Houses made of unusual materials (20 photos). How to build a small house from scrap materials Homemade house in the country from scrap materials

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It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to make an apartment look stylish and cozy. Enough simple materials at hand, a little imagination and a desire for change. And of course, you can spy on interesting ideas for the house, which he shares from time to time site.

So, what can you do to decorate the interior inexpensively and tastefully.

1. Use tapes instead of rings and clips

2. Update curtains with edging

3. Hand paint flower pots

4. Draw a pattern on the lamp with a marker

A little patience and a marker that writes on different surfaces - and a modern lamp is ready. How to draw a drawing on a plafond is shown in this blog.

5. Decorate the lamp with scrap materials

6. Make a handmade watch

Original wall clocks in the best traditions of expensive decor stores can be made at home in a few hours. This is not as difficult as it might seem. instructions for creating a blackboard style clock. And it is shown how to make a pin-up watch.

7. Organize a real mini-bar from an old sideboard

The era of sideboards with tons of crystal is irrevocably a thing of the past. But many still have sideboards themselves. So why not turn your used furniture into a modern home mini-bar (not necessarily alcoholic). That turned out very well.

8. Use corner shelves

9. Make an additional shelf for spices

10. Use cabinet doors

11. Attach the magazine holder

12. Stick the fabric "wallpaper" on the door

Using a patterned fabric and cornstarch glue, you can decorate a boring door in an original way. Such "wallpaper" can be easily removed, so when the picture gets bored, it can be easily removed or replaced with a new one. You can see the process of decorating a door in this blog.

13. Paint the front door rug in unusual colors

The door mat can be interesting too. To do this, it is enough to paint it in bright, non-standard colors. How to turn a regular rug into an original thing, see this blog.

14. Make a bathroom rug from natural materials

Cork is an excellent natural material that dries quickly and retains heat well. It is pleasant to step on such a rug with bare feet. And its creation from wine corks will surely make you remember many good moments. You can see how to make such a rug.

15. Hang the wall panel

16. Arrange a photo exhibition

17. Add color accent to the door

This idea is perfect for cases when you want to revive the interior a little, but there is no way to change something radically. This trick can be done even in a rented apartment, in the end, you can always return it as it was. How it is done is shown.

18. Paint the old linoleum

19. Convert a desktop shelf into a wall shelf

Often there is not enough space on the table to store various little things. In this case, the desktop shelf can be easily turned into a wall shelf, moreover, a folding one. It will not only allow you to organize the space, but also decorate it. A simple instruction can be found.

20. Decorate clothes hangers

60-year-old British farmer Michael Buck from Oxfordshire was able to build an amazing eco-home in his backyard, using only natural and recycled materials. It's hard to believe, but the ingenious pensioner spent only 252 dollars (about 9 thousand Russian rubles) to make this dwelling!

In order to build this unusual house, reminiscent of a hobbit's dwelling, it took the former art teacher two whole years to collect all the necessary materials and 8 months to build the dwelling itself.

When making it, the farmer did not use power tools and even studied ancient construction techniques. His building mix included sand, clay, straw, water and earth. The living area of ​​the house is 300 sq.m.

He also made a simple timber frame and a thatched roof, for which he collected straw from his own fields. The floor in the house is lined with planks left over from old boats, and the glass for the windows is made from a truck left in a junkyard.

The lack of central heating may make this eco-home feel cold in the winter, but Michael says the mixture of the walls and thatched roof will keep the cold out. In addition, the jack of all trades has built a wood stove that will keep you warm.

Also not far from the house there is a source with potable water and a free-standing toilet.

Michael, who spent a lot of time building the house, said he was a little disappointed because it shouldn't have cost anything to build.

The father of three lives in a neighboring house with his wife Sheila, and rents out the "hobbit dwelling" to a woman who works on a nearby dairy farm. Because of his outlook on life, Michael does not charge her money. the woman pays him with milk and cream.

Michael said, "I wanted to show people that you can build a home that costs next to nothing. We live in a society where we spend our entire lives paying off mortgages. But with a little effort, you can get your own home for next to nothing."

Every home owner wants to feel as comfortable as possible in it. This becomes the reason that there is a desire to decorate the interior not only beautifully, but also in an original way.

However, often the funds for this are not enough, because the services of professional designers, like beautiful things, are not cheap. Therefore, in recent years, an increasing number of homeowners prefer to independently decorate the interior of the house with the help of handicrafts from improvised means, which are notable for their cheapness.

It is worth noting that the main advantage of such crafts is not at all the cheapness of the materials. The most compelling circumstance is that every thing you create is unique. But it is the uniqueness of the design that attracts attention.

A special energy emanates from products that were created with our own hands. And thanks to this, an atmosphere of comfort and warmth appears in the house.

An important circumstance is that such designs can act not only as ordinary decorative elements. With their help, you can organize the space much more conveniently. After all, they can be used to store a variety of little things that are necessary for the economy.

Do you think this is impossible because you need to have any special skills? No, even a child can handle this work of creating crafts.

Pay attention to the photo of handicrafts from improvised means, which is presented below. It shows an example of creating a key holder, which is not only a beautiful addition to the interior, but also serves as a small hanger for keys.

And the process of its creation is not complicated. Let's consider it in more detail.

Hanger for keys

Surely, many are familiar with the situation when the whole family has to be raised to the ears to find the keys. Indeed, often people do not burden themselves with the purchase of special small shelves for storing keys and other small things.

And since the key is a rather small item, it is easy to lose it among larger items. To get rid of the need to constantly search for keys, many keep them in their purses.

However, we can offer you a more interesting and original storage method. And for this we will build a housekeeper.

Its main feature is that outwardly it will resemble a product decorated with brickwork.

We will tell you how to make a craft in the form of a housekeeper from improvised means in stages. But first, let's consider what tools and materials are needed to create it: a thick sheet of cardboard or plywood, thick napkins, hooks, glue, varnish, paints.

Stages of the key holder

At the first stage, you need to cut out the back wall of the future housekeeper. As a material, you can use either thick cardboard or a piece of plywood that is not too thick.

In the second step, you should cut out small cardboard rectangles that will simulate a brick. Please note that they must be the same size.

In the third step, you must glue the cut-out "bricks" to the base using glue. Remember to leave a small gap between them. And also you should not glue them over the entire surface of the product. Indeed, in the central part there should be a small sign with the inscription, and in the upper part there should be a picture.


At the fourth stage, you should start smearing the bricks with glue. Do not regret glue at this stage, because it is necessary so that you put a crumpled napkin on top of it. It can also be coated on top with a small layer of glue for better impregnation.

Using a stick or the back of a brush, press the napkin into the gaps to form corners. Leave the product to dry.

Please note that any homemade crafts must be durable. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to save on binders.

The fifth step begins the process of creating a visual resemblance to natural brickwork. Once the panel is dry, paint over it. Seams must be painted over with bronze paint.

In the sixth step, paint the bricks a second time. However, this time you need to use a dry brush. To do this, dip it into bronze masonry, wipe it on paper to dry it, and then dip it again in the color you used to paint the bricks.


Remember to brush in one direction only to achieve maximum similarity.

In the seventh stage, which is the final one, you should cover the finished product with clear varnish and attach the hooks on which the keys will hang.

Crafts for the infield

If you are the owner of a country house, then for you the decorating process is not limited only to the area of ​​the dwelling. Therefore, to improve the area around the house, you should use garden crafts from available tools that will decorate any garden or vegetable garden.

You can use plastic bottles, hemp, tires, and old stuffed toys to make them. In this case, it all depends on what set of tools and materials you have.

Crafts from tires are very popular, since they are quite simple to create, but at the same time they look original and interesting.


For example, you can create a real cup from tires that will become a wonderful flower garden. To create it, you need one tire, a round board (the diameter of the board should be larger than the tire), paint, a small piece of rubber.

The tire and board should be painted in whatever color you like. If you have the skills of an artist, you can use them to decorate the product with beautiful images.

In the event that you do not have such drawing skills, you can paint the design in one color or with polka dots. The cup handle should be secured with a large stapler. And now your product is ready.

We draw your attention to the fact that even children's crafts from improvised means can become a worthy decoration for your garden. Use the kids' crafts they made from plastic bottles and cups. Despite their simplicity, they look pretty original.

If they are small, use them to decorate your porch or window sills. Thus, you can focus on them, and they will not get lost over a large area of ​​the garden (vegetable garden).

Photo of handicrafts from improvised means

Houses are different. And if one of us is looking for a more expensive, but more luxurious, then some decide to build a house themselves ... moreover, from scrap materials. Unfortunately, many do this not just out of a whim, but because they cannot afford full-fledged housing for some reason. In any case, all these houses are quite unusual and all, without exception, are built from unusual building materials.

(13 photos total)

1. Replica of the oldest coffee shop in Nivelles, Belgium. This store alone is made from 14,000 cases of Carlsberg beer. Construction began in August 2007 in an attempt to set a new world record for the largest beer crate building. (Rex Features)

2. In 2009 in Surrey, Top Gear host James May and about 1,000 volunteers built the world's first full-fledged Lego home. The construction took 3.3 million plastic bricks. The house has a toilet and shower. (Rex Features)

3. A Chinese worker built this unusual egg house because he could not afford to rent an apartment in Beijing. This booth is made from bamboo sticks, seed bags, and wood sawdust. The house is located in the courtyard of a residential complex. (Rex Features)

4. Artist Tito Ingenieri from Argentina built a house from more than 30 thousand bottles. (Rex Features)

5. A Palestinian man in southern Gaza built a house out of sandbags. He used sand instead of cement, steel and gravel because there was a lack of building materials. (Rex Features)

6. And here is a herbal house on the Hardangervidda plateau in Norway. (Rex Features)

7. Originally built as a barracks for WWII soldiers, this Nissen hut has been transformed into a modern home thanks to the craftsmanship and invention of Ann Lewis and her husband. In October 2006, the house was listed for sale for almost £ 500,000. (Rex Features)

8. This house was built almost entirely from rubbish, including used car tires. (Rex Features)

9. China House Porcelain Museum in the coastal town of Tianjin is covered with millions of pieces of antique porcelain and 20 tons of crystal. The construction took five years. (AFP / Getty Images)

10. Corridor in an ice hotel in Sweden - the world's first ice hotel. The temperature in the rooms is -5 ° C. (AFP / Getty)

11. The "Container City" in east London is an old shipping container that has been converted into living quarters, including studios for artists. Building company Urban Space Management has used this technique to create more than 15 of these houses. (Eleanor Bentall)

12.76-year-old Maria Pons stands in front of her house made from plastic bottles in the village of El Borbollon, in 2007. She built a house out of bottles because she couldn't afford to buy a more comfortable home. (AFP / Getty)

13. Caroline Barry built a house with bales of straw, lumber and plastic bottles. The house is not electrified, all power comes from solar panels, a water turbine and a wind turbine. (Christopher Jones)

The desire to save money on building your home is completely natural. Even wealthy people do not hesitate to look for cheaper materials, or demand a discount from sellers. But there are those who manage to save money, while making their home unique - through the use of unusual materials at hand. We have selected seven of the most interesting examples.

"Residential building from a children's designer"

Children aren't the only ones who love to play the famous LEGO construction set. British TV presenter James May, along with a team of volunteers and his family, built a two-story house from a LEGO children's construction set, fixed to a wooden frame.

The construction of the house and furniture for it took about 816 million parts. To facilitate the work with the designer and for the reliability of the construction, the parts were assembled into small bricks. James decided that the LEGO house should have appropriate content, so he also made plumbing, flowerpots for windows, dishes and even ... a cat from the construction set. After the construction was completed, the TV presenter spent the whole day in the house, filming his program. Later, the house was planned to be transferred to a theme park, but the transportation was too expensive for the organizers. Therefore, they immediately tried to sell the house for 50 thousand dollars, but this was not done either. As a result, it was demolished. The LEGO house lasted only a week, but even during this time, according to James May, someone managed to steal his beloved cat from the construction set.

"House of shipping containers"

If you really want to build an original home, saving on materials, a container house is ideal. A used shipping container can be purchased for about $ 1,000, and "modularity" allows you to choose the optimal ratio between size and cost of the home.

So, in New Jersey, Adam Culkin built a whole house from shipping containers, the area of ​​which was 170 square meters. The building seems to consist of several levels: the "frame" of the building is made of container walls, and inside there are small container rooms. Almost solid glazing is made from both ends of the house, so there is enough light inside. The house has three bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a spacious living room. The house has been modernized by the owner and is fully livable.

"House of a lover of noble wines"

If you consider yourself a lover of fine wines, you will surely like the wine cork house built by Miroslav Svoboda in South Moravia.

It took several years to build the house, the façade of which is completely pasted over with wine corks. The owner himself, a resident of the Czech town of Mutenica, collected them for many years, but there was still not enough material, so the local winemaker presented Miroslav with the missing part of the corks. As a result, about 180 thousand products from the bark of a cork tree were spent during the construction of the house. And, since this tree has good thermal insulation properties, the house turned out to be not only original in appearance, but also practical, suitable for year-round living. Today Miroslav Svoboda gladly welcomes tourists in his unusual house who want to take a closer look at the unusual building.

"Glass House from Champagne Bottles"

A resident of Zaporozhye, Vladimir Sys, decided to keep up with foreign architects and, together with his son, built a dacha on several floors from ... bottles of champagne!

To become the owner of the most unusual mansion in the region, the owner, together with all his relatives, drank a noble drink for 20 years, collecting containers - the "bricks" of the future house. Vladimir gave preference to Soviet champagne: the neck in such bottles is wider, and the glass is thicker than that of foreign counterparts. In total, the construction of the house took about 6 thousand bottles. To give the structure strength, the owner used a semi-dry cement mortar and laid only one row per day. Unsurprisingly, the process progressed slowly: it took a whole year to build only the first floor. But today the owner of the glass mansion proudly declares that the house has turned out to be very cozy and comfortable for living. The walls turned out to be thick, the air inside the bottles creates the desired effect of thermal conductivity, due to which it is warm in the house in winter and cool in summer.

"House of wood and old windows"

A couple of Pennsylvania artists were inspired by old windows they saw one day at a construction junk sale. Americans Nick Olson and Leela Horwitz were so imbued with the idea of ​​building their own homes that they quit their jobs - so long as nothing prevented them from building a cozy nest in the mountains of West Virginia.

A feature of Nick and Leela's one-story house was the use of non-standard materials: the “box” was made of waste boards and firewood, and the “front” side was made of recycled framed windows. It is these double windows that create an amazing stained-glass window, while fulfilling the standard functions of sound and thermal insulation. The house turned out to be practical and cheap: the couple spent only $ 500 on materials. But the building has no protection from intruders: if desired, even an unarmed person can easily enter the house. However, due to the meager interior and remoteness of the place from settlements, the owners are sure that nothing (and no one) threatens their unique home.

"House of bags of land"

Have you ever wondered that you walk on absolutely free building material every day? But if you fill ordinary bags with clay or earth, you can independently build a real residential building! It is only important to remember that the ground should not be completely dry, you need to moisten it at least a little. The filled bags are stacked in rows and tamped, fastened together with wire (it replaces the cement).

It was such a house in southern Gaza that a Palestinian, who wished to remain anonymous, built for his family. The man had neither money nor building materials, and the family urgently needed housing. Then he used what was under his feet ... As a result, the house turned out to be cozy and durable, the owner has been living in it for several years. This case once again confirms: the Earth gives us everything we need for a comfortable existence, we just need to be able to use it.

"House of straw"

From time immemorial, people have used straw in the construction of houses: as insulation and roofing material. Today, this natural material can also serve as a worthy replacement for the usual brick. A house made from straw blocks is warmer, more environmentally friendly, cheaper, and is built twice as fast as buildings made of other materials.

The idea to build a house from straw to a resident of Belarus, Oleg Shchukin, was thrown by a friend. After purchasing the plot and scrupulously studying the topic, Oleg bought bales of straw from the developers of the Ecocube system, who helped him with the construction of the house.

Two thousand dollars were spent on the materials of the foundation, excluding delivery (+ 700 dollars for the cellar). But they didn't have to spend money on heavy equipment at all: the workers lifted blocks weighing 15 kilograms by hand. When erecting the walls, the straw blocks were connected to each other according to the thorn-groove system with the help of screws, so only ... a screwdriver was required to assemble the house.

It was originally planned that the house will become a guest house, but the owner's family decided that it could be lived in it permanently. The interior decoration work has not yet been completed, but the house is already fully livable. In general, according to Oleg Shchukin's calculations, he spent a little more than 42 thousand dollars on construction.

Houses made of non-standard materials are often stronger and more comfortable than their brick or wooden counterparts. And vivid examples of specific people prove that you don't need to have a lot of money to build your own home. The main thing is desire, imagination and a little patience.

Text: Alena Astapovich