How to make glowing liquid at home. How to make glowing liquid and other tricks How to make glowing water from hydrogen peroxide

Professional magicians often perform a trick in which they make ordinary water glow. Children are always delighted with such a spectacle and want to unravel the mystery that lies at the heart of such a trick. You can also amaze young spectators at a children's party, or put on a good show for friends and relatives if you know how to make a glowing liquid from improvised materials.

However, it’s worth warning right away that quite harmful chemicals will be used in the manufacturing process. Therefore, you should avoid getting individual components or prepared luminous water on the skin and, especially, in the eyes.

To use this method, you do not need expensive chemicals or special skills. All the necessary components can be found in the home of any person who monitors cleanliness and cooks.

To create a glowing liquid you will need:

  • four teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide - it is better to take 3%;
  • two tablespoons of table salt;
  • four tablespoons of vinegar;
  • approximately 500 ml of water.

Assemble all components in glass containers, which you will not subsequently use for cooking or storing food. Using all precautions, mix glowing water for 15–20 minutes until it begins to emit a faint glow. After this, pour the resulting liquid into a plastic container and close it tightly with a stopper. The glow will last for 1-2 hours, which is enough to perform funny tricks.

Practice shows that the luminous liquid acquires a greenish or blue-green tint, which suits most people. However, some people want to personalize the presentation and add dyes to the water. Perfect option– food paints that have a completely neutral chemical composition. However, from chemistry you must remember that fluorescent substances will give a much more lasting and beautiful result - you can buy them in a “joke store” or in point of sale, engaged in the sale of chemical reagents.

Other modifications

The question of how to make a glowing liquid at home has other answers. For the ingredients for the second version of glowing water, you should go to the pharmacy. You will need to purchase the following reagents for experiments:

  • boric acid - you need to purchase a pure preparation, boric alcohol not suitable;
  • caustic pine extract;
  • water for injection - approximately 500 ml, although you can take less.

First, you need to dissolve the pine concentrate in water at the rate of one drop per tablespoon. Be careful - if you want to make a large volume of luminous liquid, you will have to buy several jars of the drug. Then gradually add boric acid to the resulting solution in the same concentration as described above. Heat the liquid over medium heat until it boils and carefully remove large bubbles with a spoon, making sure that drops do not fall on the skin. After 5-10 minutes of boiling, you will get the treasured luminous water, flickering in the dark with a yellowish-green color.

There is also alternative way, although the glow time when using it reaches only 3–5 minutes. You need to go to the store, buy a pack of soda and mineral water with an alkaline composition.

Be careful - we're talking about specifically about naturally carbonated water, and not purified liquid, which is often sold under the guise of mineral water.

For half a liter of water you will need to add a teaspoon of baking soda and three teaspoons of a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution. It is necessary to shake the luminous liquid for approximately 15 minutes, after which it will acquire a slightly yellowish tint and will flicker faintly in the dark for a short time.

Complex ways

If you want to learn how to make a glowing liquid with your own hands, and want the effect to be noticeable for a long time, you have to go to a chemical store. The main ingredient in all long-lasting recipes is luminol powder, which is commercially available. Instead of powder, you can purchase a three percent solution of the substance - this form is preferable because it will make your task easier.

In the first recipe it will be necessary to additionally use caustic soda and copper sulfate– these substances will provide a stable glow for a long time. Prepare 100 ml of solution from the powder - for this you will need to take three grams of luminol. To get a glowing liquid, pour 80 ml of hydrogen peroxide into the solution and mix it well. All that remains is to add 3 grams of vitriol and 10 ml of caustic soda, and then place the liquid in a closed container and shake it thoroughly. The resulting luminous water will retain a piercing blue luminescence for 2-5 hours, depending on the accuracy of the proportions.

If you want to prepare a small volume of glowing liquid, it is better to use the option of using washing powder. Detergent without additives in the form of colored granules, pour into a tall glass filled 2/3 with water - 25 grams will be enough. Consistently add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a similar amount of luminol solution inside. Stir the water for about 5 minutes and then add half a teaspoon of potassium permanganate crystals. After stirring for 10 minutes, a luminous liquid will be ready, emitting pale green or bluish rays - it depends on chemical composition selected powder.

