Manicure table description. Choosing a manicure table. The main element of the workspace of the manicurist. Manicure table from Maletti: Video

Hello dear reader! Do you want to improve your work area and increase the flow of customers? After reading the article to the end, you can make a comfortable table yourself. To sit at which, clients will just dream.

Features of the manicure table

There are several factors to consider. First of all, you need to round off all the corners on the countertop. To exclude possible bruises on the hips of the master and clients. It should also be understood that sharp corners are visually repulsive.

For DIY manicure table light, monochromatic, calm tones are suitable. This color will reflect natural light and will not strain your eyes while working. This will allow you to serve the maximum number of clients with high quality.


  1. Guides 400 mm
  2. Adjustable legs M8 4 pcs
  3. Euro screw 8 pcs
  4. Mounting angles 6 pcs

As you can see, the list is not long. The cost price of such a table today is approximately a maximum of 1,500 rubles. Therefore, if you do not have it yet, feel free to get to work. Moreover, you can edit the size of the table to suit your needs.

I am finishing

The main idea of ​​this post was to convey to you that such a table can be made by any man, if his arms, of course, grow only from his shoulders. I do not exclude the possibility of a woman - there is no heavy physical labor here. Act as if failure does not threaten you!

If you need detailing of cabinet and built-in furniture,. We will definitely discuss the terms of cooperation and come to a common opinion. For a moderate percentage for my work, I will prepare a detailed project for you on time.

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With good thoughts about you, always in sawdust 🙂

Dmitry Rekun.

A woman, when visiting a beauty salon or studio, rightfully wants not only a highly qualified master to work with her, but that the environment in the salon is comfortable and pleasant for her. For the weaker sex, without exaggeration, a salon is a place where a woman can not only usefully spend time, but also relax and cheer herself up. That is why many owners of beauty salons pay great attention to the design look, being carried away by the visual creation of the image. Yes, this is the right decision, but not entirely pragmatic. In addition to the modern and attractive appearance of the salon, it is necessary to remember about its functional and practical belonging. The quality and professionalism in customer service directly depends on how the foreman feels at the workplace, how comfortable and comfortable it is for him to work. This should be remembered when choosing equipment for the salon, including when choosing manicure tables. Today we want to tell you how to choose the right manicure table, what you first need to pay attention to when choosing such a table, we will tell you about the design features and optimal sizes.

Manicure is considered one of the laborious cosmetic procedures that require concentration, scrupulousness and, of course, patience. Therefore, you should not raid to purchase such equipment, your purchase should be deliberate and balanced. Remember that a comfortable manicure table is not only an obligatory attribute of any salon, beauty studio and manicure room, but also the main face of your institution. And a nail service master is not just an employee, but a person who can become a good friend for a dozen of your clients.

Where to start choosing a manicure table?

Let's first turn to the sanitary requirements written specifically for the nail service workplace.

They say:

The height of the manicure table should not be less than 70 centimeters from the floor.

The table top should be made of a special material, mainly moisture resistant, so that it can be disinfected repeatedly.

There should be a sink near the manicure table for cleaning manicure tools.

When placing tables for manicure in parallel rows, the distance between them should not be less than 3 meters.

1. The nail service technician needs high-quality lighting during his work for accurate perception of shades and colors, therefore, it is best to equip the workplace near the window, while it is recommended to use a narrow table lamp.

  1. To make your customers comfortable and not feel inconvenience, it is recommended to install no more than four tables in one office.
  2. Do not forget to take care of ventilation, since during the work the master often uses various chemical compositions, the client should not leave you with a headache.
  3. To create a favorable, relaxing atmosphere, it is recommended to install TV, audio, video equipment in the office, as well as place thematic magazines. Listening to music and leisurely scrolling through the magazine, together, will serve as an approving review of your work.
  4. And one more important recommendation - avoid the influx of clients through an appointment, be friendly and always try to keep order. Your clients are people who are accustomed to a certain service and they want to receive quality services in an office where it is clean and comfortable.

Pay attention to the material

When buying a manicure table, it is important to pay attention to what material it is made of. The main criterion is wear resistance. Therefore, give preference to moisture resistant materials, such as plastic, glass. During one working day, the table is disinfected many times, while it must remain resistant to household chemicals. The surface of the tabletop, depending on the selected material, can be glossy or matte. In modern times, a manicure sometimes lasts, like a surgeon's operation, for several hours, so you should make sure that both the master and the client are comfortable during the procedures - when choosing a tabletop, pay attention to how pleasant it is to the touch.

Form matters!

When buying a manicure table, you are sure to come across a myriad of configurations and options. It is not always possible to immediately see the merits and weaknesses of the model, therefore, before buying, it is necessary to clearly determine for what specific purposes you need a manicure table. In order not to miscalculate, you must weigh the pros and cons of the samples that the seller offers you. But always keep in mind that the design of the manicure table is completely thought out. To have a place where to store manicure tools, a table with a bedside table is suitable. You can buy a separate bedside table on wheels, which the master can install at his discretion, as he is comfortable. The shape and configuration of the manicure table can ultimately determine how comfortable the person sitting at it will be. We have already talked several times about convenience and comfort during work, both for the nail service master and the client who receives the service - when choosing the shape of the table, this must also be taken into account.

Do not put too large a table in a beauty studio or a manicure room, it may seem bulky against the general background and is unlikely to decorate your interior. In this case, you should not buy too small, keep in mind that for the work the master needs to put tools and means on the table, remember, there must be free space for work, the area that is used during the procedure. It will be a big plus if the stands for the client's arms, a lamp, a manicure tool and a varnish stand can be freely placed on it.

The optimal height of the manicure table is 75 cm, the width is 45 cm, and the minimum length is 110 cm. When choosing, be sure to take into account the area of ​​the room and the number of working tools that will be located on the desktop.

We divide manicure tables into classes

Furniture manufacturers divide manicure tables into three types:

  • Economy
  • Classic
  • Premium

Economy class manicure table is a model that contains the minimum of necessary functions. This table does not have additional accessories. This option is suitable for small salons, with a small number of clients, or if the foreman's place is located in the main hall.

One of the most popular manicure tables is the classic version. Such models are equipped with a sufficient number of shelves, bedside tables and stands provided for the convenient work of the master. The only drawback of these tables is that they are made from inexpensive materials. But this disadvantage sometimes develops into a "plus", since many buyers are pleased with the ratio of price and functionality.

The third option is premium class manicure tables, ideal for those who value not only quality and functionality, but also the aesthetic side. Premium class models compare favorably with other bright colors, bold designer colors, color schemes. As a rule, such tables are already equipped with the necessary accessories: stands, hoods, lamps. At your request, even devices for disinfection of manicure tools can be built into such tables. But in this version, the price of a manicure table will be high.

A variety of manicure tables

In addition to the class division, manicure tables can be broken down by type:

  • Stationary
  • Folding
  • Transformers
  • Express Manicure Rack

Stationary models include tables that we are used to seeing in beauty studios and manicure rooms, they do not transform and do not add up with the maximum set of accessories.

Folding tables are characterized by their versatility, they are ideal for craftsmen who work from home. These models are distinguished by their compactness. Most experts advise purchasing a mechanical type table, not an automatic one. The fact is that the latter options very often fail the mechanisms, which in the future will not bring you any pleasure. There are foldable built-in manicure tables with built-in extension for sockets.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the transformer table. Thanks to its innovative design, it can be transformed into a small nightstand. This type of model of the manicure table has become very popular among the masters who visit their clients' homes. These manicure tables are easy to use, they come with the necessary shelves, they are equipped with wheels, so they can be easily moved around the room.

In the modern world, when everyone is in a hurry, a new direction has begun to develop in the nail service - express manicure. Due to the new format introduced, an express manicure stand will come to replace the standard manicure table.

Accessories for the manicure table

When choosing a manicure table, it is important to take care of purchasing the necessary accessories.

During work, no nail service master can do without a special lamp. This is an important attribute, like the actual manicure table and tool itself. In the presence of a lamp, the manicure will be done of a better quality and it is safe and dangerous. Lamps for manicure allow you to use the light pointwise, they take up little space on the table, and magnify with a magnifying glass.

A hood for a manicure table is usually purchased separately, but there are models with built-in ventilation. The hood is primarily necessary for the master himself. During the manicure procedure and during nail extension, the smallest particles of the nail plate appear due to the use of a nail file. The hood helps to quickly remove dust. A small special vacuum cleaner can serve as an alternative to the hood.

When buying a manicure table, take care of buying a comfortable chair for both the master and the client. If the manicure table already has a built-in bedside table, consider the option of purchasing an additional cabinet, very often the craftsmen do not have enough space to store manicure equipment.

Try to buy disposable table covers right away, they will allow you to extend its lifespan.

For folding tables and transformers, buy spare hardware.

Summing up

  • It is important to decide in advance on the size of the manicure table before buying.
  • Try to buy a table with the maximum number of shelves and nightstands, they will definitely not be superfluous.
  • Choose models with rounded corners, such tables look more interesting and look safer.
  • Pay close attention to quality, remember that your manicure table must be disinfection-resistant.
  • Remember that at the workplace, you or your master will have to spend long painstaking hours, try to equip and equip the manicure table with everything you need so that the work brings only joy to both the master and the client.

Happy shopping and prosperity to your business!

The most important thing is that the girl draws attention, this is nail care. He always does a manicure, and covers the nail with colored varnish. Some people do their nails in salons, while others do their nails at home.

The manicure process is very long and painstaking, because of this, not everyone wants to spend time on a long procedure in the salon, since you can sit more comfortably at home.

But, in order to carry out such a procedure at home, it is worthwhile to understand that appropriate furniture and tools are required. Furniture can be bought in a store or made yourself.

If you still decide to do it yourself, then you need to free up time for the whole day, and acquire construction tools and materials.

We will make a manicure table with a built-in hood

To choose a material, you definitely need to build on your money in your wallet. There are budget options and it is better if you choose them.


Suitable material for a manicure table:

  • Chipboard;
  • plastic;
  • plexiglass;
  • wood;

There is a very large amount of material for making a manicure table. It remains only to choose what is better to make.

When choosing a material, you should definitely consider:

  1. Quality.
  2. Wear resistance.
  3. Security.
  4. Durability.

Dimensions (edit)

You can choose any size for the table, there are no specific standards. But it is worth considering the free space in the apartment, where the manicure table will be.

A very comfortable table will turn out if it has a width of 45 cm and a length of about 110 cm. It is worth considering right away that if the hundred is long, then you can put more material there.

But if there is not so much free space in the room, then reduce the size of the table.

Advice: if the apartment is small, then make a small manicure table that will not clutter up the space in the apartment. But if, after all, the dimensions in the apartment allow it, then it is best to make a folding ladder.

The shape of such a table is always different, for example, they can be:

  • rectangular;
  • curved;
  • rounded;
  • angular;
  • curly;
  • T - shaped.

From what to make a table to choose only to the one who will sit at this table. The most necessary thing is that the table is combined with the overall design of the room and it is comfortable to sit at it.


Before you start building a manicure table, you should first draw a sketch on paper.

In order to assemble the table itself without mistakes, so doing everything as a keepsake can do something wrong, which will significantly affect the table, it will become less comfortable.

You can also try using a special furniture program, or ask to draw a table in the program for a fee.

In general, the design of such furniture is very simple, which consists of a cabinet and a folding table top.

It is very easy to make such a table yourself, after reading this article, go step by step and be sure to make a homemade beautiful manicure table in the apartment. After you finish the material, it is worth polishing, then the table will stand for more than a dozen years.

The work of a nail service master depends on two key factors: talent and a manicure table. Mastery is achieved through trial and error, years of experience. But it is much easier to acquire a workplace. Regardless of whether it is a salon or home services, you cannot do without this piece of furniture.

If you already have some experience in manicure, then finding out the individual conditions for work will not be difficult. Before buying a manicure table or making it yourself, you need to determine the following parameters for yourself:

  • The dimensions should be such that it can accommodate the instruments and materials for the procedure, the master and the client. Typical length is 1.15 meters and width is 45 cm
  • The height is usually 730 mm, but in order to adjust it for different heights of clients, it is better to purchase an adjustable chair
  • The presence of a bedside table, drawers and shelves to accommodate all tools and materials. In order not to take away the workplace of the manicure master, it is better to give preference to hinged shelves
  • Will it be a small transformer, or a full-fledged workplace
  • Do not choose furniture on wheels. This will make the manicure tables easy to move, but this feature will only interfere with the work of the nail master. The workplace should stand firmly without staggering
  • Rounded corners will give a more comfortable look to the eyes, and sharp corners can be traumatic
  • Particular attention should be paid to the material and finish.

The work of the master is associated with chemical elements, so it is important that the surface is resistant to their effects.

The material should be easy to clean, not afraid of disinfectants

When choosing a workplace, you need to take into account the amount of work and the location, or rather, its space. If there are not many clients and work at home, then the necessary furniture will be small, but for professional salon use, manicure tables can be large. This is very important, because the quality of the services provided depends on the convenience.

It is imperative to provide good lighting, preferably with a movable light source. Poor light will complicate work, worsen its quality, and even damage eyesight. The lamp should be at such a height so as not to touch the master and the client, not to shine in the eyes, and at the same time illuminate the manicure table well. The lamp should be fixed on the surface of the workplace, or at its edge. Better to use cold white light. There are manicure tables with additional built-in lighting.

It is very important that the furniture looks aesthetically pleasing, especially for the salon. When a client comes for the first time, the first thing that falls on the attention is cleanliness, neatness and design. Frayed edges, flaked corners, or a design that doesn't blend in can ruin your first impression. When looking at a manicure table, everything in it should speak of skill and professionalism.

Features of choosing a home workplace

There are different nuances that distinguish manicure tables at home and in the salon. For example, for salon work, it makes no sense to use a folding manicure table, because why fold it if customers go constantly. Working from home, especially for a novice craftsman, usually has a fickle nature. It can be several clients on one day, and none the next. Here, a very important point is to save space so that work furniture does not interfere with everyday life, and vice versa.

Ideally, a separate room should be allocated for this, but this is not always possible. Then the manicure table can be used as a partition, and fence off a corner cabinet for yourself. There must be sockets nearby for a drying lamp, fraser and other possible devices.

A transformer will help to save on space. Such tables for manicure are divided into two types:

  • Retractable, usually on wheels, have a walking mount between the table top and the cabinet, allowing you to slide the cabinet under the manicure table
  • Folding furniture is usually equipped with a folding table top, with a table-book mechanism

If the family has children, then it is desirable to have locks for drawers and cabinets, and the shelves should be closed with a glass door or be out of reach. Outside working hours, this will not only protect the child from direct contact with chemistry, but also preserve the health of all family members. After all, even if the lids of the materials are tightly closed, there is a possibility of harmful chemical fumes.

Another important factor to consider before setting up manicure tables at home is ventilation. If in the summer you can just open the window, then in the cold period you will need a manicure table with a hood. It is also necessary if building is the main specialization, as a lot of fine dust is generated. There is furniture with a built-in hood, but the transformer is usually not equipped with it, so you need to purchase it separately and install it yourself.

Optional accessories

The manicure table should be equipped with a place for the client and the master. The seat should be soft and comfortable, as some procedures are time-consuming, such as extensions. Therefore, it is important that the client is comfortable, otherwise there may be a negative residue from your work, even if it was of high quality.

To prevent the visitor's hand from getting numb, a special stand is required. It will ensure the correct position of the hand, which will make the work of the master more convenient. The stand is plastic and soft, the first will last longer, but the second is more comfortable. Stands may be required for varnish, brushes.

The soft palm rest can be made by hand. To do this, you need a piece of fabric and dense foam rubber. A pencil case is sewn from the fabric, foam rubber is placed there, which can be folded several times so that it is more dense. The inner material should lie flat, without bumps or dimples.

In addition to accessories, there are a number of aids that are necessary in the work:

  • Disposable gloves are used for hygiene purposes. Even if a hand sanitizer is used, contact with someone else's skin is simply unpleasant for some individuals.
  • Dry or wet wipes for cleaning will definitely come in handy, they should always be kept close at hand. At any time when working on the manicure table, varnish or other substance may drip, which must be quickly removed from the surface.
  • It is not easy to find disposable manicure table covers with a hood, but you can use a protective film or a beautiful table mat. For some models, an ironing board cover may be suitable if you upgrade it a little with your own hands and alter it
  • Safety goggles and a mask will not be superfluous, especially when it comes to extensions. Frequent contact of the respiratory tract and the mucous membrane of the eye with polymer dust will definitely not add
  • To solve the problem of dust and odors, there is a manicure table with a hood
  • Lubrication for the folding mechanism is necessary, as over time the furniture wears out, and it starts to creak unpleasantly
  • Spare parts for manicure tables, if provided, are best taken in advance. Loss can result from wear, careless movement, or poor quality factory parts. These can be wheels, glass shelves, handles, folding doors or tabletops, light bulbs

It is advisable to put a trash can next to it, which opens upon sensory input or when you press the pedal with your foot. So the garbage will be immediately disposed of, without accumulating on the work surface. It must be placed on the side of the working hand so that it does not interfere with work.

How to make a desktop yourself

Opening a nail salon or providing services at home will require significant costs. Good nail files and brushes, high-quality varnish, gel and shellac, degreasers, disinfectants, a polymerization lamp, and other equipment are needed to get started. And since the price category for a manicure table is quite high, this can be the first pitfall for starting a business.

The only way out is to make your own furniture. The cost price of such a table, depending on the material used, will be several times less than the market value. If you do without pathos, then it will be about three to four thousand rubles. Of course, if there are no skills in such an area, then you should not take up cutting a tree. In this case, you can contact your friends and relatives who can help in this matter.

Before starting work, you need to make a drawing of the future table. Calculate its height for the growth of the master, determine the length and width of the countertop, its shape. Consider whether there will be a curbstone, how many shelves you need, where they will be located. Do not forget about additional built-in equipment, it can be a manicure table with a hood, vacuum cleaner, lamp, sockets.

Disassemble the drawn manicure table into details, down to the smallest shelf, drawing each one and marking its dimensions. Further, based on the diagram, you need to choose the type of material and its amount:

  • The main material is better suited for chipboard, chipboard, MDF. In construction or furniture stores, you can ask for glued furniture boards, disassemble an old unnecessary cabinet, or look for one in a used store, take it off your hands
  • The legs can be wooden, but chrome-plated look more presentable
  • To close the sidewalls, you may need edges or U-shaped piping.
  • Cabinet and drawer handles
  • Hinges for the door, or table top, if it is a transformer
  • Dowels or shelf supports
  • For assembly, you will need corners, confirmations, self-tapping screws
  • To work you need a pencil and tape measure, an electric jigsaw, a drill or screwdriver, screwdrivers
  • For decorative processing, you may need wood varnish, paint

The work can be completely done on your own if you are good at using tools, especially a jigsaw. And you can reduce labor and time costs by giving material and a drawing with markings to the workshop. There they will make all the cuts with high quality, taking into account the dimensions provided, and will paste over with an edge, it remains only to assemble. There are firms that completely custom-made furniture.

After all the material and tools have been brought, you can get down to business:

  • Transfer the markup from the drawing to the material with a pencil, that is, cut it out, trying to make the most of the sheet
  • Cut out all the parts with a jigsaw, sandpaper the resulting edges
  • If it is a manicure table with a hood, you need to cut a hole under it so that it is in the working area
  • Remove excess garbage, sawdust
  • If the cuts are straight, then a regular glue-based edge will do. It is applied to the edge and heated with a building hair dryer or iron. This is how the adhesive melts and sticks. A U-shaped edging is necessary if the edges are uneven and chipped. It is glued with ordinary glue.
  • Where the shelves will be located, make holes for the dowels. You can put them on the corners, but they can get in the way, or use confirmation
  • All parts are fastened together according to the scheme
  • The door hinges must be fastened so that the door opens from the side of the master, it is better to lubricate them immediately
  • After the workplace of the manicure master is ready, if necessary, cover it with varnish or paint

As a result, we can conclude that making a manicure table yourself is much more profitable than buying it. In addition, such furniture will be completely tailored to the individual characteristics of the master. It doesn't matter if this is a manicure table you bought or made with your own hands, the main thing is that it inspires and promotes quality work.

A manicure table is essential in the work of a master. It is quite difficult to make a high-quality manicure, this is a responsible occupation in which restraint, precision of movements and, of course, creativity are needed. Without a doubt, the masters themselves must take care of their workplace, be able to properly equip it, because everything should always be in order. It is imperative to know how to choose a suitable, comfortable table for a manicure, so that the client also feels comfortable during the procedure.

Basic moments

The table is necessary both in the salon and if the master works from home. The quality of the table and, especially, its convenience are the main selection criteria for any salon, because with the right choice, the master will not have to perform unnecessary movements. In addition, the stylish table will surely suit any interior. The modern market offers a huge selection of various equipment for every taste and, of course, budget. Therefore, everyone will be able to independently choose a model in style, price and quality.

A few tips for choosing:

  1. For any craftsman, choosing the size of the table is an important task. You do not need to look for a very large table, as the area of ​​the workplace should not be too huge.
  2. The best option is to choose the optimal length, width and height dimensions (1150 mm, 730 mm, 450 mm, respectively).
  3. Try to choose a table with more shelves and drawers, as they are needed in the work of every craftsman. They will be able to place all the tools and accessories necessary for work.
  4. A separate tabletop will also be very convenient. You can install shelves on it or hang them separately, in the immediate vicinity of the workplace.
  5. The best option would be a table with a mobile pedestal with additional drawers. This will help free up more space for the wizard to work and prevent the accumulation of unnecessary items on the desktop.
  6. It is not at all recommended to buy a table with castors, even if they have latches. These elements break very quickly, and it only takes one careless movement to knock the table out of place. A sudden movement can lead to the fact that all your work will be spoiled.
  7. Tables with rubberized legs have the maximum stability. Before buying, be sure to pay attention to this.
  8. Safety in work for you and the client will be ensured by various models with rounded corners.
  9. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the table. It is better to buy furniture for work from expensive materials with a special coating, for example, lacquered or laminated tables.
  10. Remember, hot liquids will damage the table surface.

Daily cleaning at the workplace, including wet cleaning, should not damage the table surface. In order for the table to serve for many years, you need to purchase equipment in special stores, or in salons recommended by masters. You shouldn't skimp on quality.

You also need to purchase various accessories, but it is better to ask a consultant about this. With its help, you can assemble a table with a complete set: with accessories, fittings, lighting, covers, etc. You do not need to try to make a table with your own hands, because you may not be able to do it.

Varieties of models

To help you choose the right models yourself, check out the various benefits they may have. Some designs have a hood, sockets, local lighting. The option with a built-in extension cord is convenient in offices and apartments with inconveniently located sockets.

  1. Folding models

This type is indispensable when working at home. The model is compact and takes up little space. You can buy a miniature mechanical folding table for manicure, as such a table will last much longer than auto-mechanical models with a quickly deteriorating mechanism.

Separately, it is worth noting a transformer-type table. This model is popular among professionals who often visit clients at home. The tabletop of such a model is very light, it has small dimensions, it can be expanded in several ways. Transformers are multifunctional. Unlike stationary models, this type is suitable for any room.

But, before choosing tables of folding models, it is imperative to check everything you need: fasteners, mechanisms, the state of additional devices.

Indeed, from the constant use of the nail file, a huge number of small particles always arise. The presence of the hood will allow you to very quickly remove nail dust, thereby not interfering with the work of an experienced master and without disturbing the convenience of the client.

  1. Models with additional lighting

Manicure is a process that requires significant eye strain.

In dim light, nail work, such as removing fine lines, becomes very difficult.

This can negatively affect the quality of work.

For a complete solution to this problem, it is worth buying a table with built-in lighting. Nevertheless, such tables have one drawback - frequent replacement of lamps is required, since they are completely short-lived.

Various accessories

  • When buying a table, you should take care of the accessories and additionally purchase a chair for the client's comfort, a new stool for tools.
  • When buying a model with a bedside table, purchase a second same cabinet for nail extension, only on wheels. Then it will be possible to work, take tools and accessories without getting up.
  • If your choice fell on a standard inexpensive model, then it is worth purchasing a hood and additional lighting.
  • If the store has spare parts, it doesn't hurt to buy them for the transforming table. Indeed, folding and mobile tables require replacement parts from time to time. Buying such models entails certain problems, because such tables deteriorate too quickly and take on the appearance of old furniture.

In addition to everything you need, you will be offered other necessary little things:

  • disposable sewn covers. Their use will help keep the manicure table for nail extension in excellent condition for a long time;
  • for a private master, a cover for transporting a table is indispensable;
  • in no case do not forget to stock up on special lubricant for the folding mechanism;
  • For added convenience, you can purchase a dedicated hand rest.

If you still cannot decide which table to choose, choose the one that will be convenient for you, because the size of the table, as well as the fact whether it has a curbstone or not, does not matter for high-quality work. The main thing is that you make it easy for you to work with it. We wish you good luck with your choice.