Gaivoronsky Nichiporuk anatomy of the muscular system. Download for free Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I. Coursework - Anatomical characteristics of the digestive system

St. Petersburg: Elbi, 2006. – 64 s.
ISBN: 5-93979-098-4
The textbook meets the basic requirements of the human anatomy curriculum. It briefly outlines the basic structure of the organs of the digestive system, the features of their blood supply, innervation and lymph outflow. When describing the structure of organs, along with Russian names, corresponding Latin and Greek terms are given. In connection with the introduction of the new International Anatomical Nomenclature (2003), the necessary changes and additions have been made to the manual. This manual will be useful not only for preparing for the final lesson on the anatomy of the digestive system, but also for reviewing the material covered for the exam. The manual is intended for cadets and students of medical training faculties, students of advanced training faculties, and it can also be used by clinicians of various specialties.

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see also

Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I. Anatomy of the respiratory system and heart

  • djvu format
  • size 5.86 MB
  • added August 28, 2011

Publisher: ELBI-SPb Year: 2010 Pages: 48 The manual was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the human anatomy curriculum for higher educational medical institutions. The publication contains basic information on the anatomy of the respiratory system and heart, briefly outlines the basic structure of these organs, the features of their blood supply, innervation and lymph drainage. Along with Russian names, the corresponding Latin and Greek terms are given...

Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I. Anatomy of the muscular system

  • pdf format
  • size 9.95 MB
  • added December 18, 2011

ELBI-SPb (2005) 84 pages. The manual was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the human anatomy curriculum for higher educational medical institutions. It contains information on general and specific myology. The material is presented briefly, concisely, according to the answer scheme adopted at the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Military Medical Academy. The publication contains an original classification of muscles, which provides important principles for clinical anatomy - top...

  • djvu format
  • size 8.17 MB
  • added February 05, 2012

St. Petersburg: Elbi, 2006. – 64 s. ISBN: 5-93979-098-4 Due to the fact that the material on the anatomy of the digestive system is studied in the sections “Splanchnology” and “Angioneurology”, integration and systematization of the acquired knowledge is required. For this purpose, this training manual has been prepared. It meets the core requirements of the human anatomy curriculum. It briefly outlines the basic structure of the organs of the digestive system, the features of their blood supply...

Coursework - Anatomical characteristics of the digestive system

Course work
  • docx format
  • size 267.31 KB
  • added April 23, 2011
November 15, 2010

The manual describes in detail and in accessible language the entire human anatomy. GNI. The meaning of the nervous system. General plan of its structure. . Methods for studying the nervous system and vnd. Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. Methods for studying the cardiorespiratory system.

Anatomy of the skull


A distinctive feature of this manual is the presence of tables in which all the material presented is synthesized. Many years of teaching experience show that material presented in the form of tables is easier to assimilate and is retained in the memory of students in the form of flow charts necessary for subsequent clinical training. The third edition of the manual has been prepared in accordance with the basic requirements of the human anatomy curriculum. The latter aspect makes it necessary to work with a textbook and atlases, and the main purpose of this publication is to systematize the information obtained. It provides data on the structure of individual bones of the skull and its integral formations: the orbit, nasal cavity, cranial fossae, etc.; features of bone development, the differences in the skull of a newborn are highlighted, characteristics of age-related changes are given, the basics of x-ray anatomy are outlined, data on the contents of integral formations (vessels, nerves, muscles, etc.) are systematized. When describing the main formations of the skull, along with the Russian names of bone structures, the corresponding Latin terms are given. The illustrations included in this publication make it easier to perceive the material and contribute to its deeper understanding and assimilation. Characteristics of the contents of the cranial cavities and their communications will be useful not only in preparing for the final lesson in craniology, but also for the exam in anatomy. The manual has been prepared for cadets and students of medical training faculties, students of advanced training faculties, and it can also be used by clinicians of various specialties, in particular, maxillofacial surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists, ophthalmologists and otorhinolaryngologists.

Anatomy of the Digestive System


It meets the core requirements of the human anatomy curriculum. The manual is intended for cadets and students of medical training faculties, students of advanced training faculties, and it can also be used by clinicians of various specialties. It briefly outlines the basic structure of the organs of the digestive system, the features of their blood supply, innervation and lymph outflow. For this purpose, this training manual has been prepared. When describing the structure of organs, along with Russian names, corresponding Latin and Greek terms are given. This manual will be useful not only for preparing for the final lesson on the anatomy of the digestive system, but also for reviewing the material covered for the exam. The introduction discusses the principles of study and the basic principles of the structure of hollow and parenchymal organs. Due to the fact that the material on the anatomy of the digestive system is studied in the sections “Splanchnology” and “Angioneurology”, integration and systematization of the acquired knowledge is required.

Anatomy of the respiratory system and heart


Along with the Russian names, the corresponding Latin and Greek terms are given. This manual can be used as a “flow chart” when studying relevant topics, when preparing for tests in the sections “Splanchnology” and “Angioneurology”, as well as when repeating the material covered during the examination session. The publication contains basic information on the anatomy of the respiratory system and heart, briefly outlines the basic structure of these organs, the features of their blood supply, innervation and lymph drainage. The manual is designed for students of medical training faculties, students of advanced training faculties, and can also be used by doctors of various specialties. The manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the human anatomy curriculum for higher educational medical institutions.

Anatomy of bone joints


This makes it easier to master the material and will allow you to generalize the knowledge gained in practical classes. The manual is supplemented with elements of kinesiology of the largest and functionally significant joints. To improve the perception of the material, the manual is illustrated with classic and original drawings. I am confident that the presented material on bone joints will be useful to specialists in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, manual therapy, therapeutic physical education, therapeutic and sports massage. The material is presented briefly and concisely; data on the largest joints are given according to the answer scheme traditional for the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Military Medical Academy. The manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the human anatomy curriculum for medical universities. Data on the innervation and blood supply to bone joints will be useful not only in preparing for practical classes in the 2nd year and for the anatomy exam, but also for classes in traumatology and orthopedics in the 4th-5th years. It contains information on general and specific arthrosyndesmology. The manual is designed for cadets and students of medical training faculties, students of advanced training faculties and can be used by clinicians of various specialties.

Anatomy of the muscular system


It contains information on general and specific myology. This manual presents characteristics of the main anatomical and topographic formations and their contents. The manual is designed for cadets and students of medical training faculties, students of advanced training faculties and can be used by clinicians of various specialties. The publication provides an original classification of muscles, which provides important principles for clinical anatomy - topographical and the principle of muscle development. As is known, the origin and further formation of muscles is associated with their innervation; therefore, this classification principle is especially important for the subsequent study of neurology. The manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the human anatomy curriculum for higher educational medical institutions. The material is presented briefly, concisely, according to the answer scheme adopted at the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Military Medical Academy. These data will subsequently be in demand in the process of studying clinical disciplines, and will also allow one to generalize the knowledge gained during training in the first and second years and will contribute to the formation of a holistic understanding of the structure of the organs of the musculoskeletal system. I am confident that the presented material will be useful to specialists in manual therapy and massage.

Name: Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography.

The year of publishing: 2005
Size: 9.95 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

The textbook “Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography”, as always at a high level, examines, with the inherent accessibility of the description of the material, the main issues of myology, which reflects detailed anatomical information on the structure and topography of the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and the diaphragm is separately characterized. The classification of muscles is given in accordance with topography and development. The book "Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography" will certainly be an excellent tool for studying the anatomical structure of the muscular system by medical students.

Name: Human anatomy. Atlas for pediatricians.
Nikityuk D.B., Klochkova S.V.
The year of publishing: 2019
Size: 43.3 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Human Anatomy. Atlas for Pediatricians" is a unique publication aimed specifically at pediatric students. The atlas examines human ontogenesis in detail, in the book... Download the book for free

Name: Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system
Pivchenko P.G., Trushel N.A.
The year of publishing: 2014
Size: 55.34 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system", edited by P. G. Pivchenko, et al., examines general osteology: the function and structure of bones, their development, classification, as well as age-related characteristics... Download the book for free

Name: Large Atlas of Human Anatomy
Vincent Perez
The year of publishing: 2015
Size: 25.64 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description:"The Great Atlas of Human Anatomy" by Vicente Perez presents compact illustrations of all sections on normal human anatomy. The atlas contains drawings, diagrams, photograms illuminating bone-we... Download the book for free

Name: Osteology. 5th edition.
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 31.85 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Presented to your attention is a textbook on anatomy "Osteology", where the issues of osteology - the initial section of human anatomy, the study of ... Download the book for free

Name: Human anatomy.
Kravchuk S.Yu.
The year of publishing: 2007
Size: 143.36 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Ukrainian
Description: Presented book "Anatomy of a Human" by Kravchuk S.Yu. kindly provided to us directly by its author to popularize and facilitate the study of basic for all medical science and one of the most ... Download the book for free

Name: Functional anatomy of the sense organs

The year of publishing: 2011
Size: 87.69 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The presented book “Functional anatomy of the sense organs”, edited by I.V. Gaivoronsky, et al., examines the anatomy of the organ of vision, balance and hearing. The features of their innervation and... Download the book for free

Name: Functional anatomy of the endocrine system
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nechiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 70.88 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook “Functional anatomy of the endocrine system”, edited by I.V. Gaivoronsky, et al., examines the normal anatomy of the endocrine glands, their innervation and blood supply. Description... Download the book for free

Name: Illustrated Atlas of Human Anatomy
McMillan B.
The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 148.57 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Practical Guide "Illustrated Atlas of Human Anatomy" edited by B. MacMillan, is a beautifully illustrated atlas of normal human anatomy. The atlas examines the structure...

Modern information about the structure and functions of all systems of the human body is presented. The presented material is a fundamental basis for the subsequent study of clinical disciplines. The textbook pays special attention to the most important issues of the morphology of organs and organ systems for the professional activities of paramedical personnel, and contains the necessary reference material. The textbook can be used in the study of the general professional discipline OP.O3 “Human Anatomy and Physiology” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education for all specialties of the enlarged group 060000 “Healthcare”. For students of secondary medical vocational education institutions.

History of anatomy.
The history of anatomy goes back to ancient times. People of primitive society already had some idea of ​​the purpose of the parts of the human body and its structure. Apparently, the origin of human cognitive activity is associated with the dismemberment of killed animals and the comparison of the information obtained about the shape and structure of organs in animals and a wounded person. This is confirmed by cave and rock paintings found in Spain and China (1400-2600 BC). Against the background of the contours of the depicted animals, the location and shape of some internal organs (heart, respiratory organs, stomach, kidneys, etc.) are correctly shown.

In the 4th - 2nd millennium BC. the center of science and culture is formed in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Babylon and Ancient Palestine. At this time, a peculiar caste of doctors emerged - priests, who began to widely use water, oils, herbal infusions, etc. to treat diseases. The word "doctor" literally meant "knower of water" or "knower of oil." Healing involved studying the basic structure of the human body. In Ancient Egypt, embalming of corpses became widespread: small incisions were made in the body, internal organs and brain were removed, and the body of the deceased was soaked in saline solutions and resinous compounds.

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Brief historical sketch 5
1.1. History of Anatomy 5
1.2. History of Physiology 12
Chapter 2. Object and methods of research 16
2.1. Object and methods of anatomical research 16
2.2. Planes, axes and main landmarks in anatomy 17
2.3. Object and methods of research in physiology 19
Chapter 3. The human body as a whole. Basics of cytology and histology 21
3.1. Structural and functional organization of the human body 21
3.2. Cell 21
3.3. Fabrics 25
3.4. Organs 36
3.5. Organ systems 36
3.6. The human body as a whole 37
Chapter 4. Skeletal system 40
4.1. General provisions 40
4.2. Torso skeleton 48
4.3. Head skeleton 54
4.4. Upper limb skeleton 79
4.5. Skeleton of the lower limb 85
Chapter 5. Bone connections 94
5.1. General arthrosyndesmology 94
5.2. Connections of the trunk bones 100
5.3. Connections of skull bones 105
5.4. Connections of bones of the upper limb 107
5.5. Connections of the bones of the lower limb 113
Chapter 6. Muscular system 122
6.1. General myology 122
6.2. Muscles, fascia and topography of the back 131
6.3. Muscles, fascia and chest topography 135
6.4. Muscles, fascia and topography of the abdomen 139
6.5. Aperture 144
6.6. Muscles, fascia and topography of the neck 145
6.7. Muscles, fascia and topography of the head 152
6.8. Muscles of the upper limb 156
6.9. Muscles, fascia and topography of the lower limb 166
Chapter 7. Anatomy and physiology of the digestive system 180
7.1. Basic concepts 180
7.2. General plan of the structure of the organs of the digestive system 182
7.3. Oral cavity 185
7.4. Throat 194
7.5. Esophagus 196
7.6. Stomach 199
7.7. Small intestine 204
7.8. Liver 207
7.9. Pancreas 211
7.10. Large intestine 213
7.11. Morphofunctional features of the peritoneum 216
7.12. Physiological aspects of hunger and thirst. Appetite 220
7.13. The role of microflora of the digestive tract. Dysbacteriosis 221
Chapter 8. Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system 225
8.1. General provisions 225
8.2. Upper respiratory tract 226
8.3. Lower respiratory tract 229
8.4. Lungs 234
8.5. Mediastinum 240
8.6. Physiology of Respiration 241
Chapter 9. Anatomy and physiology of the excretory system 249
9.1. Basic concepts 249
9.2. Kidneys 252
9.3. Urine formation 256
9.4. Urinary tract 260
9.5. Excretory functions of other organs 264
Chapter 10. Metabolism and energy 267
10.1. Basic concepts 267
10.2. Types of metabolism 268
10.3. Vitamins 274
10.4. Decay and oxidation of organic substances in cells 277
10.5. Energy exchange 280
10.6. Regulation of metabolism 283
Chapter 11. Anatomy of the reproductive system. Reproductive function and human development 285
11.1. Male reproductive system 285
11.2. Female reproductive system 292
11.3. Crotch 301
11.4. Human Development 303
Chapter 12. Cardiovascular system 311
12.1. General provisions 311
12.2. Heart 313
12.3. Arterial system 323
12.4. Venous system 334
12.5. Hemomicrocirculatory bed 341
12.6. Vessels of the pulmonary circulation 342
12.7. Movement of blood through vessels 342
12.8. Bleeding 344
12.9. Features of blood circulation in the fetus 345
12.10. Lymphatic system 347
Chapter 13. Internal environments of the body. Blood 353
13.1. Basic concepts 353
13.2. Functions and composition of blood 354
13.3. Blood groups 362
13.4. Blood transfusion. Donation 364
13.5. Immunity 365
Chapter 14. Central nervous system 371
14.1. General questions of anatomy of the nervous system 371
14.2. Spinal cord 379
14.3. Brain 384
14.4. Meninges of the brain and spinal cord 398
14.5. Conducting pathways of the central nervous system 399
Chapter 15. Functional anatomy of the peripheral nervous system 406
15.1. Concepts about the peripheral nervous system 406
15.2. Cranial nerves 409
15.3. Spinal nerves 415
15.4. Autonomic nervous system 423
Chapter 16. Higher nervous activity 431
16.1. Fundamentals 431
16.2. The concept of the first and second signal systems 435
16.3. Electroencephalography 436
16.4. Types of higher nervous activity 437
16.5. Spheres of higher nervous activity 439
16.6. Dream 443
16.7. Physiology of labor 445
Chapter 17. Sense organs. Analyzers 448
17.1. General concepts 448
17.2. Organ of vision 449
17.3. Organ of hearing and balance 456
17.4. Olfactory organ 461
17.5. Taste organ 462
17.6. Somatosensory organs. Leather 463
Chapter 18. Endocrine system 467
18.1. Concept of the endocrine system. General characteristics of hormones 467
18.2. Thyroid gland 469
18.3. Parathyroid glands 470
18.4. Thymus 470
18.5. Pancreas 471
18.6. Adrenal glands 472
18.7. Gonads 473
18.8. Pineal gland 474
18.9. Hypothalamus and pituitary gland 474
Applications 478
References 492.

Name: Anatomy of the respiratory system and heart.

The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 15.15 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

The presented publication covers issues of the anatomy of the respiratory system and heart. Issues of blood supply, innervation of the organs in question and lymphatic drainage are covered. Russian terms are duplicated into Latin and Greek.

Name: Human anatomy. Atlas for pediatricians.
Nikityuk D.B., Klochkova S.V.
The year of publishing: 2019
Size: 43.3 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Human Anatomy. Atlas for Pediatricians" is a unique publication aimed specifically at pediatric students. The atlas examines human ontogenesis in detail, in the book... Download the book for free

Name: Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system
Pivchenko P.G., Trushel N.A.
The year of publishing: 2014
Size: 55.34 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system", edited by P. G. Pivchenko, et al., examines general osteology: the function and structure of bones, their development, classification, as well as age-related characteristics... Download the book for free

Name: Large Atlas of Human Anatomy
Vincent Perez
The year of publishing: 2015
Size: 25.64 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description:"The Great Atlas of Human Anatomy" by Vicente Perez presents compact illustrations of all sections on normal human anatomy. The atlas contains drawings, diagrams, photograms illuminating bone-we... Download the book for free

Name: Osteology. 5th edition.
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 31.85 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Presented to your attention is a textbook on anatomy "Osteology", where the issues of osteology - the initial section of human anatomy, the study of ... Download the book for free

Name: Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography.
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2005
Size: 9.95 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook "Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography" as always at a high level examines, with the inherent accessibility of the description of the material, the main issues of myology, which reflects... Download the book for free

Name: Human anatomy.
Kravchuk S.Yu.
The year of publishing: 2007
Size: 143.36 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Ukrainian
Description: Presented book "Anatomy of a Human" by Kravchuk S.Yu. kindly provided to us directly by its author to popularize and facilitate the study of basic for all medical science and one of the most ... Download the book for free

Name: Functional anatomy of the sense organs

The year of publishing: 2011
Size: 87.69 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The presented book “Functional anatomy of the sense organs”, edited by I.V. Gaivoronsky, et al., examines the anatomy of the organ of vision, balance and hearing. The features of their innervation and... Download the book for free

Name: Functional anatomy of the endocrine system
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nechiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 70.88 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook “Functional anatomy of the endocrine system”, edited by I.V. Gaivoronsky, et al., examines the normal anatomy of the endocrine glands, their innervation and blood supply. Description...