How to remove sewer blockages yourself. Dealing With Blockages In Your Bathroom How to Remove a Blockage in Your Kitchen Sink

What if water doesn’t come out of the sink in the kitchen? How to quickly remove the blockage so that you can wash dishes, food and cook dinner again?

Why doesn't the water drain out of the sink?

First of all, you need to understand the cause of the blockage.

  • If it is a large object stuck in the pipes, then it will have to be removed mechanically. No chemistry (folk or professional) will help in this case.
  • The water-soluble fat envelops the inner surface of the pipes in a thin film, forming a sticky coating. Small particles of debris adhere to it, forming a dense layer of fatty plug. This situation can be corrected by strong alkali solutions and some acids.
  • The third reason why the drain does not work well is the installation errors of the drain system. The siphon works on the principle of a sump, in which most of the fat and small debris settles.

The classical form in the form of the Latin letter "S" best solves this problem. However, in the pursuit of extra square centimeters in the kitchen cabinet, manufacturers straighten the siphon, as a result of which it does not work properly, passing unwanted particles into the pipes.

It is worth remembering that extra bends of the pipe and elbow of 90 degrees or less also work as garbage and grease traps. It is in these places that blockages form.

Pipe cleaning methods

The most popular and affordable ways to clean pipes from blockages are described below. Choose the most suitable method depending on the intensity of the contamination.

Mechanical methods

Dismantling of pipes. If yesterday and even a couple of hours ago the drain worked perfectly, and suddenly the water stopped going down the drain, disassemble the siphon and clean it. It may have been hit by a large object or dense mass like tea leaves or yesterday's porridge.

Ventuz. A plunger works well with loose aggregates. When working with it, you need to close all overflow holes. The device creates pressure in the system. If the holes are left open, air will circulate through them and compensate for the generated pressure. As a result, the cork will remain in place.

Pour water into the sink for 2/3 of the volume, tightly close all unnecessary holes and inject pressure into the system. As a result, the blockage breaks down and the water leaves.

Plumbing cable... Its dense tip breaks down all obstacles. However, its diameter is usually small and if chemistry is not applied in the future, the channel will quickly overgrow with deposits again. However, cables with hydro-cleaning systems wash the pipes under pressure, freeing them from dirt and deposits.

But such installations cost a lot of money and their purchase is advisable only if you are professionally engaged in plumbing work.

Cleaning pipes at home - what is at hand in the kitchen!

Soda. Any fat dissolves in the presence of concentrated alkalis. Regular soda can do the job easily. To do this, pour half a glass of soda powder into the drain hole and gently pour a glass of warm water. The resulting alkali solution will begin to eat away at the fatty film. After 30-40 minutes, rinse the pipe with boiling water.

It is easy to make caustic from regular baking soda. To do this, pour boiling water over it. The crystals will react with the liquid. The soda will become three times less, but it will become more caustic. The process is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it will also be effective to pour soda into the drain hole and pour boiling water over it.

Soda and vinegar. If the soda solution is allowed to work and the layer of deposits is soaked, and then a glass or two of vinegar is poured into the pipe, the resulting gas bubbles will help to loosen the fat plug and destroy it. Leave this solution in the pipe for 2-3 hours, and then rinse with boiling water.

Boiling water. Ordinary boiling water is capable of dissolving fats in the siphon area. Then the hot water will come in chilled form. However, she will have time to clear the most problematic area. For cleaning, you need 2-3 liters of boiling water.

Lemon. If there are no other remedies at hand, then you can resort to lemon juice. Squeeze a few lemon pieces into the hole, rinse with boiling water after half an hour.

Specialized chemistry

Most pipe cleaners are based on caustic soda or any other strong alkali. Thanks to this component, it is possible to dissolve fatty films and deposits.

  1. When working with potent agents, it is necessary to take precautions: use gloves, goggles for the eyes and open all available vents.
  2. In accordance with the instructions, the agent is poured or poured into the drain hole. He needs to be given time to react with the fat. This usually takes 10 to 30 minutes.
  3. Please note that the decorative layer of metal shells does not withstand longer contact with alkali and begins to deteriorate.
  4. Next, it remains to rinse the pipe with warm water and start using the sink.

Comparative table of clogging cleaning methods.

How to prevent clogging of sewer pipes

  • Periodically pour a couple of liters of boiling water into the drain hole.
  • Send a couple of spoons of dishwasher there at night.
  • Periodically pour a couple of tablespoons of baking soda into the pipe for a couple of hours, followed by pouring warm or hot water.
  • Treat the drain with a pipe cleaner once a month.

What if the pipes become clogged regularly despite careful handling?

In this case, it is necessary to check the sewerage system for compliance with building codes. It will also be helpful to reduce the number of joints, transitions and elbows.

