The composition of the work is a winter morning. Poem “Winter Morning” - analysis. Means of expressiveness of the verse “Winter Morning”

Poem « Winter morning» Pushkin wrote on November 3, 1829. At that time, the poet was not in the best state of mind; his life was full of sadness and loneliness. Therefore, the bright and enthusiastic poem “Winter Morning”, glorifying the beauty of the Russian winter, became pleasant surprise for critics and friends of Alexander Sergeevich.

Pushkin's work is literally permeated lyrical works. The poet has repeatedly admitted that he not only treats legends, myths and folk traditions, but also never ceases to admire the magic of Russian nature. “Winter Morning”, without exaggeration, can be considered one of Pushkin’s most successful poems on this topic.

Writers attribute this work to genre landscape lyrics . Its name already sounds romantic. Beautiful pictures of Russian nature, trees in a dazzling snowy decoration, immediately appear in the reader’s imagination.

Structurally, “Winter Morning” is divided into five stanzas, each of which is a six-line line. In the first stanza, the poet conveys his admiration for the Russian frosty winter and gently calls on his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the author's mood changes. Pushkin recalls the gloomy and stormy evening yesterday, which was filled with the violence and indignation of the elements. Therefore, the lyrical hero is delighted with the wonderful weather in the morning. Antithesis in the second stanza gives the whole work a special flavor.

The fourth stanza, after describing a fine morning, returns the reader to a warm room, where the cheerful crackling of logs in the stove is heard. The last part of the work again invites the reader to admire the winter landscapes while taking a sleigh ride. Pushkin saturates the dynamically changing pictures of nature with bright and precise details: the amber shine of fire, magnificent carpets of snow, a sparkling river under the ice.

"Winter Morning" is written melodiously iambic tetrameter with mixed rhyme (AABCSV), which gives the work a special lightness. Four lines with feminine rhyme (first and second, fourth and fifth) are diluted in each stanza with two lines with masculine rhyme (third and sixth).

The nouns in the poem create a vivid image of a frosty winter morning: sun, sky, ice, frost, river, spruce, frost. Equally successfully, Pushkin uses verbs that saturate the text with the dynamics of life: appear, lie, wake up, shine, turn black, turn green.

Wonderful day, magnificent carpets, transparent forest, amber shine, cheerful crackling, dear friend - so positive epithets awaken a joyful mood in the reader's soul. But to depict evening bad weather, Pushkin uses phrases and comparisons with a negative connotation: "the moon is like a pale spot", "in the cloudy sky", "dark clouds". For blizzards and haze the poet uses personification, gives them properties characteristic of humans: "the darkness was rushing", "The blizzard was angry".

The syntactic structure of the language is also unique in “Winter Morning”. At the beginning of the work, the author uses declarative sentences. They are easy to read. Then the plot changes and becomes agitated, which is reflected in exclamatory sentences. There are also questions, one of which is rhetorical.

Pushkin widely uses appeals(beauty, lovely friend, dear friend), introductory words and direct speech, which creates in the reader a feeling of involvement in the event. Alliteration with the help of hissing and sonorous consonants, as well as successful consonance of vowels (assonance), both the creaking of snow and the clatter of horse hooves are conveyed. In the first stanza, the sound of a cold winter morning – “es” – is often heard, and in the second six-line the sound “el” is repeated, conveying the sensations of frosty air. Effect "amber glow of fire" and the crackling of dry logs emphasizes the hard consonants “t” and “r”. The same purpose is served by a deliberate tautology - "crackles".

Lyrical hero The work appears before the reader as a poetic, subtle person who loves his native nature and knows how to discern beauty. The cheerful and joyful tone of the poem creates a feeling of something bright and festive.

Pushkin’s legacy includes many works with winter landscapes, but “Winter Morning” differs from others in its special skill and vitality.

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Cool! 20

Winter. It is at this time of year that the morning seems especially magical. Everything around is motionless, everything is frozen. The culprits are frost and cold. It was they who covered the trees with ice crusts so that they could not even move. It only seems as if the birches from time to time weakly sway their thin, icy branches, and a barely audible ringing is heard.

Winter mornings are also characterized by extraordinary silence. There are no people, no birds, no street animals of any kind. Everyone is sleeping, everyone is cold. You can’t even see the sun yet; it hasn’t rolled out over the horizon yet. He also feels that it’s early, and that he can sleep sweetly for a few more minutes.

The horizon line begins to turn red. This means that the sun has finally decided to wake up. Finally! Now the winter morning will be illuminated by the magnificent light of its first rays. The line becomes brighter and thicker, the outlines of the forest somewhere in the distance become clearer. Finally, the first beam appears, similar to the light from a huge flashlight. He will not be alone for long; in a second he will be joined by other rays, the same as the first. And a couple more minutes will pass, and the sun itself will roll out from behind the horizon, huge, well-rested and shining. You get the feeling that it has just been washed, it shines and sparkles so brightly. With its brightness, the sun infects everything around: trees, snowdrifts and paths, houses. Now they, too, begin to shine and sparkle, shimmering and blinding everyone who dares to approach them.

On a morning like this, you don’t want to sit at home. I want to go out and walk through this shining snow, which looks like a huge collection of tiny diamonds. It doesn't look soft and fluffy; on the contrary, it seems like a dense carpet of small pieces hard ice. There is already a deafening crunch in your head that will definitely appear when you step on the path or walk into a snowdrift. And even the sun seems so warm, warm. It shines so brightly!

All this beckons you, calls you to the street. But not everything is so perfect and rosy! It's simply unbearably cold outside at this time. The sun doesn’t warm like it does in summer, and it shouldn’t warm like that. But it blinds, of course, right away. It seems as if the air has frozen and does not move. It's hard to even breathe. The cheeks immediately become bright pink, almost red. It was the biting frost that transformed them. The nose also turns red within a minute. Fingers on your hands, if you don’t move them, immediately turn into naughty wooden sticks. But if you dress warmly and run through the crunchy, squeaky snow, it can even get hot.

Winter morning is a wonderful time. Neither the terrible cold nor the painfully blinding sun will spoil it. Nothing can compare with such beauty, which occurs only in the early morning, sometime in January or February. I really love such cold, almost lifeless, quiet mornings. It's nice to watch the sun rise, watch how everything around changes, how people come out of their warm apartments people are in a hurry to get to work. As a rule, the morning in winter, in such frost, is cloudless, so you can also watch the play of sunlight for a long time.

Even more essays on the topic: “Winter Morning”

This is my usual morning, which starts with breakfast and a run to school. But today it is completely unusual: I saw through the window that snow had finally fallen and covered the boring gray roads. Just yesterday he was not there, there was severe frost in the snowless city for a week, all the people walked around blue and angry, wrapped in different warm clothes and did not warm up in any way. But today everything is different: I went outside and saw that people had become different, they were cheerful, happy about the new, snowy winter morning. Snow fell, the sun broke through - and it became warmer, the frost became light, no one freezes from this. This is the morning everyone has been waiting for.

The trees in the park and around the school were covered thin layer snow and frost, thousands of silver showers sparkled in the air, even if you take them off and save them for the New Year tree! School children are trying to make snowballs, but the snow is not yet wet, it is very “young”, snowballs do not turn out. But how much joy and fun! Someone has already been taken on a sled, but the sled clings to the asphalt and grinds with iron, but this is not the main thing - but snow has fallen!

But there are also those who don’t like snow at all. For example, the wipers rattled angrily snow shovels, although the layer of snow is only five centimeters and can be swept away with a broom. The owners of the cars came out to clear the snow from their cars and busily shuffled around with brooms: here’s this snow, why did it just fall, so much trouble with it. Most of all, it bothers the pigeons: they can’t sit on the occupied window sills and fly up to the roofs with dissatisfaction. Cats avoid their favorite benches because sitting on them is uncomfortable and cold.

But this is in the city, and how great it is now in the forest! White light fabric covered the crowns of the trees, they sparkle under the sun, like in a fairy tale. Birds and animals write their traces-lines on the white pages of the clearings, from which those in the know can determine who went, why, where. Hawthorn looks elegant under the snow; red clusters of berries attract birds and squirrels. The spruce trees are bristling with branch needles and small cones. Giant pine trees stand proudly under snow-covered caps and guard order and silence. Only the alder trembles dissatisfied - she doesn’t like the snow on the branches. There is a magical silence in the forest, which is occasionally broken by the distant cry of a crow and the crackling of old tree trunks.

I would love to get into the morning forest and admire the beauty of snow-covered nature, but I have to rush to school. After school, my friends and I will go to the park to admire the snow-covered trees and breathe in the frosty air.

Source: seasons-goda.rf

A winter morning is incredibly beautiful, especially if the sun is shining. Frost covers the trees and bushes, giving them a bluish tint, and they stand motionless, as if enchanted. When sunlight hits this decoration, it begins to shimmer. The bright, albeit cold winter sun gives the landscape a fabulous feel.

In winter it gets light later than in summer, and therefore, when you wake up for the first lesson, it is still dark outside. While you are getting ready, the sky gradually brightens, and when you leave, it is already quite light. The frost stings your cheeks, and the snow crunches under your feet. Sometimes on the way to school you come across “slippers” - small areas rolled ice. And you, accelerating, drive a couple of meters on your feet. Few people can resist and pass by. The kids are being taken to kindergarten on a sled, and they sit, wrapped up warmly, only a small nose peeks out from a pile of clothes.

Life in the city is waking up. The owners of the cars come out into the courtyards and begin to sweep away the snow from them and clear the ice from the windows. Janitors clear the paths and sprinkle them with sand or salt. The yard cats are not visible; they are warming themselves somewhere. And the pigeons sit on the wires; they feel uncomfortable in the snow. On some trees and window sills there are feeders with bread and grain. Birds fly there to profit and make a funny fuss.

Coloring the morning sky, the sun prefers cold tones, yellow color Among them you will not find, mostly white, blue, purple. This has its own charm. The air is cold and fresh, they want to breathe deeply, but they are afraid - they might get sick. If the wind rises, it sweeps away upper layer snow from trees and houses, and then a silvery haze appears in the air.

Mornings in winter don't last long. It is replaced by a short day, and at five o’clock it gets dark again, the stars light up in the sky, and again we have to wait for the next morning.


In winter the sun rises late. But watching it rise is simply wonderful. Seeing how the darkness gradually recedes, how everything awakens from sleep, how birds, not yet warmed up after the cold of the night, go in search of food - all this is very interesting.

But most of all I like winter mornings after a slight thaw. This is where you can truly appreciate the skill of Mother Winter and see winter in all its glory. Imagine that you are leaving the house. It's not yet dawn. The darkness of night lies everywhere. Only in the east does the sky begin to gradually brighten. But a few minutes pass, and the sun rises over the horizon.

The picture that opens takes your breath away. The trees that had stood like dark giants the night before were now transformed. There are no dark gloomy trunks and branches. All of them are decorated with silver. Each branch sparkles in the rays of the sun, each curve shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

And look at the pine or spruce. Where is their green outfit? It turned silvery green. Each needle acquired an incredible shade. And how fluffy the spruce trees became. It seems as if they were covered with a warm blanket. The mighty pines acquired a kind of girlish fragility and defenselessness.

And here is a small tree. You know very well that it is unremarkable. But looking at him today, you can't take your eyes off him. The tree suddenly became crystal. Where did its usual branches go? Where is the brown unsightly bark? There is nothing left of the former freak. The winter sorceress turned him into a handsome little boy with crystal branches. They look so fragile that it seems that if you touch them, they will ring and shatter into thousands of sparkling fragments.

You walk along a familiar alley and don’t recognize it. It's like you're in a fairy tale. Everything is so incredibly beautiful. Snowdrifts sparkle with millions of lights. Tree branches and fence sparkle. There is even silver scattered underfoot, as if someone is welcoming a dear guest and has decorated the path for him. And if you accidentally touch a branch, silver rain will immediately fall on you.

It is impossible to convey all the splendor of a winter morning. You need to see it with your own eyes. Only then can you understand how beautiful winter is. How much magic she gives to people, with what love she decorates the world. And the frosty air cannot be compared with anything. It is so fresh, clean, like water in a spring. I like winter. I love patterns on glass, caps of snow on trees, sparkling frost. This is simply great!

On November 3, 1829, a poem came out from the master’s pen, which would later be called “Winter Morning.” It has become a kind of business card the poet's landscape lyrics and received many positive responses from readers and literary critics.

The history of its creation concerns the period when Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was in Mikhailovsky due to exile for his creativity and civic activities. Despite the fact that the year of writing turned out to be anxious and depressing for the author, he was able to find a share of inspiration, which prompted him to create many world-famous poetic lines.

A brief analysis of the poem will help you become more familiar with the work of the great Russian poet, finding the main features of the ideological content and versification of the presented text.

The work was written in the style of classical Russian romanticism, which was characteristic of the work of Alexander Sergeevich. The author also chose the usual meter for the verse - iambic tetrameter. This makes the text melodic and easy to read. This effect is enhanced by mixed rhyme. The female rhyme (first and second, fourth and fifth lines) is diluted by the male rhyme (third and sixth lines). One sentence flows smoothly into another, creating a flexible text outline.

The leading theme is revealed by Pushkin immediately in the very first sentence: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” The beauty of nature is brought to the fore, and the winter morning becomes a symbolic leitmotif that permeates all five stanzas of the poem. In this way, the relationship between a person and the world around him is revealed. The idea of ​​spiritual closeness with nature was relevant for the writer throughout his entire creative career.

When analyzing the poetics of a work, it is important to pay attention to means of expression. A huge number of epithets can be traced, both positive (“charming friend”, “magnificent carpets”, “transparent forest”) and negative (“dark clouds”, “empty fields”). Positive paths in the text are more common, which allows you to fill the work with additional optimism and joyful emotions.

The genre of landscape lyricism is characterized by the fact that in poetry natural phenomena come to life and are likened to humans. To do this, A.S. Pushkin uses personification (“the blizzard was angry,” “the darkness was rushing in the cloudy sky”) and metaphorical phrases (“the moon turned yellow,” “the forest turned black,” “the room was illuminated with brilliance”). Comparisons (“the moon is like a pale spot”) help to fully understand and experience what is described.

The poem is written in the form of an appeal. This is evidenced by the presence of rhetorical appeals: “You are still dozing, lovely friend...”, “It’s time, beauty, wake up...”.

An analysis of the verse “Winter Morning” will not be complete without mentioning the phonetic coloring of the text. The first stanza is full of sounds “s” and “z”.

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open your closed eyes

Towards northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

They are a symbol of winter morning. While the second stanza fills the perception with frosty, icy images using the sounds “l” and “m”.

In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

There was darkness in the cloudy sky;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the gloomy clouds it turned yellow...

Pushkin's creation is based on constant contrasts - one image is sharply replaced by another, even more symbolic. The smooth and calm narrative turns into violent exclamations. The technique used creates an additional emotional coloring of poetry.

Among all the works of the great Russian poet, those in which he describes natural scenes play a special role. It is known that from the very early years Alexander Sergeevich was characterized by a love for his native nature. Over time, it only intensified, and was reflected in numerous works of the poet, for example, in “Eugene Onegin”. “Winter Morning” is one of the brightest poems by A. S. Pushkin. It was written in 1829, at the very beginning of his literary activity.

History of creation

In analyzing the poem “Winter Morning,” a student may mention that it was not written during the best period of the poet’s life. At that time, A.S. Pushkin was in exile in Mikhailovskoye. However, these years were full not only of a feeling of loneliness, but also of happy feelings associated with sincere friendship and love, and a surge of creative inspiration. The poem came as a pleasant surprise to the friends of the great poet and critics. “Winter Morning” was written by Pushkin very quickly, in one day. The work can be called one of the poet’s most successful poems in the genre of landscape lyricism.


The poem “Winter Morning” is one of the most popular poetic works of the great Russian poet. You can start analyzing the poem “Winter Morning” with a description of its first line. The poem begins with an exclamation of complete admiration: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” And after this, the lyrical hero immediately uses pleasant and warm words to address his beloved: “beauty,” “lovely friend.” The vocabulary well conveys the mood of the narrator, and therefore the poem can rightfully be called lyrical. Bright, inspired images of the morning are closely intertwined with the theme of love. The natural picture can be compared with the feelings of a lyrical hero in love.

In the analysis of the poem “Winter Morning,” the student can also tell that according to its structure, it is divided into five stanzas. Each of them is a six-line poem. At the beginning of the work, the poet conveys his delight in the Russian winter and gently calls on his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the mood changes - the lyrical hero recalls the gloomy yesterday, which was full of the indignation of the natural elements, the violence of bad weather. In the lyrical analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”, it can be mentioned that such a contrast gives even more admiration for the beauty of nature the next morning. After the beauty of the winter landscape has been described, the reader returns to the warm room and hears the crackling of logs in the stove.

Basic information about the poem

In his poem, the great Russian poet describes the beauty of his native nature, the winter morning that replaced the winter night. This is the theme of the work, which needs to be mentioned in the analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”. The idea is that the poet wants to show the extraordinary beauty winter landscapes, express your love and admiration for your homeland and its nature. As for meter, the poet used iambic tetrameter to create his work. The rhyme in the poem is mixed. The lyrical plot in the work is poorly expressed. It is based on the narrator’s contemplation of the beauties of nature, which became the impetus for him to take action. The work belongs to the genre of landscape poetry and belongs to the literary movement called romanticism.

Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” according to plan

Sometimes you need not just to write an essay, but to prepare a structured analysis of the work. An approximate plan according to which the student will analyze the work could be as follows:

  • The history of the creation of the poem.
  • Topic and main idea.
  • Composition.
  • How does the poet imagine the lyrical hero.
  • Artistic media.
  • Size, rhyme.
  • My opinion about the poem “Winter Morning”.

This is an approximate algorithm for analyzing the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin according to plan. The student can add his own points to it.

Language means of expression

In the poem you can find many positively colored epithets. These are the expressions “transparent forest”, “amber shine”, “dear friend” and many others. There are also epithets with a negative emotional connotation: “cloudy sky”, “dark clouds”, “empty fields”. The poet also uses the device of metaphor: “the moon turned yellow.” The reader encounters a personification: “The blizzard was angry.” Comparison in the poem: “The moon is like a pale spot...”.

Syntactic means

At the beginning of the poem, the reader discovers declarative sentences. It is with their help that the poet expresses the calm intonation of his work. But gradually the voice of the lyrical hero becomes more and more restless and agitated. Despite the fact that there are practically no exclamatory sentences in the poem, the external calm of the narrator hides the depth of his emotional experiences. There is also in the poem interrogative sentence- this is a rhetorical question.

Phonetics of the work

The great Russian poet also uses the technique of alliteration, which is also worth mentioning to a schoolchild when analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning.” This is manifested in the pumping of hissing w, h, w, z. Voiced consonants are also used - b, v, p, l, n. The technique of assonance is also used in the poem - the vowel sounds a, o, i, e are intensified. Using data sound media the poet strives to convey the clatter of a horse, the creaking of snow in the cold, the ringing of ice.

Lexical features of the first two stanzas

In the first stanza, it is worth paying attention to the 4th and 6th lines. In them the reader can see two examples of the use of outdated grammar. By analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”, we can talk about these features. Firstly, this is the phrase “open... your eyes.” Currently the last word used completely differently. The gaze can be lowered, averted, or fixed, but not opened in any way. The fact is that in the poem it has an outdated meaning - “eyes”. And it is in this sense that it is used in many poems by poets of the first half of the 19th century century.

Also of interest is another word - “closed”. It is a truncated participle - its use represents one of the most beloved liberties of many poets of that time.

The line below also awaits the reader Interesting Facts, which require further explanation. Firstly, the poet mentions the word "Aurora". It is written with a capital letter, but here it is not a proper name, but a common noun. A. S. Pushkin uses the name of the goddess of dawn to designate the dawn itself. On the other hand, according to the rules of the Russian language, it must be in the dative case: “Towards northern Aurora.” However, there is no typo or error here - it is an obsolete form. Once upon a time, the preposition towards, according to the rules of grammar, required the genitive case, and for Alexander Sergeevich and his contemporaries this was the norm.

It is also worth mentioning that the phrase “star of the north” is not used here in its direct meaning - “heavenly body,” which means “the most beautiful and worthy lady in St. Petersburg.” In the second stanza the words “evening” and “mist” are mentioned. The first means "yesterday evening." The word "mist" in its usual meaning means darkness or gloom. A.S. Pushkin uses this word to refer to snow, which hides everything around in its fog, like a veil.

Third and fourth stanzas

The winter landscape is described here. And the picture that the poet describes is largely created with the help of descriptions of flowers: “under blue skies”, “the forest alone turns black.” There are no outdated forms in the third stanza of the poem; it does not need additional explanation. In the last stanza there is an unusual word form “zaprochat” instead of the usual “harness”. This is poetic license, which is allowed by the poet for rhyming, which can also be mentioned when analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”. A diligent student is unlikely to be able to briefly describe all outdated grammatical means, therefore, if you need to provide condensed analysis, you can mention one or two.

The last two stanzas are connected by the word “shine,” with the help of which the reader imagines both the natural landscape and the comfort of a warm room even more clearly. If in the third stanza the shine is winter, then in the last it is warm, amber. Pushkin also uses tautology, but in this case it is completely justified. When the reader hears the expression “crackling,” it is as if the reader is hearing the sound of a flooded furnace.

So, we have looked at a brief analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”. The poet's feeling of joy increases towards the end of the work. He wants to visit the “fields”, “forests” and “shore” more and more. The latter should not be understood literally as a river bank - rather, the poet wanted to talk about those places that are close and dear to him.

A special place in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is occupied by poems dedicated to the beauty of his native nature. From childhood, the poet was imbued with a love for his native expanses and later captured it in his works with the ardor of a true patriot. The poem “Winter Morning” is familiar to the reader from the school curriculum - it is one of Pushkin’s most expressive and vivid creations about winter. The author depicts the triumph of a winter morning, conveys the cheerful mood of a person who enjoys the beginning of a new day.

Pushkin wrote the poem in just one day - November 3, 1829, when he was visiting a family of friends in the village of Pavlovskoye, Tver province (the estate of P.I. Wulf) on his way to St. Petersburg. The estate is located on the right bank of the Darkness River, which is described in Pushkin’s “Winter Morning”. It was this river sparkling under the ice and it was the Pavlovsk transparent forest that inspired the poet to such a colorful description of the winter landscape.

There are two heroes in the poem: the lyrical hero and the beauty, to whom he addresses his dialogue, calling her “adorable friend” and “dear friend.” To whom “Winter Morning” is dedicated is a rather controversial question, but many literary scholars and critics agree that Pushkin probably wrote it for his beloved wife, Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova.

Genre, direction, size

The poem is traditionally classified as landscape lyric poetry. The title itself brings to the reader images of Russian nature and a snow-strewn forest. Here Pushkin acts as a realist poet - the images he describes are concrete and capture everyday, familiar phenomena. Before us appears a majestic picture of a typical Russian winter, through which internal state lyrical hero.

Alexander Sergeevich’s favorite meter – iambic tetrameter – gives the work a special melody. In addition, the poem is written in the so-called mixed rhyme (AABCSV), in which the female rhyme (first, second, fourth and fifth lines) is diluted with the male rhyme (third and sixth lines). This construction of the stanza allows the poet to emphasize the lightness of the poem.

Images and symbols

Already from the first sentence “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” nature appears as the main character of the poem, and all images and symbols are inextricably linked with the motif of a winter morning, joyful and clear.

The first six-line depicts a picture of a frosty morning, full of the triumph of life and light. The lyrical hero turns to his beloved, draws the image of a serene beauty in the bliss of sleep. He also calls her “the star of the north,” and by this romantic image Pushkin means the most beautiful woman northern capital Russia. The author uses the image of Aurora (in mythology, the goddess of the dawn) in a common sense, that is, he calls it the dawn itself, because in poetry the idea of ​​Aurora as a symbol of the rising of the sun is very common.

What follows is a description of a stormy evening preceding a clear morning: the moon is shining in the sky - a symbol of loneliness, which is surrounded by an angry blizzard, a cloudy sky, darkness and a sad beauty sitting. But now the lyrical hero again depicts a festive winter morning, images of a river and a forest appear - all these colorful descriptions of the landscape are not just a background, through these images the inner world hero.

Nevertheless, the pictures of nature are replaced by the charm of rural life: now “the flooded stove crackles with a cheerful crackle,” a couch appears, and an amber shine, and a brown filly. This static picture is smoothly replaced by a more lively scene filled with dynamics, where the reader sees a new character - an “impatient horse.” His running symbolizes forward movement, the constant striving of life, the endless energy of the nature surrounding the heroes.


Two themes are closely intertwined in the poem - the theme of love and the theme of the beauty of nature. The lyrical hero wakes up his beloved so that she can see the fleeting beauty of a winter morning. Thanks to the appeals in the first stanza, we understand that the hero treats his beloved with all tenderness and reverence.

But the main theme of the poem is a description of a sunny winter morning. Pushkin paints a snow-covered landscape with his inherent optimism and love for all living things, and even the harsh Russian winter does not frighten the hero - he wants to enjoy this frosty morning, because it is his native nature that supports his strength.


“Winter Morning” is not only a colorful description of nature and the feelings that gripped the lyrical hero, it contains much more important idea. In the poem, the poet captures the feeling of fullness and joy of life, the delight of seeing a magical winter morning. Everything is harmonious here, there is no romanticism with its struggle and challenge to the elements, here man is one with nature and lives with it according to common laws.

The contrast between yesterday's stormy weather and the bright morning emphasizes the elevated and inspired mood of the poem. So Pushkin makes it clear that the main idea of ​​the work is that after a storm and darkness, a sunny, clear morning invariably comes.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his poem created a truly standard of harmony - man is one with the world, the sun coexists with frost, bad weather gives way to a sunny day. The author wanted to convey this philosophical understanding of life to us, because enjoying a peaceful frosty morning is much more difficult if you have never had a stormy evening in your life.

Means of artistic expression

The antithesis on which the contrast is built in the second stanza gives the poem a special coloring. The lyrical hero remembers yesterday’s riot of nature, so now he feels the morning calm even more acutely.

The poet conveys the unique beauty of Russian nature using various tropes. Positive epithets “lovely friend”, “blue skies”, “magnificent carpets”, “dear shore” evoke pleasant images and resonate in the reader’s soul, while negative and even gloomy epithets “cloudy sky”, “gloomy clouds” and comparison “ the moon is like a pale spot" conveys a sad and gloomy mood.

At the same time, it could not be done without more elegant artistic imagery. The metaphors “closed gazes” and “magnificent carpets... snow lies” are used by the author to enhance the images that struck him, but at the same time they are introduced not clumsily, but refined, with the skill of a real poet.

The poem “Winter Morning” is remarkable not so much for its symbols and artistic techniques, but for the idea contained in it. Nature takes a leading role in it, and man is in constant interaction with it, because she, like to the lyrical hero, like his beloved, alive. The poet “revitals” it with the personifications “the blizzard is angry”, “the spruce is turning green”, “the river is shining”, and the whole picture plays with new colors, because the landscapes are felt as part of a tirelessly moving, rapid life.

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