Proper storage of a PVC boat in winter. Correct operation of a PVC inflatable boat How to install a boat in an apartment

If you see a boat overturned on the shore in a dream, this is a harbinger of sadness and loneliness.

Tied to the shore with a chain, on a huge castle the boat marks the loss of a close friend.

Two boats moored side by side promise a happy marriage.

A leaky boat sunk near the shore means achieving success and prosperity.

Sailing in a boat on the surface of a quiet pond - this idyllic picture indicates that a new love adventure is attracting you.

Riding a boat in cloudy weather means adultery.

If you are sailing far from the shore in a boat that has begun to leak heavily, in reality you will decide to break off the affair you started.

Drowning in such a boat means great misfortune or accidental death.

Falling out of a boat into the water through negligence is a funny misunderstanding.

A boat trip with a large company means getting a good job and concluding a lucrative contract.

Sailing alone in a boat, barely able to control the heavy oars, means the death of your beloved animal.

Moor a boat to the saving shore, having endured many dangers on the water, and you will find understanding from a kindred spirit.

Setting off on a boat, preparing to cross to the other side of a stormy river, means family squabbles and troubles.

Exposure to serious danger by getting caught in an unexpected storm at sea, if you find yourself in a dream on a boat that has drifted far from the shore - such a dream foreshadows the threat of attack and robbery.

Sailing in a boat lowered from a wrecked ship means that your child will cause you serious concern.

A boat with a sail on which you fish in coastal waters - you will experience the pleasure of communicating with cheerful people who do not neglect earthly joys.

Speeding across the surface of the water in a high-speed motor boat threatens you with financial ruin as a result of participating in a promising, but too risky scam with fictitious resale of real estate.

If you dream that you are sailing on a gondola along the canals of Venice, it means that you will spend your vacation on some extraordinary journey.

If in a dream you are floating in a kayak with the flow, this guarantees you good luck in any everyday troubles; if against the flow, expect disappointment in business.

Sailing in a boat with your chosen one portends early marriage and complete harmony and love in married life, however, if at the same time you are rowing the oars, and not he, it means that you still have to strengthen him in the opinion that he cannot find a better wife than you. all over the world.

Sailing along a dangerous river and seeing crocodiles swarming around your boat portends rash and frivolous actions, harmless flirting, which, however, can lead to undesirable consequences and darken family life.

If you are fishing from a boat, this portends significant changes in your life. Diving from a boat into the water is fortunate if the water is calm, but if there are waves on it, this is a sign of anxiety.

If a carrier transports you across a river or lake by boat, this portends winning the lottery for married people, and for young people - a fat groom.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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An interesting discussion ensued about life on a 40+ size yacht. User Alloy Boy wondered what it would be like to move from an apartment to a small boat:

“All day long I see yachts from my office window, and it seems to me that life on them is so serene
, he writes. - Is it really there? there is nowhere to turn around, as it seems to me (if you live alone)? How quickly do they depreciate? A quick search shows that the "forty-footer" is comparable in price to an apartment or small house, but what are the advantages of living on a yacht (besides mobility)?

Here are the answers he received:


“It's a very relaxed life and quite comfortable, but it all depends on your needs and desires. By the way, in most places you will pay much less for a 40-foot yacht than for an apartment.

Life on a boat is not for everyone. It can be pleasant and relaxing, but it takes some effort to make it so. If you have the opportunity to live on a yacht without buying it, then it’s worth doing.

You must take care of fresh water and emptying the waste tank. You will have to run to the shore for water - sometimes to the marina. In some places water can be delivered to the boat, but experience tells me that this is rather an exception. Personally, I haven't had that much luck. When my husband and I stood in one place for a long time, we had to grab 20 liters of water every time we went ashore.

Need electricity? If so, consider wind generators or solar panels, - it all depends on the area where you live. Fridge? The most energy-hungry device on a yacht. There are less voracious ones, but they will cost you a pretty penny. Want to have a hot shower on your boat? Consider whether your area is warm enough to survive daily " summer shower"or is it worth buying a water heater.

