What equipment is needed for stretch ceilings. A set of tools for installing stretch ceilings. For this, several conditions must be met.

Or a fabric impregnated with polyurethane, which is stretched over a baguette fixed around the perimeter of the room. Due to their qualities and aesthetics, every year they are gaining more and more popularity among the population. Therefore, when building new, as well as when repairing existing cottages, individual houses, apartments, they are installed.

Types of stretch ceilings

To date, there are two types of this coverage.

  1. Seamless stretch ceilings are ready-made fabric fabrics, produced in widths from 2 to 5 m, which makes it possible to make installation without seams in various rooms up to 5 m in size.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride coatings - are made according to the exact dimensions of the specific room in which the installation will be carried out. Their installation technology allows you to solve any design projects, to combine multi-colored canvases.

Features of installation of stretch ceilings

The canvas is fixed with a special plastic or aluminum baguette around the perimeter of the room. This is a profiled rail that serves as a mount and is installed on the walls, but in some cases it can also be fixed on the ceiling. The texture, type of material, profile installation location affect the choice of device technology and the procedure.

The installation of PVC stretch fabrics is different from the installation of fabric ones. Vinyl surfaces need to be heated before starting work, but seamless ones do not need it. Their material also has some features that affect the installation process.

It seems that mounting suspended covers is easy and simple. But this is only at first glance. In fact, it will be difficult to properly install stretch ceilings with your own hands. After all, this requires knowledge and practical experience.

Tool required for installation

A gas gun is a tool for installing stretch ceilings that requires the ability to work with it. Used to install PVC sheets. PVC film is made smaller than the ceiling area of ​​the room. In order to stretch it to a predetermined value and fix it in baguettes, it must be heated to 65 ºС. After cooling, it takes the desired shape.

You will also need the following tools for installation:

  • Perforator - indispensable for making holes for dowels, especially in concrete walls.
  • Screwdriver - used when screwing in self-tapping screws.
  • Laser level - with the help of it, marking is carried out, it has high quality and accuracy.

Additional tools

In addition to the above, to install a stretch ceiling, you will also need some auxiliary devices:

  • Measuring devices - tape measure, ruler.
  • Clothespins that hold the tension cover in suspension.
  • Stepladder of the required height.
  • Special blades - used to set the canvases into baguettes.
  • Miter box - necessary when cutting baguettes at an angle of 45º.
  • Metal detector - needed to detect hidden wiring.
  • Detergent that may be needed when performing various jobs.

Expendable materials

Before starting work on installing a stretch ceiling, in addition to tools, you should prepare such consumables as:

  • perforator drill;
  • nozzles for a screwdriver;
  • profile or plywood;
  • glue, adhesive tape and hermetic material;
  • stationery knife;
  • feathers on glass, ceramics.

Stretch ceiling technology

The methods of fastening the structure depend on the surface area, location and number of different decorative elements, lamps. The choice of method is also influenced by the material from which the stretch ceilings are made. The installation technology of their different types is also different.

Ceiling canvases are fixed by one of three existing methods:

  • harpoon;
  • glazing bead;
  • clip-on.

Harpoon way

The harpoon fastening method is used only for those made of PVC. A fixing plate made of a PVC film is welded along the perimeter of the leaf, allowing it to be connected to an aluminum baguette. Using this method, it is convenient and not very laborious to install stretch ceilings. The photo will show how the work is done.

Installation is carried out in stages.

  1. Before installing the tension, it is necessary to level, putty, paint or wallpaper the walls.
  2. Along the entire perimeter of the room, an aluminum baguette is mounted on the wall or on the ceiling, where the canvas is tucked with a special spatula or spatula.
  3. To stretch stretch ceilings, the installation technology of which allows this, it is necessary to heat the material to 65 ºС, using a gas gun tool for this. Heating gives elasticity to the coating, which contributes to its easy reduction into the profile rail. The film, after complete cooling, stretches and acquires a flat surface.
  4. Then technological holes are made for various pipes and cables.
  5. After that, lamps and chandeliers are hung.
  6. The final stage of work is the establishment

The harpoon method does not require large time and money costs for the installation of a stretch ceiling, the price for 1 m 2 is acceptable (from 350 rubles). Such a fastening system is easily mounted and dismantled without consequences, if necessary.

