Why a pregnant woman should not wear heels. Can high heels be worn during pregnancy? Is it possible to wear heels in the early stages

  1. The fulcrum changes: instead of the whole foot, the weight of the body is transferred only to the heads of the metatarsal bones. This not only does not contribute to good stability, but also negatively affects the ligaments of the foot and ankle joint.
  2. The load on the spine increases: the lumbar curve becomes larger, the center of gravity shifts forward.
  3. The muscles of the legs, pelvis and lumbar spine are tensed.

Now let's see what happens to the figure of a woman during pregnancy:

Due to the growing belly, the center of gravity is increasingly shifting forward, so the expectant mother involuntarily leans back when walking. This affects the gait: it is no coincidence that they say about a pregnant woman that she walks “like a duck”, that is, waddling.
But that is not all. Due to hormonal changes, the ligaments, including the ligaments of the feet, become looser and more extensible in their structure. This, along with significant weight gain, can lead to the development of flat feet. In addition, during pregnancy, the load on the muscles and vessels of the legs increases, and the risk of developing varicose veins increases.

What if a pregnant woman wears high-heeled shoes?

Her center of gravity is already shifted forward, and, standing on her heels, the woman aggravates the situation. The position of the uterus changes; as a result, the fetus cannot take the correct upright position.

It must be remembered that if even before pregnancy you suffered from such diseases as flat feet and varicose veins, then by standing on high heels, you will only aggravate their course. In addition, the risk of dislocations and displacements of the vertebrae increases, you begin to get tired faster; swelling of the legs, pain in the lower back and cramps of the calf muscles appear.

What to do? Maybe you should give up heels for a while?

This is another extreme. You can’t walk in flat shoes for the same reasons: “loose” ligaments, an increase in the weight of a growing baby and your own, stress on the vessels and muscles of the legs can cause flat feet and varicose veins, the development of seizures.
In this situation, we advise you to stick to the "golden" mean - wear stable shoes with low heels - 3-5 cm (now it is quite possible to buy shoes that are comfortable and fashionable at the same time). In addition, with varicose veins, you should bandage your legs or wear special tights; do not forget that during pregnancy it is necessary to give unloading to the legs more often and not to lift weights.

Of course, a woman always wants to look her best. But believe me, high heels combined with a "duck" gait will not lead to the desired effect. Be patient for just a few months, and you can return to your usual shoes.

Shoes are one of the most desired accessories for women. And when buying, they often look more at its beauty than comfort. As for high heels, it is useless to assure that it is harmful to wear them - you are sure to find such shoes in every woman's closet. They never go out of fashion, and they add balance to the calf muscles and a sexy gait. But can women wear while pregnant? How safe is it? Let's try to find the answer to this seemingly simple question!

Pregnancy is the most vulnerable and emotional stage in a woman's life. She is no longer alone and must take care of the little life that grows within her. Her movements are not limited, but caution is necessary. How to convince women who are constantly trying to follow fashion that high heels during pregnancy are not a good idea? Of course, there are good reasons! Let's evaluate some of the consequences that high heels can lead to during pregnancy:

Severe back pain: walking in such shoes always disturbs the balance of the body. The pose of a person standing on the ground, when the toe and heel are aligned in one line, is the most natural. However, when a pregnant lady wears a heel, the center of gravity deviates and an excess load is added to the spine. The legs also suffer from additional weight, because. carry not only a woman, but also a child. Muscles and ligaments stretch to make room for the growing fetus, leading to back pain in early pregnancy. High heels enhance them and can make them completely unbearable.

Pain in the lower back: most likely in pregnant women who are used to wearing fashionable shoes. The lower back is already heavily stressed Wearing high heels can cause excruciating pain in the lower back and upper legs.

Sciatic nerve problems: most commonly associated with traumatic experiences. Wearing high heels during this period can seriously worsen the situation. starts in the lower back and descends down the back of the leg. Wearing high heels can cause undue pressure on it. And inflammation of this nerve can lead to serious complications during pregnancy, including damage to the spinal disc. Symptoms: stabbing sensations in the lower back and buttocks, numbness in the leg,

In addition, high heels during pregnancy can lead to swollen ankles.

And finally, because of wearing such shoes, the uterus is in constant tone, which can cause a miscarriage.

In this regard, the recommendations of doctors clearly point to the mandatory rejection of high heels for the expectant mother. Indeed, among other things, they are extremely traumatic, and a fall can even lead to the death of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to limit your desires for a beautiful life until the baby is born. You can switch to comfortable high heels in the first months after giving birth, and then only if you are used to wearing them! Well, during the gestation period, it is advisable to wear flat and comfortable shoes that will protect your feet well. It is better to be patient a little, but to preserve the health of both yourself and your unborn child.

