Is it possible to lose weight from sports? How to lose weight quickly without exercising? Eat in a relaxed environment: no electronics

Unfortunately, today people do not use their brains to their full capacity. However, you can try to change the situation by training this organ daily. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

About the brain

Brain training is very important and necessary activity. After all, today scientists have proven that only by the age of 60 does this human organ reach its peak of development. Previously, it was believed that at this time brain activity was already significantly reduced. Modern scientists have proven that brain activity does not depend on the neurons themselves (the number of which decreases in old age), but on the quality of the connections between them. It is these connections that can be maintained and strengthened through active

At all times people knew that the most important activity is brain training. This is exactly what the American writer Dorothy Brand wrote in her book back in 1936. She provided several simple but very effective exercises to activate brain activity.

  1. Every day you need to set aside one hour when you have to reduce speech activity to the maximum. Those. don't talk to anyone. If necessary, questions must be answered in monosyllables, clearly and to the point.
  2. For half an hour a day you need to think about one subject. Since it will be very difficult to do this at first, training should start from 5 minutes.
  3. A quarter of an hour a day you need to speak without using the words me, mine, I.
  4. You need to draw up an activity plan for two hours a day and strictly follow it.
  5. You need to set yourself 12 tasks per day. All of them must be fulfilled.

These exercises not only train the brain, but also force a person to look at himself and the world wider.

Morning exercise for the brain

The brain, like the body, requires awakening to function well. In this case, you may need a morning brain workout. It takes about 5-10 minutes in the period immediately after sleep. All exercises should be performed in a comfortable position. Everything is also said out loud.

Exercise 1. You need to try to count backwards from 100 to 1 as quickly as possible.

Exercise 2. For each letter of the alphabet you need to come up with a word. You need to do the exercise very quickly.

Exercise 3. You need to pronounce 20 male names, each of which must be assigned a number (for example, 1 - Sasha, 2 - Oleg, etc.). The same needs to be done with female names.

Exercise 4. You need to try to number 20 types of different foods.

Exercise 5. You need to choose any letter of the alphabet and come up with 20 words for it, numbering each of them.

Most often, a person's eyes are open during exercise. After all the tasks, you need to close your eyes for half a minute and open them again. That's all, the brain has “warmed up” and is ready for active work.


Brain training, i.e. a set of exercises invented for this purpose is called “neurobics” in science. The creator of this science, professor of neurobiology Lawrence Katz, believes that you can use the developments of neuroscience anytime and anywhere. Since these exercises are simple and accessible to everyone, and the benefits from them are enormous.


  1. You should try to do ordinary things in an unusual way. To do this, you can wash your face in the morning with your eyes closed.
  2. Change usual order. Every day you should try to go to work in different ways. Alternatively, you can buy groceries in a place other than your usual one.
  3. Various types of travel activate the brain very well. If it is not possible to travel far and for a long time, you can periodically go on a voyage to neighboring cities or villages.
  4. You need to solve puzzles, crossword puzzles and problems as often as possible. At the same time, the difficulty level of all tasks needs to be increased.
  5. You should always be interested in something new, unknown. So, it’s good to periodically master new sciences or find new hobbies.
  6. A great brain workout is watching TV. However, you need to turn off the sound and try to pronounce all the dialogues that occur on the screen.
  7. You should try to answer ordinary questions in a non-standard way.
  8. Fantasy trains the brain very well. So, you can periodically come up with poems, jokes, stories. You don't have to write all this down. As an alternative, you can “speak out” various dialogues in your head with familiar people or strangers.


Excellent brain and memory training - all kinds of games. It could be checkers, chess, card games(they also make a person think!). You can also just play with your child. After all, for this you will need to turn on your imagination, which is very useful for brain activity. It is very good today to use various gadgets and programmers’ developments to train the main organ. For example, this could be the NeuroNation application. Brain training, improving concentration and developing logic - all this can be found in this game. Feedback from people who have tried this application, as they say, is only positive. All users were completely satisfied with the results.

About the hemispheres of the brain

All people probably know that the brain consists of two hemispheres. So, the right is responsible for intuition and Creative skills, left - for logic and mathematical abilities. It is ideal when a person develops these two hemispheres in parallel. However, you can try to develop certain qualities in yourself by training only the necessary part of the brain.