What about the cooking? if you have gas stove, especially the Force 10, two burners and an oven, it's great, some people complement it with a barbecue grill in the cockpit. With a stove you should have a gas detector in the cabin in case of a leak, gas could accumulate on the bottom of the boat causing an explosion.

If you are anchored, then you will have to get to the shore every day on a tug. Make sure it doesn't get stolen. Is there transport on the shore? So much the better, you won’t have to carry laundry, groceries, etc. on your back. Do you work every day? Keep in mind that there will be days when it will be difficult to get the tug to shore.

Do you want TV and Internet on board? We usually used Mobile Internet. Sometimes you were lucky enough to get an unlocked Wi-Fi connection. A high enough antenna will ensure reception of free TV channels. Naturally, the picture quality will be “lame” when the boat moves.

Again, depending on the region, clothing may suffer from moisture and mildew. To avoid this, we hid everything in sealed bags.

There are those who prefer to rent places in marinas, they live on board and receive most of the amenities an ordinary house. But not all marinas allow this.

I would repeat my experience if the opportunity presents itself and if the right person is nearby."


"I'm thinking about it myself. I've been sailing for many years, I'm approaching retirement, and the prospect of having a second home is appealing. If you're working, you probably won't want such a drastic change.

If life in a kennel doesn't scare you, then go ahead. On a yacht moored in the marina, you will get the following: long walks to and from the car with shopping, daily trips to the showers in the marina (a drain bank will save the situation, but you will not be able to empty it in the marina, and paying for it weekly is expensive) or you can go to sea every week to empty it there.

I highly recommend a light (or white) interior. Dark wood is depressing during the winter months. Additionally, you may suffer from claustrophobia in winter. That's why for those planning to live on a boat, I advise not skimping on space. The more space you have, the better your mental health.

In many ways, it’s like living in a campervan... with the possibility of drowning.”


No washer/dryer. "Interruptions" with water. Everything is modest with the cabinets and cooking. The beds leave much to be desired. Shower from boxes. All year round everything is damp. The smell of gasoline if you have a motorboat. Rattling on the dock even when the boat is tied up. Many yachts don't have heaters, and none of the ones I've been on have air conditioning. At best, you will simply feel cramped. Entertainment is tight. Having a pet is almost impossible. Straighten up in full height? Forget it.

This is all true, of course, but I myself would like to live on a boat - but only on a long journey, and not huddle in a marina and travel back and forth to work. Maybe live in the Caribbean in the winter and move to Maine for the summer? I would also like from North America reach Europe. A completely different life!

Think of it this way: having a boat as a home is like having a motorcycle for every occasion. It sounds romantic, but how convenient is it in practice?

william g

You don't have to stay where you don't want to, you are literally and figuratively the "Captain of your ship" and no one can argue with that.

What fisherman doesn't dream of owning a boat? If funds are available, the boat is purchased first. Unfortunately, not every fisherman can afford such an expensive “pleasure”. Therefore, you have to fish in conditions that correspond to reality, although it is never harmful to dream.

Nowadays, almost all boats are made not from rubber, but from PVC material and, since it is more reliable and more resistant to action natural environment. Despite this, a PVC boat requires some care, otherwise it will not last long. This is especially true in winter period when no one uses the boat and it has to remain in such conditions for several months.

The presence of low temperatures, when the PVC material no longer has such flexibility, damage to the watercraft is possible. It will be difficult to repair it, and the boat will no longer be as reliable. Moreover, if there is water left somewhere, which even tears metal when it freezes. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly store a boat in winter so that it lasts for many years.

Before storing the boat, it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory operations. For example:

  • The first thing to do is to clean the boat of foreign matter, in the form of growths of aquatic vegetation and other dirt. In this case, all dirt and sand should be removed from hard to reach places. To do this, you will have to work carefully with a special brush.
  • The boat is washed using special detergents. As a last resort, you can use soap. After this, the boat is filled with air and dried in this state.
  • All devices that were used with the boat are also cleaned and dried. At the same time, it is advisable not to damage them.
  • No less important stage– this is the choice of a place to store it. The place must be spacious so that the boat can fit in the inflated state. If this is not possible, then the boat can be stored loosely folded so that cracks do not appear on it. It is not recommended to store a PVC boat tightly folded.
  • The storage location should be as level as possible to prevent the boat from accidentally falling over and being damaged.
  • If everything is done correctly, you can forget about the boat until next summer, when it opens new season fishing.

Equally important are the conditions in which the boat is stored.

  • A PVC boat does not have a large list that indicates the parameters for storing the boat: nevertheless, PVC material is quite durable and stable. And yet, there are requirements, but they are realistically feasible. So, the storage space should be spacious and well ventilated.
  • It is not advisable for the boat to be near radiators or other heaters in winter, so as not to damage the material.
  • It is not recommended to place heavy objects on the boat while it is in storage.
  • The instructions indicate that optimal temperatures for storing boats are within +6-+16 degrees. Therefore, sub-zero temperatures are not as desirable as high positive ones.
  • The most suitable place to store it in the apartment is the pantry.
  • After the storage period, the boat should be carefully inspected. It is not a fact that the boat will come out of this mode without flaws, especially if the storage conditions did not meet the recommended ones.

Is conservation necessary?

Preservation of the product is necessary if the storage conditions are not suitable or do not meet the necessary ones. In this case, you will have to preserve it. Unlike inflatable rubber boats, this process does not take much time, just like the re-preservation process.

Are garage conditions suitable for storing PVC boats?

To answer this question, you need to own necessary information. For example, is the garage heated? If it is heated, then it is not difficult to create conditions for storing a boat in the garage. If the garage is not heated, then you cannot do without the conservation process. And one more, but very important nuance– this is the presence of rodents who are very fond of PVC material. If measures are not taken to neutralize them, they will turn the boat into a sieve.

In addition, usually various liquids can be stored in garages, which can affect the material of the boat.

If the requirements are considered feasible, then:

  • The boat must be free and not adjacent to any spare parts or parts.
  • The boat can be hung by the bow, as it will take much less space. If the height of the garage allows, then the boat can be suspended altogether, then it will not take up space at all. In addition, rodents will not get it when it is hanging.
  • If rodents appear from time to time, then you can set traps for them. To prevent rodents from appearing in the garage, it is not recommended to store food or vegetables in it.
  • At severe frosts when in the garage it is observed subzero temperature, you should not move the boat from place to place, as this may cause damage to it.

Storing a boat with an engine has its own subtleties, which are more related to storing the engine. When a boat motor is running, this does not affect its performance in any way, but if it is stored for a long time, corrosion may occur due to condensation. As for the engine, it is generally contraindicated to store it in low temperatures(negative), especially if the engine has been in use all season. Even a small drop of moisture could remain in the engine anyway, and this is a disaster. Therefore, the engine should only be stored in a heated room at temperatures that do not allow condensation to accumulate. As a rule, this is room temperature and then there will be no problems with the engine.

When purchasing a PVC boat, the first thing you should think about is determining a place to store it, where there are suitable conditions. This will help keep the boat in working condition for many years.

Furniture is not painted in Moscow - all boats and ships are painted uncompromisingly by the owners themselves bright colors. The average service life of such ships and boats is 15-20 years. The owner lovingly updates the design of his vessel every 2-3 years, gradually painting its worn parts.

When a boat's life comes to an end, its color content is a real object of abstract painting. Just look at these colors and textures!

At first, Katya and Ian thought about whether it would be worth refining and restoring the material, but there was a danger that it would then lose its uniqueness and antique charm. Therefore, the processing of boats is minimal, it allows you to preserve them original color and the patterned beauty of cracks: the surface of the boat is sanded to eliminate the possibility of getting a splinter and to make the material more pleasant to the touch, and a special matte composition is applied to fix the color.