Sometimes there are situations when a large object stuck in the pipe is the cause of constant blockages. This could be a piece of styrofoam, plastic, washcloths, or rags.

Since the kitchen and the bathroom in most cases are combined into a single sewer system, care must be taken not to drain food leftovers containing large pieces into the toilet, and also to avoid large quantities of gravel, sand, and clay from entering the system.

In any case, in case of systematic problems, it is necessary to call a wizard with diagnostic equipment, which will identify the cause of the trouble. An experienced technician will suggest troubleshooting options so that your sink will delight you with cleanliness and excellent performance again.

To avoid unscheduled repairs, try to pack the pipes in collapsible boxes. If you sew up risers and wiring in drywall, the sheets should be easy to unscrew and open access to communications. Neglecting this rule can result in large repairs. Take care of your funds and the nervous system of the craftsmen.

As you can see, minor fat plugs can be removed using simple tools at hand: baking soda, vinegar, boiling water and plunger. More serious problems are solved with concentrated alkaline agents. And when chemistry is powerless, a cable and specialized equipment are used. But before calling the master, do not be too lazy to look into the siphon. It is possible that this simple step will help you save on plumbing costs.

Jun 12, 2017 Werri

Probably every person was interested in the question of how to clean the sewer in the kitchen if a blockage has formed in it. Situations often occur when water stops flowing normally into the drain hole or does not leave at all. In such cases, the correct solution is to call a plumber, but sometimes it takes longer to wait than to do the work yourself.

There are several options for solving the problem, knowing which you can do everything yourself, using the available materials and tools.

How and from what is the sewer plug formed?

Since it is the situation with the kitchen that is being considered, it should be noted that the main material for clogging up pipes is fat, food debris, as well as hair and organic matter. All this can easily settle on the inner surface of the pipes, as a result of which their diameter decreases and poor permeability of wastewater is observed.

When the pipe in the kitchen is clogged, the water no longer flows into the drain hole so freely, and in general it can just stand in the sink.

Basically, clogging forms around the focus of crystallization, namely in the place where wastewater starts to leave worse. This can be caused by turbulence in the flow. Fat inclusions that are contained in the drains settle in this very place, where the basis for the appearance of layers is formed.

This can be an unevenness in a corroded metal pipe, a deep internal scratch in a plastic pipe, or an area where flow changes abruptly. If we take into account the last factor, then in the process of installing the sewage system, it is important to take into account the necessary slope of the pipes. It should be equal to two degrees or two centimeters for each running meter of the pipe used to connect the riser to the plumbing fixture. As a rule, this feature should be taken into account during the installation of the wiring, since then it is unlikely that it will be possible to change something.

Having considered several reasons for blockages in pipes in the kitchen, you can already decide on a way to eliminate the problem in each specific case.

Tips for using a plunger for punching sewers in the kitchen

The easiest way to clean pipes is to use a conventional plunger. Probably everyone in the house has this item, since it can help out in the event of a simple blockage of pipes. The set of such a plumbing tool includes:

Wooden handle serving as a holder;
a rubber cap that fits over one end of this handle.

Cleaning the sewer in the kitchen with a plunger

To use the plunger, you do not need to have any special skills, but you should still follow the instructions:

The rubber bowl should be installed on the drain hole in the sink;
the tap opens, if possible, with hot water;
when the water covers the rubber bowl, you need to perform swinging movements with a plunger several times, while they must be energetic;
through such movements in the drain pipe, pressure drops are created that can destroy the blockage;
after several strong movements with the tool, it can be lifted;
if the process has brought positive results, then the water will begin to go into the drain hole with a funnel, which indicates that the cleaning actions have been completed.

If the blockage happened in the drain pipe, then you can try to clean it without using a plunger. This requires an empty milk carton. With a cut corner, it is inserted into the drain hole, after which it is pressed from above several times with vigorous movements.

Using a hydraulic pump to clear blockages

Preventive actions

Even if you carefully use the sink in the kitchen, the siphon and drain pipes can become clogged. They tend to accumulate hair, grease and food waste.

You can eliminate the unpleasant odor and minimal blockages with the help of special chemicals, while cleaning should be done regularly, and not when necessary.

When using various products, it is important to follow the instructions on the packaging, as chemical preparations are fraught with their own consequences. If such procedures do not cope with the elimination of unpleasant odors, then a small amount of antiseptic must be poured into the drain hole of the sink.

If the kitchen sink is clogged, what to do so that the activities in this vital room are not paralyzed until the plumbers team arrives? Not a single hostess is insured against such an emergency, and in this regard, it is necessary to know several ways to eliminate this problem and be able to apply them. And, it is not always in the kitchen that there is a special solution that is able to cope with this task, therefore, knowing the methods with the use of improvised means, you can always get out of the situation by using them in practice.

In the drainage pipe system, there is one most problematic place in which sediment collects. In some designs, this is a siphon reservoir, while in others it is a curved section of the pipe that plays its role (otherwise this element is called a water seal). In this place of the sink drain, dirty water is usually retained, and, naturally, the dirt settles on the walls of the lower part of the siphon, where in most cases a blockage forms.

Various types of siphons - in the vast majority of cases, blockages occur here

If such an emergency situation still exists, then you should not immediately call a plumber, since you can save money on this process by doing the work yourself.

There are many ways to clean accumulated dirt from your kitchen sink drain. Some of them have been tested over the years of use by many generations of owners, while others have been invented by craftsmen quite recently, and they use means that, it would seem, are completely far from plumbing.

Sink blockages can be of three types:

  • Operational, resulting from accumulated fat and mud deposits.
  • Mechanical, which appeared due to hitting a hundred to torubbish that interferes with the free movement of water.
  • Technical blockages that may arise due to an improperly assembled siphon structure or as a result of a factory defect. This option can sometimes be corrected exclusively by replacing the siphon drain block.

In any case, you need to try to fix the problem with your own hands, especially since replacing a corrugated pipe in combination with a siphon also does not apply to tasks of increased complexity. However, before purchasing a new kit, you should try different cleaning methods.

Cleaning the sink with a plunger

The method of cleaning the sink with a plunger is considered traditional and quite effective. Therefore, this plumbing accessory should be in any household, especially since it is inexpensive and can be used for decades.

A plumbing fixture known to almost everyone - plunger

The first way

The plunger consists of a comfortable wooden or polymer handle and a thick rubber cap. This simple device works on the principle of creating a small water hammer force in the drain pipe. Under its influence, the accumulated caked dirt moves from its place and rises from the siphon to the level of the drain pipe, and the water then carries it into the sewer.

In order to manipulate the plunger, you need to grasp its handle with both hands and press the cap against the sink drain hole. The rubber part of the plunger works like a suction cup, and when pressed, adheres well to a smooth ceramic or metal surface.

Then, using force, you need to perform several forward pressing movements down - up. At this time, a movement of liquid occurs inside the pipe, which is transmitted to all the accumulations in the blockage. They lag behind the walls and can freely move along with the incoming water into the sewer.

The principle of the plunger - the water hammer created by it removes the blockage from its place

If the first attempt was unsuccessful, and the water still leaves poorly or does not leave at all, then the manipulations with the plunger should be repeated until a positive result is obtained. If, when removing the cap from the drain, dirt and plaque elements come out with it into the sink, then they must be removed immediately in order to avoid re-clogging of the pipe.

It is very important - if a branch pipe from the overflow hole is connected to the drain pipe, then this hole must be closed, for example, by making a gag from a wet rag. Otherwise, attempts are doomed to failure - the water will follow the path of least resistance, and will begin to come out of the overflow hole, without transmitting the water hammer to accumulations of dirt.

Second way

If it was not possible to cope with the blockage only with the help of a plunger, then this tool can be used in combination with a mixture, the ingredients of which are in any kitchen - these are soda and salt.

For the cleaning process, you need to take a glass of salt and the same amount of soda, then mix them together and carefully pour into the drain. After that, a glass of boiling water is poured into the same place. The mixture should sink into the siphon glass, so do not add a lot of water. After completing this simple process, the sink should be left alone for 10-15 minutes. Then the plunger again enters the work, which again should carry out the manipulation already described above, remove the raised dirt, and rinse the pipes with an intense jet of water.

Folk cleaning methods

Sometimes it is possible to clean the sink without using a plunger, for example, if an operational blockage has been created, that is, water does not pass due to a thick layer of fat deposits on the pipe walls. For this process, you will also need substances that are always in the kitchen, and the main of them is again soda, since it is she who is able to dissolve the fatty components in the deposited layers. It is better to use technical soda for these events, which is often used to soften water in, but its food version is also quite suitable.

The first way

This method is the simplest of all. The technology is simple - 3 ÷ 5 tablespoons of soda and about 250 ÷ 300 ml of boiling water are poured into the drain hole, and after 10 ÷ 15 minutes the drain is poured with hot water.

Second way

Soda is taken again, the same amount as in the first method, and poured into the drain. Then, a glass of vinegar is poured into the same place, and all this is left for 10 ÷ 15 minutes, since a chemical reaction must occur between these two ingredients in a contaminated siphon. It is in the process of a violent reaction that the mixture will contribute to the dissolution and detachment of dirt from the walls of the siphon and pipes. When using ingredients that react with each other, the drain hole must be closed with a plug from above so that foam and emitted gases remain inside the drain system.

Baking soda and vinegar are great helpers for clearing blockages.

After the specified time has elapsed, hot water is spilled into the drain system.

If concentrated acetic acid is used for cleaning, then it must be diluted with water in a 1: 9 ratio, otherwise the plastic pipes may not withstand the process of an excessively violent exothermic reaction, melt and leak.

The third option

In this case, use: soda and washing powder, 3-5 large spoons each, vinegar istokan. Soda and powder are poured into the drain hole, which is then poured with vinegar on top and left for 15 ÷ 20 minutes. After that, the pipes and the siphon are thoroughly rinsed with hot water.

Video: soda and vinegar "on guard" for the cleanliness of the sink drain

Fourth option

With this method of cleaning, instead of soda, the drug used to relieve hangover syndrome - "Alka-Seltzer" is used. 2 ÷ 3 tablets of this product must be thrown into the drain hole, and then pour a glass of vinegar into it. This ingredient, just like soda, will give a very violent reaction when interacting with vinegar, in which the fat will dissolve, and the dirt will split and actively move away from the walls of the siphon and pipes. After 8 ÷ 10 minutes, the drainage system must be flushed with hot water.

Alka-Seltser, in addition to its direct purpose, can also help in the fight against clogging of the drain

The advantage of using Alka-Seltzer over baking soda is that, in addition to cleaning pipes, it effectively removes the unpleasant odor from the accumulated mass. However, it should be noted right away that this cleaning method is only suitable for eliminating operational clearances.

Cleaning using specialized chemicals

All the above-described folk compositions are used to clean the drain in our time, usually in extreme cases, since in the hardware store you can find a large number of chemicals designed specifically for this process. And, it should be noted that the price for them can lie in a fairly wide range - from expensive to quite affordable for everyone.

The range of special chemical compositions for the elimination of blockages and their prevention is very wide

Household chemicals intended for cleaning are divided into those produced in liquid or dry form, in the form of powder or granules. All drugs are made on an alkaline or acidic basis.

The means for cleaning must be chosen depending on what material the pipes of the outlet sewer are made of. Basically, all tools are suitable for both plastic and metal pipes, but nevertheless, before buying, it is worth studying the instructions from the manufacturer. Otherwise, a situation may arise that you will not only have to do urgent cleaning in the kitchen, but also buy a new drainage system.

Acidic compounds are considered universal remedies, which are capable of dissolving operational blockages and freeing pipes from large debris.

Most often, from this type of composition, a cleansing agent of the "Mole" type is chosen. Work with these reagents is carried out in the following order:

  • Boiling water is poured into the drain and left for about 20 minutes.
  • After that, a cleaning solution is added to the hole and kept for several hours. At this time, the sink cannot be used, therefore it is better to carry out all the manipulations late in the evening - overnight an aggressive cleanser will do its job.
  • In the morning, the pipes must be well spilled with cold water.

It should be noted that "Mole" and similar means are able to free the system not only from fatty deposits, but also from rust if metal pipes are installed.

Since any product intended for cleaning pipes is an aggressive medium, it must be handled with extreme care, taking the necessary precautions. Always wear rubber gloves on your hands, make sure not to allow drops or dry composition of the substance to get on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Before starting work, it is imperative to study the manufacturer's instructions in detail.

Prices for cleaning products for tiles, plumbing and pipes

Cleaning products for tiles, plumbing and pipes

Mechanical cleaning methods

There are several options for mechanical cleaning methods - this is the use of a plumbing cable, a special plastic household hook, or even a vacuum cleaner.

Such methods can be called cardinal, and they are used only in cases where none of the above methods worked with the required efficiency.

The first way

For self-cleaning of the drain mechanically, you can use a special hook made of flexible plastic. Although this device is called a crochet hook, it looks more like a narrow strip with small peculiar "spikes" on the sides. This rail has a handle on the top, which makes cleaning the sink more convenient.

Such a hook is used to remove mechanical blockages from the pipe and the siphon, that is, elements that do not dissolve with the help of chemical and folk remedies, for example, hair or fibers from t kani.

They work with this device as follows:

  • The plastic hook is lowered into the drain hole, carefully, bypassing the existing jumpers.
  • With the help of a handle, it is scrolled in a pipe and a siphon.
  • When scrolling on the side "thorns", the accumulated dirt gets caught and wrapped.
  • After that, the plank is carefully pulled out of the drain along with the dirt, which is immediately removed into the trash can.
  • If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Second way

This cleaning method is available to those who have a powerful vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. A similar operation can be carried out using an electric mini-sink.

To use compression and push the stagnation further along the pipe, and then into the sewer riser, you need to remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner, wrap it around the perimeter with a thin cloth to fit tightly into the drain hole. Then it is lowered into the hole as deep as possible, and turn on the vacuum cleaner to blow out. A strong air flow will clean the pipe from blockages.

It needs to be used in a different way. The principle of its operation is diametrically opposite - the vacuum cleaner in this case is used in order to pull out dirt from the siphon. To do this, a special suction nozzle is put on the end of the pipe - instead of it, you can use a plunger cap if it is made of elastic rubber.

The nozzle installed on the vacuum cleaner is pressed against the drain hole as tightly as possible so that it fits tightly to the bottom of the sink, and then the device is turned on for retraction. Dirt from the pipe or siphon, drawn in through the pipe, will fall into a special chamber for dirty water. This will clean the sink drain.

The third way

If the hook is not gets out before the blockage, and the vacuum cleaner did not cope due to the fact that the plug in the drain was too tight, you can try using a special plumbing cable, which has a convenient handle on one side, and on the other - a ruff nozzle or a spiral. This cleaning tool is made of resilient steel and has a plastic outer coating for easy cleaning after use.

Special plumbing cable with a "ruff" at the end

The working end of the cable with the "ruff" is gradually immersed in the drain hole, and with the help of the handle, according to the screwing principle, the cable is moved through the siphon into the pipe.

In the process of scrolling e psh The midrange searches from the walls for all the plaque that has gathered on them and pushes the mud stagnation towards the sewer main pipe. To enhance the cleaning effect, you need to periodically turn on hot water, which will immediately carry mud deposits into the sewer.

This method of cleaning pipes is well suited if the drainage system is made of metal, since e psh cn especially to clean off not only dirty, but also rusty plaque. If it will be used for a plastic system, then you need to be extremely careful not to damage the walls of the siphon and pipes.

In the absence of such a cable in the household, a similar cleaning device can be made from an elastic wire or a plastic hanger - "shoulders". So, the longest of the hanger is cut part - crossbar, on which a small hook is left at the end.

If the cable is made of wire, then it is first straightened, and then a small hook is bent at one of the ends. However, this type of cleaning is less effective, since even bent wire is not able to collect all the dirt that forms on the inner walls.

Fourth way

Method number four is an extreme measure in cleaning the sink, and even if it does not help, it means that the reason should be sought not in the drainage system, but already in the sewer pipe. And in this case, most likely, only a specialist can help.

However, it is still worth trying to solve the problem yourself. The method consists in a radical cleaning of the siphon.

The process can be carried out in two ways - this is a complete disassembly of all drain systems, or unwinding only the siphon glass, if its design allows it.

It should be noted that this process is not a pleasant one, but if there is a desire to save money on calling a plumber and quickly clean the sink drain, then the work done will be fully justified.

Since the main reason for the blockage lies in the siphon, it is worth starting with it. In the event that it turns out to be clean, then where it is already possible to take on the removal and disassembly of the entire drainage system.

The plastic siphon consists of two parts, which are twisted together with a screw connection. This assembly must be disassembled to clean. Before starting work, you should be well prepared so as not to further complicate the cleaning process. It is necessary to put a suitable basin or bucket under the sink, since when the siphon is unscrewed, dirty water will surely flow out of it.

Having unscrewed the lower part of the siphon, it must be rinsed and debris removed from there, which interfered with the drainage of water. If no serious blockages are found in it, you need to inspect another problem area - the connection of the siphon with a corrugated pipe, since sometimes dirt, rising from the bottom of the siphon, gets stuck in this area.

Having disassembled the siphon, you need to carefully remove and rinse or even replace all the rubber or plastic gaskets in it, since during assembly they will need to be correctly installed in place. Very often, after disassembly, it is clear that the gaskets are deformed, pinched, have tears and cannot be reused - you will have to purchase new ones. True, they are quite inexpensive.

All dirt is removed from the siphon and pipe, they are thoroughly washed, and after that all elements of the system can be assembled and installed in place.

The container from under the sink does not need to be removed until a leak test has been carried out on the drainage system. To check the quality of the assembly and the tightness of all connections, it is necessary to turn on the water under strong pressure and spill the pipes abundantly. At this time, you need to monitor all connections - they must remain completely dry. If a leak is detected, the connection should be tightened, but if this does not help, then a poor-quality gasket is installed.

When tightening the connecting nodes, "fanaticism" is not needed - it is not difficult to deform the plastic thread, and thereby render the part unusable. Here, however, quality cuffs or gaskets play a more important role.

Video: cleaning the sink drain with disassembling the siphon

Preventing blockages in the kitchen sink

In order not to resort to the above-described methods of cleaning the drain as long as possible, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures that will allow you to operate the kitchen sink for a long time without emergencies.

  • Greasy dishes should only be washed with hot water and greasy household detergents.
  • All dishes must be thoroughly cleaned of food debris before being placed in the sink.
  • An additional removable mesh with small cells must be installed on the drain hole, which will let only water into the drain, filtering out large inclusions
  • Every week, it is advisable to carry out preventive flushing of the drain system using boiling water and soda.

All domestic wastewater flows through the sewer pipes. Food debris, hair and other debris get into the water of everyone. All this causes blockages even in smooth plastic pipes. Tips on how to clean the sewer at home will help you cope with the situation on your own.

A clogged drain in the kitchen is a common situation.

What triggers the blockage?

Water standing in the sink or bathtub, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor are signs of a blockage in the sewer pipe. Common reasons for its appearance are:

  • operation of a kitchen sink without a mesh;
  • getting large debris into the toilet;
  • fat accumulation in the pipes;
  • insufficient slope of the sewer line.
  • in an autonomous system, freezing of a pipe section or damage to the system can occur.

During the operation of cast iron pipes, over time, there is a significant decrease in their diameter due to deposits and corrosion on the walls. A line with a cross-section less than required quickly clogs up and requires thorough cleaning.

Attention. Areas prone to frequent clogging include: sinks, bathtubs and toilets outlets.

Easy ways to deal with blockages

The sewage system in a private house is clogged, what should be done to quickly restore its work? This question periodically arises from everyone. Removing a trash jam does not always require the use of complex methods and special tools; it is worth trying to solve the problem with simple and affordable means.


Every family has this common plumbing tool. It consists of a smooth wooden handle and a rubber bowl at the end. Cleaning the sewer pipes with a plunger is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • If there is not enough water in the sink, then draw it up to the height of the bowl.
  • The device is pressed against the drain hole, and translational movements are made up and down.
  • Further, the plunger rises sharply, if the water quickly flows into the hole, then the work is over. If necessary, the movement of the device is repeated several times.

The pressure from the plunger causes the debris to budge and continue down the pipe.

Punching a plunger through a blockage in the toilet

Advice. If there is an overflow, it is necessary to close the hole with a plug, otherwise it will not be possible to create pressure in the system.

Draining the boiling water

The main reason for the clogging of pipes in the kitchen is the large amount of fat that settles on the walls. Hot water effectively dissolves such deposits, so it is worth turning on the hot tap and trying to flush the system.

A folk remedy will help dissolve the fat - a solution of soda and vinegar. This method is very simple and everything you need is in the kitchen. Before you clean the drain with baking soda and vinegar, you need to prepare a rag to plug the drain. For work you will need:

  • a glass of soda;
  • a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • Cork.

Soda is poured into the dry drain of the sink and vinegar is poured. The hole is quickly closed by the cooked item. Substances enter into a violent reaction, during which deposits on the pipe walls are broken down. Citric acid will become an equally effective substitute for vinegar, which gives an active reaction when interacting with soda. After a while, the sewage system is flushed with hot water.

Pipe cleaning methods

All measures to cleanse pipes from clogging are carried out in one of three ways:

  • mechanical cleaning - performed with a special tool;
  • chemical cleaning - active reagents in the form of powder, solution or gel decompose debris;
  • hydrodynamic cleaning - works with the pressure of water under pressure.

Mechanical tools

The use of a plunger is also referred to as mechanical cleaning, if its use does not give a result, they switch to a plumbing cable. It allows you to cope with a garbage plug that has accumulated at a great distance from the drain. The cable for cleaning the sewer is made independently from metal wire. The factory version is made of a flexible spiral and ends with a handle. You can enter it through the inspection hatch, or by removing the siphon under the sink.

Plumbing cables vary in diameter and length; for use in a private house, a tool with a cross section of 6-9 mm and a length of 5-6 meters is sufficient. To increase the efficiency of use, toilet attachments, in the form of a brush or a hook, are offered to the cable. The work is performed in a specific sequence:

  1. It is necessary to cover the floor at the place of work with plastic wrap, and put gloves on your hands. Preparatory measures will protect against contamination by impurities that may flow out of the pipe.
  2. The cable end is inserted into the pipe and gently pushed inward. During movement, the tool is rotated in one direction.
  3. When the rope reaches the obstacle, they try to break it down into separate fragments with forward movements.
  4. In case of a large blockage, the cable is removed and cleaned several times. Mechanical cleaning of the sewage system ends with the pouring of a large volume of hot water from the system.

Advice. A soft spring cable is suitable for cleaning plastic pipes, it will not damage the walls of the pipeline.

Cleaning pipes with a rope

There are electric cables, with the help of which he performs cleaning of sewer pipes with his own hands in difficult situations. The device has a drum, pistol grip and a set of attachments. The device is placed in a pipe and works like a drill, destroying any blockage.

Preparations for chemical cleaning

Sewer blockages are divided into several types:

  • mechanical - arise as a result of large debris entering the system;
  • technological - appear when pipes are worn or design errors;
  • operational - accumulate in the process of using the pipeline.

If an object that has fallen into the system can only be reached mechanically, then the operational blockage lends itself to the action of special means. It usually occurs due to fat settling on the walls, attracting and holding various small debris.

Alkaline preparations

Cleaning sewer pipes at home is possible without the use of tools and unwinding fittings. To do this, you need to use one of the chemicals presented in huge quantities. The preparations have a different consistency:

  • powder - dry matter is easily poured into the pipe;
  • gel is an economical and effective agent that covers the entire surface of the walls and flows slowly;
  • liquid - used for difficult blockages.

Any chemical agent is aggressive, it is worth wearing gloves before using it and leaving the room after application so as not to inhale the vapors.

Advice. Do not leave the drug in the pipes longer than the manufacturer recommends. The active substance can damage the drainage material. After application, the line is flushed with water.

Acids and alkalis are used to remove the plug, one of such substances is caustic soda, which is used to clean the sewage system. It readily corrodes organic compounds and should be handled with care. The drug can cause chemical burns. They work with her in gloves and glasses, and the room must have constant access to fresh air. The technology for cleansing with soda is very simple: two tablespoons of caustic are poured into the drain and poured into a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the drain is rinsed with water.

The popular Krot sewer pipe cleaner is made on the basis of caustic soda. It is used for sediment removal and prevention. Treatment with the composition 1-2 times a month will rid the pipes of fat and food debris.

A safe way to add lye

Granular products

"Flup" is a preparation in the form of granules produced in two types: for use with cold and hot water. The powder is poured into the drain in the recommended amount and filled with water. The action time is 3-15 minutes, the field of the pipe is rinsed with plenty of water. The product removes limescale, fibers and food debris.

"Pothan" is a potent drug that dissolves paper, hair and grease. Do not allow it to come into contact with skin, clothing and surrounding objects. The powder is poured into a dry drain and after 3 minutes it is poured with hot water. After another 3 minutes, rinse the pipe with warm water.

When choosing a chemical agent to unclog a blockage in sewer pipes, you should take into account the recommendations for use for various materials.

Sewer gels

Among the gel preparations, "Mister Muscle" and "Tiret" are popular. Both tools are versatile and can be used for plastic and metal pipelines. Gels are effective for minor blockages and as a prophylaxis.

An effective way to remove plaque and debris plugs is to hydrodynamically clean the sewage system. To perform it, it is necessary to guide the system with a hose with a metal tip and nozzles. Water is supplied to it under high pressure, which is directed through nozzles to the walls of the pipes. For work, you need a pump that pumps up to 190 MPa. The movement of the nozzle is carried out by the jet thrust of the jets directed in the opposite direction. The nozzle pierces the drain and the water removes deposits.

Efficiency of using the hydrodynamic method

Advice. The hydrodynamic method is safe and efficient and is suitable for any type of pipe.

Hydrodynamic elimination of the blockage can be accomplished by purchasing a sewer cleaning machine. This unit has various sizes and modifications:

  • manual - work like a household pump with a hose;
  • gasoline - powerful and efficient devices cope with blockages in large diameter pipes;
  • drum - powered by electricity, used for internal and external sewerage networks.

Regular maintenance of sewer pipes will eliminate the need to deal with blockages.

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07/21/2017 3 10 852 views

Plumbing is often clogged and out of order, and many housewives face similar problems. For a quick fix, learn how to clear a blockage in your kitchen sink at home.

The causes of blockage

Before starting cleaning, it is worth finding out the possible causes of the blockage:

  • corrosion, which can spread to metal elements and plumbing parts (rust particles settle on the walls, narrow the lumen and provoke a blockage);
  • poor-quality tap water (impurities and solid elements contained in it accumulate inside pipes and other parts of plumbing and clog them);
  • grease plugs resulting from washing heavily soiled dishes with cold water (fat does not dissolve at low temperatures, settles on the walls and disrupts the normal flow of water);
  • small solid and insoluble food residues that are on utensils that have not been pre-cleaned and accumulate in different parts of plumbing items;
  • foreign objects such as a sponge, rag, thick paper, polyethylene or hair get into the drain;
  • some features of the sink device: excessively flat shape, narrow drain, small diameter pipes, a small siphon, a large number of bends.

How to unclog a sink? Best practices

If the sink is clogged, you can remove the clog in a variety of ways, and all of them can be roughly divided into several categories. The first one is mechanical methods, which involve the removal of the plug that has arisen by means of mechanical action, that is, practically pushing it out. But these methods will not work if the blockage is strong.

The second category is household chemicals. Products in this group contain components that literally dissolve blockages. But you need to remember that some aggressive substances can affect not only corks, but also plumbing elements, so you should be careful when using it.

The third category is folk methods, when choosing which you can use the means at hand and available in every home. Many of them are inexpensive, so minimal costs can be considered an indisputable advantage. And many folk remedies are really effective and make removing blockages quick and safe.

Mechanical methods

You can clean the sink from the blockage at home using proven mechanical methods. Let's consider the most effective:

  1. If you have a plunger, use it. It is recommended to fill the sink with hot water first, but you can skip this step. Then place the rubber part of the device on the drain: it should close completely. Press down on the plunger to push out all the air and create a vacuum. Then, holding on to the handle, make a few sharp jerks and in one motion tear off the rubber cup from the drain hole. If the water starts to leave, then the blockage is removed. If it is still standing, the manipulations will have to be repeated. If there are two drains in the sink, both must be plugged.
  2. Another option is a plumbing cable. But it is important to use it correctly and carefully so that it does not damage the plumbing. And if most of the parts are made of plastic, then such elements may suffer due to mechanical stress. Place the end of the cable in the drain and start pushing it by turning the tool with the handle. When you feel an obstacle, start twisting the cable more actively, you can also push it back and forth to push through the plug. Open hot water periodically: it will wash away the dirt.
  3. You can break through the blockage with a vacuum cleaner, but equipped with an air flow blowing function. Its nozzle is wrapped in a soft cloth to ensure a tight joint. Place it in the drain and turn on the appliance. First select the minimum speed, then gradually increase it so as not to damage the plumbing and gently remove the plug.
  4. A wrench and screwdriver can be used for mechanical cleaning of the sink. Using these tools, unscrew the siphon, first substituting a basin or bucket. Next, you need to remove the accumulated dirt using a brush, a brush on a long handle or any other similar device. It is also recommended to rinse the siphon well to dissolve the residual fat. Next, screw on the part and turn on hot water and clean the drain and pipes from dirt.

Household chemicals

What to do if the sink is clogged? Household chemicals will come to the rescue. They come in various forms: liquid, gel, granular and powder. It is best to use liquid formulations, as the powder or granules may not completely dissolve and further aggravate the blockage, exacerbating the situation.

The blockage fluid or other formulation may contain acids or alkalis. The latter are more aggressive and unsuitable for some materials such as aluminum. Acids are relatively gentle and dissolve most blockages.

The efficiency and characteristics of household chemicals are also affected by the concentration of the active ingredient: the higher it is, the faster the cork will dissolve, but the greater the likelihood of damage to the plumbing. To avoid damage, carefully read the attached instructions before use.

The most popular and effective remedies against blockages are considered "Mole", "Mister Muscle", "Steril", "Tiret", "Sanfor" and "Domestos". They all have a similar application: first you need to pour or pour the contents of the package into the plumbing fixtures in the kitchen or bathroom (you can immediately into all the sinks) and leave for a while, which is indicated in the instructions. Next, you should turn on hot water and direct a stream under maximum pressure into the drain in order to finally wash out the dissolved cork.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will help to remove the blockage in the sink:

  1. Use salt. The first option is to pour half a glass into the drain, and then immediately pour a glass of hot water. The second option is to prepare a concentrated solution (five tablespoons of salt in a glass of water) and apply it. After use, thoroughly rinse all parts of the plumbing by opening the tap as much as possible.
  2. Soda is effective. It can simply be poured into the hole in the volume of one glass. Wait for the product to take effect and dissolve the fatty deposits, and then rinse the drain with as hot water as possible.
  3. Use regular boiling water: pour it into the drain hole to dissolve the dirt. But this method is not suitable for plastic pipes, as they can deform and damage at high temperatures. And then hot water can be used.
  4. Use vinegar: pour a glass into the sink, leave for an hour or two, depending on the degree of clogging. Then flush the drain with the maximum pressure of hot water.
  5. To quickly remove the blockage, you can combine baking soda with vinegar: first pour a glass or a little less powder, and then immediately pour the acid. A quenching reaction will begin, which will help dissolve grease and other impurities.
  6. To clear a blockage in a sink, throw five acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) tablets into the drain and pour in a glass of vinegar. Wait half an hour and turn on hot water.
  7. Washing powder will help to cope with a small blockage. Two or three heaped tablespoons should be poured into the drain hole. Now turn on the hot water to dissolve and foam the powder and gradually remove the plug.
  8. Surprisingly, you can use Alka Seltzer to clean the drain. Two or three tablets need to be broken and poured into the hole, then filled with hot water. The hiss will start to dissolve the blockage, and to speed up the process and make it more efficient, you can pour in a glass of vinegar. Then rinse the drain thoroughly with hot water.