“My kitchen”: small, with a dream table. White kitchen: pros and cons; goes with anything

" We publish all the kitchen renovation stories that our readers send us. After the received stories are released, TUT.BY users will start voting. They will choose the winners who will receive prizes from our partners. This issue features a high-quality kitchen, made with “once and for all” in mind.

Story Jeanne from Minsk:

“Our apartment is already more than thirty years old, and during all this time we have made repairs only once: minor, cosmetic, and on our own. There was no money or time to raise children. The children got married, moved away - and, finally, the time came when my husband and I could really take care of our apartment. In July it will be a year since we completed the renovation.

So, the kitchen. By today's standards it is small - only 9 square meters. m. And it was necessary to carefully think through the layout so that both the equipment would stand up and the working surface area would be preserved as much as possible.

The color scheme is calm and unobtrusive. Two-color kitchen set. The facades are Italian acrylic, which is very easy to care for. The bottom is cocoa color, the top is jasmine. Under artificial lighting, the top drawers shine: there are some inclusions on them that are not visible under daylight. All handles are in the same plane, the drawers are with closers, there is cargo between the stove and the refrigerator, a drying rack with a lifting system, the top drawer next to it has a TIP-ON push-pull opening system.

We are very pleased with the headset. Thank you very much manufacturer and assemblers. The furniture was assembled perfectly, the gaps were even everywhere, the holes for the handles were drilled on site. The handles of the adjacent corner drawers had to be moved a few mm from the center, but this is not visually visible. If the holes for the handles were drilled at the factory, the handles of the drawers would touch each other when opened. And so the guys measured everything and did it on the spot. Of course, it would be possible to choose smaller handles, but I wanted these ones - comfortable for the hand. In my opinion, they fit harmoniously into the set itself.

An open, doorless wall cabinet with shelves to the left of the refrigerator turned out to be very convenient. The cabinet is narrow (30 cm), and we did not close it with a door. There I store coffee, tea, seasonings. Everything is visible, quick and easy to get - especially important when you are getting ready for work and value every minute.

Spanish tiles were chosen for the backsplash and floor. On the apron it is glossy, unevenly wavy, on the floor it is similar, but matte, as if hewn from stone. Today I can say that it turns out that dirt and grease practically do not stick to the glossy surface of the apron. On the contrary, the matte surface of tiles on a floor with a stone structure must be scrubbed with some effort.

On the apron there are three zones of sockets (two double and one single), not counting those behind the TV and microwave. There are also two zones of sockets at the bottom on the wall opposite the kitchen unit.

I consider two things to be the know-how of my kitchen: a shelf under the TV and a table on the countertop for a corner microwave oven (the socket was immediately made in the corner specifically for the oven, and it is not visible).

There is a remote control on the shelf under the TV. This way he never gets lost. The TV's power supply is located there, although usually they try to attach it to the TV holder in any way. Plus I keep it on this shelf Charger to phones.

A corner microwave oven, raised above the countertop, is generally an indispensable thing for small kitchen- takes up little space, the surface under the table is also used. The design of the stove is very unusual. Some of my guests even thought it was a TV and said: “Why do you need a second one?..” In general, I recommend it. In addition, the stove at this height is much more convenient to use than standing on the countertop.

The dining group consists of wooden sliding table 120 cm (unfolded - 160) and two wooden chairs. All this is made in Indonesia. The sofa is made of anti-vandal eco-leather. Back from the side cold wall contains a niche for storage. There I have an electric meat grinder, a juicer, large pots and other items that are rarely used. Down under the table - double socket. We use it often.

Lighting - built-in lamps on the ledge above the kitchen area, and a chandelier above the dining area. I would lower the chandelier lower, but my husband is against it. I had to give in: now he mainly uses the kitchen, because he has already retired.

IN window opening wooden double glazing(installed about ten years before the renovation) and day-night curtains. Before this I had fabric curtains, but in our kitchen they are very impractical. The sun shines from 12 noon until sunset, in the summer there is incredible heat: the curtains faded in a month, and after one season they fell into shreds from washing. We decided to try "day-night". We've been using it for almost a year and are happy with it. Thanks to them, they are comfortable in the kitchen even in summer, they don’t fade, you can lower and raise them as you want. So far they are serving well.

About the rest. On the walls - Venetian plaster(travertine). The ceiling is plasterboard. In a zone free from kitchen set, there is a programmable heated floor. In winter it is very necessary: ​​the last, 12th, floor, corner apartment on both sides, the radiators barely heat, so the refrigerator can easily stand next to the radiator.

We purify the water using a jug - we change the filter once a month. They decided not to install a cleaning system under the sink: I have containers with vegetables and a garbage bin there - I don’t know where I would put it if I took up this space. Mixer with an aerator (you turn it on when you want) and with a pull-out shower (we use it often).

The only unfinished item in our kitchen is this bare wall from the side of the dining group. I plan to hang a rather large painting there. Right now we are in the process of searching for a plot - maybe it will be an element of the old city with narrow streets and a riot of colors of flowers on these streets, or maybe an element stone wall of an ancient castle with climbing grapes. In general, we are still at a crossroads. Maybe you can recommend something. I would like to add some bright colors.

The photographs were mostly taken in the first days after the renovation was completed, so the kitchen does not look lived in yet.

Our estimate is quite large, but we are unlikely to radically redo anything, so we decided to immediately buy what we like, and not what is cheaper. For 30 years without repairs, we can afford it, and the lion’s share of expenses was incurred by equipment from well-known, expensive brands purchased in Minsk.

Kitchen set with delivery and assembly - 4,099.41 BYN (2100 USD)
Dining room and sofa - 1,483.60 BYN (760 USD)
Floor tiles - 312.34 BYN (160 USD)
Tile for apron - 175.69 BYN (90 USD)
Washing - 312.34 (160 USD)
Mixer with aerator and hand shower - 253.77 BYN (130 USD)
Curtains "day-night" - 234.25 BYN (120 USD)
Chandelier - 390.42 BYN (200 USD)
Corner microwave oven - 273.29 BYN (140 USD)
Induction hob – 761.32 BYN (390 USD)
Dishwasher 45 cm for 9 sets - 741.80 BYN (380 USD)
Oven - 1,093.18 BYN (560 USD)
Hood - 527.07 BYN (270 USD)
TV - 585.63 BYN (300 USD)
Warm floor with programmer - 370.90 BYN (190 USD)
Venetian plaster, ceilings, rosettes and other works - approximately 976.05 BYN (500 USD). I can’t say for sure, because... renovations were done throughout the entire apartment at the same time.

Total: 12,591.05 BYN (6,450 USD)

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We continue to publish stories from readers about how they equipped their kitchens. Then, through voting, TUT.BY users will choose winners who will receive prizes from our partners.

Story from Artema And Anastasia from Gomel:

It would seem, what kind of romantic story can happen when buying a kitchen? But with good imagination and a desire to save money family budget it's possible!

The history of our magnificent cuisine began almost simultaneously with the birth of our strong, friendly family. To test our feelings, my husband and I started renovations in new apartment immediately after the wedding. This may seem strange to many, but, as practice has confirmed, joint creative work really strengthens and tests the relationship between young spouses. The budget for the renovation of the apartment was made up of money donated by parents and guests for the wedding. That is, we were dealing with a limited, rather modest amount.

During my student years in Minsk, a premium kitchen set under bright name « Black kitchen" But the cost of this luxury was prohibitive - about 20 thousand BYN. Now we live in Gomel and were hoping to purchase a more affordable option. However, the province, contrary to expectations, was not particularly pleased with the modest prices - for a kitchen ensemble made of natural oak solid wood they asked for about 12 thousand BYN.

I didn’t really want to buy a kitchen made of plastic and pressed wood chips. But the threat of organizing breakfasts, lunches and dinners on the windowsill or coffee table. And when our dreams began to melt like ice cream in a hot frying pan, my husband suggested interesting idea. Namely, order a kitchen in Ukraine, which has always been famous for its abundance of forests, low prices on wooden crafts and handy craftsmen. After a tedious search of offers, we settled on a master who offered an excellent oak option - 5283 BYN (2,700 USD) with installation.

Before we had time to celebrate our small victory, new clouds loomed. It turned out that the newly introduced customs duties could eat up all our benefits. And that's putting it mildly! At this time, the master was already finishing the manufacture of the kitchen set, which, alas, was located abroad. And she, in turn, was already under strong duty lock. Ostap Bender’s catchphrase “abroad will help us” quickly began to lose its seductive meaning.

This time a saving and wonderful idea came to my mind. The next weekend, having drawn our parents into our adventure, we crossed the border twice in a rented minibus - transporting the components of the headset as separate parts. Needless to say that these unusual voyages became a significant historical milestone for our young family? Someone goes on their honeymoon to Egypt or the Canaries, and my husband and I go to Chernigov for the kitchen!

Technical equipment - hob oven and hood - selected from catalogs and brought from Moscow by passing freight transport. We tried to appearance technique organically merged into the overall ensemble.

Now our beautiful kitchen pleases the eye with its aesthetic and practical perfection. Oak is a durable wood, so we expect to celebrate at least a silver wedding in our kitchen! In any case, we are very pleased with our purchase, and the idea of ​​transporting furniture disassembled may be useful to other young couples. Good luck with your shopping and strong family happiness!


  • Kitchen set - 3914 BYN (2000 USD)
  • Tile for apron - 53 BYN (27)
  • Floor tiles - 98 BYN (50 USD)
  • Hob - 489 BYN (250 USD)
  • Oven - 685 BYN (350 USD)
  • Kitchen hood - 313 BYN (160 USD)
  • Dishwasher - 685 BYN (350 USD)
  • Washing - 196 BYN (100 USD)
  • Faucet - 196 BYN (100 USD)
  • Refrigerator - 783 BYN (400 USD)
  • Chandelier - 196 BYN (100 USD)
  • Small chandelier - 98 BYN (50 USD)
  • Finishing work - approximately 587 BYN (300 USD), it is difficult to calculate exactly, renovations were done throughout the entire apartment.
» kitchen, but, as it turned out, several letters from the participants were lost. Today there is a fresh renovation in the Khrushchev building. We remind you that after publishing all the received stories, we will launch a vote among TUT.BY users who will choose the winners. They will receive prizes from our partners.

Story Artema from Minsk:

— We had a task to make a maximum of 1.5 months major renovation old Khrushchev building. We heard many opinions that this was almost impossible, but we had no choice.

We knew that kitchens take about two months to complete, so when the builders got to work, the first thing we did was look for a kitchen.

The initial data were as follows: incomplete 6 “squares” and a great dislike for wall cabinets. At the same time, they wanted to squeeze in a dishwasher, under no circumstances put in a table, and make room for slate board, so that she serves as an internal family messenger.

The idea of ​​connecting the kitchen with the room was abandoned: it would delay the deadline, and I didn’t want to deprive myself of another isolated room. Overall, the kitchen was seen as stylish, cozy, functional, inviting and uncluttered.

We needed a person who would help make our desires come true. We were lucky, we found a designer who thought through all the little details and helped us a lot by drawing what we wanted. The material chosen was veneer, something between solid wood and paint (both in terms of cost and characteristics).

Another difficulty was that at the time of measurement, the old walls and floor had not been dismantled. The countertop, which also serves as a table, was made under the window sill, and the deviation was allowed no more than 3 cm. And the oven, which was standard in width, was not suitable for us. It’s not that we bake geese every other day, but we can’t do it without it. Narrow ovens turned out to be one and a half times more expensive, plus global brands, as it turned out, do not produce them. As a result, the choice was limited, which also caused some inconvenience.

My wife said she wanted a white kitchen: it’s fresh, always stylish and cozy. White is so white - we didn’t argue in this regard. Our entire apartment is in light colors with predominance white. The only thing we were worried about was that Vova’s two-year-old son and Grisha’s puppy could “kill” the white kitchen completely. Then they thought: the children are great desire they would kill anyone, so they let the situation go.

And then it started: dismantling walls, floors, moving gas meter, completely new electrics, new pipes, ceiling, lighting, floor/wall tiles.

At the time of assembling the kitchen, all appliances, a sink, a mixer, and an outlet for the hood should also be present.

We were looking for tiles for the walls for a long time. White, rectangular, matte - rare. Once we met the right Italian one, but she was expensive. Everything else that we saw was white gloss, which is now in vogue. But we don’t respect gloss, so we looked further. We accidentally discovered the right texture, but the tiles were square—we had to redraw the design. It turned out very cool, and we also saved a lot of money.

Everything about the floor was simple: the color was known, we chose porcelain tiles and bought them right away. The ceiling throughout the apartment is suspended. They did it carefully. There are three light bulbs in the kitchen and the only chandelier in the apartment - the light is through the roof.

We already had a dishwasher; we bought everything else from an online store. Everything was delivered, picked up, and checked. There were strict requirements for the refrigerator: no wider than 55 cm and no deeper than 60. The hood was wide, 90 cm, it is the only one that is on the wall. All equipment is in black and gray color, since there was already enough white. We also picked out the sink and faucet quickly, we trust one brand. For furniture, there are only chairs that we have seen in one store for a long time.

We are just waiting for installation! They met us halfway and delivered the kitchen a couple of days earlier. Lucky: she was ready. The installers arrived, and my wife and I froze. Firstly, it was The final stage repairs, and secondly, we were expecting unpleasant surprises, all sorts of “jambs” with dimensions, installation or something else. Such surprises often haunted us during the renovation process.

But here we are lucky! The installation was done in one working day, and everything was just perfect. With what admiration we remembered the designer!

Now there are only pleasant chores left. Arrange everything, restore order and comfort, hang the shutters and enjoy the brand new kitchen, which we really like 100%.

We can't wait to get my wife's signature fried potatoes at the new one. hob. We are ready to fully receive guests and spend evenings having long conversations!

The cost is like this:

  • all tiles - 392 BYN (200 USD);
  • equipment - 2943 BYN (1500 USD);
  • kitchen with installation - 3140 BYN (1600 USD);
  • chairs - 314 BYN (160 USD);
  • slate paint with work - 59 BYN (30 USD);
  • rough work with material - 1962 BYN (1000 USD);
  • transfer of the counter - 118 BYN (60 cu).

Amount: about 9125 (4650 USD).

We are glad. Thank you for your attention!

" We publish all the kitchen renovation stories that our readers send us. After the received stories are released, TUT.BY users will start voting. They will choose the winners who will receive prizes from our partners. This issue features a kitchen with an orange mood.

Story Igor and Elena from Minsk:

— Before I begin my story, I would like to thank the editors for the idea of ​​a wonderful competition. My husband and I followed the previous season closely, paying attention both to the variety of ideas and to feedback from those who had experience using these ideas in their lives. And so we also decided to renovate.

Our kitchen is 3.1x2.4 meters - a little more than 7 sq.m. Very little. It is clear that under such initial conditions there is not the slightest sense in organizing “Versailles”.

Among the main requirements that we had for the future kitchen were the following: functionality (proper placement household appliances, organization working area), keeping large (130×90 cm) dining table and chairs, as well as a refrigerator, which we purchased much earlier, and finally, the use of materials that can be easily kept clean.

It should be noted that we started doing repairs almost spontaneously and were somewhat limited in terms of time. To purchase finishing materials we could allocate only one day, or more precisely, 3-4 hours after work until the store closed.

WITH color scheme decided quickly. As I already wrote, there was a great desire to leave the lunch group, in which, in addition to large table includes orange chairs with backs. So we could immediately say with confidence that the facades of the kitchen unit would also be orange. And so it happened.

Considering that the kitchen window faces east, which is why the kitchen sees the sun only in the early morning, this arrangement suited us quite well. In this case, the floor and walls should be light (light gray, for example) and without any “flashy” patterns.

The hardest part was choosing tiles for the floor and backsplash. I wish it was a set. Some of the options we liked were in a single copy at the stand. Another part, upon closer examination, evoked bleak pictures of the future in which I, armed with brushes, cleaning products and, probably, in a chemical protective suit, was trying to remove traces of grease from them.

Our friend, whose hands made the renovation, as if as a joke, drew my attention to the stand with porcelain tiles. Yes, I know: it is usually placed on the floor. But I ran my hand over it and realized: this is what we need. And its dimensions are ideal - 60x60 cm - just the height of the apron, and the surface is smooth, and the color suits. The selection of other materials went much faster.

An important task was to do the electrical wiring correctly. When I say “competently,” I mean the need to provide the correct number and location of sockets, since extension cords dangling under your feet are already boring. Our friend, who was doing repairs, suggested that we power the outlet for the refrigerator using a separate toggle switch in the electrical panel. So now, when we leave the city, we can turn off the power to everything in the apartment, with the exception of the refrigerator.

Contacted the company. Together with the designer, we spent more than one hour to take into account all the nuances to the maximum. The only thing that didn't raise any questions was the location of the refrigerator. Considering that lunch group It occupies virtually the entire wall; it could only be located near the window. We did not consider the option near the entrance at all, because along with narrow corridor and a ventilation niche, as well as the black color of the refrigerator itself, we would get a long tunnel.

It was also clear that the microwave, due to its size, should be located in one of the lower cabinets. Detailed description I’ll probably omit our creative searches.

I will limit myself to the following substantive comments:

1) We left 20 cm between the stove and the refrigerator, equipping a cargo closet in this space.

2) The width of the lower section along the short wall, in order to save space, was made 50 cm instead of the standard 60 cm. It seems like a small thing, but it is felt. And the access to the sink is much more convenient.

3) Glossy facades: firstly, they visually expand the space, and secondly, they are easy to clean.

4) Color of facades along long side, as planned, orange, but along the short one they decided to make it silver. Still, orange could too clearly outline the boundaries of the kitchen and visually reduce the space, so we decided not to focus on the short side.

There are gas lifts in the storage closet, and in the corner cabinet the door opens according to the “accordion” principle. In the lower section in the cabinet with drawers ball guides, and under the microwave there is a metabox. The rest of the cabinets have regular hinges.

Sink made of artificial light gray stone and the same faucet with a pull-out spout. When choosing a faucet, I honestly doubted the need for a pull-out spout, but in fact it turned out to be in great demand.

A pleasant bonus was the slider hood that we received as a gift. Regarding built-in hobs and oven, having compared prices for equipment, we came to the conclusion that it is much more economically profitable to take a short walk to neighboring country. At the same time, unwind and change the situation, which was done.

The ceiling is leveled and decorated ceiling plinth and painted. The walls are papered vinyl wallpaper one tone lighter than floor tiles.

When the kitchen was finally delivered and installed, all we had to do was add finishing touches. work surface decided to highlight LED strip. Another good friend of ours, who is interested in lighting design, was involved in this. He suggested making a switch that reacts to hand movement. This turned out to be very convenient, since the thought of turning on the backlight often arises when your hands are already wet or busy with something.

WITH ceiling lamp it was a little more difficult, I had to do a little shopping. As a result, a lamp was chosen that, in my opinion, fits perfectly in shape and color into our interior. The undoubted advantage of this lamp is its four arms, the direction of which can be changed.

I am not a supporter of curtains in the kitchen, at least not in mine, where everyone square centimeter and every ray is worth its weight in gold. Therefore, the option with roller blinds turned out to be the most optimal. On rare days when the sun mercilessly blinds your eyes, it is enough to lower them, the kitchen will not become darker, the light will simply dissipate without causing discomfort.

The final touch is textiles for decoration dining area. I know and understand that natural fabrics are impractical in everyday life, but having rightly judged that all other surfaces are easy to clean, I decided to allow myself this little weakness. Thus, the table is covered with a gray linen tablecloth and orange linen napkins.

We've been using the kitchen for about a year now. And I understand that we got exactly what we wanted. It is comfortable, even despite its modest size. Everything is in its place. And I also noticed some positive metamorphoses. For example, my husband, who previously showed no interest in cooking, now enjoys cooking, and I even learned how to bake cakes!

Approximate estimate:

Kitchen set - 4000 BYN;
Hob - 320 BYN;
Wind electrical cabinet— 480 BYN;
Sink and faucet with pull-out spout - 330 BYN;
LED Strip Light, aluminum profile, power supply, motion sensor - 150 BYN;
Ceiling lamp - 195 BYN;
Apron - porcelain stoneware - 75 BYN;
Floor tiles - 280 BYN;
Wallpaper - 73 BYN;
Floor plinth, ceiling plinth, sockets, switch, electric cable, corrugation, ventilation grille— 250 BYN;
Fiberglass mesh, tile adhesive, wallpaper adhesive, putty, primer, white paint - 100 BYN.