I asked how color solutions on the sides of the boats they turn out so beautiful and harmonious. Katya explained that the inhabitants of this country have their own special artistic taste: “Lifestyle, houses, nature and religion - everything has its own beauty.” According to Katya, in any of the ports of Java, Lombok, Bali and other islands, she and Ian felt as if they were in some kind of art gallery.

Of course, not all the material that is brought from the outer islands is aesthetically attractive. The "LikeBodki" team selects it very carefully. I felt that the guys were fascinated by the colors and combinations of shades. Over the course of three months, Katya and Ian chose required material, literally rummaging in the factory yard in search of the perfect pieces - parts and boards are not sorted by color, so you have to tinker a lot. Usually warehouses are a huge space under open air, everything is littered with boards.

I realized that Ian and Katya very carefully control the selection process, try to participate in it as much as possible and explain in detail what color or size of boat they need. For example, at first this beautiful chest of drawers was assembled from parts that were too dark. Then Katya and Ian had to go to the factory storage room in search of the most colorful and colorful pieces of wood.

Now, when I looked at this chest of drawers in the Depst store, bright Jackson Pollock paintings appeared in flashes in my head.

Now the young "LikeLodka" has its first delivery. For him, Katya and Ian ordered a 20-foot container with 70 boats and chests of drawers. The boats were loaded right in front of them - the young artists were very attentive to the packaging, requiring several layers of cardboard to wrap the furniture so that it would arrive safely in Moscow.

And although the dimensions of the container were carefully calculated in advance, already when loading the boats it suddenly turned out that there was still space left! Then, in operational mode, it was necessary to compact it with other interior items: otherwise the boats could be damaged during transportation.

The stool was seized during the production process, so it was brought to perfect condition in the workshop in Moscow. Here Ian sands the rough surface of a tree and you immediately feel how it becomes more pleasant to the touch.

All boats live and fit in a workshop size 16 square meters, where Katya and Ian independently built a second floor for boats.

On that day, when the family boats were approaching Moscow, the couple spent the night in their workshop in a double hammock, because daytime trucks They cannot go into the center. At 5 am the long-awaited cargo arrived and around 7 am all the boats took their places.

Katya and Ian call their workshop the “House of Boats”. And there is a truly special, homely atmosphere here. Even a little mysterious. Here they stand - wooden treasures - motionless and quiet, packed, slender, dust plays in the evening sunlight, smells of paint and wood. And I really wanted to see what textures and colors were hidden under the plain gray-yellow cardboard.

“LikeLodka” are proud that they offer a design that is non-trivial for our country and love the planet: the furniture is made according to the “recycle” principle, which means - not a single cut down tree. The brand shares the philosophy of eco-design, which is now more than relevant all over the world. Boats and ships are given a second life - only on land.

Katya told me with inspiration that at every stage - in choosing a boat, in buying it - there is already an element of creativity, because these unusual objects require emotional involvement in the process.

Ian and Katya on the second floor of their studio

At first, Katya and Ian thought that they target audience there will be cafes and restaurants or designers. But the main and most responsive buyers turned out to be simple people who would like to have this unique item in their home. Because there won't be another one like this anymore.

Boat in the interior

"LikeLodka" is a progressive brand, open to any proposals. If you have any ideas about furniture made from shipboards, feel free to write to the friendly “LikeBodki” team; for example, the most unusual request from customers was to make a boat in the form of a bed.

"LikeBodki" even has its own model boat. She's a real beauty. It is used for exhibition and advertising purposes. For example, at the Usadba Jazz festival, it acted as a kind of photo booth: people took pictures there and made wishes.

The boat is big, especially compared to others. I was amused by the story about how the guys at the factory had to explain that they needed a boat that could fit a person (and maybe even more than one), and the owner of the factory was still perplexed about the size of our people and what kind of activity would be going on there ; after all, Indonesians are known for being small and compact. The next time this boat can be seen at the exhibition “Sea-Amore”, which the magazine “Seasons” is organizing on July 26th in the Hermitage Garden. There she will be the most important boat in the world - the boat of declarations of love. So, if you have been wanting to tell someone about your feelings for a long time, it’s time to do it under the wooden arches of a 15-year-old Indonesian boat, which definitely has enough room for two - checked.

