How to create a children's project (from experience in creating projects for junior schoolchildren). How to do a school project: practical advice What is a project and how to draw it up

Dear children and parents!

This project, like all others, must have a certain structure.

The first page is the title page

On the title page up write the full name of the educational institution:

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 15

with in-depth study of individual subjects

Zarinsk, Altai Territory

IN center The topic of the project is written on the title page

The secret of my name

The mystery of the name... (specifically what name)

There may be another topic but within this project. The topic you choose must be covered in the content.

Here it is good to use a photograph or illustration of the topic.

Below the threads on the right it is written who completed the project:


student(s) of class 3B

Ivanov Maxim

IN at the very bottom The title page contains the name of the city and the year the project was completed:

The purpose and objectives of the project are written on the second sheet

Target(always one and follows from the topic): for example, study the secret (or origin (this depends on the wording of the topic) of the name “Maxim”.

Tasks- these are the ones Steps(steps) that need to be taken to achieve the goal. There are always several tasks.

For example, in this project the tasks could be as follows. (We’ll see how we design it right away)


1) study the meaning of the name “Maxim” in reference literature;

2) compare the interpretation of the name “Maxim” given in different reference books;

3) find out which literary heroes and famous heroes bear the name “Maxim” and find interesting information about these people;

4) compare what I have in common with famous people and literary heroes who bear the name “Maxim”;

5) choose entertaining material that mentions my name (or: poems, proverbs, tongue twisters, puzzles, etc.);

Here are sample tasks that are formulated on the basis of tasks 3, 4 from p. 19. You can formulate tasks based on what you want to tell in the project. There may be fewer tasks. For example, two.

Third and subsequent sheets

Starting from the third sheet, the very content of the topic is revealed in strict accordance with the objectives.

The work must have at least as many paragraphs as there are tasks, i.e. We start writing the answer to each problem from the red line.

Text preferably accompanied by photographs and drawings.

Important! The content of the project should not just be downloaded from the Internet, but presented in simple language, accessible to children’s understanding, retelling and, if necessary, answers to questions asked by listeners. The scope of the project must also correspond to the age and capabilities of the child.

Conclusions are written on the penultimate sheet.

conclusions- this is, as it were, the answer to every problem. There should be as many conclusions as there are tasks.

For example, conclusions that may be in the project if it contains the above tasks.


1) there is quite a lot of literature that interprets the meaning of the name “Maxim”;

2) the interpretation of my name in different reference books is very similar (or different, or other conclusion);

3) my name is…….

4) I have a lot in common with ... (or: we are not at all similar to them, or: we are not much alike;

5) my name is used in poems, riddles, ... (or: my name is not used, is little used in ...)

On the last sheet a list of used literature or links from the Internet is written.

A child can receive advice from a teacher on completing a project on any day at school during school hours.

A few days ago I received a letter from one of the readers of my articles in Hacker magazine. The guy said that several years ago he became interested in programming, began to study this difficult “craft” and, unfortunately, was unable to achieve significant results. Now he has an idea for a new web project, and he doesn’t know where to start implementing it. I know from myself that many people face a similar question (especially last week I received 3 similar letters), I decided to write a short note with my view on the problem.

So, there is an idea, but there is no clear plan for its implementation yet. In most cases, the creative thoughts that arise in your head do not coincide with the wealth of possibilities for bringing them to life. I say this completely seriously, because... I encountered something similar myself. For example, the idea for the first program (still under Windows 98) came to me when I had no programming skills at all. Then I only knew that there were such cool programming languages ​​as C++, Delphi and everything.

Where to start bringing the project to life

Having worked as a developer for almost 8 years, I managed to change my views on this profession several times and develop my own strategies for achieving success. The latest projects in which I had the opportunity to participate were created based on the principles described below in the text. I can’t say that this is a perfect solution, but these simple rules have already allowed us to transform ideas into real things several times.

Putting the idea on paper

I start any project with a pen and a blank sheet of paper. No, I'm lying. Incomprehensible diagrams are usually drawn on a blank sheet of paper, and then they are carefully transferred to an electronic document. Movies often show the beautiful process of prototyping an idea on paper/board, but personally I can’t do that.

Over the years of using the keyboard, my handwriting has turned into a cryptographic algorithm of irreversible encryption. Ideas designed in this style are reliably protected not only from malicious envious people, but also from their author, i.e. me. Yes, it's true - Igor Antonov reads his own handwritten text very poorly.

Let's return to our topic. Having an idea pinned down on paper allows you to better feel the concept and decide on the initial functionality. Let’s imagine there is an idea: “I want to write a book about the feud between werewolves of the eightieth level, and a new form of life that arose in the sewers of ancient brothels in Shanghai.” Cool? Yes, just cool! Everyone is talking about the war between werewolves and vampires, but this is a completely new topic, and even with the prospect of an interesting prequel (just think how you can promote the idea of ​​​​the formation of this very new form of life).

It would seem - just go ahead and start writing, but most likely your enthusiasm will quickly disappear or you will not be able to get off the ground. After all, in fact, you have nothing but a micro idea.

So, the first step to the successful implementation of any idea is to think through the concept in detail and document it. Create a separate document and describe your vision of the project. What it should roughly look like, what it should be able to do, etc. The more detailed you describe, the better you will know what needs to be done.

All the functionality collected on paper was divided into two parts. The first should include functions with maximum priority, i.e. things without which the launch and operation of the project is impossible. In the second, collect ideas for the future. Hide perfectionism in the closet and dispel the idea of ​​creating a perfect first version of the application. This does not happen in real life, and if it does happen, then such projects die at the birth stage. Why?

Understand that the modern world is changing rapidly, and perhaps while you bring your idea to life, its relevance will dry up. It’s better to quickly create a working prototype and test it on real users. After the first tests, it will become clear whether your idea has a right to exist and whether it is worth investing time and money in it.

Don't try to create the perfect product right away, quickly make a working prototype and get feedback.


Every idea has an expiration date. At the initial stage, you need to determine for yourself clear deadlines for the implementation of a working prototype. There are no specific deadlines - there is no direct path to the goal. We take a plan of priority functions and assign them approximate deadlines. Here you need to be as honest as possible and not try to set optimistic deadlines for completing the project.

First, determine the time you are willing to devote to the project per day/week. This is especially true for people with permanent jobs. It’s so easy to allocate 40 hours a week for a home project, even if you have a full-time job, it’s unrealistic. In my cases, this exact situation always arises. For example, I am ready to allocate 2.5 hours a day for my project. In six working days (one day should always be left for rest, because without rest there can be no talk of long and, most importantly, productive work) I get 15 hours. This is approximately 60 hours per month.

We determine how many hours it takes to implement each priority function and create a work schedule. When calculating time, always make some reserve. If you plan to implement the entire project yourself, then plan additional time for tasks that you do not have experience in solving.

Most often, no project can complete without such tasks. This is normal and does not mean that the project should be shelved. It is enough to include a separate time for training in the plan. Just remember that when you set aside time to study, you should also create a study plan.


Having finished with organizational issues, you can begin implementation. It’s difficult to give any advice here, because... All that remains is to sit down and start working on the project. I can only say one thing - be prepared for difficulties. Difficult situations arise for everyone (regardless of the degree of coolness of the developer) and the main thing is not to lose your head. It’s good if there is a person (spouse, girlfriend, friend) who is ready to support you morally or financially. Full of cool projects whose developers stopped halfway to the finish line. Try not to be one of them, finish what you start.

  • Think. Don’t try to implement everything that comes to your mind at once. Take paper and document the concept. Many big projects started with a piece of paper;
  • Plan. Don't turn into a randomly shooting gangster. Break tasks down into smaller ones and set specific deadlines;
  • Don't forget to study. Remember that any knowledge tends to become outdated. Take time to learn new technologies and try to stay up to date;
  • Don't lose focus. Today the IT world is experiencing a real technology boom. New programming languages, frameworks, and technologies are constantly emerging. Don't try to learn them all at once. Choose 2-3 closest directions for yourself and devote due time to studying them;
  • Look for inspiration and write down ideas. We live in a world of stress and lack of time. Take time to rest and replenish your strength. There are always a lot of ideas and they cannot be realized overnight. Learn to collect ideas;
  • Well, the most important advice is – don’t give up, always go towards your goal. Remember: “Anything is possible, the only question is time.” Ten years ago I first heard this phrase from my virtual friend M. Flenov and now I can say with confidence that these are not empty words. We can achieve anything we want, we just need to devote the right amount of time and patience to it.

    Where to start when you start working on a project, how to avoid getting lost in the mass of data, and take into account the interests of all stakeholders? Victor Stepanov, head of the project office of the Izovac holding, trainer at BusinessTools, expert in the field of project management, spoke about the necessary actions at the start of a project. They will help you effectively prepare for work and achieve results.

    1. Determine the owner of the project

    At the very beginning, you should answer the question: to whom And For what do you need this project? In the case of an external customer, everything is simple - there is a specific client. In internal projects, the main stakeholder is the project owner.

    In various literature it is also called a sponsor or customer. All these are synonyms and they denote the person for whom the project is being done. I emphasize: this is exactly Human , but not company, business or society.

    The owner of a project can be determined by two criteria: the project solves some problem for this person, and he himself is able to decide the fate of the project (give it the green light or stop it). Until you understand who you are doing the project for, you don’t even have to start work: without a passionate owner, the project is doomed. Sooner or later, interest in him will fade.

    2. We identify all interested parties

    In each project, in addition to the owner, there are such mandatory roles as:

    • initiator,
    • project Manager,
    • end users.

    There are also project team members, their managers (projects are rarely limited to one division of the company), the program manager (if the project is part of a strategic program), suppliers and contractors, external controllers - in short, everyone whose interests are affected by the project. In project methodology, interested parties are called “stakeholders”. Moreover, their interests not only differ, but are often contradictory.

    For example, managers of project team members typically cannot allocate as much of their people's time as the project manager would like; suppliers and contractors are interested in raising prices, and external controllers impose serious restrictions on certain costs or actions.

    3. Determine the goals of the project

    Any project is focused primarily on the goals of its owner. If the project does not meet the interests of, say, a supplier or specialist, there will simply be another supplier or specialist in the project, and this is not a tragedy. But if the project owner does not get what he needs, there will be no project.

    It is important for the project manager to discuss in detail with the project owner why he needs all this, what problems should be solved or what opportunities should be used. For example, a company is developing a new product. Why is this being done? To sell more to existing customers? Or to attract new clients, diversify risks and squeeze out competitors? The answers to these questions become goals.

    4. Determine the results of the project

    The goals and results of the project are partly synonymous, because both are desirable for us. But if goals are the “why” of the project, its driving force, then the results are something concrete: things, documents, software that the team undertakes to obtain by the end of the project.

    For example, when developing a new product (let it be a pie with filling), the results will be: recipe for the pie, cost calculation, possibly baking ovens, if they did not exist before, the necessary permits.

    Responsibility for obtaining results lies entirely with the project team. When the results are received and transferred to the project owner, he will then achieve the project’s goals. And it is completely normal if an understanding of the success of the project can only come some time after it is completed.

    Project deliverables are the clear commitment of the project team, while project goals are the project's guiding light. You may go the wrong way by choosing the wrong way to implement the project; but you can always “reboot” the project by agreeing with its owner on new project results, while its goals will remain unchanged.

    5. Let's start planning the project

    We all know very well that no one wants to implement other people’s ideas. Plans developed without our participation do not inspire confidence in us: the deadlines seem unrealistic, the very approach to solving problems may raise doubts. Therefore, to develop a plan, you need to work not alone, but as a team.

    I recommend this technique: gather the team for what is called a “planning workshop.” Get out of the company walls into a separate room (if the project budget does not allow, you can gather at someone’s house or in the country) and devote the whole day to working on the project. Order pizza, take large sheets of paper, markers and stickers - this will allow you to work with a large amount of scattered information without distraction and not miss important details.

    Clarify the formulation of goals and a set of results, try out different approaches to project implementation, together estimate the deadlines and estimate the budget. The day will fly by quickly, it is not a fact that you will get a perfect plan, but you can be sure that this will be the basis that the team will “sign up” to with you.