I remember myself before my first pregnancy - all the shoes are on stilettos - I ran on them from morning to evening, and did not know grief. However, the tummy began to grow, the legs began to swell, and, if necessary, I had to buy ballet flats. However, there are also stubborn girls who almost go to the hospital in heels. Why is it dangerous, and in general, is it possible for pregnant women to walk in heels? We'll find out soon!

It's hard not to notice a woman in heels. Overnight, she becomes slimmer and more attractive. This is noticed by everyone around and especially representatives of the opposite sex. In order to stand out in their eyes, many women neglect the rules that say that pregnancy and high heels are incompatible concepts.

Do you know why they are incompatible? It turns out it's all about heel mechanics. Nature has foresight created the muscles and tendons of the legs, which act like springs. During walking, they stretch, take on the load and provide additional energy for a new step. We do not even suspect about their work, because everything happens synchronously.

The elevation breaks such a harmonious process, and this is precisely what the heel represents. It literally blocks the natural "springs", depriving the foot of its natural capabilities. As a result, the load on the legs increases significantly, but this is not the most important thing. Shoes with heels change the position of the body.

The same beautiful posture that others stare at is the result of a change in the fulcrum. Now the young lady leans on her toe when walking. It is easy to guess that this affects stability, along the way weakening the ligaments of the ankle and foot. Additionally, the center of gravity is shifted forward. To maintain balance, a woman has to lean back slightly.

The position is seductive, because then a bend in the lower back is drawn, but there is little pleasant in it: with regular wearing of shoes with heels, a curvature of the spine and displacement of internal organs are provoked. Along the way, the muscles of the pelvis, legs, and lumbar are constantly tensed, which in combination leads to the most unpleasant consequences in the form of heaviness in the limbs, circulatory disorders, varicose veins, and even flat feet.

Danger during pregnancy

To understand why heels should not be worn during pregnancy, it is enough to analyze the changes that occur in the body in an interesting position. First of all, the hormonal background changes.

In general, there is nothing wrong with this, if you do not take into account that it also affects the ligaments: they relax, become more loose. Add here an increased load on the muscles and blood vessels, and you will understand that varicose veins and flat feet are not a possibility, but a reality, at least for many expectant mothers.

The troubles that high-heeled shoes can cause in early or late pregnancy do not end there. Possible:

  • Injuries. Look at the statistics of falls and dislocations regarding the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who cannot imagine their life without elegant pumps or stilettos. For those who are in an interesting position, it increases significantly. Do you know why? The ligaments of the spine are now weakened, and any sudden movements threaten to displace the vertebrae. Hence, by the way, and pain in the lower back, and cramps in the legs.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Who among us has not suffered from uterine tone during pregnancy? Perhaps units. The rest are at risk, since in such conditions the situation is aggravated by a strong overstrain of the muscles of the legs, which adds stress to the spine and hip joints. The latter, just, can increase the tone.
  • Sagging belly, stretch marks. Do you want to stay beautiful after childbirth? Heed the advice of doctors who say that heels should be abandoned already in the early stages of pregnancy. There are no injuries here. When the center of gravity shifts, the stomach protrudes, and since the skin is already stretched, it also sags over time. Everything can end with the so-called leather apron.
  • Malposition. When the center of gravity shifts, the baby runs the risk of lying down incorrectly. As a result, the doctor can fix the transverse or breech presentation and send the future woman in labor for a caesarean section. But he might not have been, if she had refused the wrong shoes in time.
  • Seizures. They are the result of an overstrain of the calf muscle and especially annoy women in the long run.
  • Loss of balance. Nature intended that in the second trimester, the center of gravity of a woman should shift. If she "has a hand in it", that is, wears shoes with heels, one day everything may end in a fall due to the inability to maintain balance.
  • Puffiness. In the third trimester, many women develop swelling. Of course, their current situation and diet are to blame for everything, but narrow shoes with heels or platforms that make it difficult for fluid to drain add fuel to the fire.

There are also possible muscle strains, back and leg pain in the evening, and all because of the heels.

How long can you wear high heels

Ideally, heels are contraindicated in both the first and third trimesters. Meanwhile, life, or rather, the order in the office, sometimes dictates its own rules to us, women. A strict dress code provides for wearing shoes with heels, and the doctor forbids during pregnancy. What to do in this situation? Look for a compromise.

