Is it possible to recover a lost receipt from Sberbank? How to recover a lost receipt

After making a payment, the receipt is not always given the appropriate meaning. But when the need arises for it as mandatory evidence, the purchaser of services begins to think about how to print a check in Sberbank Online if the payment has already been made. However, such an operation is not always available; it all depends on the status of the transfers.

How to receive a receipt when paying online

In order to receive a payment receipt in Sberbank Online, you need to have access to the Internet and your own account in the online resource of the banking institution; if you have forgotten your login information, just contact the customer assistance number. To request a check you need:

  • Log in to the bank’s website and go to your personal account;
  • on the main account page, open the “Payment History” section and find the copy you are interested in;
  • at the same time, any receipt that has been posted is available for use; to make it easier to search, you must indicate the date, name or name of the recipient and the relevant details;
  • You need to remember that receiving a payment is only possible if the status is “Completed”, otherwise not;
  • if you click on its electronic sample, there will be a “Print” button at the bottom;
  • after pressing the button, a version ready for printing will pop up, which can be done if you have a connected printer.

If the proof of payment form is generated immediately after the payment of funds, then all you need to do is click on the button at the bottom of the form to print the document. In addition, you can not only print, but also save the receipt in one of the acceptable formats:

  • PDF;
  • FAX;
  • Microsoft XPS Document writer.

If confirmation of a transfer or automatic payment is needed over time, then in the online resource it is enough to save the data about its execution in History. If you need to save a document on your smartphone, follow these steps:

  • after paying for a service or product, click “Save” at the bottom of the payment;
  • after this, at the same moment, a Sberbank gallery will be formed, in which all payment documents marked by the owner will be stored.

Is it possible to restore a receipt for payment in Sberbank

In the banking institution, you can restore any check, regardless of the time it was generated and the place where the settlement was made - to do this, just go to the “History of Payment Documents” and connect a printer to your computer. The main thing is that the payment is processed. In addition, it is important that a computer is used for printing.

You can also restore an order for transfers from a long time ago by contacting a banking institution with an application and providing all the details. At the same time, personal contact provides great advantages, since the client will receive an already certified receipt.

Through the online resource, you can request a card statement about the last 10–15 events, which will serve as proof of payments; it will be sent to your email address within 24 hours. You can also order it from a bank for a longer period of up to 5 years, it can also be ordered through Personal Area.

How to find a payment in Sberbank Online

So, to find a payment document, you need to use the “History of payment documents” in the online resource, which is located in the side part of the menu; you can open it with one click.

Each transaction in this section is identified by the date, check number, time of completion and amount, as well as the designation of the recipient. In addition, the section provides the user such opportunities as:

  • viewing the required order, all you need to do is click on it;
  • edit the required form, but only those with the “Drafts” status;
  • in the same way you can use any from documents the “Draft” section to perform the operation or repeat;
  • You can revoke a payment at the “Executed by the bank” stage by interrupting the transaction; the client has the right to edit the amount or details and re-enter it;
  • You can only delete a draft document or template; an operation that has already been completed and completed cannot be applied to deletion.

How to restore a payment receipt in Sberbank

If a payment document has been lost, but is still current, you can restore the payment receipt in Sberbank using several options for obtaining a duplicate:

  • in the transaction archive, if the transfer was made through an ATM or terminal, to restore it you need to go to the transfer history and print out the required receipt;
  • in the archive of online resource operations, here you can see transfers for a long period;
  • a reserve check at a bank is the most relevant method, but for this you need to contact the operator, which means going to the bank with all the required details;
  • analysis of archival data through the bank service, for this you need to request a document from the institution’s office, in most cases it is available, but this will take time;
  • through the payee, the current method, since you just need to contact the counterparty and ask for a copy of the receipt.

How to make a screenshot of a payment in Sberbank Online

In the case where only a screenshot is sufficient to confirm payment, you need to perform the following steps:

On a tablet or phone, the screenshot is formed slightly differently; in order to take it, you need to take into account the phone model:

  • iPhone or iPad - press the top and bottom buttons at once, and saving occurs in the “Camera Roll”;
  • for Android you will have to download a special program or press “- and Power” at the same time;
  • for Samsung, press the “Back” and “Home” or “Back” and “Block” buttons simultaneously, the picture will be in ScreenCapture;
  • in HTC Desire S, the picture will go to the gallery after pressing “Back” and “Home”.

How to print a receipt for payment at an ATM in Sberbank Online

If for some reason a banking user cannot use the Internet to obtain confirmation of his solvency, he can resort to using an ATM. The actions in this case are as follows:

  • find the nearest ATM institution and insert the card into the appropriate niche and enter the password;
  • go to payment forms and click on information about actions, in the list that appears, mark the required check and select “Operation”, “Print check”.

Through a stationary device, you can only print information about the last 10 transactions; if you need data for a later period, you should contact a bank employee who will log into Internet banking, print out even an old receipt and certify it.

How to get a check from an ATM when paying through Sberbank Online

If you pay for a service or product through Sberbank Online and the whole process goes wrong - the transfer does not receive the expected “Completed” status, you can’t count on a receipt. This problem can occur for many reasons, for example, a faulty printer or problems in the printing device itself. Then you need to proceed as with a regular printout from an ATM - go to the device, use the card and perform all the necessary steps to obtain proof:

  • mark “Payments and transfers” on the equipment screen;
  • if the document was generated in online banking, then you need to use the “Payment, templates and automatic payments” section to search for it;
  • select the required payment order, then sequentially mark Operations – Print check;
  • after which the user is provided with the necessary paper receipt.

Important! The ATM issues a new receipt with an identifier and password for using the Sberbank service on the Internet if you log in for the first time or the login and password are changed, so it is better to keep it out of sight.

How to restore a payment receipt through a Sberbank terminal

To restore a receipt through the terminal, you need to find the equipment and insert the card into the compartment, then:

  • in the drop-down list, select Sberbank Online or Internet service, confirm your desire to use the service by entering your login and password;
  • In the new window, confirm “Print ID and password”, then enable it:
  • enter the appropriate menu with drafts and templates where the receipt is saved and click on printout;
  • after this, the terminal will issue a payment document as proof.

Where to get a receipt when paying via SMS

Since 2017, thanks to changes in Tax legislation, customers of retail outlets began to receive a check by email or SMS via mobile phone number. This provides the client with the opportunity to view not only the amount and quantity of goods purchased, but also the seller’s data. This virtual document is generated in full compliance with all payment standards. The client saves it and, if necessary, can print it out; he should also act in the event of loss of the paper sample. Now the complete restoration of the paper document falls on the shoulders of the client; he is allowed to print a receipt if necessary.

At the same time, the FSN claims that electronic copies are completely identical in strength to paper ones, but if the buyer is only interested in the paper format, then he has the right to request it from the seller at the purchase stage. If you don’t take it right away, you can later print it from your iPhone by studying the QR code.

How to print a payment receipt from your phone

To select a receipt from your phone, you should initially save it in the application, and then, if necessary, you will need to:

  • send a payment via email or send it to your computer;
  • after this it can be applied at the necessary time;
  • It should be remembered that such a document is legally strong, since it has a bank stamp.

To print a check after making a payment or during the payment process, you need to use very little effort, and there are many ways to complete this procedure, as well as several options for how to find a payment in Sberbank if there is no receipt. All this ensures that the bank client can receive a check, even if they provide evidence of payments made in the past.

Is it possible to prove payment of a fine without a receipt?

"Hello. Help restore justice. 2.5 years ago I was returning from a long business trip abroad with an expired passport. In Moscow at the airport I went through customs control as usual in Russia, but I was given a fine of 2 thousand rubles, which I, of course, immediately paid. Two years have passed and I threw away the payment receipt. And now, 2.5 years later, I receive a notice from the Bailiff service about the debt on this fine with interest for 3 thousand rubles. This is just some kind of robbery! Tell me, can I somehow prove without a receipt that I have already paid this fine. And what can be done in this situation? Zinaida Mikhailovna, Moscow.”

Comments on the situation

According to para. 2 tbsp. elevenLaw of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 N 4730-1 “On the State Border of the Russian Federation” the basis for the passage of persons, vehicles, etc. across the State border is the presence valid documents the right of persons to enter or leave the Russian Federation. TO invalid documents include counterfeits (in whole or in part), issued to other persons, overdue, with imprints of outdated seals, without special marks of the border service and otherwise incorrectly issued foreign passports and visas, as well as any other documents that are used to document the crossing of the State Border by certain categories of persons in accordance with a special procedure.

Violation of these rules for crossing the State border of the Russian Federation, in our situation - crossing the border with an expired passport, is the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility for Art. 18.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) in the form of a fine in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand rubles. Thus, the imposition of an administrative fine on you in the amount of 2,000 rubles is legal.

The bank (or other payment agent) through which you paid the amount of the administrative fine was obliged to immediately send information about the payment of the fine to the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments ( part 8 art. 32.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In the absence of such information, the official who made the decision, within 10 days, sends a decision on the imposition of an administrative fine with a note of non-payment to the bailiff for its execution and, in addition, draws up a protocol on the administrative offense provided for Part 1 Art. 20.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (evasion of administrative punishment).

According to Part 1 Art. 20.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Failure to pay an administrative fine on time entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles, etc.

According to Art. 7 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”» acts of bodies and officials in cases of administrative offenses can be presented for execution within 2 years from the date of their entry into force. In addition, in Art. 31.9 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation it is indicated that the resolution on the imposition of an administrative penalty is not subject to execution if it has not been carried out within 2 years from the date of its entry into force.

Since, according to you, more than 2.5 years have already passed, the deadline for presenting an administrative penalty for execution has expired. Therefore, you do not need a payment receipt. This is the first thing.

Secondly, you paid the fine, prosecution for Part 1 Art. 20.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation anyway illegal (Part 1 of Article 28.9, Article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Thus, in the situation under consideration, you need to appeal the decision in the case of an administrative offense by sending a corresponding complaint to the official who issued it. Then (within 3 days from the date of receipt of the complaint) this official sends the complaint to a higher official or higher body (Article 30.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This complaint is not subject to state duty.

A complaint can be filed within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision. If this deadline is missed, the deadline, at the request of the person filing the complaint, may be restored by the official authorized to consider the complaint. A complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense is subject to consideration within ten days from the date of its receipt, along with all materials of the case, by the body or official authorized to consider the complaint. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint against the decision in the case of an administrative offense, a decision is made (Article 30.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Please note that in your complaint you must first of all indicate that the deadline for presenting an administrative penalty for execution has expired.

As for your immediate question: If you lost it, threw away the receipt, is it possible to somehow prove that the fine has already been paid?, the answer to it is: “Yes.” You need to contact the bank through which you paid the fine. If it was a terminal, then you need to contact the bank that services this terminal. It is advisable to remember the payment date (maybe within a week or two), terminal number. Next, write a written request to the bank. By name and purpose of payment, they can find it and provide you with a copy of the receipt for the payment made (with the current account number, etc.).

Hello Olga!

From personal experience I can say that losing a receipt for paying a fine is a common thing for me. What can I say, almost every driver has lost such a receipt at least once in his life. The only exceptions are those who are extremely collected and scrupulous in collecting and storing all kinds of checks, receipts, invoices, statements, etc., but as practice shows, such people, unfortunately, are in the minority.

How to restore a fine payment receipt?

I bring to your attention a step-by-step guide to restoring a receipt for paying a fine at the traffic police, which, I admit, has helped me out more than once.

  • The issue of restoring a fine payment receipt, contrary to popular belief, is sometimes not as easy to resolve as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes you have to try very hard to achieve this. If the fine has already been paid (and this becomes obvious from your question), contact a Sberbank branch. This is where the first difficulties may await you. The fact is that bank employees do not always want to meet such would-be violators halfway and are in no hurry to issue a duplicate payment document. The paradox of the situation is that they do not have any legal grounds for this, but the fact remains that it is not always possible for a driver to obtain a duplicate receipt for payment of a fine the first time. Be prepared for the fact that they will simply promise to call you back as soon as possible and report the results of the search. But don’t be stupid and waste time waiting for a call from the bank, it may not come (again, my own bitter experience). During your first visit to the bank, write a statement outlining the essence of the problem. Then be sure to register it and after that you can safely count on the fact that your question will not be left unattended.
  • I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the application must (if possible) indicate the date of payment of the fine to the bank. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the search procedure. If it is not possible to indicate the exact date of payment, try to at least approximately indicate the time period. If a lot of time has passed and you cannot even provide this information, indicate the date the fine was imposed.
  • Sometimes bank employees still cannot find a receipt for payment of the fine, but the date for its repayment has been set, then you may be issued a new receipt, but for this you will again have to write an application indicating the corresponding requirement, as well as the date and time of payment . In addition, you will need to attach a photocopy of the protocol or resolution imposing a fine. Regardless of what request you make to the bank, you must complete the application in 2 copies, because The second copy of the application must remain in your hands.
  • If it is necessary to restore the receipt for payment of the fine in order to prove that you paid the fine, but the money did not go through, and you are afraid of problems during the trial, then there is and cannot be any reason to worry about this. Your main argument in court proceedings is the second copy of the same application that was submitted and registered with the bank.
  • For the future, I can advise you on what to do if you lost your receipt and did not have time to pay the fine. In this situation, it is necessary to contact not the bank, but the traffic police at the place where the offense was committed. You again draw up a statement in which you indicate the place, time and official who drew up the protocol on the violation. It is this statement that is the basis for you to receive a new invoice for payment. If you used a terminal or made an online transfer to pay off the fine, be sure to keep the receipts and notifications about the payment of the fine.

Sincerely, Natalia

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Restore receipt

Where can I restore receipts for payment for kindergarten if the kindergarten has lost receipts for 2 months?

The bank through which you made the payment.

Is it possible to restore a receipt for studying payment from a bank?

Hello, Maral! Of course you can. To do this, you need to contact the same bank branch where you made the payment. Upon your oral or written request, you will be given a copy of the payment document with respect, Alexey.

Please, can I restore the paid housing and communal services receipt (from a year ago) at the Russian Post, it is very necessary to receive a subsidy.

You can obtain a personal account statement from a management company or an organization that deals with accrual of payments, which will reflect all accrued and made payments.

I lost my receipt for paying the minimum wage. What can be done? Or how to restore?

It is unlikely that you will be able to restore it, try to contact the bank with a request to carry out the operation.

I lost my tuition receipt, how can I get it back? Sberbank, payment through the operator.

Submit a corresponding application to Sberbank, through which you paid.

You can go to the educational institution/or send a request to them by registered mail with notification. Please provide payment information. You can contact a Sberbank branch and write a statement indicating the data.

How to restore receipts for utility services paid through the cash desk of a bank in 2013, which has been bankrupt since 2015 (IPOZEMBANK LLC), the receipts were lost by the HOA accountant when checking debts.

If the bank was declared bankrupt by the arbitration court of the Samara region, then the arbitration case may contain copies of documents or information about the receipt and movement of money. If the payer's bank - the HOA - made payment for services to the payee's account in another bank, then the second bank and the recipient have documents confirming the HOA's payment for the services consumed.

The numbers on the postal order receipt have been erased, how can I restore them?

Contact the post office where you sent the transfer, show the receipt and you can restore the numbers. Good luck to you.

I paid for the service, but did not save the receipt, is it possible to restore the receipt?

Good evening! You can request a statement from the relevant bank with a printout of all transactions for a specific day, as confirmation of payment for the service.

I lost my receipt for tuition payment at Sberbank through the cash register. But I lost it. Can I restore my receipt?

Good afternoon You can restore it, you need to contact the same territorial branch of Sberbank where you initially paid and ask to re-issue a payment receipt.

Good evening! You can get a bank statement. You can submit an Application (2 copies) to the bank, the main thing is that your copy is stamped with a seal, input. No. and signature, if they refuse to accept it, you can send the Application by registered mail with notification and inventory.

Hello Isabella! You should contact Sberbank and clarify this issue with them. I think you can restore the receipt.

How to restore a fine payment receipt.

Hello, please contact the bank where the payment was made. There you can restore the payment document. Good luck and all the best

Hello! If you need to confirm payment of the fine, you can take a bank statement from the account from which you paid the fine. You can contact the organization to which you paid the fine with information about the receipt of funds.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 32.2. Execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine 8. Bank or other credit organization, an organization of federal postal services, a payment agent engaged in accepting payments from individuals, or a bank payment agent (subagent) operating in accordance with the Federal Law “On the National Payment System”, by which the amount of the administrative fine is paid, obliged immediately after paying an administrative fine a person brought to administrative responsibility shall send information about the payment of an administrative fine to the State Information System on state and municipal payments, provided for by Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.” If you paid, then you don’t have to restore it.

As sad as it may sound, there are situations when the fine is paid, but the money is written off from your account by the bailiffs for actual non-payment. In addition, the loss of a receipt does not allow you to prove the opposite and protect your own rights. Below we will figure out how to restore a fine payment receipt and avoid financial losses.

What to do in a situation where you paid a fine and lost your receipt?

Having a document confirming that the fine has been paid will allow you to defend your rights. Unfortunately, the system may fail or an employee of the financial institution through which this procedure was carried out may make a mistake. You will have to pay again and answer according to the law, unless you can prove otherwise; if the outcome is positive, you will return your own money and avoid re-paying the fine with interest and penalties. Let's look at all this in more detail.

In accordance with the norms of the current legislation, motorists are not required to keep payment slips and checks, since the fact of payment is confirmed directly by the transfer of funds to the current account. And what kind of check can we talk about if the payment was made via the Internet from a phone.

You can obtain information about the payment of an administrative fine from the bank or financial organization through which the transfer was made, since the paying agent bears full responsibility. Immediate transfer of information to the GIS GMP does not always occur, and the system may fail.

Accordingly, after 70 calendar days the information is transferred to the bailiff service, and the amount of the fine increases. In this case, it will be more difficult to protect your rights. It is much easier to try to save the payment receipt and verify the payment in person.

How can I restore my receipt and payment information?

The process of restoring a receipt for paying a traffic fine may vary slightly depending on how and where you made the payment.

So, if the operation was carried out through an ATM or terminal, then you should use the following tips. Knowing the exact date, time and account from which the funds were transferred, you can use the receipt recovery function. After entering the required data, you will receive a payment document again.

If you were unable to restore the receipt yourself, you should contact the bank and write a statement indicating all the circumstances and request. This must be done in duplicate so that you have confirmation of your application. They simply do not have the right to refuse to issue you a duplicate.

If the payment was made through an online service, then the situation is much simpler. Through your personal account you can find a receipt confirming the fact of payment.

Regardless of the payment method, to restore the receipt you will need to have with you your general passport, information regarding carried out payment, application form and information on the issued protocol.

Despite the possibility of restoring a payment document, we recommend that you treat them carefully and keep them for as long as possible. 3 years .