Retrograde Mars in the natal chart. Retrograde Mars - constellations - astrology - catalog of articles - rose of the world Retro Mars in a woman’s chart

Mars goes retrograde every two years for about 55 to 80 days. The period of retrograde (reverse) movement of Mars in 2018 is from July 26 to August 29. Retrograde Mars in 2018 makes a loop in the Zodiac signs Aquarius and Capricorn, the first stationary point of the planet is at 9 degrees of Aquarius, the second stationary point is at 28 degrees of Capricorn.

The retrograde period means that Mars, from the point of view of an observer on Earth, is moving backwards in the Zodiac. If you look from Earth and observe the planets against the background of stars, as a rule, their movement occurs in one direction. Sometimes planets slow down, stop, and then move in the opposite (retrograde) direction.

The beginning of the reverse motion cycle of Mars occurs against the background of the opposition of the slow planets Jupiter and Neptune, forming a square with Saturn. The first stationary point of the planet at 9º Aquarius forms a tense aspect with Jupiter in Scorpio. The second stationary point at 28º Capricorn forms a square with Uranus. This indicates disharmony in planetary relationships. Beware of scandals and intrigues of ill-wishers. Injuries due to negligence, causeless anxiety and fears are possible. How you react to astrological influences largely depends on your character traits.

How does retrograde Mars affect zodiac signs?

To the greatest extent, retrograde Mars affects people of the signs Aries and Scorpio, since in astrology these zodiac signs are ruled by Mars. As a rule, Aries and Scorpios become less aggressive, less persistent and more patient, they develop passivity and a tendency to sit on their hands. To start acting in their usual manner again, they need to wait until Mars goes into direct motion again, then the energy of this planet will help them move forward.

People of those zodiac signs that are not ruled by Mars may feel differently. Sometimes they become impatient, impulsive, trying to do too much all at once, but this is not a wise course of action.

Since the retro loop of Mars is in Aquarius and Capricorn, representatives of these signs are also influenced by the planet. During this time, some people tend to be irritable. Under the influence of emotions and disappointments, many make ineffective decisions or act rashly, expressing anger instead of building constructive dialogue and being more tolerant.

Retrograde Mars in Aries

Here, retrograde Mars is most comfortable in Phase I of the retrograde process, where the impulsive qualities of Aries combine with the Martian push to forcefully create the future before any external force brings it about. A feeling of insecurity remains from the past life and it is very difficult for the individual to survive phase III, in which he will have to critically evaluate himself and his past actions. He is still trying to start what he started before this life.

It is primitive, extremely subjective, and can actually live for years without paying attention to the world around it. He sees only the images he creates; he is almost always sexually unsatisfied. In most cases, he falls into the mental trap of excessive expectations. As a result, during those moments when he goes through phase II of the retrograde process, he feels great boredom, experiencing something that is not really new to him. His general dissatisfaction with himself makes it difficult for him to perceive others. He thinks he knows what he wants, but is objective general review his life indicates that he is usually not in touch with himself long enough to understand his true inner desires. The beauty of this position is that as he goes through life, the retrograde action of the planet continues to push him back towards himself so that he eventually realizes that his desires were never symbols of what he was looking for in the outer world. Rather, they reflected a deeper inner desire to create a foundation of self-respect within oneself.

This is a very difficult situation for a marriage as the individual is overly shy. He needs to develop sensitivity towards other people. Too often he views them as competitors in the arena of his own growth rather than as independent individuals with needs and feelings that can be as intense as his own.

He can achieve a lot when he measures his strength against himself, and not against other people or external forces beyond his control.

Mars retrograde in TAURUS

In Taurus, Mars is most comfortable during phase III, when the individual reabsorbs his past, thus giving himself the security and confidence he seeks. He is afraid to take new actions. As a result, he creates his life in terms of his past, while feeling more confident that everything will go well. Pre-programming physical needs is very powerful. He holds back his resentment and often misdirects his anger back at himself as punishment. A person wants to feel closer to others, but holds himself back, creating internal tension instead.

This is especially unfortunate because Taurus's desire for warmth and intimacy is suppressed by retrograde Mars' tendency to linger in the third phase, which symbolizes introspection.

In many ways, he is an eternal child who does not want to grow up and transform the patterns of his youth. He is a creature of habits and can maintain many bad habits simply due to the amount of experience that can satisfy Taurus' need for abundance. He enjoys spending time alone, but wants to know that he is not left alone.

Thus, he backs away from the advances made to him, but at the same time knows that he will be unhappy if they do not come.

