Questionnaire on quality of customer service sample. Example of survey questionnaires: how to write them correctly

Researchers attribute the results to a variety of reasons. As you know, we forget a lot, but if we talk about a positive experience, it gets stuck in the memory and then comes up more easily. There is another psychological reason: a person strives to avoid cognitive dissonance - and if he has once thought favorably about something, he is unlikely to easily switch to a negative attitude. “We praise what we like, and we like what we praise,” says one of the research team, Hilary Hendricks, MBA, of Brigham Young University.

Experts acknowledge that nudges may be ethically questionable, but offer several arguments in their defense. First, few clients consider the desire for praise to be manipulative. “The request is perceived as sincere or even flattering,” they write. In addition, Bone adds, according to the observations of psychologists, it is pleasant for us to express gratitude and it can be assumed that the person who was asked to say something good will seem more prosperous to himself. According to researchers, using this technique, companies should build relationships with customers good relations, and not just direct their opinion in the right direction.

"Make You Love"

Burke Powers led JetBlue's Voice of the Customer program from 2009 to 2011 (he is now head of customer analytics at PayPal). He recently spoke about his experience at JetBlue. Here are edited excerpts from his HBR interview.
– How did JetBlue notice that the tone of the questionnaire affects customers’ opinions about the quality of the service?
“When I came to JetBlue, the CEO of this company had just left, and it was important for us to restore trust. The idea of ​​"nudge" was just starting to come into vogue, and we were thinking about how we could influence customers' actions and their opinions of us. In graduate school, I studied Kristen Detienne's work on questionnaires. Through trial and error, we found that the right questionnaire helps to get praise from customers for the company, and not just complaints.
– Were you concerned that clients might feel like they were being forced to do this?
– We discussed this for a long time. Psychological techniques can force a person to change his attitude towards something, but if you do something wrong, you lose his trust. We must not forget that there is reality and there is its perception. You can “embellish the picture” for a while, but reality will inevitably emerge. If the service is generally not up to par, the trick will fail. Don’t think that it’s enough to change the wording in the questionnaire and the client will love you. First you need to achieve his love.
– If you focus on positive experiences, how will you learn about yours? weaknesses and what needs to be fixed?
“Even without a survey, it’s easy to understand where the process goes wrong. Conclusions must be drawn from the analysis of social networks and scientific analytics. And questionnaires are needed not so much to assess sentiment, but to let people know that they are being heard. They need to be given the opportunity to remember pleasant moments in their interactions with the company.

Detienne cautions against putting undue pressure on clients.

In Ontario, she says, Delta Air Lines employees handed out flyers to passengers with the slogan “Give us an A” on all points on the questionnaire. Reviews are especially important in medicine because they can influence the amount of federal funding. It is important that employees know that seeking praise by pressing a client is absolutely prohibited - they can be fired immediately for this.

The authors are concerned that managers may take their findings as advice on how to increase the customer satisfaction index - and, accordingly, their salary, which depends on this index. Experiments have shown that asking for praise increases the loyalty index by 15%, and the desire to make a purchase by a quarter. If managers rework the questionnaire so that there is only one positive in it, company management may interpret this as a real improvement, therefore, in order not to distort the real state of affairs, it is better to maintain the same survey procedure in the control group of clients.

Finally, scientists note that it is impossible to improve service based on positive feedback alone.

About the study: Mere Measurement Plus: How Solicitation of Open-Ended Positive Feedback Influences Customer Purchase Behavior, Sterling Bone et al (Journal of Marketing Research, 2016)

Research problem:

Currently, there is an irritable attitude among technical students towards the presence of courses in the humanities in the list of compulsory subjects. Students claim that these subjects are uninteresting and there is no need to study them. This attitude towards the subject is the reason for a bad relationship with the teacher. Often such students have difficulty preparing for an exam or test. Some pass with unsatisfactory grades.

Purpose of the study:

The main goal is to identify trends in the attitude towards the humanities of BSUIR students of various faculties and specialties.

Object of study:

Students from all faculties of BSUIR.

Subject of study:

Attitude of BSUIR students to humanities.

Research Tool:

Questionnaire of 11 questions. Both closed and open questions are used.

Information collection methods:

The survey method is a formalized questionnaire.

Research objectives:

    Identify and compare the attitudes of students from different faculties towards the humanities.

    Find out the degree of need for the humanities.

    Determine what role the humanities play in the lives of students.

    Explore their suggestions for changing the way the humanities are presented.

Research hypothesis:

    The attitude of BSUIR students to the humanities directly depends on their specialty.

    The older the course, the more negative the opinion on this issue.

    Senior courses are irritated by humanities subjects.

    Students will propose introducing courses in the humanities as optional.


Dear respondent! We, FITiU students, ask you to take part in a sociological study " EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES" Please answer a number of simple questions; it won’t take much time. To fill out the questionnaire correctly, just check the box or circle the answer option that most closely matches your opinion. Thank you for your attention.

1. Determine your attitude towards the humanities:

1 - they annoy me;

2 - they don’t interest me, I’m indifferent to them;

3 - I study them only for a positive mark in my record book;

4 - I like them;

5 - I can get important and interesting information from them.

6. Choose a statement and complete it:

1 – humanitarian subjects should be banned because


2 – humanitarian subjects cannot be prohibited, since


2. How do you think the teacher influences attitudes?

students to humanities subjects?

1 – a professionally trained teacher instills

great interest in the subject; and, conversely, a boring teacher

discourages any interest in studying the subject;

2 – the professionalism of the teacher does not affect personal

students' attitude to the subject.

7. What, in your opinion, is the main reason for reluctance

study humanities?

1 – boring material;

2 – boring teacher.

3. Choose the statement that is closest to you and complete it:

1 – I don’t like the humanities because __________________

2 – I like the humanities because ____________________


8. Do you study the humanities on your own, using

additional material?

1 – no, never;

2 – yes, because you can find something new/interesting;

3 – occasionally.

4. What humanities, in your opinion, should be studied

exclude first?

1 philosophy;

2 – ecology;

3 – sociology;

4 – political science;

5 – history;

6 – logic;

7 – other (specify what exactly) __________________________________________

9. What type of liberal arts study would you prefer?

1 – mandatory completion of all courses in the humanities followed by an exam/credit;

2 – independent choice of courses as elective classes with subsequent credit;

3 – exclusion of humanities courses from the program, but the introduction of clubs and additional classes without subsequent control of knowledge;

4 – other (specify what exactly)______________________________________________________________


5. What humanities do you like best?

1 – philosophy;

2 – ecology;

3 – sociology;

4 – political science;

5 – history of the Republic of Belarus;

6 – logic;

7 – don’t like any humanities subject;

8 – I like all humanities subjects

9 – other (specify what exactly) _____________________________________________

10. Indicate your gender

11. Indicate your course (underline as necessary)

Demand is entirely consumer driven. But conducting a dialogue with customers is in most cases a very difficult and quite time-consuming task. However, there is a lot for this alternative options, one of which is a survey. In this article I would like to give an example of survey questionnaires that can be used to study consumer interest in a particular product or even a company.

What it is?

First of all, you need to understand what a questionnaire and, in fact, a questionnaire are. This is one of the most convenient and frequently used methods. The questionnaire itself is a set of questions, the answers to which can provide important information to the customer of the survey itself.


Looking at the example of survey questionnaires, several useful conclusions can be drawn. So, it is very important to think about the size of the questionnaire itself. If you need to interview as many respondents as possible, there should not be many questions. This is necessary so that almost every buyer will not find it difficult to answer them, allocating only a few minutes. The questionnaire can also be quite massive and contain various questions, not only listed, but also expanded. However, in this case, you need to focus on a smaller number of people who will agree to participate in the survey (most likely, in this option you will have to think about the place where a person can conveniently answer them). Also, before creating a questionnaire, you need to think through a research program that will clearly state the goals and objectives that the customer sets for himself, as well as put forward hypotheses that will be either confirmed or refuted in the end. It is also important to say that only professional sociologists should draw up a questionnaire and create a program; this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.


It is very important to know how to conduct a survey correctly. A sample survey questionnaire can be a great help for creating one. So, it is imperative to say that the questionnaire should begin with an appeal to the client and quick guide to action. First, you can write a few words about the fact that all answers are very important for the customer. Next, it is necessary to briefly instruct the respondent on how to correctly fill out the questionnaire. You need to indicate how many answers there can be to one question (often customers ask to get by with one answer to one question, choosing the most important thing, and sometimes they allow you to select several answers).


What does an example of survey questionnaires look like? It has several subsections. The first of them is most often the so-called “anatomist”. That is brief information about the client. There they may ask you to indicate your full or partial full name, gender, address or place of residence, and telephone number. They also often ask about the type of employment, and sometimes about the amount of family income. However, it is worth saying that this is the least important part of the questionnaire. Information may be necessary solely to control the work of those who conduct the survey (there are often situations when surveys are conducted poorly or simply dishonestly, and the customer receives incorrect information about their products or the company’s work).

Main part

Looking at an example of survey questionnaires, you can see that questions of different nature are often used. So, they can be open, that is, those where a person writes everything with his own hand, without selecting the necessary points. Closed questions are a list of answers from which the consumer must choose one or more. There are also semi-closed questions, which consist of a list, as well as a line in which you can enter your answer if one is not found. As for the topic, it is in this part of the questionnaire that you need to find out all the most important things about the product or company you are talking about


Looking at the example of a customer survey questionnaire, you can see that the ending is also a very important part. After all, this is where the consumer is ready to express his opinion and give some recommendations to the customer. There must be similar points that will consist of open questions. Very often they are the ones who become main goal such questionnaires. At the same time, it is important to share wishes and suggestions. After all, these are somewhat different things. In the first option, the respondent can fantasize and imagine somewhat impossible things. And proposals are specific actions that the customer can perform for the convenience of consumers in the very near future.

The final

Looking at examples of questionnaires for consumer surveys, you can see that almost all of them end with words of gratitude. And we shouldn’t forget about this. After all, the person needs to be thanked for taking a few minutes of his time to help the customer and also expressing his opinion. A new line, which may also appear at the end of the questionnaire, is a request to write your e-mail in order to receive timely information about new products or company work.

Modern marketing involves close interaction with the client: communication, receiving feedback, studying needs. You communicate when you sell a product or provide a service. You are getting feedback when a customer leaves a grateful review or complaint. You estimate needs when you analyze sales volumes for individual products or services over a period. However, sometimes you need to obtain specific information from clients on your initiative, answers to those questions that interest you. Then you remember about customer surveys and questionnaires.

IN general outline Everyone has an idea of ​​what questionnaires are. We encounter them when, for example, we register with government agencies, receive discount cards in stores, at the request of a company we evaluate the quality of its services, and answer comic and serious surveys on the Internet.

Do you use surveys? Do you feel that this way of obtaining information from clients is too complicated for you? I assure you, this is only at first glance.

What is the usefulness of surveys in business?

Using the questionnaire you can:

  • collect information about customers (personal data, consumption patterns, preferences);
  • research customer satisfaction (whether they like your product or not);
  • study customer opinions about new products/services, changes in service, payment methods, etc.;
  • study customer needs.

The list goes on, including all those cases when you need to collect specific, the same data for all clients so that they can be summarized and analyzed later.

Features of the client questionnaire

  • The questionnaire allows you, first of all, to answer questions "What?" And "How many?". In order to find out "How?" And "Why?", there are more effective methods, for example, in-depth interviews. Of course, you can also insert questions like “Why did you turn to me for a service?”, but you need to analyze the results with caution, the answer is not always on the surface, and a person cannot quickly and clearly formulate it.
  • Ask “your people” only what is relevant to “your people.” Most likely, you only have contacts of your consumers at your disposal. It is difficult to independently survey people who do not know you and do not yet buy from you, and for this it is better to turn to professional researchers. By surveying your customers, you are not taking into account the opinions of everyone else in your target audience, which may not be as favorable to you. The result is a bias towards clearly loyal customers who are ready to answer your questions. Therefore, based on such surveys, it is impossible to draw conclusions about demand in general, the needs of all consumers, assessing the quality of your goods/services in comparison with competitors, and so on.

The questionnaire is universal method collecting information about the consumer, put into a specific form that allows information to be collected and processed (to make calculations). It is clear that you do not need a stack of questionnaires as an output, you need a database and conclusions. And in order to draw the right conclusions, you first need to create the questionnaire correctly.

1. Introduction- please take part in the survey.

Example: “We invite you to take part in a survey on the topic... Your opinion is very important to us. It will allow us to improve the quality of our work and better meet your needs.”

2. Screener- a block of questions that allows you to weed out unsuitable respondents if you are interviewing a specific target audience.

Example: “Have you purchased our products in the last 3 months?” If not - "Thank you bye".

If you have several groups of consumers that differ in gender, age, field of activity, interests, be sure to include relevant questions in the screener so that you can then separate the data and analyze these segments separately.

3. Main content- questions grouped by meaning, from general to specific. The questionnaire should have an internal logic, not confuse the respondent and not force him to return to previous topics. Place the most necessary and important questions for you at the beginning, details at the end (a person may get tired and not answer the last questions).

4. Passport- block of personal data (full name, contacts, place of work and position, marital status, income level). Always ask permission to collect such data and do not insist if the client refuses.

Example request: “The next set of questions is very important for us. We would like to know our customers better. But if you are not ready to answer some questions, you can skip them.”

5. Gratitude. Always thank the client for their time. If the questionnaire is voluminous, a lot of time has been spent, a simple “thank you” may not be enough, offer a gift, a coupon for the next purchase, a bonus.

General requirements for questions

  • Questions should be clear and clearly understandable to all respondents. Avoid complex sentences, special terms. Re-read the question, if you can ask it simpler and more clearly, reformulate it.
  • The easiest way to understand what you can and cannot ask is by putting yourself in the respondent’s shoes. Do not ask questions that may cause a feeling of embarrassment, invasion of personal space, or require disclosure of commercial information.
  • Avoid asking too detailed questions that the respondent may not remember the answers to, for example, for consumer goods instead of a question “How many times have you purchased this item during the past year?” better to ask: “How often do you usually purchase this product?” (answer options: ponce a week and more often, once every 2-3 weeks and so on).
  • Don’t ask about something that doesn’t yet exist in nature: “How would you feel if this product was sold in such and such packaging?” Make changes first, give people a chance to try, then ask. Or at least demonstrate innovations.

Types of questions

By general rule, there are questions closed(with answer options) and open(when the answer must be indicated in any form).

Closed questions- This:

  • questions with answers like Not really;
  • questions with lists of answers from which you must choose one or more;
  • questions with answer options in the form of scales.
Examples of scales
  • General scale (suitable for different questions): yes/rather yes/rather no/no/difficult to answer;
  • Rating scale: o very good/good/rather bad/bad/difficult to answer;
  • Agreement scale: absolutely agree/rather agree/rather disagree/absolutely disagree/difficult to answer;
  • Satisfaction scale: a absolutely satisfied/rather satisfied/rather dissatisfied/absolutely not satisfied/difficult to answer.

Such questions can be formulated in series, for example: “Please rate your agreement with the following statements regarding this service.”. Next come statements, each of which is rated on a scale.

Each answer option during calculations is assigned a score of +1, +0.5, -0.5 and -1, option “I find it difficult to answer” equals zero. As a result, you can calculate an index from -1 to +1, which will reflect the general opinion of respondents. Such indices are convenient for measuring opinion different groups respondents or indicators of different surveys over time.

  • There are also interval scales, for example, to estimate age: up to 18 years old/18-25 years old/26-30 years old and so on. Note that extreme values ​​are not repeated (if a person is 17 years old, he will choose option 1, if he is 18, he will choose option 2). When calculating, not points are used, but numbers indicating the middle of the interval, for example, in the interval "18-25 years old" - 21,5.
  • It is better to measure the regularity of actions in specific periods: once a week or more often/once every 2-3 weeks/once a month and so on. Avoid abstract options ( often, quite often, rarely), since they can be interpreted differently by respondents.

For questions like Not really and questions with scales there should be one answer. And for questions with a list of answers, you can select several or all of them. Be sure to indicate this after the wording of the question, for example: "Choose only one answer" or "Select all suitable options answer".