Bead (wedge) method

Stretch ceilings made in our country, the installation technology of which does not provide for soldering a harpoon, need a glazing bead fastening. This method is used for PVC coatings, as well as those made of fine structure fabric. This method does not withstand heavy structures. Therefore, for the installation of a stretch ceiling, the price in this case is much lower than the previous option. The shape of the mounting profile and the technology for fixing the web differ from the previous version and have such a scheme.

  1. A plastic wedge - bead - fixes the canvas inside the baguette.
  2. A U-shaped aluminum profile (no more than 1.5 cm high) is installed on the wall. It takes over the entire load of the structure.
  3. The tension coating is the visible ceiling surface.
  4. The decorative plinth is inserted into the profile, completely covering it.

The glazing system has both pros and cons. Its main advantage is its low cost. The quality of the web tension depends only on the professionalism of the worker. Disadvantages - the likelihood of weakening the fastening of the coating and the lack of re-installation.

Clip method

Made of fabric, fastened with a clip-on method. To fix the stretch fabric, an elastic, durable plastic baguette is used, in which there are no technological grooves. Therefore, there is no need to use decorative elements. The web is fastened not around the entire perimeter of the room, but in areas without heating. the installation technology of which is very simple, do not require much time for their installation.

The advantages of this method:

  • there are no technological holes;
  • reliability in fastening;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • no need to install a decorative plinth.

The premises will look simply gorgeous if you install stretch ceilings in them (photos are presented in the article).

Coatings of this type bring comfort and coziness to the house, pleasantly delight the owners. High-quality work performed in compliance with the installation technology of stretch ceilings provides them with a long service life.

Stretch ceilings today are gaining more and more popularity in finishing work in a room of almost any complexity. They quickly replace various drywall and plastic constructions due to ease of installation and relative cheapness.

Before you start installing stretch ceilings, you need to purchase the right tool, or rather, before starting any work, you should briefly familiarize yourself with it and the tool necessary for it.

So, let's begin.

The first thing any installation of a stretch ceiling begins with is measurement of a room or a room,where the ceiling will be mounted.

  1. Laser tape measure or rangefinder A rangefinder is needed to measure the length and width of a room, as well as to measure diagonals.In most cases, you will also need a regular tape measure to measure small angles and distances up to 15 cm, a laser tape measure does not measure small distances.

From the middle segmentI recommendMakita LD060P,convenient tape measure with backlit screen.

I do not recommend buying Zubr DL-50, slows down, you need to fix it for a while when removing it, and this is a waste of time and a little annoying.

  1. heat gun

A heat gun is needed to heat the PVC film of the stretch ceiling, you need to heat the film up to 50-60 degrees until it is elastic and stretches well.

From experience, you can tell which guns and for which rooms to take:

  • If the room is up to 20 sq.m. a 15kW gun is quite enough - for example Master BLP 17M great gun, light weight. Well suited for novice installers, as well as for 70% of all apartments.
  • If the room is more than 20 sq.m. or the room has high ceilings (more than 3.5m), then you already need to take the unit more seriously at least 30kW, it’s suitable here MASTER BLP 33M it has 33 kW at the maximum. A good option, suitable up to 50-60 sq.m., personally pulled 73 sq.m. with it. swimming pool.

During operation, the gas gun burns oxygen, so the room must be ventilated, keep this in mind.

  1. Perforator

This type of tool is a kind of large high-power drill with a chipper function. With the help of a perforator, holes are drilled in the wall for mounting a baguette (profile) and holes in the ceiling for various fasteners.

In the kit with any puncher, you must have drills, which you can’t do without when mounting a baguette (profile). I recommend using a 5.5 or 6 drill for drilling walls, it all depends on the quality and material of the wall.

Great option if you have at least 1 puncher BOSCH GBH 2-23 REA 710W with vacuum cleaner, a vacuum cleaner is an indispensable thing when drilling a ceiling, as well as when it is necessary to carry out “dust-free” work.

I can also recommendMakita HR2450, excellent device, lasts a long time and drills perfectly.

  1. screwdriver

No less important in the installation work of the stretch ceiling. After all, manually wrapping self-tapping screws is very tedious and time consuming, and with the help of this device it can be done much faster.

