My little pony creator. Games create a pony

Description of flash game

Create your own Little Pony

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Have you always dreamed of creating your own Little Pony? Then this one free constructor- will definitely suit you. Its main advantage is that it has a lot of customizable parameters. First, set the basic characteristics of the pony. This could be height, weight, skin color, ponytail shape, and so on. Then we go to the advanced settings and select the shape of the hooves, eye color, hair color. At this stage, the pony will already look good, but that's not all. Now you need to dress her in beautiful clothes. We go to a fashionable pony boutique and choose only the most stylish items. Don't forget about accessories and buy a fashionable handbag for your little one. After an unforgettable image has been created, share it with your friends using the buttons social networks. When they see your cute little pony, they will also want to create something similar for themselves. After creation, it is better to save the screenshot so that you always have your pony at hand. Please note that a special option is available in the designer that allows you to change the pose, that is, your pony can take absolutely any position! Launch

The exciting game Create Your Pony 3 allows little princesses to choose from thousands of options - the most successful combinations, both in color and in the build of their pony. I was surprised that you can create a tall, short, fat, thin - for every taste. The expression of the eyes, the shape of the nose changes, you can attach horns or ears to your pet. For those who are interested in hairdressing, this game will allow you to choose the horse’s mane, and the tail can take any shape.

You can paint it in spots, stripes or specks. Whatever your heart desires! For lovers stylish accessories— there is a whole section with glasses from classic to the most unusual. A huge selection in the game - hats, bow ties and ties. You can wear very beautiful bracelets on your feet. There is something to run wild with your imagination - bracelets are worn separately on the front and hind legs, as well as closer to the hooves or to the body. Future stylists will also be happy - because the choice of clothes is simply huge. vests, blankets, everything can also be selected in a suitable color.

It all depends only on your imagination. And if you don’t want to create a pony in the image of a glamorous girl, a choice of accessories such as a mustache and beard will come to the rescue. For some reason I always get cute ponies - girls, with wide eyes, a smile, millions of bracelets, butterflies, hats, always with perfect styling and a bushy tail. The game is very exciting, after creating one friend - a pony, it is impossible to stop, next time you come up with a new image and bring it to life. The graphics in the game are very beautiful, the little horse looks like a real one.

Life story

Once upon a time, when I was a child, I had a toy pony. I called her Star. Time passed and with the move, my beloved Star disappeared somewhere. I already thought that I would never see her again. Imagine my surprise when in the game I had the opportunity to create my own Star, an exact copy of my childhood favorite.

Of course, I had to make a lot of effort in order to remember what color my toy’s mane and tail were. Then carefully choose an ultra-fashionable outfit for the horse. At the same time, combine all this with additional accessories that harmoniously complete the image. When the work was done, a exact copy, my childhood pony. I was more than pleased with the result. Another advantage of the game is that the final result can be saved to your computer.

In order not to lose my pony again, I immediately printed out the picture and put it in a frame on my table. Like a pleasant memory of childhood and pride in recreating such a masterpiece. But I didn’t stop there, and decided to once again create a pony just out of fantasy. Having looked into the game again, I was stuck there for a long time.

Features of the pony game

It turns out that on the right side of the interface there is such a function as viewing finished works other users of the game. A whole gallery of unique ponies, incredible colors, different sizes, heights, lengths. You can immediately lift your spirits when viewing this exhibition. It feels like each creator literally poured his soul into choosing perfect image to your hero.

Thanks to the game Create Your Own Pony 3, now every girl can become a fan of the magical world of ponies. Moreover, you can play without straining, because the interface is convenient and understandable. Even Small child will be able to independently understand and cope with the task. The game is educational, because it is very important to instill in a child a love of animals, a sense of style and beauty from childhood. It is also worth noting that this game, unlike many other modern ones, is very kind.

There is no cruelty, anger or violence here. Leaving a child alone at the computer, we can say with confidence that nothing will happen to him. The end result of your child’s creativity is always a kind face of a pony, painted only according to your child’s idea, in a stylish way.

The child feels unique - after all, only he could create such a beautiful horse. By praising your child in such seemingly small things, you will raise a self-confident person in the future. successful person, who has excellent creative skills as a designer, stylist and simply the master of a small but his own magical pony.

Create your pony 3- the coolest editor game in which you can change unlimitedly appearance pony. Create the most beautiful heroines and show them to your friends, they will be amazed by your creations.

How to play Create Your Own Pony 3

In Game Pony Creator 3 The screen is initially divided into two parts. On the right is a kind of canvas on which a pony is depicted; its size is adjusted with the “zoom” slider. You can change the location or pose using the menu at the top. The left zone is a multifunctional construction set; you need to learn more about it.

The “Create” section allows you to completely create the appearance of a little pony. In the “Body” column, determine the height, weight and figure of the future beauty. Then choose the porches, hooves and colors that you like best. Next you need to go to the “Head” item, which is responsible for changing the face. Think about the shape and what the eyes will be, find the best smile and choose the ears. If desired, you can add a horn and freckles, which will make your pony even more original. Select your hairstyle and ponytail and their color in the “Hair” column.

Pony Creator 3 has a lot going for it

It doesn’t even stop there, there is the opportunity to choose stylish clothes and accessories. The “Accessories” section exists specifically for this. In its subparagraphs you can find many beautiful and very interesting things. You will have to choose between different glasses, raincoats and vests, change their color to create a truly wonderful look. Horns will also please you with an abundance of choice, but the number of bracelets is simply impressive. Experiment with all types of clothing, because you need to make your pony the most unique.

Try to Create your own little pony 3

The last section in the game is called “Finish”, it is created for saving. Choose a background that best suits the image. Choose the pose that the pony will take at the time of the photo, and also determine where the gaze will be directed. You can make the handsome guy look directly at you. As soon as you finish everything, you need to remove the editor from the screen, then nothing will interfere. To complete, use the "camera" icon on the right top corner. Friendship is a miracle, create ponies and exchange them with your friends. Fans of the animated series My Little Pony will really like the game.

With the release of each new season of the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the popularity of the franchise in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet is only growing. For several years now, the creators of the project have been finding something to surprise the viewer: the eternal theme - the importance of love and friendship - is presented to us again and again from the most unexpected points of view, through the most amazing plot twists. Naturally, the release of the next episode of MLP instantly provokes the appearance of “tons” of fan art on the Internet: drawings, comics, and even short videos about the adventures of ponies.

Projects in the “original” genre especially stand out among other works of fans of the series. This term is usually used to designate any fan art, the creator of which has depicted in his work dedicated to his favorite cartoon universe a unique character invented by him personally. It is for such authors that Pony Creator was invented - a visual editor that allows ready-made templates and in a couple of mouse clicks you can draw a horse in the style of the series “Friendship is Miracle”.

What is the "pony editor"?

Any of the “pony editors” existing today works according to the following scheme:

The only difference between all these similar applications is in the basic models of heroes, on the basis of which the user is invited to create his own project, as well as in the number of templates for manes, ponytails, horns, etc. available for use.

Gaming Features

The Pony Creator app will be of interest not only to those who want to come up with own character. Due to the huge number of available templates, you can depict any existing hero from the first seasons of MLP.

In addition, Pony Creator 2018 provides a wide range of possibilities for coloring the finished picture. The user can separately set the color for each part of the horse’s body, which allows you to create truly unique character models.

How to play Pony Creator

It is clear that there is no gameplay as such in “create a pony” type applications. The user does not have to delve into the twists and turns of the plot or solve complex puzzles. Pony Creator is a creative process in pure form, where the player will have to create his own unique image of a horse, assembling it from ready-made templates, like a mosaic, and then color the resulting picture.

Fans of cartoons and games about ponies will certainly not pass by this game. In it you can create the appearance of your favorite character yourself. You can change the hairstyle and tail of a cute animal, the shape of its eyes and nose, height and weight. When giving the appearance of a cheerful pony, you can paint individual parts of its body, put various accessories on it, and even depict almost any pose of the animal. A to finished model you can add a corresponding background. The game Pony Creator v3 has many settings, thanks to which you can create infinite set unique heroes.

If you are tired of experiments or want to find new idea To create a pony in the game, you should take advantage of the possibility of randomly selecting character parameters. By clicking on the cube image at the top of the screen, you will transform your model into one of its random variations. If the model turns out to be good, it’s worth improving it a little, using the knowledge below from the Pony Creator v3 editor.

Making a pony

The “Create” tab will help you choose the height, weight and muscles that suit your cute animal. In the “Body” category there is a choice of models for coloring, as well as a choice of colors themselves. In total, in the game you can use two colors for each of the proposed body parts - torso, head and hair.

In the “Head” section you have to decide on the shape and color of the cutie’s head. In addition to the shape of the nose and eyes in the pony game, you can add a cute horn to it, which will transform our animal into a unicorn.

The “Hair” subcategory in Pony Creator v3 will appeal to hairdressers - there are various head hairstyles and tail shapes. Having decided on their type, you can start choosing color range hair, whether it will be bright green or faded pink is up to you to decide.

Pony accessories

In the “Accessories” tab, you can choose from various accessories for your restive horse. In the subcategory of the game “Head” there are offered various types and the style of hats, glasses and even horns, by arranging which you can create a truly unique image.

In the “Body” section, you should take care of the presence of a tie, vest and back cape for the beauty. All this can be painted in appropriate colors.

As for the “Hooves” category, here the animal’s legs can be decorated with bright shoes, jewelry, hoops or headbands. Really beautiful decoration will only work out when you choose him suitable color color

Finishing touches

The last third tab of the Pony Creator v3 game is designed to select the pose of a cute pony. You can change it in the “Pose” subcategory, where there are also arrows for rotating the character’s head. In addition, at this stage of creating a model, it is worth using another opportunity to change the pose - the “Move mode” button, which is located at the top right of the screen. By clicking on it, you can change the location of each part of the pony’s body, presenting it in the game in the way you want.

At the finish line of the game, you should go to the “Background” section, which provides a choice background paintings. Here you can ask color background or an entire location in which your model would look best.

Having finished creatively composing your unique animal, go to the “Ponycode” section to copy the code of your picture. Using this code, you or your friends, having launched a flash game on your computer, will be able to paste it into the “Input Ponycode” field and see the picture you have compiled.