How to tint white paint. Color for acrylic paint, water-based tinting. How to mix paints to get the right color

Beginning painters and designers are often interested in how to mix paints to get the desired color. There are basic shades, when combined, a new one can emerge original version. In some situations, this task arises when one paint runs out and can be replaced by mixing several options. Two or more can be used for this purpose.

How to mix paints to get different shades?

I would like to note that such a task is difficult, since some paints, after being combined with each other, provoke reactions, which ultimately have a negative effect on the result, for example, the color may become dark or even lose its tone and become gray.

Understanding what paints can be mixed, it is worth saying that it is impossible to obtain yellow, red and blue colors by combining other paints, but they are actively used in different combinations.

Let's learn how to mix paints to get some colors:

  1. Pink. To make this color come out, you need to mix red and red in equal quantities. White color. By varying the proportion of white paint, you can obtain shades of different saturation.
  2. Green. To get this color, mix blue, cyan and yellow in equal proportions. If you want to create an olive shade, then combine green, yellow and add a large number of brown. Light shade obtained by mixing yellow, green and white.
  3. Orange. This beautiful color is achieved by combining red and yellow. The more red you end up with, the brighter the final shade.
  4. Violet. In this case, you need to mix following colors paints: and blue, and in equal proportions. If you change the proportions and add white, you can get different shades.
  5. Grey. There are a huge number of options, so to get different shades, you should mix black and white in different proportions.
  6. Beige. This color is often used, for example, when painting portraits. To obtain it, you need to add white to the brown color, and then, to improve the brightness, use a little yellow.

It is worth noting that the closer the colors are to each other on the color wheel, the similar their tone, which means the result will be purer and more saturated.

Mixing colors is one of the most difficult procedures that a person who decides to make repairs on their own may face the need to perform. The point is that it is very important to know what colors to mix to create a certain tone. It should be immediately noted that it is better to purchase white paint and tint it in the store using a special machine, so the tone will be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, then you can read more about how to mix colors correctly.

These materials are universal, they are used for many purposes: with their help you can simply paint walls, paint stained glass windows, apply designs on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited by imagination. The compositions are easy to use and adhere well to the surface. But if you decide to paint a multi-component image on the wall, then buying paint in all the necessary colors will be too expensive, and after completion of the work there will be a large amount of unnecessary material left. In this case, it is better to buy a basic series, and to create certain shades, mix acrylic paints.

Mixing base paint colors makes it possible to get many different shades, while you can save a lot on your purchase

Main color range

Everyone knows from school: when you combine yellow and red, you get orange, but if you add blue to the same yellow, you get green. It is on this principle that the table for mixing acrylic paints is built. According to it, it is enough to purchase only the primary colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints of these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Basics of mixing according to the table

To properly mix materials, you cannot do without a table. At first glance, it is easy to work with: to get the desired result, you just need to find the color and see what components are required. But the color mixing table does not indicate the proportions, so it is necessary to gradually add tinting material to the base paint and apply the mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, drywall, and so on. Then you need to wait until the material dries. If the color matches what is required, you can begin work on the main surface.

Coloring technique

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials, you can achieve the formation of two main tones: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create color, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  1. Light. In this case, the main material is titanium white, to which one or two tinting compounds are added. The less additional paintwork materials are used, the lighter the tone will be. This is how you can make most shades of a light palette.
  2. Dark. To create shades of this type, do the opposite. Before mixing colors, you need to prepare the base tone; black dye is gradually introduced into the base. When working with black paint, you need to be careful because it can make the color look muddy rather than dark.
  3. Green. This shade is not in the main palette, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. The exact ratio can only be determined experimentally.
  4. Violet. This cool color, which is obtained by mixing blue with pink or red. In some cases, you will also need to add black to darken the material.
  5. Orange. To create this color you need to mix red and yellow. For a richer orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you want to create a soft color, for example, coral, then you need to lighten the material with white. Can I add dark dyes? Yes, you can, but mixing colors may result in a muddy tone.
  6. Earthy. Here the main color is brown. By adding various shades to it, they get a color from beige to dark wood.

Rules for working with the palette

To begin, you will need a basic set of paints, brushes, a container of water and a palette (you can take any surface, including school supplies for drawing).

It is recommended to place white in the center, since it is used in creating most shades. Dyes of the main color range are placed in the recesses around (if any). You need to mix carefully, gradually adding tinting material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be rinsed in a container of water.

On a note! Work with materials based on acrylic resins using a table and a palette is quite simple. The main thing is to practice more, the result will get better each time.

Oil paints

If we compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then oil is more fluid. Because of this, you need to mix the compositions very carefully. different colors. On the one hand, this is a drawback, but on the other hand, this feature allows you to obtain the following effects:

  • If thoroughly mixed, a uniform tone will be obtained. This material is perfect for both complete painting of surfaces and partial decoration.
  • If you mix partially, then different colored veins will appear on the coating.


Now about how to mix oil paints. A chart is also used to mix oil-based paint colors. It indicates the colors obtained by combining various tinting components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a combination of shine. If you add a little gloss to a matte base, there will be practically no result, but if you do the opposite, the shine will be slightly muted.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case, we are talking about mixing two or more materials of different colors in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of compositions of bright shades. The desired color is created even before the wall or ceiling is processed.
  2. Color overlay. Gradual application of several strokes on top of each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most complex method, which is available only to specialists. It involves mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix paint colors only on the surface being treated, otherwise you will get a more even tone.


The first method fully corresponds to the data in the table. When it comes to color application, the result is unpredictable. One of the most simple options Optical illusions are glazed: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after it dries, a little lighter paint is applied, and then a completely light one. As a result, each color will be visible through the top layers.

So there is no specific pattern. To find out which colors need to be mixed, it is not enough just to take and look at the table; it is important to constantly practice and not be afraid of experiments. This way you can create a new effect that will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that a mixed shade is very difficult to replicate, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question of how to mix paints correctly does not seem so difficult.

The paint mixing table allows you to create a huge palette of bright shades from 3 basic colors. It is very exciting! The main thing is to choose the right paints according to the color mixing table.

Artist's Workshop: Magic Lessons

1. The combination of two adjacent colors of the spectrum produces shades with different intensities of these colors. For example, yellow and orange when superimposed produce yellow-orange or orange-yellow, depending on which of these 2 colors predominates. If you mix in equal proportions 3 shades located next to each other on the color wheel, for example, yellow, red and orange, you will get the same orange, but dirtier.

2. When you add white to any color, you get it pastel shades of different intensity.

3. By mixing 2 primary colors in equal proportions, which are separated by 1 shade on the color wheel, we get exactly the intermediate color that separates them. For example, red + blue = purple.

4. An equal combination of 2 contrasting colors (located opposite each other on the color wheel) always produces gray with a tint of one of these colors. For example, red + green, blue + orange, etc. Interestingly, if you mix complementary colors in a 2/1 ratio, you get absolute gray (without additional shades).

5. 3 primary colors located next to each other, when applied in equal proportions, also form gray, for example, green + yellow + orange. Pay attention to the striking pattern: harmonious color combinations(which you can get using the color wheel) when mixed, the shades included in them give a gray color - balancing, they absorb each other.

Creating new colors using a paint mixing table

As we already know, there are only 3 colors that cannot be obtained by mixing others. But from them you can create all other shades. These magical colors are red, yellow and blue. By the way, by mixing them with each other in equal proportions, you can get black. How to create all the other shades of the palette, see the table:

The color mixing table and color wheel are used not only in painting, they are simply irreplaceable when tinting and mixing decorative plaster in construction, perfumery and soap making, fabric dyeing, batik, etc.

Color spectrum: revealing the secrets of the rainbow

Isaac Newton, passing light through a prism, received a multi-colored beam called a spectrum. For the convenience of combining colors, a continuous line of the spectrum with all its transitional tones was turned into a circle. As you know, in the color spectrum there are three primary shades (red, blue and yellow), and when they are mixed in pairs with each other, three more secondary shades are obtained (green, orange and purple). It is these 6 shades that form the color wheel, and each of them has complementary colors (blue and red-violet, yellow-green, purple, red and yellow-orange, blue and yellow-green). Newton, by the way, identified 7 colors, adding blue to the spectrum, which, along with the six main ones, is considered the color of the rainbow. By mixing these shades, making them darker or lighter to varying degrees, you can get a full range of colors.

I would like to immediately make a reservation that the division of the spectrum is arbitrary and depends on the characteristics of our perception. A person can identify up to 1000 tones in the color spectrum. It is interesting that reptiles and birds do not distinguish blue shades, and some fish see everything around them in red. It is believed that for cats the colorful world around us looks dimmer, but they can distinguish a huge variety of shades of gray.

Color spectrum table

The colors of the spectrum are called chromatic, as opposed to achromatic (from Latin, “without color”): white, black, gray. The order of shades in the spectrum is always the same, starting with red and ending with violet.

Shades on the color wheel from green-blue to blue-violet are considered cool, from yellow-green to red-violet - warm. This division is quite arbitrary and depends on what associations these colors evoke in us: red-orange fire, yellow sun, blue ice, blue ocean abyss. Did you notice that when we separated colors we didn't mention green? And this is no coincidence. Clean green color(which, by the way, is extremely rare) is considered neutral. A drop of yellow makes it warmer, a drop of blue cools it down.

The color wheel is extremely important in a designer's work. With its help, you can not only determine harmonious color combinations, create the desired atmosphere in the room or an attractive image, but also influence perception by skillfully emphasizing the brightness, purity, beauty of color, enhance its intensity by adding complementary shades, balance cold tones with warm ones, etc. d. This magic is not difficult to learn even without being a designer, and it can be used not only in interior or clothing design. With the help of the color wheel, anyone can create harmony in the apartment, correctly combine colors in clothes, manicure, makeup, etc. For example, blue eyes will be emphasized by orange-coral lipstick or peach eyeshadow, and a scarlet dress will be refreshed by a green-turquoise scarf.

Hair coloring is based on a scientific basis - knowledge of color and chemical laws, the skill of a hairdresser-colorist.

Colors are divided into several varieties, the main ones of which are:

  • armoring;
  • highlighting;
  • balayage;
  • ombre

When blonding, the master carefully distributes various shades of light tones over the entire length of each strand of hair. This look looks beautiful on light brown hair.

Bronzing on light brown straight hair. Results before and after coloring

When performing hair highlighting, the hairdresser bleaches the selected strands. The number of light strands depends on the client’s wishes and can range from 10% to more than 50%.

Highlighting on dark hair

Sometimes, for dyed strands, the shades obtained during dyeing are additionally neutralized using color rules.

When performing the ombre technique, the master achieves a smooth transition, starting from the very dark root zone to the lightest ends of the hair.

Long straight hair dyed using the Ombre technique

Features of color according to appearance color types

To obtain the required tone, the paint is diluted with certain pigments:

1 package of paint (60 ml) corrects the color with 4 grams of pigment. If you get an ugly or not the desired hair color, experts do not recommend lightening it; you will end up with a dirty, unattractive color.

In this case, it is better to correct the coloring at professional craftsmen with extensive experience and the necessary funds.

Why is it important to know color theory, about color combinations, how to apply it in coloristics

It is important to know! For hair coloring, mixing dyes and colors, it is important to select matching tones and combine them in exact proportions. Professionals mix paints that are similar in tone and that meet the rules of correct combination:

  • copper shade with brown;
  • eggplant with dark purple;
  • caramel with golden brown.

It is not allowed to mix more than 3 paints of different colors. The hairstyle will gain contrast if you apply white strands to dark hair.

Note! Proper mixing of paints and colors in color scheme can visually change the shape of the face and adjust parts of the hairstyle with certain color shades.

Rules for mixing paints of different shades

Experienced professionals who know the rules of the most complex technology for mixing different shades of paints know how to evaluate:

  • hair – condition, structure;
  • scalp – sensitive, dry, irritated.

Experts note 4 color types: cold - summer and winter, warm - autumn and spring.

It is undesirable to change the natural color type to the opposite one.

For fair-haired women belonging to the “summer” color type, it is better to dye with wheat, ash and platinum tones. For dark-haired representatives of the fair sex belonging to this color type, various brown tones.

Blonde hair of the “spring” color type is dyed with dyes that match the natural color, golden and honey tones. For dark hair of this color type, choose caramel and walnut.

Bright representatives of “autumn” are especially suitable for rich tones of colors – red, golden, copper.

Experienced stylists determine the color scheme of hair dyes based on the eyes.

Those with gray-blue eyes will be most suitable bright hues hair

Green-eyed women are offered warm shades. If there are yellowish inclusions in the iris of the eyes, paint in the orange and red palette is recommended. If the eyes have a malachite tint, a chestnut, dark brown tone will harmonize.

At blue eyes light colors look nice. Brownish inclusions on the iris of blue-eyed people suggest coloring with caramel or red shades. Bright blue eyes - brown tones work well. Gray-blues are best painted in light colors.

For dark brown eyes with dark skin– chestnut or chocolate tones. If you have dark brown eyes and light skin, you should paint them with red shades. For light brown eyes, golden tones are recommended.

All shades suit gray-eyed women, but it is better not to use too dark shades.

Mix dyes for hair coloring with colors of the palette that are similar in tone, exact selection is carried out using the attached color shade tables.

You cannot mix paints produced by different companies.

Manufacturers have their own palette, different from others. The desired result is obtained by correctly calculating the proportion and amount of paint.

For unevenly colored and gray hair, experts recommend that you first dye it a natural color, and then select and mix shades. On hair of different types and textures, the same shades look different, and time exposure affects the color saturation.

It is forbidden to dilute paint in metal containers; glass, ceramics, and plastic are suitable.

In what proportions should you mix paints?

Apply to hair of different lengths different quantities paints:

  • short hair – 1 package (60 ml);
  • medium hair – 2 packs (120 ml);
  • long hair – 3 packs (180 ml).

To obtain the shade indicated on the package, add a 3% oxidizing agent when diluting the paint. When mixing hair coloring dyes, take them in equal proportions or add more dye, the color you want to achieve.

For example, when mixing caramel and golden brown, adding more golden brown creates a richer golden shade.

Important to remember! The color palettes developed by manufacturers are paints that are complex in tone, containing different quantitative contents of pigments: gray-green, blue, red and yellow.

The molecules of these dyes vary in size:

  1. The smallest molecule belongs to the gray-green pigment, which colors the hair and is the first to be distributed in it.
  2. Next in size is blue, which will be the next one to take up space in the hair structure.
  3. Red is larger than the first two, it still has a small opportunity to take up space in the colored hair.
  4. The yellow pigment is the largest, it has no place at all in the inner part of the hair, it envelops it outside. The shampoo quickly washes away the yellow pigment.

Composition of dyes - what is important to know?

Undyed natural hair contains 3 primary colors. Their different combination determines the natural hair color.

Three primary natural colors: blue, red and yellow

In hair coloring, when mixing dyes and colors, the range of colors is distributed according to levels from 1 to 10: starting with 1 - very black and ending with 10 - the lightest. Hair from levels 8-10 contains 1 yellow pigment, from levels 4-7 there is red and yellow color, resulting in brown shades.

The most high levels 1-3 have a blue pigment in combination with red, yellow is completely absent.

Hair dyes from all manufacturers are indicated by numbers, and their tone is determined by them:

  • the first is belonging to the degree of lordship;
  • the second - to the main color (up to 75% of the paint composition);
  • the third is the nuance of color.

Secondary colors

By mixing adjacent colors they acquire secondary colors:

  • orange – yellow and red;
  • purple – red and blue;
  • green – blue and yellow.

Each of the 3 primary colors has an opposite color (countercolor), helping to neutralize various shades:

Each of the 3 primary colors has a countercolor
  • red is extinguished by green;
  • blue – orange;
  • yellow – violet.

Professionals calculate and remove unsuccessful shades using this principle.

Tertiary colors

By connecting primary and secondary color boundaries, tertiary shades are acquired.

When coloring your hair, mixing dyes and colors, you get beautiful shades, for example, combining a beige shade with a cold violet - exquisite platinum. A blonde with gray-green hair is corrected by adding red, the redness is neutralized with a tobacco tint.

Important to remember! On completely bleached hair, the desired shades are not obtained; they become lighter, for example, purple shade on white hair it turns into lilac. With a low content of yellow pigment in the hair, the result is:

  1. The pink color takes on a reddish tint.
  2. Lilac neutralizes yellowness, platinum remains.

Darker shades appear on natural, undyed hair.

Harmonious colors

The harmony of nearby colors is the presence of one primary color. Harmonious colors are taken from intervals of one main color to the next main color. They have 4 subspecies.

The harmony of these colors leads to balance, changing their lightness and saturation when coloring the hair, mixing paints and colors. When adding white or black colors to them, the combination becomes harmonious, highlighting one rich color.

The Oswald circle is the basis of color, which determines the laws of shade formation. Mixing dyes and colors to change hair color is carried out in accordance with its recommendations

Monochrome colors

With a monochrome combination, there is a combination of colors of one color range, with light and rich shades. In hairdressing, a similar calm combination is often used.

Achromatic colors

An achromatic combination of colors is essentially close to a monochromatic combination; in some sources it is not distinguished separately. It is based on two or more achromatic colors.

The classic combination of this harmonic series is a gradual transition from white to black. Hairstyles done in this style emphasize dignity and stability.

Achromatic color combination

Complex color shades each manufacturer produces using different proportions, which gives the product its own flavor.

Some companies add a neutralizing pigment, but not always. The difficulty of painting to obtain the desired effect is to carefully study the composition of the paints.

Ash shades

Ash shades are popular in hair coloring in salons, especially with ombre.

The results of staining with ashy shades may differ from those expected. Therefore, a number of nuances should be taken into account :

  • an ashy shade on bleached hair looks overly gray or dirty;
  • it darkens the hair;
  • in the presence of yellowness it creates a green tint;
  • suitable for young girls, other women look older.

Ash shade is most suitable for young girls

The skillful hands of a professional will help you avoid side effects and get the desired result when accounting following features ash paint:

  • the ashen shade contains a lot of blue pigment;
  • a feature of the paint is the presence of different manufacturers different shades;
  • ash shades from different companies vary in pigment density;
  • This paint, when lightened, removes the orange tint.

Before you start coloring your hair, you should determine a few points:

  • correctly set the depth of tone in the hair;
  • understand what hair color the client wants to get;
  • decide on additional hair lightening;
  • understand whether after the procedures there will be an unnecessary shade that needs to be neutralized, and determine the color.

It is important to correctly determine the level of hair tone depth

Hair coloring, mixing several dyes of different colors in a hairstyle helps create a unique individual image. This type of coloring is suitable for hair of different lengths: from short creative haircuts to beautiful curls.

Experts insist on maintaining a sense of proportion so that there is no overflow of tasteless bright spots. The theory of color, an invaluable practice that brings experience, helps masters maintain balance.

Qualified hairdressers warn - You cannot experiment thoughtlessly without a clear knowledge of the laws for obtaining color combinations.

Hair dye mixing table

How to properly dye your hair using color techniques

Before coloring your hair, mixing dyes and colors, follow the advice of experts:

  1. It is not recommended to use masks for a week before coloring, as the special substances they contain envelop the hair and can change the expected coloring result.
  2. Do not wash your hair before coloring: skin on the head will not be damaged by the oxidizing agent, thanks to the released fat.
  3. The dye is applied to dry hair; wet hair dilutes it; the color will lose its saturation.
  4. For easier distribution of dye, the hair is divided into strands and the dye is applied evenly and quickly.
  5. The paint is reapplied, first to the root zone, after 20 minutes, spread over the entire length.
  6. Perform the procedure wearing gloves to protect your hands.
  7. Wash off the paint gradually, moisten, foam. Then rinse your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner.

Paints must be intended for professional use and belong to one manufacturer .

Mixing dyes and colors in hair coloring should be done step by step:

  1. Read the instructions carefully. Mix the colors separately.
  2. Mix paints together in the selected proportion.
  3. Stir the composition thoroughly and distribute the mixture throughout your hair. The paint is applied immediately after preparation, because... The shelf life of the diluted coloring composition is short.
  4. Keep the dye on your hair according to the instructions, then wash your hair.

Note! Divorced and mixed paints cannot be stored. After 30 minutes, a reaction will occur with air masses and the paint will deteriorate. The multi-colored mixture must be used in one go.

The records determine:

  • the color you like, no need to remember what shades were used when mixing;
  • duration - how long the coloring does not wash off;
  • unsuitable shade - which colors should not be mixed.

Professionals warnIt’s difficult to get rid of some color tones. First, you will need to remove the color you don’t like, and then dye your hair again. These actions will affect the condition of the scalp and hair.

By consulting with experts, you can understand which colors suit your skin type and face shape best and find a special individual hair color that emphasizes your unique personality. female image. Be healthy and beautiful!

Useful video materials on the topic: Hair coloring. Mixing paints and colors

How to mix hair dyes correctly:

A short course on the basics of color:

You can see how to choose a hair shade here:

Burnt sienna, ultramarine, cadmium yellow - these words sound like mysterious spells to the uninitiated ear. In fact, these are just names of colors, although a certain magic is, of course, present in them. One has only to pick up a brush and apply a few drops to the palette, and the imagination immediately comes to life. And all that remains for the artist is to mix the paints correctly to create real miracles.

It is sometimes difficult for novice artists to navigate the choice of colors for their painting, especially if there are many colors in their watercolor set. This is why it is recommended to buy paints with a smaller variety of shades, because it is much more interesting and, most importantly, more useful to mix the paints yourself. Ready colors often turn out to be quite harsh, far from natural muted tones. But a palette created with your own hands will not only help you find what you need for the desired image, but will also serve as a source of imagination and useful knowledge.

All shades of colors are divided into warm and cold. These names are absolutely telling; warm colors are sunnier, more summery: orange, red, yellow. Cold, respectively winter, refreshing: blue, light blue, violet.

The colors on the palette interact with each other, forming absolutely incredible variations. However, there are general trends, which are reflected in the so-called Itten circle. This is a model of combining primary and secondary colors.

The circle not only shows how secondary colors are formed from primary ones, but also visually divides them into warm and cold, respectively, some on the right, others on the left. It is important to understand that we are talking about base colors, not shades. After all, in comparison, some will turn out to be warmer, others colder.

Here is a small table on mixing primary colors.

Rules for mixing paints

To mix watercolor paints correctly, you need to know some of their features and be sure to take them into account when applying them to paper. It's about not only about the division into warm and cold tones, but also about the hiding power of some colors, i.e. ability to overlap previous layers. Different shades are obtained not only by mixing two colors, but also by varying their quantity, as well as the amount of water used. For example, mixing classic combination yellow and green, adding more yellow will gradually change to a lighter lime green, and may even return to the original element.

Colors that are close to each other when mixed will not give a pure tone, but with their help you can get a very expressive shade, it will be called chromatic. If you combine colors located on opposite sides of the color wheel, you can get an achromatic, grayish tone. For example, a combination of orange with green and purple will give this effect.

Some paints give an undesirable reaction when mixed. It's not just about dirt on the drawing, it can lead to cracking of the paint layer, as well as to its darkening when drying. The combination of zinc white with cinnabar has a beautiful light pink tone, but later this combination darkens and becomes inexpressive. Therefore, it is, of course, considered optimal to achieve brightness and multi-color by mixing a minimum number of colors. Remember that some combinations give a lasting effect, while others are completely unacceptable.

How to get yellow color when mixing paints

Yellow is one of the three basic colors, so get it by mixing pure form impossible! However, you can achieve some results by playing with shades that are close to the palette. For example, to get gold, you will need regular yellow and a drop of red or brown. A good option is also to make them yellow with red and adding white.

How to get orange color when mixing paints

Much more productive is to mix yellow paint to create orange color. It is formed from a mixture of yellow and red. Adding a little brown and red can make it tangerine or gold, depending on the amount of ingredients. Bright orange comes from classic orange with brown and white.

How to get a mint color when mixing paints

How to get black by mixing paints

Each watercolor set contains black, but if for some reason you don’t have it, or you need a very dark shade, you can mix it yourself. You will need to combine red, yellow and blue in equal proportions. Great color comes from blue and brown. Also suitable for mixing are red, green, yellow, and purple. Soft black colors come from cobalt yellow, cobalt blue and madder pink.

How to get green color when mixing paints

Green comes from yellow and blue. However, in watercolors in its pure form it is rarely used. Much more popular colors are sunny green or olive green, midnight green, their combination and other options. Solar green uses ultramarine and cobalt yellow, olive is prepared from the same flowers with the addition of burnt sienna, and midnight is made from FC blue, yellow and a drop of black.

How to get turquoise color by mixing paints

Turquoise is better known by its other name, aquamarine. On the color spectrum its place is between green and blue. Therefore, they will be needed for mixing. You will need a slightly larger amount of blue cyan than green. However, this depends on the color intensity required. For a more subtle turquoise, you can add a drop of white or light gray paint. For a rich aquamarine you will need to take bright shade blue, green and a little yellow.

How to get burgundy color when mixing paints

The burgundy color owes its name to the French wine of the same name. This is a solemn, deep color, you can mix it using three parts red and one blue. For more warm shade you can introduce a little yellow, or combine bright scarlet in half with brown. A cooler tone will be obtained from red, brown and black; it comes out so rich that it must be diluted with water.

How to get blue color by mixing paints

It’s very easy to get blue in watercolors; just dilute ultramarine with water, and you’re done. However, for those who are not looking for easy ways, there are always a couple interesting ways. One of them is the use of white: for 2 parts of ultramarine you will need one part of white paint. You need to dilute the blue color gradually to adjust the saturation of the tone. For a bright blue color you will need the same blue, a drop of red and white. Another shade can be obtained by adding to this mixture one part of not red, but green paint.

How to get crimson color when mixing paints

Bright and energetic crimson color has a whole range of shades. The main one can be obtained by combining red, blue and a small amount of white. To tone down a too bright color, add a little black. Instead of black, you can use brown, and instead of blue, turquoise or cyan, or purple, the results will be very extraordinary.

How to get brown color when mixing paints

Get Brown color possible in various ways. The simplest one is mixing red and green paints. It can also be made from purple and yellow, the more yellow, the lighter the tone. Another way is to use red, blue and yellow, but you need to mix them gradually, adding more paint to adjust the shade, otherwise a black color may form, especially if red and blue predominate. A good tint comes from mixing orange and blue.

How to get purple color by mixing paints

From school curriculum It is known that purple is obtained from red and blue colors. However, in reality this is not entirely true. It is quite difficult to obtain a high-quality bright shade, and what comes out of these two colors is more like a nondescript burgundy. So, in order for a bright, rich lilac color to come out in a company of red and blue, the latter must predominate. In this case, the shade of red should be taken as cold as possible, otherwise there is a high probability of mixing brown rather than purple. Blue also has its own requirements - it should not contain any greenish notes, take only in its pure form, for example, cobalt blue or ultramarine. To lighten the final tone, you can use a small amount of white. Important nuance, this is that after drying the color fades a little.

How to get blue by mixing paints

Blue is a basic color and cannot be mixed with other colors. But with the help of blue paint and auxiliary paints you can get many shades of it. For example, from bright ultramarine with white lead you can get sky blue. For a rich blue tone take ultramarine with dark turquoise. A beautiful blue-green comes from blue with a little yellow. White will make this shade paler. The famous Prussian blue is obtained from mixing blue and green in equal parts. If you take 2 parts blue and 1 part red, you get blue-violet. And if you take pink rather than red, you get royal blue. A complex gray-blue color, excellent for drawing shadows, can be obtained from blue and brown. A rich dark blue will come out of blue and black, combining two to one.

How to get pink color by mixing paints

Usually pink color obtained from a combination of red and white, its shade will depend on the proportions. But you can also experiment with various types red The bright scarlet gives a wonderful effect, the pink color turns out to be very pure. Brick red gives peach shade. And bloody alizarin and white form a fuchsia color. By adding drops of purple or yellow to the mix, you can get unexpectedly interesting results. Not everyone accepts the use of white in watercolors, then you can get pink simply by diluting any red color with water. In a low concentration, this will be what you need.

How to get beige color when mixing paints

Beige or flesh color is necessary for the artist to depict people, faces, portraits, etc. Delicate beige can be obtained from white with the addition of ocher, cadmium yellow and red, sienna and sometimes ubra in minute quantities for light shading. The ratio of ocher in comparison with other components will be higher, all ingredients need to be introduced little by little, adjusting the required color intensity. Unfortunately, there is no exact recipe; each artist has his own vision of this issue.

How to get lilac color when mixing paints

The lilac color is quite close to purple, they are even called related. They are both cool shades and are quite close on the color wheel. Actually, the main recipe lilac color- this is the dilution of violet with white or water.

How to get gray color when mixing paints

You never see black shadows in watercolor paintings; they are usually painted with the same colors as the rest of the details, but with the addition of a darker element, for example, gray. This color in watercolor can be obtained by combining black with a large amount of water or white. Interesting shades are obtained from cobalt blue with the addition of burnt sienna or burnt umber.

Mixing oil paints, mixing technology

Mixing oil paints has a slightly different specificity, unlike watercolor. Although the basic recipes for obtaining certain flowers are, of course, general. Basic techniques for mixing acrylic paints:

  • Combining colors on the palette, i.e. physical, to obtain a new tone or shade for the purpose of applying to a drawing. If one of the paints is lighter, then it is applied in small strokes over the dark one, provided that both paints have the same covering properties. When clear paint is mixed with opaque paint, the result is opaque paint. If two transparent paints are taken, then the result will be transparent. With this method, a decrease in the purity and intensity of tones is inevitable.
  • The method of overlaying paints, otherwise known as glazing, involves layering transparent paints on top of each other directly on the image. Of course, the previous layer must be completely dry.
  • Color joining method. If you apply brush strokes very tightly together, then visually mixing of these colors occurs, like a kind of optical illusion.

Oil Paint Mixing Chart

Mixing acrylic paints, technology

Acrylic paints are a great option for beginning artists and painting enthusiasts. They are universally suitable for paper, fabric, glass, wood, etc. Their only drawback is their rather high cost, and therefore acrylic sets usually do not have a very rich palette. But nothing prevents us from expanding it using mixing technology. You must have 7 colors: red, pink, yellow, blue, brown, white and black. And then, using a special table, you can easily mix acrylic yourself.

Acrylic paint mixing table

Mixing gouache paint colors

When choosing gouache, you should not focus on large sets, they look very impressive and presentable. But in fact, you will have to overpay for completely unnecessary colors. It is much better to focus not on the number of jars, but on their volume. After all, when the primary colors run out, you will still have to buy new paints, and the unused ones will remain as dead weight. Moreover, it is very easy to obtain new colors and shades of gouache, as simple as holding a brush in your hands. There are no special rules here, except that you will need a color combination table.

Gouache paint mixing table