Right hemisphere

Training the right hemisphere of the brain can consist of the following exercises:

  1. Need to pay more attention creative activity. So, you can go to a museum or take up painting.
  2. You need to think through the whole next day. In this case, the right hemisphere is responsible for which it turns on.
  3. You can also train your brain outside. You just need to peer into people's faces and guess what they are thinking about now.

There can be a lot of such exercises. You just need to try to use your imagination as much as possible. By the way, playing with a child perfectly develops the right hemisphere of the brain.

Left hemisphere

Training the brain hemisphere may be somewhat different (in this case we will be talking about the left hemisphere). What exercises will be relevant in this case:

  1. You should try to solve crossword puzzles as much as possible.
  2. It is good to train the left hemisphere of the brain with mathematics. It is necessary to solve problems, gradually increasing their complexity.
  3. We also need to decide

It is worth saying that in order to develop the brain, you also need to use the body (however, mirror image). If you need to develop the left hemisphere, you need to train your right arm and leg more. And vice versa.

Harmonious development

But I still want to say that it is better if brain training is carried out harmoniously. In this case, exercises are aimed evenly at developing both the right and left hemispheres. So, for this you can try using your hands:

  1. Nose-ear. You need to touch your left ear with your right hand, and the tip of your nose with your left hand. Next you need to clap your hands and quickly change hands.
  2. Drawing. In order to evenly develop both hemispheres of the brain, you need to take a pencil in each hand and start drawing a mirror image. Those. so that it consists of equal two parts.
  3. Ring. For this task, alternately with thumb you need to put the remaining fingers of your hand into a ring. This must be done on both hands at the same time. For more serious training, you can come up with a tongue twister for each finger (this will also train your diction).

Helpful pictures

To train your brain, you can also use pictures specially designed by specialists. For example, you can determine which hemisphere a person has as the “leading” one with the help of a girl dancing on one leg. You can train your brain using the “Traffic Light” exercise. So, the color in which the word itself is written and the color it means will be different. You need to correctly read what is written (and not the color in which it is written). The exercise seems simple at first glance, but it is completely wrong.

About vessels

If speak about great value it is precisely his vessels that are present here. After all, if they work incorrectly or do not circulate blood in sufficient quantities, this affects a person’s mental abilities. And if training the cerebral vessels is an almost impossible action (no one has yet learned how to control them), then you can periodically clean your cerebral vessels.

  1. Various types of herbal teas are excellent for cleaning vessels. To do this, you can take linden blossom, currant or strawberry leaves, oregano, St. John's wort, dried viburnum or rowan berries.
  2. Works great in this direction too lemon juice and soda. A teaspoon of these ingredients should be dissolved in a glass of water.

If the above products can be used frequently (even daily), then serious cleaning of the vessels should be carried out no more than once a year.

  1. Horseradish needs to be grated, take a tablespoon and pour sour cream (1 cup). This medicine is taken for a month with meals, one tablespoon.
  2. Approximately 300 grams of garlic must be minced and poured with 200 ml of alcohol. Everything is placed in a tight container, closed and left for a week in a dark place. Next, the medicine is taken about 10 drops (diluted with milk) three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course is a month.

Man in Everyday life uses 10-15% of power gray matter. It needs to be developed, just like muscles. Through classes and special tasks You can develop brain activity and memory by constantly making activities more difficult.

Brain training is necessary for a person, because it is part human body, which according to scientists develops up to 60 years.

The quality of brain activity directly depends not on the number of neurons, but on the quality of their interaction. They, like muscles, have the ability to move, so exercises for training the brain contribute to its development in youth and rejuvenation in old age.

In 1936, the American writer in her book “Awake and Live” offered 9 tips for developing mental abilities.

  1. Remain silent for one hour, answer only when necessary, in monosyllables, to the point. At the same time, the behavior should be natural so that people around you do not think that you are angry or offended.
  2. Think about one thing for 30 minutes straight. To simplify the task on initial stage You can limit yourself to five minutes.
  3. Conduct a conversation for 15 minutes without using pronouns.
  4. Live according to the schedule for 2 hours a day, strictly fulfilling each of its points.
  5. Come up with and complete any 12 tasks.
  6. Give only positive answers all day.
  7. Conduct a dialogue with your interlocutor in such a way that your friend talks about himself throughout the conversation.
  8. Talk about yourself throughout the conversation without complaining or boasting, and the interlocutor should not be bored.
  9. Estimate the size of a room crowded with people.