Perhaps it is the metamorphoses that occur with wood that attract me most in such furniture: at first it was a blank log or a fallen tree trunk; then a boat with which an Indonesian family could feed itself; and only then - a piece of furniture that crosses enormous distances before ending up, for example, in a Moscow apartment and reminding you of the sea. Katya told me a story that the head of one of the factories once told them: once one of the residents spent almost a month all alone on the open sea and was saved only thanks to a boat. I think the owner of a rack made from such an item will certainly attract a healthy dose of good luck into his life!

I realized that a boat for me is one of the symbols of travel and adventure. The heart yearns for travel, especially if you live in a big noisy city and have a busy work schedule. I closed my eyes and moved my palm over uneven surface boats, imagining how far they had traveled to Moscow. Cracks and many layers of paint remain on them, just as wrinkles appear on a person’s face over time from frequent smiles, anger or sadness. Warm wood keeps stories, which even makes these interior items somewhat animated. If you decide to have such a thing at home, let it bring good luck and a touch of adventurism to your home.

Photos: "LikeLodka"

Where you can buy and view "LikeLodka" furniture:

You can make it yourself at home.
And today we bring to your attention a short report on making a boat at home.

You can do this, or your eyes are afraid, but your hands do it.

There are times when you want to go out into nature with a fishing rod, spinning rod, sometimes even with your family. The Desnyanka boat, born in 1992, is even very suitable for this, but due to its low carrying capacity, it is more suitable for spending time intimate with nature. Little by little the boat wore out and rubbed, but it worked.

And then one day, at the beginning of October 2006 from the Nativity of Our Lord, being in the middle of the Dnieper, I see how my boat begins to curl up under me, and the extraneous sounds made by the boat do not at all inspire confidence that I will get to the shore dry.

Having finally reached the shore, almost dry and charged with adrenaline, I firmly decided to put the boat in order, but upon closer examination it turned out:
Repair is not quick and does not guarantee safety in the future (more than 30% of the surface was either already leaking or was about to let out air)
Even restored, the boat could not meet the needs of a family (4 people) for boat trips, and such a need arises more and more often.
Installing a motor on it is possible, but does not guarantee safety (I do not enjoy rowing, especially against the current).
Other essential and non-essential little things.

The conclusion that I made for myself (with the help of my wife) is that we need to change the boat!

Walking experience motor boats I’ve done it a couple of times as a passenger, but the boat must have a motor and its own. And it was 08.10.2006.

And the Internet began to ripple: There are many beautiful and different boats, but each one is missing something.

I went to the public, there was a lot of advice, all contradictory.

10/19/2006 I came across information about self-construction boats, interested. Since the boat was planned for a family vacation, I involved my wife in discussing the issue. Idea to build a boat on our own she liked it: her husband is busy, her son doesn’t hang out on the street, he doesn’t hurt his eyes in front of the computer, plus “ joint work for my benefit - it unites." We looked at a lot of projects of boats like "Salmon", "Catfish", "Burbot", "Perch", "Shark" and others. We read a lot of articles, including "In search of the fishing ideal", " Displacement boat VITA", "Building a boat using the "Sew and Glue" method", "Is it worth building a boat? Reflections." I downloaded literature on shipbuilding “15 ship designs”, “Selecting the type of vessel and its construction”, “Boats and motors in questions and answers”, the CARENE program. Taking the "DIXI" project as a basis, I changed linear dimensions up to 3460 mm - length, 1350 mm - width, the side height was 500 mm in the midsection - on the advice of fishermen, to be able to access the Kiev Reservoir. I made a mockup out of cardboard, 265mm long. (approximately 1:13), lowered it into the water (into the bath) - it doesn’t sink! I began to load it, fortunately there was enough lead, 600g - it didn’t sink, there was even a reserve on the sides (layout without a cutout on the transom): The family liked it.

