Spell against damage in Latin. White magic spells. Magic items and black Latin spells

If you perform rituals with a pure heart and good intentions, you can achieve your desired goal.

White magic spells for beginner children for good studies

A white magic spell for good study helps the child to master the material well, increases productivity and performance in each subject, enables the child to understand the disciplines deeper and better, and much more.

Free online interpretation dreams – to get results, enter dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

To perform the ritual, you need to take a glass of sacred water, a saucer, a candle and an item from school paraphernalia, which will always be near the child.

On the waxing moon, you need to sit near the window, light a candle, and as soon as the first star lights up in the sky, you need to pour water from a glass into a saucer and say three times magic spell looking at the water:

At midnight you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking a hair from yourself, burn it in the flame of a candle with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), for me, servant of God, (name) will decay.

So that he only grieves for me, does not know a single woman,

He would only want me, alone, think only about me, and only suffer for me.

Just as this hair won’t grow back, so be it

no one will interrupt mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

— Love spell with hair

“Let (name) have no problems in teaching. From beginning to end, success will be nearby, and every adversity will go away with someone else’s glance.”

After this, the charmed water should be poured back into the glass and left on the windowsill until the morning. In the morning, give it to your child to drink, and use the remaining drops to moisten an object that will always be next to him.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and support higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by a higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Study spell on a book with candles read to parents white magic for a child

To carry out a conspiracy to study, you need to light candles at midnight and take the book that the child most often holds in his hands, open it on the very first page and draw crosses there. There should be four crosses. Then you need to put it on the page left hand, so much so that you touch the second cross with your little finger and pronounce the conspiracy.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell in Latin with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

In the past, experienced magicians and sorcerers often used various spells in Latin in their rituals. Today this powerful and ancient magic almost forgotten. However, those of our compatriots who, by all means, want to achieve success in their magical activities, still continue to be interested in this type of spells. And therefore we will talk about them in detail below.

Types and purpose of spells in Latin

What are the types?

Like any other types of spells, spells in Latin can be very diverse. And they differ, first of all, in their purpose and in the features of their action. After all, with the help of these magical tools, you can either help a person solve his problems or significantly harm him. Therefore, you need to use them wisely, taking every word you utter as seriously as possible.

The most common types of considered magic formulas are: spells for well-being, spells for health, spells for luck, for wealth, for love, for career growth, etc. In addition, there are separate protective spells in Latin and spells for driving out demons. And of course, one cannot fail to mention a variety of black magic spells that can not only help one person, but also harm another (cause illness, destroy a family, ruin a career, or even kill!). There are a lot of them, but not all of these spells can and should be used by ordinary people who are poorly versed in magic and cannot calculate in advance possible consequences of its activities.

Why are they becoming popular again?

What explains the popularity

If you believe historical sources, the very first spells were written in Latin. But even today this type magical tools continue to be popular. Why is this happening? It's all about the specifics of the Latin language, which today is one of the so-called “dead” languages ​​and has extremely powerful energy. Therefore, when modern magicians cast ancient spells in Latin, they get a much more vivid and impressive positive result than if they used the Russian language (or any other language in the world).

Of course, you can easily find translations of the most popular spells in Latin in specialized sources. However, it should be remembered that during translation the magic of words is often lost, and even if this does not happen, the spells still become less effective and efficient. Therefore, if you really want to achieve something with the help of magic, and are serious about it, it is better not to use translated spells - no one knows whether you will get the desired result and whether using such a magical tool will result in big troubles.

Why should you prefer spells with transcription?

We have already said above that only real spells in Latin can be quite effective. Therefore, every person who wants to use magic to change something in their life should give preference to them. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that such a spell will only work if it is pronounced clearly and correctly. If you misinterpret at least one sound, you can’t count on a positive result. That is why most of our contemporaries try to find spells in Latin with transcription in specialized sources, which are very convenient to read and memorize.

We can safely say that the main difficulty of working with Latin spells lies in the need to pronounce all the words clearly and correctly. For this reason, magicians and sorcerers living in our country came up with so many of their own spells and conspiracies that could be used without first studying Latin (after all, the vast majority of people previously knew nothing about transcription). And you can use these simpler magical tools. However, remember that only ancient spells in Latin, which have come down to us from time immemorial, are most effective.

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen."

“Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters: those that are above from those that are below; and those who are lower will be like those who are higher. The sun is her father, the moon is her mother, and the wind carried her in her womb, reaching from earth to heaven and again descending from heaven to earth. I conjure you, creature of water, to be salt and ash for me, the mirror of the living God in His creations and the source of life and the washing away of sins. Amen".

Real or fake?

Ancient spells in Latin

Of course, finding real spells in Latin today can be difficult, because in addition to those magical formulas that were used by our distant ancestors, there are many artificial spells invented just for fun. So, before you use one or another of them, be sure to make sure that it is real. And best of all, use only spells from trusted sources, about which there can be no doubt at all.

Another danger that awaits people who want to use spells in Latin is incorrect transcription. After all, you don’t know who wrote the transcription of this or that magical formulation, and how well this person knew the Latin language. And mistakes in this kind of rituals, as you know, are completely unacceptable! This is why Latin spells are so rarely used, and why they are considered among the most difficult in the world.

What attributes are used during rituals?

If you do manage to find a real Latin spell, be prepared for the fact that in order to carry out the ritual in which it is used, you will need some special attributes. For example, there are rituals for which you will have to use the heart of a large animal, bones or other internal organs. After all, Latin spells came to us from hoary antiquity, when the use of such attributes was absolutely in the order of things...

Very specific, complex, sometimes even dangerous, spells in Latin, however, are characterized by quite high popularity these days. And the reason for this is, first of all, their amazing efficiency. With the help of the magical influences under consideration, you can achieve the love of the person you desire, significantly improve your well-being, improve your health, get rid of damage, or even expel a demon! And therefore it is not at all surprising that everyone wants to learn how to use such spells modern people, seriously interested in magical science.

Using Spells in Black Magic

Black magic spells can improve your well-being and attract love, luck, health and success. The rituals are aimed at one’s own benefit and will not harm anyone.

Black magic spells can fulfill any desire

Ritual with a green candle

To attract wealth you will need:

  1. Green candle.
  2. A tool for writing on candles (this can be a special soft pencil or a needle that can be used to scratch text on wax).
  3. Vegetable oil: olive, corn or sunflower. Depending on what oil you use, the effect will be different. Olive oil gives greater speed of money receipt and uncontrollability of the process. Using corn oil, receiving money will be more stable and more predictable. Sunflower oil directs the action of the ritual to receive financial assistance through the channels of relatives and friends.
  4. You also need basil powder.

Use a green candle to perform the ritual.

Take a green candle and pour vegetable oil over it. Dip the candle in basil powder. Place the resulting candle in the candlestick. Place your hands over the candle and say the following spell:

“Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.”

Wait until the candle burns out, at this time you can think about how the money will come in. Consider and visualize your options for receiving money. You need to concentrate and pay attention to the ritual.

How to become rich

Thoughts and attitudes towards wealth influence our lives. The first thing you must understand is that money depends on your mood and attitude. Money is a tool that allows you to have various material components of life. Wealth is the equivalent and reflection of your actions.

Wealth depends on our thoughts, attitudes and actions

Everything that surrounds us has a certain amount of energy. Money as a real element of this world, an integral part of it. Money has a physical body of which it is composed: paper and metal, and money also has an information component.

At a minimum, the information component is reflected in the amount of money: 10, 20, 30 units of a certain currency. The mental information body of money is what we interact with; we constantly think about wealth when we earn and spend. Wealth will come when a person learns to save money energy and not waste it.

Do a ritual for wealth in good weather, since rain can wash away all the fruits of your labors and the money will not come. The ritual is performed in the morning. You need to go to church before lunch and buy 40 candles, place them throughout the church without lighting them. After the service, go home immediately; it is very important not to buy anything or talk to anyone. You need to go home so that wealth comes to the house. As soon as you entered the threshold and closed the door behind you, you need to immediately recite the spell 3 times:

“40 saints walked with me, 40 candles were carried. The candle is not simple, silver and gold. A beggar on the porch, my wealth is locked up. Word, key, lock, wealth on my doorstep. In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen".

For the ritual you need to buy 40 candles from the church in the morning

Magic triangles

Warlock rituals using spells in Latin are very powerful. Before performing black magic spells, you need to light a white candle and cast protection from evil forces. If you do not put up a shield, you can cause harm to yourself, even death. This spell will protect from people and spirits:

Alogenzo... Alogenzo... Bakhtor varanta... Poken tse terna!

Ancient warlock spells written in Latin

Latin is written on tree bark or paper using ink made from the acorns of the Babylonian oak tree. The following spell in Latin will bring you good luck, serve as a talisman, and protect you from illness.


Another magic triangle in Latin will help cope with the disease:


Book of the Dead

Ancient black magic spells in Latin have such power that they can destroy someone else’s fate and cause the death of a person through intention or negligence. The Book of the Dead describes rituals and conspiracies, as well as how to properly relate to death. Almost all nations have books that describe the concept of death.

Ancient spells from the book of the dead

A ritual of corruption in a cemetery can cause the death of the victim. For the ritual, you need to find the grave of the suicide (usually they are buried to the side, and not in the rows of graves), the deceased must be the bereaved of the victim. Bury a photograph of the person you want to spoil in the grave. Collect wax from cemetery candles and make your own candle. Light the candle after the photo is buried and leave it to burn out.

Say the curse in Latin:

Esta Qusor Carracos Arne Resarrect Estifajt Saret-Personas!

A day later, return to the grave of the suicide and bring the ransom, do not skimp, bury the money in the grave next to the photo.

The Book of the Dead is also called a guide to the afterlife. Ancient sacred texts largely repeat modern traditions of burying the dead: funeral services, remembrances. In order for the soul to rise higher, it must throw off all the low shells.

The soul has three shells

After death, the soul has temporary and permanent shells. Temporary shells are designed to accumulate dirty energies, as well as energies that do not correspond to the level of its development.

Over a certain period of time, the soul after death must shed 3 main shells. It is not for nothing that a person is buried on the third day, since at this moment the ethereal shell is automatically separated from the physical body.