In the early stages, the heel is acceptable if there are no contraindications - the tone of the muscles of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage, varicose veins. Moreover, you can even wear a hairpin, although a stable small one is still more preferable. In later it is better to choose something at a low speed.

What heels can be worn during pregnancy at different times

It is easiest for women in the first trimester. There, the tummy is still small, so the load on the joints has not yet increased. Most of the representatives of the beautiful article continue to walk in shoes with the heels they like and are not even in a hurry to change their shoes. You can understand them, especially since it is important for them to enjoy such walking, because very soon everything will change.

In the second trimester, we need to be more careful about what we wear. No matter how convenient it is, a hairpin during this period is not the best option. Even if it is as stable as possible or small enough. She loses to all other types of heels because of the risk of injury and the negative impact on the anatomy of the foot. As a result, a woman has to balance all the time in order to maintain her balance, and no one knows how this may end sooner or later.

Some women prefer wedges. Thin and seemingly reminiscent of a heel, it, in fact, is it, however, in combination with a platform. Like it or not, this is also not the best option, although it has clear advantages: in such shoes, a smoother transition from the front to the back is provided, so that the negative impact on the foot becomes less pronounced.

The third trimester is the most difficult, because the tummy at this time is significantly enlarged. What heels can you walk on at this time? On small ones, 3-5 cm high. Another acceptable option is a stable wedge. It is also not recommended to be completely without a heel, otherwise it will lead to expansion, flattening of the foot and the development of flat feet.

Can pregnant women walk in heels

Summing up all of the above, we can answer that both in the early stages and in the later stages, a pregnant woman can treat herself to shoes with heels. The main thing is to closely monitor the state of your health and abandon it at the first signs of malaise or contraindications.

In addition, it is very important to follow safety rules in such situations, namely:

To minimize the load on the foot, you should walk as little as possible and stand on heels, for example, changing shoes into more comfortable models, sitting at a table or during lunch. Another option is to purchase an arch support insole to support the arch of the foot.

Fans of models with a narrow cape should pay attention to separating thumb pads or gel pads: they prevent deformation.

Well, and most importantly, after a hard day's work, do not forget to pamper your feet with a warm bath (water 37 - 39 degrees) and a light massage. They will be very grateful to you for this!

The article answers the question of whether pregnant women should wear heels, and what consequences the preference for high shoes can lead to.

Can pregnant women wear high shoes?

Do shoes really matter and is the ban on heels one of the many myths surrounding pregnancy?

High heels during pregnancy: is it possible or not

High heels during pregnancy, according to experts, are contraindicated. Such shoes, despite their attractive appearance, are not safe for the health of a woman bearing a fetus and can cause her many problems.

The reason is that high heels damage the ligaments, ankle and bones of the foot. At nine months of gestation, the intensity of this effect increases.

When is contraindicated: the opinion of doctors

Shoes with heels 6-7 cm high should not be worn during pregnancy complicated by diseases of the spine, pelvis and legs. Bearing a child with chronic diseases is not an easy task in itself, and additional loads in such a case are detrimental to health. For example, problems with the sciatic nerve that arose after an injury may worsen.

Diseases that can be provoked

Neglecting the rules of wearing shoes, a pregnant woman may face diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Flat feet.
  2. Edema.
  3. Numbness of the legs.
  4. Varicose veins.
  5. Spinal deformity.
  6. Hernias and protrusions of the lumbosacral region.
  7. sacral sciatica.

Negative consequences for other body systems are also possible: an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in the tone of the abdominal muscles, the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, and the bending of the uterus.

Why You Shouldn't Wear High Heels During Pregnancy

An additional center of gravity appears in the body of a pregnant woman, which becomes more and more significant over time. To support the growing mass, a woman must literally stand firmly on her feet and hold her foot correctly. Only a position parallel to the ground is safe enough, however, in this case, there is a risk of developing pain in the legs due to relaxation of the tendons of the lower extremities. The latter is associated with hormonal changes.

When wearing high-heeled shoes, the posture of the expectant mother suffers, there is additional pressure on the internal organs

In the early stages

Doctors advise to refuse high heels already in the first trimester of gestation. Leaning only on the front of the foot, the woman changes the position of the body. The abdomen moves down and forward, which can cause unwanted pressure on the uterus. The consequence of thoughtlessly following fashion will be a miscarriage.

It is also dangerous to wear such shoes due to toxicosis. Feeling an attack of nausea or dizziness, the expectant mother can easily lose balance and fall, especially in winter during ice. Possible consequences of injury from a fall:

  • dislocation;
  • stretching;
  • injury:
  • fracture.

