Popular best discussed. Topics for debate and discussion. Most talked about on social networks and news portals

How to position a woman when meeting her, what to talk about?

If you don't know a girl well and she's reluctant to answer personal questions, start a conversation carefully, and only then, having won over you, try to get closer.

What can we talk about in general?

  1. About pets. Ask if she has a favorite pet, if so, discuss it. If not, ask who you would like to date. You can watch funny videos on the Internet featuring cats and dogs;
  2. Find out if he's watching series and what. If yes, talk about characters and events, share your impressions. If she hasn’t watched one yet, offer the most interesting options, invite her to watch it together;
  3. Childhood memories- a great way to win over and relax your interlocutor. If a new friend is avoiding personal topics for now, talk to her about her childhood, how and where she spent it, remember how you grew up. Tell her what toys and games you had, where you went for walks with your parents and how you played pranks. This topic is the most neutral, gives a nostalgic mood and relieves tension in the conversation.

When you first meet, try to stick to general conversations and observe how willing the interlocutor is to communicate. Then act according to the circumstances.

In this video, psychologist Egor Sheremetyev will tell you what you can talk about with a girl you recently met:

What to talk about with a girl on a date?

The main rule is a girl shouldn't be bored. You can go on a date without a bouquet of flowers, but if she starts yawning when you’re nearby, it’s a big deal. There are a lot of areas to talk about:

  1. what are you interested in? I do boxing - it's my hobby, but what do you do in your free time?
  2. What were you like as a child?
  3. What lifts your spirits?
  4. Do you like to travel in comfort or do you prefer to relax as a savage, away from people?
  5. What kind of music do you listen to, why, who is your favorite singer/singer?
  6. Do you like to watch movies, in what genre?
  7. Tell us about the most unforgettable experiences in your life;
  8. You have a great figure, what sports do you do?
  9. If you had the opportunity to go live somewhere else, where would you like to go?
  10. What kind of character do you think you have? I know that I can be hot-tempered, but I calm down quickly, and you?
  11. What do you like about men? After all, all girls value different qualities, I’m wondering what you like?
  12. Does she know how to cook, what dish does she consider the most delicious and successful;
  13. What is her favorite perfume, what scents from which brands do she like?
  14. Have you ever done something stupid that you are still ashamed of?
  15. What do you like more - mountains and nature or noisy, crazy parties?
  16. If you had to choose, which of your five senses would you lose?
  17. Does she believe in fate, that it is predetermined?
  18. Can friendship exist between opposite sexes? (with a small age difference, of course)
  19. What in life is she most embarrassed about, what does she have a complex about?
  20. If she won 10 million rubles in the lottery, how would she manage the money?
  21. What kind of sport did you do and what kind would you like to do, and does sport attract you at all?
  22. What courses would you like to take (for the soul, not for earning money);
  23. What bad habits irritate her in others?
  24. Does she like night walks through the sleeping summer city until the morning?
  25. What is your favorite time of year, what exactly attracts you most about it?
  26. Which stars or YouTube bloggers would you like to talk to and about what?
  27. Does she like to ride a bike or prefer rollerblades?
  28. What extreme event would you like to experience? (parachute jump, bungee jump, wind tunnel jump, etc.)
  29. What kind of animal did she have, what kind would she like to have, who do you like more - cats or dogs?
  30. Who do you think is the greatest musician of all time?

There are an endless number of such questions and proposals. But you need to ask them tactfully; you may not get into the topic, but end up out of favor.

Sometimes you get lost when talking with a friend, neighbor, colleague or in line to see the doctor. This is the very moment when a person wants to communicate, but an uncomfortable pause hangs in the air. How can you smooth it out?

  • Talk about politics. It is believed that it is better to avoid such directions, but they are often the most favorite. Political issues concern many; it is not necessary to discuss specific individuals or the current situation. You can intelligently talk about what an ideal state should be like, about the role of certain historical events in the modern world. The main thing is that your interlocutor is adequate and patient;
  • Discuss various little things: cooking, technology, favorite writers and problems in the housing and communal services sector;
  • Ask whether a person believes in life after death, discuss composers and poets who dealt with this topic in their works: Alexey Zaev, Nick Drake, etc. Discuss in what form each of you would like to end your existence.

And another interesting conversation - about dreams and goals, everyone can talk about this. Starting a conversation with the words: “What do you dream about?” - You can be sure that you won’t miss.

5 topics to talk to a man

It can be difficult to interest a guy; they often have a biased attitude towards women’s “chatter”. Many of them believe that women can only collect and spread gossip.

You need to be able to dispel this belief:

  • Find out everything about his hobby and show your knowledge of this issue. You may not be interested in football, but if you care about this guy, try to sincerely share your favorite hobby with him. Or say: “Oh, I don’t understand anything about this yet, tell me, I’m interested” - and prepare your ears. But listen carefully, the indifferent nod will be quickly recognized;
  • Gadgets - laptops, tablets, phones and other devices. You can ask a question about the intricacies of the operation of this or that equipment and listen to an authoritative opinion, supporting or denying it. And it doesn’t matter that you yourself know and can do everything, you don’t have to admit it;
  • Art - surprise him with your knowledge in this field. Today girls, unfortunately, have little interest in painting or music, but you are not like that. Since childhood, your mother instilled in you the necessary knowledge about composers and poets, and now you listen to and read famous classics, both modern and not so modern.

And of course, be a grateful listener, men don’t like to be ignored.

What not to talk about with a guy

Men have their own weak points that do not need to be put under pressure. They are often more touchy than girls, so try to avoid the following topics:

  • Past partners and your betrayals. If in previous relationships there were infidelities on your part, do not tell the person who is now opposite you about it. Of course, you can tell a friend about your misadventures, but you shouldn’t tell a guy;
  • Don't criticize his body. They love to be praised, even if they already have a beer belly and a crow's nest on their head, never talk about it. It’s better to silently correct the shortcomings, offer to visit a hairdresser you know and go to the gym together so that you don’t get bored;
  • Don't say you doubt him. He claims that he will soon fly to the moon - so it will be so. The uncertainty of a close woman unsettles and irritates men;
  • Don’t say that you would like to spend time with that handsome guy at the next table - this is a heavy blow to your pride. Even if you really liked the guy passing by, the one next to you is always better.

Yes, you need to talk to them about the sublime, avoiding many directions. But if you manage to interest him and select the right topics, you will become a precious find for him.

A few secrets on how to keep a conversation going

Finding a suitable topic is important, but you also need to be able to apply it in the right place and at the right moment so as not to offend anyone, and to protect yourself.

Here's how to do it:

  1. The main rule is to let your opponent speak. Ask his opinion, be interested in his life;
  2. Communicate differently with new and old acquaintances. Do not discuss “slippery” topics with strangers: religion, family relationships, money, health. With those you know but haven’t seen for a long time, talk about work and children, whether there is an addition to the family, what position the person holds;
  3. Pay attention to how your interlocutor reacts to certain phrases. It is always clear that if some words are unpleasant to a person, then leave this conversation;
  4. Give compliments in response to success stories. For example: “I’m very interested in how you learned to play the piano like that,” “You have excellent physical shape, how did you manage to achieve such a result?”

The main thing is natural attention, do not put on a mask of friendliness on your face, and sincerely rejoice at your opponent.

We have described a variety of interesting topics for conversation, about travel, animals and hobbies, for every taste. Remember a few in reserve, as it often happens that at the right moment they fly out of your head.

Video: how to avoid awkward pauses in conversations?

In this video, psychologist Timur Khazanov will tell you a few tricks that will help you avoid awkward silence in any conversation:

And in this video, psychologist Maria Nosova will tell you how to find interesting topics for conversation:

Today I will share a way how you can analyze media trends for free in the media and social networks. In fact, there are several ways, there are also paid ones. But for basic purposes, without advanced capabilities, the current method is quite good.

After reading this article, you will be able to quickly find out the most discussed, relevant and hot events on the Internet and in the world. You can use the information to create your own news feeds. Namely, you can quickly find out:

  • The most discussed on the Internet (social networks and news portals);
  • Popular media personalities in the media and social networks for a certain period;
  • Rating of authors and social network groups by month.

These opportunities are provided free of charge by Brand Analytics, a system for monitoring and analyzing a brand in social media and mass media. Next, in order, about the possibilities.

Most talked about on social networks and news portals

First, go to https://br-analytics.ru/mediatrends/ In the tab "most talked about" you can select sources of information (photo above) and see the most discussed and relevant Russian-language publications for a period of 3 hours, a day, and a week. You can also choose to display by source or as a general feed. By clicking on the title of the post, you will open its original. This way you can see what is most discussed on blogs, on social networks (I’m not sure of the accuracy here due to the nature of the sources), in the media.

You will probably find this article about ways to quickly find specific topics useful.

In this section you can see most cited publications and materials in the media. Data for a period of 6 hours or a day.

Popular media figures in the media and social networks for a certain period

Information on growth leaders in the media and social networks is displayed here. Data for a day, a week or a month. The table shows Top 50 media personalities, as well as displaying the change in the number of mentions in relation to the previous period, expressed as a percentage.

Surely it would be interesting if next to each person there were notes on the ratio of positive or negative mentions 😉

This tab displays TOP 100 media resources. The rating is calculated based on the citation index. Data is available for the past three months.

Our life is unthinkable without communication. But if at home or among friends you can relax and chaotically express your thoughts, counting on the understanding of loved ones, then you need to behave collectedly with unfamiliar people. It is important to know which issues are worth addressing and which are not. We'll tell you where to look for conversation topics and give you a universal formula for maintaining a casual conversation.

Universal topics for conversation.

There are 6 main topics that can be raised regardless of the interlocutor's age, location or culture. In America, these topics are encapsulated in the acronym F.O.R.M. If translated into Russian, this formula will be called – S.P.O.D. Some capital letters in it represent two headings. What is this combination?

S – Family. Most are happy to talk about their roots, origins, the lives of their parents, and their place of birth. It’s rare that someone doesn’t want to brag about the achievements of their family members. If you do not ask direct or tactless questions, you can learn a lot about the interlocutor by having an interesting time with him.

P – Profession. If you need serious topics for conversation, you can talk about the education received, its quality, as well as the type of activity of the interlocutors and their professional experience. In the “P” category, social, community or economic issues may rise.

O – Rest. This block contains the most common topics for conversation with friends with whom we most often spend our leisure time. A sea of ​​memories and even more plans are associated with vacation. Even a stranger is interested in hearing about unforgettable adventures or unusual ones. This also includes discussions of books, films, attractions, and the like.

O – Education. Everyone has something to tell about their student years. The sciences being studied, the behavior of teachers, the principle, funny stories are some of the most neutral and safe topics for communicating with unfamiliar people.

D – Money. Prices for medicines, the size of pensions, raising tariffs - these are topics of conversation that can not only unite the first people they meet, but also turn them against a third party. This also includes discussions about discounts, promotions, product quality, etc.

D - Others. In fact, it is cultural gossip that we learn about from the media, the Internet, social networks and other things. Discussions of memes, jokes or scandals are of more interest to young people who lead an active virtual life.

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Topics of conversation that are best not brought up.

A casual conversation can be killed at the very beginning if you ask a tactless question or raise a slippery topic. What things are better not to talk about?

Policy. Differences in politics can not only spoil a friendly conversation, but also start a war, as history proves. It’s not worth imposing your views, expressing opinions about political figures, naming the names of leaders whom we trust and vice versa - the likelihood of finding support is low.

Religion. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want. Many denominations, churches and religious organizations coexist among us. Proving the truth of this or that belief is the right path to. It is interreligious disagreements that cause the bloodshed of believers.

Personal life. Tactless questions of a personal nature are explosive. A person who asks questions like “When are you going to get married?”, “Are you planning to have children yet?” is clearly playing with fire. Personal life is everyone’s holy of holies and any intrusion is considered a potential threat.

Diseases. There are people who do not notice how much time they can talk about their condition. A detailed listing of symptoms, an intriguing announcement of the diagnosis, a long story about treatment methods are not very interesting topics for discussion. No matter how deeply the interlocutor listens to our speech, we should remember that he is irritated by conversations about diseases.

How to find interesting topics to talk about?

1. Develop.

It is easy to find interesting topics for communication for those who do not stand still, but are constantly engaged. Reading classical and modern literature, watching films with meaning, traveling, visiting exhibitions or master classes - these are the activities that make us interesting people. While being active, we won’t notice how deftly we can switch from topic to topic, masterfully countering with knowledge in each area affected.

2. Talk about the interlocutor.

It’s good when that talker is still nearby - the scattering of his phrases does not allow even the slightest pause and defuses the situation. But how to find a topic of conversation with a silent person? How to win him over? Psychologists unanimously suggest talking about your interlocutor. Of course, it’s not worth starting your appeal with the words: “Well, buddy, tell us about yourself!”

You can ask his opinion about what is happening around him or about high-profile events. By sharing their thoughts, people, without noticing it, begin to talk about themselves. Here are some sample questions that can start a dialogue: “Where are you from?”, “Do you like this city?”, “How do you like this medical reform?”

3. Find commonalities.

A situation that brings interlocutors together is a significant reason for conversation. For example, traveling together on a train is always conducive to this. Strangers gathered in the same compartment traditionally tell each other where they are going, where they are from and with whom. Why do complete opposites sometimes share this information with each other?

It's simple - they have something in common. In this case, the road from point A to point B., but it often happens that people who meet by chance find fascinating topics for conversation and mutual acquaintances, and sometimes even decide to continue their journey together to a certain place, exchanging addresses.

4. Give a compliment.

This is not about fawningly praising external features or features. But if we note some action or deed, expressing our admiration or, but a friendly conversation is guaranteed. It might look like this: “How do you manage to hold yourself so well during a speech?” or “How long did you train to achieve these results?”

5. Tell us about yourself.

Our hobbies or achievements may also be of interest to someone. By talking about yourself, there is a chance that you will find common ground with your interlocutor, because he, too, may be delighted with the surrealists or turn out to be an avid fisherman.

6. Remember the eternal.

If everything about yourself has already been told, and it is desirable to continue the dialogue, what other topics can you talk about? In this case, it is worth trying to push the boundaries of the rational. There are a lot of so-called eternal questions that people have discussed at all times. These questions may seem strange or awkward at first, but they can spark an interesting conversation:

  • If you were only allowed to take three things to a desert island, what would you take?
  • What era would you like to live in? Why?
  • person?

7. Follow the news.

Current Events is a complete list of topics to talk about. It’s rare that someone isn’t interested in hearing the latest gossip about a famous show business star or finding out the details of some shocking event. It was not for nothing that the nobles of the last century began the day by reading newspapers - you can captivate your interlocutor with news by asking his opinion about what is happening.

Topics for conversation are a powerful foundation for interesting and successful communication. Having caught the right wave of conversation, we can make interesting acquaintances, make friends, and build a successful career. All you need to do is remember which questions can be raised and which are unofficially prohibited.

About what…. What to talk about? Yes about everything! Such an answer! Have you ever tried to talk about absolutely everything? There is nothing complicated in such conversations. All you need is a so-called “hook”.

  1. Listen to your interlocutor! See what topics he enjoys talking about.
  2. Don't interrupt whoever is speaking. Then you won't have to rack your brains about topics. The person who pours out his soul to you will himself “dissolve” in the topics of conversation.
  3. Remember what the person talked to you about before (if, of course, you have communicated before). And start “leaning” on old topics.

Didn't find anything great?

Didn’t see “interesting topics” in the tips?

Especially if you don't use a camera. “Invisibility” liberates people.

I met my husband on the Internet. It so happens that I am incredibly sociable, just like him. But since I found it... Even the conversational initiative was “attached” to me. I never fiddle with words, so I knew what to say and when. My habit is “questioning rain”. I added Stasik to Friends (on a social network) and immediately began asking him about many things. He probably got tired of me in the first seconds. But he didn’t admit it. What topics were covered?

Our first conversation was more like a very detailed questionnaire:

  1. How old are you?
  2. Who are you according to the Zodiac?
  3. What do you like to do in life?
  4. What do you like?
  5. Who do you work for?
  6. Is that you in the photo?
  7. Where you're from?
  8. Where do you live now?
  9. What nationality are your parents?
  10. Do you have a brother or sister?
  11. Where do you work?
  12. What are your food preferences?
  13. Do you have a favorite color?
  14. What kind of women (girls) do you like?
  15. What do you like to do on the Internet?
  16. How do you feel about coincidences?

I can continue listing the questions for a long time, but you will simply get bored reading them. Speak! And the theme will appear by itself!

How to find an interesting topic?

If the interlocutor is very uncommunicative? Ask directly what the person would like to talk about. This way your time will be much more interesting.

Interesting topics of conversation are topics that will delight not only your soul, but also the souls of those with whom you like to talk. Do you find this or that topic unpleasant? This does not mean that the person next to you will have the same “feeling” for her. Try to support all topics, not just those that inspire you exclusively! This way, you will earn a positive reputation and a positive opinion about yourself.

Our life. How to make it fun and enjoyable? For various reasons, not all people are able to start, develop and maintain a natural conversation. Especially if you have to talk with a stranger or someone you are in love with. What to do? There is only one way out - to learn the art of casual conversation. This article contains the most interesting topics and ideas for discussion that will help you navigate any situation and get maximum pleasure from communicating with people.

Start a conversation

For many people, this is the most difficult part of the conversation. Not knowing what to talk about, they begin to internally panic, become embarrassed and pronounce phrases out of place. To avoid this, first, calm down. Communication should be fun, not painful. In addition, your interlocutor may be no less embarrassed and try to come up with interesting topics for discussion in the same way.

The British say that the best opportunity to start a casual conversation is to discuss the weather. It sounds trivial, but in some cases it really helps overcome the feeling of awkwardness. As an option, you can attract the attention of your interlocutor to something happening nearby or outside the window (unusual clothes of a passerby, an interesting sign).

However, no one can guarantee that the other person will be interested in your remark. Therefore, it is better to act for sure. Most people are happy to share their opinions or talk about how they live. This will not only provide interesting topics for discussion, but will also make communication comfortable.

If you don't know the person well, ask:

  • about his attitude to any situation;
  • about what is connected with his life (where he was born, studied, worked, traveled; what was remembered in those places);
  • about children, if your interlocutor is a parent;
  • how he met the owners of the house (if you met at a party).

When talking to someone you haven't seen for a long time, ask:

  • what you did, what changed in your life during this time;
  • about family, children, work;
  • Have you seen mutual friends?

When talking with someone you see often (colleagues, fellow students, classmates), ask this person:

What is the most interesting thing to talk about with most people?

Find a common topic:

Good communication is impossible without genuine interest between the interlocutors in each other and in the topic of conversation. There won't be any problems between friends, but what about people you don't know well?

Be sincere

If you want to make a good impression on your interlocutor, you need to be sincere in what they tell you about. Impeccable but cold manners and a forced smile are unlikely to win you over. Uncontrollable chatter - too; who likes to listen to a twenty-minute monologue without the opportunity to get a word in?

Make the person feel comfortable talking to you. Look for both of you interesting topics to discuss, be interested in the person’s opinion, and talk less about yourself and only when asked. You can alternate: a remark about your own affairs - a question to your interlocutor.

A good way to win sympathy is a compliment, but one made from the heart and not trivial.

Discuss current

If you don't know how to suggest an interesting topic for conversation, think about what you would like to discuss with the person you are talking to. Sociable people will suggest a topic to you, all you have to do is support it with questions. With less talkative interlocutors, you can discuss current news (choosing something pleasant), new film releases, or something related to the situation (work, food, skills, a cute wardrobe item, etc.).

Interested in a question

You can use these or any other interesting discussion questions to learn something new about your interlocutor, and make the conversation more unpredictable and exciting. Just don't use too many questions, as this will make the person feel awkward. The ideal option is to link the question to the topic currently being discussed. Start a conversation about something, and alternate questions to your interlocutor with small pieces of information about you.

Know the pitfalls

Which topics are best avoided:

  • illness;
  • bad habits;
  • diets;
  • troubles;
  • relationships, marriage, children (if you don’t know the person);
  • parents (what if the interlocutor has problems in the family?);
  • money matters;
  • religion, politics, sex and other “slippery” topics in which you can offend a person with a random remark.

Focus on your interlocutor

If you are communicating in a group, involve all participants in the conversation. Give interesting topics for discussion through questions and don’t get carried away by long monologues.

If you see that your interlocutor is bored, change the topic and remain silent for a while, allowing him to take the initiative. You should not be afraid of pauses in the conversation, because it would be much worse to say something stupid or offend a person with a thoughtless phrase. A short silence will help you relax and think through the further course of the conversation.

If you notice that a certain topic has aroused the interest of your interlocutor, remember it so that you can talk about it again next time. If a person, on the contrary, clearly didn’t like something or found it boring, take note not to raise this issue again.

Brief conclusions

The main thing in communication is genuine interest in the person you are talking to. In any situation, the most interesting topics for discussion boil down to the following:

And although communication is one of the most difficult activities in our lives, it can still be learned if you show sincere interest in what other people are talking about and what they want.