How to remove a safe door from its hinges. How to remove a door from its hinges: disassemble the interior, door video, old metal closed butterfly. Card models: how to disassemble a door hinge

In everyday life it may be necessary to remove the door, and if big renovation, it’s rare to do without it. The difficulty is that today there is no single type of hardware that is installed on all doors. And removing the doors, the complexity of this process will depend on the type of fittings.

Today, the following types of door fittings are used: card hinges, hidden hinges, and screw-in hinges. Each model has its own characteristics. Some are more convenient to use, but they will be more difficult to remove.

Types of door hinges:

  1. Hidden. This type The fittings are considered the most impressive from the position that they can be completely hidden in the door leaf, which does not spoil the aesthetics of the structure; the hinges are simply not visible. But this feature complicates the installation of such hinges, as well as dismantling.
  2. Card. The most popular type of loops. They are inexpensive and come in a variety of designs. They have subspecies, the most common of which are butterfly loops. They are screwed to the canvas without any special preparation, and their halves are made like a puzzle. But mortise hinges require deepening of the plates, that is, they cut into the door material.
  3. Screw-in. Such loops are similar to hairpins that go deep into the box. They are either smooth or have carvings on the surface. The pins in the middle are connected by a hinge element. And the number of studs is different, on durable models there are three or four on each side. Typically, screw-in hinges are used for lightweight door panels; heavy ones will overload such a structure, which can lead to the fastening being torn out.

The design features of the hinges also affect the dismantling process. Each type of loop is removed in its own way. It also matters whether you are going to later install the door on the same hinge, or whether you will change the fittings.

Card models: how to disassemble a door hinge

All card models are different general structure. These are two straight or angular plates that are screwed to the frame and door leaf with self-tapping screws. They are connected by a hinge element, which sets the door in motion.

Most card models consist of 2 halves: an upper and a lower canopy. Because it doesn’t take much effort to remove the door. But it’s still easier to work with a partner, especially if the door is heavy or has glass inserts.

Do this:

  • Support the door from below and lift it slightly;
  • Then continue to move the door up, turning it slightly;
  • When the upper half itself is removed from the pin, you can carefully remove the canvas to the side.

Dismantling a door with such fastening can only be done in open position. Otherwise, you will not be able to raise the door to the required height; the leaf will simply rest against the frame. But a door with screw-in hinges is more difficult to remove.

Screw-in fasteners: how to remove an interior door from its hinges

The fact is that the hinge axis of such hinges is equipped with a small pin, which must be removed from the structure. This is necessary for the halves to separate. First the door needs to be closed. Then you take any convenient tool, push the pin up, and pick it up with pliers. Then gently pull the pin up, turning it a little as you go.

After this, the canvas can be removed without problems. The main load in this case is on the upper part of the structure, so it is more logical to start work from bottom loop. To prevent the door from falling on you, you need an assistant to hold it.

Hidden hinges: how to remove a closed door from its hinges

Hidden hinge models are considered the most difficult to dismantle. A special tool is needed. You can work with open door and with closed door. In the first case, half of the fittings are unscrewed with a screwdriver. If the product is more complex, you need an hex key. Sometimes the method of knocking out the axle is used, but this method is not so convenient, because the main part of the mechanism is hidden inside the canvas.

If you remove a closed door:

  • This is a complex method, but it can be used if we are talking about hidden hinges of a balcony block;
  • In this case, the protective caps are simply removed, the axle is knocked out and the blade is removed in the same way as with a screw-in fastener;
  • But completely disguised loops in doorway There is no way to remove it in this situation; perhaps only a specialist can do it.

Whatever the hinges are, if you remove them and then plan to put the fittings back, the mechanism needs to be lubricated. Examine the removed fittings; perhaps some defects have already formed and the fasteners need to be replaced. Sometimes it is even aesthetically no longer suitable; it makes sense to install a new one.

Removing the metal door from its hinges

Easiest to dismantle iron doors from removable hinges. The canvas opens slightly by 30-40 degrees, while some solid object is placed under the door. Then the canvas needs to be lifted using a crowbar. It plays the role of leverage in this case. And you do this for so long until the door itself comes off its hinges.

It will be more difficult to remove the door from the internal removable hinges. Such loops are usually complemented decorative elements, they need to be removed. Next, loosen the fastening bolt as much as possible, the one located on top of the hinge.

A door with hidden hinges is the most difficult to remove. You need to very carefully and carefully remove all the fasteners that secure the door in the frame. If you are filming old door, then for a new one use new fittings. When installing new door avoid its possible distortion. For this purpose, either building level, or a solid object is placed under the canvas.

How to remove an interior door from its hinges (video)

It is impossible to create a universal instruction manual for door dismantling, since design features hinges directly affect how to remove the door. Remember that the fastening mechanism is always cleaned and lubricated before reverse installation. If it is deformed, it should be replaced.

There are two methods for removing old doors: neat and damaged. We recommend that you always use the first option, since the sashes are often replaced with new ones due to a change in the style of the room. Old doors can be taken to the country or sold at a minimal price. Either of these methods takes about the same amount of time. We'll tell you in more detail how to remove the old one. interior door from hinges.

What tools will you need?

Before carrying out work, it is necessary to prepare tools. To completely dismantle doors with frames, you will need:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • axe;
  • a crowbar with a nail puller at one end;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw.

If you are not planning a renovation, then you need to act in such a way as not to damage the finishing of the room. In this case, choose small, lightweight tools. If you are removing the door to lubricate the lock or hinges, leave the frame in place. In this case, you will need a minimum set of tools.

Features of sashes removal

To dismantle the door, you will need an assistant with whom you will lift the panel. It must be removed only in the open position of the sash, so that when lifting it does not rest against the frame. To make the job easier, you may need wooden blocks, which you will place under the canvas.

Depending on what type of hinges was used, the process of removing the door leaf will have features:

  1. Most often, card options are found on doors; they are often called “butterflies”. They come in two types: removable or monolithic. In the latter case, the door can open 180 degrees, that is, in both directions. At the same time, removing the canvas from such hinges is not difficult; you just need to invite an assistant to do this work and lift the sash.
  2. The new type of fittings is more difficult to work with, as it has decorative overlays and additional adjusting fasteners. Before removing the sash, it must be loosened.
  3. Mortise hinges can be secured with bolts, in which case they should be unscrewed. Sometimes they, just like card modifications, pile on top of each other. In the latter case, removing the door will not be difficult.
  4. Screw-in hinges – complex options door leaf fastenings. Inspect the mechanism, and only then decide how to remove the sash. Most often, as in other cases, you just need to lift it.
  5. IN last years Universal European versions of door panels have become widespread. They, like the new-style fittings, have an adjusting screw that needs to be loosened.
  6. Invisible options are the most difficult; to remove the sash you will need to remove all the fasteners holding it in the frame.

After you have removed the door, you need to carefully dismantle the frame, if necessary. The platbands are removed using a hammer and an axe, using the blade of the latter to pick up the board. Find the places where the box is attached; most often, the elements are located under the decorative overlays in the area of ​​the lock or hinges. Unscrew the fasteners with a screwdriver or a simple screwdriver.

Sometimes a box made of timber is mounted on polyurethane foam. In this case, use a sharp knife to cut off the foam from the boards and pull out the entire box. If you want to reuse the box, carefully move it horizontally, lay it on the floor and disassemble it. If you are prepared for losses, you can break the box right on the spot and pull it out in pieces.

How to remove the handle

If you removed the door to facilitate renovation work in the room and do not intend to replace it, carry out preventative maintenance castle and moving mechanisms. The hinges can be lubricated with any compound, but reassembling the lock is more difficult. About 15 years ago, convenient but low-quality locks for interior doors appeared. They open easily if they are in good condition. If the lock breaks and jams, all that remains is to break it. In addition, many apartment owners are not satisfied that these locking mechanisms have a latch. Castles delivering to you extra hassle, it is best to change it after dismantling the door leaf.

Removing the handle with the lock for repair or replacement is simple:

  1. Unscrew the screws on both sides of the lever.
  2. Unscrew the lock lever itself using wrench. Pull it in together with the turning mechanism.
  3. Use the flat side of a screwdriver to remove decorative overlay With outside doors (where there is no key).
  4. Press the stopper and at the same time pull the handle.
  5. Complete disassembly by removing all parts of the internal mechanism.

Installing a new handle lock is carried out in the reverse order. If you are not sure that you can handle repairing a lock or removing a door, then it is best to invite a specialist to do this work. He will service the sash, remove it from the frame and, if necessary, dismantle the trims and jambs.

Remember that whenever we shoot door leaf, you need to check the functionality of the lock and hinges. Do not reinstall damaged parts, otherwise the door may begin to jam after reassembly.

Information on how to remove an entrance or interior door may be needed when moving furniture from room to room or when carrying out renovations. Unlike the rather labor-intensive process of installing interior doors, removing them from the hinges does not require calling qualified specialists to your home. This operation is quite accessible to perform with your own hands and is determined by the design features door hinges.

Types of door hinges

Door hinges are classified depending on the type of material from which they are made, the location of installation, or the features of their design. For mastering the technology of removing doors from their hinges, the last category is mainly of interest.

Based on the type of installation, door hinges are divided into the following types:

According to the type of mechanism, they are of two types:

It is the design features of the mechanism that have a decisive influence on the technology of removing doors from their hinges.

How to remove a door from its hinges with a split mechanism

For this simple operation you will need a minimum of tools - just a crowbar or another object that can be used as a lever.

First, the door is opened slightly to guide her out of the doorway. Then a lever is placed under the lower part of the door leaf. In order not to damage the interior door, it is advisable to place a gasket under it from thick fabric. As soon as the upper parts of the hinges come off the pins, you should pick up the door leaf and set it aside. If the door is heavy, for example, an iron entrance door, then it is advisable to carry out this operation with a partner.

There are times when two split loop cards are connected by a single pin. To disassemble such a mechanism, a stop device under the door leaf is not needed. It is necessary to remove the decorative caps and remove the pin, disconnecting the hinge cards. Most often, the pin “sits” tightly in the hinge mechanism, so to remove it you will need a hammer, but you need to use it very carefully so as not to deform the mechanism. Once the hinge pins are removed, the door will release from the door frame.

Screw-in hinges belong to detachable mechanisms and differ from overhead (mortise) card hinges only in the way they are attached to the door and frame. Therefore, to remove doors from screw-in hinges, you will also need a lever.

Removing doors from one-piece hinges

To carry out this operation you will need a screwdriver or screwdriver. It is advisable to use a screwdriver with replaceable bits to select a tip that would not damage the screw heads during removal and would not complicate the entire process.

At the very beginning, you need to carefully remove all decorative strips and caps. Next, you need to unscrew the screws from only one card. Which card to remove (from the door leaf or from the frame) - precise recommendations no, everyone does what is most convenient for him.

When unscrewing the screws, you need to fix the interior door in a stable position so that it does not overload those fastening points that will be removed last.

Fixed hinges also include the so-called invisible hinges. Their mechanism is hidden in the box or door leaf and in closed completely invisible. It is removed from one side after complete dismantling of all decorative elements.

Features of removing doors from hinges

The main thing when removing doors from their hinges is to ensure their smooth installation back. Therefore, all operations must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the hinge mechanism or destroy their attachment points.

Often in the process long-term operation the components of detachable hinges literally stick to each other, which occurs under the influence of corrosion processes. How to remove the door from its hinges in this case?

To ensure that the process of removing the door from the hinges does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the hinge mechanism from the moment the door is installed, which consists of applying a special lubricant to their surface.

There can be a great many situations when it is necessary to remove the door leaf from its hinges. This could be a replacement door design or hinges for new ones, and difficulties that arise when bringing in or removing furniture, and renovation work or other housekeeping activities.

The process of removing doors from hinges

Knowledge of door hinge design and simple techniques, allowing you to perform this operation, will allow you to economically manage not only own time, but also by means. This article will tell you how to quickly and efficiently perform these steps without resorting to the help of specialists.

The process of removing doors from their hinges directly depends on the design of the hinges or hinges that were used during installation.

Door hinge design option

Modern models of hinges are divided into the following types:

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How to get a broken key out of a lock

Every door type, determined by the purpose and material of manufacture, involves the installation of hinges specific design, therefore, the removal and installation of the leaf depends on the functionality of the door itself.

How to remove an interior door from its hinges

The fastening of modern interior doors can be different.

Let's look at the most common types of fastening and the procedure for dismantling.

To simplify the process of dismantling interior Euro doors, it is advisable to install a stop along the lower edge of the door.

Design diagram and size hidden loops for doors

If a pry bar is used to lift the door leaf, it must be wrapped soft cloth so as not to damage wooden door coated.

How to remove a plastic door from its hinges

In the residential premises of a house or apartment, the installation of a plastic door is most often found as a balcony door and canopies designed specifically for this design are used.

Scheme for removing a plastic door from its hinges

To remove a balcony plastic door from hinges you need:

In administrative and commercial premises, metal-plastic Euro doors are often used as entrance doors. Their design is heavier and is equipped with anti-vandal reinforced hinge mechanisms in the amount of 3 pieces, the design of which, as a rule, coincides with the balcony ones.

In order to remove the plastic entrance door without damaging the plastic, you need to involve an assistant in the work. Watch the video on how to quickly remove a plastic door from its hinges.

How to remove an aluminum door from its hinges

Eurodoors made of aluminum, which Lately used not only in administrative, but also in residential premises, they have a specific fastening with adjusting mechanism.
The fastening loop itself can be of two types:

To remove the aluminum Euro door yourself, you must have additional hex keys and sprockets.

Names of door hinge design elements

However, it is worth noting that awnings equipped with an adjustment mechanism have internal parts, which provide the ability to change the position of the door leaf, so disassembling the hinges must be done extremely carefully or use the services of specialists.

Interior doors are an integral attribute of the interior of most comfortable houses and apartments. They allow you to separate one space from another, get rid of extraneous odors, dust, etc.

An excellent selection of interior doors is available at Flexible pricing policy in conjunction with good quality They recommend this store only on the positive side.

Types of loops

Sometimes there is a need to remove an interior door. There could be many reasons for this.
But the interior door should be removed depending on the fittings installed on the doors, in particular the hinges.

Loops are divided into 3 groups:

    1. Card. The most common and simple. Most often, such loops are found in the form of overhead loops resembling butterflies.
    2. Screw-in. These models differ in the installation method. They are recessed into the door leaf and the door frame.
    3. Hidden. The most effective, because they do not spoil the appearance of the structure. But it is with them that difficulties can arise when photographing doors.

Door with card hinges

Most card loops consist of two canopies: an upper and a lower one. When removing interior doors from such hinges, you will have to use a minimum of effort.

We support the door from below and lift it slightly. You can scroll it a little, lifting it up. Having reached the required level, the upper half of the hinge will be removed from the lower one, and the door can be moved to the side.

In this case, dismantling must be done only with the door open.

Removing the interior door from the screw-in hinges

First you need to remove the pin that connects the hinge axis in order to separate the halves.

To do this, close the door tightly, using a tool convenient for you, push the pin out and pull it up, twisting it slightly.

Due to the fact that a large load of the door falls on its lower part, it is better to start dismantling such a door from the lower hinge.

Removing the door from hidden hinges

In order to remove an interior door from hidden hinges, you will need special tools and knowledge. In this case, the position of the door leaf is of particular importance.

Depending on the type of fittings, the instructions for it describe in detail the method of dismantling.

As a rule, the door is removed from hidden hinges only when the doors are open.

Before installing the fittings, you should definitely take into account all its advantages and disadvantages, and the principle of operation. If you know all this, removing an interior door from any hinges will not be difficult for you.

Door dismantling video: