DIY motorized dog with an engine from the planet. Motorized towing vehicles (motorized dogs): their capabilities, characteristics, manufacturers and prices. Installation of chassis and controls

“Doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, rolls around the field”... Don’t rack your brains over this strange riddle.

It hides an unusual vehicle designed to transport people and cargo off-road. The association with a dog sled arises due to the separate location of the transport module and the drag sled. Therefore, a motorized towing vehicle is often called a “motorized dog.”

The usual operating environment for this machine is frozen lakes and rivers, snow-covered forests and fields. The vast majority of motorized dog owners are hunters, fishermen and tourists.

The lack of awareness of the majority of citizens about motorized towing vehicles against the background of their growing popularity requires us to detailed story about their types, capabilities and operating features.

What is a motorized towing vehicle?

Designed for winter off-road driving, the motorized towing vehicle has much in common with a snowmobile. Fundamental difference– placement of the driver outside the platform with a motor on a towed sled. This is not an empty whim of the designers, but an important layout decision that reduces the weight of the vehicle and increases its maneuverability. Two other advantages in comparison with a snowmobile are simplicity of design and affordable price.

Of particular note is the compactness and light weight of this machine. It can be placed in passenger car with station wagon body.

The best time of year for a motorized towing vehicle is winter, and perfect place for trips - the snow-covered surface of a river or lake. Initially, these machines were specifically designed for ice fishing enthusiasts. The operation of a motorized dog is very simple: it is brought to the shore of a reservoir in a car, unloaded and driven on the ice in search of a good bite. Most cars have a fuel tank that lasts 30-40 km, so at one gas station you can travel 15-20 km from your home base.

A good motorized towing vehicle confidently moves not only on rolled snow, but also on fairly deep snow. It can transport loads through the forest and over rough terrain, replete with ups and downs.

In summer, the transport capabilities of this equipment are reduced, since rocky soil quickly kills rubber track. But for trips through swampy areas, fields and forest roads, motorized towing vehicles are used quite actively in the warm season.

The good traction characteristics and excellent maneuverability of this machine are in demand in household farming all year round.

In summer, a motorized dog does not rest, but works together with its owner

"Anatomy" of a motorized dog

Here everything needs to be broken down “to the bones.” Any motorized towing vehicle consists of the following parts:

  1. Engine.
  2. Support frame.
  3. Pendants.
  4. Transmissions.
  5. Caterpillars.
  6. Electrical equipment and control systems.

1. Engine most often a single-cylinder four-stroke with a power of 6 to 15 “horses”.

Three types of power units have earned the most popularity: the more expensive Honda, as well as the more budget MTR (the Chinese analogue of the Japanese brand) and Lifan. The price difference between them is quite noticeable and reaches 20,000 rubles. The difference in reliability is not that significant. Therefore, many buyers choose equipment with Chinese engines.

If we talk about traction characteristics, then a 6-horsepower unit is an option for one person traveling fishing or hunting with the necessary equipment (50-70 kg). Motorized dog with a motor of more than 9 hp. will cope with the transportation of two people and deliver two centners of cargo on a drag sleigh to the desired point.

2. Frame you need to pay due attention, since it experiences serious loads when driving off-road. Thin metal is not allowed here. It quickly deforms, making the machine unusable.

Experts say that minimum required steel sheet thickness – 3 mm. Regarding reliability steel profile The frame is best judged by reviews from the owners of this equipment.

The frame is the basis of reliability and durability

3. Suspension of a motorized towing vehicle is an important indicator of its driving capabilities. There are two structural systems suspensions: roller and sliding.

Roller suspension

Slime suspension - the caterpillar slides along the internal “ski”

When driving on uneven terrain, a roller suspension is more comfortable than a skid suspension, but it overcomes deep snow worse (the cavities between the rollers become clogged). In turn, the slick system can only be operated in winter time. It needs snow to cool the caterpillar rubbing against the ski runner - the slick.

From modern modifications roller suspensions, there are options in which the rollers are supported not by rigid, but by spring support. Thanks to this solution, the motorized towing vehicle moves more smoothly on the hard surface of a frozen pond and dirt roads.

4. Transmission transmits the rotation of the engine shaft to the track drive sprocket. It comes in two types: automatic gearbox and variable speed drive.

The main advantage of an automatic clutch is its high traction force. Disadvantages include increased wear of friction discs and the need for frequent maintenance.

The variator ensures smooth, stepless transmission of torque from the engine to the track, less wear on parts and fuel economy. It is more reliable, but more expensive than the automatic one. The weakest point of a CVT transmission is the drive belt. It has to be changed frequently after active movement on difficult areas.

Motorcycle dog experts say that the variator is optimal for winter use. Automatic transmission and frame with sprung rollers – The best decision for all-season use.

5. Track designs differ in width, length, height and lug pitch.

Depending on the width, there are two types of tracks:

  1. Snowmobiles (38 cm).
  2. Specially designed for motorized towing vehicles (50-55 cm).

The Buranovskaya snowmobile track does not have high cross-country ability. It is better to operate equipment with such a propulsion system on compacted winter roads or on reservoirs. The narrow track width makes the machine less stable. Most often it is installed on budget models with an automatic transmission and an engine power of no more than 7 l/s. Buying a motorized dog with a narrow track can be recommended for those who travel alone and do not carry heavy loads.

The 50 cm caterpillar is the most popular option. The large width and high lugs make the motorized tug more passable, more stable and more maneuverable.

Standard track (length 2828 mm, width 500 mm, lug height 21 mm)

To increase cross-country ability, motorized towing vehicles are equipped with a so-called aggressive caterpillar. It is distinguished by a larger width (55 cm), a special “tread pattern” and lug height (32 mm versus 21 mm for the standard one).

Aggressive caterpillar

To move along bare ice and dense snow, a split design has been developed. It consists of two narrow tracks connected by metal grouser slats. The narrow specialization of this design makes it unsuitable for movement on deep and loose snow cover.

Split track

6. In addition to standard “electrics” servicing the motor, the motorized dog can, at your request, be equipped with an electric starter (manual start is provided in the basic configuration) and a lighting coil.

The need for the first device can be debated, since manual starting of the engine of a motorized towing vehicle works reliably. But there is no point in discussing the installation of a lighting coil. It supplies electricity to the headlight, without which you won’t get far at night.

The only nuance you should be aware of is the current generated by the coil. 3 amp will not be enough to power a standard 55 Watt light bulb in the headlight. Therefore, it is better if the motorized dog is equipped with a 7 Ampere lighting coil. It will be enough not only for lighting, but also to power the electrically heated control handles - an additional useful option for a motorized towing vehicle.

Control of the engine and transmission, choice of direction of movement - everything in this machine is performed using a two-handed stand, colloquially referred to as “horns”. It is pivotally connected to the power module and resembles the control system of a walk-behind tractor.

The free space on the motorized dog platform is not empty. It transports cargo and camping equipment.

Speaking about the design of the motorized dog, we need to say a few words about a useful addition - the ski module. It turns the car into a kind of light snowmobile, allowing the driver to sit on the cargo platform, comfortably controlling the movement.

Ski module of motorized towing vehicle

Five popular manufacturers

The popularity of motorized dogs today is such that only a lazy manufacturer does not try to offer the market its own version of the machine. It’s not easy to understand the motley variety of names and models. As always, videos posted on the Internet and reviews from owners are a useful guide in this matter.

In this regard, the company’s motorized towing vehicles deserve attention Burlak. The reliability of the design and the absence of problems with spare parts pleases the owners of this equipment. In 2016, the most budget model of this company (6.5 hp) can be purchased for 52,000 rubles, the most equipped (15 hp) for 82,600 rubles.

Tugboat Burlak

No less popular are the all-season cars of the Russian company. Koira (KOiRa). They are equipped with two tracks and pneumatic rollers, increasing cross-country ability. marshy areas. Price tags for them start at 82,000 and end at 135,000 rubles.

High-speed motorized towing vehicles do not cause any complaints from owners Chinook Russian-assembled, confidently overcoming loose snow and spring thaw. Estimated prices for these machines range from 74,000 to 105,000 rubles (with ski module included).

Motorcycle dogs deserve positive reviews Pachus for high maneuverability, reliability and maintainability. You can purchase them at prices ranging from 51,000 to 250,000 rubles. in the richest and most complete configuration.

Motor vehicles occupy high positions in the popular ratings Leopard. The most popular models from this manufacturer are the Partisan and the Pathfinder. They are economical, easy to operate and maintain. The cost of cars, depending on engine power and configuration, ranges from 56 to 120 thousand rubles.

Leopard Pathfinder

How to make a motorized dog with your own hands?

Many lovers homemade designs managed to have a hand in creating motorized towing vehicles. This is not a simple matter, requiring good design and metalworking skills.

A homemade motorized dog assembled on the basis of a low-power engine from a chainsaw or moped cannot be considered a serious mechanism. It's more likely funny toy, but not reliable assistant while hunting or fishing.

It is better to buy the main components of the future towing vehicle - engine, variator, chain, drive sprocket, rollers and caterpillar ready-made, concentrating the main efforts on making a durable frame and high-quality installation purchased units.

Homemade frame - top view

Having welded the frame according to the drawings, supports for the caterpillar, shafts with rollers are attached to it, and the caterpillar is installed.

The next stage is the installation of a platform made of thick plywood or steel sheet and mounting the engine, variator and drive chain on it.

Making a motorized dog with your own hands without fencing the loading platform means spending time every time securing the luggage with ropes or elastic slings. The fence grid is welded from a small tubular profile with a cross-section of 20x20 mm.

If you have thought about making a motorized dog with your own hands, it is worth considering that this design is not at all overly complicated. That is why you can make it yourself, without the help of specialists. The high popularity of the described motorized towing vehicles is explained by the fact that they have compact sizes and excellent maneuverability. Among other things, they are unpretentious in maintenance and consume quite little fuel during operation.

general description

Before making a motorized dog with your own hands, you must understand it design features, as well as assembly technologies. In essence, this design is an oversized tracked motorized unit designed for towing all kinds of small loads.

Engine selection and installation

The most important component of the described homemade product is the engine. In this case, this is a fairly popular moped motor of the Sh-58 brand, which is the fruit domestic production. As the main advantage of this device The advantage is that it is designed for the use of a manual box switch. In addition, it should be noted that motorized towing vehicles can use engines foreign production. When making a motorized dog with your own hands, you can use a small-displacement engine, which is produced under the brands Honda and Yamaha. The main feature of these engines is their versatility, because they are excellent for creating a motorized dog, as well as for other devices. Among them are small power plants and

In the process of making a motorized dog with your own hands, it is recommended to think about the number of engine cycles. Two-stroke varieties are best suited, which, compared to four-stroke ones, are smaller in size and weight, while the power characteristics remain approximately at the same level.


Do not forget that the design must have control elements. In this case, it is preferable to use a steering wheel that has built-in controls. Thus, the design will have a gearbox switch, as well as a clutch and gas handle, borrowed from old motorcycles.

Carrying out the assembly

If you make a motorized dog with your own hands, the diagram and drawings of this design will allow you to eliminate errors. Before you start assembling, you need to take care of the availability. Afterwards, you will need to machine bushings for them. In the role load-bearing structure a welded frame should be used, which will include water pipes different diameters. To give these elements the required shape, they need to be filled with dry sand, and then sealed tightly enough with plugs. After this, the workpiece must be placed in a vice, starting to slowly bend and use it in the required places. In order to ensure an even bend, you need to use a reference template, which is pre-made from plywood.

Work technology

If you are making a motorized dog with your own hands, the diagram and drawings of this device will help you with this. Once all the frame elements have the required shape, they can be fixed to each other using welding clamps. These manipulations are necessary so that if defects form at the assembly stage, they can be easily eliminated. After all errors have been eliminated, the frame can be finally fixed by welding. Drawings of a motorized dog with your own hands can be easily prepared without the help of specialists. For mounting the engine on the frame, blanks made of sheet steel are ideal. They are made according to a pre-fitted template, the last of which is made of cardboard. It must match the dimensions of the frame. The blanks are fixed on the engine, only after the resulting structure should be attached to the frame system using welding clamps. On next stage the engine must be disconnected from the workpiece, finally fixing it on the frame.

Working on collapsible shafts

You can easily make a motorized dog with your own hands if you first familiarize yourself with the technology of work. In the tracked block, collapsible shafts should be used, which are made of bearings and bushings. The latter are machined for bearings, and the wall thickness should not be more than 5 millimeters. The most impressive loads in a motorized towing vehicle will fall on the rear axle. She should be made the leader. Why to rear shaft The drive sprocket is fixed and connected to the gearbox using a chain drive. In motorized towing vehicles, in addition to composite shafts, composite wheels are used. If you are making a motorized dog with your own hands, the diagram will help you with the work. Each wheel will consist of two three-millimeter cheeks, as well as several dozen hooks for the ground. The latter must be made from steel pipes. To dampen vibration of the wheels, rubber bushings must be installed at the ends of the hooks.


Before you make a motorized dog with your own hands, you need to think about how the tracks will be made. IN in this example an option has been considered that involves the use of its width should be 220 millimeters. The tracks for the walk-behind tractor are made from flat birch slats, the length of which is 1260 millimeters. In order to strengthen the tracks, it is recommended to use steel ridges attached to the bars. The track elements are fixed with bolts that have an M6 thread.


Driving such a motorized dog is almost no different from driving a moped. The gas handle is located on the right handlebar, while on the left there is a gearshift lever and clutch handle. The steering wheel is attached to the frame via two pipes that are welded to a U-shaped fork. The latter is fixed on the rear axle using steel washers. Due to the fact that the engine of a motorized dog is located inside the caterpillar, it is impossible to activate it using a kickstarter. In view of this, it can be slightly modernized. To do this, use a piece of pipe, at the end of which a slot is made of such a size that the lever drive fits into it. Afterwards, using welding, you can fasten the kickstarter lever and the pipe.

Creating a motorized dog will require certain skills and abilities from you, but if you have the right drawing and explanations, it will not turn into an incredible obstacle. Below we will describe in detail the entire process of creating this mechanism.

Creating a motorized dog: choosing an engine

The benefits of creating a motorized dog will be especially noticeable in difficult terrain. The mechanism is small in size, requires a ridiculous amount of fuel, and is easy to repair and operate. Essentially, this is a tracked unit on a motor that simplifies the process of towing cargo. Accordingly, the most important detail such a “craft” will be an engine. We recommend choosing the Sh-58 model from an old Soviet moped for the following reasons: it is relatively cheap and offers manual gearbox control. Any other small engines you happen to have on hand are also acceptable. For example, parts from Yamaha and Honda are common choices. It is better to take a two-stroke engine, since in this craft it will not be too inferior to a four-stroke one.

Selection of the necessary parts for a motorized dog

As the main control element, we will need a steering wheel with a built-in gearshift switch, clutch and gas, for example, from the same Soviet-style motorcycles. The chassis requires support bearings, bushings to match them, plus a support frame. It's easy to make from water pipes. To give them the required form, the pipes are filled with sand, sealed and using blowtorch carefully bend it, having previously secured it in a vice. Next, the components are fastened with welding clamps, in accordance with the reference design. When it is clear that no defects need correction, the parts are finally welded.

Installation of motor and motor dog shafts

To secure the engine to the frame, you will need blanks from pre-prepared sheet steel. First, they are applied to cardboard and adjusted to the frame. A collapsible shaft will be created from bushings, bearings and shafts. Due to the distribution of loads, the rear axle will be the driving one. Therefore, it is necessary to weld a drive sprocket to the rear shaft, which is connected by a chain transmission to the gearbox. Composite wheels for a motorized dog will consist of 2 cheeks of 3 mm each, steel lugs and rubber bushings that dampen vibration.

Making caterpillars for a motorized dog

Ideally, for this part we take a conveyor belt of about 220 mm. The tracks are made from birch planks, 1260 mm each. in length, securing the parts with M6 bolts. Controlling the final design is similar to driving a moped. The steering wheel is secured to the frame using 2 pipes attached to the fork in the shape of the letter P. The fork is secured to the rear axle with welded steel washers. Since the motor is located inside the track, the kickstarter will have to be slightly improved. To do this, we take a piece of pipe and place a lever drive at its end, after which we fasten them together by welding.

You will find the drawing and explanations for it in the picture above. Also see detailed video about how to make a motorized dog with your own hands.

The general design is not complicated and anyone who knows how to hold a tool in their hands can make a motorized dog with their own hands (see the end of the article for drawings and explanations).

The great popularity of light motorized towing vehicles is due to the fact that, coupled with a fairly compact size, they have excellent maneuverability, are unpretentious in maintenance and consume little fuel.

Let's try to figure out what a motorized dog is? Essentially, it is a small motorized crawler unit that is designed to tow small loads.

Engine selection and installation

Most important element homemade is the engine. In our case, we chose the fairly common domestic moped motor Sh-58, the main advantage of which is that it is designed to use a manual gearbox switch.

Homemade motorized dog

It is also worth noting that foreign-made engines can be successfully used in homemade motorized dogs. Especially, small-displacement engines from Yamaha and Honda are in demand.

The main feature of these internal combustion engines is their versatility; they are perfect not only for creating a homemade motorized towing vehicle, but also for large quantity other devices, ranging from small power plants to homemade walk-behind tractors.

As for the number of strokes, two-stroke engines are best suited for this, since compared to their four-stroke counterparts they have smaller dimensions and weight, while their power characteristics are approximately the same.

Don’t forget about the motorized dog controls. Here, a steering wheel with built-in controls is best suited, that is, with a gearshift switch, gas and clutch handles from old motorcycles.

Before starting to assemble the chassis, it is necessary to select support bearings, after which bushings are machined under these bearings. A welded frame consisting of water pipes is used as a supporting structure various diameters. To give the pipes the desired shape, they are first filled with dry sand and tightly sealed with plugs.

Consumption no more than 2 liters per 100 km

Then the workpiece is placed in a vice, and slowly, using a blowtorch, it is bent in the right places. In order for the bend to be even, a reference template made of plywood is used.

After all the frame elements have acquired the desired shape, they are fastened together using welding clamps.

This is done specifically so that if defects occur during the assembly stage, they can be easily corrected. After all defects have been eliminated, the frame is finally fastened together by welding.

Sheet steel blanks are ideal for installing the engine on the frame. Such blanks are made using cardboard templates pre-fitted to the frame. First of all, the blanks are fixed to the engine, after which the resulting structure is attached to the frame with welding points. The engine is then disconnected from the workpiece and finally welded to the frame.

Our tracked unit will use collapsible shafts made of bushings, bearings and the shaft itself. As mentioned earlier, bushings are specially machined for bearings, and the thickness of the bushing walls should not exceed 5 mm. Due to the fact that the greatest loads in a homemade motorized dog fall on the rear axle, we make it the leading axle. To do this, a drive sprocket is welded to the rear shaft, which is connected to the gearbox via a chain drive.

In addition to composite shafts, motorized dogs also use composite wheels. Each of these wheels consists of two cheeks 3 mm thick and several dozen lugs made of small steel pipes. In order for the wheels to better dampen vibration, rubber bushings are inserted into the ends of the lugs.


For the manufacture of tracks, a conveyor belt with a width of at least 220 mm is best suited. The tracks for our walk-behind tractor are made of smooth birch slats 1260 mm long. To strengthen the structure of the tracks, you can use steel ridges that are attached to birch bars. The track parts are fastened with M6 threaded bolts.

Homemade caterpillar

Management process homemade motorized dog practically no different from driving a moped. On the right handle of the steering wheel there is a gas handle, and on the left there is a clutch handle and a gearshift lever. By the way, the steering wheel is attached to the frame using two pipes, which in turn are welded to a U-shaped fork. The fork itself is attached to the rear axle of the walk-behind tractor using steel washers welded into it.

Due to the fact that the motor of our motorized towing vehicle is located inside the caterpillar, it cannot be started using a standard kickstarter, so it had to be slightly modernized. To do this, you need a fairly long piece of pipe, at the end of which we make a slot of such a size that the lever drive can easily fit into it. Then, using regular welding, we attach the pipe and the kickstarter lever.

Drawing of a motorized dog

Explanations for the drawing: 1-front driven wheels; 2-track lugs (birch slats 35×75-1260 mm); 3-threaded rods M8x170 mm with nuts; 4-upper part of the frame ( steel pipe 30×2 mm); 5-front engine mount (steel strip 2.5 mm thick); 6-comb (steel strip 3 mm thick); 7-reinforcing element ( steel sheet thickness 2.5 mm); 8-post (steel pipe 30×2 mm); 9-plug (steel pipe dia. 22×2.5 mm); 10-fuel tank (2.5 l polyethylene canister); 11-control elements of the tracked unit (on the left: clutch handle and gearbox switch, on the right - pelvis handle); 12-steering wheel (from any brand of moped); 13- fuel tank support (steel strip 2 mm thick); 14-fuel tap with sump (from any moped); 15-fuel line; 16-drive shaft bushing; 17- hook; 18-sleeve (piece of rubber hose); 19-outer cheek of the wheel (duralumin sheet 3 mm thick); 20-washer; 21-fork washers; 22-pin; 23-drive shaft (steel pipe diameter 30×2.5 mm); 24-flange (steel sheet 3 mm thick); 25-pin (steel bar dia. 10 mm); 26-inner cheek of the wheel (duralumin sheet 3 mm thick); 27-rear drive wheel; 28 control system cables; 29-track drive chain; 30-rear engine mount (steel sheet 2.5 mm thick); 31-engine type B-50; 32-muffler (thin-walled steel cylindrical container 0130 mm with holes 20 mm in diameter); 33-lower part of the frame (steel pipe 30×2 mm); 34-front driven shaft bushing; 35-bolts M8x55 mm with nuts; 36,40 - bushings; 37-bearing; 38-adapter; 39-bushing; 41-bushing; 42-drive chain sprocket; 43-rubber-fabric tape (thickness 6 mm, width 220 mm).

If you are making a motorized towing vehicle with your own hands, then you need to take into account the design features of this device before starting work. As experienced craftsmen note, for any person the production of this equipment will not be too much. challenging task. If you do not want to use the help of specialists, then you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of doing the work. The high popularity of the described motorized towing vehicle, which is also called a motorized dog, is due to the fact that it has small dimensions and good maneuverability. Such equipment is unpretentious in operation, and in the process consumes very little fuel.

Design features

If you are making a motorized towing vehicle with your own hands, then before starting these manipulations you must understand all the design features, as well as become more familiar with the assembly process. Considering this equipment, it can be noted that it is a small-sized motorized tracked unit, which is used to tow various small-sized cargo.

Selection and installation of the motor

If you decide to make a motorized towing vehicle with your own hands, you need to think about an important component of the homemade product - the engine. Used in making similar models a common moped engine, which is known under the brand name Ш-58. He - Russian production. The main advantage of this device is that it is designed to use exclusively a manual box switch. It should be noted that motorized dogs can use foreign-made engines. If you want to create a motorized towing vehicle with your own hands that will last a longer time, then it is best to use engines that are produced under the Yamaha and Honda brands. In the role main feature These motors are universal, since such equipment can be used to create both a motorized towing vehicle and any other device that requires the presence of an engine. Among the latter, oversized power plants can be distinguished.

We take the issue of choosing an engine seriously

A homemade motorized towing vehicle requires a high-quality engine. It is necessary to choose its characteristics correctly. The master must think about the number of engine cycles. It is preferable to use a two-stroke variety, which has impressive size and weight compared to a four-stroke. But as for the power characteristics, they remain almost at the same level.

The important part is the controls

For operation, a homemade motorized towing vehicle must have control elements; this should in no case be forgotten before starting the manipulation. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use a steering wheel with built-in controls. The design will have a switch, as well as a gas and clutch handle, which can be borrowed from used equipment.

Motor dog assembly technology

Before making a motorized towing vehicle, it is necessary to prepare a design diagram that will allow you to avoid errors. You only need to assemble them after you have prepared the bushings for them. A welded frame must be used as a supporting structure. It will contain tubes of different diameters; in order to give these elements the desired shape, they must be filled with dry sand. Now the master seals both ends with plugs, which you can make yourself from wood. The workpiece is placed in a vice, and then slowly bent using hot air should be applied to the required place. It is important to ensure maximum bending, for this it is recommended to use a reference template. You can make this workpiece yourself using a plywood sheet.

Work methodology

Once the variator for the motorized towing vehicle has been selected, you can check whether all the elements have the required shape. The components are fixed to each other, and welding clamps must be used. These works are carried out so that if defects occur during assembly, they can be easily eliminated. After all errors have been eliminated, the frame is well secured by welding. The drawings of the motorized towing vehicle, of course, can be borrowed from the article, but for carrying out the work you can prepare them without the help of professionals. In order to install the motor on the frame, you can use blanks that are pre-made from sheet metal. They must be made of fairly thick cardboard. It should be equal in size to the frame. The workpieces are well secured to the engine, only after that the structure is fixed in the frame system using the same welding clamps. Now the craftsman disconnects the engine from the workpiece to finally attach it to the frame system.

Manipulations with collapsible shafts

Motorized towing vehicle, specifications which will depend on the elements used in the work process, can be made independently, but before starting manipulations it is necessary to think through each step. In the tracked unit, it is recommended to use collapsible shafts made of bearings and bushings. The latter are carefully turned for the former, and the wall thickness should not exceed 5 millimeters. The motorized dog will experience the heaviest loads on the rear axle. She should be the leader. For this purpose, a drive sprocket is attached to the rear shaft, which must be connected to the gearbox. This is done through a chain transmission. You can make a sled for a motorized towing vehicle yourself using wooden runners and a lumber-based frame. In addition to composite shafts, the structure must have composite wheels. Each of them consists of cheeks, the dimensions of which are 3 millimeters. In addition, several dozen hooks are used; they are necessary for adhesion to the soil. They are made using metal pipes. In order to dampen vibration of the wheels, rubber bushings are installed on the hooks, and specifically at their ends.

Information about movers

If you are thinking about making a motorized dog, then it is important to decide how the tracks will be made. Here we consider an example that involves the use of a conveyor belt.

The width is set to 220 millimeters. Tracks for motorized dogs are made of smooth canvas slats; their length should be 1260 millimeters. In order to provide reinforcement to the tracks, metal ridges should be used, which are installed on bars during the assembly process. The track components are fastened using bolts; you need to choose those with M6 threads.


If before starting assembly you thought that controlling a motorized dog might seem unnecessarily complicated, this belief is false. Driving such a structure is no more difficult than driving a moped. On the right handle of the steering wheel there will be a gas handle, but on the other there will be a lever used to shift the gearbox. The clutch handle is also located here. The steering wheel is fixed to the frame using two tubes, which are fixed by welding using a U-shaped fork. The latter is fixed on the rear axle, and for this you need to use metal washers.

Due to the fact that the motor is located inside the track, it will not be possible to use it using a kickstarter. It should be somewhat modernized. What is used for is a piece of pipe in which a hole will need to be made, the size of the latter will be sufficient to drive the lever. The pipe and the kickstarter lever are secured together by welding. A sled for a motorized towing vehicle can be made from scrap materials, for example, thick rubber is often used for this.