Doing these exercises good workout brain, which will teach you to concentrate and carry out the actions planned for the day.

The brain consists of left and right hemispheres. Each of them needs training. It happens that one is more developed than the other. In such a situation, in order for personality development to proceed evenly, it is necessary to train what is lagging behind.

Useful to know: What percentage of the human brain works and how to use it fully

A number of experiments will help determine which hemisphere this is.

One of them suggests folding your palms in a prayer gesture, then clasping them. By thumb, which is on top, determine which of them dominates. Each hemisphere is responsible for the opposite side.

It is also possible to determine dominance by crossing your arms over your chest using the same principle.

After determining the dominant hemisphere, you can proceed directly to classes. Brain training and memory development begins with preparing a training program. After all, different exercises are used for each of them.

Left Brain Training

To maintain a sharp mind like in childhood, your brain needs training. Scientists have proven that the left hemisphere is responsible for the actions of the right side of the body. Performing daily tasks with the right hand helps develop intelligence and logical thinking. It is useful for the brain to solve problems and puzzles, play logic games, and learn poetry or prose by heart.

Useful to know: Interesting Facts and myths about the human brain

Come up with up to four development options for the current situation.

Keeping a diary recording the smallest details of the day in the exact sequence of events will also be an excellent exercise for your brain.

Harmoniously developed hemispheres also require coordination in actions. Walking in the fresh air helps improve overall interaction.

Scientists have proven that spending 20 minutes outside can improve brain function by 60%.

Performing exercises with both hands at the same time will help improve the interaction of the hemispheres. Such as drawing with both hands or physical asymmetrical movements of the limbs in an exercise.

Games and sites that develop the brain

The brain needs development no less than the body. Personal development will be harmonious if you use exercise equipment not only in sports, but also for training the brain and memory.

You can play any game that makes us think and look for solutions. Checkers, chess and even cards help improve brain activity.

Try to come up with an activity for a child or group of children to keep them interested. Daily training of this kind will change your thinking forever.

To develop your brain, you can play games with friends or online. The Bitreynik website offers a wide variety of games. The exercises presented on this site were created using the achievements of modern psychology. Here you can train online the skills and abilities you need.

Feb 17 2016

Brain training is aimed at stimulating neural processes and raising tone, awakening inactive connections. Classes speed up the thought process and organize it. A change in state of consciousness opens up potential ways to solve problems, and memory improves. Physical exercise increases blood supply to the brain vessels, saturating it with oxygen.

Organization of thinking

The thought process does not consist of static perceptions or isolated emotions. It represents the movement of thoughts - analysis and synthesis. All information about the problem is built into a hierarchy of sequential judgments. Human consciousness operates with objective ideas. Consciousness compares and distinguishes them, puts them into the cells of previous experience.

However, cells associated with past skills (thought patterns) are not always suitable for solving new problems. Therefore, renewal of the structures of consciousness is required.

The process of the flow of thoughts is represented in the form of an input and output diagram with different stages of information processing. At the first stage, there is pre-collected knowledge about the problem, final stage implies a conclusion or a finished result. Between the initial and final stages, there are still stages of processing - the stage of potential possibilities for achieving a result and the stage of selecting an answer, one of all possible.

So how can you improve the performance of these stages of information processing?

Before you start the exercise, you need to wake up your brain - drink a cup of coffee, eat some candy (glucose is necessary for the functioning of neural cells). Use a light warm-up to engage your imagination and calm your emotions:

  1. Make a simple one breathing exercises: Inhale and exhale deeply. Exhale as deeply as possible, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and inhale. With this method of breathing, oxygen will flow into the lungs and into the blood in a maximum volume.
  2. Mentally count from one to one hundred, then count backwards. Complete the count as quickly as possible.
  3. Put your imagination to work - imagine a bright green square. Then, with an effort of will, turn the square into a diamond, then into a triangle.
  4. Take some text and read a few pages backwards.

The human brain does its job by creating neural activity in different areas. According to psychophysiology, the function of the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity, emotions and intuition. All our irrational desires and fantasies are stored there.

The right hemisphere is most developed in children while they are exploring the world and the structures of their intellect are being formed.
In an adult, right-hemisphere thinking fades into the background and all work is transferred to the left - logical, verbal. To awaken the creative hemisphere, it is necessary to use the part of the body that is controlled by the right hemisphere - left hand.

Exercises for the development of the non-dominant hemisphere of the brain

Try to learn to write with your left hand, take the whole day to make your left hand the leading one in actions - say hello with your left hand, wash dishes with your left hand. Try writing or drawing a simple figure with both hands at the same time, parallel. Introduce a distortion of perception into the drawing exercise - draw on a sheet of paper, not looking at the sheet, but looking at the drawing in the mirror. Try to complete half of the image using the reflection in the mirror.

Exercise figure eight

Drawing eights in the air with both hands at the same time. Then try doing two things at once different hands: stroke the top of your head with your right hand, while tapping your chest with the other. Learn to type on the keyboard with both hands.

Word exercise

Take a pen and a piece of paper and sit at the table. Write down on paper any word that suddenly comes to mind. Come up with ten sentences that contain this word.

With Vikium you can organize the process of daily brain training according to an individual program

Dress up wrist watch on the other hand, this will cause a feeling of unusualness and novelty. Later you will learn to watch the time on your left (right) hand. The very phenomenon of novelty stimulates nervous activity, does not allow the brain to fall asleep. This is to accustom the brain to flexibility and constant change.

Game of association and transformation

Take some picture or object and come up with several associations associated with the thing. Transforming a word involves changing the graphic image; this exercise is suitable for those who study foreign languages ​​and translations. For example, change one or two letters in a word, combine phrases into one word, turn them into a close synonym.

From dispute to cooperation. Bono's Colored Hat Method

Many ancient philosophers expressed the idea that truth is born in a dispute. They used methods of dialogue and criticism to identify the logical grain in reasoning (about God, the soul).

In addition to being productive in analyzing a situation, this activity will be a good exercise for your brain.

However, one modern scientist has suggested that the most in a productive way in building effective solution, there will be parallel reasoning by all participants in the dispute, their unanimous agreement. But this does not mean that all participants must accept one single point of view. Each of the interlocutors temporarily agrees with the others (even if the decision contradicts his logic) - a specific opinion is taken into account. Then, participants change their speculative perspective and accept a different or even opposite option. Compare thoughts and impressions.

The first hat black“, this hat means that you must criticize this theory, identify all its shortcomings and dangers. Think out Negative consequences her choice.

"Yellow" hat, means sunlight, positive logic. You must think about the actions and results, what benefits and values ​​they will bring you.

"Red" hat means feelings and emotions. Able "red hat" You can express all emotions and feelings, without restrictions, regarding any matter or theory. Do not choose words, but speak as they come to mind spontaneously.
You can express anything you want, provided that not a single opinion expressed is subject to condemnation and logical explanation.

"Green Hat" directs the participant’s thoughts in a creative direction, meaning the search for alternative ways to solve a problem. The scope of possibilities contained in a given idea.

"Blue Hat"- a state when you view the result and sequence of operations in thinking. It exercises control over consciousness, sums up final or intermediate results in a task. Makes consistent connections between thoughts. Organizes the task as a whole.

"White Hat", in this state you analyze the available information: what information is available, what information is available, what information is missing and where to get it?

The technique is aimed both at a group of discussion participants and for individual practice different ways thinking.

When we need to remember something, nervous tension becomes more intense, triggering the process of search and association. Try to speed up your thinking by recalling details of the past day or a story from a book you read.
To speed up the thinking process and trigger your imagination, start reading a little faster than you usually read, try not to stop at the text you read. At first, follow the text using the pointer. The brain will stop grasping a specific text and move to a simpler level of perception - images, meaning.

Exercise to improve memory

One way to remember is read-once method . First of all, you need to understand that excessive mental stress does not contribute to memorization, but to the occurrence of headaches. Think about the fact that the memorized information and numbers do not carry any vital information; you do not need to try to remember it at all. Try to look at the order of numbers or sentences once.

Memory is also stimulated by reading books without repetition - do not read the same books over and over again. You will learn to remember information by doubling its importance (you don't have more possibilities return to it). In addition, you save time and give yourself a chance to discover something new in the world of information.

Parallel Thinking Exercise

When you exercise at home or in a fitness club, you can combine exercise with a mental process. For example, remember all the details and things you encounter on the way to work. Scroll through the information you need to prepare for a report or coursework.

Watching the Chaos

Chaos- that's pretty relative concept. From a logical point of view, there is complete chaos going on in nature. The mind tries to predict it, squeeze it into the framework of logic. But periodically, observing chaos, we see new ordered systems and patterns in it. We recommend monitoring any chaotic phenomena. This could be children playing in the sandbox, a group of pigeons in the park, water drops flowing on glass during the rain.

Improve and diversify sensory experiences

Neurologists and psychiatrists advise relieving stress with essential oils. According to them, citrus smells increase concentration. The smell of juniper and pine relieves stress and distracts from obsessive thoughts.

Diversify taste sensations– try dishes, fruits that you have not tried yet. Partial shutdown of the presenters will help to consider and strengthen one of all the feelings. For example, when tasting an orange or a new dish, close your eyes.

Another experiment is when you take a shower, focus on the sound of water and bodily sensations, also closing your eyes.
For visual experiments, watching a movie without sound is suitable. Improvements in the concentration of sensations at the fingertips are facilitated by surfaces of different textures: velvet upholstery of a chair, silk shirt.

Learn foreign languages

Foreign languages ​​lead to whole complexes of elements for developing flexibility of thinking. Studying a foreign language will expand the scope of previous concepts of words. Through the prism of a different picture of the world, one can observe other ways of judging and constructing thoughts. Nothing teaches you a deeper and clearer understanding of your native language like a foreign language.

Do sports games, gymnastics

Efficient tone nervous system depends not only on mental tasks, but also on the tone of all the muscles of the body. The filling of blood vessels in the limbs and blood circulation affect the degree of consciousness and eliminate the errors of illusions. The more intense the mental work, the more it requires compensation from the body. With muscle movements, blood saturation and nutrition of nerve cells increases many times. In addition, intellectual activity requires periods of rest and release of emotions.

Good fun and coordination training is table tennis. As you play, you sharpen your reflexes and improve your eye-hand coordination. The intuition of time is trained - the moment of filing a sword, the moment of hitting a racket.

From physical exercise to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain there can be a cross step, baby crawling. When the right and left sides of the arms and legs move, the integration of neural signals between them occurs.

Massage of the jaw muscles (in the area of ​​​​the articulation of the upper and lower jaw) leads to relaxation of all facial muscles, beneficial yawning and the release of additional energy.

To prevent intelligence from drying out with age, turning into dementia, it is necessary to keep the brain in good shape. Not so long ago it was found that many of the methods used for this have lost their relevance. Maintaining memory by memorizing rhymes is considered useless by scientists, as is learning to use both hands. But online brain training through mind games continues to be the focus of attention for those who intend to preserve their intelligence until death.

General principles for improving brain function

Mental trainers will only show their benefits when they are combined with moderate exercise on regular sports equipment. Maintaining your body in a cheerful state is the main condition for the vigor of your mind. When embarking on an assault on developmental programs and increasing one’s own cognitive abilities, one must not forget about the need for periodic physical training changes. Be sure to include running or brisk walking in your daily routine. Blood heated in this way for an hour rushes to the brain and improves its functioning by 15%.

There are several more “working” methods for improving the mind:

  • introducing into the diet foods with fiber that stimulates the renewal of brain cells;
  • studying foreign languages- one of the time-tested methods;
  • daily reading. Receiving interesting and fresh information for at least an hour a day - this recipe will keep your intellect in good shape.

Another important condition for highly productive brain function is the hormone dopamine and the associated feeling of happiness. If intellectual games only bring you stress, cortisol produces the opposite effect. So choosing a cognitive simulator is a crucial moment.

20 Online Exercise Resources to Train Your Brain and Memory

Prefer only those exercises that you will enjoy. Well, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the online assortment right now.

The speed of switching attention is what exercises based on the John Ridley Stroop effect train. In 1929, German psychologists noticed the phenomenon of a person’s reaction delay when he reads the name of a color in a word printed in a font different from that color. If it says “red”, but in fact we see green, the brain makes an involuntary stop and begins to think. Combining theoretical knowledge with actual practice makes the mind work. And the longer you practice pressing the right buttons (“Yes” or “No” - matches or not), the faster your reaction becomes and your attentiveness develops.

Where to find:

By analyzing the actual phenomenon with the written one, we force the brain to work

Puzzle KenKen

The Japanese puzzle is rightfully considered more useful than crosswords and Sudoku. To correctly fill in the cells of a square table with given numbers and arithmetic signs in the corners, you need to learn several rules:

  1. Fill out the grid so that numbers are not repeated in columns and rows.
  2. The numbers inside each block must answer the number to the left of the specified arithmetic sign.
  3. There should be as many different numbers in KenKen as there are rows or columns in it. For example, if it is a 5 by 5 square, there will only be numbers from 1 to 5 inside.

The topic is so popular that booksellers today make a lot of money from printed versions of the puzzle. But iPhone users can download the classic app and try it out free version online.

Where to find:

The puzzle will give in to your mind if you learn a few rules

Schulte table

In the movie “Peaceful Warrior,” a bearded “old man” from a gas station taught a guy to stop the flow of his own thoughts in order to achieve maximum results. The “here and now” method can also be trained well on the proposed cognitive simulator. His task is to look at the center of the table and at the same time, with peripheral vision, track numbers or letters in ascending order. The less time it takes, the cooler your brain is. Daily exercise in this process will develop not only intelligence, but also speed reading abilities. Up to ten tables are allowed per day.

Where to find:

Mobile apps available in App Store and Google Play.

With your peripheral vision you should be able to track numbers and letters.


Accelerate the pace of resolution mathematical problems before cosmic heights will allow online play with different training modes. If at the initial stage there is no counting of time, then in the “Marathon” every second allocated for reflection becomes valuable. In the “Error-Free” mode, you only have a couple of minutes, but there is absolutely no room for error.

Where to find:

If you become an ace at this game, math problems will be solved in minutes


Fans of quizzes will appreciate this simple online resource with a cuddly panda as your guide. You can start testing your own knowledge immediately, without resorting to any registration. A feature of the presented quizzes is the gradual complication of questions. And if you get the taste at the very beginning, then it will be difficult to crack the last nuts. A great incentive to start reading specialized literature! And instead of challenging your “Pushkin” to a fight in the neighboring yard, compete with him in a duel right on this site.

Where to find:

You can start training without registration

Another popular simulator, included in the lists of most development resources. The goal is to connect in pairs absolutely all the pictures presented on the screen. The selection order is complicated by the fact that you are only allowed to click on the images lying on top of the decks, and sometimes you can combine them in a pair even if the theme is the same (flowers, animals, fruits).

Where to find: (one of the sources).

Mobile applications are available in the App Store and Google Play.

Mahjong is one of the popular simulators

Chinese checkers

Although there is no shortage of people in China, it was there that they invented a type of checkers that can be played alone. The playing field resembles a cross on a platter. The essence of the one-goal game is to remove as many checkers as possible from this plate. The jumping rules remain classic (one after another). The checker that was jumped over is removed from the field into your prize treasury.

Where to find:

Available mobile app on Google Play.

The essence of the game is to remove more checkers from the field

Where to find:

This test will help you check your intelligence level

Fitness for the brain from B-trainika

The famous Bitreynik service provides free access to various exercises for a limited time after completing a simple registration.


One of the first simulators will be a game with coins. It is required to give the correct answer to the question “Does the denomination of the currently shown coin match the denomination of the previous one” as quickly as possible? Developed attentiveness and reaction speed are the results that are being worked on here.

The principle of the game is simple: you need to answer the question as quickly as possible

Big fish

Another exercise from the B-Trainika arsenal. It trains the coordination of visual perception (“scanning”) with the speed of thinking. The task is a linguistic one: you need to create a word from a given set of letters by clicking on the cards one by one. The “Cast” button checks the correctness of the selection. Correct answers and the speed of throwing them into the virtual “pond” give a certain number of points.

This game trains both visual perception and thinking speed.

More points - bigger catch.

The game will be richer if you score more points

Rotating puzzle

The difference between this puzzle and the usual one is that all the parts of the picture are already in their designated place, there is no need to move anything. Instead, the elements must be rotated. The secret to success is to initially determine which of them do not require rotation, so as not to click too much. If you can't find it right away starting point, you are allowed to use " with a magic wand" It will help you determine which element to focus on at the very beginning.

The difficulty is that the puzzle needs to be completed in a certain number of attempts.

Way of the Ninja

The specialization of this online trainer is improving short-term memory, which becomes especially important with age. The rules are extremely simple - you need to remember the location of the yellow squares and click where they are hiding. The greater the amount of yellow and the shorter the time of its initial demonstration, the more difficult the level.

This simulator will improve your short-term memory


It’s quite easy to keep track of the first insects that fly onto the screen if there are only a couple of them. You can even manage to follow one with your mouse. But on more difficult levels, the firefly population increases so much that you have to strain the full power of your peripheral vision. That's what it's designed for. The functionality is similar to the famous “Shells”, under one of which a ball is traditionally hidden. In the form of cups, the same game is popular in “real life” among magicians. But if you play online, fraud and sleight of hand of the “wizard” will bypass you. Everything is fair here.

Where to find:

With fireflies you will develop manual dexterity and peripheral vision

Wikium website

When you register on Wikium, you will first be asked to identify your current brain training goals. In accordance with them, a program is automatically developed with games that are more suitable for you.

Chamber of Secrets

For example, memory is developed with the help of the “Chamber of Secrets”. It is suggested that you remember exactly which items were located on the shelf before a sloppy cat climbed into the closet and touched several of them. If you can quickly and correctly point out things that have fallen on the floor, points are counted. At first, only one of the three items disappears, but as the level becomes more difficult, their number increases.

Here you need to remember the places where the objects were located


Another Wikium exercise trains spatial thinking, which is so important in planning and design. Will the pictures coincide if one of them is rotated around an axis? The faster you give the correct answer, the richer you will become in neuron points. At each subsequent stage, the combination of squares becomes more and more intricate, confusing your eye.

You will definitely have a diamond eye after a few workouts.


Speedy attention is what you acquire when you go through this simulator multiple times. The condition is clear even to a preschooler - find the “extra” figure. But it’s not so easy to do this quickly, even for an adult, because the difference can be subtle, hidden in both shape and color.

The task requires special concentration


To give an answer without thinking, in this exercise you will have to strain your visual intuition. Which “porridge” of letters does the given word match if the elements are rearranged? Time for thinking is counted in the same way as the correctness of the answer. Linguists will be delighted with how familiar names sound if they contain extra letters. Just be careful and don’t click on the “added” option.

Here you will be credited for the speed and correctness of your answer.

Speed ​​sort

The ability to quickly classify comes in handy even with the simplest work. Being able to quickly distribute objects to their places means increasing labor productivity. This is when a trained brain helps increase your salary! To achieve this, get your hands on the inhabitants of space, scattering them across their home planets. Keep in mind that the number of planets will increase as you progress.


“The Observer” from Vikium allows you to train visual attention to the maximum in combination with short-term memory and reaction. It is necessary not only to notice in time all the changes that have occurred in the picture, but also to correctly count them. By the way, you can take your small child on your lap while playing - the simulator is very similar to the cartoon.

Cartoon simulator that develops attention and short-term memory


The nerves going to the brain contact not only the organs of vision. Auditory thinking also needs periodic training. The ability to understand what you hear and concentrate your attention on it are important skills with the help of which completing a task is not a problem. The player is required to listen to the melody and determine which musical instruments it was played on. It is important to mark them in the same order in which they began to play in the played melody.

Where to find:

The task is to determine musical instruments, on which the melody was performed

There are several other resources with similar functionality for methodically training your own brain - in particular, the well-known Cognifit and Uplift. Everywhere you can try a free “pie,” but you have to pay extra for more. Be careful not to become addicted to gambling as such. Otherwise, your wallet will become thin very quickly.

Don't take on anything that seems too difficult, otherwise the stress hormones will harm your head. By working with your thinking in a variety of ways and receiving moral satisfaction from it, you will noticeably lengthen your life. happy life. Just don't forget about others components your personality, so that others will benefit from your self-improvement.