Top priority models:

  • Makita DF330DWE the kit comes with a cool LED flashlight + holster, the main disadvantage is that sometimes there is not enough power to tighten a large self-tapping screw.
  • Bosch GSR 10.8-2-Lia great model, more powerful than a Makita + enough batteries for a larger number of screws, minus there is no flashlight in the set.
  • Makita 6271 DWPE- a larger model, but cheaper, good power. Minus: Nickel-cadmium battery, lasts somewhere for 1-2 years.

  1. Laser level

This tool is necessary for accurate marking of the level before the subsequent installation of the baguette. Most installers use a hydraulic level, but in the most inappropriate situation it can play a cruel joke, yet no one has canceled the human factor, there will be a slight shift, as a result of which the markings will no longer be so accurate, and the ceiling will turn out to be crooked.

Therefore, my advice is to take only a laser level, with a radius of at least 7 meters.

Bosch pll 360- an excellent device at an affordable price, a 360% beam allows you to quickly mark all points in the room.

Not enough funds, take Bosch PCL10, then buy at 360% if you want to make complex objects quickly.

  1. gas cylinder

I advise you to take metal composite, not to be confused with conventional composite.

Need to take Armotech, they have good Czech valves and they are certified.

In Rugazko cylinders, there are Chinese valves, but this is not so dangerous, a gas relief valve is built into these valves, that is, if the pressure in the cylinder rises, the gas will be discharged directly into the room, in our business this is not permissible, because to .we work with open fire.

Under no circumstances should you take such cylinders.

Dangerous cylinders, not suitable for installation of stretch ceilings

Let the installers have an ordinary metal cylinder rather than a Rugazko cylinder!

Other additional tools

Construction roll. Needed for measurements during installation. 5 meters will be enough in most cases.

Special hangers for canvas stretch ceiling, they are also called "crocodiles". Needed in order to hang the canvas in the corners.

You can use welding clamps, I like them even more, because. hold tight.

shoulder blades, with the help of which the material is put into baguettes, they are usually made from painting spatulas, or ordered to order.

A paint pad that leaves a line on the wall for precise marking.

A folding ladder or ladder of suitable height, the standard ceiling in the apartment is 2.7 m.

Expendable materials

Consumables are an integral part of any installation work, including stretch ceilings. These include:

  1. Various drills for perforator.
  2. Drills for a baguette and a bar.
  3. Gas is propane.
  4. Self-tapping screws of different sizes and diameters.
  5. Sealant and tape.

Outcome :

When choosing any construction tools, try to place great emphasis on their quality. This directly affects their service life and quality of work. After all, with a professional and good tool, any work will be much easier.

If ten years ago stretch ceilings in an apartment were considered a sign of high prosperity, now they have become a ubiquitous phenomenon. This was facilitated by the appearance on the market of a large number of companies offering services for the installation of stretch ceilings and a decrease in the cost of the panels themselves due to the expansion of their offer.

Now the installation of a stretch ceiling, even during cosmetic repairs, is considered an ordinary operation. They are widely used both in new apartments and in old houses, where the owners are tired of dealing with inter-plate seams, irregularities and crumbling ceiling surfaces.

Professional installers, equipped with the necessary tools, stretch the ceilings within a few hours. But that doesn't mean it can't be done on your own.

For this, several conditions must be met:

  • It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology in detail and act clearly according to it.
  • It is necessary to stock up on all consumables so that during installation the necessary things are always at hand.
  • You need to buy or rent tools, without which it is impossible to mount the ceiling with high quality.

Only when these three conditions are met can a high quality ceiling structure be achieved.

What tools might be needed

There is a minimum set of tools and fixtures, without which the ceiling cannot be installed. But it is better to focus on a broader list.

So, for the installation of a stretch ceiling, you may need:

  • ladder (or two);
  • electric extension cord - for easy connection of power tools;
  • perforator or impact drill;
  • rangefinder (laser tape measure), so as not to run around the room from corner to corner;
  • screwdriver (better - cordless, then you will not be tied to a power outlet);
  • pliers;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • water or laser level;
  • Miter saw;

  • mounting blades for working with the canvas;
  • thermal gas gun and cylinder to it;
  • gas leak detector;
  • metal detector;
  • chopping cord;
  • masking tape;
  • files;
  • drills for metal (diameter 3 - 6 mm);
  • self-adhesive foil;
  • clothespins - clips for fixing the canvas;
  • insulating tape;
  • files;

  • diamond file;
  • manual hole punch;
  • miter box.

The list seems long, but there are many more positions in the recruitment of a professional.

More about the purpose of the main tools

The purpose of such everyday tools as screwdrivers, a hacksaw, a hammer, etc. is clear and without explanation.

Therefore, it is worth considering only the appointment of highly specialized devices:

  • Heat gun - without it, it is impossible to install PVC sheets. Its cost is quite high, so such a device is extremely rare on the farm. In this regard, it is better to rent the device and borrow it for a while. Typically, when installing ceilings, gas guns with a power of 10 kW or more are used, which are powered by a cylinder of liquefied gas. Sometimes electric guns are used, but the household electrical network is unsuitable for their operation - the load is too large.
  • Perforator - used to prepare holes for dowels in brick or concrete walls. An impact drill is also suitable for brick walls, and only a hammer drill is suitable for concrete walls.
  • Screwdriver - is necessary for screwing in self-tapping screws, which are used in large quantities. Doing this work manually will take a lot of time and require a lot of effort.
  • Stepladder - convenient for working at height. The platform available on it allows you to keep the necessary tools at hand.
  • Clamps - used to temporarily fix the ceiling panel. They are especially needed when working alone.

  • Blades (spatulas) for filling the canvas in baguettes. This is a specialized tool made of stainless steel. The blades can have a different configuration, length and angle of inclination to the handle. These spatulas are highly durable and do not bend. Ordinary putty spatulas will not work here. If you have a choice, it is better to purchase spatulas with wooden handles (rather than plastic ones), they feel better in your hand.
  • Chopping cord - necessary for marking the baguette fastening line. It is a box with paint that will need to be applied to the thread. The thread is unwound and fixed at the desired level. Then it is pulled and sharply released, after which a clear, even line remains on the wall.

  • Metal Detector - used to find electrical wiring, metal profiles and air ducts that may be in the walls and that can be damaged when preparing holes for dowels.
  • Gas leak detector - necessary to control the level of gas contamination of the room during the operation of the heat gun. Safety is very important when using gas equipment, since it is not uncommon for gas to leak from a cylinder through a faulty hose.
  • A miter box will be needed for trimming baguette profiles at an angle of 45 degrees when they are joined in the corners of the room.
  • Manual hole punch - used for punching holes in aluminum baguettes. Holes in them can also be made with a drill, but they will look sloppy and have burrs. The hole punch will allow you to get exactly the same and even holes.

To install a stretch ceiling, you will need various consumables that you can purchase from the same specialized company as the ceiling panel itself.

The equipment used for is an integral part of good work and a quality guaranteed result.

Our masters use the safest gas equipment, which under no circumstances will lead to an explosive situation. This is a very important point, because. in 90% of cases we install stretch ceilings in the residential sector. Our gas cylinders, hoses and burners do not explode because are the safest in the world, we use only the most modern equipment.

The second important condition for the installation of our stretch ceilings is 100% dustlessness. The use of industrial vacuum cleaners, and, most importantly, professional perforators with dust collectors, makes it possible not to stain new, freshly glued wallpapers and even fabric wallpapers. It's no secret that according to the rules of repair, the walls are made first, then the ceiling, and at the end the floors. With our company, you can build your renovation in this way.

Our masters use special devices to detect hidden wiring in the walls. Thanks to this possibility, we will maintain the integrity of low-voltage, electrical wiring, as well as the safety of your home in the future. With high-quality installation of stretch ceilings, drilling a wall for guides is required after a certain distance and doing it "blindly" is simply not professional.

To attach the baguette (guides) for the canvas itself to the wall, our specialists use professional screwdrivers with automatic self-tapping feed and twisting force. Each screw must be tightened equally securely.

Recently, the creation of stretch ceilings has become a very popular way to save time and effort for permanent painting and whitewashing. Today, many firms and companies offer their services specifically for the installation and design of such ceilings. They are innovative and practical, but they are not cheap.
If you yourself are competent in installing ceilings, then we recommend that you simply buy a tool for stretch ceilings and do it yourself. This will save you money, but not time and effort.

