How to choose a septic tank for a private home. Septic tanks for a summer residence: which is better, prices, reviews. Which is better: characteristics of models

Owners of private houses often face the problem of wastewater disposal due to the lack of a centralized sewage system outside the city. For a long time the only way out was to dig cesspool, but using it is quite inconvenient and expensive. Nowadays, they are mainly trying to install an autonomous wastewater treatment unit - a septic tank for a dacha, but which septic tank is better to choose for specific conditions often remains a difficult question.

Together with technical specialists EcoDom company, in this article we will examine in detail the question of which septic tank is right for you and discuss the best options based on the problems that it should solve.

The cesspool or storage septic tank will have to be cleaned regularly

What are septic tanks and what are they?

Some people mistakenly call it a septic tank full complex cleaning equipment. In fact, this is only part of the treatment facility, which acts as a storage tank and primary filter for wastewater containing a large amount of biomaterials that require disposal.

There are quite a lot of types of septic tanks created and each of them has its own pros and cons. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to take into account the soil on which the country house stands, the amount of water consumed and, of course, the budget that can be allocated for the purchase and installation.

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Briefly about septic tanks in the video:

Also, at the initial stage, you need to decide on the type of device - purchase non-volatile septic tank or in which it is organized forced submission wastewater (volatile). First by by and large These are ordinary tanks for surface (within 60%) mechanical treatment of wastewater, and the latter are equipped with a pump and a set of additional filters, after which the output is process water purified by 95-98%.

Septic tanks with a full cleaning cycle and a storage well for process water

You can correctly decide which septic tank to choose - for year-round use or one that can work effectively even with periodic supply of wastewater on your own, since there is enough information. Many turn to the help of the Internet for such requests as rating of septic tanks for a country house 2017, to get acquainted with various ratings of septic tanks. But if you have doubts about the correct choice, then the best option would be to turn to professionals. They will take into account all the nuances and select suitable option, tailored to solve specific problems.

Cleaning steps

Wastewater goes through several stages of purification in a septic tank:

    Stage of accumulation and settling. This stage consists of collecting waste in a special container, where it is separated into fractions by settling at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Solid particles fall to the bottom in the form of sediment, fatty deposits float to the surface, and fumes (carbon dioxide and methane) are removed through ventilation. At this stage, partial stratification of wastewater occurs, which is then sent to the next container;

    Secondary filtration stage. Its goal is to purify the mixture to approximately 75%. At this stage, the solution is purified using a separate filter consisting of a sorbent layer of about 20 centimeters. In some septic tanks, for proper operation, the sorbent must be washed and reactivated annually;

Stages of wastewater treatment in septic tanks

Solid deposits settled in containers are pumped out with a pump or removed mechanically.

Operating principle

Technically, two types of waste disposal are used: anaerobic (without access of air) and aerobic (decomposition with the participation of bacteria that require oxygen for life).

Septic tanks have an anaerobic mechanism of action, which perform the functions of a storage tank or settling tank. Such purification systems, without installing additional equipment, only carry out primary clarification of wastewater and require frequent pumping with a sewer truck.

Important! According to sanitary standards Discharge of liquid from anaerobic septic tanks into the soil is prohibited.

This option is suitable for rarely visited summer cottages or private houses with a small number of inhabitants. The cost of such a structure is low, installation does not require much effort, and operation does not require constant flow of wastewater into the chambers

The principle of operation of an anaerobic septic tank

Colonies of active bacteria are often added to such septic tanks, which help filter wastewater better than with conventional anaerobic purification.

The aerobic mechanism of action is carried out by local purification stations of biological action. Colonies of aerobic bacteria are added to such septic tanks, which effectively purify wastewater.

Unlike anaerobic crops, they multiply quickly, have a wide variety of species, and are also more tenacious and active. Recycling is much faster, and the output water is practically non-toxic.

For the normal functioning of these septic tanks, the installation of aerators is required, which will supply the oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. Also, aerobic systems must constantly work - if within 2-3 weeks there is no new effluent entering the chamber, the bacteria will die and their cultures will have to be replanted.

Obviously, the best septic tank for a country house is aerobic. But it all depends on the budget, since cleaning stations of this type are more expensive.

Scheme of operation of a septic tank for aerobic treatment

What materials are septic tanks made from?

An important aspect when buying a septic tank is the choice of material from which it is made. Most often, when ordering finished septic tank, it is made from polymer materials.

In addition, the following materials are used for the manufacture of a local cleaning system:

    Metal constructions. Rarely used due to susceptibility to corrosion, general impracticality and inconvenience of use;

    Concrete. Monolithic structures are used as reservoirs. This option requires considerable investment of money and time; Mainly used when constructing septic tanks with your own hands;

    Fiberglass structures are the most suitable and frequently used material.

Also, septic tanks can be made from scrap materials (barrels, tires) yourself, but this option is only suitable for small country houses.

Homemade small septic tanks for the dacha - from tires and concrete rings

You can save on purchasing a cleaning unit by ordering from the manufacturer. The most expensive on the market are septic tanks with additional equipment for complete biological wastewater treatment.

Volatile and non-volatile septic tanks

According to the degree of their autonomy, cleaning systems are divided into:

    Non-volatile (autonomous) septic tanks are settling tanks for the accumulation and clarification of wastewater. Such installations require periodic pumping of waste using a sewer truck. They have a low degree of purification and require additional ground filtration, for which it is necessary to allocate a plot of land. The positive aspects include low cost and independence from electricity;

    Volatile septic tanks are the complete opposite of non-volatile structures. Thanks to the design and additional equipment, wastewater in such systems undergoes a full cycle of processing and purification, which eliminates the need for maintenance. Disadvantages include the cost of installation, as well as dependence on electricity. During a lack of power supply, the degree of purification of sewage water decreases, and the septic tank acts as a septic tank.

A pump and an aerator are essential components of a volatile septic tank.

Criteria for choosing a cleaning system for a country house

Before choosing a suitable septic tank, you need to consider the following aspects:

    The number of people living in the house - the power of the entire device depends on this;

    The material from which the septic tank is made determines its wear resistance and resistance to aggressive influences;

    The terrain where the structure will be installed and the height groundwater;

    The complexity of installing a sewage treatment system - in terms of installation cost, septic tanks with a filtration field are in the lead, and the most profitable in this regard are biological treatment stations - their container simply needs to be buried in the ground;

    Own budget.

On our website you can find contacts of companies specializing in septic tanks and autonomous sewers for country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

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About septic tanks without pumping in the video:

Popular factory-assembled septic tanks

To make it easier to decide on a suitable device, the following is an overview of septic tanks for a country house:

Sprout mini

A simple and reliable option for private homes. A capacity of about 200 liters per day is enough for stable operation of the sewage system when two people live in a house.

Septic tank "Rostok-Mini" in section

It is completely made of polymer material without using metal inserts and has a capacity of 1000 liters. The one-piece design of the cleaning system allows for complete tightness. Installation of this septic tank model will not cause any difficulties, since it weighs less than 3 kilograms and is cylindrical in shape. This design prevents groundwater from pushing it out of the soil while pumping out the contents. As for the cost, it is about 25,000 rubles;


This model of cleaning system is very popular in Russian market. It can be classified as a premium type of septic tank. Such structures are made of polymer materials and have good performance indicators, since the throughput is 1 cubic meter per day. Astra performs high-level wastewater treatment due to the presence of filters with anaerobic and aerobic mechanisms of action. The option is designed for country houses where no more than 5 people live. The disadvantages of such a cleaning system include its cost, which reaches about 80,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Astra"


It is a high-quality, energy-independent septic tank made of polymer materials, which is quite popular among domestic buyers. It has performance and throughput indicators similar to the Astra model. This cleaning system It is equipped with a compressor that ensures the movement of wastewater through the system, as well as a special pumping unit that flushes the channels automatically. Disadvantages include frequent failure of additional equipment. The purchase price of such a septic tank is about 90,000 rubles;

Installation of a septic tank "Bioxy"

This cleaning system is designed to serve no more than 4 people. Made from sheet polymer materials. Having average performance indicators, it is capable of passing through about 200 liters of wastewater per day. This septic tank has a four-chamber structure, which gives it a high degree of filtration. Installation is carried out in places where the groundwater level is at 2 meters or deeper. However, the model range allows you to choose the right option for any terrain. The combination of price and quality allows the DKS sewer system to compete with other models on the market. Its cost is 20,000 rubles;

Scheme of operation of the septic tank "DKS"


The septic tank has a compact size, stable and reliable design. The body is made of special polyethylene. A high degree of wastewater treatment is achieved thanks to a four-chamber structure, each of which undergoes a specific processing process. A wide range of models allows you to serve 2-16 people daily, depending on the design. This septic tank requires cleaning the system once a year. The throughput is 400-3000 liters per day, and the productivity is 0.2-3.6 cubic meters / day, it all depends on the chosen model. Cost – from 75,000 – 200,000 rubles;

Delivery of septic tank “Leader”


This septic tank is endowed with a specific appearance, and its outer shell has a ribbed structure, which promotes better fixation in the soil after installing a country septic tank. The “Tank” type sewerage system is a three-chamber system of blocks and modules. Such a station does not require pumping out waste using a sewer truck, as it is completely autonomous. Due to its low cost and long service life, the septic tank Tank is in great demand. Installation of the system is done manually and does not require pouring the base of the pit with concrete. Designed for both seasonal use at dachas and permanent use country houses. Price – 40–80 thousand rubles;

The “Tank” septic tank has a specific recognizable shape


It is made of durable polymer materials, which reduces the weight of the entire structure, and stiffening ribs add reliability to it. A special feature of this septic tank is the horizontal position of the tanks. The device has a high degree of wastewater treatment and is equipped with additional equipment that requires connection to electricity. Does not require constant care. This septic tank is suitable for any type of soil. Disadvantages include high cost and dependence on electricity. The price is 70,000 – 140,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Tver"


One of the leaders in the cleaning systems market, from the EcoDom company. It is distinguished by a high degree of purification (98%) due to a special four-chamber design, as well as the use of colonies of microorganisms as filters. The septic tank has compact dimensions and rectangular shape housing, making it easier to install. Installation can be carried out in any type of soil. The construction does not require frequent care and pumping out waste using a sewer truck. The range of models is wide and can satisfy the needs of both country houses and dachas, as well as large enterprises. The cost is 80,000 - 300,000 rubles;

What you will need to install a Topas septic tank


In production, polymer materials that are resistant to temperature changes are used. Septic tanks of this type have a long service life, high productivity and throughput (up to 3300 liters per day). The capacity of the system tanks is up to 5200 liters. The disadvantage of such installations is their dependence on electricity. Suitable for use in large country houses and industrial buildings. The price for a septic tank “Topol” is 70,000 – 170,000 rubles;

Two-block septic tank “Topol”


It is made of a double layer of polymer material that is not susceptible to corrosion and rotting products. This septic tank has a wide range of models. It is characterized by a long service life, a high degree of purification of sewage water and low cost. Requires cleaning every 1-2 years. Disadvantages: installation of additional equipment and frequent replacement of filters is required. Ideal for small country house. Prices vary depending on the model: 30,000 – 85,000 rubles;

Three-chamber septic tank "Triton"


Made from special durable polyethylene. Septic tanks of this type have high efficiency wastewater processing. The volume of models can vary from 1500 to 4800 liters. Suitable for seasonal use by a small group of people and permanent residence in a country house. Has a reliable and durable design cylindrical. This cleaning system consists of 2-3 chambers. The model range is represented by designs with different performance and throughput, which allows you to choose the appropriate option for any need. The cost of Ecoline is 55,000 rubles;

Double-body septic tank "Ecoline"

Elgad C 1400

The best model from the “mini” class, which is ideal for seasonal use in the countryside. It has compact dimensions and a stable design. Capacity of this container sewer system is 1400 liters. This septic tank is designed to serve up to 3 people. The body is made of polymer material, and its inner part is coated with a layer of anti-corrosion substance. Despite the tightness and integrity of the structure, such a cleaning system does not retain unpleasant odors well. The cost is about 35,000 rubles.

Septic tank "Elgad S 1400" and its modifications

This is not a complete rating of septic tanks for the home - there are still quite a lot of models of such devices, both domestic and foreign, but in general their design, principle of operation and price do not differ from those listed.

Video description

A few more words about choosing a septic tank in the video:


Depending on your budget, you can make a cleaning system yourself from available materials, or order a ready-made version from sales representatives or the manufacturer. The option to study the ratings of the best septic tanks for a country house is not always right choice, since you need to take into account all the features of your site and the requirements for it.

A correctly selected and correctly installed septic tank will create the conditions necessary for comfortable living in a country house.

For comfort in a country house or in rural areas, you will need to connect water supply and sewerage.

The best option for autonomous wastewater collection was a septic tank.

The home owner is faced with the problem of choosing the best option from the many offered on the market. treatment facilities.

What are they like?

Compact treatment facilities serving the needs of one home are divided according to several criteria:

  • Way of working;
  • Materials used;
  • Shape, location and type of installation.

Varieties according to the method of operation

Septic tanks are suitable for a dacha or a private home: from the simplest, storage tanks to fully functional ones, providing high-quality complete wastewater treatment.

Cesspools or storage tanks

In fact, such a septic tank is an improved cesspool.

It is a sealed container, the only function of which is to accumulate wastewater from the house.

In the chamber they are divided into fractions– heavy waste sinks to the bottom, light waste, such as fats and oils, accumulates on the surface.

The advantage of this type autonomous structures– simplicity of the device.

Main disadvantage storage septic tank - the need for its regular cleaning, for which specialized sewage disposal equipment is used.

Cesspool option will do for a house in which the volume of regular waste is small, for example, for a summer house, with 2-3 people living and limited water consumption.

The main requirements for a cesspool septic tank— sufficient volume, tightness and high strength of the storage container.

Their implementation will reduce the frequency of cleaning and protect the surrounding area from the ingress of waste accumulated during operation.

Settlement tank with soil post-treatment of wastewater

Overflow septic tanks are an excellent option for a home where the daily glass size is small, but people live and use water supply constantly.

In such structures, in addition to the accumulation of waste, it is partially processed and cleaned.

Removing accumulations for such an installation it is required much less frequently - as a rule, overflow septic tanks require the services of sewer trucks no more than once every 2-3 years.

Principle of operation

Overflow septic tanks are two-chamber. The first chamber, into which wastewater from the house flows, acts as a sump.

After partial separation into fractions, water with a minimum content of solid inclusions, including from under, flows into the second chamber - the treatment chamber.

It uses aerobic bacteria that can decompose organic matter to process contaminants.

The degree of water purification as a result of their work reaches 60-70%.

This water is used for irrigation or is discharged into natural reservoirs, undergoing additional purification along the way in ground filtration fields.

They are layers of rocks with high water permeability (gravel or crushed stone with the addition of sand, etc.), which remove contaminants using the principle of mechanical (mesh) filters.

The advantages of such a septic tank:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • a significant time interval between container cleanings, due to a reduction in the accumulation of dry residue;
  • processing a significant part of the waste contained in wastewater.

Deep biological processing of waste

Such structures are full-fledged wastewater treatment plants.

They process significant volumes and are suitable for a large private home with permanent residence.

At the same time, biochemical septic tanks purify water almost 100%.

The design uses three chambers:

  • for the separation of substances contained in wastewater (read how to connect an automatic washing machine to the sewer) into fractions;
  • biological treatment using aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (to ensure the activity of bacteria, additional equipment is used - aerators);
  • disinfection using chemical reagents.

Advantages of three-chamber septic tanks:

  • 100% degree of wastewater treatment;
  • absence of unpleasant odors when using such installations;
  • no restrictions for installation based on soil type and groundwater level;
  • minimum costs for installation and time for commissioning - stations are supplied fully equipped;
  • minimal human participation in the work, since the system is maintenance-free.

For septic tanks with this degree of purification, the frequency of replacing chambers or selecting dry residue from them is once every 5-8 years, due to its minimal accumulation.

The main disadvantage of such treatment facilities is the high price (how to make a grease trap for sewage with your own hands is written in the article).

Important! If the mode of residence in the house involves long breaks, for example, in a summer cottage there is no people in the house during the winter season, septic tanks with biological filters are not installed.

The limitation is due to the fact that without a regular supply of nutrient medium, the bacterial cultures that process organic waste will die.

What criteria are used to select treatment facilities?

Choosing a septic tank for construction or installation finished product requires consideration of several important factors.