The karma of this position relates to teaching the individual how to accept his own social and physical needs. He may actually exhaust himself by keeping his conflicts in these areas inside.

Mars retrograde in GEMINI

Mars retrograde combines with Gemini's flexibility so that it can function during the three retrograde phases. During Phase I, mental curiosity drives the individual toward future experiences. He begins to take a keen interest in everything that he has not yet experienced.

In phase II there is less abundance, and therefore a person is to a certain extent disappointed, seeing in reality everything that he imagined in his imagination during the first phase. However, he learns from experience that Gemini likes the ability to choose the outward expression of what he is already sure of, while putting to the test what he has not yet experienced. It is in this phase that he becomes overly concerned with his actions.

This brings it into phase III, where it repeats itself continuously. Of all the positions of Mars retrograde, this is one of the easiest for the individual. His life lesson is to gain the appropriate strength to communicate with other people.

He sometimes causes overreactions in himself during Phase III, when Gemini's restlessness makes him anxious during this typically introspective period.

Sexually, he experiences a coldness that sometimes makes him evaluate other people, especially the motives of their behavior. His karma is to find out what he is through relationships with other people. He changes his approach to life at any time depending on the occasion, since he is more interested in how to get along than in actually supporting any particular principle. As such, he is not very noble and adapts to whatever life throws his way. Avoiding deep involvement, he leans more towards superficiality than experiencing life on a deep level.

He must learn that the intense desires he sees in other people are really his own.

Retrograde Mars in CANCER

This position of retrograde Mars is very frustrating for the individual because the cardinal quality keeps pushing him into phase I where there is desire new experiences, but emotional sensitivity coupled with the need for childish protection continues to hold the individual back in Phase III. In this phase, the qualities of introversion cause him to act out life more within the emotional self than through the world.

In some cases, especially in women, a strong Electra complex is possible, in which repressed infantile sexual feelings for the father continue to control most of life's desires. An individual is attracted to people of the opposite sex who are very different from him in age.

There is a tendency to make other people part of your family. Man strives to fence off the outside world around himself.

Since Cancer is strongly associated with the formative years, the natural absorbing introverted qualities of the third phase are strengthened and increased when every future desire is an attempt to recreate the reliable origins of life. The individual is very keen to meet the expectations of older people.

He may keep desires within himself for many years, and even when these desires do not satisfy him, he finds it difficult to redirect his energy. He must learn to come into greater contact with his impulses, which rise to the surface from his subconscious, so that he does not feel compelled to remake the world according to the model of family life.

In other incarnations he had traumatic experiences in his youth, and only when he symbolically replays them through role-playing games with other people, he will be able to introduce his desires into his current life.

Mars retrograde in LEO

Here the individual can become an island within himself. Leo's pride combines with the strength of Mars to create an inner sense of power over others. An individual rarely recognizes his influence on others. He can push too hard, causing others to back away from him in fear when their weaknesses are presented to them. This occurs during phase I, which increases the intensity of the reaction. An individual's opinion of himself is very subjective and is based more on his current motivation than on how other people react to him. If any individual really wants to be honest, but at the same time be selfish, it will be him.

Sometimes there is difficulty in raising a son; an individual may actually hinder the development of his child by expecting too much from him.

This person doesn't take advice. He becomes defensive because he is afraid of losing the illusion of the position he claims to have, and therefore from time to time he has great friction with other people.

His goals are so high that when they are energized through Mars retrograde, he wants to achieve complete fulfillment in everything he sees. He must learn how unrealistic these expectations are in his daily life.

He brings with him into this life a strong desire to command, so he continues to create situations of rivalry where in reality there is no place for them. Of all the positions of Mars, this is the one in which a person cannot bear to lose. Apparently some past life efforts were not rewarded or realized. The individual now tries to reclaim his past by convincing himself that he has a fair degree of power over his life and over those he allows to touch it.

Retrograde Mars in VIRGO

This is one of the most difficult positions of Mars retrograde in terms of personal relationships. If Mars were not retrograde, the individual would evaluate all desires in terms of perfect ideas. Retrograde changes these feelings and the individual is forced to live his ideals rather than just expect it from others. Thus, he condemns himself while trying to maintain his illusion of perfection. He experiences an inner fear of other people and communicates more easily with objects than with people. He is very sensitive and overreacts to pressure from others.

Many people with this Mars position defend against repeating past pain by deliberately closing themselves off from real intimacy with others. They often feel neglected by those they tried to please in the past.