What is needed to install stretch ceilings? What tools and things will come in handy?

Tools for stretch ceilings without which you can not do, that is, you will not start working without:

  • laser roulette (range finder);
  • thermal gas generator (or thermal gas gun);
  • gas cylinder (10-28l);
  • perforator (0.5 kW);
  • impact drill;
  • cordless screwdriver;
  • miter saw;
  • mounting blades (preferably a set of short, long and angled spatula);
  • clothespins-clips;
  • ladders (sometimes even two);
  • wrench;
  • autonomous gas leak detector;
  • extension cord;
  • tee;
  • hammer;
  • a set of screwdrivers (required a screwdriver with an indicator);
  • pliers;
  • wire cutter;
  • scissors for metal;
  • laser level (you can water);
  • chopping cord;
  • ballerinas (to cut rings of round holes in plastic elements);
  • angular reducer for nozzles-bits;
  • masking tape;
  • self-adhesive foil;
  • electrical tape;
  • glue;
  • files (round large and rectangular small)
  • diamond file;
  • drills for metal (3-6 cm diameter).
  • feathers on glass and ceramics;
  • drill for concrete;
  • self-tapping screws for wood and metal;
  • flea screws;
  • polypropylene dowels.

This is a very long list, but it includes all the elements that will be needed to get the job done. Professionals know the features and how to use each of them. But if you are not familiar with it so thoroughly, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic tools for stretch ceilings in more detail.

With the help of a laser tape measure, we can accurately measure all the dimensions of interest to us, and all the data will be stored in the memory of the tape measure. It is very convenient and original.
We can use a laser level to mark the ceiling, to be more precise, its levels. If the design is multi-level, then in addition we will use a telescopic rod.

Using a manual hole puncher, we can punch the required holes in aluminum baguettes or bumpers. Of course, you can follow the standard methods and use a drill to drill holes, but their quality and appearance are not ideal. Such holes do not look very neat and have burrs, but with a hole punch we will make perfectly even and identical holes.
We use a metal detector for preparatory work to determine the material and type of surface with which we will work further. On this surface we will fix the profile, so it is important to check if there are metal profiles in the walls, and if there is a hidden electrical wiring or air vent.
Three tools - a puncher, a drill and a screwdriver - are the necessary helpers and friends for a beginner to work with stretch ceilings. A perforator is used to secure the profile. And in the process, use a drill and a screwdriver. Professionals recommend using tools with a battery, as they do not require any additional conditions, charged - and you're done.

To heat PVC sheets, experts recommend using heat guns. Compared to an electric gun, a thermal gun is less safe to use, but it can work even without a power source.

These, as we have already said, are the main tools for stretch ceilings. In addition to them, additional devices may be needed to install lighting fixtures, hoods, etc. You can decorate stretch ceilings with a decorative edging in the form of a patterned tape, a masking tape or a decorative cord.

When installing or planning it, experts advise to take into account and carry out accurate calculations of lowering the ceiling. It all depends on the built-in structures, if they are not, then the minimum height of the descent is 3 cm.

It is better to buy canvases and tools for tension threads with the help of an expert. But if you go by yourself, then clearly listen to the advice of the seller. You can buy everything you need both in specialized stores and in hypermarkets that are equipped with special departments.

It is impossible to single out a specific company, since many have worthy products that are ideal for work. The price also cannot be judged at a glance, there is a cumulative system for some types of goods. The more you buy, the cheaper the item.

As for specific, individual products, here you can look for what is cheaper if you want to save money.
For example, for the installation of tension threads, we will use a heat gun and special blades to fill the canvas.
Blades are relatively inexpensive, they are available to everyone, but a gun is an expensive pleasure (approximately $ 180-200). You can look for a used option, or buy a tool with your friend who will soon be doing stretch ceilings in his house. This is a kind of economical option.

A similar situation is with stretch ceilings, which are installed to a width greater than 5 cm. To sew up all visible seams, it will be necessary to use special welding. And such welding will not work without a special HDTV machine.
That is, if you buy all the necessary tools yourself, then repairs can cost several times more.
Construction Internet portals offer many video tutorials on the installation of stretch ceilings (see here