    By the way, this day will give the observant project manager a lot of information about who is on his team. To what extent do these people know how to listen to others, do they have their own ideas, what are they willing to do for the success of the project, can you rely on them? Now is not too late to “put someone ashore.” Those who will remain in the project and form the core of the team must clearly understand what each member of the project team is responsible for.

    6. We draw up a project charter

    All this (goals, results, success criteria, everyone’s responsibility) can be recorded in the project charter. The finished project charter must be approved by its owner.

    Is this document necessary for any project? Here I can draw an analogy between starting a project and starting a business. Today you can register a company in one day, and no one on the executive committee will even read your charter: the founders are entirely responsible for the contents of this document. But the worse the charter of a registered company is developed, the more difficult the proceedings will be at later stages of business development (both in case of problems and in case of business success).

    Hence the advice: do not plant a mine under your project, negotiate on the shore. I believe that the charter brings 80% of its benefit at the start, because helps all project participants understand each other, eliminate discrepancies, and record obligations.

    Of course, small projects do not need to be overloaded with methodology and procedures. There is no need to write a charter for an office party project for a dozen employees. Although it won’t hurt the party organizer to do all the work described above in his head. Then both the employees and the boss will be happy.

    Victor Stepanov

    Management and investment consultant, project manager. Author and presenter of a number of seminars on project management, including the “Advanced Professional Manager” course.

    Experience in running corporate training programs in the project approach and project management tools: “Gamestream” (Wargaming), “Velcom”, “Milavitsa”, “Santa Bremor”, etc.

    How to make a house project on a computer - both beginners and those who have already tested their strength in DIY construction more than once face this problem. , which can be implemented in the future, must be carried out in accordance with all the features and requirements imposed not only on the future structure, but also on the external conditions of construction.

    An example of a project and layout of a cottage created on a computer

    You can create a house project on a computer using a specially developed program.

    Using this program, you can create designs for each floor of your future home. In addition to everything mentioned earlier, this application will help you design not only your house, but also any other structures and buildings. An additional advantage of this type of program is that it is the most convenient and close to professional ones. All the nuances of construction work are taken into account here.

    Even the illumination of the premises will change in accordance with what date was chosen and the geographical location of the given object being designed. Those who have not previously encountered such programs will have to suffer in order to understand exactly how such a system works.

    House layout created in ArchiCAD program

    This is due to the fact that there is a fairly large number of different tabs and, accordingly, functions that this application can perform. The working area is located in the center of the screen, and therefore you can view the created plan quite closely and in detail, and adjust it in additional windows (top, side views, etc.).

    At the top left are the main functions that allow you to edit objects as a whole or some individual elements. On the right there is a command line where you can see what commands and manipulations have been performed on the project. Depending on whether they meet your requirements, you can edit or delete certain edits.

    Designing a house in ArchiCAD

    ArchiCAD allows you to create quite complex projects from the very beginning, while there is a fairly large amount of data and provisions to speed up the process and.

    Read also

    Basic programs for creating upholstered furniture projects

    Creating a Project

    Having launched this program, it is best to start with designing the basement floor. In the window that opens, you will first need to pay attention to the panel on the left. Here are a variety of tools for work, including elements of each house. For example it could be:

    • Door;
    • Window;
    • Wall;
    • Columns;
    • Ladder;
    • Roof, etc.

    In order to draw up a project for the basement floor, you need to select the appropriate section and on the left of the panel that has already been described, select the “Wall” tab. In the window that appears, you need to find the materials with which this design will be made.

    You can choose, for example, a stone. In this window, be sure to check the box next to “Select for all.” Next, using the mouse, you will need to draw a rough plan of the basement floor. To do this, left-click and move the cursor in one direction or another.

    Usually this is a square or rectangular perimeter of the floor. You can first draw a plan for each floor in accordance with the dimensions that the future house will have. Having outlined the perimeter, you can immediately see the view of the basement floor in 3D resolution. The quality of the resulting image is quite high, so you can independently enlarge the image to the maximum and examine each brick.

    Further guidance

    If you are satisfied with everything in the resulting project, you can proceed to creating the ceiling. To do this, you again need to find the “Overlap” tab on the left and click on it with the left mouse button. In the window that opens, you will also need to select a material; it is best to use reinforced concrete. And of course, do not forget that you need to select the “overlap thickness” parameter.

    The covering of the 2nd floor is also selected here. You can choose, for example, parquet, and in accordance with your requirements, its color, for example, green, is selected in accordance with the design of the future room. Next, you begin to draw the perimeter of the floor in the same way as was done at the previous stage, when you outlined the perimeter of the 1st floor. In this case, you need to enter with the mouse along the wall itself, preferably in its center.

    Installing stairs in a house project

    In order to make the next floor, you need to select the “1st floor” tab and after that, just like you acted in the first case, you need to go to the left panel, find the “Wall” parameter and select certain dimensions for it.

    So, you can choose the material not stone, but white brick, choose the wall thickness, for example, 400 mm, height - 3000 mm. Don’t forget also that you need to indicate the dimensions of the brick itself.

    In this case, white brick will be only a facing material, and aerated concrete block will be the main building material. Having set all these values, you will need to draw again according to how the basement was created. The 3D model of this project shows that the basement and walls of the 1st floor coincide with each other and are on the same level. But you will need to make sure that the wall of the 1st floor extends slightly beyond the perimeter of the basement.

    For many people, a country house is something like a cherished dream - the prospect of taking a break from the bustle of the city in a cozy corner seems quite rosy. Moreover, you want not only to purchase a ready-made building with a landscaped garden plot, but to create the estate of your dreams, in which all your wishes regarding design and layout will be correctly embodied. There is only one thing left to do - transfer your ideas to paper, and only then, having drawn up a house project and determined its location on the site, bring it to life (engage in the actual construction of the house). If regarding the second point, by definition, there can be no doubt about the need for third-party help - even if you are a professional builder, you will not be able to build the right mansion yourself, but the costs of hiring an architect can be eliminated. How can design and construction be made cheaper? Yes, it’s very simple - it’s quite possible to do the work yourself, even without any special skills in creating a private house project. Designing a house (drawing it on paper schematically) is actually not that difficult!

    What should you consider when designing your own home yourself?

    The most important thing is that the house construction project you develop is created based on the following principles:

      Multiple functionality - that is, the house built according to this project will be convenient and practical in all respects. A do-it-yourself house design should be no worse than an architect’s;

      Simplicity of design - it will not be difficult to design a house only if it does not involve any frills. The creation of some particularly complex project, the implementation of which will require a huge amount of creative delights, is highly discouraged for a person who does not have a special education, because some fundamentally important things may not be taken into account;

      Aesthetics - of course, a country house should look beautiful and please the eyes of its owners. The design of a reliable house should also be spectacular!

    Remember - if the project is created taking into account these principles, then it will be very good in life. Again, we are talking about a rather primitive independent structure - an amateur would not design a premium-class cottage. Only an architect should be involved in designing houses of this level - beginners here very often make mistakes.

    Geological exploration of the house site

    Where does “do-it-yourself home project work” begin? First of all, when working on a house project yourself, it is necessary to conduct a geological exploration of the site - assess the nature of the terrain, soil and find out the groundwater level. The best time of year for this is spring, then their level is as high as possible and it is possible to determine this indicator with maximum reliability. It is very important to do this based on the fact that this indicator is of greatest importance when laying the foundation of a private house.

    To determine the depth of groundwater, we recommend contacting a specialist

    Start designing a house

    For a clear example, our editors used the free demo version of the Visicon program. But all the steps can be performed on a regular sheet of paper. For example, a simple project of a two-story house 10 m x 10 m was chosen

    To design houses, you will need to “arm yourself” with an ordinary checkered notebook sheet and a pencil, while setting the appropriate scale. The most rational thing to do in this situation would be to do the following: ten meters of land should be designated by two squares. Thus, one millimeter on a ruler will equal 1 meter in real life - a ratio of one to a thousand.

    Step 1: draw the outline of the house on a notebook sheet using a ruler and pencil on a scale of 1:1000, i.e. 1 mm on paper will be equal to 1 meter

    Drawing on paper the outline of the site itself, as well as future buildings. In this case, all work must be carried out in strict accordance with the correct scale - by carefully measuring every meter on the ground and putting it on paper in accordance with dimensions one to a thousand, you ensure the reliability and aesthetics of the building being constructed. You can draw a project this way very quickly. It is imperative to take into account not only the contours of the site allocated for design and construction, but also all the objects located on the site that were there even before its planned construction, and at the same time there is no possibility of moving them. After this, it will be possible to begin designing the building itself - to simplify the task, we will assume that the designed house will consist of four rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms (standard housing for a family of several people).


    A few words regarding the design of the basement. It should be noted that it is not always necessary. For example, if the groundwater is high, then this will be a very expensive pleasure - it will be much easier to include another room in the project - as an additional room.

    First floor project

    We draw the vestibule and the hallway on the sketch - and from there there will be transitions to the kitchen and other rooms. The location of the premises must take into account the following points:

      The bathroom and kitchen should be placed in close proximity to each other - thanks to this location it will be much easier to carry out communications;

      It’s very good if the drawn up project implies the absence of passage rooms - this is an integral element of comfort;

      On the ground floor, it is necessary to take into account the presence of all auxiliary structures and premises - their location will be very important not only to ensure the functional suitability of the house, but also for the comfortable movement of residents.

    Step 2: draw all the rooms and premises of the first floor with the required size

    After this, we arrange and plan all the doors of our house

    Step 3: designing doors on the first floor

    Then windows, taking into account the desired lighting of the rooms and your budget

    Step 4: designing windows on the first floor

    As a result, we get this first floor:

    This is how the 3D model of the first floor turned out

    Drawing the second floor

    Here everything will be much easier - after all, the rooms in the house can be located identically (the most important thing is not to change the relative position of the bathrooms - in order not to complicate communications). It will be enough to design the location of the front door (many architects recommend making two entrances to the second floor - at home and from the street) and windows.

    Step 5: We plan the premises of the second floor in the same way. Don’t forget about communications - we place the bathrooms and bathrooms one below the other

    Step 6: Place the Doors

    Step 7: draw the second floor windows

    We received this 3D model of the second floor

    Attic and roof design

    We decided to create a house project ourselves - there would be no need to try to draw some kind of too “abstruse” roof with a lot of bends. Remember - the roof is one of the most important structural components in the house, and trying to create additional aesthetics by questioning its reliability is certainly not worth it. All this will lead to leaks occurring at the bends. If you are drawing a project, please adhere to the principles of minimalism in architecture.

    To design such a roof, you cannot do without an architect.

    Dependency of designing a house with insulation

    There is one very important rule - all auxiliary premises must be built on the north side. Despite the fact that thermal insulation performed using building materials is of paramount importance, the relative position of the rooms should also not be overlooked - if only because of the savings in energy consumption for heating the house.

    Approval of the project to begin construction

    The need to adjust the project. Even if you yourself were able to depict the house of your dreams on paper, you will still need to consult with specialists before starting construction of the house - the opinion of a competent foreman or architect will not be superfluous. At a minimum, the following points will need to be agreed upon:

      Carrying out electrical work;

      Conducting your own sewerage system;

      Carrying out water supply;

    It is necessary to understand that all the above issues are not an artistic or architectural part of the project. These are all the most routine issues, a competent approach to solving which is provided only by professionals in their field. As a last resort, any oversight in independently drawing up a house project, which was made by a person who does not have a specialized education, can be corrected by a competent foreman who understands the practical side of any idea much better. Although even if the project is drawn up by professional architects, purely practical shortcomings cannot be ruled out.

    Independent work on a house project and its advantages

    You can create the design of your house yourself - in order to develop drawings of the relative position of certain rooms, as well as determine the place of the house on the site, you do not need special knowledge. A competent and responsible approach to business will ensure the success of your event. However, in terms of communications, it will be necessary to consult with professionals. This way you can properly plan a house that will serve you faithfully.

    Read about the following stages of construction:

    Watch also the video on how to make a house project yourself

    Read about the previous stages of construction: