the design stage;
  • Dimensions and number of openings are indicated in the design documentation.

It is necessary to perform a number of calculations beforehand when planning to build a house from foam concrete blocks

Settlement operations are performed using various methods:

  • manually. Knowing the dimensions of the foam blocks, the thickness of the walls and the dimensions of the building box, it is easy to independently determine how much foam concrete is required;
  • using an online calculator. It allows you to more accurately determine the number of blocks, taking into account additional parameters, including the thickness of the joint in the masonry.

Let's look at how the calculations are performed manually. To calculate required quantity blocks, do the following:

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the box by adding the lengths of the walls.
  2. Determine the wall area by multiplying the height of the walls by the length of the contour.
  3. Calculate the total area of ​​window and doorways.
  4. Subtract the resulting value from the total wall area.
  5. Divide the resulting area by the area of ​​the lateral plane of the foam block.

On specific example Let's determine the number of foam concrete blocks required to build a box with dimensions 5x7 m, height 3 m and wall thickness 0.3 m.

To calculate blocks you need:

Calculations of the required number of blocks
  1. Determine the area of ​​the box - (5+7+5+7)x3=72 m2.
  2. Calculate the area of ​​doorways (0.7x2=1.4 m2) and window openings (1.3x1.5=1.95 m2).
  3. Sum up the values ​​obtained for the openings - 1.4 + 1.95 = 3.35 m2.
  4. Calculate the area of ​​the walls without openings - 72-3.35 = 68.65 m2.
  5. Determine the area of ​​the lateral plane of the foam block - 0.6x0.2=0.12 m2.
  6. Calculate the number of blocks – 68.65:0.12= 572 pcs.

Do-it-yourself external masonry from foam blocks

Having decided to build a house from foam blocks with your own hands, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the requirements of the technology. Masonry of walls made of foam blocks is carried out from pre-prepared material. It is necessary to clean the blocks from dirt, check the conformity of dimensions, and also plan their surface by removing sagging using a plane or grater. Let's dwell on the features of the technology.

Preparing the foundation for the house for masonry work

For building a house from foam blocks, the foundation is best suited strip design. She is tested in different conditions operation and ensures the stability and durability of foam block buildings. So, where to start laying foam blocks?

Preparing the foundation for masonry work

First, you should prepare the surface of the existing foundation:

  1. Check the horizontalness of the base with a building level.
  2. Plan the foundation with cement-sand mortar.
  3. After the cement has hardened, lay two layers of roofing felt on the surface.

When preparing the foundation, remember that it is necessary to lay sheets of roofing felt with an overlap of 100-150 mm.

Rules for laying the first layer of foam blocks on cement mortar

To compensate for height differences, the lower level of blocks should be laid on cement mixture. Follow the given procedure:

  1. Define laser level raised corner of the foundation.
  2. Place a cement mixture 20-30 mm thick on the roofing material in the corners of the base.
  3. Moisten the surface of the blocks intended for laying in corners.
  4. Lay down blocks to control the horizontality of the bottom row.
  5. Stretch string between the corner blocks and check for any slack.
  6. Adjust the position of the blocks by tapping them with a hammer.
  7. Wet the surface of the blocks intended for laying in the bottom row.
  8. Apply a layer of mortar and lay blocks on it, focusing on the stretched cord.

Rules for laying the first layer of foam blocks

When performing masonry work, pay attention to the following points:

  • the need for constant compaction of the blocks during laying to ensure the size of the vertical joint is no more than 10 mm, and the horizontal joint is 15-20 mm;
  • mandatory performance of control operations to check the horizontalness of the masonry;
  • the feasibility of strengthening the lower foam blocks with reinforcing bars.

After laying the reinforcement, the rods should be connected by welding or tying wire, and then filled with cement mixture.

How to correctly lay the remaining rows on glue for foam blocks

The second and subsequent levels of foam blocks should be laid using construction adhesive. You must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Start laying rows from corner sections.
  2. Pull the cord in each row between the corner blocks.
  3. Moisten the material and apply a thin layer of glue.
  4. Control the horizontalness of each level of masonry.

Do not forget about the need to reinforce the masonry with mesh or reinforcement at intervals of 3 or 4 rows.

The second and subsequent levels of foam blocks should be laid on construction glue

Correct dressing of seams when laying foam concrete products

A professionally performed dressing guarantees the reliability of the masonry and prevents the formation of cracks. Possible options dressings:

  • with a displacement of foam blocks by 50% of the length relative to the blocks of the lower level. This is a common dressing method that provides strength and aesthetics;
  • with a shift of masonry elements by 30-40% of the length. This method is less popular, but it also reliably protects the masonry from cracking along vertical seams.

Choice specific type dressings are determined individually.

Features of installation of foam concrete products in the corner sections of the box

Laying corner blocks is carried out from the highest point. It is important to comply with the following requirements:

  • be sure to bandage the corner elements;
  • control the tight fit of the foam blocks;
  • ensure equal thickness masonry joint.

Location of the masonry seam in the middle of the foam block - best option offsets.

Corner blocks are laid from the highest point

Arrangement of wall openings and reinforcement to ensure load-bearing capacity

For arranging door and window openings foam blocks laid on various bases are also used:

  • metal profile;
  • ready-made reinforced concrete lintels;
  • lintels, independently concreted into the formwork.

To increase the strength of the masonry, foam blocks are reinforced. To strengthen foam block walls use:

  • steel reinforcement laid in grooves on the surface of the blocks;
  • metal mesh placed in a binding solution.

Reinforcement is carried out along the entire height of the box at equal intervals through 3-4 levels of blocks.

Arrangement of wall openings

Technology of laying foam blocks for the construction of internal walls of a house

If you want to build a house from foam blocks with your own hands, you should study the rules of masonry interior walls.

Load-bearing walls located inside the box are connected to external walls using various methods:

  • with bandaging 50% of the length of the block and recessed into the external wall by 30 cm;
  • with the installation of blocks of internal walls in prepared cavities with a depth of 15-20 cm;
  • with laying foam blocks close to the surface external walls without dressing.

Professionals prefer the second method, which prevents the formation of corner cracks.

Laying internal partitions

Masonry of foam blocks for internal partitions

They lie not on the foundation, but on concrete surface floor.

It is important to consider the following points:

  • provide a thermal gap of 1-1.5 cm in the upper part of the wall;
  • patch up expansion joint using polyurethane foam;
  • lay blocks on roofing felt;
  • strengthen the partition masonry with reinforcing bars.

The masonry technology complies with the rules for installing wall foam blocks.

Recommendations for the correct construction of foam concrete structures

Use the advice of professionals when performing work:

  • prepare the binder mixture in a small volume, which retains its properties for several hours after preparation;
  • compact the foam blocks immediately after laying, until the glue or solution has hardened;
  • carry out plaster finishing a month after construction, when shrinkage is complete.

It is not difficult for novice craftsmen to master the techniques of foam block masonry, having understood the requirements of the technology. The increased dimensions of foam blocks make it possible to build the walls of a house at an accelerated pace. The durability of the structure is guaranteed by the use of high-quality raw materials and the implementation of technological recommendations.