Scorpio man in marriage: horoscope of family life. Compatibility in relationships between Scorpio woman and Scorpio man

War or sex - this is what the planet Mars, ruling Scorpio (October 24 - November 21), portends. But you don’t want to fight with your man, right? Let's take a closer look at Scorpios in marriage and life.

But don't forget that this watermark. And just as water quenches thirst and gives life, so Scorpio quenches the desires of passion, love, his own and his partners, drawing into the pool of caresses and pleasure.

How do Scorpio men win women?

Girls, women, wives, you may suddenly meet male gaze, asking for love, and unquenchable lust in the eyes of Scorpio. Sooner or later you will respond to this call of alluring eyes, and you yourself will not understand how you already ended up in his bed. What excitement, adrenaline, sex and pleasure! But don't rush to make plans for the future. Did you get caught on the first date? In vain! Scorpio is an excellent lover, but he never allows himself to relax and fall under a woman's spell. Availability doesn't appeal to him. He must defeat a woman who is independent and equal in mind, and enjoy the victory. Having defeated you, he may soon leave you, although he will do it nobly. And don't ask why? He doesn’t quite understand this himself, he was just following his passion. If love is the soul, and the flesh is passion, then they constantly fight among themselves. The soul wants to be faithful, and the body requires new thrills. He seeks love to justify passion, and sometimes he himself cannot distinguish one from the other. He falls in love, but, unfortunately, he doesn’t know for how long. This is the most incorrect sign of the Zodiac, if we are talking about a man. And you will not change his decision to leave - it is irrevocable. But there is no need to be sorry! As a reward you received his temperament and sexual experience.

Scorpio men in love

Scorpion - . He will not show his feelings in public, he can behave indifferently, sometimes rudely, and even cruelly, but in private he opens up completely and admits his feelings. If it happens that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, he can love his chosen one stronger and more tenderly than his legal husband. An office romance is also a common situation for Scorpio. But in business relations With a Scorpio man, a woman must be careful: love victories are often used to achieve career goals. The inconsistency of good intentions and the use of not always worthy means gives rise to conflicting opinions about him, and your authority may suffer.

Are you interested in what Scorpios are like in marriage - how do they behave, what kind of spouses do representatives of this difficult zodiac sign make? Representatives of this zodiac sign think for a very long time about choosing their potential life partner.

In marriage, Scorpio often strives to completely subjugate his partner. Scorpio looks at his partner as property that has become his full possession. However, Scorpios are created for family life, they are very devoted, adore children and are ready to sacrifice themselves for their sake. Internally weak, Scorpio constantly needs someone else's care and protection, but he himself loves to patronize someone. Scorpio simply needs a home-corner in which he would feel safe.

Characteristics of Scorpio in Marriage

They may have a clear picture in their head of the person Scorpio would like to spend their entire life with. But due to their impulsiveness, they are ready to replay everything in 1 second. At the same time, the Scorpio spouse is always a reliable, faithful, loving partner. Scorpios belong to the category of people who are considered owners. They will not be jealous, but they can energetically suppress the person who stopped loving them. They strive for perfection, they are independent and categorical.

Scorpios in marriage do not like being misunderstood. This causes violent aggression, life is filled with violent scandals and conflicts that are not always resolved, because... Scorpios are lovers of running away from problems in marriage. At the same time, they do not know how to leave any unresolved issues behind them, and as soon as their already cold blood cools a little, they resolve everything faster than one might think.

Scorpio Man in Marriage

A Scorpio man will never allow his wife to dictate terms to him. He clearly delineates marital responsibilities. And if his wife has any doubts about this, the Scorpio man will eliminate them so quickly that she won’t even have time to blink. However, with a wife who understands him, the Scorpio man will be gentle and attentive and will repay her with such fidelity and love , which many women have only read about in novels. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break.

In general, Scorpio in marriage is an irreplaceable person. The Scorpio man always takes all the initiative upon himself, freeing his beloved from unnecessary thoughts about anything. And Scorpio women turn into a generator of ideas and an engine for their man. Not only do they develop themselves, but they also constantly push their man forward.

Scorpio Woman in Marriage

In general, for Scorpios, happiness in marriage and personal life depends not only on the internal harmony of each partner. For them great value has sex. For example, a satisfied Scorpio woman can look like a kitten for several days - cute, gentle, affectionate.

But if you don’t satisfy Scorpio, they will not spare any barbs towards you or aggression. They begin to find fault with every little thing, and the partners literally begin to feel hatred and contempt on the part of the Scorpio, who recently so sincerely loved his soulmate.

Family life with a Scorpio cannot be compared with anything. These are constant emotions, and they are either good or bad. A neutral life is not for these people. If they begin to observe a routine in their life, they quickly dilute it with some events. Scorpios often invent difficulties for themselves, so that they can then heroically overcome them. But they cannot do otherwise, because... They'll just die of boredom.

In marriage, Scorpio strives to completely subjugate his partner. Scorpio looks at his partner as property that has become his full possession. However, Scorpios are created for family life, they are very devoted, adore children and are ready to sacrifice themselves for their sake. Internally weak, Scorpio constantly needs someone else's care and protection, but he himself loves to patronize someone. Scorpio simply needs a home-corner in which he would feel safe. Scorpio's rugged individualism makes him very touchy. Touched to the quick, he is capable of exploding and saying a bunch of insolent things to his spouse, but he will be the first to come running to ask for forgiveness. A Scorpio man will never allow his wife to dictate terms to him. He clearly delineates marital responsibilities. And if his wife has any doubts about this, the Scorpio man will eliminate them so quickly that she won’t even have time to blink. However, with a wife who understands him, the Scorpio man will be gentle and attentive and will repay her with such fidelity and love , which many women have only read about in novels. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break.

The Scorpio woman is a deeply feeling, very emotional woman, absolutely devoted to her husband. For the sake of the one who truly won her heart, she is capable of any sacrifice. Women are faithful wives who will publicly stand up for their spouse, will not abandon him in the most critical situations, and they do not care what others think or say. The Scorpio woman is very jealous. Jealousy is her worst flaw. She believes that all her husband's adoration should be directed towards her. She sees rivals and intrigue where there are none. It is not surprising that in the field family relations Scorpio women have certain difficulties that they have to deal with.

Are you interested in what Scorpios are like in marriage - how do they behave, what kind of spouses do representatives of this difficult zodiac sign make? Representatives of this zodiac sign think for a very long time about choosing their potential life partner.

What are Scorpios like in love and marriage?

They may have a clear picture in their head of the person Scorpio would like to spend their entire life with. But due to their impulsiveness, they are ready to replay everything in 1 second.

At the same time, the Scorpio spouse is always a reliable, faithful, loving partner. Scorpios belong to the category of people who are considered owners. They will not be jealous, but they can energetically suppress the person who stopped loving them. They strive for perfection, they are independent and categorical.

Scorpios in marriage union They don’t like it when they are not understood. This causes violent aggression, life is filled with violent scandals and conflicts that are not always resolved, because... Scorpios are lovers of running away from problems in marriage.

At the same time, they do not know how to leave any unresolved issues behind them, and as soon as their already cold blood cools a little, they resolve everything faster than one might think.

How does a Scorpio man behave in marriage?

In general, Scorpio is an irreplaceable person in a marriage. The Scorpio man always takes all the initiative upon himself, freeing his beloved from unnecessary thoughts about anything. And Scorpio women turn into a generator of ideas and an engine for their man. Not only do they develop themselves, but they also constantly push their man forward.

Family life with a Scorpio cannot be compared with anything. These are constant emotions, and they are either good or bad. A neutral life is not for these people. If they begin to observe a routine in their life, they quickly dilute it with some events. Scorpios often invent difficulties for themselves, so that they can then heroically overcome them. But they cannot do otherwise, because... They'll just die of boredom.

How does a Scorpio woman behave in marriage?

In general, for Scorpios, happiness in marriage and personal life depends not only on the internal harmony of each partner. Sex is of great importance to them. For example, a satisfied Scorpio woman can look like a kitten for several days - cute, gentle, affectionate.

But if you don’t satisfy Scorpio, they will not spare any barbs towards you or aggression. They begin to find fault with every little thing, and the partners literally begin to feel hatred and contempt on the part of the Scorpio, who recently so sincerely loved his soulmate.

Enough a large number of people in modern world When entering into one relationship or another, she increasingly turns to horoscopes. They are interested in the characteristics of the sign, possible compatibility in some area, most often in love. Will this man be ideal, will this woman make me happy, what are the chances that the relationship will be successful? If the stars do not give an exact answer to all these troubling questions, they will be able to point you in the right direction, suggest how best to act in a given situation, with a particular partner. Of course, there is no guarantee that the whole concept of zodiac signs will work, but when you are in love, you do not hesitate to try literally everything to get at least a little closer to the object of your admiration.

Marriage compatibility, is it possible? Before we begin to look at this issue, let's try to clarify some points. Although a man and a woman born in the same period of time can pass under the same

And with the same Sun sign, they often have very different personalities. Thus, a Scorpio man is firm in his beliefs, especially when it comes to his thoughts and decisions. He often takes other people's pain upon himself. He is sociable and demonstrates a kind heart, which, however, likes to keep his feelings under control. in a marriage with any of the signs, he achieves due to the fact that he is often loyal to people close to him. However, this does not stop him from being jealous. Nevertheless, it is these qualities that make him attractive to any woman. He's a great catch, so to speak.

In marriage, it depends not only on the man, but also on the woman. The beautiful representatives of this sign are mysterious. From time to time they simply suffocate you with their love, but as soon as the mood turns sour - and in front of you is a person full of sarcasm. She is alluring, mysterious and incredibly beautiful. She is not easily influenced and usually follows decisions that she has made herself. This woman is an actress who can present herself as something completely different from the person she appears to be.

in fact, thereby leading others by the nose for quite a long time. However, the most important trait in people that attracts them is honesty. The compatibility of Scorpio and Scorpio in marriage depends on the willingness of each of them to accept their partner as he is. The fire of feelings always burns between them, but at the same time there is also a constant struggle for power. However, the desire to possess each other is so strong that it protects them from interfering in their partner’s decisions.

Marriage and compatibility in love with each other are quite promising. The most important thing in this relationship is trust. And if both are honest with each other, their chances of a warm, long-term relationship will increase significantly.

The compatibility of Scorpio and Scorpio in marriage also depends on whether they are ready to spend sufficient quantity time together, studying common cause. Most zodiac experts say that this is very strong connection, but it can be destroyed at any moment. However, if both partners are mature enough to handle small omissions, they will definitely become a successful couple.