This person finds it difficult to relax because mental energy is stimulated by sexual stimulation. Sometimes this results in a very active interest in sexuality with very little physical expression.

Man has a great need to seek perfection within himself. In previous lives, he learned to differentiate between his desires and now neatly puts everything in his mind on shelves. Feeling imperfect in the actions of other people, he may experience extreme distrust of every new person he meets. As the relationship progresses, he tries to find a flaw in the other person's character that will ultimately convince him that his preprogrammed ways of communicating with that person were justified and correct.

If a person with Mars retrograde in Virgo listened to what he said or thought about others, he would learn that the perfection he seeks begins within himself.

Mars retrograde in LIBRA

This is perhaps the most difficult position for retrograde Mars. Here the individual not only has difficulty identifying his own desires, but also takes on the desires of other people, believing them to be his own. As a result, he is, as it were, on the threshold of hell, as he is tossed from side to side by the desires, needs and aspirations of every person in his life. He brings with him into this incarnation the continuing karma of an inaccurate understanding of what he wants. In his past life, he lived by the desires of others. Now it is difficult for him to find the center of his own existence. As a result, the search for self-identity is so intense that many people with this Mars placement are powerfully attracted to people of the same sex, through whom they ultimately hope to find themselves.

The retrograde phase, in which an individual will spend most of his time, does not cease to change according to the influence of the person with whom he associates. Having low feeling self-respect, a person tries to establish a relationship with the quality of Aries in everyone he meets.

The frustration that an individual experiences increases when he tries to harmoniously balance the various urges and desires emanating from all the people he knows. Ultimately this creates emotional paralysis in him along with a certain degree of gullibility towards his external environment.

Karmically he is forced to find out who he is among all who he feels he could be.

Mars retrograde in SCORPIO

Since Scorpio is the sign of transformation and Mars is the planet that imparts energy to all emotions, this individual is very active inner life. During all the three phases, the planet works for the benefit of the individual, but the internal thrust of the retrograde along with the constant pushing of Mars never gives the individual a chance to rest. He constantly feels that he is not achieving everything he should.

In some cases, if Mars is used physically, it can lead to gluttony. Even if an individual directs his life along the spiritual path, he faces temptations. He always feels that there are external forces preventing him from achieving his goals. Therefore, he develops intensive internal energy to overcome these imaginary enemies of his forward progress.

In some cases, he does not control his needs. He may be very impatient in Phase I, bored in Phase II, and dissatisfied during Phase III, when he is trying to reach the climax of a burning urge that never ends.

Often he brings ill will from another life. Even in this incarnation, instead of forgiving those who have hurt him, he plunges his anger into subconscious levels, continuing to carry it as part of his nature. As a result, he can become his main enemy.

Karmically, he must learn to destroy not himself, but those parts of his old self that kept him alienated from other people.

Mars retrograde in SAGITTARIUS

Here impulsiveness reaches its highest degree, since the individual wants to experience the whole world - “yesterday”. His restlessness goes very far, as he never fully knows the priorities of his needs. This variation occurs not only in the things he does, but also on an internal level, in his own self-identity. He tries to experience the whole world in himself in all its various colors and aromas.

Sometimes hostility is carried into the current incarnation, which makes it difficult to see other people in their true perspective. Much of his life, as well as the way he sees other people, has no basis in reality.

It is difficult for him to focus on his desires long enough to find out how significant they are to him. During Phase I, the individual may appear overly extroverted, but nothing he reaches for represents the fullness of everything he seeks. He tries to justify his motives and likes to think that he is right.

This is a particularly bad situation for marriage, since the person is such a great individualist, and at the same time a bit of a dreamer, that he hardly stays in one place long enough to feel that another individual is satisfying him.

Karmically, he tries to find his place in the world. He needs to know the reason for his existence, and he discovers some of it in every new place he visits and in every new person he meets.

He must learn how to balance the philosophical needs of Sagittarius with the physical thirst for experience of Mars. Ultimately, the retrograde nature turns him inward, where he learns to transform his experience into something that should become the reason for his existence.

Retrograde Mars in CAPRICORN

Here the individual spends most of his energy trying to build a feeling intrinsic value. He collects all external thoughts, things and people, creating a pyramid on which he will ultimately sit.

He experiences a conflict between the impulsiveness of youth and the restraint of old age. As a result, he constantly interacts with people different in age from him, as he tries to gain acceptance across different age groups. He takes all his actions seriously. While in the third phase, he may even imagine responsibility for the actions of other people.

Capricorn, which tends to be a karmic sign due to the rulership of Saturn, makes the individual experience the consequences of everything to which he was the cause. This is more evident in this sign than in any other zodiac position, so that the person ultimately realizes that he is responsible for all his actions. He wants to be responsible for himself and will not take risks if rejection or failure awaits him.

If this individual stands on spiritual path, - there is no limit to what he can achieve - he is his own best guide. Highly driven during Phase I of the retrograde process, fully functional during Phase II, and deeply introspective during Phase III, these people know exactly where they are going in life, as well as how to get there.

Mars retrograde in AQUARIUS

Here the individual is most comfortable in phase I, when he wants to wander where there is no trace of anyone ahead of him. He places no restrictions on the freedom he wants to experience, and in this incarnation he carries within himself a continuation of the free instinct developed in previous lives. When he is constrained by the boundaries of society, he will rebel against the existing norms of life and will seek new rules that push the limits of what already exists.

His life is a colorful reflection of the “everything goes” attitude, and all that keeps him from testing the world as a playground is the established laws and traditions that he encounters. He quickly bypasses them.

In sex he is an insecure experimenter, but on all levels he is a seeker of everything in which the world does not have enough interest.

His motives change from day to day, and with them his concepts of what he is change. He tries to internalize the future, seeing all the ideas of science fiction as possibilities that he can personally experience. He loves people, but he is a loner and cannot accept the limitations of other people's ideas.

Karmically, he experiences many transcendental realms of reality outside of traditional norms.

Retrograde Mars in PISCES

Here the individual spends most of his energy in the third phase, in which he internally represents his past actions in order to obtain his true reflection. This often causes great sadness, as he feels guilty for the hurts and hurts he imagines he has caused to others. He prefers to withdraw from people rather than be responsible for the cause of their pain. His self-image is extremely low and he does not fight for what he believes is right. He would like to please other people, but he often sees the futility of their plans and actions. He believes that the difficulties of mankind have reached a climax and does not understand that from moment to moment the world is only a becoming and not a final product. It is this lack of understanding that forces him to be an escapist rather than stand at the center of everything that surrounds him. He tends to absorb more than he can digest because he perceives himself to be integrated with more than is necessary.

Karmically, he strives for a cosmic identity within himself and must learn not to confuse the individual actions of other people with the essence of everything he wants to be.

e. In general, retrograde is introversion. When a person directs his anger, anger, energy inside himself. As many people as I know like this, they have absolutely no conflicts. On the contrary, these people are very peaceful creatures. They don’t like quarrels, scandals, or shouting. Such a child cannot be raised with a belt or shouting, because he will become very withdrawn into himself. After all, he directs everything inside himself.

In astrology, retrograde is definitely a defeat for the planet. In transit, this is also a bad sign. In a horary chart, this may indicate a long search if the question was asked about a thing. And during transits, a retrograde planet forces us to dive deeper into the retrograde planet. But in the process of studying natal astrology I realized that retro-phase damage is interesting feature. I'll tell you about her.

Retrograde is somewhat similar to the action of the planet of frames - Saturn. But, if under stress, a person tries to do something and everything goes through one place, then with retro it’s different. A person can become so confined to himself that he doesn’t even try to do something.

He can do something, but it will never be for show. According to my observations, these people doubt themselves.

I have a friend who works in the police. Her parents knew nothing about her decision, they only knew that their daughter was involved in sports. And now she works as a policeman, often goes to make arrests, and uses weapons if necessary.

Retrograde Mars in a woman

And this interesting feature such Mars. A person with a retrograde fire planet may choose a profession that involves physical activity. If Mars is in , then the profession may have a strong masculine flavor. A long time ago I had a consultation with a woman who worked in a plumbing store. And these weren't accessories.

It is clear that the profession will not always involve physical activity. There are many different factors to evaluate in a profession. Many people with this condition suffer greatly in childhood, especially boys. Because such a kid will not fight. He is afraid that he will not win and will show aggression. Often these problems carry over into adulthood. But there is one here a good thing for, as they like to say, elaboration. This is a sport. Especially if Mars is also.

If a person has a problem with expressing aggression, then physical activity will help. And the interesting thing is that a person with such Mars in may well succeed as an athlete. Such a person will have enough patience, he will be able to train and follow the regime. If only he gets around to it.

Mars retrograde is more painful for a man than for a woman. After all, Mars is a planet of masculine nature. It is difficult for such a person to court a woman and show his charisma. Therefore, they have to work on self-confidence. There are also good news: As a rule, they succeed.

Periods of Mars in retrograde motion.

Mars can be in a retro phase once every two years.

  • in 2016 - April 24 - June 27.
  • in 2017 - no

Retrograde Mars in transits and solar

Why do I say it will get there? Because the owner of retrograde Mars in the solar chart may think that this is all pointless. By the way, in the solarium, retrograde Mars indicates a similar mood throughout the year. This year it is contraindicated to open your own business, your own business, or create something new.

The same influence is typical when we have retrograde Mars in transit. Car and large machinery breakdowns often occur on retrograde Mars. My father, for example, regularly breaks down on retro-Mars. By the way, I also noticed important feature, which is inherent in many personal retrograde planets in transit. We want to do things for which the planet in retrograde motion is responsible. For example, amazing ideas pop into our heads. The unfortunate thing is that it will not be possible to implement them in this period of time as desired.

You can find out the features of your personal horoscope

Astrologer Polina Sergeevna

Saving energy for great accomplishments is a sign of Mars retrograde. You should be proactive instead of waiting for the ideal.

The desire to invest one’s energy only in ideal things causes pressure on oneself and ephemeral expectations suitable conditions. People with retrograde Mars tend to wait a long time for opportunities to act. Such life position leads to “fermentation” vitality and a person spends his energy instead of great deeds on all sorts of nonsense. A kind of psychological phenomenon arises: a person supposedly gathers strength for great achievements, but at the same time spends it on some little things in life.

The calling of retrograde Mars is to make a person a standard of self-confidence and masculinity as a result of self-pressure and dissatisfaction. The path will not be easy, but at the end, shining armor and countless victories await the person.

Reasons for Mars retrograde

  • Manifestation of violence towards living beings in a past life. This led to blocking of vital energy through the idealization of activity. In this incarnation it is worth renouncing violence and making efforts towards your goals.
  • Confusion in matters and goals. In a past life, there was no clear idea of ​​where and why to invest one’s energy. As a result, a desire arose to sort out my affairs.
  • The desire to be only spiritually motivated and to act according to the Divine plan. Therefore, the material part of affairs may suffer and the person will not have sufficient motivation to do something for himself.

Energy Saving

People with retrograde Mars tend to be overly thrifty and save energy. They seem to be trying to have reserves for imaginary great deeds and goals. It must be admitted that in one case out of a million such reserves are really needed, but almost always these reserves simply sit idle in vain. At the same time, a person abandons urgent activities and goals.

Retrograde Mars whispers to a person, “Don’t waste your energy on something simple, wait until the opportunity to do a great deed presents itself.” Serious internal pressure is created on oneself, because a significant amount of energy is retained inside the consciousness, which must come out in the form of action and determination.

Such people may want to go in for sports and immediately get the benefits, they want to do something and have the benefits immediately appear. Naturally, for a sane person, such a line of thought seems like building castles in the air. In reality, to achieve perfection you need to make a lot of simple efforts and take millions of small steps towards the goal.

Dependence on motivation

Retrograde Mars implies the absence of an autonomous internal source of motivation, and therefore requires a person to constantly search for “sweet spots” of motivational places and people. This behavior is caused by a person’s doubts on the way to his goals. Doubts are caused by the idealization of one’s deeds and the desire to be perfect without going through the path of pain and mistakes.

This also includes doubts about the rationality of actions. A person needs support from authoritative individuals, that his activities are correct and will find the support of society.

Pressure on yourself in friendship

Since Mars shows how comfortable a person is in equal relationships, then Mars retrograde gives doubts about equal relationships and, as a result, pressure on oneself. A person with retrograde Mars cannot clearly understand whether he needs certain friendships, so he maintains all connections. It is very exhausting and requires a lot of concentration. A person strives to be good to everyone, so as not to alienate those friends who will be close companions on the path of life.

Again there is a contradiction. In any case, those people with whom you are destined to form a warm friendly connection will always be there and provide support at the right time. Then why bother to maintain 90% of unnecessary and burdensome connections? The reason for this paradox lies again in uncertainty and ignorance in the field of friendship. Although a person wants to be more rational and careful, but in reality he looks prim and indiscriminate.

Uncertainty about your masculine qualities

Retrograde Mars sows doubts that a person has enough activity, masculinity, bravery, bravery, determination and similar qualities. In men, Mars retrograde is usually more pronounced than in women. Women lack confidence in their abilities and have doubts about themselves as a good housewife and keeper of the hearth.

Strengths and weaknesses of retrograde Mars

Do not forget that Mars retrograde is very strong position despite all the doubts and uncertainty. Mars retrograde in natal chart shows that a person, having passed the test of doubt, will develop remarkable determination.

Strong retrograde Mars gives additional energy and naturally additional doubts. There is a risk that a person will hide in his comfort zone from such power, but sooner or later it must manifest itself.

Weak retrograde Mars makes a person more phlegmatic and passive. Although there are doubts, there are not many situations in life in which these doubts can be overcome.

Affirmations for Mars Retrograde

  • I'm a confident person
  • I have enough strength to achieve my goals
  • I am only friends with people who understand and support me
  • I am rational and helpful
  • I'm not afraid of mistakes in business, I love them because they make me stronger
  • I don't need to prove my masculinity and thriftiness
  • I won't act because I have to, I will act because I want to.

The retrograde phase of a planet is when it appears to us from Earth that it is moving in reverse side(this is due to the different speeds of the planets in orbit). Actually, it’s easier to see this video than to read a lot of letters. On “loops” Mars is closer to the Earth than usual, but the trajectory of its movement is very different from the usual one - the planet seems to be moving backward along the Earth’s ecliptic and the zodiacal circle. Such “happiness” happens once every 2 years; in 2014 we received retro-Mars in full, so rejoice! - in 2015 he will be direct and only direct.

On psychological level this gives introversion according to the function of the planet - a person directs activity, initiative, action, aggression (we can continue the list with all the other known qualities of Mars) inside himself, without splashing them out. That is, all other planets can manifest, but this one cannot. On the one hand, this gives greater restraint and thoughtfulness - a person will think ten times before punching you in the jaw or doing something stupid. On the other hand, this can result in a refusal of any activity, complete passivity in life. About the same as if you push Mars into the 12th house.

Moreover, a lot here also depends on the retrograde phase - if the planet has just turned backwards, then everything is not so bad - was received important experience, and therefore Mars is “wise” and cautious rather than passive. If the planet is already close to exiting the loop, then it seems to be lagging behind others, and it needs to catch up with a lot, so in this case, the qualities of Mars need to be developed throughout life by doing sports, sex and other types of physical activity that involve initiative, determination and competitiveness. spirit. But one must act with extreme caution, because such people’s sense of proportion periodically fails, and it is difficult for them to understand when to stop and rest. As a result, they can make a lot of mistakes while trying to work faster.

By personal experience After communicating with representatives of retrograde Mars, I can confirm that men can indeed experience a serious problem with sexual activity. On the Internet they write - up to impotence. Beautiful women I know with this position have insane shyness as part of their character and a lack of sex in marriage. And in general, difficulties with young people like separate part life. Naturally, all this should be confirmed by other horoscope indicators.

So far I have not met anyone who would strive to compensate for this situation with excessive sports activity, as in the case of simply weakened Mars. Although K. Daragan at his seminar gave the example of Klitschko, who first exhausts his partner on himself and only then hits him - a very symbolic manifestation of retro-Mars.

In any actions, especially regarding career issues, a person becomes extremely cautious and timid. Otherwise, he may inadequately evaluate his business partners and therefore fail. A lack of fearlessness and determination is, in principle, observed among all representatives: dementia and courage are not their thing. They even choose older, more experienced and trusted friends.

The inability to express aggression is one of the main troubles. The outlet of anger is blocked, and the reason for this can be found in deep childhood memories when the child was not allowed to express it. He hides anger inside (as is known, in the absence of an adequate outlet, it tends to seemingly devour a person from the inside), while experiencing a terrible feeling of guilt, and as a result, indulges in self-flagellation. Here it is, the very manifestation of the planet “into itself”. As you know, all our diseases are caused by energy blocks in the body, so any pain and ailment in this case is a physical manifestation of the introversion of Mars. We do not beat the world around us, but ourselves.

Delays, inconsistencies and incidents can be expected regarding the houses where Mars itself is located, as well as houses whose cusps are in the signs of Scorpio and Aries. If Mars is also in the sign of Libra and Pisces, all of the above qualities can be enhanced. If Mars rules the 7th house, then the person will have many potential relationships and a high pace of their development, but all of them will be accompanied by difficulties and periodic reassessment of values, which is not at all in favor of marriage.

Of the celebrities, only the above-mentioned Klitschko, Gumilyov and Jack Nicholson come to mind. If I find/remember, I’ll add it.