What soil to plant cacti in. What soil is suitable for cacti? How to make it yourself and how to choose purchased soil? Required soil composition

Some people love noble orchids and delicate violets, while others decorate their home with unusual cacti and succulents. These unpretentious plants grow under almost any conditions, however, to avoid many problems associated with the development of diseases and slow development, it is important to choose the right soil.

Soil requirements

Cacti prefer to be in soil rich in nutrients. It is important to know that each type has its own requirements for the soil.

Before you start choosing a soil mixture for a cactus, you need to familiarize yourself with the following features:

  • succulents prefer loose and aerated soil;
  • all subspecies of this crop require slightly acidic soil - the best option pH = 4.5 – 6;
  • to achieve flowering, you will have to saturate the substrate with nutrients, but it is important not to overdo it;

Important: Humus and nitrogen-based fertilizers are not recommended to be introduced into the soil; such fertilizing will not be positively received by plants. Nitrogen has a growth stimulating effect, and cacti grow slowly, so their skin will develop cracks as a result of the rapid increase in plant size.

In flower shops, this type of succulent is sold in so-called technical soil. However, not everyone knows that it is not suitable for constant cultivation of indoor crops. Within two days from the date of purchase of the cactus, it is advisable to transplant it into a more suitable substrate.

Required composition

Soil options that are suggested to be used for indoor cacti experienced flower growers, have practically the same composition, they differ only in the quantitative ratio of the components. Desert cacti and their turnip-rooted varieties thrive in clay soil. Forest subspecies and succulents with fibrous roots prefer loose soil. Regardless of the type of crop, the soil must have high moisture and air permeability and be low in acidity.

The composition of soil for cacti and succulents is varied, however, it consists of the required components:

  1. Leaf soil. Saturated with many nutrients, it is quite loose, so it allows air and water to pass through well.
  2. Clay-turf soil. Endowed with the ability to retain moisture for a long time, while useful material are washed out of it slowly.
  3. Old greenhouse land. Gardeners choose this option if it is not possible to use leafy or clay-turf soil.
  4. Coarse sand. When added to the soil, it makes it more loose and porous. This is an essential component of the substrate for growing any type of cacti.
  5. Fired clay. Makes the soil more porous, promotes rapid absorption of moisture and drying of the soil.
  6. Charcoal. Endowed with anti-rot properties, it is introduced into the soil in the form of powder. Coal from hardwood is used.
  7. Brick chips. Makes the soil looser and more porous, retains excess moisture

Please note: There are subspecies with a root system prone to rotting. These are cacti such as Ariocarpus, Strombocactus, Blossfeldia. To grow them, the soil must be mixed with a large number of stones so that the water does not stagnate in the pot.

Cactus species with spines require more calcium than succulents without spines. For these purposes, for the first group, it is useful to introduce ground into flour into the soil. eggshells.

DIY soil

To prepare a planting mixture for cacti, gardeners use clay soil, peat, river sand, leaf humus, brick chips, small pebbles. To obtain a light, breathable and loose mixture, you should take the components in the following ratio:

  • part of clayey soil;
  • two parts of peat;
  • two parts each of sand and leaf soil;
  • 2 parts gravel and coarse grain river sand(for heavy soil only).

The composition for planting plants is prepared as follows:

  1. Peat, leaf and clay soil are sifted through a sieve.
  2. Small pebbles and coarse sand are washed.
  3. The brick chips are also washed to remove dust and then treated with a solution of sulfuric acid until the “hissing” stops. After such treatment, for the purpose of disinfection, the brick chips must be washed again with water.
  4. Potassium phosphate and superphosphate are added as fertilizer to 10 kg of such a mixture in a ratio of 3:1.

The soil mixture prepared in this way is heated in a water bath to destroy all harmful microorganisms. You will need two pans for this. different sizes. Pour the mixture into a smaller container and leave it open; take a little water into another. Leave on the stove for an hour, add water to a large saucepan if necessary. Remove the container with soil, cover with a lid and allow to cool.

The introduction of peat into the substrate for growing cacti makes it looser and slightly acidifies alkaline soils. For these purposes, it is necessary to use old lowland peat. High-moor peat is not used in floriculture, as it contains a high concentration of harmful acids. The mixture must be prepared about a month before planting the cactus.

Lime is not usually included in cactus soil. It is only added for certain types of culture - rostrophytums and other specimens with large spines.

