Setting up advertising on Facebook order. What is advertising on Facebook?

Facebook advertising is a good source of website traffic. But it is difficult for beginners to understand this topic - there is little sensible information, and almost no one writes about setting up advertising. The reasons are simple: Facebook’s advertising account is constantly changing, and structuring knowledge is difficult.

We create a general portrait of the target audience for advertising on Facebook

  • Age
  • Place of residence
  • Family status
  • Education
  • Job
  • Prosperity
  • Interests

Please note, this is not the final portrait of the target audience, but only general description. Still need to work with him

Segmenting your target audience for advertising on Facebook

Users should be divided into several unique categories based on demographics and behavior.

The target audience behaves differently in reality and on the Internet. For example, you are selling plastic windows, expensive. Your main customers are men 25-50 years old with above-average income. But who sifts through a bunch of information on the Internet, chooses a product and says “buy it, buy it”? Their wives. This means that we will show advertising to them.

And these wives can also be of different ages and interests. They are motivated by different things and this needs to be taken into account. Create separate ads for each audience segment:

  • at 40 years old, a woman may not be aware of the latest trends, but wants to install normal windows to make the house warmer;
  • at 20, she may be more interested in interior design and wants windows for a shabby chic room.

Select one parameter in each interest column in the advertising manager. This way you will more accurately reach your target audience.

Don't forget to go into behavioral criteria. There's a lot of interesting stuff there: for example, you can select only those people who view Facebook on an iPhone. Or those who perceive new technologies faster than others. Sometimes this setting can be decisive.

Determining your Facebook advertising budget

I recommend the second option: the cost of a click will directly depend on the quality of your ad. If you choose the right audience and correctly compose a teaser, a click on the site will be cheaper than you might think.

Should you limit advertising display by time of day? It's up to you, depending on your service. Perhaps you should only advertise after business hours or only on Tuesday mornings. If you are advertising throughout Russia, it is better not to limit your time. We have many time zones.

To avoid wasting money, place an ad for a week with a budget of 400 rubles. A day later, see the first results. If you are satisfied, increase the time and budget. If you don't like it, turn it off.

Evaluating the benefits of Facebook advertising for users

The fourth point in order, but not in importance. Remember: no one cares about a product/service/company if it doesn’t solve a problem and change life for the better.

Each audience segment has its own “pain” and its own approach to it. Try to determine why your offer is interesting to these people. Understand how you can use your product or service to solve their problem.

We select a teaser for website promotion on Facebook

Facebook offers two ad options:

Select images only in good resolution, interesting and not cropped anywhere. Avoid standard staged photos from photo banks.

When composing the text, think about what “pain” you will relieve? Ask the person a question. Identify the problem, offer a solution. Laconic and short.

Don't praise yourself, write about the user.

Specifics of placement in Facebook advertising.

Where to show the ad? No prescription or magic formula, which will tell you where it’s better to put the ad. But there are trends:

6 Steps to Proper Facebook Advertising

Let's summarize. To bring good traffic to your website from Facebook:

  • We draw up a portrait of the target audience, taking into account general demographics and interests;
  • we segment the target audience, specify the segments of the target audience by interests, income, age, etc.;
  • we formulate the value of the offer for the target audience;
  • we select good images and texts, involve a designer in the work;
  • choose the right placement. This can be fixed when the ad is already running, so we test different options;
  • We pay Facebook money.

For dessert, here are a few of my results, which are several times, and sometimes tens of times, cheaper than traffic from the context (as happened, for example, with advertising for PVC windows). Click on the pictures.

Internet advertising – modern and effective method promotion of news pages, many products and services. On social networks alone, the flow of people reaches a billion per day! The chances of going unnoticed are minimal, and placing an ad does not require much effort or investment. Let's look at one of the most popular social networks on the Internet Facebook as a platform for advertising.

Facebook Ad Formats

Facebook is a truly powerful paid traffic channel. For effective placement advertising does not require extensive programming knowledge. Available formats and necessary tools will help you create attractive publications that will allow you to quickly achieve your goal.

  • Photo - great way express yourself, make your brand more recognizable and attract the attention of users. One of the simplest formats that can be placed even on your page. A short description of up to 90 characters can be added to the picture.
An example of an advertising photo.

The types differ in that in the first case the advertiser negotiates with the administrators in the groups, and in the other two, Facebook must pay for the placement directly.

The advantages of publishing in communities on Facebook are:

  • , who not only fits the targeting criteria, but enters the group and is interested in the product;
  • more active responses, therefore – increased spontaneous sales;
  • the advertising block is placed in the TOPs for at least an hour a day - more active purchases occur during this period;
  • Until the administrator removes the ad, it produces results.

Without the help of a specialist, you can publish an ad using the Ads Manager tool. Ad Manager's detailed tutorial makes it user-friendly even for a beginner.
Advertising account on Facebook

The benefits of self-hosting are:

How much does Facebook advertising cost and how to pay for it?

Facebook offers the following methods for setting prices for posting ads.

  • Payment for 1,000 impressions. The advertiser sets the daily budget and determines the target audience. The standard auction procedure is carried out, the administration allows 25% to go beyond the budget.
  • Pay per click. Depending on the purpose of placing an ad, the cost of advertising differs. The price for clicking on a link ranges from 8 to 20 rubles. Costs may increase depending on your targeting options.

Payment options are presented by bank card(Visa, MasterCard, Discover) and PayPal payment system.

What happens if you don't pay for Facebook advertising?

How much does it cost to advertise through the community?

Typically, the administration of groups sets the price from one to two thousand rubles per day. Subsequently, the publication must simply be removed, of course, if the advertiser did not pay for its permanent placement without subsequent removal (this service will cost approximately twice as much as a daily “subscription”).

Setting up Facebook ads

As mentioned, the post is created using Facebook Ads Manager. It offers many customization options to attract the right users, decide on the budget and display time.

  • Preparatory stage: creating a working page and website, if necessary, make a link to it, choosing a bright slogan and association picture.
  • Next, you need to decide on the purpose of creating the publication. This could be advertising a page or website, promoting messages, or a set of “likes.”
  • Choice target audience. Facebook provides many targeting options, showing how many people can view a post.
  • Decide on a daily budget, as well as a schedule for displaying your ad. The system automatically determines a certain amount that can be adjusted.
  • The advertising format is selected and the finalization publications.

There is absolutely nothing complicated about the Manager settings. It is possible to control everything using the reporting function of the number of users interested in the ad, while adjusting the display options.

If problems arise with promoting a page, there are special Facebook advertising exchanges - services where social network posts are posted for a fee in order to promote them. These are kind of intermediaries who use many platforms. The most popular is the Plibber advertising exchange; besides it, Forumok and SocialTask ​​are also known.

Facebook provides truly ample opportunities for advertising. Placing publications and properly setting up their display help to significantly increase product sales and attract potential clients or become more popular on the Internet.

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Facebook Advertising

Facebook gained enormous popularity in all countries. It is the most famous social network in the world, with more than 800 million users. The number of Russian-speaking participants is growing steadily.

Why is advertising needed?

Facebook advertising is an excellent tool for achieving many marketing goals. For example, it helps in disseminating information about the brand and implementing extensive advertising campaigns. Facebook advertising also contributes to the fact that people begin to actively buy up any product, becoming interested in the brand. These are the main tasks, but in addition to them there are a number of secondary ones.

Advertising cost

It is customary to pay for:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks

If you choose to pay for clicks, then your funds will be invested in visits to your resource or Facebook page. Paying for impressions is quite risky. Of course, thousands of people will see your ad, but not all of them will go to your site, and your money will be wasted.

But there are two sides to the coin, so in some cases the decision to pay for impressions is justified. This option is suitable for the owners of those companies that are not faced with the task of selling a website, but there is a need to ensure that people begin to recognize the brand. If Facebook ads are placed correctly, people registered on the site may even become fans of your cafe or store.

The price of one transition is determined by the settings targeting And type of advertising. If there are few potential buyers, then the cost per click will be small. In addition, the cost gradually decreases as your advertisement gains fame. Now you understand why you need to create bright and original ads: the number of clicks will increase, and their cost will decrease.

If you want to find out in numbers how much advertising on Facebook costs, then the lowest cost per click is a third of the ruble. The minimum cost per thousand impressions is typically 3 dollars(about 90 rubles).

You can pay for advertising on Facebook in quite a few ways, now we will look at them in more detail. If you are wondering how to pay for advertising on Facebook, then know that you can do it as follows:

  • Plastic card Mastercard.
  • Plastic card Visa.
  • Plastic card American Express.
  • Plastic card Discover.
  • Plastic card JCB.
  • Credit card.
  • System PayPal(not available everywhere).
  • Yandex money.
  • Mobile phone.
  • If none of the above methods suits you, additional options payments can be seen if you click on the appropriate link.

How to Add Ads on Facebook

Now you know what Facebook advertising is and how to pay for it.

The following video explains how to run Facebook ads.

How to advertise for free

When you log into your account, the first thing that appears before your eyes is news feed.


The news feed allows you to follow your friends' news, as well as updates on interesting pages. To open your timeline, you need to click on your name at the top of the page.

Now you need to go to

You need to find the video you want to post.

Now you need to return to Facebook and paste the link into the window where it says "What are you thinking about?"

But before you spend even a ruble on advertising, you need to decide on your goals:

If you are interested in increasing traffic to your site, select the Traffic goal.

If you are interested in attracting new subscribers or customers, use the Conversions goal.​

You will be taken to the Ad Group editing window. Make sure to select site traffic if you are not advertising your app:

    Targeting by demographics and location, Targeting by audience interests and behavior, Targeting by connections to your business page, And also allows you to create custom custom audiences.

See detailed setup instructions.

Step 3: Choose where your ad will appear

Facebook will offer you 2 posting options: Automatic and Custom.


When selecting this placement target, you can choose: Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

1. First, expand the types of Facebook placement (in screenshot No. 1)

2. Then remove the checkboxes from the placements you don’t need (No. 2 in the screenshot)

Recommendation: All 4 ad placements have different display options, so if you want, for example, to advertise in the News Feed and in the right column, it is better to create 2 ad groups.

Step 4: Determine your ad budget and schedule

Daily budget. Allows you to specify how much you want to spend each day on a specific ad set. Facebook will use your budget evenly throughout the day.

Lifetime budget. Your ad budget is spread evenly over the life of your ad set.

Note: You specify a budget for an ad group in your advertising campaign.

Let's say you created 2 ad groups with a budget of $50, this means that you will spend $100 on your advertising campaign.

How to set up an advertising schedule

Step 5: Optimize your ad delivery

Facebook is continually improving its bid optimization and selection process to give you more transparency and control.

You can also choose whether you want to pay for impressions or ad-related actions.

Step by step instructions see Part 6.

Step 6: Select design elements

Before we continue, It is important that you understand the following:

The average user sees up to 1,500 posts in the News Feed!

Plus messages, events and photos in the sidebar on the left.​

To attract the user's attention, your advertising should STAND OUT among hundreds of other Facebook posts.​

Like 99% of other people, the first thing you see is an IMAGE!​

    Image . Occupies more than 50% of space. Color.Text. Appears above the picture in the News Feed. Headline. Especially important for advertising in the right column.

All 3 elements greatly influence the effectiveness of your advertising.

Select an image or video

Right away, Facebook asks you to choose whether this ad will have 1 image/video or several (format), as well as a slideshow:

You can create up to 6 ads by uploading multiple images at once.​

Select 1 of 3 image upload options.

Facebook offers 3 options to upload images:

    Upload an image from your computer. Select from the library. Choose from images that are already associated with your account. Use Images from the free Shutterstock collection.

A collection of free Shutterstock images.

ATTENTION: An image cannot contain more than 20% text, a lot of text.

​The 20% rule has been abolished by Facebook, but the more text in your ad, the more money you will pay for advertising.

“Facebook has not taken root here in Russia!” many say and continue to use the social network Vkontakte. But as our practice has shown, it has taken root. Only there is a different target audience on Facebook. And it is customary to call her more mature and accomplished (no offense). Therefore, if you are interested in directors and top managers, then advertising on Facebook is just what the doctor ordered. This article - detailed instructions how to set up advertising on facebook.

For better or for worse

In all popular social networks there are many ways to promote. Among which there are not only white (official), but also gray (semi-official) and black (forbidden). When on Facebook everything is completely different. There is a very strict security system and verification of every action. Therefore, we have to rejoice only in paid and official advertising methods. Here is an example of such an advertisement:

This is just one example of what targeted advertising looks like on Facebook. There are many more places and formats for placement. And they are easy to find by looking for the word “Advertising”; each block for monetization is marked with such a word.

And a small digression. Advertising on Facebook is a little more expensive to set up than . And if you plan to advertise to young people who are on VKontakte, then it’s better not to do it. Go straight there. On Facebook, we tune in to a purely specific layer of people: directors, top managers, politicians (the most popular types of people).

This conclusion is not final, but is based on our practice. Namely, we somehow attracted people from Facebook under 25 years old to our webinar on marketing. During the entire webinar, it was possible to leave comments via VK and FB (the shortened name for Facebook). Imagine our surprise when we saw that all the collected people from Facebook were leaving comments through their social pages. networks.

This experience once again showed us that the two leaders of VK and FB have almost 100% overlap of young audiences. What can no longer be said about the older of a different type of people.


Well thought?!

You have come to this material. And yet, I’m sure you are plagued by doubt: “Do I need this?” This is a normal thought that also occurred to me when I was planning to start. And I came to the conclusion that almost all companies need it! Although for a number of comrades, so be it, I will say that advertising on Facebook is not suitable for everyone.

Facebook, first and foremost, is a resource for communication (which is logical, it is a social network), which means that visitors are least likely to think about making purchases while browsing. And this must be taken into account.

If you have a product that does not require ripening (preparation), then this is the ideal platform for you. If the purchase of your product requires preparation, or more precisely, a person does not immediately need it, but in some specific case, then you should think several times. And to make the final decision, watch this video:


OK. Let's say you've convinced yourself that life is not sweet without promotion on Facebook, and you're ready to study this method of promotion in detail. In this case, I am very happy for you - it’s always nice when another person appears who is interested in marketing, and not in the usual selling. This is what our blog is for. In the future, we will describe in detail all the stages of promotion, how to advertise on Facebook.

Mini tip. To achieve maximum effect, I recommend reading and immediately implementing the actions you read.

Stage 0. Strategy

That's right - stage zero, not the first. After all, before you launch advertising on Facebook, you must formulate a promotion strategy. Perhaps a “frontal” sale will be best, and perhaps more effective, to attract people to the resource or as subscribers to your page.

These options are not the only ones, because there is a wide variety of strategies, each of which is determined by the tasks you need. For example, the last time we used a complex link to increase engagement, namely:

  1. We recorded three videos
  2. Showed our first video
  3. For those who watched the first video by 25% or more, we showed the 2nd video
  4. For those who watched the second video by 25% or more, we showed the 3rd video
  5. For those who watched the third video by 25% or more, we showed advertising with

Thus, we allowed only loyal customers into our funnel. And even though the cost of a subscriber was prohibitive, they immediately came in and bought, because they already trusted us. This complex circuit, which has many pitfalls. I showed it so that you get the idea.

By the way, I suggest you familiarize yourself with my relevant video on this issue, which will tell you about two global promotion strategies on social networks:

Step 1: Create an account

To get started, you should register an account on Facebook if you don’t have one. Next, you need to “inhabit it” (enter personal data, upload photos, avatar, descriptions, etc.) - this must be real data a certain person(yours or your assistant). The created page will become the administrator of the advertising account.

In addition, you will need to create a public or group, because adding advertising is only possible on behalf of the group - you will not be able to run advertising from a personal page.

Important! The following information and interface shots are accurate only at the time of creation of this manual. In case of discrepancies, please notify us about them in the comments so that we can quickly correct everything.

Step 2: Create an advertising account

The point here is this. An account registered for an organization differs from the one created for a private individual. These differences will help you a lot in the future. Just implement it without going into subtleties.

Account registration operations are carried out on the page To do this, you need to follow the link above, click on “Create an account” and register in a couple of steps.

Business Manager is a control panel where you connect various advertising offices, and they, in turn, can be registered both for individuals and organizations.

Once registration is successful, we click on “Company Setup” (upper right corner of the page) and go into the heart of your money machine.

And for the next step we need to register an advertising account in the business manager.

Advice! In the currency menu, select “rubles” - in this case there will be no losses due to conversion, and the smallest daily amount will be 60 rubles (by choosing dollars, you get a minimum of $5).

If you plan to set up targeted advertising on Instagram in the future, then you also need to connect your Instagram account in this business manager. To do this, click on the “Instagram Accounts” item in the pop-up menu (on the left side), after which in just two clicks you need to claim rights to the account. Subsequently, advertisements will be shown on her behalf.

The Ads manager, located here:, will help us make sure that we have configured everything correctly. In the future, this panel will become the main place for launching and managing promotion. Therefore, I recommend adding this page to your browser favorites.

In addition to Ads manager, there is a similar module - with the difference that it has greater functionality and is used to manage multiple accounts. Its name is Power Editor, it is located at: But let’s leave it alone for now; Ads manager will also work for our purposes.

Stage 3. Purpose

Finally, we are getting down to setting up our Facebook targets. In Ads manager, with one touch of a finger, click on the “Create ad” item, after which a list of goals appears in front of us, and this is where everything begins.

In other words, at this stage we tell Facebook what it needs to optimize itself for. Again. That is, Facebook itself learns and understands to whom, when and where it is better to show advertising in order to complete the task. You could say artificial intelligence.

There are three basic strategies, which include certain tactics (they are used depending on the goals). Let's take a closer look.

Types of strategies:

  1. Recognition. The strategy is aimed at making your product recognizable. In other words, we apply maximum coverage
  2. . Applications are a more familiar word for everyone, which sounds to many like “Potential Client”
  3. Conversion. This means setting up for a specific action, up to and including a purchase.

I could describe every tactic here, but I don’t see the point in filling the material with theoretical parts. For detailed information about the goal, you just need to hover your cursor over the question mark.

And don’t be alarmed if you choose the wrong goal; at any time you can go back a step or do it all over again.

Stage 4. Campaign setup

After defining the goal and name of the campaign (I called it “Site Applications”), a window with detailed settings will appear. You immediately get the impression that this is not a window, but a control panel nuclear reactor. In fact, if you look closely, everything is not so complicated.

The note! As an example, the goal “Conversion” was defined - it is this that is most attractive from a business point of view. After all, conversion is the applications on our website.

Conversion configuration

Facebook knows how to detect the presence of a target action (this is a conversion) - for which it should indicate when you go to which page the action is considered completed.

And to create a conversion, you need to select the “Site” item and click on the line “Define a new custom conversion”.

After this, you need to provide a link to your page where the visitor will end up after creating the application. And don’t forget to place the generated code on all pages of the site in the body of the BODY tag. You can learn more about how to implement this on the Facebook Business Help page.

A special browser add-on Facebook Pixel Helper (official) will help us determine if we did everything right. Or go to (the page after the application) so that the system records you as a completed action. To confirm correctness, the red circle will turn green.

Defining the audience (basic parameters)

The best way to get bad conversions is to be good to everyone. Therefore, you need to know your target audience well and launch specifically for them.

Custom Audience

We don’t pay attention to this point - most likely, we don’t have such an audience. For general development I'll tell you in two words. You can import a list of users, which will contain their addresses emails or cell phones– as a result, Facebook will create a similar audience based on this list. It's called Look-a-like.


Here we mark the country, city (by clicking on the “Mark with a pin” item you can select certain radius), where we plan to look for our visitors. Keep in mind that it is possible to choose not only those living in a given area, but also those who were there in the near future.

Age, Gender, Languages

Everything here is intuitive, you are unlikely to have any questions. I’d rather tell you a little life hack. We recently created an advertisement for our client and at the beginning of the text we wrote “31 years ____” and accordingly showed this advertisement to all people who are 31 years old, so that this figure would immediately catch their attention and attract attention to the post.

Ditto for various criteria better form your own advertising campaigns. This way you can see the indicators more accurately. Let's say you can create a campaign for boys from Saratov and another (separate) one for girls from Novosibirsk. Separately for girls 30-35 years old and for boys 14-17 years old. After all, they have different pains and needs.

Setting up an audience (detailed selection)

The choice of the target audience, without exaggeration, is the most important stage, so you should sweat over it for as long as possible if it’s important to you greatest number useful actions at minimal cost.

Having installed Common parameters, to the right you can see data on the estimated reach of visitors. It is quite possible that already at this stage the audience was quite small and there is no point in narrowing it further. So when working with this selection, regularly monitor the block on the right.

Detailed targeting

Attunement to people's interests and behavior. “What goes on the Internet stays there forever,” remember? Since Facebook constantly tracks your online movements (likes, clicks, visits), this statement is especially relevant here. In this case, “Director” was chosen as an example.

When adding words to detailed targeting, you will be able to see duplicate words. In the column on the right there will be the inscriptions “Employer”, “Interest”, “Position”, etc. For more detailed information, move the cursor to the desired inscription.


People who are or are associated with a Facebook group or page may be either excluded or added. More often this item we use to exclude this audience so as not to show advertising to those who are already in your “networks”.

The final action in this part is to remember to save your audience. In the future, this will simplify reconfiguration - you simply select a previously saved audience and everything will be as it was.

Stage 5. Types of placement (placements)

Let me remind you that this article is devoted to the topic “Targeted advertising on Facebook,” so at this stage we are removing the checkboxes from all types of placements except Facebook. To do this, you need to click on the “Edit placements” line and deactivate what you did not plan to use, namely Audience Network (advertising in mobile applications partners) and Instagram.

Device types

Here we set the types of devices (everywhere / mobile only / PC only) on which we plan to display advertising. This is advisable in cases where you are absolutely sure that nothing will be ordered from a certain type of device. Or in case of poor implementation of website design for mobile devices.

Important! You can become a victim of greed by checking the “Show ads also on Instagram” and “Show on all devices” checkboxes. This way you won’t see the real situation and won’t be able to understand where people are buying from, from Instagram or Facebook, from mobile or PC. And the difference in behavior can be dramatic.

Expanded parameters

These settings can be changed if you clearly know your audience and their online behavior. There is most likely no understanding of this if you are just learning how to place ads on this social network. networks. However, it will be useful to read, click, study for a better understanding.

Step 6: Budget and Schedule

The last operation carried out on this page is the amount of investment in advertising; what we pay for; duration of impressions (accurate to the minute). The first part of this section is editable and can be configured to suit your purposes. In the second half, we accept what the social network itself offers. This is usually the ideal setting.

Time and money (detailed selection)

Surely for you this is almost the most important point, namely “How much does advertising on Facebook cost?” Here we configure this and the display time.


The amount can be determined for each day or for the entire duration of the campaign. In both cases, the result is the same; simply, by determining the budget for the entire duration of the campaign, the total cost is divided by the number of days. The smallest amount is 60 rubles. (ruble Accounts) or $5 (for dollar accounts).

Remember that Facebook will start offering you a higher daily cost. So, when planning your campaign costs, vary them in increments of 5 to 10%, and then track how much your reach has increased on the right side of the page. For example, if the coverage increased by 5% at a budget cost of 25%, then this will be too much.

And here Facebook, in order to retain your funds, will show your advertisement several times to one user, and not one person = one impression. Whether this is a plus or a minus will only be clear through testing.


A promotion, the duration of which is clearly defined by the beginning and end (up to the day), requires setting an exact date range. However, if you are creating a company to continuously collect leads, the option is set to “Continuously show my ad set.” The only thing is, don’t forget to turn it off when the need disappears, otherwise they will charge you and you won’t be able to get out.

Optimization and strategies (detailed selection)

If the previous two points were about setting up time and budget, then the following points will help us clarify our strategy and optimize it for our client.


In this case, you need to select “Conversions”, because from the very beginning we needed the maximum number of target actions, so here we determine what we ultimately want to achieve. “Link Clicks” is the #2 priority, and the third is “Number of Impressions.”

Conversion window

This is the time during which the visitor decides to take or not take. Based on experience, this parameter is usually equal to one day. Although I fully admit that in your case it may be that a person returns to your site several times during the week and only during this time makes a decision, and not immediately in one day when he saw it.

Bet amount

The default setting is “AUTO” - leave it as is. Of course, your expenses will be higher this way than in the case of manual setup. But with a manual bet, there are also hemorrhoids. There is a chance that your company will not be displayed because the bid is too low and you will need to continuously monitor the bid to gradually increase it.

Roughly speaking, it’s like at an auction – the maximum price determines the number of impressions. And if you gave 10 kopecks less than your competitor, then your advertisement is shown less often or not shown at all.

What do we pay for?

There are two types of payments - per action and per impression. Clicks are usually more profitable. But we again come to the conclusion that you need to constantly monitor this indicator, otherwise Facebook will stop showing your advertising, thinking that it will earn more by showing advertising from another company.

Therefore, we leave “Shows”; at the start stage we will definitely not lose anything and perhaps even do it better. In addition, if you do not select “Clicks” in the “Optimization” item, then you will not be able to change the fields here.

The remaining settings are very simple; you are unlikely to use them often. You can simply click on them without changing anything, if you don’t now understand that this is exactly what you need.

The last step in this section is “Name of ad group”, here you are free to call it whatever you want. As a rule, I give names based on the page parameters set. Let's say, Men / Managers / Yekaterinburg. Because when there are a dozen such ad groups, you start to get a little confused.

Stage 7. Announcements

Just a couple more minutes and your creation will be seen by the entire planet. The next page suggests creating advertisements that will help us attract people to us. And here is a complete flight of fancy, because you can make an advertisement in the form of intrigue, content, or head-on.


There are a lot of different formats for implementing your advertising on Facebook, and you’ve probably already seen them when using social networks - videos, slide shows, just pictures. By analogy with this, we must select the display type.

One image. The most used delivery method. Normal static image.

One video. Video gives the highest return. Only important nuance, if your target audience is office workers, then this is not the best choice, since it is “dangerous” for them to turn on the sound while working. Subtitles can save you.

Slide show. All you need to do is upload up to 10 pictures, and Facebook will convert them into an automatically scrolling slide show lasting up to 50 seconds.

Canvas. An alternative to the “Slideshow” option, only here it uses not only photos, but also videos.

Detailed implementation examples can be seen at official instructions Facebook: Click on the desired goal on the right side of the screen, then set the required format for review.


Click plus and add up to 6 images. Moreover, if you select the “Single Image” format, then after clicking the “Save” button, a separate ad will be created for each image. And thus, in the future you will be able to understand which of them works better (attracts more people).

An important point - keep track of how much text the photo contains. Facebook has a very negative attitude towards text > 20% (give or take).

Violators are destined for a narrowing of coverage (almost 70% of the desired). And here Facebook comes to the rescue with the help of its service, where you can check the percentage of letters in the picture.