10.25.2006 looked at the boat built by Oleg Melegov in the spring of 2006 in the garage and already run in several times, including on the Kiev Reservoir. I took a few pictures for a closer look, and listened to a number of tips.

10/31/2006 finally matured! I ordered FSF 4mm plywood 1240x2450 - 3 sheets, transferred the pattern from CARENE to the wallpaper sheet, and began searching for a room.

On November 10, 2006, plywood was delivered.

11/15/2006 I went to Kyiv (to the company "AEROLA"), bought 5 kg epoxy resin- ED-531, 1 kg of hardener - Telalit, 2 liters of microspheres - Cobasil.

On November 18, 2006, a friend from the local yacht club, having made several unprintable comments about the idea of ​​​​building a boat, donated a roll of fiberglass, for which he was immediately forgiven. In addition, to facilitate my work with resin, he recommended using not scales, but medical syringes of different volumes, having previously drilled the holes (for small volumes of the composition used - 20-100g this is very convenient).

11/19/2006 - I couldn’t find the premises, my hands were itching: I persuaded my wife to let me into the hall for a couple of days to glue plywood for the blanks, promised to cover everything with film - for my own safety. The project has "officially" begun. I didn’t dare to glue it on the “mustache”, and there was no place to prepare the plywood for gluing. My wife allowed me to use homemade preserves as a load for gluing plywood; she didn’t suspect that it wouldn’t end like this, but she had been reading the fairy tale about the bast and ice hut to her children for a long time.

On November 22, 2006, I transferred the bottom patterns from a sheet of wallpaper onto the plywood and, promising my wife that after cutting the plywood, everything would be put in the garage until spring, I picked up a jigsaw. In order to minimize dust consequences, my wife suggested using a vacuum cleaner as a sawdust collector. It would be unwise on my part to ignore her advice and desire to help. The work continued, but with an assistant - the project, as planned, became a family project.

11/23/2006 - side elements were cut. In all operations where temporary fastening of elements was necessary: ​​transferring a pattern from a wallpaper sheet to plywood, cutting out symmetrical parts of the body, gluing a fender, etc., binders of appropriate sizes were used (taken from work for temporary use) - on Oleg’s advice Melegova.

On November 24, 2006, I processed the symmetrical elements of the boat hull with a plane, drilled holes at equal intervals (100 mm) along the edges of the blanks (5 mm from the edge), for further stitching of the hull. As a sawdust collector, when working with an electric planer, I used an ordinary construction glove, which turned out to be quite effective. As supports, to hold the workpieces in a vertical position, I used clamps (3 pieces - all that was available), fixed at the bottom, in opposite directions. I sewed two elements of the bottom with nylon thread, like one sews felt boots, using metal loop, and promised to move everything to the garage in the morning. The idea to use nylon thread arose for three reasons:

natural laziness (too lazy to pick out glued metal brackets).
rings made of nylon thread impregnated with epoxy resin will act as reinforcement.
nylon does not rust.

November 25, 2006 - Saturday. Since it was not possible to work on the project for more than 2-3 hours on a weekday, the arrival of Saturday was greeted with elation. While the family was sleeping in the morning, without noise or dust, an improvised slipway was built, the bottom was glued together, and the fillet was removed. It is very convenient to remove fillets in seams with a plastic disposable spoon. When my wife saw all this, the epoxy resin had already set. And my wife is kind, easy-going, and basically left the little fox in the bast hut. And the project became even more family-friendly. In the garage, I cut fiberglass into strips 5cm and 7cm wide at an angle of 45°, and annealed the strips over a fire. Annealed fiberglass, as it turns out, crumbles a lot.

On November 26, 2006, I purchased a sheet of 10mm plywood and made a transom. I taped the inner seam on the bottom in one layer with fiberglass. To avoid trouble, I impregnated the fiberglass with epoxy resin in the attic, laying a film on the floor. Fiberglass impregnated with resin no longer crumbles, and the finished strips fit well on the primed surface.

On November 27, 2006, using already known technology using child labor (the daughter and son took an active part), they sewed the hull of the boat. In the evening, when the children went to bed, the transom was sewn in with epoxy glue. Work with epoxy resin was carried out while the children were sleeping and the door to the room was closed, or they were not at home.

11/28/2006 the internal side and transom seams were taped with fiberglass.

On November 29, 2006 I purchased a sheet of 6mm plywood. Made solid frames.

11/30/2006 frames are sewn and glued.

Smoke break. Weekend. The family requires attention.

12/04/2006 cans were manufactured and installed.

06-07.12.2006 the outer parts of the fender beam were manufactured and glued. The fender beam was pressed along its entire length with 6 clamps at control points and binders between them.

12/09/2006 the front frame and deck were sewn in from pre-prepared plywood residues.

12-13.12.2006 the internal parts of the fender were glued.

12/14/2006 glued in: reinforcing transom board 25mm thick, 130mm wide, transom shelf 15mm wide, two vertical brackets to the backpack board. The reinforcement of the transom board is secured with screws while the epoxy resin dries.

12/15/2006 the boat was turned over and placed on an improvised slipway (from tied chairs in the stern and a stool in the bow). Brackets are sewn and glued under the seats. The cans glued to the sides and frames were longitudinally unstable and had to be strengthened.

12/16/2006 The outer seams of the boat were covered with two layers of fiberglass. The screws have been removed from the transom. Seating The screws were drilled out and furniture chips were glued in their place.

On December 17, 2006, the seams were processed under a vacuum cleaner. Bottom and side steps were manufactured and installed with glue (secured from the inside with screws).

On 12/18/2006, the screws were completely removed from the side steps and partially from the bottom ones. The outside of the boat is treated with epoxy resin.

12/20/2006 the boat was completely painted on the outside, only on the bottom and the lower side on the inside.

On 12/22/2006 the boat was installed in its normal position. Leveled with a plane top part fender, impregnated with epoxy resin.

12/23/2006 body removal! Weight 44kg. The calculation was justified: the boat did not pass through the entrance! But through the attic to the roof - neck and neck! Descending from the roof of the craft did not cause much trouble: several tens of meters of rope, a four-person tent that became a temporary cover for the boat, and half an hour of time for the entire procedure, including packing and unpacking. Further car trailer, shore, launching.

The boat on the water did not present any surprises, no leaks appeared, no creaks or cracking of seams were observed.

Pressure testing was performed at 410 kg. live weight (5 people with a photographer - son 9 years old) + 44 kg. boat's own weight + 20kg. engine. A full ride quality check was not carried out for the following reasons: strong wind, not run-in engine (purchased the day before), complete absence personal experience control of a motor boat.

Notes identified at this stage: narrow cutout on the transom - small angle of tiller travel (we had to move the engine closer to the starboard side), due to the lack of personal experience at the beginning of the project and the engine until its completion.

In the spring I will finish the boat and conduct full sea trials. I hope repainting, installation of useful things total weight the boats will not increase much.

As is customary at the end of the story: special thanks to my family, they were patient, did not kick me out, and most importantly, helped as best they could. From my words, my wife wrote it down correctly. Signature.

And my hands are itching:
01/02/2007 - jigsaw, extension - the cutout on the transom has become wider, half a meter of tape so that the fresh cut does not get wet, and we are back at the water. The front, profile and other material evidence, in the form of human footprints in the boat, are attached. Five horses astern! Little, Little. But according to the table, the permissible power is sufficient.

And I almost forgot, two-centimeter ice, 150 meters away, in a remote backwater, was broken like an icebreaker - an experiment, you know. There was more than enough adrenaline, it’s a pity that the camera was on the shore, two kilometers from the scene of events. We returned back - we are no longer afraid of anything! 4mm plywood in the keel bottom + two redans = icebreaker!

Sergei Klepikov