Ready mixes

For transplanting indoor crops, you can buy in flower shops ready-made composition, designed specifically for succulents and cacti. If it is not porous and loose enough, you can add fine gravel, brick chips, and coarse sand. With the help of such simple actions, you can create conditions at home that are close to the growth of crops in nature.

So on this moment There are 3 types of coryphantas, which are already touching each other with thorns and plaintively asking to be placed in separate pots:

Before planting, I simply wash the pots with soap, but I will prepare the soil mixture fresh.
The recipe is universal, suitable for almost all cacti (with the exception of Schlumberger, rhipsalis and others like them, they like a more nutritious mixture with more humus and less sand), and in general, over time, everyone selects a suitable mixture for themselves through experience. The main thing here is its structure, it should be crumbly and allow moisture and air to pass through well.
I prepare the following composition:
1 part leaf soil
1 part turf soil
1 part coarse river sand
1/2 part brick chips (pumice, lava, fine expanded clay)
1/8 part of peat ("store" soil).
It’s also good to add a little vermiculite, it prevents the roots from rotting.
Some people add crushed eggshells to the soil, but not all cacti tolerate the presence of lime well, only species with powerful, strong spines. That's why I never put it down.

I have not used purchased soils for cacti for a long time, because they contain lowland peat, high-moor peat and chemical fertilizers. Peat is very poorly wetted with water and loses everything beneficial features in a couple of years.
Simple soil contains everything necessary for the successful growth and flowering of a plant. The land must be taken from a garden, a summer house, a forest belt, or, as a last resort, from a city park. Best of all - from under linden or birch. Under coniferous trees there is no need to take land, there is plenty there essential oils from fallen pine needles.
The best turf soil is in heaps next to mole holes

It is desirable that the soil be clean, without grass, humus, twigs, etc.
I send the collected soil together with purchased peat to steam in a water bath to kill all pests and their larvae. I put it on old saucepan fill a sieve with water, cover it with gauze and fill it with soil. I put the structure on the fire for an hour and a half:

I wash the sand with water to remove debris and fry it on a sheet in the oven:

Here it is closer after the oven - large with pebbles:

Construction sand is not used, it is fine, and because of it the earth will only be compressed into stone.

I also prepare the brick chips myself: I wrap the brick in a rag and break it with a hammer. Then I sift through the fragments, use the small ones, and chop the larger ones further.

To disinfect, just scald them with boiling water.

I mix everything and get a crumbly mixture that absorbs moisture well:

It all seems so long and complicated, but in reality you need to dig up the soil in advance and collect sand on the beach. Disinfection takes an hour and a half, but it’s better to be on the safe side than to treat all sorts of troubles later or ruin your favorite plant.

Let us finally move on to the transplantation process itself. There are several ways to plant in a pot: in a hole, if the plant has small roots; on the contrary, on a “hill” of soil, when the roots are long, etc. landing “in the horizon”, which is the most attractive to me.

Usually, before transplanting, the plant is not watered for a week so that the soil is dry - this way the small roots are less damaged. We inspect the roots for the absence of rotting roots and woolly lumps, which signals the presence of root mealybugs. If this happens, it is necessary to immerse the root system in an insecticide solution for several minutes. Rotten roots can be cut off with scissors, sprinkling the cut area with crushed coal.

The pot is selected 2-3 cm larger than the root system. Cacti do not like containers that are too spacious; because of this, they may even stop growing for a long time and not bloom.
I cover the drainage holes with broken bricks or small expanded clay (layer approximately 1 cm):

After transplantation, the plants are not watered for a week so that the wounds caused by the roots can heal. I just spray the cactus with a spray bottle. You should also avoid direct sunlight.

Sorry for the many photos, I hope the material will be useful.

The soil should not only be nutritious and enriched with microelements, but also its composition should correspond to the soil in which a cactus of this type grows in nature.

If soil preparation is neglected or done incorrectly, the cactus may become sick or be affected by insect pests, for example spider mites, cactus shield insects, root aphids, mealybugs and others, and as a result these factors will lead to the death of the plant.

Composition - what kind of soil do plants like?

Creating suitable soil for this plant is a very complex and painstaking task, requiring comprehensive knowledge about the selected cactus. Therefore, soils vary from type to type, but almost always consist of the following elements, taken in different proportions:

Proportions for creating a substrate at home with your own hands

  1. Soil for desert species is made as follows: mix turf soil, leaf soil, peat and coarse sand in equal proportions.
  2. For plain cacti: take turf soil, leaf humus, peat, humus and coarse sand in a proportion of 2/1/1/1/1, respectively.
  3. For large and fast-growing cacti from the Cereus family, you will need: equal amounts of turf and leaf soil, peat and a quarter of their volume of peat.
  4. Universal option: If it is not possible to determine the identity of the cactus, then you can use the following recipe: take leaf humus, turf soil, coarse sand, charcoal (crushed) and brick chips in a ratio of 2/2/2/0.5/0.5 and mix.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make soil for cacti with your own hands:

Is drainage necessary?

Drainage is equally important. It will relieve the cactus from stagnation of water in the roots, which could later lead to the death of the plant. What does drainage consist of? It occupies from a sixth to a third of the entire pot and is divided into 2 layers according to its structure:

  1. Upper. This drainage layer is made of gravel. It should separate the cactus from the ground, and not just be scattered on the surface.

    Under no circumstances should you use expanded clay for the top layer. Expanded clay is a moisture-absorbing material that quickly absorbs water and takes a long time to dry, which prevents the soil from drying out. Using expanded clay as a top layer will only harm the cactus.

  2. To the bottom. Expanded clay or crushed stone is suitable for this layer.

Drainage manufacturing process

  1. Place an expanded clay or crushed stone layer on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Sprinkle soil on top.
  3. Place a layer of gravel on the soil.
  4. Also, do not forget about the drainage holes in the pot.

Ready-made soil for cacti and succulents, purchasing it

If you don’t have the time, desire or opportunity to tinker with creating soil, you can always buy it in the store; there are a lot of offers. But it is worth noting that most ready-made mixtures are made on the basis of peat, which can have an adverse effect on the plant, so the soils are “brought to mind” by adding the necessary elements to them.

When buying a mixture, you need to study the composition. In what soil should thorny plants be planted? The following primer would be most suitable:

  • fertilized;
  • based on lowland peat.

Succulents are plants very similar to cacti, but is the soil of the former suitable for the latter? Succulents have similar needs, and the soil for them is not much different from the soil for cacti. Manufacturers of ready-made soil write “For cacti and succulents” and have the right to do so.

Speaking of soil “For cacti and succulents”: in Moscow, 2.5 liters of ready-made biosoil will cost from 26 rubles, in St. Petersburg – from 27 rubles. 2 liters of soil from the Peter Peat company will cost from 42 rubles for the capital and from 40 rubles for St. Petersburg. 6 liters of soil from the Agricola company in Moscow will cost from 54 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 44 rubles.

Soil care

The soil also requires care.

For greater effect, you can combine both methods.

Cacti are quite demanding on the container in which they will grow. The size of the pot should match the root system of the cactus. To choose the right pot, you need to remove the cactus from the old container, carefully straighten the roots and inspect the root system. In some cacti, the roots are better developed in the upper part and are not very long, then the pot should be wide enough, but not deep. In other cacti, the roots grow in length, especially if the root system has a main taproot, then the pot should be deep, but not wide. In any case, the volume of a pot or other container for planting should not greatly exceed the volume of the root system in a straightened form, but it must be taken into account that some space in the pot will be taken up by drainage.

An incorrectly selected pot - it is too large, the cactus will grow in it too slowly, all you have to do is admire the decorative stones.

Properly selected pot, commensurate with the root system. In addition, in a properly selected pot, the cactus is less likely to suffer from excess moisture.

If the cactus is sick or damaged in some way, then the dishes should be slightly smaller in size than the volume of the root system. Also, when choosing a container, you should take into account the growth pattern of cacti. For example, mammillaria form many children, and in one pot there are many plants, so they need wider pots, but not deep ones. But for Ariocarpus, for example, the container should be deeper than wide.

What material the container for growing a cactus will be made of is a matter of taste. Usually cacti are grown in plastic pots, but they can also be grown in clay pots and in plastic cups from yogurt, and in ceramic cups, and in shells coconut, etc. It is undesirable to grow cacti only in metal containers, which can rust, and this will adversely affect the plant. If there are a lot of cacti and the collection is growing, then it is quite convenient to plant cacti in square or rectangular containers, which are then easily and tightly placed on a common tray, this makes it easier to transfer the cacti, the tightly arranged pots occupy a stable position. Only the frequency of watering depends on what material the container is made of. In plastic dishes, the earth retains moisture longer than in clay ones.

Another condition for containers for cacti is drainage holes. You could say that this is required condition, since cacti really don’t like stagnant water in a pot (especially epiphytes). Water that remains in the roots can lead to rotting and death of the plant.

Soil for cacti

Preparing soil for replanting cacti is a complex and controversial issue, in the sense that the composition of the soil depends on many factors, for example, the type of cactus, its age, etc. In various literature they cite various recipes and methods of preparing soil for cacti. Despite the fact that they sometimes differ, each author who advises one or another soil recipe, as a rule, relies on his own experience, having good results. The ingredients included in traditional cactus soils are varied, but always the same, these are:

IngredientsPropertiesWhere to get them
Leaf ground Rich in nutrients, loose, light, easily absorbs water. In the spring (April), when the snow is just melting in any birch grove or park where there are deciduous trees, the snow, old leaves are raked and the earth is collected with a scoop. You can collect soil under beech and hazel trees.
Clay-turf soil Holds water firmly, and nutrients are washed out of it more slowly Near the garden, where the ground is overgrown with turf (dense grass), this turf is removed along with the soil with a shovel and laid in layers that can be shed with slurry, then covered and left for at least one year. If this technology is difficult for you, then you can get this soil differently. You need to dig up the turf and, holding the grass, thoroughly shake off the soil from its roots. In this case, it will not be as nutritious as if it had been pressed for a year, but the structure will meet the requirements.
Old greenhouse land Used when it is not possible to obtain leaf and clay-turf soil In the vegetable garden
Well-rotted manure (humus) Used in microscopic quantities to add to very nutrient-poor soil for large cacti (mainly forest cacti) Since spring, cow manure in the vegetable garden or garden is laid in compost pit and covered with leaves (birch or apple) and soil on top, dug up after two years and used after sterilization
Coarse river sand Gives the soil looseness and porosity, is mandatory integral part in any soil for all cacti On the river, on the beach, it must be washed well to remove fine dust; for cacti, a sand fraction of 2-3 mm is required, this is almost fine gravel.
Zeolite or baked clay Increases soil porosity, helps moisture to quickly absorb and the soil to dry out quickly Zeolite granules can be obtained from cat litter such as Barsik-standard, or any similar one. You need a non-clumping filler, such that the granules can be washed and sifted. Throw away all small items smaller than 3 mm and use 4-5 mm granules.
Charcoal Charcoal from deciduous trees is used, used for disinfection in powder form (sprinkled on wounded roots) and added in pieces to the soil, because has anti-putrefactive properties Burn any stick from the garden or wasteland hardwood trees, preferably birch, break the firebrand into pieces. Crush some into powder, and leave some in small pieces and add to the soil.
Brick chips Gives the soil looseness and porosity, has the ability to retain excess moisture Use a hammer to crush red bricks into crumbs, which can be found wandering around the city or at the nearest construction site

Before choosing a particular soil mixture, you need to know that in any case, it must meet the following requirements:

  • the soil for any cacti should be loose and easily allow water and air to pass through;
  • The acidity of the soil for almost all cacti should be slightly acidic, better than pH = 4.5 - 6.

You need to know that leaf soil is looser than clay-turf and greenhouse soil. Brick chips and river sand give the soil looseness. And to give the soil the desired acidity add either peat (to increase acidity) or lime (gives alkaline reaction and reduces acidity). It should be borne in mind that young cacti and prickly seedlings need looser and more nutritious soil, so leaf soil makes up a significant proportion of the soil mixture for them. Adult and old cacti need denser soil, so they take more greenhouse and clay-turf soil. For fast-growing cacti, humus is added to the soil mixture. What else will the composition of the soil mixture depend on? Depending on the species characteristics of the plant, for example, cacti that have absolutely no spines need less calcium in the soil than cacti richly decorated with spines, which benefit from adding crushed eggshells to the soil.

By the way

Often several cacti, sometimes very different ones, are planted in one container, creating a composition. In this case, the growth rate and future size of each cactus should be taken into account so that the plants do not interfere with or suppress each other. In addition, cacti growing in the same container should require similar conditions of maintenance, watering, light, and temperature.

Soil mixture recipes

For planting and germination of seeds. Sheet soil is poured onto the drainage layer, and coarse river sand, washed to remove dust, is placed on top in an even layer. General proportions: 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part sand.

For picking seedlings A soil mixture is prepared from 1 part leaf soil, 1 part coarse river sand (or zeolite granules). Then, per glass of soil, add 1 teaspoon without top of red brick crushed into powder and the same amount of crushed charcoal.

For mature plants A soil mixture is made up of 1 part turf soil, 1 part leaf soil (or 1 part greenhouse soil), 2 parts coarse river sand (fine gravel or zeolite). Then for a glass of soil add 1 teaspoon with the top of crushed red brick into powder and 1 teaspoon without the top of crushed charcoal.

For old plants(from 4 years and older) a soil mixture is made up of 2 parts clay-turf soil, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part river sand (or zeolite) and 1 part vermiculite.

Store-bought soil mixtures

When choosing a purchased soil mixture for cacti, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is loose and easily absorbs moisture.

Unfortunately, most commercially available soil mixtures for cacti contain peat instead of leaf soil; sometimes it has a structure that is not at all suitable for growing cacti - such a mixture is poorly wetted with water, as a result, the water stagnates in the pot, which harms the plant .

Therefore, if you bought a cactus mixture, before planting the plant in it, pour a little soil into the pot and water it.

If the soil is not immediately wetted, and water remains on the surface for a long time, such soil is not suitable for growing cacti, despite the fact that it may be very loose and contain pieces of coal and broken bricks.

If for some reason you cannot prepare the soil mixture yourself, then you can purchase regular greenhouse soil or soil mixture for others at the store. indoor plants, provided that it is loose and allows water to pass through well.

Then add red brick chips, pieces of charcoal, and for old plants a little dry crushed clay to this soil. Mix the mixture well before planting.

By the way

In all literature, lime or old plaster. I deliberately do not include it in soil mixtures, as I have learned from my own experience that it must be handled very carefully.

In the sense that excess lime is very harmful to cacti, first of all, suberization of the root part of the stem is observed, even in cases where lime was not added to the soil, its excess occurs due to its high content in water.

Thus, it makes sense to add lime to the soil of those cacti that are watered with very soft water.

By the way

A cactus grower, like no one else, needs to have a lot of things that he cannot do without and will need them someday.

These are: a thermometer, alcohol, a paint brush, a sharp knife (you can use a scalpel), potassium permanganate, fungicide and insecticide preparations, sulfur, crushed charcoal and pieces of charcoal, pieces of red brick and crushed red brick, expanded clay, sprayer, watering can with a narrow neck .

Cacti always have a place indoors. Residents of northern regions, where these animals cannot survive on the streets and in gardens. amazing plants, attracts them to the unusual appearance, decorativeness. Admiring the cacti, you can’t help but feel like you’re in a hot desert or on the prairie. It is believed that plants do not need special care. But this is a deception: to grow it, you need to have knowledge of indoor farming techniques.

For indoor plants, soil selection is important. Each species will need its own components of the soil substrate, their proportions will vary depending on the structure of the root system. You can, of course, buy soil in a store, but will it meet the requirements? The mixtures are not always formulated correctly. Therefore, it is better to choose the composition yourself that will allow the cacti to fully develop.

Cacti belong to the Carnation family. They are able to grow in deserts, places where precipitation rarely falls. Their succulent, fleshy leaves store moisture, just like succulents. Arid regions are considered the birthplace of remarkable plants South America, West Indies. But best views cacti have spread all over the world and are successfully taking up residence in apartment window sills.

Among them stands out:

  • Mammillaria. They call the plant a variety of names: snowball, lady's fingers, and golden star. These spherical or columnar cacti are small in size. The growth of the fleshy stem reaches 20 centimeters. A peculiarity of the species is the tufts of spines that protrude from closely spaced tubercles. WITH early age Mammillaria begins to bloom, becoming covered with flowers of various colors.
  • From large lobivia cacti. The dimensions of the cylindrical stem reach half a meter. On the surface of the stem, areas of light and dark shades of green alternate. The entire stem of the plant is decorated with spines, straight and also curved. The root is a tap or turnip-like in appearance. At the root, many children are formed, with which the lobivia reproduces. The funnel-shaped flower petals are located on the side of the stem. An adult plant opens up to 25 brightly colored buds. Another name for cactus is Echinopsis.
  • Cereus is a columnar cactus. This long-liver is capable of reaching a height of up to a meter or two, and in nature – up to 6-8 meters. The straight, candle-like stems have spines. And during the growing season, white or red buds are formed.
  • Prickly pear. The flat-oval fleshy stems are divided into segments. The bluish-green color of the cactus is interesting. The spines of the prickly pear are modified, and the short hairs cause trouble for those who touch the stems. They dig into the skin and are difficult to get rid of. The plant blooms from spring to autumn.
  • Phyllocactus, or epiphyllum. These are leaf-shaped types of cacti, although leaves refer to the flat stems of the plant. Decorative flowers of a cactus. They are large and brightly colored. There are species with fragrant buds.

Depending on the variety of cactus, a container and soil are selected.

You need to decide on the size of the pot for cacti in advance. The root system of plant species differs in shape and length. Mammillaria have many babies on the sides, so the volume of the pot should be 10 centimeters.

The branched roots of some species require a wide but low container. Lobivia has a long root, and a deep pot is selected for it. The material from which the cactus container is made does not play a special role. Both ordinary plastic and ceramic ones will do.

Plants should not be planted in metal containers.

Containers come in different shapes. They are all good for cactus. You can use round, or better yet, rectangular or square pots or tubs if the plant has reached a large size. A good owner always carefully monitors the condition of his “prickly friend”, promptly transplanting him from a small container to a larger one.

What soil is best for cacti?

Specialized stores will offer substrate for cacti and succulents. But it is not suitable for all types of plants. At the core ready mixture there is peat. This component is not always useful for cacti that came to us from deserts or mountains. After all, there cacti grow on dry soil, stones, sand and clay. And nutritious peat can destroy cacti, since microflora that is undesirable for cacti develops in it.

The ideal environment for desert dwellers would be one that mimics grainy, arid soil that lacks nutrients. Harsh soils and minimal precipitation are normal for cacti. They manage to develop and bloom in such conditions. Therefore, the soil must be selected taking into account the needs of indoor crops.

The main components of mixtures for cacti will be:

  • clay-turf soil
  • leaf soil
  • coarse sand or fine gravel
  • mineral component

Clay-turf soil can be found in meadows in the floodplains of rivers, near reservoirs. She is light in color brown tone, structure – heavy. Leaf soil is taken from parks, gardens, and forests. Pronounced black color indicates decomposition products of plants and leaves. The soil is nutritious and loose.

Sand of the required structure is found on river banks or in quarries. Vermiculite and expanded clay are suitable mineral components. You can replace them with brick chips and crushed charcoal. The substrate for cacti is made up of two parts of turf and leaf soil, three parts of sand and one part of mineral components. Of the fertilizers, cacti require more potassium. If the root system of the cactus is turnip-like, then increase the amount of vermiculite to 60 percent of the total mass of the substrate.

The finished mixture is checked: it should be loose, permeable, slightly moist, and after being compressed into a lump it crumbles easily.

Interestingly, cacti with pubescence and spines need chalk or marble chips. Leaf cacti require more nutritious soil, so you can add humus to the pot, excluding minerals containing calcium and magnesium. When the soil for cacti at home is prepared correctly, the plant will develop and bloom without problems.

It is better to plant or replant a cactus in April or May. A layer of drainage is placed in the container, and then a little prepared soil.

It is advisable to disinfect the soil mixture before planting.

You can spill boiling water on the soil two weeks before planting the plant. Steaming in the oven cannot be ruled out by placing the container in a slightly heated cabinet for an hour. A microwave oven is also used for these purposes. In any case, the procedure is carried out in advance so that the earth has time to be saturated with beneficial organisms.

The roots of the cactus are straightened, lowered into the pot and sprinkled with soil. After lightly compacting and watering, you need to add soil and a drainage layer on top. Cacti are replanted twice a year, selecting new pot and substrate.

Drought-resistant plants require regular but meager watering. During the growing season, moisturizing once every two days is sufficient. By autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced, and in winter it is enough to water once a month. For adult specimens – even less.

Water for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature.

Cacti need to be fed twice. Humic liquid preparations are required during flower formation and after the plant has flowered. In their homeland, cacti are constantly illuminated by the sun. Therefore, at home it is necessary to provide them with sufficient lighting. In winter you need less of it.

The spherical, thorny stems of the plant suffer from dust, so in the summer they are covered with film caps. The air temperature for indoor crops should not exceed 35 degrees. It is better to protect young plants from the scorching rays of the sun, otherwise they will burn. Cacti require care and proper care. Then they will grow for a long time, becoming covered with beautiful flowers every year.

More information can be found in the video: