Technological map for manufacturing wood products. Technological map for making a cutting board and its features. Lesson topic: “Technological documentation”

A kitchen board is an indispensable element when preparing food. The technological map for making a cutting board allows you to build a high-quality wooden craft under modern conditions.

The technique of artistic processing of wooden products was used back in the 9th century. Wooden crafts have been made by many generations of craftsmen. For this purpose, wood of different species was used, characterized by different artistic qualities: texture, natural structure of the trunk, knots.

Burning as an advantageous way to process materials

Decorative wood processing is performed in various ways, including artistic burning. This craft is very popular and inextricably linked with folk traditions. Its development was accompanied by other types of processing:

  • carving;
  • turning;
  • mosaic;
  • artistic painting.

Burning diversified these arts, but gradually turned into independent types of creativity.

Several decades ago, steel rods were used to make kitchen cutting boards, their tips heated by fire. It was practiced to use special figured stamps, through which relief patterns were engraved.

In modern production, electric burners are used. They include a transformer for converting electrical current, an electrical cable and a handle with a rod. To perform the working part, nichrome wire is used. It simplifies the technological process and allows you to smoothly change the direction of work.

Before starting work, you need to select a workpiece, this will allow you to determine the shape of the product. Any processed wood in the form of:

  • boards;
  • timber;
  • plywood.

The wood must be thoroughly and evenly dried; craftsmen recommend using the center of the log for blanks, as it is less susceptible to deformation. The expression of texture and shade is very important.

Deciduous trees are characterized by the most acceptable qualities for decorative burning. The growth rings are not too visible in them, the texture is quite uniform. Products from the following species will have the best appearance:

  • Linden;
  • poplar;
  • maple;
  • alder;
  • young birch.

The wood must be light in color and not shiny, then the finished product will have an attractive appearance.

It is necessary to pre-treat the surface; this is done with medium and then fine-grained sandpaper.

Board burning technique

Before starting work, you should have a clear idea of ​​the future drawing and the methodology used. There are three types of burning:

  • along the contour;
  • by silhouette;
  • artistic processing.

Burning along a contour is comparatively simple and resembles a pencil drawing of a contour on a sheet of paper. This type is often practiced by many beginners, often this operation is performed with the tip of a rod. Contour burning is convenient for making inscriptions, and when applying an ornament, shading can be applied in this way.

Silhouette burning is performed using two techniques: “smooth stroke” and “annealing”. Using the first of them, it is easy to achieve a smooth black surface. The area processed in this way can be quite large. By quickly moving the needle, different shades of the design are achieved.

When “annealing”, a strip is made along the edge of the workpiece, achieving the designation of the outer contour of the image. The name of this method comes from the nature of the work - annealing the edging.

The artistic or pictorial type of burning is characterized by a combination of the two previous methods. As a result, a three-dimensional image is achieved, taking into account the play of light and shadow. When manufacturing a product, it is necessary to ensure the correct display of objects at different distances in space. The transfer of different structures of objects is achieved by various techniques of shading and shading.

To master the burning technique perfectly, you must have good drawing skills. Regular exercise will improve your powers of observation. They will also help develop the necessary qualities. Before the process itself, craftsmen develop sketches in pencil. This approach will simplify the work on the workpiece.

Multi-board production technique

The manufactured set includes:

  • 2 cutting boards with dimensions 10×170×360 mm;
  • wooden pendant 20×90×360 mm;
  • 2 wooden rods with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 42 mm.

For manufacturing you will need the following tools and devices:

  • ruler, right angle square, compass;
  • a simple pencil for marking;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • awl;
  • or a drill, but the drill diameter is 12, 20 mm;
  • jigsaw, cutting table;
  • sample;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush, wood glue;
  • mallet;
  • lathe with cutting and through cutters;
  • clear varnish;
  • electric burner.

The design of the board is quite simple.

Manufacturing technology:

Cost Analysis

This set of cutting boards is inexpensive. Pegs can be made from unwanted leftover materials. So little glue is needed that craftsmen recommend not taking its cost into account. You only need to buy wood and varnish.

The average price of wood is about 4 thousand rubles; in the case of the production of cutting boards, the material required is 0.008 cubic meters. meter, the cost will be 32 rubles, and 150 grams of varnish will cost 21 rubles.

Wage costs are determined by half the cost of materials - 26.5 rubles. Other overhead costs - a quarter of the amount of wages and materials - 19.8 rubles.

Adding up all expenses, the total cost of the product will be 99.3 rubles.

Safety precautions during burning

For these jobs, like any other, the specialist is required to comply with safety regulations.

When sawing wood, the master must adhere to the following principles:

  • use limiters and guides;
  • do not allow your free hand to be near the hacksaw blade;
  • Do not blow off the chips; they are swept away with a brush.

When performing work on a lathe, a specialist must perform the following actions:

  • read the occupational safety manual for this equipment;
  • Process only by trained people.

When performing drilling, the master must pay attention to the following rules:

  • install the drill in accordance with the requirements for the machine or drill;
  • the product being drilled must be securely fastened;
  • the drill feed should be carried out without acceleration or jerking;
  • at the exit of the drill, slow down the movement.

When performing paintwork:

  • Do not keep the container with varnish open for a long time.
  • While doing work, do not bring the varnish to your face.
  • The room must be ventilated.
  • It is necessary to use personal protective equipment: protective mask, gloves.
  • Upon completion of work, wash your hands thoroughly using soap.

When using an electric burner:

  • ensure air flow into the room;
  • conductive parts must be reliably insulated;
  • When finishing work, you should turn off the device from the network.

Making boards requires a craftsman to spend approximately 12 hours; the technique is simple and does not require large financial investments. There are a huge number of options for the shape of finished products, as well as their finishing; it all depends only on the imagination of the performer.

Video: Master class on making a cutting board

This lesson is designed to help you perform the planning and scheduling work of a creative project; it is one of the most difficult elements of the project.

The technological sequence of operations has been developed for artistic turning of wood on a TV-4 screw-cutting lathe using this type of machine, which has a number of advantages over wood lathes.

Advantages of the TV-4 screw-cutting lathe over the DIP wood lathe:

  • The screw-cutting lathe has a set of direct and reverse cams, with which you can process a workpiece up to 120 mm, first installing the reverse cams and turning the finishing base,

Having supported the workpiece with the center of the tailstock, then straight cams are installed, the workpiece is supported by the center of the tailstock and all subsequent operations are performed using the required cutter.

  • This type of machine can be used to process hardwood, as it has a very beautiful natural wood texture compared to softwood, which is recommended to be processed on wood lathes.
  • The cutters in screw-cutting lathes are fixed in a tool holder and are fed to the cutting site using screw mechanisms. More precisely, using longitudinal and transverse feed, which is completely safe compared to working on wood lathes, where the student holds the cutters with his hands, observing the gaps and other conditions for processing wood.
  • If necessary, the workpiece can be easily removed and placed again as necessary for further processing.
  • Boring cutters and any other devices for artistic turning can be attached to the tool holder.
  • The tailstock is used for installing a drill and other cutting tools, as well as for turning a 10-12 degree cone.
  • If a cone of a certain size is needed, it is made using the upper turntable.
  • The rotation speed of the workpiece is changed by switching the handle, which is very important for fine turning and grinding.

Working on these machines is much safer and faster than on wood lathes.



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The creation of any product takes place in several stages, and the first of them is the design of the future product.

Don't rush to start making it right away. You can make a mistake, do something wrong, and all the work will have to be redone. No wonder there is a saying: “Measure twice, cut once.”

First you need to make sketches, or outlines, of various options for the future product. Then they analyze in writing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, which allows you to choose the best one.

For the selected product option, technical documentation is developed: a sketch, technical drawing or drawing indicating dimensions.

After preparing the technical documentation, they begin to select high-quality workpieces and mark them. A blank is a material of certain dimensions from which a part will be made (the dimensions of the blank for any part are always larger than the part itself). One or more parts are obtained from the workpiece.

The connection of parts into a product is called assembly.

The transformation of a workpiece into a part or product must strictly comply with the technological process, i.e., a certain sequence of actions.

The technological process of manufacturing a product consists of a number of technological operations. For example, technological operations are sawing out a workpiece on a carpentry bench, drilling holes on a drilling machine, painting the product in a special room, etc.

The sequence of operations for processing a workpiece and making a part from it is recorded in special technological or route maps.

The technological map (Table 6) describes in detail the sequence of technological operations, provides a graphic representation of the workpiece corresponding to each operation, and indicates the tools and devices used.

Table 6
Technological map for making a cutting board


Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools and accessories

Select a blank from a board or plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and mark the outline of the product according to the template

Template, pencil, workbench

Cut the product along the contour

Hacksaw, carpentry workbench

Prick the center of the hole with an awl. Drill a hole

Awl, drill, brace or drill, workbench

Clean the product, round sharp edges and corners

Workbench, sanding block

Route maps indicate only the sequence of operations (Table 7).

Table 7
Route map for making a cutting board

Practical work No. 25
Drawing up a simple technological map

Work order

  1. Select one of the product parts in your project.
  2. Carefully study the part to be manufactured or its graphical representation.
  3. Using Table 6, develop a technological map for the manufacture of this part.
  4. Check the correctness of the technological map yourself, and then give it to the teacher for checking.

New concepts

Stages of product creation, design, procurement, part, assembly, technological process, operation, technological map, route map.

Control questions

  1. List the steps involved in making your project wood product.
  2. What is the difference between a workpiece and a part?
  3. Why are technological maps needed?
  4. Why are the dimensions of the workpiece larger than the dimensions of the part?

Lesson outline plan No. 7-8
Class 5
Topic: Sequence of manufacturing wood parts. Routing
Goal: to study with students the main stages of the technological process; teach students to draw up technological maps.
During the classes
I. Organizational moment: Preparing the workplace for the lesson, checking the working condition of the transfer, completing the rack and tool box.
II.Repetition of the covered material.
I. Discussion on the questions: What is the difference between a sketch, technical drawing, drawing
What types of products do you know? What is the scale? - What does it mean to read a drawing? Doing a practical task in pairs.
Read the drawing provided by the teacher, working in pairs. "1|M1-ts, those shortcomings that each of you made in reading |Ts |chgzha, discuss them together, analyze them.
3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
III. Presentation of program material.
I. Illustrative story.V h i t s l. Before starting to manufacture the product, p|i | You just need to go through a number of stages:
I) select the necessary materials that correspond to the product; ") select suitable tools and technological equipment
And depict the product in the form of a technical drawing, sketch, and 1";
I) select a high-quality blank for the future product;
:^) mark the workpiece;
"-) check markup;
/) perform the necessary processing: planing, sawing, etc.; X) clean and perform finishing work on the workpiece.
And the policy may consist of one or more assembly or 15
TsyIf a product consists of several parts, then after manufacturing they must be adjusted to each other, that is, connected to each other - this is an assembly.
If deficiencies are discovered during assembly, you must:
find the reason;
outline ways to eliminate shortcomings;
eliminate them.
2. Familiarization with the technological map.
Teacher. The processing and assembly sequence is described in technological maps.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with a sample of such a map in the table on p. 27 textbooks.
table 2
TECHNOLOGICAL CARD Making a kitchen cutting board

No. Sequence of operation Graphic representation Tools and devices
I 2 3 4
1 Select a blank from a board or plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and size - Template, pencil
mark the outline of the product according to the template 2 Cut out the outline of the product - Hacksaw,
Leah carpenter
3 Prick the center of the hole with an awl. I 2 3 Prick the center of the hole with an awl. Drill a hole 4 Grind the product, round off sharp edges and grinding corners
Each part of the product is manufactured according to its own technological process, which, in turn, consists of technological operations. The operation is performed at one workplace or on one machine, for example sawing, drilling.
Find and read in the textbook on p. 28 definition of operation.
The operation consists of transitions and parts installations.
How are transitions made? (Transitions are performed at one workplace or machine with one tool.)
3. Detailed analysis by students under the guidance of a teacher of the contents of several technological maps.
IV. Practical work.
Completing tasks:
1. Study the drawing of parts proposed by the teacher.
2.Using the table, develop a technological map
V. Lesson summary. Evaluation of students’ practical work, analysis of mistakes made.
Answers on questions:
What information is contained in the technological map?
Why do you need a technological map?

Attached files

Pedagogical rationale for the lesson:

In this lesson, students begin a new creative project, which involves students performing independent, consistent actions in implementing a specific plan. Since any creative work is a certain sequence of actions in the implementation of a certain plan, this requires the correct sequence of actions. Teaching students to master these research methods is one of the most important tasks of the entire educational field, including this lesson.

Lesson time: 90 minutes

Lesson Objectives:


  • teach students to independently plan activities based on acquired knowledge and developed skills,
  • reveal the essence of the stool manufacturing process from the point of view of the technological process;
  • implementation of acquired knowledge on the production of technological maps when solving a new problem;


  • develop students’ labor skills and ability to draw up technological maps
  • develop imagination, a creative approach to doing work
  • develop the ability to break a task into subtasks;


  • cultivate a conscientious attitude towards the tasks performed;
  • foster respect for equipment and tools

Tools and equipment:

  • Workbench,
  • ruler,
  • compass,
  • album sheet,
  • pencil

Visual aids:

  • routing,
  • finished products (stools of different designs),
  • parts blanks.

Form of study:

  • individual,
  • group

Brief Lesson Plan

I. Organizing time

II. Updating knowledge

III. Explanation of a new topic.

IV. Practical part of the lesson.

V. Analysis of student work, summing up

VI. Homework


I. Organizational moment

Checking the list of students, reporting the topic, goals and content of the lesson

Checking students' readiness for the lesson (condition of work stations, availability of notebooks, pens)

Determines the topic of the lesson, motivates for the final result

II. Updating knowledge

  1. What is a technological process? ( A technological process is a part of the production process that contains targeted actions to change the shape, size and properties of materials when making a product from them. The technological process is carried out using various technological equipment: machines, fixtures, tools).
  2. What is a technological map? ( A technological map is a document in which the entire process of processing product parts is recorded, indicating technological operations)

III. Explanation of new material

From today's lesson we will start making a stool.

Demonstration of finished products (stools)

Which stool do you want to make?

When the idea is determined, students move on to the next, most important stage in creative activity - translating the idea into sketches.

IV. Practical part of the lesson

Students create a technological map for making a stool

Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools, devices

Select workpieces, mark, cut the workpiece

ruler, pencil, hacksaw

Process workpieces on the machine

jointing machine FSSH-2

Plan and saw to size. Diagonally find the center for turning on a lathe

workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, hammer, crank

Marking and installing the workpiece on a lathe

machine STD-120M, calipers, cutters, ruler, pencil

Turning the workpiece to size and shape

machine STD-120M, template, reyer, Maisel

Sanding stool legs

sanding paper

Marking and making tenon nests

Drilling and slotting machine

Marking, sawing, planing inserts

Pencil, ruler, plane, hacksaw, square

Making a tenon joint

Workbench, ruler, square, hacksaw, chisel, knife

Assembling the stool frame (connecting the legs to the inserts)

Wood glue, mallet

Making a tabletop: marking, sawing, grinding

Workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, wood file, sanding paper

Product assembly

Workbench, wood glue, dowel, mallet

V. Analysis of student work, summing up

When assessing students' work, the teacher takes into account the consistency and correctness of the work.

VI. Homework

Draw up technological maps for different types of stools, indicate their purpose (children’s, kitchen, for work, household needs, etc.).