Unstructured way of management. Distinctive properties of structural and unstructured methods of management Unstructured management of society

In the process of management, a closed system and its part - the management system - form a structure subordinate to the vector of goals (conditioned by it) and carrying the concept of management and its components objective functions. The quality of management is ensured by two factors:

    structure architecture, i.e. the functional load of its elements (including information exchange channels) and the ordering (organization, hierarchy) of the elements in the structure;

    performance characteristics, functional suitability of the elements themselves included in the structure for the implementation of the functions assigned to them (a kind of “qualification” level of the elements).

Errors in the construction of the structure, causing its general inconsistency with the vector of goals and the set of permissible error vectors, can practically nullify the high functional suitability of the elements of the structure; therefore, with functionally suitable (good in this sense) elements forming the structure, the control error vector will nevertheless be outside acceptable limits.

If, in this case, the structure is created before the start of the control process, and its architecture and element base do not change during its course, then the characteristics of the control error vector are determined primarily by the correspondence of the structure architecture to the vector of goals and the set of permissible control error vectors: this gives grounds for such name the control method structural.

When managing in a structural way, there is a targeted distribution of functionally oriented information across the elements of the structure, which remains unchanged during the management process. Examples of structural control in technology: controlling an airplane using an autopilot, which is a structure of heterogeneous elements; the command staff of any military unit, the administrative staff of any factory, institute, etc. also represent structure.

Unstructured management perhaps in supersystems, consisting of many elements similar in some sense to each other. An element of a supersystem, considered in itself, may turn out to be a system or also a supersystem. Therefore, for brevity, the term “supersystem” was chosen to indicate a system that embraces many elements-systems embedded in it. Each of the elements of the supersystem has the ability to remember information passing through it in a probabilistic manner and also probabilistically transmit information to other elements included in this set; that is, processes of direct and inverse mapping can occur in a variety. The behavior of the elements of this set is determined by their internal information-algorithmic state. Taken together this means that:

    All elements are self-governing based on information from their memory.

    Each of them can be controlled externally, since they can receive information into memory (1 at a time).

    They can control other elements (1, 2 each), since they can provide information from memory to other elements of the set.

Circular dissemination of information (i.e. the same information passes through many elements), subject to certain statistical characteristics and various kinds estimates of the possible course of events, carries within itself the probabilistic predetermination of changes in the information state of the memory of the elements of the set. A probabilistically predetermined change in the memory state of elements leads to a change in the statistical characteristics of their self-government. If the dissemination of information in this set and its consequences have stable predictability in the statistical sense (that is, it generates predictable statistics of phenomena), then unstructured management of this set is possible, as well as its unstructured self-government. In such a set of elements that have different information states of their memory, subject to statistical laws, there is a probabilistic predetermination and the probability that circular, addressless passage in the environment of an information module of a certain content will lead to the fact that the elements of the set, based on self-government, will form one or more structures, oriented towards a certain vector of goals corresponding to the specified information module within a completely acceptable time interval, and the error vector in the resulting control process will not go beyond acceptable limits.

In other words: with structureless control, a set of elements more or less similar to one another probabilistically predeterminedly generates closed systems that correspond to a given vector of goals and a set of permissible error vectors.

The main difference between structureless management and structured management is: the structure is not formed in a directive-addressed manner before the start of the management process, but arises in a controlled and probabilistically predetermined manner during the management process based on mainly addressless circular dissemination of information. Therefore, the set of elements in which the process of unstructured management takes place is itself closed system 1 hierarchically ordered contours of straight lines and feedback, the architecture of which changes during the management process. Also, this set of elements is an environment that gives rise to structures in the process of its self-government.

Unstructured control in his being- management statistical characteristics multiple (mass) phenomena based on the probabilistic predeterminations of storage, dissemination and processing of information that dominate over many elements and their assessments based on a sense of proportion and statistical models. We will consider joint management in a structured and unstructured way below.

A striking example of unstructured management is a bus without a conductor with ticket offices. Purpose of management: distribution of tickets, collection of fares, notification of stops. All this falls on the shoulders of passengers, since in most cases the broadcast on buses does not work, in addition, the driver simply should not be distracted from driving the car: selling tickets and announcing stops is a hindrance to his work. The management concept includes: accepting money, exchanging it, issuing change, handing out tickets, ensuring that there are no stowaways, and advising passengers about where they need to get off. She is also the duties of a conductor; they are performed by the entire population of bus passengers, based on information from their memory. This example shows that the same control goal can be achieved in a structured way (though there is only one conductor, but still a structure) and in a structureless way. Here we can also see subjectivity in assessing the quality of management achieved with each method. If you want the maximum percentage of passengers to travel with tickets and no one makes a mistake at the stop, then a conductor is better. If you are interested in income from the vehicle fleet, then in the case where the savings on the salaries of laid-off conductors compensate for the losses incurred due to additional “hares” and the expansion of the staff of controllers, it is better to travel with ticket offices without a conductor on the principle of passenger self-service.

If you look at the entire system of public urban transport from the point of view of the owner of one state-superconcern, then printing and distributing tickets is - mischievous waste some part of the public fund of working time and natural resources, since a ticket printed and immediately thrown away does not satisfy anyone’s personal needs for food, clothing, housing, Knowledge - nothing that people lack so much , but during their production and distribution they suffer work time, forest, energy, littered habitat.

With a structural method of management, in order to solve any problem, you must first create a structure (military unit, ministry, workshop, educational institution, etc.), recruit people, assign them responsibilities and organize the work of these people in a certain way.

With unstructured management, everything is fundamentally different. There is no need to create a structure. Management is carried out with the help of the media, forecasts, rumors, etc.

Methods of unstructured management

Media management

The media are not independent. They are just a tool in the hands of their owners. The chain of control of all media, if you follow it from link to link, will inevitably lead to supranational structures. The transfer of its control information impact on the media is carried out in both structural and unstructured ways.

Among all now existing media occupies a special place. His distinctive feature lies in the fact that it attracts millions of people to an event, the opinion of an “authority,” etc., while carrying out a targeted interpretation of this event or opinion. At the same time, television can either draw attention to some minor event or distract from a very important event, opinion, statement, or even simply keep silent about them.

Example: . Let's imagine that children, teenagers, and young people are watching a film on television about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. And at the moment when the hero of the film dies in battle, the film is interrupted, and the audience is given an advertisement, for example, “about beer.” What happens to the audience at this moment? Firstly, the acuteness of perception of an emotionally intense fragment of a film is dulled, and its educational impact on the viewer is sharply reduced. Secondly, the continuity of perception of the film’s information is torn, torn into pieces, between which is placed completely different information that is not related to the plot of the film. That is, in essence, television viewers are given an information kaleidoscope. This leads to the formation of kaleidoscopic perception in them. Subsequently, the information bombarded by the people with the help of the media “materializes” and becomes reality.

Rumor management

Let's imagine that in one city two entrepreneurs sell flour. They buy it poorly, it begins to deteriorate. We urgently need to sell it. What to do? There's a queue. Silence... Having agreed among themselves, these two entrepreneurs, talking loudly, begin to talk about the imminent rise in price of flour and pasta. Two people are talking, but the whole line is listening. As a result, almost everyone, upon arriving home, decides to stock up on goods “ready to rise in price,” just in case. At the same time, everyone will definitely warn their family and friends about this, who, in turn, will do the same. As a result, the next day the city will sell out not only all the flour, but also the pasta.

What happened in this case? Nobody gave orders to people to buy flour! People did it themselves! The one who needed to sell the stale flour to the city residents achieved his goal by spreading false information among the city residents using the so-called “rumor.” The distribution took place among people not connected with any executive structure, i.e. in a structureless way. Instead of a “rumor,” there may also be intrigue or gossip. This method is not new: remember the “MMM pyramids”, vouchers or jumps in exchange rates.

It turns out that in order to manage people, it is not necessary to have an office and the position of president! It turns out that to do this, it is necessary to create information that would be significant for people, would force them to do what is necessary for the one who developed such information and managed to throw it into the masses, creating a certain “critical mass” for an information explosion.

One group of people can be fed one piece of information, and another group another, so that these two modules of information are of an opposite nature (remember how it all began in Ukraine) and then, using these contradictions, two groups of people can be pitted against each other.

Control by creating a feverish-panic mood

Fever is an excited state, fussy and restless activity, excessive haste. Panic - general confusion, mass horror.

The worst thing in war is panic. The history of wars knows many examples when strong and well-equipped military formations were defeated for only one reason: the personnel fell into a panic, which was created purposefully.

During the years of “perestroika,” precisely such “feverish-panic” moods reigned in society, which were skillfully maintained. Either there are problems with wine and vodka, then there is no tobacco, then there is no toothpaste, then there are light bulbs, etc. Thanks to all this, a situation of instability was created in the country in which the people wanted change and restoration of order. How did it all end? The USSR was destroyed by methods of structureless management.

Leader control scheme

It has been used since ancient times. There is a certain “leader” who heads some structure (state, ministry, special service, research institute, factory, laboratory, editorial office, etc.). He has staff. In addition to the slackers who “do whatever they want to do, just not work,” there are also specialists who “care about the cause.” Among them there are those who can be called “privy advisers.” The “leader” is attentive to their advice and almost always carries it out.

Outside of work, “secret advisers” are members of the corresponding circles of specialists, which are grouped around “authorities” in a particular area. At meetings with “authorities,” the “privy councilor” draws “new trends,” which he shares with the “leader.” And the “leader,” presenting these “trends” as his own, conveys them to the “broad masses", after which "the idea takes possession of the masses."

An example of the operation of this scheme can be called “Madame Scherer’s salon” from the novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. Another example is Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, who was the “guardian” of the royal family.

Auto-sync mode

Unstructured management is facilitated by the so-called auto sync mode. It is expressed in the fact that if 5–10% of individuals of a certain community of animals, for example, fireflies, bees, pigeons, horses, begin to do something at the same time, then the entire community is automatically transferred to this mode.

Similar experiments were carried out with people in the stadium. The picture was similar: the entire stadium lived not by what was happening on the playing field at that time, but according to the program that was set by 10% of the seated “decoy ducks”: they stood up, shouted, applauded.

Based on this, it becomes obvious that for effective management It is enough to have 5–10% of people who can be given commands in a certain way, and further events in this society will develop in a “given corridor of possible scenarios.”

In order not to fall for such a bait, it is necessary to increase the level of understanding of the people involved in the management process, and then the quality of their work will steadily increase.

Consisting of many elements similar in some sense to each other. An element of a supersystem, considered in itself, may turn out to be a system or also a supersystem. Each of the elements of the supersystem has the ability to remember information passing through it in a probabilistic manner and also probabilistically transmit information to other elements included in this set; that is, processes of direct and inverse mapping can occur in a variety. The behavior of the elements of this set is determined by their internal information-algorithmic state. Taken together this means that:

  1. All elements are self-governing based on information from their memory.
  2. Each of them can be controlled externally, since they can receive information into memory (1 at a time).
  3. They can control other elements (1, 2 each), since they can provide information from memory to other elements of the set.

Circular dissemination of information (i.e. the same information passes through many elements), subject to certain statistical characteristics and various kinds of assessments of the possible course of events, carries within itself the probabilistic predetermination of changes in the information state of the memory of the elements of the set. A probabilistically predetermined change in the memory state of elements leads to a change in the statistical characteristics of their self-government. If the dissemination of information in this set and its consequences have stable predictability in the statistical sense (that is, it generates predictable statistics of phenomena), then structureless management of this set is possible, as well as its structureless self-government. In such a set of elements that have different information states of their memory, subject to statistical laws, there is a probabilistic predetermination and the probability that circular, addressless passage in the environment of an information module of a certain content will lead to the fact that the elements of the set, on the basis of self-government, will form one or more structures, oriented towards a certain vector of goals corresponding to the specified information module within a completely acceptable time interval, and the error vector in the resulting control process will not go beyond acceptable limits.

In other words: with structureless control, a set of elements more or less similar to one another probabilistically predeterminedly generates closed systems that correspond to a given vector of goals and a set of permissible error vectors.

The main difference between structureless management and structured management is: the structure is not formed in a directive-addressed manner before the start of the management process, but arises in a controlled and probabilistically predetermined manner during the management process based on mainly addressless circular dissemination of information. Therefore, the set of elements in which the process of structureless management takes place is itself a closed system of hierarchically ordered loops of direct and feedback connections, the architecture of which changes during the management process. Also, this set of elements is an environment that gives rise to structures in the process of its self-government.

In the name this method management reflects its entire essence, that is, the absence of any clear and defined structure, and therefore the need to create it. The unstructured management of society is carried out with the help of the media, various rumors and forecasts.

General description of the concept

The implementation of such activities is dictated by the need for control without direct influence on the recipients. Unlike all controls, in this case they are pre-folded management structures, which function even before the process begins, are completely absent. Information is distributed addresslessly to an environment capable of processing the information received and establishing some relationships between them. The combination of constituent elements, in turn, form new structures generated by the environment itself.

Structural management itself appears thanks to structureless management. The basis of the latter lies in statistical analysis and addressless management of various information in a controlled environment. Such methods lead to predictable, desirable changes in statistics. Influence somehow in a specific way the formation of new structures is not required, since they are created as the circular, addressless distribution of data occurs.

Comparison of structured and structureless methods

Implementation process managerial function and the impact on company employees is carried out by two by known methods. As a rule, both options follow the same main goal - activating the work of staff, as well as the task the right direction for creative and other active endeavors.

There are three main control methods structural unit:

  • economic;
  • organizational and administrative;
  • socio-psychological.

The difference between any structural methods lies in the direct impact of the subject on the control object. This method is also called directive-address. Unstructured methods involve programming the object of influence for independent awareness and subsequent self-management. In addition, the structural method is the solution of a problem within the framework of an already organized unit (management environment), which can be a factory floor, a military unit, a ministry or a specific institution.

Media management

As you know, the media are an excellent tool for influencing society in the hands of their owners. It is logical to assume that the chain of successive links of management sooner or later leads to the government of the country and the highest supranational structures. Such enterprises have a complex impact on the consciousness of the average person using both structural and unstructured methods of management.

As simple example You can cite television advertising and the TV industry as a whole. Blue screens easily attract a wide audience of several million or even billions of people by showing an event in a certain light. A targeted interpretation of an event or the opinion of an authoritative person about what happened are the main ways of influencing a potential viewer.

Unstructured methods such as television advertising during interesting films and programs create the so-called kaleidoscopic type of thinking in people. Thanks to this, in the future, any information from TV screens will instantly materialize and adapt to the realities of each control object.

Creating a feverish panic mood

When panic occurs, the people come to general confusion and horror. With a fever, he becomes overly excited, fusses, worries, and makes hasty decisions. History contains many targeted influences and the injection of false information into the enemy’s camp in war. Thus, strong and trained soldiers often lost battles when the enemy sowed panic in their ranks even before the start of the battle.

The use of unstructured management at one time destroyed Soviet Union. The perestroika years were filled with similar feverish panic moods, which were supported by the dissemination of various information about the shortage of any product: tobacco, alcohol, toothpaste and even light bulbs. Thanks to this approach, the soon-to-be unstable situation in the country contributed to the unanimous decision of the population on the need to introduce changes and restore order.

Management through forecasts

In particular, this category includes the astrological direction. Millions of people read the morning newspaper, which always has a column with forecasts for each zodiac sign. Theoretically, astrological omens, unaddressedly woven into the everyday environment, can control a person’s choices at any given hour throughout the day.

Besides astrological forecasts, this also includes economic ones, which are equally considered effective option unstructured management. A good example is the TV economist George Soros, promoted by globalizers. With his story in live the fall in the value of the yen could cause a financial crisis throughout Southeast Asia.

Auto sync mode

An interesting effect, which was later called the autosynchronization mode, was observed in animal communities. For example, if in a flock of pigeons or a herd of horses 5-10 percent of individuals began to perform some actions at the same time, then the remaining members began to do the same. A similar effect was observed in human society, which was certainly used in one of the methods of unstructured management.

A countermeasure against this method of manipulating consciousness is to increase the degree of understanding of the people who are included in the control processes. However, in any society it is possible to set a certain desired corridor of possible scenarios for behavior change in this way using the same 5-10 percent of “decoy ducks”.

Rumor Management

This method has been successfully used at all times. From the very beginning of trade, a couple of enterprising merchants could, in the presence of a queue of buyers, start a conversation about how their goods would soon become much more expensive due to a massive shortage in the market. Having heard such speeches, most people will make an unequivocal decision that it is necessary to purchase the product in question from these merchants “in reserve.” This scheme is one of the oldest structureless methods.

This method also works if there is a need for a collision between two groups of people. Opposite and clearly contradictory information is introduced into two different environments. A striking example is the competent combination of structureless and structural methods of conflict management in Ukraine. The untargeted distribution of data predictably influenced certain groups of people and their perceptions of a particular situation.

Religious and secular ethics

Moral guidelines imposed by the dogmas of various faiths and secular ideologies are quickly absorbed and firmly established among the majority of members of any environment. Basics religious teachings, which are set out explicitly on the pages of books like the Bible or the Koran, program a person to perform certain actions in specific situations. Following my belief, a follower of any religion unconsciously learns stereotypes of behavior. This process occurs, again, with the help of unstructured management of this person.

The famous German figure Karl Marx instilled in many people the fact that the world belongs to the proletarians and the workers are the vanguard and the engine of society. Thanks to this misconception, a considerable proportion of Russians are still waiting for that same “rise” of the common people. It is not difficult to identify the simple truth that even in this case, without knowledge of the basics of management, these people will not last long at the top of power.

Leader control scheme

If it is not possible to influence society directly, then it is worth doing it through its leader. This can be the main person in any structure: an editorial office, a research institute, a factory, a special service or a ministry.

The leader is inclined to listen to the recommendations of his “secret advisers”, which are always present in any organization. Usually these are people who are inclined to “root for the cause.” By attending any conferences and meetings of specialists in their field, such advisers group themselves around “authorities” and draw new trends from them.

Armed with fresh knowledge and recommendations, the “secret advisers” tell the leader about them, and he, in turn, conveys all the information to the rest of the staff and carries out the necessary reforms in his own organization. Thus, it turns out to establish another option for the structureless management of society through the person leading it.

A little earlier we already looked at three methods of management (structural, unstructured, combined). Remember about the “secret of the naked king”, about the rumors discussed earlier.

Now let's return again to the structureless method of management, but with a deeper level of understanding.

What happens in a supersystem when one or more “elements” learn “something new”? They begin to transfer this “something new” to other elements, those to third ones, etc. But keep in mind that the transfer occurs in a “probabilistic manner”. This new information, entering the memory of the “elements,” changes in a certain way the information state of the elements, which one way or another leads to a change in the behavior of the elements (remember the trinity: matter – information – measure). In the end, all the “elements” of the supersystem begin to behave somewhat differently than they behaved before receiving the “new” information. That is, the information state of the entire supersystem as a whole has changed, that is, the entire society (in a city, in a region, in a country, in a nation, in all of humanity).

Scientifically, everything said above sounds like this. Circulating(that is, to all elements without exception) dissemination of information subject to certain predetermined statistical characteristics,

Carries within itself

probabilistic predetermination of changes in the information state of the memory of elements of the supersystem,

Which in turn

leads to changes in the statistical characteristics of their self-government.

This is what was intended to be achieved with the specially prepared information that was “thrown” into the supersystem.

It follows that if you want to change something in the behavior of society (in the supersystem), then first you need to create relevant information that could “turn people’s minds” in the direction you want. After that you need to “throw in” this information to all “elements” at once (radio, television) or some part (and then “it will go by itself”). Then it all depends on the quality of the prepared information and the speed of its dissemination among the “elements” of the supersystem.

Scientifically, it all sounds like this.

IF the dissemination of information and its consequences have stable predictability in a statistical sense (i.e., they generate predictable statistics of phenomena),

THEN it is possible to have unstructured management of this multitude of elements and its unstructured self-government.

THEN there is a probability (from 0 to 1) that:

– circular addressless passage through the elements of the supersystem

– some special information module (for example, COBs)

– will lead to the fact that the elements of the supersystem based on self-government

– will form into one structure (or several),

– focused on the information corresponding to the special module

vector of goals

– within a completely acceptable time interval,

– and the error vector in the emerging new control process will not go beyond acceptable limits.

Thus, with unstructured management

- many similar elements

– probabilistically predetermined

– generate closed systems that meet:

To a given vector of goals,

Set of acceptable error vectors.

In this verbal formula, as an example, such a new information module for the supersystem is already indicated - this is KOB. You can discuss the quality and efficiency of assimilation of the COBA information itself, about the “acceptable time interval”, about the “error vector”, but there should be no doubt that “the process has begun”. As for “quality”, “efficiency”, “speed”, “error vector”, this depends on all of us, on our (all “elements” of the supersystem) work, and on the ability to “adjust” goals and methods for achieving them.

Structural and unstructured methods of control in supersystems

Structural method we have already considered. Note important features:

1. The structure of the elements of the supersystem is created before management begins.

2. Structure architecture and element base does not change.

3. Management information is distributed targeted across elements.

Unstructured way.

The structure is not formed in a directive-addressed manner before management begins.


– arises probabilistically and predeterminedly

– during the management process

– based on predominantly addressless circulation of information.

For example, we can consider the introduction of false Christianity in Rus'. First there was a “stuffing” of information, which was carried out by emissaries from Byzantium, and only then “church parishes”, “communities”, “brotherhoods”, etc. were formed.

With such formation of structures

– the set of elements (in which control takes place) is itself:

And a closed system, the architecture of which changes during the management process (while the elements become hierarchically ordered),

And an environment that generates structures within itself in the process of self-government.

unstructured management is:

– management of statistical characteristics of mass phenomena

– on the basis of probabilistic predeterminations dominating over many elements:



Information processing.

A striking example of unstructured management is a bus without a conductor with ticket offices. Remember, throughout the USSR there were such buses with a fare of 5 kopecks.

Management Goals:

1. Collection of tolls.

2. Ticket distribution.

3. Notification about stops.

All this fell on the shoulders of the passengers.

Control concept:

– accepting money, exchanging it, giving change.

- presentation of tickets,

- making sure there are no hares.

– consultation of passengers about stops.

All this was done by the entire population of passengers.

With the structural method of control, all of the above is done by the conductor. Although it is one, it is still a “structure”.

Using this example, we can also explain what “subjectivism” is in assessing the quality of management (which was discussed earlier). The subjectivity here lies in what position to look at this process from:

– From the perspective of the motor vehicle industry.

- From the city's perspective.

– From the position of the state.

If If you want the maximum number of passengers to travel with tickets and there are no mistakes with stops, then the conductor is better.

If you are interested in income from the vehicle fleet, then in the case where savings on the salary of a laid-off conductor compensates for losses at the expense of “hares”, then better principle self-service without a conductor.

If If you look at all this from the position of a statesman, the owner of the country, then print and distribute tickets:

– Harmful waste of natural resources.

– Paper for a ticket, which is thrown away and litters the environment.

– Working hours, timber, and energy are spent on ticket production.

– We need to pay salaries to the controllers.

If If travel is made free of charge, and the wages of motor vehicle workers are paid through a special section in the budget, formed from the corresponding taxes, then all “problems” will be removed. But this will be a different concept of life arrangement.


In mass phenomena occurring in nature at various levels of its hierarchy (from “micro” to “macro” processes), it is quite common phenomenon of coincidence of phases of identical processes, which occur on many similar elements simultaneously.

These are, for example, the following phenomena:

Coherence(interconnectedness) of the emission of light by atoms in a laser.

Synchronized flashes many fireflies in the meadow.

Synchronous deviation in the water, schools of fry are in danger.

Synchronized rowing rowing teams on a multi-oared boat

(kayak) without any signals for this synchronicity.

Group dancing(ensemble).

Autosynchronization quite often manifests itself in unstructured control processes. But structureless control itself can and is based on the use of autosynchronization.

To start and implement the auto-synchronization process necessary:

1. To many elements had (at least partially) identical (similar) information states.

2. To they were in conditions that would allow information exchange between elements (at least addressless, circulation).

3. To the speed of these elements in terms of their reaction to the passage of information through them (with their help) would be quite high.

An example of the implementation of these 3 points is any auditorium of a theater, palace, or stadium. There are a thousand people in the hall. Some “authority” is speaking from the podium. He speaks outright nonsense. But at the end of his “speech,” the “reinforcement” of several people begins to clap in a certain rhythm: “Ta, ta, ta-ta-ta...” And now all a thousand people begin to clap their hands in this rhythm. “Hand clap” – 1 bit of information (the smallest unit of information): “1” or “O”; "Yes or no").

If this “mechanism” is clear, then what prevents us from complicating the situation, since the principle is clear.

1. Create a more complex (than 1 bit) information module that carries a significantly larger amount of information. You can say specially created information. For example KOB.

2. Use the auto-synchronization “generator” to activate the flow of information in the supersystem.

3. Then, if there is a certain management structure that has a Full Management Function (FMC), it is possible to unstructuredly manage what the executive bodies of another structure (for example, the state) cannot manage!

In human society, as a supersystem, the possibility of auto-synchronization is a kind of “piano in the bushes”, one in which you can “unexpectedly” for those who do not know about this mechanism, perform bad, nasty “pieces”:

– “sharp” drop in exchange rates,

– stock market fever,

- presidential elections,

civil war

and many others.

And the “grand piano” doesn’t have to be “in the bushes.” If in society (in the supersystem) practically no one understands the auto-synchronization mechanism and other basics of DOTU, then the “piano” can perform “pieces” on the radio, on television, from the pages of newspapers, etc.

It is precisely these “plays” that are performed by political scientists, sociologists, journalists, and television presenters at the request of the world behind the scenes throughout our country. And our “elite” has also already learned something. So the enemies of Russia, both external and internal, mock our people.

However, their “plays” are bad, disgusting, inhuman. And they hide the “grand piano”.

What if the “play” is good, moral, and the “piano” is openly displayed in front of the whole society? Then this good “play” (information module) will be aimed at achieving good goals:

– education is available to everyone and it is free,

– people’s work is paid enough,

– prices for goods decrease

Such an “information module” is KOBa and the KIE program.

Now look at Figure 12-54.

Is on Globe country Russia. KOBA was created in St. Petersburg. Next, we distribute the KOB information module throughout the country, creating “growth points” in many regions - auto-synchronization generators. A structure was created - KPI. A “master generator” was created - the headquarters of the Communist Party of Ukraine in Moscow. That is, an integral structure with PFC was created. And “the process has begun...”

Moreover. KOB information penetration occurred in all republics of the USSR and in many countries of the world. The only thing is to improve our work and strengthen our information impact. And then very soon not only in Russia, but all over the world they will “clap their hands” to the rhythm of the KOB and the KPE program.

A children's song about a firefly illustrates the mechanism of how auto-sync works very well.


(D.K. Poltoratsky)

I don’t remember what year it was,

But suddenly a firefly appeared!

Hung my lantern on the side

And it shone in the treasured garden!

And nearby in the semi-dark grass

There was one sad bug sitting,

Flashlight on his head

That funny firefly lit up!

Flashlights! Lanterns of Love!

They burn on the Earth here and there!

Flashlights! Lanterns of Love!

Night illuminating flowers!

Beaming with his kindness

There was a funny bug sitting in the grass!

Bathing in it your happiness,

He lit fires for his friends

And they shone with good fire

There are beacons all over the Land of Love!

Flashlights! Lanterns of Love!

They burn on the Earth here and there!

Flashlights! Lanterns of Love!

They live in every heart!

I don’t remember what year it was,

But suddenly a firefly appeared!

Hung my lantern on the side

And it shone in the TESTAMENTED garden!

"The Vysotsky effect"

Example successful implementation His plans are a revolution in Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini. Khomeini himself lived in France and recorded his sermons on a tape recorder. Magnetic tapes of his sermons were copied and distributed among the Iranian population. "The Forbidden fruit is sweet". Thus, little by little, “the idea took hold of the masses” and “the fruit ripened.” In the end, as a result, only this “fruit” remained to be picked.

Something similar happened in Russia with the work of V. S. Vysotsky. After all, for many years it was not shown on television and was silenced by Soviet radio. But the whole country listened to magnetic tapes with his songs. "The Forbidden fruit is sweet". I called this process the “Vysotsky effect.”

Something similar is happening now with KOBa and KPE. We are being silenced. And this plays into our hands, because “the forbidden fruit is sweet.” Books, newspapers, and CDs with lectures are distributed throughout the country and abroad. The idea is gradually taking hold of the masses. The “Vysotsky effect” is in effect. And the faster the information spreads, the faster the fruit will ripen. KOBA is doomed to Victory, to mastering the minds of people, to its implementation on the scale of all humanity. The auto-synchronization mode has started and cannot be stopped. You can slow it down, but you can't stop it.


“The Great Russian often thinks in two ways,

and this seems double-minded.

He always goes to the direct goal,

but he walks, looking around,

and that's why his gait seems

evasive hesitant.

After all, you can’t break through a wall with your forehead,

and only crows fly straight.”

IN. Klyuchevsky

In the extreme generalization there can be anything three control schemes.