The most lasting effect is obtained by using a medication called Dimexide. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription, but remember that you are interested in the concentrate for external use.

You will also need a half-liter glass bottle with a metal stopper - you can buy Essentuki or Borjomi mineral water, but wash the container well after it. Pour 450 ml inside clean water and add 1-2 grams of luminol powder.

You will also need 35 grams of dry alkali, which can be purchased at a chemical store, and 30 ml of Dimexide concentrate. Mix all ingredients in glass bottle, shake the luminous liquid for 15 minutes until it begins to fluoresce. You will get a bluish tint, but this can be changed by adding dyes. The luminous liquid will work for several hours, but after 10–20 minutes you will see its gradual fading. To restore the previous brightness, open the cap for a few seconds.

Sometimes, to create an unusual atmosphere at home, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive fixtures. Glowing water will help you surprise and delight your family, which is easy to make with your own hands and simply pour into a jar or bottle, thus obtaining a suitable “candlestick”. It turns out that to make the evening atmosphere in the house truly interesting and even magical, you just need to have some container and ordinary water on hand, which we can easily turn into fluorescent - this is the name of a liquid with a light-accumulating effect. There are many recipes for making colored glowing water at home, which makes this substance accessible even to people who do not have access to expensive chemicals. In the article we will consider several options for creating a fluorescent liquid - sometimes it is called neon, because neon has the property of glowing - which will make it possible to make it from the most different materials.

Before making luminol at home, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules that will help Maximize the safety of the production process, and prepare the necessary things in advance. You will have to remember the safety instructions from chemistry lessons, because when creating luminous water you will need to come into contact with various chemicals.

First of all, you will need to protect yourself with special clothing. This will help avoid direct contact with reagents and reduce the risk of injury when working with them. Buy special gloves and glasses, and wear only cotton clothes when making fluorescent water. Some chemicals can act aggressively if they accidentally get onto clothing and come into contact with synthetic fibers.

Prepare special dishes, in which all will be held chemical processes. As soon as the experiment is completed, these containers will have to be disposed of, since tiny particles of the used reagent may remain on them, and the next experiment carried out in the same containers may result in adverse consequences. Remember that it is dangerous to let young children near reagents, so try to keep them away from the experience or make sure they have sufficient safety awareness.

Production of luminol

As noted earlier, there are several methods by following which you can make a luminous liquid. The choice of recipe depends on the substances included in luminol. There are options that allow you to make an original fluorescent liquid using chemical reagents, and those that tell you how to make a luminous liquid from improvised materials.

Glowing water without luminol

Luminol is the main element for creating a luminous liquid. When a substance enters a neutral or acidified environment, it activates its properties and begins to glow lightly. blue. It is thanks to this substance that the fluorescent water trick works. True, luminol is an expensive and hard-to-find component that can only be found in specialized stores, so not every person will decide to purchase it just for the sake of experimenting with glowing water. But if you can buy Chemical substance no, but I want to conduct an experiment, you can use it following instructions, which will tell you how to make glowing water without luminol.

Getting the liquid is quite simple. To do this, you need to stock up on water, hydrogen peroxide, salt, vinegar and do not forget about precautions. Although the components may seem harmless, it is better not to take risks and ensure maximum safety for yourself. Water used in the experiment must be carbonated.

  1. Take a container with pre-filled soda (it is advisable to take a container with a lid), and then add salt to it in a volume of no more than a teaspoon.
  2. The next item is vinegar. Add no more than three capfuls to the liquid.
  3. Pour the final component, hydrogen peroxide, into the container. The volume of the substance should not exceed three teaspoons.
  4. Pay attention to the condition of the resulting liquid. If the ingredients have been added in the correct order and volume, it should begin to sizzle.
  5. Close the container well with a lid and, holding it in your hands, stir. This must be done with special care, so the step can take up to fifteen minutes.
  6. From the container, pour the resulting liquid into a glass or jar to see its glow.

Liquid using luminol

The original recipe for fluorescent water involves adding a special chemical component to the liquid - luminol. Wanting to take advantage chemical reagents During the experience, remember safety precautions and warn yourself against all adverse consequences that may occur. To achieve the desired effect, follow the instructions below.

Glowing water with vitamin B

This is the most harmless fluorescent liquid recipe, which is more useful for filling large containers. For example, you can fill a bathtub with this water and, after turning off the lights, give yourself or your children a session of pleasure water procedures with backlight. Below are instructions on how to how to make glowing liquid at home using vitamin B.

  1. Fill the bath, but keep in mind that the volume of water collected should not exceed fifteen liters.
  2. Dilute water with B vitamins purchased at the pharmacy. For the powder version of the component, use 15 cans, and for the liquid version - 15 ampoules.
  3. Light the bathroom with a fluorescent lamp to reveal the properties of the vitamin.

When bathing in such a bath, you need to take one important precaution and under no circumstances drink the resulting liquid. If you feel that drops of luminous water have entered your mouth, immediately rinse it well with ordinary water.

Illuminated clothes

Based on fluorescent liquid, you can make your clothes glow in the dark. Below is a diagram for making luminous laces, but you can dye any other item of clothing using the same method. The recipe for making such things is simple and does not require special costs and purchases of chemicals.

Glowing water- An excellent material for home decoration. Having made several multi-colored versions of this liquid, you can pour them into jars and place them around the room. Luminol will become the most suitable option for romantic dates and simple room decor. How to do this - watch the video.

There are many ways to drive away boredom with interesting and even fantastic activities! Let it be entertainment for children and their parents.

For example, everyone would like to make glowing water at home using improvised means and with minimal effort.

There are two types of recipes for preparing such a luminous liquid: first group- recipes based on luminol, and second group– recipes based on homemade ingredients.

Read also:

Recipes of the first group

This involves the use of special chemicals.

Luminol – chemical organic matter, white powder with a yellowish tint. Reacting with acid, it gives a permanent glow. You can buy such an organic substance in chemical stores or in a pharmacy, but only with the help of a doctor. It is advisable to carry out the process of making the solution in a darkened room so that the liquid then glows longer and brighter.

Method one


  • luminol – 2-3 g;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3% (from your home medicine cabinet) – 80 ml;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • copper sulfate – 3 g;
  • caustic soda solution – 10 ml;
  • any fluorescent dyes
  • flasks, transparent glasses or plates.

The sequence of actions to make a luminous liquid with your own hands:

Pour water into the container.
Dissolve luminol in it.
Add copper sulfate/ferric chloride/red blood salt to the solution.
Add caustic soda.
Add dye (if you don’t like the color).

Method two


  • luminol – 0.15 g;
  • dry alkali – 35 g;
  • dimexide – 30 ml;
  • 500 ml flask with stopper;
  • fluorescent dye.

Recipe for glowing water at home

Mix luminol, alkali and dimexide in a flask.
Shake the flask.
If the glow is not suitable, add dye.
If the glow fades, open the lid and let air into the flask.

Method three


  • large glass;
  • washing powder solution – 20 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3% - 10 ml;
  • luminol solution 3% - 5 ml;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

How to make glowing liquid with your own hands

Pour the solution with powder into a glass.
Add hydrogen peroxide and luminol.
Grind the potassium permanganate crystals and add to the solution.

Recipes of the second group

Here we use improvised and easily accessible substances or means.

Method one


  • pine concentrate (in pharmacies without a prescription);
  • boric acid (already available at home or in the same pharmacy for pennies);
  • spoon or aluminum bowl.

DIY glowing liquid

Mix pine concentrate and boric acid.
Add water.
Boil until the water from the mixture dries (pierce the bubbles with a needle).
Add more solution and boil.
Cool the mixture.
Add water to the mixture and block air access to the liquid.