After 9 days, the astral shell is automatically separated, and after 40 days the mental shells are separated. Not every soul has such a level of energy purity that it can immediately reach the entrance to the distributor channel. In order for these souls to still rise to the top, the church introduced rituals: wakes, reading prayers, funeral services. All prayers are designed to give the soul starting energy so that the spirit enters the astral world after death, and does not remain a tax collector on the physical plane.

The soul enters the astral world after death

Rite of love

A strong and effective plot will help a girl get married quickly. You will need:

  1. Clean white towel;
  2. Your photo;
  3. 2 candles: gold and crystal color;
  4. Glasses with holy water;
  5. Petals of white flowers.

Place the glasses on a towel and place your photo between them. Throw flower petals into each glass of holy water and onto the photograph. Read the plot:

“As this wax melts from a burning fire, so grooms come to God’s servant and bride from my mighty curse, appear before her clear eyes, submit to her will, and bring their souls. I call on the threshold of future grooms - not lazy people, not thieves, so that they love God's servant bride more than themselves, more than their father, more than brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends. I conjure you with the flame standing like stone in the field, melting wax, absolutely omniscient, all roads, favorite thresholds - take, spirits, the bride Anna, lead her by the hand to the altar. From now on and forever and ever, for I have commanded so. Amen".

After the ritual you need to wash your face with charmed water.

After the conspiracy, you need to wash your face with water from the first glass and pour the water from the second glass on the threshold of your house.

First of all, you must understand with your heart, feel, do you really want to be with this person? Is he really in charge of you? true love or is it emotions? Once a love spell has been cast, it is difficult to remove it, so you need to weigh your decision. Psychics recommend using your own powers and resorting to magic in the most extreme cases.

Black magic love spell

Buy animal parts at the market: head, neck, heart, navel, paws, genitals (bull penis or vagina). Knit a doll from parts, baptize it and name it with the name of the one you want to bewitch. When baptized, a cross is placed on the doll, saying:

“As God’s Father gives us names, so with God’s permission I call him (her) (name).” After this there is a top-down effect (for men) and a bottom-up effect on women. For a man, the impact begins with the eyes, say: “so that the eyes see only me, the ears hear only me, the brain thinks only about me.”

Love spell using a bull doll

Powerful love spell

A love spell will allow you to attract attention and arouse sympathy from your beloved man. Take 2 white candles, photographs of a man and a woman. Write the couple's names on the candles from bottom to top. Light the candles and place them together on a candlestick. Fold the photos so that the man is on top, fold the photo according to the pentacle sign, which means a symbol of black magic. The sign allows you to control and command demons. Take the needles and pierce the man’s head to open the channel of thoughts; with the second needle they pierce the man’s heart to open the channel of love. Using the third needle, pierce the man’s desire chakra. Say a spell:

“The flame burns, the wax melts, the power of my spell grows stronger, unites the hearts of the servant of God (..ZH..) with the servant of God (..MC..). Rise up from (..MCH..) longing for (..JCH..) inconsolable love, insurmountable torment. Pounce on the servant of God (..MCH..), strike him with a sharp knife, so that no doctor, no sorcerer lifts him out of love, takes him away from the breast (..JCH..). To grieve for (..ZhCh..), to yearn for (..ZhCh..) because I commanded so. From now on and forever and ever. Amen!"

Ritual with a candle and photographs

Photos must be wrapped in black cloth. Exactly at midnight, go outside and bury them under any tree. This love spell does not require repetition, it is difficult to interrupt and it does not weaken. After this ritual, the beloved returns to the girl in the near future and wants to stay with her for life. It is dangerous to do a love spell on your own, since your energy is used and evil forces may roll back on you. If you have no one to turn to for help and want to perform a love spell on your own, say a protective spell in Latin:

Dhat kann ec it thrithia, Ef mer verdhr thavrf micil Haptz vidh mina haeiptmogu: Eggiar ec deyfi Minna andscota, Bita-t theim vapn ne velar.

This protection in Latin will work for the bewitched and for you, and a love spell will not have any obstacles or consequences.

Black magic: spells in Latin

Spells have their roots in the pre-Christian era. A spell (spell, enchantment, slander) came to us from pagan times and, for the most part, bears the imprint of the culture of that time and those traditions. Any spell, even love spells, is a program based on the power of human thought expressed in words, the energy of some entity or deity invoked during the ritual, and the emotional-volitional attitude of the operator. The entire set of these components is called a spell.

What do we know about spells?

In those distant times, knowledge of magic was not something special, much less secret. It was only after many centuries that people began to emerge who were specifically involved in this and had a certain occult orientation. These people are magicians, healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, wise men, witches, healers, and so on. Both white and black magic were in use - spells, damage, love spells. Not only magicians, but also most people living in that era had a clear understanding of all this.

At that archaic time, people mainly used spells based on the forces of nature. They turned to water, wind, fire, stars, sun, earth, moon and so on for help. Then, with the advent of Christianity, religiously strictly directed spells appeared, addressed to God, saints, apostles, the Mother of God and others.

What types of spells are there?

In this case, it will probably be easier to list which spells do not exist. They can be classified according to a huge number of characteristics: by the type of force used, by the guidance technique, by the type of ritual, by the nature of the content, by the method of influence, and so on. Let's try to highlight the main and most popular types of spells:

  • Simple spells. This type includes fleeting curses, said casually and during strong emotional arousal. These are also different types of whispers that are whispered about an object, for example, a ticket for good luck, or about a person. Depending on the purpose, they can have different effects.
  • Natural. These are spells using natural forces and phenomena. As a rule, they are based on the four natural elements. It's pretty strong spells, which are used by experienced sorcerers and healers. So, for example, a black magic spell for death involves the use dead water or land from a cemetery.
  • Healing spells. This type includes spells for acquiring health or getting rid of various ailments. This is a vast body of knowledge that includes herbalism and witchcraft.
  • Black magic. Spells of this kind are based on attracting dark forces. The purpose of these rituals is to cause harm. They use the demonic pantheon in their work and attract elements of dark forces in the texts of spells. This type also includes all types of cemetery rituals. The content of black prayers is always harmful to a person, even if they are supposedly aimed at healing. In past centuries, the texts of such spells were kept secret by professional sorcerers, and it was not possible to get a black magic spell for free at that time.
  • Divine. This type is already called prayers. Unlike a classic spell, where there is an order based on a contract with forces, in prayer there is a request or plea for grace and help.
  • Protective. A very large group of spells based on temporary or permanent protection of a person from troubles, adversities, dangers, and failures. This type includes religious blessings, protective rites, herbal incantations, charged amulets, etc. It is based on a human protection program based on a spell of some kind of power. It can be applied to the person himself or to an object that will subsequently need to be constantly carried with him.

This is far from full list all kinds of spells. In every culture and tradition you can find more than a dozen sacred texts of a magical nature.

Principles of writing spells

The structure and content of the spell can be anything. First of all, it all depends on the purpose of the ritual. In simple spells, one or two words can be used, but more are simple and not necessary due to the context of the ritual itself. In more complex ones, multi-page, logically sequential paragraphs of text are used, forming a holistic structure of the ritual program. Deviation from which even the slightest can cause a significant threat to the operator. There are many special cases where the text of the spell will have a unique form and content, but we will consider general rule and the sequence to create any spell. So, in order of compilation:

  • Introduction. This part is also called the “backlog”. Necessary to change the consciousness of the speaker. An altered state of consciousness is needed both for protection and for maximum concentration over the spell.
  • Opening the formula. It serves as the beginning of a ritual, and the text itself expresses the intention to do or do something. “I’ll walk in circles, wash my face clean water, I’ll take some fresh earthen soil, etc.” These actions are clearly imagined in the head, or the operator actually carries them out in real life. If, for example, a black magic spell is being cast for wealth, then the ritual must be preceded by some kind of operations with real money or coins. This serves as an entrance or beginning.
  • Expression of will. At this stage, in a brief and understandable form, the author verbally expresses his desire, which he would like to entrust to the involved forces to fulfill. The text of an order, command or desire should not be ambiguous or ambiguous. When composing this part, they try to express their intention as clearly and accurately as possible. An error or omission at this point can have disastrous consequences for the author.
  • Identification. All powerful spells necessarily have some kind of clearly expressed identity. For example, just as a nail rots in the ground, so (name)’s body decomposes, just as the sun shines brightly, so (name)’s smile illuminates everyone, and so on.
  • Lock. The final stage of the spell has the character of a volitional consolidation of the result, irrevocable execution. The purpose is to show the force your determination to pay for the work done, as well as to strengthen faith in the execution of the ritual.
  • Ransom. At this stage, the operator expresses gratitude to the force for its help and undertakes to pay for the work. In any case, we must remember that any black magic spell for love, money, or health requires appropriate payment from the customer.

How and in what language to read?

They read spells in any language convenient for the author. Of course, if the text itself was compiled in a language or symbol system foreign to the operator, then it must be read in that language. In general, any book of black magic spells should contain detailed instructions on the rules for casting a specific spell.

Each tradition describes its own way of reading prayers and spells. Healing prayers are said in a whisper, the voice and tone should be light and pleasant. In a hoarse and frightening tone, voices pronounce black spells for death, damage to loneliness. There is an irritating tone and anger in the voice. Shamans claim that any ritual texts must be read using the “throat singing” method. The culture of shamanism says that this is the most effective tonality that divine forces perceive. Black magic spells in Latin are usually read in complete solitude, in a loud voice, clearly reading every syllable, although there are also many nuances here. IN Orthodox tradition It is customary to sing prayers, with emphasis placed on monotony and frequent repetition of the same texts.

Magic spells written in Latin are especially powerful. They were written according to special rules that took into account a lot of currently unknown patterns. Let's give an example of such a spell.

Venus Spell

After reading the text, you need to briefly express your desires related to love, sex, dating, etc. Spells in Latin with translation and transcription can be found in modern textbooks on magic, but you should not immediately start performing a ritual with their help. These ancient spells must be read with extreme caution, because... Without knowing all the rules and nuances of conducting such rituals, you can incur very serious consequences.

Watch also a documentary video about black and white magic, shamanism and witchcraft.

Appeared in the Middle Ages. Subsequently, it passed from hand to hand, then wandered from one magical manuscript to another. A spell to grant a wish in Latin: what does the text say? In short, the text conjures the Angels of God and some heavenly forces with divine names, creations and seals, so that these angelic entities do what is pleasing to the magician.

A spell to make a wish come true in Latin (the text is in Latin, you need to read it from a piece of paper)


It follows from the piece of paper three times - in a quiet, confident voice. Because the we're talking about about calling high-ranking Angels, you need to guarantee yourself a few minutes without distractions. You should not be prevented from carrying out the action, no matter what happens (a call, a knock on the door, a call from another room, and so on). The desire that needs to be conceived before the ceremony will come true very quickly and nothing can stop it. The ritual is very powerful, and its effectiveness is confirmed by almost 500 years of use for magical purposes.

Spells in Latin are the oldest and most powerful, used by magicians all over the world and all religions. The strongest love magic kept spells in Latin that are very strong love spellbeloved and dear person. A love spell in Latin cannot be removed and it is done once and for a lifetime; a person bewitched in this way will be faithful all his life only to the one who bewitched him. Any spells in Latin are given with transcription and translation for a more accurate and correct perception.

Love ritual in Latin.

An indispensable condition correctly performing a spell in Latin means learning exactly the Latin version of the spell in order to reproduce the words of the spell by heart and without errors. The main meaning of a love spell in Latin is that you can cast any liquid and drink it with the person you want to bewitch. A clean one is best suited for the ceremony. drinking water, it is what the human body consists of and every cell of the person being bewitched will absorb it as soon as the liquid enters his mouth. You need to retire three times read a love ritual in Latin over the water:

Magic spells in Latin with transcription and translation
Ego Your NAME PATRICAL NAME Сonjuro et confirmo super vos Angeli fortes, sancti atque potentes, in nomine On, Hey, Heya, Ja, Je, Adonay, Saday, et in nomine Saday, qui creavit quadrupedia et anamalia reptilia, et homines in sexto die , et Adae dedit potestatem super omnia animalia; unde benedictum sit nomen creatoris in loco suo; et per nomina Angelorum servientium in tertio exercitu, coram Dagiel Angelo magno, principe forti atque potenti; et per nomen Stellae quae est Venus; et per Sigillum ejus, quod quidem est sanctum; et per nomina praedicta conjuro super te Anael, qui es praepositus diei sextae, ut pro me labores se nihil intermisit HIS NAME PATRICAL NAME suum diligere ut se ipsum, ut aliquem insane amare me.


Ego Your NAME PATRONICAL NAME Conjuro et confirmo vos Angeli fortes, sankti atkve potentes, in nomine He, Hey, Heya, Yya, Ye, Adonai, Sadai, et in nomine Sadai, kwi creative quadrupedia et anamalia reptilia, et homines in sexto die, et Ade dedit potestatem super omnia animalia unde benedictum sit nomen creatoris in loco suo; et per nomina Angelorum servientium in tercio exercitu, coram Dagiel Angelo magno, principe forti atkwe potenti; et per nomin Stelle que est Venus; et per Sigillum eius, quod quidem est sanctum; et per nomina predicta conyuro super te Anael, qui es prepositus diei sexte, ut pro me labores se nihil intermisit HIS NAME PATRICAL NAME suum diligere ut se ipsum, ut aliquem insane amare mi.

I, such and such, conjure you, strong and holy angels, by the names On, Hey, Heya, Ja, Ye, Saday, Adonay, named Saday, who on the sixth day created four-legged animals, creeping creatures and man, and gave power to Adam over all creatures, and therefore blessed the name of the Creator in his abode. By the names of the angels serving in the third legion before the great angel Dagiel, the strong and mighty prince, by the name of his star called Venus, his sacred seal and all the above names, I conjure you, great angel Anael, who reigns on the sixth day , so that you help me and do everything possible so that so-and-so would love me as himself, and so that he would love me madly.

© Copyright: Magician


  • Exorcism of a demon in Latin If a person is possessed by demons, or in Russian - by demons, a ritual of exorcism must be performed. We will publish an ancient magical rite of exorcism in Latin with translation and transcription. This ritual of expulsion and purification should only be performed by a trained and protected person. But for educational purposes, you can save this magical ritual to your piggy bank and learn to put reliable protection You can try your hand at it yourself. The “+” sign in the texts means that it is necessary to make the sign of the cross. The place is sprinkled with blessed water. The exorcism ritual can only be read while standing. Ritual words for exorcism of demons and demons in Latin

  • Spells in Latin for love Spells in Latin are the oldest and most powerful, which are used by magicians all over the world and all religions. The strongest love magic kept spells in Latin that are a very powerful love spell for a loved one. A love spell in Latin cannot be removed and it is done once and for a lifetime; a person bewitched in this way will be faithful all his life only to the one who bewitched him. Any spells in Latin are given with transcription and translation for a more accurate and correct perception. Love ritual in Latin. An indispensable condition for the correct execution of a spell in Latin is to precisely learn the Latin version of the spell in order to reproduce the words of the spell by heart and without errors. The main meaning of a love spell in Latin is that you can cast any liquid and drink it with the person you want to bewitch. Pure drinking water is best suited for the ritual; it is what the human body consists of and every cell of the person being bewitched will absorb it as soon as the liquid enters his mouth. In solitude, you need to read the love ritual in Latin three times over the water:

  • Spells in Latin for good luck with translation Magic rituals and spells have existed since the creation of the world. If your luck has run out, we recommend using magic spells for good luck written in Latin. This one is light but very effective ritual for luck in Latin does not require special training and anyone who wants to regain their luck in everything they undertake can do it independently. If you are not at all familiar with Latin, try to pronounce the text as you see it, but first practice your pronunciation fluency and repeat its translation. Only if you independently read a spell for good luck in Latin with a translation together, you will very soon notice an improvement in your life, and by repeating the ritual a year later you will become the happiest and luckiest person in everything.

Initially, all spell words were written in Latin, which is practically never used anywhere in the modern world. Therefore, spells in Latin are still considered stronger than any magic words written in Russian or another language. However, it must be borne in mind that it is not recommended to perform rituals using Latin for beginner magicians, as well as for those who do not know it.

Ignorance of this language can lead to dangerous consequences and troubles.
Today, all spells written in Latin have been translated into Russian. However, experienced magicians claim that translating words is not able to translate their witchcraft power into another language. Due to this, the translated ancient spells are less magical. Therefore, professional sorcerers, in order not to lose magical information collected over many centuries, prefer to use spells in Latin in their practice.

If a novice magician decides to use a spell in a foreign language, then he needs to know that every word and sound must be pronounced correctly, otherwise there will be no effect or, even worse, the ritual performed will bring many unpleasant consequences.

In addition, it must be taken into account that Latin spell words, read aloud and with a specific intonation, affect not only the implementation of the plan, but also the astral world, and if this is done incorrectly, then otherworldly beings can bring sheer anxiety and trouble. Therefore, novice magicians and sorcerers are still recommended to cast spells in Latin with translation into Russian.

An example of a Latin spell in Russian

Spell words for love

The magical ritual should be performed on Friday evening. It is recommended to carry out the ritual alone in a ventilated room (it will be enough to open a window or window). To perform the ritual you need to prepare 1.5 liters clean water and wide dishes. Next you need:

  • Pour the liquid into a container and place it in front of you on the table next to open window and bending down to the surface of the water 3 times out loud in a calm voice, pronounce the Latin spell, while thinking about your loved one.
  • After reading, lightly touch the water with the fingers of both hands and, as if washing your face, run them across your face from top to bottom, first with your left and then with your right hand. You should move from the forehead, along the eyelids and then down, as if drawing tear tracks.
  • Repeat the Latin spell and actions with the face 2 more times, that is, you will get 9 pronunciations of words and 3 ablutions.
  • Pour the spoken water into a decanter, bottle or other sealable container.
  • Drink magic water with your loved one.
  • While drinking, as soon as the liquid enters the body, repeat the Latin spell, and for this you need to learn it by heart.
  • Repeat the spell words again before going to bed.

The text of the Latin spell translated into Russian:

“I, (my full name), conjure, conjure you, holy and brave angels, with the names Hey, He, Ya, Sadai, Heya, Ye, Adonai and Sadai, who on the 6th day was able to create various creeping creatures, animals and humans , and gave his will to Adam over all creatures, and decided to bless the name of the Great Creator in his monastery. In the name of all the angels who serve in the 3rd legion before the mighty Dagiel, a strong and brave prince. In the name of his star, called Venus, his sacred seal and all the names mentioned, I speak to you, O mighty Anael, who rules on the 6th day, help me and make (the name of your loved one) love me with hot and strong love.”

Spell words for good luck

A spell for good luck and wish fulfillment in Russian must be read in a whisper 3 times on Friday on the waxing moon. If the performer reads the same conspiracy in Latin, then all words must be spoken clearly, loudly and in compliance with the correct intonation.

To cast a spell, you need to open a window in the room, and looking at the young month, say the following words:

“Angels of God and Archangels, I, (full name), conjure you, most powerful saints, with the greatest name of the holy Deity, wise and towering above the boundless heavens. To the one who created in one day the earth, the world, the heavens, the sea and all living things, forever sealing them with his name.
I also speak in the names of the Angels of the Saints who rule the 4th legion and serve the strong Salamis, the titled and great Angel. The name of the star called the Sun, its sign, the greatest name of the living God. I, (full name), ask you, oh, great Angels, work for me, bring constant good luck into my life and help fulfill all my desires and requests according to my will.”

After reading the words, you need to briefly express your desires related to acquaintance, love, etc. If the performer does not want to read the text in Russian, then he can find a spell in Latin with transcription and translation in modern books on magic, but there is no need to immediately perform the ritual with their help. Such ancient spell words must be pronounced with extreme caution, since without familiarizing yourself with all the rules and nuances of conducting such rituals, you can attract serious and quite dangerous consequences not only for yourself, but for all family members.


Latin spell of Four in Russian

This spell is often used in the French school of occultism before the start of each ceremony. In addition, it can be used in the daily practice of both beginners and experienced magicians.

“Dead head, God commands you through the dedicated and living serpent. Kerub, God the Most High commands you in the name of the great Adam. The eagle wandering the earth, God commands you in the name of the winged bull. Green serpent, God Tetragrammaton commands you in the name of Leo and Angel. Gabriel, Michael, Oriel, Raphael. Pour out, O Moisture, in the name of the Ruach of the spirit. Establish yourself, Earth, in the great name of Adam. Let the firmament come, in the name of Sabaoth. May justice come, by the fire of Michael's mighty power. Holy angel, disappear from the sprinkling of holy water or obey. Winged Taurus, return to the black land or work, if you do not want to be pierced by my sword. Eagle, tightly chained, obey my sign or disappear by the force of the breath. Writhing green serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tormented by the sacred fire and fly away with the fragrance of my walking. Moisture, turn into water again. Ignite with bright fire. Whirl the mighty whirlwind of air. May the ashes return to the cold earth, by the power of the pentagram, embodied by the morning star. And in the name of the great, which is inscribed in the middle of the Cross of Light. Amn.”

Spell words for damage

If a person feels or knows for sure that he has been damaged, then with the help of spell words in Latin he can return the evil caused to his offender. The ritual should be performed with anger and hatred. If magic spells are cast in a dull and mumbling voice, then the performer will not succeed.

For the ritual, you need to buy a small heart of a dead animal, put it on a plate and prepare 9 hawthorn thorns (if it is difficult to get, then new nails will do). Then, sticking one thorn into your heart, say:

"Abibaga, hosts, against ratodo until the end of prisonpreruntunayksparaselGoss"

"The mediator who fusses the gaviol Volax fields"

Stick 2 more thorns into the heart and practically scream:

"Landazozar want plantarasalaksparaselGoss"

Next 2 spikes:

"Death from the wound of our Lord Jesus Christ and Christi"

And while thrusting the last thorns, say:

"DiAvirsunt you comforter of the groom verbumofizumsidando"

After that continue:

“I call upon the (name of the person who caused the damage) who forced Michelle Abel to act. You, coward, were inflicted with great pain so that you could come here this very minute, across land or sea, through any obstacles, without excuses or delays.”

With the latest magic words you need to pierce the heart with a large nail. Next, light the fire, place the heart with thorns and nails on the grill and fry it over high heat. It’s better to make a fire on the ground and use an unnecessary grate, which you won’t mind throwing away after the ritual. If the heart is small, then it can be held with forceps or a large nail. After this, the pierced heart of the animal is buried deep in the ground, where no one walks. At the same time say the words:
“Return the damage and all the fierce witchcraft to the one who brought it.”


For 3 days after the ceremony, you cannot give anything to anyone or take anything out of the house. On the day when the magical ritual is performed, the culprit himself will feel this and will try to get into the home of his victim in order to plant something else, etc. Therefore, it is prohibited to answer calls from the alleged offender, talk to him or let him into the house.

Magic items and black Latin spells

The main role in any black magic operations is played by clear visualization, imagination and human willpower. To acquire the necessary strength, the will of the sorcerer must be sufficiently expressed and have a certain fulcrum. They help to express one’s will - spells cast in Latin or Russian; various magical objects, for example, talismans, pentacles, etc., help to find a fulcrum.

All magical items used by magicians must be obtained or made by them themselves. At the same time, in order to independently make or obtain a magic item somewhere, the magician needs to fulfill a number of conditions. The purpose of such requirements is to awaken the imagination and will of the sorcerer, as well as to concentrate his energy and strength on a given subject.

The experienced magician Eliphas Levi wrote in his book that if an ordinary peasant, having picked any leaf, gets up every day for 12 months at one in the morning, goes with this leaf far from home and then casts some kind of spell over it, then this a person will be able to create real miracles with it.

Therefore, it is believed that before any magical actions you need to find your own witchcraft object, perform a certain ritual on it, endure a 40-day fast, and only then begin to perform the ritual of black magic.

In ancient times, for some witchcraft rituals in which Latin spells were pronounced, such as, for example, to summon the spirit of a deceased person, magicians often used candles made from human fat, the head of a black cat, nails pulled out of a military coffin, etc.

It is worth noting that conducting magical rituals using such witchcraft tools for novice sorcerers is a very dangerous business. Therefore, young practitioners are recommended to use simpler and less dangerous objects in their rituals, for example, wax candles, purified water, salt, etc.

General Spell Rules

spells are energy structures created using the personal energy of the Magician. He builds their pattern himself. The basis of spells is the idea of ​​the way the brain encodes information. Any image perceived by the senses is transmitted by nerve chains to the brain, where a spatial structure corresponding to the external object is formed. If this structure is projected onto a flat screen, we get an image called a Mandala in Magic. It should be borne in mind that those depicted in numerous reference books magic symbols, are only flat projections of multidimensional structures.

Of great importance is the space in which dimension the original was created - the mandala, the projection of which we see on a flat sheet of paper or canvas. The strength and form of influence of the depicted mandala on people with different levels of consciousness depends on this. For example, the same spell in our three-dimensional space will have a strong effect on people of the first caste and not on Mages of the first level.

Spells can be persistent, or lose their power quite quickly. It depends on the way they are secured and fed with energy. The spell can be tied to a place, cast on specific person or associated with a specific object.

In multidimensional space, the concept of size and distance becomes meaningless. A spell cast by the consciousness of the Magician can have an effect on a large number of people. This happens as follows. Let's say that you eat bread, and at the same time you experience sensations that are transmitted to the brain along nerve chains. In the corresponding centers of your brain, spatial structures arise that correspond to the sensations you receive. If you project them outward, and this is exactly what Mages do, many other people will come into contact with these structures, perceiving them directly with the brain. At the same time, they will receive the whole range of sensations corresponding to eating bread.

Brain ordinary person well shielded. He seems to float in liquid shells that shield the thought forms of other people. As the level of consciousness increases, structural changes occur in these screens: the upper chakras open. One of the most important features of Mages is the ability of their brain to radiate (transmit) these structures. Thus, the brain of Mages turns into a powerful transmitter, the radiation of which is not shielded by the membranes of the brain of ordinary people.

In essence, the evil eye and damage are very similar to each other. This is a negative blow to the subject’s biofield by the field of another subject. The symptoms of negative manifestations are also similar to each other, for this reason only a specialist in this field can diagnose the problem and distinguish one suggestion from another.

The strength of any conspiracy depends on many factors. But, first of all, you should understand that magic can be used only in emergency cases, when the problem cannot be solved by any means. Any conspiracy is pronounced alone. Moreover, you cannot even tell anyone about the plans for the ceremony.

Spell Classification

The mechanism of action of a spell almost always comes down to reading the energies of energy lines directly by the human brain, bypassing the senses. At the same time, under the influence of a spell, a person receives the whole range of sensations that should have arisen if the event had happened in reality. For example: we are trying to wean a person from bad habit to alcohol. To this end, we cast a spell on him that forces his brain to identify the sensations he gets from drinking alcohol with the sensations from drinking ordinary water. As a result, at the level of sensations, the state for which the person drank disappears. Drinking alcohol loses its meaning. The spell itself is a structure placed in the centers of recognition of sensations: gustatory, olfactory, etc.

1. By time of entry into force:
  • instant action (most spells);
  • with a delayed time of influence (they act when a certain condition is met) - for example, disenchanting, when someone really loves you or you love someone (“The Scarlet Flower”).
2. By duration of action:
  • permanent action (sometimes until the death of the target) - before applying a counterspell;
  • temporary action - acting for a short period (up to several hours).

The duration of the spell depends on the amount of magical energy spent when casting the spell

3. By object of influence:
  • fire, water, air, earth - those who control the elements;
  • inanimate objects - transformation spells, levitation, obtaining information;
  • living beings - control of a creature, transformations, illusions, understanding the language of birds and animals;
4. By the number of objects of influence:
  • aimed at a specific object;
  • affect various objects within the established border;
5. According to the primacy of spells:
  • primary spell;
  • counterspell - reverse to the primary one.
6. By the nature of the impact:
  • creative (increment magic) - creating magical creatures, construction, restoration of lost parts or healing. “Augmentation magic uses what already exists, increasing its quantity or power, or combining different forces and matter”;
  • destructive (damage magic) - counterspells, destruction of objects or creatures. “Damage magic is the opposite of incremental magic in essence, like night and day. At the same time, they are interconnected. You can create something in the world, or you can destroy everything.”

13 rules you should follow when creating a spell.

  1. Find a time when you have nowhere to rush and everyone will leave you alone.
  2. Free your thoughts - let them contain only one desire, which is the purpose of the spell: you must want this with all your being.
  3. Focus.
  4. Don't worry about whether anyone else will use your spell—write it for yourself.
  5. Use words, phrases and word order that you are used to and that is unique to you.
  6. When encoding a symbol or image, choose exactly the word that most accurately characterizes it for you.
  7. Rhythm, rhyme and melody - strengthen the spell, increasing its power creativity, but if they are alien to you, do not torture yourself.
  8. Try not to type, but rather to write a spell. Firstly, there is such an ancient rule - it is believed that printed spells lose part of their power, sometimes a very important part; secondly, your brain will remember every squiggle of your handwriting, and the spell will have another link to you.
  9. Do not do “demi-season”, i.e. a universal spell for all occasions in life, even if you have many of them, but each for a specific moment, with a clear, strong and vivid meaning.
  10. Sometimes, to enhance the effect of a spell, you need to associate it with something. Most often, this is a certain ritual that is remembered by your consciousness and subconscious. You don't have to include it in the spell itself—you can write a note, or you can write nothing. Once, to get rid of one very unpleasant attachment, I had to cut my palm. Thanks to the specifics of the spell and the fact that my wound hurt for three weeks, the need for this person quickly disappeared...
  11. The more precise the words in your spell, and the fewer there are, the better. You are not writing a treatise)). It is better to choose a specific word for a specific symbol than an insane number of words that do not accurately characterize anything, but circle around the concept.
  12. Do not rely on traditions and existing views - if you agree with them and they are close to you - please! But you shouldn’t go into Latin just because “it’s customary” or write spells in the Old Russian language with all sorts of “esi” and “verb”. If this is given to you, then go ahead. For example, it takes me about a minute to create active conspiracy in Old Russian, but a spell in modern language requires sweating for at least ten minutes.
  13. And - most importantly! Be careful with words: sharpen them, check them to see if there is a double interpretation, if this word evokes only the right sensations, if it does not contradict your intention and the rest of the words.

Sometimes, with experience, you will have moments when the spells flow by themselves - just write them down, sometimes - it will be difficult to connect words with words. But if you have long noticed a craving for creativity, the unknown and magic, the process of composing spells will give you real pleasure!