How the daughter died. Dream Interpretation: Your daughter died, why do you dream about your daughter dying in a dream? What if you dream about your daughter dying?

If you couldn’t help, you ask only one question: “Why?” Of course, nothing can make up for such a loss, but time has not stopped. We must find the strength to continue living in order to keep about . It is necessary to adapt to the emotional and social situation of this life loss.

Don't store up your tears. Don’t listen to those who try to persuade you not to cry, to hold on, to be strong. If you want to cry, cry. Tears are a reaction to your emotional pain. Don't feel guilty about your tears in front of others. You have the right to express your feelings this way. After crying, you will feel broken, empty, but you will feel better. Slowly with tears, sadness and a feeling of powerlessness.

Talk about your deceased daughter with loved ones who support you. Tell them about your loneliness, about the fears you experience. Say out loud everything you feel. Let your feelings take verbal form. Once you put your pain into words and express it, share it, it will become less.

Go to church, order a funeral prayer - this way you will take care of the soul of the deceased.

There is no need to talk to the deceased, because she is no longer physically with you. Don't turn to the occult.

You can start keeping a diary. Write about your thoughts, about the pain of loss. Re-read your notes periodically; you will notice that your feelings change. Some became sharper, some went away. This will give you the opportunity to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Do not cultivate in yourself a feeling of guilt towards the deceased. You are not to blame for anything. It happened. There is no need to destroy yourself with such a feeling.

Be patient. Grief will either gradually recede or come with renewed vigor. It will be especially difficult on the days of your daughter’s birth and death. Order a memorial service these days, give free rein to your memories, visit the cemetery.

Don't ignore your body's needs. Try to follow your usual daily routine, keep yourself busy with work, and don’t skip meals. Eat even if you don't feel like it. The body needs to be supported. Try to rest during sleep, disconnect from everything, and relax as much as possible.

Time passes. And man is designed in such a way that he experiences the most bitter losses. Over time, you will see that those emotions that seemed to prevent you from breathing fade into the background, and new ones come to replace them. The feeling of loss did not go away, just the acute pain was replaced by sadness and sad memories. And after a while these memories will become bright. This is how you will survive the most difficult period.

My daughter died... It sounds scary for any parent who has a child, and it doesn’t matter a daughter or a son - for us, people, this is a child.
The loss of a child is life's most terrible trauma. And the one who lost understands that it is better to die himself, twice, than for his own child. But it happens that children leave before their parents.

In crisis psychology, nothing can be worse than losing your own child. And no less difficult is how to survive the death of a child and how to live after the loss of a child!? To the question of why children die, I think everyone has their own answer. Although it’s unlikely, I don’t have one either. But to the question of how to live further, I can answer something. Some will not agree with me, but these are those who either did not lose or have lost a child and, because of their stubbornness, stand their ground. But the point is this: suffering is everyone’s choice, just like letting the death of a child pass you by, there are such parents. But how much to suffer!? Has anyone ever wondered why it takes so long for this mental trauma to heal? There are answers to this question: both because hopes have collapsed and because an heir is lost, because we have a parent archetype (this is an unconscious program) that must necessarily be involved. And there are other reasons, but they all relate to the unconscious, so to speak. Those. to what we cannot influence. What is in the subconscious about the child? Memory, emotional memory, this is what prevents you from letting go, this is what you dream about at night, this is what causes feelings of grief, suffering and melancholy. Longing for what? According to the emotions experienced. Don't believe me? Check it out. Remember something good about the child. Perhaps at first it will be pleasant, but after a few minutes the mood will deteriorate and the grief that you are constantly repressing will manifest itself in full force. Of course, if, with pleasant memories of a lost child, you immediately cry and feel hard, then this means that your defense mechanisms are weak and you urgently need professional help.

What can I offer you? The same professionalism in solving this problem. Not even problems, but troubles, from which there is only one way out - to somehow come to your senses. I have methods and techniques that are developed specifically for people who have lost their children. No matter how untrue it may seem, such things already exist, and they cost me two years of research and development. And another 10 years will pass, and many psychotherapists and psychologists will already have these methods, because it is simply stupid not to use them. But 10 years is a long time, are you ready to wait that long? Don't think. So don’t worry, you are not the first person to get rid of grief within a few days after losing a child. Of course, the grief will not go away completely. More precisely, a little sadness and melancholy will remain, but 10, or even 20 times weaker than now. And this is forever. That's why follow this link (>>

Bobbi Kristina Brown. Photo:

On Sunday, July 26, in his 23rd year in the United States. Doctors have not yet announced the official cause of death, but the media claim that... It started six months ago when Brown hit herself in the bathroom and was underwater for almost five minutes. Houston's daughter was diagnosed with permanent brain damage. It is also known that the girl had previously used drugs and alcohol.

“She finally found peace in the hands of the Lord. We want to thank everyone again for the enormous amount of love and support over the past few months,” her relatives commented to the media about Brown’s death.

Did Bobbi Kristina Brown ever come to her senses after being hit in the bathroom?

No, Brown did not come to her senses after the accident. Doctors put the girl into a medically induced coma, and a month ago she...

Who is to blame for Brown's accident?

According to Brown's guardian, the girl "sustained life-threatening injuries" as a result of the behavior of her common-law husband - Nick Gordon. According to the guardian, Gordon began beating the girl, demanding a significant amount of money from her. It is also alleged that while Brown was in a coma, Gordon stole more than $11,000 from her bank account. At the moment, the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

What was Brown's condition?

Whitney Houston's daughter was one of the richest teenagers in America. She inherited real estate, jewelry and bank accounts from her mother, who died on February 11, 2012. Every month the girl received money from a fund created specifically for her. By 30, she was supposed to gain control of the singer’s entire $115 million fortune. Now, as lawyers note, this money will be divided between the relatives of the deceased.

Nick Gordon was Whitney Houston's adopted son and then began dating her daughter. After the singer's death in 2012, the couple began calling each other husband and wife, although Bobbi Kristina and Gordon were never officially married.

When a person experiences strong feelings in a dream, the dream is remembered much better and is given more meaning. Therefore, someone who dreamed that their daughter died can most often remember many details of this dream, which will facilitate its interpretation and further actions.

What if you dream about your daughter dying?

A dream in which the sleeping person’s daughter died cannot be considered prophetic, since it very rarely comes true exactly. Such dreams can be caused by anxiety about children and their beginning to grow up. Therefore, sometimes a dream in which the sleeper sees his daughter dead does not mean anything except fears and fears that have come to the surface.

If a deceased daughter is dreamed of by someone who in reality does not have one, such a dream has a different interpretation. Perhaps this person once received a diagnosis due to which he would not be able to have children, and to this day he is having a hard time experiencing this fact. Therefore, such dreams that haunt him from time to time can be considered a pattern.

If a deceased daughter is dreamed of by a person who until now has not even thought about children, this may be a dream in which his plans and expectations for the near future appear. Most likely, the sleeper is not confident that he will be able to complete everything he has planned, and this anxiety is expressed in such a unique way. It is also possible that the person seeing such dreams has low self-esteem and therefore does not complete anything.

If the deceased daughter was wearing a wedding dress in a dream, this dream means the fear of new beginnings that prevents a person from living peacefully. The sleeper, most likely, is not used to leaving his usual path, as he is afraid of making things worse than they are, and this greatly hinders his development and progress.

Also, a dream that a daughter has died may be a harbinger of the beginning of a new period in life. Perhaps the sleeper will after this reconsider all his life views and set himself a new goal, since the old one will be achieved. This dream can greatly frighten and make you think not only about its interpretation, but also about life in general, therefore it is considered more favorable than a harbinger of misfortune.

Sometimes a dream about a dead daughter means the collapse of a dream through no fault of the dreamer. Circumstances may turn in such a way that you will have to forget about it and set yourself more realistic goals.

If the death of a daughter is dreamed of by a person who lacks self-confidence and who, because of this, cannot complete any task, this is a good reason to start working on himself. Low self-esteem and constant underestimation of your real strengths and capabilities can ultimately lead to the collapse of even the most successful ideas, so resolving this issue should be a priority. As a result, if the work is successful, the dream can be considered happy, since it was he who prompted the solution to this important issue.

What does it portend?

Parents of adult children may also experience such dreams out of concern for them. They are most often caused by the fact that a person cannot recognize his child’s right to grow up and would always like to be with him. But sometimes they have a good reason, if the child is in danger, and then this dream does not mean anything, but only helps the sleeper’s anxiety come out.

The parents of an adult daughter may have a dream that their daughter has died after or before a quarrel, since they are justifiably afraid that communication will stop. If you can’t manage without quarrels, dreams of this kind can come quite often, revealing an unhealthy atmosphere in family relationships.

A mother who categorically does not like her daughter’s fiancé can also express her fears in this way, especially if she is unable to influence the child’s choice. You may also have such dreams if your daughter is pregnant, since childbirth always carries an element of unpredictability even in the absence of pathologies. It is impossible not to worry about your child, and therefore the subconscious thus prepares the ground for the worst.

I don’t know where to write, but due to the age of the baby, who left this world and decided to come here because of the diagnosis!! how scary it is! I just bought 7 days today and read it there! but when did this horror happen...? I still have the 7 days magazine, the September issue, where happy Elena and her daughter were relaxing, the girl is chubby, cute! fashionista)))............... ..."The baby died from an acute viral infection. According to a hospital employee, "It was hard to look at Elena, she is a strong woman, a selfless mother, we all wondered where she got the strength to survive all this." A week ago, Elena Zakharova noticed my daughter is tall...

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My beloved Jewish mother. My father is Chechen and my mother is Chechen. My father lived to be 106 years old and married 11 times. For his second marriage, he married a Jewish woman from Odessa, Sofya Mikhailovna. She and only her I always call mom. She called me Moishe. “Moishe,” she said, “I went into exile only because of you.” I feel sorry for you...