Method two


  • boric acid;
  • fluorescein;
  • metal plate.

Sequence of steps for preparation:

  1. Mix boric acid and fluorescein.
  2. Apply the mixture onto the plate as evenly as possible.
  3. Heat and cool the plate.
  4. Place the plate in water.

Method three


container for liquid;
glowing toy/magnet.

The essence of the method:

Remove the phosphor illuminator layer from the toy/magnet.
Finely crush and add salt/flour.
Add to water and stir it occasionally so that the resulting dust does not settle.
Place the liquid in the light so that the phosphorus particles absorb the sun's rays.

Method four


  • soda (absolutely any);
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide;

Method for preparing luminous liquid

- Mix 3 teaspoons of peroxide with 1 teaspoon of soda.
- Take a quarter glass of soda and add the mixture.
— Limit air access to the liquid.

These are the simplest and quick ways prepare glowing water at home. You can easily repeat everything described above, have fun and get an unforgettable experience from creating a luminous liquid.

Useful tips

If you are fascinated by objects that glow in the dark, then you will be interested in learning how you can make different liquids and things shine. Children and teenagers will be especially happy, but you need to follow the instructions carefully to make sure everything works out.

What is fluorescent?

How to make glowing liquid

To begin with, it is worth noting that creating a luminous liquid at home is not an easy process. It is also not very clean, which means you will have to wash the dishes properly after making it.

Obviously, if a liquid glows, it means that certain chemical processes are occurring in it.

But you shouldn’t go too deep into chemistry. In addition, we can say that some substances, being in acidic environment, can emit light.

For the one we need chemical reaction, it is worth preparing the necessary reagents.

It is also worth noting that there are several ways to make a luminous liquid.

How to make glowing water

I Method

You will need:

Luminol (can be found in stores specializing in chemicals) - 2-3 g

Hydrogen peroxide 3% (can be found at the pharmacy) - 80 ml

Water - 100 ml

Copper sulfate - 3 g

Caustic soda solution - 10 ml

Fluorescent dyes such as rubrene or brilliant green

Transparent glass container

Luminol is a powder yellow color. If you pour it into sour and neutral solutions, it will begin to glow blue. This is the main ingredient in this experiment.

1. Pour water into a glass container and dissolve luminol in it.

2. Add hydrogen peroxide to the container.

3. Add copper sulfate (you can replace it with ferric chloride or red blood salt).

* If you don’t have one or three ingredients, you can use improvised means. Squeeze out a little blood from the chicken leg and dilute it in water, then add 1 tbsp. spoon of this solution to the mixture in the container.

4. Add caustic soda.

Now you can turn off the light and admire the blue glow from the container.

* If you want a color other than blue, you can add any fluorescent dye to the solution.

II Method

You will need:

Luminol - 0.15 g

Dry alkali (KOH) - 35 g

Dimexide - 30 ml

Glass container with stopper - 500 ml

Fluorescent dye

1. Mix luminol, alkali and dimexide in a container.

2. Close the container with a lid and shake. You should get a blue glow. You can repaint it using any fluorescent dye.

* If the glow has weakened, open the lid to fill the container with air. After this, the liquid will again emit light.

III Method

You will need:

One tall glass

Washing powder solution - 20 ml

Hydrogen peroxide 3% - 10 ml

Luminol solution 3% - 5 ml

Some potassium permanganate crystals

1. Prepare a solution of washing powder in a glass.

2. Add hydrogen peroxide.

3. Add luminol solution.

4. Grind several crystals of potassium permanganate and add them to the same container.

* If you start stirring the mixture, it will begin to foam and sparkle.

* Since the tap water is chlorinated, the luminol solution will glow under its influence.

How to make glowing liquid (video)

* Glows under UV light

How to make glowing shoelaces

If there are two options for making luminous laces.

It is worth noting that the glowing lanyard consists of a small electronic unit with a built-in LED. The latter is placed in a soft cord, which is made of silicone, and which is capable of transmitting light. The LED gets its energy from a battery.

You choose the color of the glowing laces yourself. Glowing laces operate in 3 modes. They have a switch located on the electronic unit.

* Standard length laces 80cm.

* The laces will glow for approximately 70 hours without recharging. Next, simply replace the battery.

*Remember that luminous laces are just an accessory and therefore should not be used for tight lacing. They are not intended for specialized footwear such as running shoes or football boots (bumps).

Video lesson

How to make glowing paint

The main ingredient of luminous paint made at home is the same phosphor.

You can purchase phosphor, as already mentioned, in special stores or via the Internet. It is a powdery substance that converts energy into glow.

You will need (per 1 kg of paint):

250 gr. phosphor

750 gr. varnish

Just mix all the ingredients.

It is worth noting that such paint will not glow as long as the one sold in stores. And don’t forget to “recharge” your paint with sunlight.

Using luminous paint, we can paint a picture in a room or paint any object. You can also put a design on a T-shirt.

How to make a glowing keyboard

You can go the long and complicated route and use a 9V LED cord like this:

Here's another complicated way to backlight the keyboard:

But everything can be done much simpler.

Just use glow paint. There is a special spray paint that can be found in auto stores.

This paint stores energy from the sun or artificial lighting for a long time, and glows in the dark.

First, paint the keyboard with this paint, and then stick letters on the keys (you can buy them at any computer showroom or electronics store).

This keyboard will glow a pale green, but you can look for other paint colors.

Some time ago, a video appeared on the Internet that showed how to create luminous water. There was heated debate in the comments: some claimed that this was possible, others categorically denied everything that was happening on the screen. After watching videos for a long time illustrating such experiments, many had a desire to dispel all the myths.

The first myth. Glowing liquid is still drinking water. It’s a pity for those people who are misled by guaranteeing that this liquid cannot harm the body. You should not believe this, even if someone proves it from their own experience. After all, at that moment there was no one next to them, and you can say whatever you want. During the reaction, chemical compounds can form in the vessels that will adversely affect your health!

The second myth is associated with the statement that you can make a luminous liquid with your own hands using only hydrogen peroxide, soda and vinegar. Each of us went to school, and if we didn’t skip chemistry classes, we can clearly answer that nothing like this can happen. The soda will react with acetic acid, resulting in salt and water.

Glowing water is also obtained using a specific lemonade. For those who want to try, here is the recipe from the author of the very first video. We will need:

  • the food drink Mountain Dew, widely distributed in Russia;
  • baking soda, which can be found at any grocery store;
  • hydrogen peroxide, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

So, you need to leave some of the drink in the bottle. Then add soda to the lemonade at the tip of a teaspoon and pour 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide into this solution. Close the bottle and shake well. Of course, there are no guarantees or certainty that the desired reaction will occur.

There are real recipes for making luminous liquid for those who still want to achieve results. In this case, the chances of achieving the desired effect are much greater. But if the liquid does not glow in the dark after the experiment, then the wrong components were probably taken.

This recipe includes substances used in chemistry. All information provided below is for informational purposes only! The recipe is based on the substance luminol, distinctive feature which is that it gives a blue glow in aggressive environments.

DIY recipe for making luminous liquid

To prepare a luminous liquid with your own hands you will need:

  • 2-3 g luminol;
  • 80 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 3 g copper sulfate ( ferric chloride or red blood salt);
  • 10 ml caustic soda;
  • fluorescent dye.

To obtain a luminous substance, you need to pour phosphor into a vessel and add water to dissolve it. Then pour hydrogen peroxide into the solution and add copper sulfate. To start the reaction, it remains to add the last component - caustic soda. After this, the liquid will begin to emit a blue glow. To obtain a variety of color shades, you can use fluorescent dyes.

Finally, we would like to wish you success in your experiments and remind you of safety measures. All substances used in the experiment are chemical, which means that they can cause poisoning or even lead to tragedy! Therefore, you should not use dishes that are intended for food in the experiment. If such dishes have been used, they must be washed thoroughly, or better yet, thrown away altogether. Do not neglect your health and the health of your loved ones!