Without registration, ask a question about magic. Where can you ask a question to a real magician? I do not have the necessary data to perform a diagnosis. What to do

🔮Olga Kholmova. Empath. Seer. I have the ability to read people's states well. Thoughts, feelings, intentions. I don't need to see a person for this. A real name and age are enough. Additionally, I have a psychological education. Knowledge in the Human Design system, Hellinger constellations, RPT, Vector psychology, Coaching, Transactional analysis,Deep system arrangements. I studied the Tarot system. I use it to find answers to some questions.


  • You can ask one question for free. The service is provided one time. Choose a question that really concerns you.
  • To receive a detailed answer, provide information about the situation. The more data you provide, the easier it is for me to “hook” into your energy field to find the answer. I give my time and energy to those who cannot pay for the service, but who really need it. Read examples of questions and answers in the comments.
  • The processing time for letters is up to 3 days. Please provide correct email addresses and check your spam folder. Sometimes response letters end up there.
  • Not all questions have an answer. When I read letters, the answer either comes immediately or not at all. This means that I had nothing to grab onto. In this case, you will receive a message: “There is no answer to your question.” Ask the question differently, add more information, or change the topic altogether
  • I don't answer questions about cheating. If you want to ask about this, contact another specialist. Questions about cheating are deleted.
  • Ask questions about YOURSELF and YOUR life. And write the NAMES (without surnames) of those you are asking about. Those. I don’t look at the problems of my brother/sister/husband/wife/parents. If they have problems, let them write themselves. A mother is allowed to ask about her child if it concerns his health.
  • The future has many options. I can only foresee the most likely development of events based on your condition today. But there are no guarantees that it will happen exactly as I saw. You influence its formation by the very fact that you have learned about it. So try not to ask direct answers about the future! It’s better to ask about what prevents you from getting what you want or what needs to be done to get what you want, rather than whether you get it or not.

For those who don’t like to wait and who need an answer today!

Access to the form is closed until November 27

You can ask a question to a clairvoyant if you have:

There are problems in relationships

with spouses/loved ones/relatives/children/friends/colleagues
Misunderstandings, conflicts, suspicions, fears and worries. I help you understand why the problem occurred. What the situation really looks like. What needs to be done to resolve the conflict. I can “enter” each of the participants in the situation and see the true picture: thoughts, feelings, intentions. All this applies to both situations in the present and situations that occurred in the past, and which you would like to clarify for yourself.

There are difficulties in business development

Sometimes the cause of problems in business is the individual himself, and sometimes the problem lies in external factors or the business structure itself. I look at the relationships within the structure and help see the root of the problem/

  • Is it worth starting a new business or not?
  • Reasons for stopping or difficulty in business development
  • Possible ways to solve problem situations
  • Is it worth moving in the chosen direction or not?
  • Partnership Analysis

There are internal doubts in decision making

To go / not to go, to get married / not to get married, to get divorced / not to get divorced, to act / not to act. I review the significance of each option and expand your understanding of the situation. In any case, you make the decision yourself, but more consciously.

Don't ask a question if you're not ready to hear the answer!

Renata: “Many things have become clearer and closer”
This was my first experience of communicating with a psychologist, and I thank heaven that I was so lucky to meet Olga! It's amazing how gifted people see us so clearly, without even having to retell their entire life story, and help us in our quest. Many things became clearer and closer, calm came, motivation appeared to move and work on oneself. I will definitely contact you again!

Renata| Russia

Anonymous: “...all questions were answered in detail”
I am grateful to Olga for her work and the warmth that emanates from her! After communication, all the questions were answered in detail, everything fell into place, I looked at myself from the side as the people around me see me. I have gained an understanding of what I need to work on and confidence in my abilities!) Thank you, Olya!

Anonymously| Russia

Andrey: “...my idea of ​​extrasensory perception and psychology has completely changed”

Everyone has important meetings in their life... I want to say that meeting with Olya is one of the most important for me!

After talking with her, my idea of ​​extrasensory perception and psychology completely changed!!! I now look at these things completely differently... The fear of the unknown is gone... In my head, all the thoughts fit into the right puzzle... What Olya is doing is a new and modern trend in therapy human soul... It's like a symbiosis of extrasensory perception, psychology and psychotherapy... You will learn to correctly understand energy flows and manage them... You will understand the essence of the problem and its origins... It's like a fairy tale in which you will find yourself, and Olya will guide you in search of a way out)

Olya! you are doing a very necessary, right thing and in in the right direction! Thank you... I am sure that our meeting will not be the last

Andrey| Odessa (Ukraine)

Dear visitors of the site GadalkinDom.ru, if you have any problems, or simply a situation has arisen in your life in which intervention may be useful experienced specialist, we will be happy to provide you with prompt and qualified assistance:

  • Do you need the help of a magician in your current life situation?
  • Are you having problems with your loved one?
  • Are you plagued by failures at work or in business?
  • Are you thinking about casting a love spell or spell?

You can ask any question you are interested in and receive an answer, practical advice and real help. To do this, enter the data in the form located here:

  1. Enter your Name and Date of Birth;
  2. Ask your question, describe the situation or problem;
  3. Enter carefully email and you will receive FREE consultation today!

Remember! You've come to the right place! Please describe your question or problem in this form, our specialists will certainly contact you as soon as possible by e-mail, will answer the question, advise and give the necessary advice!

Get a free psychic answer today.

Ask your question right now!

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Free help psychics: they will tell you about what really worries you

Each of us has at least once had questions that are extremely difficult or even impossible to answer on our own. Help from psychics for free is a unique opportunity to lift the veil of secrets that torment and deprive you of sleep, as well as to look into your own future.

How to seek help from experienced psychics?

Some problems and obstacles that arise in life path, can confuse, and sometimes even completely baffle a person. What to do when situations seem hopeless, and choosing between several options is simply impossible? Alas, constant thinking alone with oneself cannot always produce results and solve the difficulties that have arisen. From the very beginning of time, people, finding themselves face to face with problems, turned to magicians, sorcerers and high priests.

On our website you can contact highly qualified specialists - esotericists, tarologists, astrologers and numerologists. Their ability to communicate with other world undeniable. If you asked the question “Psychics: how to ask for help,” then you have already found the answer.


  1. Be specific. Preferably in such a way that the answer is unambiguous.

Wrong question: What will happen to me next?

Correct question: What should I expect in the area of ​​my personal life\career\family\creativity in the near future?

  1. If any people appear in your fortune telling, it is better to attach their photographs to the question that you decided to ask the psychic.
  2. Ask the question consciously. Often the psychic's answer depends on the state of the person who needs his help. For example, the intoxication of the questioner has an extremely negative effect on the correctness of the answer received.
  3. While waiting for the psychic's answer, try to immerse yourself in thoughts about the question that worries you and not be distracted from them.

These simple rules will help you get a 100% correct interpretation of the problem that has arisen. You can ask a question of interest on our website, leaving your contact information and describing the painful situation in as much detail as possible in a specially designed form.

Show at least one person happy with their fate. The way the world works is that we all want more. helps a person change what was destined by fate. But fate cannot always be corrected even by strong magic. First of all, a person himself must want to change, and then an experienced magician can help him. Do not expect an instant solution to problems from the actions of the wizard. There are no easy ways or quick solutions in magic. You will have to work hard on yourself before change comes. Be prepared for the fact that with the help of a magician, new opportunities will become available to you and your horizons will expand. However, no one except you yourself will go and take what has suddenly become available. Magic is a good friend and assistant for a person striving for development and action - he will be provided with such help that he never dreamed of. But not for those who lie on the stove and wait for the magic pike to fly into their hands.

On our website you can always contact magicians who will make every effort to help you. However, not everyone can use magic to change their life. There are no stocks of magic pills here, taking which you will instantly get rid of any problem. He won’t even be able to do anything if you don’t dare to ask the magician a question and don’t make enough efforts to solve your problems. The most powerful magic will not be able to overcome your laziness, fear, or unwillingness to take responsibility for your actions. Anyone who is not ready to change their life will never turn to a master. He will be stopped by the complexity of the work, the price, the lack of time. And only those who are already ready will unconditionally accept all the conditions and achieve the goal.

Remember that the magician requires payment for his work or a ransom. Free services of magicians will still have to be paid for in one way or another. Counting on the help of a magician, you should know that magic will require payment for changing fate. And it is best for you to pay for the magical effect with money.

High Magician, Regressologist, Astrologer, Astropsychologist. I offer the services of a high magician in Moscow. I will help you understand a difficult situation, sort it out and find a way out. Quick diagnosis of any magical influences - negativity, evil eye, damage, higher magic and other damage to your aura. All consultations are paid. I only charge money for a consultation. More than 20 years of experience. Website: www.igor-vasilevich.site

Igor Vasilievich
Rating: 1468
30 min.
from 5 to 235 Exp.
Working time: Reply within 24 hours

My name is Alexander. I am a Reiki practitioner and Theta master, Cosmoenerget. I practice both personal reception and sessions on this site - that is distant work without your presence. Reiki and ThetaHealing will help you find a way out difficult situation, adjust your actions and actions, find the cause of the situation, predict the most likely development of events. I use Tarot cards in my work. *Depth excavation of your problems, illnesses, failures*

Rating: 1066
60 min.
from 0 to 147 Exp.
Opening hours: 24/7

CLAIRVOYANT-Runologist. The main direction is Slavic Magic aimed at removing damage, Conception, establishing relationships, viewing karma, correcting situations in life and love.

Rating: 140
60 min.
from 4 to 15 Exp.
Opening hours: from 14-00 to 23-00

White magician, healer, clairvoyant, psychic, healer and fortune teller. Remotely, via photo and Skype, I remove damage of any kind, carry out atonement and cleansing, open up prospects for family well-being and health, career, and the birth of children. Interpretation of dreams.

Rating: 64
30 min.
from 29 to 74 Exp.
Opening hours: 12.00 - 24.00 Moscow time

Hello. My name is Angelina. I am a psychic tarot reader. I read fortunes using Tarot cards and answer pressing questions. Looking through personal and family relationships. Business. Finance. I identify negativity, it is possible to cleanse it using photographs and video chat. I give recommendations for solving situations. To work, it is enough for me to see you or have voice contact with you (hear your voice). I tune in to your channel (your information field) and analyze the situation. ONE QUESTION BY VIDEO CONNECTION - FREE.

Rating: 47
20 minutes.
from 15 to 29 Exp.
Opening hours: Every day from 9.00 to 23.00

You can always ask a magician about what worries you on the black or white magic website by filling out a special application form, or on a magic forum where work rituals are discussed. If you have chosen a magician, trust him, and want him to take care of your problem, you can ask the magician a question online on his personal website.

How can you ask a free question to a real magician?

Many powerful magicians working on the Internet are scrupulous about guaranteeing results. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: - a real practicing sorcerer will not vouch for a 100% result, because it is quite difficult to give a guarantee in witchcraft; you can damage your reputation. But there is no doubt that a strong magician will do everything possible to solve your problem. He can only guarantee one thing, that he will provide you with qualified assistance.

By contacting a black magician, you can ask a question for free, learn about all the pros and cons of witchcraft, as well as the possibility of getting a rollback or a negative result. Free answers and explanations from a powerful magician will help you make the final decision whether to resort to magical help.

You can ask a magician a question for free on the online website

Having decided to turn to a practicing black magician to receive competent magical help, you can order cemetery damage, cemetery love spells, strong black love spells, having first asked the magician about the most likely one. In addition, the magician will help you get rid of damage and curses, perform magical rituals for profit in business and other ways to increase income. It is within the competence of the strongest magician to set up effective magical protection and so on.

Good sorcerers practical magic fulfill orders with the attachment of photos or video material proving the magician’s punctual attitude to work. But they warn the customer that they shouldn’t repeat this themselves. In magical work, especially when performing complex rituals, experience and connection with the Forces are necessary.

When people first think about seeking the help of magic, without yet having a mature intention, they ask themselves a wide variety of questions. Some are more common, others less common. As questions are received, the answers to them will be published on this page.

You can ask your question to the magician for free by writing a letter with the obligatory indication of the subject “Question for free” or read the answers to the most FAQ. If you write a letter with a question, it is not guaranteed that you will receive an answer soon. Questions not related to magic will be completely left unanswered.

How much does a magic ritual cost? How quickly does the result come? What is needed for this?

Carrying out a primary diagnosis determines the answers to these questions, because in magic there is not and cannot be any trace of a clear price list. The result comes immediately after the ceremony. Diagnostics are carried out free of charge.

I do not have the necessary data to perform a diagnosis. What to do?

If it is not possible to provide the necessary information, for example, there are no photographs at all or they poor quality, You should provide all other available information and note that in this case, diagnostics may be carried out for a fee.

I do not know what to do? What should I do? Is it worth turning to magic? What do you recommend?

Turning to magic is appropriate if there is a need and a formed intention; such questions, as a rule, arise from idle curiosity, a desire to communicate and speculate on what lies beyond the boundaries of magical practice. The decision to turn to magic is made by the customer directly. A practicing magician does not give advice, because words cannot help matters. Any questions that a person can answer himself, after reflection and acceptance independent decision, will remain unanswered by the magician. Several typical examples from magical practice are given below. Is it necessary to remove the damage? If you need it, then yes. Should I return the man/woman or let him go and wait for another? As you please, you determine the need yourself. How can I continue to live? – Live the way you want. And so on.

How can I call you? How do I make an appointment and how much does it cost?

Consideration of initial requests is carried out exclusively by e-mail, so you can fully describe everything in your letter. What exactly needs to be indicated in the letter and what data to provide is indicated on the corresponding page dedicated to diagnostics and conditions for providing assistance. Magical practice is conducted outside the traditional worldly format of a medical institution or store, so there is no need to register. If there is a need after the diagnosis, you will be able to appear at any time convenient for you.

Why did I not receive a response to my letter in which I asked for help?

Perhaps your letter does not meet the requirements for initial applications. You should re-read them and complete the letter necessary information. It would be appropriate to familiarize yourself with what is required for diagnostics in the section on the conditions for the provision of magical services.

Do you pay based on results?

There is no magic with payment based on results, nor is there any free magic. Absolutely everyone can verify this for themselves. Carrying out any magical ritual and the completion of any action requires payment in an amount that is determined during the diagnostic process. In most cases, payment is made in full before the ceremony, but in some cases it can be divided into parts at the discretion of the practicing magician in accordance with the diagnostic results.

Can we be together? Will we be together? What does the future hold for us?

People often ask magicians, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants such questions. What can answer such a question, be it negative or positive? Such knowledge will bring absolutely no practical benefit. In addition, if you intend to use the answer received and such a question is really important to you, it is worth asking another question - can you trust such important question to a person, be he a “clairvoyant” fortune teller or a strong psychic? Depending on the answer, your behavior will change and this will be the only mistake that will put an end to your relationship. If you want to be with a person, you should do everything and always to be with your loved one - and then you will be with him and nothing will interfere with your love, even if you need to turn to the help of magic or make a love spell.

Didn't find the answer to your question about magic? You can ask the magician a question!

Practical magic arouses curiosity and generates healthy interest. You can always ask about what interests you, without leaving your home and completely free of charge. Why did the love spell help? Is there any damage to you? Is it really possible to get rich through magic? How to get married successfully? No question will be left unanswered. Ask a question about magic by email [email protected]. Any question will be answered within three days.