In late pregnancy and before childbirth

Before childbirth, the body weight of a pregnant woman increases significantly - the total increase in recent weeks can reach 14 kg. compared to pre-conception weight. The load on the spine, pelvis, muscles and vessels of the legs increases exorbitantly.

In this situation, high-heeled shoes will very soon cause discomfort, and the woman herself will want to take them off. In the worst case, cramps in the calf muscles may even occur.

In the later stages, public opinion is no longer so strict about the appearance of a pregnant woman. Even at an official reception, low shoes will be quite appropriate. If you still try to stand on your heel, this will only emphasize the shortcomings of the “duck gait”, which occurs due to the forced deviation of the spine back.

High shoes can provoke an increase in uterine tone, the onset of contractions and premature hospitalization in the maternity ward. Changing the position of the child in the uterus is fraught with the development of hypoxia. Save the baby in this case, you can sometimes only with the help of an emergency caesarean section.

Heel height during pregnancy: safe size

Shoes for pregnant women should have a heel no higher than 5-6 cm. The height of 3-4 cm is called optimal. Studs are completely excluded - this is too unstable a design, standing on which, a woman in position can easily fall.

But wedge shoes with a smooth transition from the heel to the toe are acceptable - however, they must sit comfortably on the foot and be stable.

How many hours can you wear high heels?

If due to circumstances (for example, office dress code requirements) you are forced to wear high-heeled shoes, it is better to take them off at the first opportunity or replace them with a changeable pair of slippers or sneakers. A couple of hours of walking or standing create a big load on a woman's body, so a pregnant woman needs to sit down more often. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes in the late afternoon, when expectant mothers most often complain of puffiness. 3-4 hours - the maximum duration of stay in high shoes. Special insoles can reduce the negative effects. And after returning home, a contrast shower will help a pregnant woman:

  1. Run cool and warm water alternately on your feet.
  2. Rotate each foot 15 times clockwise and counterclockwise.

Requirements for shoes during pregnancy

When choosing shoes to wear during pregnancy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The main requirement is wearing comfort and the right size.
  2. Having spent enough time on fitting, a woman will protect herself from possible problems in the future.
  3. A mandatory rule is the presence of a comfortable shoe.
  4. The heel of shoes for pregnant women should be wide and reliable in order to protect the hostess from accidental falls.
  5. A completely flat sole will not work due to its anti-physiological nature.
  6. Shoes and boots should preferably be made from natural materials.
  7. In the early stages, lace-up shoes are suitable, but in the last trimester, it is advisable to refuse laces.
  8. Buy shoes and sandals that fasten at the ankle.
  9. The heel should not be open.
  10. It is better for pregnant women to choose shoes slightly larger than their size - taking into account possible swelling.

During pregnancy, it is undesirable to wear high-heeled shoes. If there is a need for this, such shoes can be worn only for a short time. A woman will be able to fully stand on a heel only after the baby is born.

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High heels are an amazing thing: put on - a chic woman, took off - a happy man ...

A lot of people have heard this anecdotal statement and a lot of people will agree with it. Shoes with high heels not only lead to severe fatigue of the legs, back and the entire musculoskeletal system, but also, if worn regularly, can cause many health problems. This applies to any woman, and a pregnant woman - in the very first place. Indeed, during the period of bearing a child, all the risks associated with wearing heels increase several times!

Why can't you wear high heels during pregnancy?

Despite everything, there are always women who wear high-heeled shoes at least a few times during pregnancy, without even thinking about the fact that this may be harmful or unacceptable. But if you ask any adequate doctor about this, the answer will be unequivocal: no. None of the doctors will recommend that a pregnant woman wear such uncomfortable and unsafe shoes during the period of bearing a child.

And all because wearing high heels during pregnancy is directly related to a number of threats and risks for the expectant mother and her baby:

  • The woman's legs are the first to suffer. And without heels, they are now more tired and hurt more often than before pregnancy. Under the action of hormones, the ligaments soften, and muscle tone decreases. When walking in heels, the ankle joint and foot experience heavy loads, and they increase under the weight of the pregnant woman with an increase in the term. Orthopedists say that because of this, the risk of flat feet and cramps in the calf muscles increases. Also, high heels are a risk factor for the development or exacerbation of varicose veins. And if you suffered from this ailment in the past, then it is better to refuse high heels altogether, and for the period of pregnancy - in strict order!
  • The spinal column, lower back and pelvic region also suffer: a woman has to unnaturally and unusually arch her back, because of which the bones and muscles in these areas receive high loads and are greatly overstrained.
  • The “looseness” of the ligaments increases the risk of injury and dislocation, which is already high when a woman is in heels.
  • For the same reason, and also because of the strong forward shift of the whole body load and the decrease in the stability of the body of a pregnant woman, there is a very high probability of falling, which can be dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. The larger the tummy, the more the center of gravity of the whole body shifts anteriorly. If you wear high-heeled shoes during pregnancy, then this effect will increase even more.
  • Prolonged or regular wearing of high-heeled shoes can cause an increase in uterine tone, which, as you know, entails the risk of miscarriage and termination of pregnancy.
  • The higher the heel, the stronger the woman's weight pulls her forward, the more she tries to resist this, arching the spine backwards, the more the skin in the abdomen and sides stretches and stretches. And although this is not the biggest danger for pregnancy, it becomes almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks and sagging skin on the abdomen after childbirth.
  • Even in the most comfortable and physiological footwear, edema often develops in pregnant women during long walking and staying on their feet. Heels greatly increase these risks and the degree of their manifestation.
  • Due to wearing uncomfortable and high-heeled shoes, among other things, the circulation of blood in the lower extremities and the pelvic region, where blood is supplied by the veins passing in the legs, is significantly worsened. This means that the fetus may not receive the vital oxygen and nutrients that come to it along with the blood.
  • Frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy can cause displacement of internal organs (due to the fact that a woman arches her spine in a special way during such walking), and in particular the uterus. Such changes can become a serious obstacle for the child, preventing him from taking the correct, most physiological position in the uterus before childbirth - vertical, or head down.

It would seem that only heels are an attribute that is quite familiar in the everyday life of many ladies, and it can carry so many problems in itself, the list of which increases with the onset of pregnancy. There is something to think about here. However, most pregnant women refuse high heels in favor of their own and the child's health without any hesitation.

Heels during early pregnancy

But it often happens that a woman runs in heels all day long, practically without taking off, and suddenly finds out that she is pregnant! She naturally asks the question: is it possible to wear heels in the early stages of pregnancy and can this somehow harm the baby or the very process of carrying it?

If by the time you found out about the pregnancy, it was not interrupted, then everything is fine! It will not have any serious consequences. But now high heels will still have to be removed for the benefit of yourself and the unborn baby.

It is permissible in the early stages to put on “high-speed” shoes once and for a short time, provided that they are comfortable and you do not have to walk or stand for a long time in them, and at the same time, you need to take care of the opportunity to change into a more comfortable “low” shoe at any time shoes. But remember that the risk of termination of pregnancy is highest in the first trimester, and therefore if you can do without heels, then it is better to do just that.

Can you wear heels while pregnant?

And yet, “no” is very often a relative adverb in its meaning and categoricalness. Well, once or twice, and for a short while, maybe? Let's try to put the question differently: is it necessary to wear heels during pregnancy? We have to admit that stilettos are not for every woman and not in every situation. The heel should fit the outfit, the event, the woman's ability to hold on and walk in such shoes appropriately, in general, be appropriate in every sense.

One can argue about the appropriateness of high heels during pregnancy. Even if you are going to a celebration or wearing such shoes is part of the dress code for work, you can always find a more suitable alternative for a pregnant woman. Moreover, the outfits of expectant mothers are gradually also being replaced by more comfortable and practical (although no less beautiful) styles than before. A woman with a tummy, pumping from side to side while walking (this is due to a change in the bend of the ridge, which we talked about above), and even on stilettos - a sight that is at least comical (according to many observers from the side) .

However, you should definitely wear heels during pregnancy, orthopedists say! But these should be wide, stable, comfortable heels with a height of 3 to 5 cm. Solid-soled shoes, like high-heeled shoes, are not physiologically correct (this applies to all women, not only pregnant women).

Proper shoes for pregnant women should be comfortable, soft, not causing any discomfort when worn, not squeezing, but fixing the foot well. In addition to a low, wide, stable heel, an important requirement for it is the manufacture of natural fabrics and materials. It is good if your shoes or boots let air through so that your feet do not sweat.

And one more piece of advice to expectant mothers who are choosing the right shoes for themselves: try on new clothes when buying in the afternoon. At this time, the leg swells and swells slightly, and this condition is likely to accompany you until the end of childbearing. And therefore, in order not to suffer later and not experience severe leg embarrassment, it is better to measure shoes taking into account this circumstance.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA