How to save and paste on the keyboard. Hotkeys

Nowadays, almost everyone can work on a computer, but not all users know how to copy text using the keyboard. But this skill can help save time by not making unnecessary movements with the mouse, but replacing them with several presses of “hot keys”. This name refers to combinations that make it much easier to use certain functions.

Basically, this method helps people who actively work with texts - editors, secretaries, journalists. Just a few key combinations will make your work easier in the future. And it takes no more than a few minutes to remember them.

Text selection

To highlight the information that needs to be copied, use the Shift key - placing the cursor at the beginning of the text, click it and use the mouse to indicate required quantity characters or strings.

The method works in Word, Notepad, and any other text editor, helping to mark a part of a document of any size - even one that does not fit into one window.

The result is selected text, usually marked in black (if the area has a different color, then in inverse color).

Getting individual selected parts

If information that does not require copying should remain between sections of text, the user will find it useful to use the Control key (abbreviated as Ctrl on the keyboard).

Her normal use- entering special characters, and additionally - using combinations to quickly execute commands that usually require several actions. If you use “Ctrl” together with the mouse, you can more conveniently copy any area of ​​text:

  • Select the desired part of the page;
  • While holding down the Ctrl key, move the cursor to the new object;
  • Mark another selected text and move on to the next one;
  • After selecting all the required data, release Ctrl.

If you select pieces of information without holding down a key, the previous selection will be cleared, since the editor determines that pressing the mouse button will cancel all previously selected objects. Moreover, the method is suitable not only for text editors, but also for tables such as Excel, the cells and columns of which can also be selected in parts - although in this case serious problems may arise with inserting information, the field for placing which must clearly correspond to the initial one.

Changing the scale

If the text is located on several sheets that are not visible in one window, it is convenient to use the zoom out option when selecting it. In this case, the Ctrl key is pressed and the mouse wheel is scrolled in the “toward” direction. In this way, you can see the entire sheet or even several pages on the screen at the same time.

When highlighting too small text and trying to mark objects as accurately as possible, use the same key and mouse wheel. However, they are already turning in the other direction - “away from themselves”. The same method is used for normal reading of small print.

Copying data

In order to place the selected text on the clipboard, press Ctrl + C. This combination copies the data into memory, which, depending on the type and version of the editor, can contain from 1 to 24 objects that are inserted into the document as needed.

Moving Information

You can use the Ctrl key not only to select data, but also to quickly move it. There is no need to copy text if, having selected it, you can simply move it to a new place - and the information on the old one will disappear. This method is convenient for changing words when editing (for example, full name, which is written in a different order for this document).

However, if it is necessary not to remove the copied information, but to leave it in the same place, press Ctrl before moving. And now the text is copied - but much faster than using standard methods. Although it is convenient to copy data this way only if the places of their initial and final placement are on the same page.

Inserting text

After the information is highlighted, you should paste the copied text into the desired location. To do this, first position the cursor, and only then press the combination Ctrl + V. As a result, the text is inserted, sometimes transferring its formatting to the new section. In such a situation, the data is reformatted, setting the style, font and alignment.

Features of using “hot keys”

When using hotkeys, you should know some nuances:

  • All combinations are pressed exactly in the order indicated. That is, first, for example, Ctrl is selected, and only then V. By pressing the keys simultaneously, you may not get the desired result;
  • The symbols in the combinations are indicated in Latin for ease of use. However, they will work regardless of your keyboard layout.


By learning and remembering the keys used to copy, move and paste copied text in a document, you can save at least 5-10% of your typing time. By simple steps the amount of work performed over a certain period increases and the level of fatigue obtained during the work or creative process decreases.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! I won’t be mistaken if I say that many ordinary users, when sitting at a computer, never use Hotkeys. Most people control their computer by manipulating the mouse. Even many of my friends, to whom I showed some key combinations for speed and convenience of working at the computer, did not immediately understand the point of using them.

The force of habit does not allow many to give up what they are used to. This is how man is made. But, having tried several times to perform this or that operation on the computer using keyboard shortcuts, after a while many begin to use them automatically. I hope that the recommendations listed below for using the keys on the keyboard will be useful to someone and will make it easier to stay at the computer.

Keyboard shortcut.

Hotkeys allow users to optimize their work on the computer and not interrupt the creative process with any nonsense. Using standard keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly perform necessary commands(undo action, copy and paste text, take a screenshot, switch the language and even turn off the computer) without being distracted or even looking at the keyboard. By the way, Windows hotkeys operate in almost all applications of this operating system. It doesn't matter whether you're running Windows 7 or Windows XP. Let me give you a simple example of how the undo hotkeys “Ctrl” + “Z” work. To undo the last action, press the left “Ctrl” key and, while holding it, press the English “Z” key. If you want to undo multiple actions, press the "Z" key several times. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what language you have enabled. More often keyboard shortcuts work the same in Russian and English layouts.

Keyboard keys for searching.

It is very convenient to use the search keys “Ctrl” + “F”. They allow you to quickly find a phrase in a document, and work with text is greatly simplified. By the way, search keys can also be used on website pages. When you press "Ctrl" + "F", at the top right in Google Chrome(top left in Opera, bottom in Mazilla) a small window will appear where you can enter the word or phrase you want to find on the page. If such a word is on the page, it will be highlighted in yellow or yellow in your browser. orange. In the same line there will be the number of words found on the page, as well as arrows that allow you to quickly go to next option. Just don't get confused hotkeys search with site search. They only work on the page that is open in your browser.

How to select text using the keyboard.

Hotkey combinations are also used to highlight text. For example, if the text document is very large and you need to select it completely, use mouse cursor not very convenient. It's much easier to press "Ctrl" + "A" and all the text will be selected. To select a piece of text from the cursor to the left or right, press the Shift key and, while holding it, press the ← and → arrows. Each time you press the arrow, the next letter will be highlighted. True, it takes a long time to highlight text this way, but it can be useful. And to select text from the cursor to the beginning or to the end of the line, you can use the combinations “Shift” + “Home” and “Shift” + “End”. In the same way, you can select text from the cursor in entire lines, up or down. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the desired place, press the “Shift” key and, while holding it, use the arrows “” and “↓”. By the way, pressing the opposite arrow removes the selection. To remove a selection, you can click anywhere in the open document. In some applications, you can deselect using the “Ctrl” + “D” keys, but they do not work everywhere. For example, the virtual keyboard does not respond to this particular combination.

How to copy text using the keyboard.

Many are also interested in what keys to use to copy in different applications. To do this, use the combination “Ctrl” + “C”. The keys work the same way in text documents, in graphic editors and in other programs. It is enough to select the desired fragment with the cursor and copy it using the keys. Moreover, these same keyboard keys are used to copy some files. But there is one caveat. If you want to copy text published on a website, you may not be able to. This is the text copy protection that was installed by the resource owner. About, how to copy uncopiable text from such sites, described in more detail in another material.

How to insert text using the keyboard.

To paste text from the clipboard, you can press the hotkeys “Ctrl” + “V”. They also work in different applications. you can use hotkeys paste in text documents or when copying a file. It is especially convenient to use them to insert a large number of identical objects (for example, characters that you want to use many times in a document).

How to switch the keyboard to English.

We switch the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa a hundred times a day, without even noticing it. Most often we use for this language switch RU/EN, which is located at the bottom of the screen, on the right, on the taskbar. But it is much more convenient to do this using the keyboard shortcut “Alt” + “Shift”. Over time, you begin to use these keys automatically. You just keep typing on the keyboard and don't think about how to switch to English and back.

How to restart your computer using the keyboard.

There is one more key combination you need to know. If the computer freezes and does not respond to your actions, press the “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Del” keys simultaneously. A Task Manager window will open, listing all the applications you have running. When you see the “Not working” status opposite any of them, click on the “Cancel task” button.

If the mouse does not work, use the Tab key to select. When the End Task button is highlighted, press Enter. You also need to know what keys You can log out if your mouse is broken. So, to reboot quickly or at all turn off computer, press the Windows key. It is located at the bottom, on both sides of the keyboard, and displays the logo of this operating system. When the main menu window appears, press the "↓" key until the "Shutdown" button is highlighted. Press “Enter”, the standard “Turn off computer” window will appear. Using the “←” and “→” keys, select the “Shutdown” or “Reboot” command and press “Enter”. To cancel this action and return to the system, press "Esc".

Of course, there are other options for keyboard shortcuts to perform various operations on your computer. But in this post I shared the most common ones, which I use all the time myself and recommend to you, my readers. I wish everyone good luck!!

Operations such as copy and paste are performed very often on a computer. These are the most common operations that are used on a computer. Anything can be copied. An article, a sentence from an article, login data, etc.

Thus, with the help of quick copying to the clipboard, we save a lot of time when working at the computer, because we do not have to manually type the copied material, but only need to press a certain key combination.

But not every computer user, most often they are beginners, do not know that you can copy and paste text using the keyboard without a mouse, and this saves even more time than copying and pasting with the mouse.

In this article we will tell you which buttons on the keyboard are responsible for copying and pasting text or a file into the desired location

Keyboard shortcuts copy paste

In order to copy and paste using keyboard shortcuts, you first need to select the text, file or other object that we want to copy.

If the object to be copied is selected, all that remains is to copy it using the keyboard keys; to do this, hold down the key combination CTRL + C. First, hold down the key CTRL C. And immediately release these two keys.

Thus, the selected text, file, etc. will be copied to the operating clipboard. This data will be stored on the clipboard until you copy or copy something else, thereby overwriting the clipboard with new data.

Ok, we have already copied the data and it is on the clipboard.

Insert a keyboard shortcut

To paste, you need to hold down the keyboard shortcut CTRL + V. This is done in the same way as when copying, only the letter is pressed not C, but V. Press the key CTRL and without releasing it press the key V, after that you can release the keys.

This is how easy it is to copy and paste any information using a keyboard shortcut in any Windows operating system.

Most novice computer users, when working with text, use the standard technique of copying and pasting using the mouse, i.e. When the left button is held down, the cursor selects the desired fragment or the entire text; by right-clicking, a context menu is called up, where the item “ Copy».

More advanced users use only for this purpose, which is much more convenient and faster. In this material you will learn how to copy text using the keyboard using the combination.

Now the selected fragment is in, from where it can be pasted into the desired place in Notepad or any other word processing program. Using this method, you can also copy text from sites for subsequent pasting into a text editor or notepad for saving.

It is important to remember that the clipboard only stores the current copy. The next copy will erase the previous fragment in the buffer. There are programs that extend the functionality of the clipboard, allowing you to store multiple copies in its memory, as well as view the contents of the clipboard to select the desired test for pasting.

To paste text on the clipboard, place the mouse cursor in the desired location, hold down the key Ctrl and press the key V (Ctrl+ V). The text will be instantly inserted at the specified location. An analogue of this combination is hot keys Shift+Ins (Insert).

  • Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Ins copying ;
  • Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins insert .

Several useful keyboard shortcuts when working with text

  • Ctrl-A – allows you to select all content;
  • Ctrl-X – cutting out a selected piece of text, i.e. copying it to the clipboard, deleting it from where it was. Useful for quickly moving a piece of text to another location in conjunction with the insert keys;
  • Ctrl-Z – canceling the previous operation. Allows you to correct a mistake by going back a step. By pressing this combination twice, you can go back two steps, etc. For example, if you accidentally deleted part of your typed text, you can correct the error using these hotkeys.

Now you know how to copy text using the keyboard and you can teach it to your friends and family. Good luck!

Instead, they use the right mouse button and the "copy" command in the context menu. This method of copying text works great. But, unfortunately, it takes too much time. In this article you will learn how to copy text using the keyboard and save a lot of time on it.

How to copy text using the keyboard - the classic way

Copying text using the keyboard is done using CTRL-C. You need to select the text, hold down CTRL key and then press the C key. Usually they use the left CTRL key, but this is not important, you can use both the left and right CTRL key.

After you have copied the text, you need to paste it somewhere else. This can also be done using the keyboard. In order to paste text using the keyboard, you need to press the key combination CTRL-V. As in the previous case, you can use either right or left CTRL.

Other ways to copy text using the keyboard

It should be noted that there are alternative ways copy text using the keyboard:

  • The Ctrl-Insert key combination is similar to CTRL-C and can be used to copy text.
  • The Shift-Insert key combination is similar to CTRL-V and can be used to paste copied text.
  • And the Shift-Delete key combination is analogous to the Ctrl-X cut command.

In addition to the CTRL-C and CTRL-V key combinations, there are other very useful combinations:

  • Ctrl-A – Select all text. Typically used in conjunction with copying. Using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-A and CTRL-C, you can quickly copy all the text.
  • Ctrl-X – Cut text. Copying text and deleting it from where it was before. Using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-X and CTRL-V, you can quickly move text to another location.
  • Ctrl-Z – Mark or take one step back. This combination allows you to quickly correct a mistake. For example, you deleted part of the desired text. In such a situation, the Ctrl-Z key combination will help you out, which will immediately return everything to its place.
  • CTRL-P – Print the document. Using this key combination, you can quickly send printed text to the printer.