The ability to process the entire volume of wastewater generated in a house (productivity) is the main technical indicator of a wastewater treatment plant.

It depends on the number of people occupants and the level of use of plumbing fixtures.

Naturally, in country house where 2-3 people live in the summer, and the main consumers of water are washbasins and showers, the volume of wastewater will be significantly less than in a comfortable cottage intended for permanent family residence, with:

  • swimming pool,
  • several bathrooms (),
  • with washing machine and dishwasher.

In practice, in terms of performance, septic tanks are selected based on:

  • if the daily volume of wastewater is less than 1 cubic meter, a single-chamber storage septic tank is sufficient;
  • if the drainage volume ranges from 1 to 10 cubic meters per day, install a two-chamber septic tank with soil filtration;
  • for volumes exceeding 10 cubic meters/day, the best option would be a three-chamber deep cleaning septic tank.

For your information!

When installing a storage septic tank at the dacha (about laying external utility networks and communications read on the page) care should be taken to clean it regularly.

If the volume of wastewater turns out to be significant, calling the sewage disposal truck will have to be done frequently.

In terms of costs, this may be more expensive than installing a more advanced two- or three-chamber model.

Important! SNiP set the minimum required size of septic tank chambers. It must accommodate the volume of waste generated in the house for 3 days.

Type of soil on the site and depth of groundwater

This factor matters only if the choice is made in favor of a septic tank with additional water purification in filtration fields.

Suitable soils for its installation with a high coefficient of water permeability. On heavy clay soils, organizing natural filtration is difficult.

In this case, you will have to excavate part of the soil, replacing it with a mixture of crushed stone and sand. Carrying out this work will require time and a significant amount of investment.

Septic tank biological and chemical cleaning it will be more profitable.

Comment! When organizing a storage septic tank, the type of soil affects only the labor intensity of the work on site preparation and construction of the structure.

Sorting by materials

For autonomous treatment facilities, septic tanks are built on site or industrially manufactured options are purchased.

The first include brick septic tanks, monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete, available materials.

More expensive, but, undoubtedly, a ready-made septic tank will be an absolutely reliable option.

The range of manufacturers includes stations with housings made of polymers or fiberglass.

Advantages of purchased products:

  • a wide choice of performance - from mini-septic tanks, sufficient for a house with 1-2 people, to semi-industrial plants capable of processing wastewater from a small village;
  • absolute reliability and tightness;
  • delivery of ready-to-use devices, thereby reducing the time required to commission the installation;
  • complete with all necessary equipment and cleaning products.

Attention! Septic tanks with bodies made of polymers or fiberglass require protection from floating when the groundwater level rises and destruction under pressure of soil masses or displacement of soil layers.

For this purpose, purchased stations are installed in concrete pits, and they are anchored - fastening the containers to the walls and bottom of the pit with nylon belts.

Installation options

Both purchased installations and septic tanks self-made— are carried out in vertical and horizontal versions.

Vertical structures are designed for installation buried in the ground.

This is their problem - on heavy soils or when groundwater is close to the surface, installation work turns out to be labor intensive and requires the use of special equipment and special techniques to ensure reliability and environmental safety.

Horizontal septic tanks, typically a surface-mount option.

To ensure the required productivity (volume of wastewater), such structures occupy a significant area, which for limited land ownership spaces (for example, on summer cottages) creates additional problems.

How to understand which septic tank is best for a home with permanent, year-round residence? Watch the video and get answers to questions about efficient equipment for collection and processing of household waste.

It is the most popular brand today. The installation is made of high-strength plastic, 15-16 cm thick, the design is characterized by high strength and is designed to withstand increased loads, which is especially important when pressure is unstable in winter and summer. With proper operation, the equipment will work properly for over 50 years.

The mechanism of operation of a septic tank is the step-by-step cleaning of the sewage system by settling and subsequent decomposition of the components by a biological filter with high productivity. The infiltrator allows you to properly distribute purified water in the soil.

Has a number of advantages:

  • autonomy, energy independence;
  • a special shape reliably holds the septic tank at the desired level in the ground;
  • simplicity Maintenance;
  • high degree of purification;
  • saving consumables;
  • ease of installation - no concreting is required for the foundation pit, convenient design ensures less volume earthworks;
  • low cost.

With proper use of the equipment, cleaning can be done every 4-5 years. At permanent residence in the house, the manufacturer recommends cleaning the system intensively once a year.

2. Septic tank "Triton". The three-chamber design ensures proper removal of various suspensions and residues from the decomposition of biological materials from the material used, after which purified water is supplied to the filtration surface. The septic tank is available in several models; depending on your personal needs, you can choose a device with a volume from 2 to 40 m3.

If the system is used regularly, it is necessary to remove solids twice a year. Proper operation of the equipment will allow it to be used for over 50 years. During installation, it is necessary to equip an “anchor” or a concrete tank, which will allow the septic tank to be securely anchored in the ground.

For small country houses and baths, you can use compact models - “Triton-mini”, which ensure the processing of wastewater of a small volume.

3. Septic tank “TOPAS” refers to energy-dependent septic tanks; its operation requires a constant supply of electricity. Cleaning sewer water includes several stages:

  • decomposition of organic matter;
  • qualitative decrease in the level of mineralization;
  • removal of mechanical components.

Using a TOPAS septic tank allows you to purify wastewater by 98%; such water can be suitable for irrigation of land.

The initial stage of cleaning takes place in receiving chamber, where mechanical particles are deposited. In the next chamber, under the influence of active aerobic bacteria, decomposition of organic substances occurs. The sludge masses that come along with the water flow settle in the next tank. From there, the water is either sent to exit the system or returned for further use.

"TOPAS" has important advantages:

  • automated operating principle of the device;
  • effective cleansing Wastewater;
  • absence of noise and unpleasant odor during operation;
  • low energy consumption;
  • compact sizes.

Depending on the water consumption and the number of residents, you can purchase different models of septic tank.

4. Biological treatment station UNILOS “Astra”. Deep cleaning stations are manufactured by the SBM-Group company; they combine two types of cleaning - mechanical and biological, effectively destroying pollution from the sewerage system and maintaining the environmental safety of the territory. The stations have several cameras and are characterized by important advantages:

  • Easy installation method. The stations are delivered to the site assembled; no construction equipment is required for installation.
  • Durability and reliability. The station body is made of durable polypropylene, which provides resistance to mechanical and chemical influences. Service life exceeds 50 years.
  • Automated operating principle.
  • Economical use of electricity.
  • The system is cleaned of sludge particles using a drainage pump, no more than once every six months.

UNILOS stations are represented by a large range of models, modifications vary depending on the length of the pipeline and the depth of location. Insulated models are also available that can be used in low temperature conditions.

5. BioDeka deep cleaning stations. The equipment provides a multi-level cleaning system - mechanical, biological and chemical. The station is suitable for use in cottages, private houses, country dachas, large industrial facilities. It should be installed for a number of reasons:

  • provides a high degree of purification;
  • no unpleasant odors during operation;
  • suitable for use in any type of soil and any climatic zones;
  • Effectively cleans large volumes of wastewater of any consistency.

All presented brands have proven themselves in the market, have a well-thought-out design and a fairly high degree of sewage cleaning. Therefore, the choice remains only with the buyer.

It is convenient when a private house is connected to a centralized sewerage system. But if this is not possible, then you should think about installing local system wastewater disposal - septic tank.

It allows you to save the area from pollution, and in some cases makes it possible to obtain industrial water from wastewater for watering plants, washing cars, etc.

At the same time, the operation of a septic tank is based on a simple principle.

Whatever the cleaning device, its operation is based on 3 principles:

  • sedimentation of large suspended matter;
  • floating of light pollutants;
  • biological decomposition.

All septic tanks consist of several chambers. The first 2 stages of purification take place in the first tank. The pipe leading to the next chamber is located in the center, draining water that no longer contains floating suspended matter and heavy fractions. The type of biological decomposition and its effectiveness depends on the type of apparatus.

In the video you can see the process of water purification in a septic tank:

Types of septic tanks for a private home

The basis for dividing wastewater treatment systems into types is the dependence on electricity, the type of biological decomposition and the material from which the septic tank is made.

Anaerobic and aerobic varieties

In more simple designs in the second and subsequent tanks, anaerobic (oxygen-free) decomposition of contaminants occurs. Such cleaning is not complete and requires an additional stage of soil filtration: filtration wells or filtration fields.

In them, the remaining contaminants are retained by the filter bed, on which an additional film of microorganisms is formed that continue the bio-oxidation process.

Local treatment plants more complex and efficient designs. They simulate large sewer waste treatment systems.

There are also several cameras in the VOC. In addition to settling and anaerobic decomposition, such a device has a compartment in which aerobic microorganisms (activated sludge) break down contaminants in the presence of oxygen.

After this, the water enters a special settling tank for sedimentation activated sludge, pumped out by the airlift into the stabilization compartment. Part of the sludge mass is again fed into the aerobic treatment tank. The settled dense sludge must be periodically removed from the tank.

There are also storage tanks in which the water does not undergo any treatment other than sedimentation. They only collect wastewater and periodically remove it. The storage tanks can only conditionally be called a septic tank; this is a cesspool - a cheap option to install, suitable only for small country houses with a small volume of wastewater.

Electricity dependence

This principle of classifying wastewater disposal systems is important to know, since not all country houses have access to an uninterrupted supply of electricity.

  1. Non-volatile are simple devices, where anaerobic oxidation of organic matter takes place, and water is transferred between reservoirs and to the soil purification stage by gravity.
  2. VOCs do not work without electricity necessary for the operation of the compressor supplying air. Also, in many models, wastewater from one chamber to another and activated sludge are pumped by airlifts powered by a compressor.

Anaerobic devices rely on electrical power where terrain conditions require a pump to be installed to transfer fluid to the soil filtration stage.

What and how to make a septic tank from?

Containers for treating wastewater can be made from different materials.

  1. Eat ready-made plastic tanks. You can make them yourself from several plastic pipes large diameter or Eurocubes. Installing such containers is quick and easy, without the use of special equipment. They are durable and Lately are the most popular.
  2. Metal containers may be ready. They can also be welded from several sheets. Such tanks are rarely used, mainly when it is necessary to place the container at great depths. It is recommended to treat the inside of the container with an anti-corrosion compound to extend its service life.
  3. Brick- budget, but physically expensive material. Bricks are laid on concrete base. The cross-section can be round or with right angles.
  4. Septic tanks made of concrete rings- one of the most traditional options. Products with a diameter of about 1 m are used, which are installed on top of each other. For their delivery and installation, it is necessary to hire freight transport and a crane. Concrete containers often leak at the joints.

Budget-friendly, but not very reliable, are tanks made of wood or truck tires.

When choosing the type and model of the device, it is necessary to make correct calculations and take into account the characteristics of the site.

An important factor is the price of the finished station.

How to choose a septic tank for a private home?

The simplest and most reliable option is a ready-made plastic septic tank. There are now enough companies offering such products. Before purchasing or independently constructing a septic tank for a toilet, you need to decide on several parameters.


The required power and volume are determined by the number of inhabitants. If guests will periodically live in the house, then they also need to be taken into account when calculating. On average, one person produces 200 liters of wastewater per day.

For a family of four, equipment with a capacity of 800 liters is required. Since wastewater can remain in tanks for 3 days, then the resulting power must be multiplied by 3 to get the volume value. For our example we need tank with a volume of 2.4 m3.

Natural conditions

Features of the relief, soil and climatic conditions are also important not only at the installation stage, but also at the purchase stage.

  1. You need to know the depth of soil freezing, because the pipeline and its entrance to the container must be below the zero point. There are special ready-made models with an elongated neck and a low inlet.
  2. Self It is recommended to install the equipment where there is elevation to protect from atmospheric moisture.
  3. If the landscape does not allow drainage from the reservoir by gravity, then you need to choose a model with forced evacuation of purified liquid, in the last chamber of which a pump is located.
  4. For clay soils prone to expansion when freezing We need structures with especially strong walls: concrete, plastic with stiffeners.
  5. For soil purification, it is especially important to know the type of soil. Most best optionsandy soils. In other cases, arranging filtration fields requires a lot of effort.

Cost and popular models

Photo – Tank 2.5

Each owner takes into account the price of a waste disposal device. But it’s better not to save money here.

The best option is to purchase ready-made equipment.

Below are prices for popular models designed to serve 4-5 people.

  1. Popular septic tank with soil treatment Tank 2.5 fully equipped from 36 thousand rubles.
  2. Proven Topol 5, related to complete biological treatment stations, can be purchased minimum for 72,000 rubles.
  3. Topas 5 also provides a high degree of wastewater treatment. What is the cost of such equipment? about 80,000 rubles.
  4. If you are looking for a septic tank for your dacha, then a good option might be "Triton-mini", volume 750 l. Together with a soil filtration system it costs about 22 thousand rubles.
  5. More and more positive reviews are gaining and VOC "Unilos Astra-5". You can become the owner of this system for about 80 thousand rubles.

Many users have already been convinced of the reliable operation of these devices. In addition, they are all simple and easy to install yourself.

Construction and installation of septic tanks

Installing a wastewater treatment device is quite simple, especially a ready-made plastic container, which comes with instructions. First you need to choose the right place.

  1. From the foundation at home there must be at least 5 meters to the septic tank. But you don’t need to install it very far either, otherwise you will need an inspection well.
  2. Distance between trees and a septic tank 3 m.
  3. From rivers and reservoirs there should be 30 m to the waste treatment device, and 50 m from wells and wells.
  4. No roads should pass over the filtration fields.

As mentioned above, it is important to know the depth of soil freezing, which is indicated in SNIP 2.02.01-83* for each region of the country. Pipes and soil filtration elements must be located below the zero temperature point.

Based on all this data, a septic tank is installed in accordance with with step-by-step instructions.

  1. They dig trenches at a slope for pipes and a foundation pit for the septic tank itself.
  2. A 10 mm thick layer of sand is poured into the ravines and compacted, making sure to maintain the slope.
  3. Construct a sand and, if necessary, concrete pad in the pit. It should be smooth.
  4. The septic tank is leveled.
  5. It is connected to supply pipes, as well as a pipeline leading to soil filtration or a collection tank.
  6. The pipes and tank are filled up. It is important to pour liquid inside the container; the water level should be 150 mm above the backfill level.

Sprinkle the tank with a mixture of cement and sand, and the last 30 cm with soil. After this, the system is ready for startup and operation.

Watch the video on how to make a septic tank with your own hands:

Septic tank maintenance: price

Plastic tanks do not require special care.

  1. Once a quarter, the VOC conducts an assessment of sludge. If it is dark and begins to thicken, then it must be removed. You can use a simple drainage pump for this.
  2. Once every 1-2 years, it is necessary to pump out the sediment from the sump using a sewer truck. At this time, it is recommended to flush the entire tank.
  3. Once a week it is worth looking into the tank hatch to evaluate the work. This is especially true for aerobic installations.

You can enter into a service agreement with a specialized organization. A one-time procedure with pumping out sludge and inspecting equipment costs at least 4,000 rubles. The minimum cost of annual maintenance is 15 thousand rubles.

The full range of works and their price depend on the model.

Which is better: characteristics of models

Model name Productivity, m 3 / day Volume, m3 Dimensions Price, thousand rubles
Eurobion 4 0,8 0,25* 1.0x1.0x2.3 67
Eurobion 5 0,9 0,39* 1.1x1.1x2.4 71
Tank 2 0,8 2,0 1.8x1.2x1.7 29
Tank 2.5 1,0 2,5 2.0x1.2x1.9 33
Triton mini 0,5 0,75 1.3x0.8x1.7 19
Triton-ED 0,6-1,2 1,8 1.2x1.2x1.7 23
Topol 5 1,1 0,25* 1.0x1.0x2.5(3.0) 80
Topol 8 1,9 0,47* 1.3x1.0x2.5(3.0) 95
Astra 5 1 0,25* 1.1x1.1x2.4 72
Astra 8 1 0,35* 1.5x1.2x2.4 90

*for VOCs, the volumes of salvo release are indicated.

Installation cost

If you decide to install a septic tank inexpensively, i.e. independently and chose a ready-made plastic model, then the cost of the finished structure will depend on the price of the model, sand, cement and pipelines.

You can order turnkey installation of a cleaning system. The minimum cost of such a service is 21 thousand rubles.

But once you invest, you will ensure reliable operation cleaning equipment and cleanliness of the site itself.