Lesson on the topic: Yesenin sings, winter sounds. Summary of the open lesson “Winter is singing, calling…. On the board we will make two columns

08.05.2015 2371 361 Skrylnikova Olga Alexandrovna

Goals:1) introduce S. Yesenin’s work “Winter Sings and Calls”, develop the ability to analyze a poem, understand the mood lyrical hero and poet, skills of expressive reading of a poem.

2) develop reading skills, the ability to analyze figurative means of language, attention to the author’s word, to the precise use of words in poetic speech, the ability to express one’s feelings in relation to what is read, creative imagination

3) cultivate a sense of compassion, a caring attitude towards all living things.

Equipment: portrait of the writer S.A. Yesenin, reproductions of A. Plastov “First Snow”, I. Grabar “Winter Landscape”.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.

Hello children. Today we have an unusual meeting. Guests came to us. Let's welcome the guests. Smile at them, now at each other. Please turn to me and give me your smile. After all, a smile beautifies a person and gives everyone a mood of joy. We will only need this mood for work today.

This poem will help us get into a working mood:

Give it to everyone

A piece of sunshine,

Let them be filled with goodness

Their souls are completely drained.

And then you'll see

You are bright paintings,

Heavenly clouds,

Light, timid.

2. Checking homework.

The house was assigned a detailed retelling of S. Aksakov’s story “Buran”. After one student’s retelling was heard, he and all the children were asked the question:

Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of the word blizzard? What could he be like?

Teacher: Read the words written on the board.

Teacher: What do these words have in common?

Teacher: What word is used to describe a weak wind that seems to spread along the ground, carrying snow with it?

Teacher: And if the wind becomes stronger, what words do we use?

3.Preparation for perception.

Teacher: Okay, guys. Today we will continue talking about winter. Look at reproductions of paintings by two famous Russian artists: “First Snow” by A. Plastov and “Winter Landscape” by I. Grabar.

Teacher: What mood do you get when you look at A. Plastov’s painting? Teacher: And when do you look at I. Grabar’s painting?

Teacher: What did the artist depict in his painting?

Teacher: What trees are in this forest?

Teacher: What word is used to call a forest in which there are many pine trees?

Teacher: Pines are covered with needles and pine needles, and if we listen in such a forest, what will we hear?

Teacher: What other trees did the artist paint?

Teacher: They are covered with frost. Find words to describe these trees. Student: Shaggy, fluffy, fabulous.

Teacher: Yes, guys, winter is an amazing time of year, it can be different: joyful, cheerful, solemn, majestic, cold, uncomfortable.

Teacher: What do you like in winter? What don’t you really like in winter? What poems about winter do you remember? Who are the authors of these poems?

Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with S. Yesenin’s poem “Winter Sings and Calls...” and we will learn to read it expressively.

Sergei Yesenin is a wonderful Russian poet. He was born and raised in the village of Konstantinovo, near Ryazan, on the banks of the Oka River. Sergei Yesenin loved his native nature very much and sang it in his poems.

After this preparatory work the teacher reads S. Yesenin's poem aloud.

4.Primary reading of the poem.

Teacher: What feeling did you have when you listened to the poem?

After re-reading the poem to ourselves, we begin to analyze it.

5. Secondary reading and analysis of the poem.

Teacher: Now, guys, let's carefully read the text and think, reflect on its content. Read the first part of the poem to yourself.

(Children read).

Teacher: How is the original version of the first lines of the poem different:

Cold winter has come,

A terrible blizzard blew,

The river froze.

from the final version?

Teacher: Do you think these words are taken from the life of nature or people?

Teacher: What is she “doing”?

Teacher: Find the words and sounds that paint the image of winter in the first lines of the poem?

Teacher: What mood do you get when reading the following lines?

Teacher: With the help of what words does Yesenin manage to create such a mood?

Teacher: Read the next part of the poem. (Children read)

Teacher: He affectionately calls it blizzard. But how does he feel about her?

Teacher: Find and read how the author describes the blizzard in the next part.

Teacher: What does he call her now?

Teacher: What is she like?

Teacher: What words help us understand this?

Teacher: What is the role of the union, but in the form of a blizzard? What does the author oppose and what?

Teacher: Who else does Yesenin write about in the poem?

Teacher: Why do you think he writes about them?

Teacher: What words does he use to convey his attitude towards the sparrows?

Teacher: Why do you think he treats them this way?

Teacher: What feeling towards the sparrows does he want to evoke in the reader?

Teacher: What role does the conjunction play in the third six-line?

Teacher: Guys, what do little sparrows dream about?

Teacher: Read what kind of spring they dream about.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think the poet wanted to show us by composing such a wonderful poem?

Teacher: What can you say about the author’s attitude towards nature? Explain your answer.

Teacher: At first, S.A. Yesenin called the poem “Sparrows.” Do you think the image of these heroes of the poem has been preserved? Did it remain the main, central, most important thing for the author or not?

Word drawing.

Teacher: Now, guys, let's look at the illustrations for this poem. What did the artist depict? How did he draw the birds? What colors did he choose for his painting?

Teacher: Imagine that you are artists. What kind of illustration will you draw yourself? What will you draw differently than in the textbook?

Work on expressiveness, reading competition.

Teacher: Let's now think about how we will read this poem. With what feeling will we read? Is everything the same?

Teacher: What words will we highlight with our voice when reading the poem?

Teacher: And now that we have prepared for expressive reading, let's read it in parts.

(Children read in parts and collectively evaluate each student’s reading, make comments, and try to read again even better)

(Each student’s reading is discussed and assessed)

6. Lesson summary.

Teacher: What work were you introduced to in class?

Teacher: What interesting things did you learn in the lesson?

7. Homework.

At home, students are given the task of preparing an expressive reading of a poem by heart. This task does not cause them, as often happens, an internal protest, because the text is familiar to them, close to them, they have grown to love it and know well how to read it.

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Lesson literary reading in 2nd grade

Topic: S. A. Yesenin

“Winter sings and echoes...”

(according to the “School of Russia” program)

Developed by:

Oleynikova Nina Aleksandrovna,

primary school teacher

MOU "May Gymnasium of Belgorod

district of the Belgorod region"


Item: Literary reading.
Class: 2.
Subject: S. A. Yesenin “Winter sings and screams...”.

Lesson location in topic: Learning new material.


to form an idea of ​​the beauty of winter nature through works fiction; teach to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Personal results:

show interest in reading lyrical works; respond emotionally to the work you read; accept the social role of the student; comprehend motives educational activities.

Meta-subject results:

accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities under the guidance of a teacher; plan your work in accordance with the stated topic.

Subject results:

find words in the work that help imagine the pictures seen; identify words that will help convey the mood of the work and the feelings of the author; know the features of the genre of lyrical works; present the pictures described in the work.
Information material:

Textbook, part 1, p. 195.

Didactic material: cards

Computer presentation: “Speech warm-up”

During the classes.

I.Self-determination for activity (organizational moment)

Guys! You have three emoticons on the tables, choose the one that matches your mood.

How many smiles lit up. Thank you!

And this is my mood...I’m ready to start work and hope for your cooperation and creativity to the point. You are ready?

Thank you, I respect brave and sympathetic people. Good luck!

II. Speech warm-up

In reading lessons we learn not only to read correctly, but also to speak correctly and competently. What do you need to remember to make your speech clear and understandable to others?

(You need to control your breathing during a conversation, breathe correctly while speaking)

- Let's do a speech warm-up.

Presentation. Lesson 8.

II I. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial learning activity


    Indicate the correct answer with a “+” sign.

The distinctive features of a poetic work are:




Exclamatory sentences.

    Connect with arrows the surname, first name, patronymic of the writer and the poetic work.

    Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

    “It smelled like winter cold...”

    Yakov Lazarevich Akim

    "The Enchantress of Winter..."

    Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont

    “In the morning the cat brought it on its paws...”

    Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev


    Continue with the definition.

Rhyme is __________________________________________________________


IV. Checking homework

1. Several students read F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “In the Enchantress of Winter...” to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Winter. January"

2. Display of the presentation “Frost and sun, a wonderful day...”, in which paintings by artists and poems by Russian and modern poets, as well as my own photographs of the winter forest (park)

V. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson, preparing for the perception of new material

- What do you think our lesson will be about?

- Close your eyes and whisper: “ WINTER …"

- What associations do you have with the word WINTER?

- What in beautiful words could you describe winter?

Winter is probably that time of year that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Many Russian poets admired the extraordinary beauty of the Russian winter in their works. Winter nature is depicted in different ways. Composers “paint” it with the help of sounds. Artists do this with paints, and writers and poets do this with words. Winter nature encourages people to create. She attracts and beckons.

Today you will get acquainted with the work of S. A. Yesenin.

What task will we set for the lesson?

VI. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Getting to know the biography of S. A. Yesenin:

The great Russian poet Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in 1895, in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, into a peasant family.

The future poet graduated from a four-year rural school, then from a church teacher's school. In those days, in zemstvo schools they taught grammar, arithmetic, history, geography, the Law of God, writing and reading Russian and Church Slavonic. Not all children had the opportunity to study, so the classes were small (only 10-12 students). Duration school year wasn't big. This was associated with agricultural work in which children helped adults. We didn’t study even in the big days Orthodox holidays, birthdays of members of the imperial family, in addition to the summer holidays there were Easter and Christmas holidays.

Schooling was four years, but Yesenin studied for five years. Due to bad behavior, he was retained for a repeat year of study. But despite this, in May 1909, Sergei passed the first exams in his life with only “A” marks and was awarded a Certificate of Merit and a Gospel. In 1912, Yesenin came to Moscow. There he worked in a printing house and joined a literary and musical circle. In 1915, the poet travels to Petrograd. He quickly gained great fame among the poets of that time. His poems are still known and loved all over the world. They love it for its warmth, lyricism, and amazing imagery. In his poems, the poet sang the beauty of Russian nature, admired and marveled at it. He absorbed his love for Russia and its nature as a child. Yesenin's poetry is melodic and musical. Its sounds are spread everywhere. Just know how to listen and enjoy. Already at the age of 16 he began to write poetry, many of them which are dedicated to the eternal - Motherland, Mother, Nature, Russia, Love.

2. Primary perception of the work. Audio recording of the poem

3. Conversation on first impressions.

We say that poetry is the music of words. What music did you hear?

What mood did you feel?(The music is slow, smooth. The mood is thoughtful, a little sleepy, sad)
– Share your impressions. Did you like the poem? How?

What did you like most? Tell me.
4. Vocabulary work.

    Sings - blows hard

    Calls - echoes

    Pine forest - pine forest

    Blizzard - gently blizzard (blizzard, blizzard) - the wind transporting snow raised from the surface of the earth.

    Silk carpet - soft carpet

    Lonely - without parents

Analysis of the work.
Tell us the algorithm for working with literary poetic text.

Algorithm for working with artistic (poetic) text

Read the text.

Determine the topic of the text.

State the main idea.

Determine the genre of the text.

Name the hero of the text.

Describe his image.

Name words and phrases that convey the mood of the hero, revealing the author’s attitude towards the hero.

Read the poem expressively, using appropriate intonation.

Algorithm work.

Now let’s read the poem again (children read part 1 to themselves)

What is subject this work? (Winter nature)

What is the main idea this work?(Teaches to love nature, observe and enjoy its beauty, respect for the forest...)

- What's the idea? What did the poet want to depict? (He wanted to depict all the severity of winter weather, that it is very cold. The birds are chilled. He wanted to show that in such a cold time everything is waiting for warmth, the onset of spring).

Define genre text. (poem)

Let's remember that the poem is divided into parts - stanzas. What is a stanza?

(A stanza is a group of poetic lines united by rhythm and rhyme. Based on the number of poetic lines, a stanza can represent a couplet or a tercet)

- How many stanzas are there in our poem? (two stanzas, six lines (a stanza consists of 6 lines)

What is rhyme? (consonance of the ends of poetic lines)

Name the rhymes in the poem. (Calls and lulls, deep-distant, pine-tree-clouds, blizzard - spreading, playful - lonely)

Commented reading.

1 stanza:

Winter sings and echoes,

Shaggy forest cradles

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

In what forest did the poet find himself? (in pine, shaggy)
- Shaggy pine forest. It rings in the cold. There are a lot of trees and the poet found the amazing word “bell”.

What word does the poet use to show the forest? (shaggy)
- What does this word mean? (covered with fluffy snow, there is a lot of snow in the forest)

Who rules the forest? Who took such care of the forest? (winter)

What words help bring winter to life? (sings, screams)

What is this technique called in literature? (personification)

-Remember the definition of personification - endowing animals, objects, plants, natural phenomena with human qualities.

Who does winter represent? ( caring mother)

What is she like? Drawing an image of winter (soft, kind, a little sad)

What are the clouds yearning for? (sail away to a distant land)

What are they? (gray haired)

Stanza 2:

And there's a snowstorm in the yard

Spreads a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful,

Like lonely children,

Huddled by the window.

Who main character? (blizzard)

What is unusual about the image of a snowstorm? (covers a silk carpet)

How do you understand this expression?

What is this technique called in literature, where words are used not directly, but in figurative meaning? (metaphor)

What is winter like in part 2? (beautiful but cold)

What about sparrows? (indifferent)

What words did you find to show pity? (like lonely children)

This technique is called comparison.

VI I. Fizminutka

The sun warms the earth weakly ( hands up and down),

The frost crackles at night ( hands on the belt, bending to the sides).
In the yard the snow woman's carrot nose turned white ( children show their nose).
The water in the river suddenly became motionless and hard ( jumping in place).
The blizzard is angry, the snow is spinning ( children are spinning),
Sweeping everything around with snow-white silver ( circular movements with hands).

VII I. Group work. Compiling a syncwine.

- Now I suggest you make a syncwine.

( - presentation on the topic “Learning to write syncwine”)

Remember syncwine translated from French. 5 lines.

For example,


Frosty, cold

Cackles, lulls, roars

Knocks on the hanging shutters


IX . Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (result)

- What was the task?

- Did you manage to solve the problem?

- How?

- What results did you get?

- Where can you apply new knowledge?

- What do you do well in class?

- What else needs to be worked on?

X. Homework

Learn the poem by heart.

Sources used:

1. Bookworm: dictionary-reference book for literary reading: grades 1-4: for younger schoolchildren/ L. A. Efrosinina. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013. -144 p. ISBN 978-5-360-0944-0

2. Literary reading. 2nd grade. [Text]: textbook. for general education institutions with audio adj. per electron carrier. At 2 o'clock / L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova and others - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2012. - 224 p.: ill.- (School of Russia).

3. Literary reading lessons based on textbooks “Native Speech”. [Text]: Books 1, 2, 3: Book. for the teacher / V. G. Goretsky, L. F. Klimanova, N. N. Tolokonnikov and others; Comp. V. G. Goretsky. - M.: Education, 1995. - 208 pp. - ISBN 5-09-006104-1.

4.Literary reading. Methodical recommendations. 2nd grade: a manual for teachers of general education. institutions/ N. A. Stefanenko. - M.: Education, 2012. -128 p.- (School of Russia). – ISBN 978-5-09-025062-7

5.Typical tasks for the formation of universal educational actions. Literary reading. 2nd grade: a manual for general education students. institutions / S. G. Batyreva. – M.: Education, 2013. -96 p.- (We work according to new standards). - ISBN 978-5-09-028337-3.

Electronic resources

1. - presentation on the topic “Learning to write syncwine”

2. - speech warm-up. Presentation. Lesson 8.

3. music by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Winter. January"

4. - portrait of S. A. Yesenin

>> Literature 2nd grade >> Literature: S. Yesenin. “Winter is singing and calling out...”, “Birch”

Lesson 37


Target: introduce students to the life and work of S. Yesenin, show the beauty of S. Yesenin’s poetry; instill a love of poetry; teach to see comparisons and metaphors in poems.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Checking homework.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message of the topic, goals.

– Today we will get acquainted with the work of an amazing poet who loved his homeland – Russia. Sergey Yesenin.

The teacher shows a portrait of the poet.

– How do you imagine Sergei Yesenin?
– Sergei Alexandrovich was born in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province (region). He grew up as a very restless child: he learned to swim early, climbed trees, and often fought; he was not even four years old when he learned to ride a horse. Yesenin began writing poetry very early (he was 9 years old). All his poems are about nature, about the Motherland, about himself or about people close to him.

2. Work on the poem “Birch”.

1) The teacher reads a poem (preferably against the background of music).

– What did you imagine while listening to the poem?
– How do you understand the words brush, border, fringe? (Vocabulary work.)
– In what mood should you read a poem?
– Read to each other (in pairs).

2) Listening to several students read.

3. Work on the poem “Winter Sings and Sounds.”

1) Independent reading poems.

– What kind of winter does S. Yesenin depict?
– What mood does the poem evoke in you? Why?

2) Work on expressive reading.

Think about whether there are metaphors here and why does the poet use them?
- What else means of expression There is? (Personifications - sleepy silence, lazily walking around, sprinkles.)
- Does Yesenin like winter birch?
- Do you like trees in winter decoration?
- And in autumn, spring, summer?

IV. Lesson summary.

With poems, which poet did we meet today?
- What poems did you read?

Homework: learn one of the poems by heart, answer questions (p. 197).

Literary reading. Grades 1-2: lesson plans according to the “School of Russia” program. Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.

Reading lesson notes.

“Winter sings, echoes...”

Lesson on the topic: “Introduction to Section 7.

Sergei Yesenin “Winter sings, echoes...”, “Porosha”


Training students in functionally literate reading (learning to predict the content of a work based on the title, illustration, keywords);

Developing in students, in the process of working on a work, poetic taste and imaginative thinking, the ability to find means in the text artistic expression, promote aesthetic development (formation of an attentive attitude to the language of a work of art, the ability to understand figurative expressions used in it, the ability to imagine a picture drawn by the author);

Fostering a sense of respect for nature, the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary, notice the beauty of nature, and love one’s homeland;


1. didactic:

During the lesson, ensure repetition and consolidation of basic concepts about the means of artistic expression;

Develop the skills of self-control and self-analysis;

2. development tasks:

Develop the emotional sphere of students by creating emotional situations of surprise and joy in the lesson;

To develop the cognitive interest of schoolchildren;

3. incentives:

To form the need for post-study cognitive work;

4. educational:

Ensure health and free development of personality;

Assist in the development of a creative personality;

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, friends! Do you remember what this morning was like for you? Try to find the most vivid, accurate definition to describe it.

Try to show today's mood using facial expressions.

I'm happy too! I am happy to meet you. And I’m also happy and excited because today we have an amazing meeting with the wonderful world of poetry, where you will discover a new and interesting page for yourself.

2. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- What time of year is it now? (spring) Calendar spring has arrived.

But in the nature of our region, spring has not yet arrived. Winter is still in control of nature.

Close your eyes and whisper: “Z – I – M – A...”

What did you hear? How did you feel?

What associations do you have with the word WINTER?

Let us remember the poetic lines about winter. (children read by heart)

Indeed, art helps us to see and examine winter, hear its sounds and smells, and enjoy the variety of its colors: painting, music, literature and, above all, poetry. A poet is a wizard of words, an artist of words. He is able to talk about feelings, mood, dreams and awaken a person’s soul.

Only if positive emotions Can winter cause this to people?

(Frost, cold, snowstorms do not always evoke positive emotions in people, and therefore in poets and writers. People can relate to winter differently, even when it gives joy to others.)

- During the lesson we will meet another master of words. Let's see how he felt about winter.

3.Work with the poem “Winter is singing, calling out...”

A) Working with the text before reading.

What genre is this work? (rhythm) p.52

Have you read his works before? Which? (Birch cherry, Birch, Good morning)

Look at the illustration and think about the title. What is your guess as to what the story will be about?

Read the keywords.

winter sings, calls, lulls

shaggy forest

gray clouds

silk carpet

blizzard spreading

playful sparrows

the birds are cold

the blizzard is knocking

with a mad roar

Clarify your assumptions about the topic and the development of the action.

B) Reading a poem to yourself.

Let's read the poem, check and clarify our assumptions.

B) After the initial reading.

What feelings did you have? How did you feel?

What winter pictures did you present?

D) Reading aloud stanza by stanza.

Let's read the text and try, together with the author, to plunge into beautiful world nature.

On the board we will make two columns:

1. what poet saw winter

2. what means of expression did he use?

1st stanza.

1-3 lines.

What picture did you imagine after reading 1 sentence?

Who does winter resemble in this passage? (Living being)

Read what words help bring objects to life?

How can winter sing, coo and lull?

Who can she cradle?

In what forest did the poet find himself? What kind of forest is this? (pine forest, pine)

Why does the poet use the word “pine forest” and not “pine forest”? (pine forest - collective, folk, Yesenin lived in the countryside for a long time)

What word does the poet use to show the forest? (shaggy)

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegova explains this word this way:

Shaggy - overgrown with fur and hair.

What does this word mean in the poem? (covered with fluffy snow, there is a lot of snow in the forest) Who else can be called furry?

How unusual compound word Have you met yet in these lines? Pay attention to the word “call”, how do you understand it? (many different sounds in the forest - a hundred bells - a complex word, consists of two roots) What sounds can be heard in the winter forest?

- What kind of winter did the poet show in this passage? (beautiful, fabulous)

4-6 lines (3 lines).

Read what words does the poet use to describe the clouds? (gray haired) Why?

How do clouds make the poet feel? (longing and sadness) Why?

What word intensifies the melancholy? (deep)

Please note that the poet has “deep melancholy.”

- What kind of winter did the poet show in this passage? (sad and dreary)

Personification is the poet’s most favorite technique, because in everything that surrounded him he saw life: in an ear of wheat and in a Russian birch tree...

2nd stanza.

1-3 line.

Read the first sentence.

What is unusual about the poet’s image of a snowstorm? (covers a silk carpet)

Notice the emphasis on this word. Why did the poet put emphasis on this syllable? (preserve rhyme, folk and poetic expression; the poet is close to CNT; his poems are similar to folk songs)

Can you tell how the poet feels about the blizzard? (afraid - painfully cold)

- What kind of winter did the poet show in this passage? (cold)

4-6 line (3 lines).

- What kind of winter did the poet show in this passage? (severe)

Let's read in chorus.

3rd stanza.

1-3 line.

Choose synonyms for the word chilled (frozen, chilled, numb, frozen).

What do you think is worse for birds in winter – hunger or cold?

In winter, the birds have a very bad time, and they hope for our sympathy and help.

4-6 line (3 lines).

Read the next lines of the stanza. Compare the snowstorm in this stanza with the previous one.

First she spread a silk carpet , and now? (snowstorm)

Why do you think a blizzard is angry?

Can you explain the meaning of the word "shutters" (plank or metal sash to cover the window).

- "Shutters hanging" - which ones? (possibly torn off, hanging on one loop) Why are they like that?

- What kind of winter did the poet show in this passage? (strong and powerful)

7-12 lines (6 lines).

Is everything so scary in the poem?

What do little sparrows dream about?

What kind of dream do you think they are having? Try drawing a word picture.

Who does Yesenin’s spring look like?

- What kind of winter did the poet show in this passage? (weak, not omnipotent, spring is stronger)

-What literary device did the author use to draw us the image of winter and spring?

Why does the author use this literary device? (in order to better, more fully and more clearly show their difference, that spring will still defeat winter, everything in nature changes; sadness and anxiety will be replaced by joy - there is hope; he calms the birds)

What intonation will you choose to read this stanza? (with hope and faith)

D) Questions after reading.

Look at the first column.

What kind of winter did Yesenin have?

What can you say about the poet’s mood?

Can this poem be called lyrical? (Yes)

What feelings and emotions did the poet experience when he wrote the poem?

E) Work on the means of artistic expression.

Guys, while working on lyrical works we met by different means artistic expression.

- What means of expression did Yesenin use when describing winter nature?

Look at the second column.

On the desk:

Personification (depiction of natural phenomena in the image of a living creature) epithets (a definition added to the name for greater artistic expressiveness) comparison (comparing two objects to find common or distinctive features) opposition (contrasting one object to another) metaphor (use of a word or expression in a figurative meaning)

E) Research work.

You taught a lot throughout the lesson. research work like real literary scholars. I want to offer you another interesting task.

Option 1

Find words that help you hear the sounds of winter (sings, hoots, lulls, creaks, sounds of the wind, howling of a blizzard)

Option 2.

Find words that help you see the colors of winter.

In Yesenin's poems about winter there are almost no colors, but there are a lot of sounds. Yesenin's poems are musical. Many of them are set to music. What type of music matches this poem?

(Listening to music. “Seasons.” At the Camille.)

AND) Expressive reading

What an amazing poem! How much you can see and feel if you pay attention to the poet’s words. How many images and moods he paints...

-Let's try to convey our mood while reading.

- What reading pace should we choose?

H) Reading in pairs.

- Do you think the poet himself would have liked your reading?

In general, reading is a real sacrament. The reader catches in the poem some of his own special thoughts and feelings, and then the poem sounds different for everyone. The reader expresses his attitude towards what he read.

H) Reading by heart by the teacher.

The Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin sang the beauty of Russian nature, admired and marveled at it. He absorbed his love for Russia and its nature as a child. After all, he was born and raised in the village of Konstantinovo, in the Ryazan region, on the banks of the Oka River. He was brought up in a simple Russian family. His mother was an illiterate woman. The future poet graduated from a four-year rural school. All over the world his poems are still known and loved for their warmth, lyricism, and amazing imagery.

Nikolai Brown dedicated his poem to the poet:

This name contains the word “esen”.

Autumn, ash, autumn color.

There is something in it from Russian songs -

Heavenly, quiet scales,

Birch blue

And blue is dawn.

There is something about spring in him too

Sadness, youth, purity...

They'll just say -

"Sergey Yesenin",

The whole of Russia has its own features...

I love Yesenin’s poems very much, I hope that you will love them too.

6. Lesson summary.

What would you say about Yesenin, the poet, after today’s lesson?

What did you discover in his poetry?

Does Yesenin like winter?

Listen to another poem by Yesenin about winter .(child reads “Birch” by heart additionally)

I suggest that you at home get acquainted with Yesenin’s poem “Powder” on your own and analyze it according to the plan that each of you has.

Plan - analysis of a lyrical work.

What mood is the poem permeated with? What feelings did the poet have when he wrote? Does the poetic mood change? Did you like the poem? How? Who (or what) is it about? What pictures does the poet paint? What images and objects are they made of? What means of artistic expression does the author use in his work? (personification, comparison, contrast, metaphors, repetition, epithets) Is it justified? What lines remind you of a fairy tale? What sounds did you hear, what colors did you see, what smells did you smell? What did the poet want to show us with this poem? Find the main idea (whether it is directly reflected in the text or hidden behind the text).

7. Homework.

Am I giving you elective homework?

1. analyze the poem “powder” according to plan.

2.learn by heart or prepare an expressive reading of one of the poems, page 52-53.

Literary reading 2nd grade

S.A. Yesenin. “Winter sings - echoes...”, “Birch”

Lesson objectives: introduce children to short biography and a poemReniya S.A. Yesenina; give the concept of metaphor, continuedevelop the ability to see images language means; withimprove the ability to read poetry,talk coherently about your impressions; develop skillsanalysis, comparison and comparison using the example of comparisonpaintings and poems; instill a love for native nature.

Equipment: reproduction of a painting by I.E. Grabar "February"azure", P.I. Tchaikovsky "February" from the cycle "Seasons".

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Checking homework

Expressive reading of a poem by F.I. Tyutcheva.

III. Setting a lesson goal

- Try to hear the Russian surname in the poem
poet. Describe your attitude towards pictures of winter.

This name contains the word “esen”.

Autumn, ash, wasp light,

There's something about him

From Russian songs -

Heavenly, quiet scales,

Birch canopy

And blue is dawn.

There's something about him

And from spring

Sadness, youth

And cleanliness...

Have you heard this name?

They’ll just say, “Sergei Yesenin,”all over Russia features are emerging...(H. Brown)

    What technique did Nikolai Brown use in his poem?creation? (Sound recording.)

IV. Learning new material

1 . Teacher's story.

Sergei Yesenin was born and raised in the village of Konstantinovo nearRyazan, on the banks of the Oka.

Finished 4th grade at a rural school,then a church teacher's school. He loved nature very much and praised it in his poems.

2. Primary reading by the teacher of the poem “Winter Sings -

    Did you like the poem?

    What pictures did you see?(Forest, and above the forest they float varnish A snowstorm is sweeping across the yard. Little sparrows huddle to the window, frozen.)

    Read the first three lines. How do you understand them?

    What figurative devices did the poet use?(Avatar tion and metaphor, an invented word - ringing: the ringing of 100 pines.)

    Read the next three lines. What is the main technique used to create the picture here?(Personification is also a metaphor - gray-haired, with deep melancholy.)

    How do you imagine sparrows? Draw a layeryou this picture. Describe the house, window, sparrows, weather, nature, convey the mood.

    Do you think this winter is harsh or mild?

What is more important to create a picture of harsh and coldwinter - write about a blizzard, a cold blizzard, or write about sparrows? (Both, without the sparrows. We won’t understand how cold it is.)

3. Children's expressive repeated reading.

- Read this poem in such a way as to convey your

V. Physical education minute

VI. Working on the poem “Birch”

1. Primary reading.

- Read the poem “Birch” quietly, “humming”
by reading.

2. Conversation after reading.

    Think about whether there are metaphors here and why they are used poet? (Three lines from the second quatrain, two last a line from the third, the last line of the fourth. To create an image.)

    Are there other expressive means of language here - compareideas or personifications?(Sleepy silence, lazily walks around yeah, sprinkles - personifications.)

    What words seemed unclear to you?

    Why did the poet say “covered up”?(This does not mean closed completely, just a little.)

3. Work on textbook questions on p. 197.

(Children read aloud one question at a time and answer it).

4. Expressive reading of a poem.

- Read this poem so beautifully that everyone can see
share an elegant, quiet, shining birch tree.

VII.Consolidating new material

    Today you learned to notice metaphors in a poem niyah.

    Look at the painting by Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar"February Azure". Remembering the time of writingpainting, the artist wrote: “When I looked at the topbirch trees from below, from the surface of the snow, I was stunned by the spectacle of fantastic beauty that opened before me:some chimes and echoes of all the colors of the rainbow,united by the blue enamel of the sky."

    What does azure mean?(This color is: light blue.)

    What reminds you of the pattern of branches, a plexus of white on blue background? (Lace.)

    Listen to how Grabar described February days, in which he painted this picture: “Wonderful sunny days have arrivedFebruary days. Something unusual was happening in nature.It seemed that she was celebrating some unprecedented holiday of the azure sky, pearl birches, coral branchesand sapphire shadows on lilac snow.”

- What figurative expressions do you remember? What is the name of
this technique? (Metaphor).

VIII.Lesson summary :

    Which poet's poems will we introduce today? were you?

    What poems did you read?

    Did you know that the poem "Birch" is the firstpublished poem by S. Yesenin. Happenedthis is in 1914. The poet was then 19 years old.

    What is a metaphor?


Learn the poem “Birch” by heart.